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There are two distinct classes of image-forming photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina: rods and cones. Rods are able to detect single photons of light whereas cones operate continuously under rapidly changing bright light conditions. Absorption of light by rod- and cone-specific visual pigments in the outer segments of photoreceptors triggers a phototransduction cascade that eventually leads to closure of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels on the plasma membrane and cell hyperpolarization. This light-induced change in membrane current and potential can be registered as a photoresponse, by either classical suction electrode recording technique1,2 or by transretinal electroretinogram recordings (ERG) from isolated retinas with pharmacologically blocked postsynaptic response components3-5. The latter method allows drug-accessible long-lasting recordings from mouse photoreceptors and is particularly useful for obtaining stable photoresponses from the scarce and fragile mouse cones. In the case of cones, such experiments can be performed both in dark-adapted conditions and following intense illumination that bleaches essentially all visual pigment, to monitor the process of cone photosensitivity recovery during dark adaptation6,7. In this video, we will show how to perform rod- and M/L-cone-driven transretinal recordings from dark-adapted mouse retina. Rod recordings will be carried out using retina of wild type (C57Bl/6) mice. For simplicity, cone recordings will be obtained from genetically modified rod transducin α-subunit knockout (-/-) mice which lack rod signaling8.  相似文献   

Zebrafish is becoming an increasingly popular model in the field of visual neuroscience. Although the absorption spectra of its cone photopigments have been described, the cone action spectra were still unknown. In this study we report the action spectra of the four types of zebrafish cone photoreceptors, determined by measuring voltage responses upon light stimulation using whole cell patch clamp recordings. A generic template of photopigment absorption spectra was fit to the resulting action spectra in order to establish the maximum absorption wavelength, the A2-based photopigment contribution and the size of the β-wave of each cone-type. Although in general there is close correspondence between zebrafish cone action- and absorbance spectra, our data suggest that in the case of MWS- and LWS-cones there is appreciable contribution of A2-based photopigments and that the β-wave for these cones is smaller than expected based on the absorption spectra.  相似文献   

Mammalian retinae have rod photoreceptors for night vision and cone photoreceptors for daylight and colour vision. For colour discrimination, most mammals possess two cone populations with two visual pigments (opsins) that have absorption maxima at short wavelengths (blue or ultraviolet light) and long wavelengths (green or red light). Microchiropteran bats, which use echolocation to navigate and forage in complete darkness, have long been considered to have pure rod retinae. Here we use opsin immunohistochemistry to show that two phyllostomid microbats, Glossophaga soricina and Carollia perspicillata, possess a significant population of cones and express two cone opsins, a shortwave-sensitive (S) opsin and a longwave-sensitive (L) opsin. A substantial population of cones expresses S opsin exclusively, whereas the other cones mostly coexpress L and S opsin. S opsin gene analysis suggests ultraviolet (UV, wavelengths <400 nm) sensitivity, and corneal electroretinogram recordings reveal an elevated sensitivity to UV light which is mediated by an S cone visual pigment. Therefore bats have retained the ancestral UV tuning of the S cone pigment. We conclude that bats have the prerequisite for daylight vision, dichromatic colour vision, and UV vision. For bats, the UV-sensitive cones may be advantageous for visual orientation at twilight, predator avoidance, and detection of UV-reflecting flowers for those that feed on nectar.  相似文献   

Cone and rod photoreceptors utilize cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in the light regulation of membrane polarization. The prototype for visual transduction is established for rod photoreceptors, which utilize a cascade of reactions to regulate a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) (EC and thereby control the intracellular concentration of cGMP. Although cones appear to utilize a comparable cGMP cascade for their phototransduction, evidence exists that the PDE from cone photoreceptors may be different from that of rods. Dissociated cone photoreceptors, isolated retinas, and cone outer segments from the lizard, Anolis carolinensis, have been used to identify and characterize a PDE enzyme complex that shares several features in common with the rod outer segment (ROS) PDE complex. Immunoadsorption and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis have identified a subunit of lizard cone PDE that has an apparent electrophoretic mobility of 84 kDa and a subunit of lizard rod PDE that migrates at approximately 90 kDa. The lizard cone PDE complex is similar in size, extraction, activation, and immunological characteristics to the PDE complex of rod photoreceptors from lizard, bovine, and human retinas. The lizard cone PDE complex, and perhaps that from cone photoreceptors in general, differs from that of ROS in its chromatographic properties on anion-exchange resins. The sharing of physical and activation properties of the rod and cone PDE complex is compatible with the phototransduction process occurring by a similar mechanism in both cell types. The differences in light sensitivity and speed of response may be attributable to features of the individual proteins that form the PDE complexes of rods and cones or to other undisclosed features of the respective cascades.  相似文献   

11-cis-Retinol has previously been shown in physiological experiments to promote dark adaptation and recovery of photoresponsiveness of bleached salamander red cones but not of bleached salamander red rods. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the direct interaction of 11-cis-retinol with expressed human and salamander cone opsins, and to determine by microspectrophotometry pigment formation in isolated salamander photoreceptors. We show here in a cell-free system using incorporation of radioactive guanosine 5′-3-O-(thio)triphosphate into transducin as an index of activity, that 11-cis-retinol inactivates expressed salamander cone opsins, acting an inverse agonist. Similar results were obtained with expressed human red and green opsins. 11-cis-Retinol had no significant effect on the activity of human blue cone opsin. In contrast, 11-cis-retinol activates the expressed salamander and human red rod opsins, acting as an agonist. Using microspectrophotometry of salamander cone photoreceptors before and after bleaching and following subsequent treatment with 11-cis-retinol, we show that 11-cis-retinol promotes pigment formation. Pigment was not formed in salamander red rods or green rods (containing the same opsin as blue cones) treated under the same conditions. These results demonstrate that 11-cis-retinol is not a useful substrate for rod photoreceptors although it is for cone photoreceptors. These data support the premise that rods and cones have mechanisms for handling retinoids and regenerating visual pigment that are specific to photoreceptor type. These mechanisms are critical to providing regenerated pigments in a time scale required for the function of these two types of photoreceptors.11-cis-Retinol is the precursor to 11-cis-retinal, the 11-cis-aldehyde form of vitamin A and the chromophore that combines covalently with rod and cone opsin proteins to form visual pigments. 11-cis-Retinal is consumed during visual signaling, and its continual synthesis is required. Photon absorption by the visual pigments causes the isomerization of its chromophore to the all-trans configuration. This initiates two processes critical for vision: activation of the photoreceptor cell and the eventual recovery of the original photosensitivity of the cells, requiring regeneration of the visual pigments. As cones are used for bright light vision, these two processes must work more rapidly in cones than in rods and thus cones have a higher requirement of 11-cis-retinoids as suggested by Rushton (1, 2).Photoreceptor activation begins with photoisomerization of the chromophore within the visual pigment. This results in a subsequent conformational change of the protein part of the visual pigment that is able to activate its G protein transducin, which in turn activates a PDE that lowers the concentration of cGMP and closes cGMP-gated ion channels. These steps comprise the visual signal transduction cascade (see Ref. 3 for review).The visual cycle involves regeneration of the visual pigment, which ultimately deactivates the protein and accomplishes the recovery of the photosensitivity of the photoreceptor cell. Classically, this process involves both the photoreceptor cell and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).4 After photoisomerization of the chromophore and formation of the active visual pigment, all-trans-retinal is released from the opsin and reduced to all-trans-retinol, which is then transported to the RPE where it is isomerized to 11-cis-retinol through a number of steps. In the RPE, 11-cis-retinol is oxidized to the aldehyde form, which is transported back to the photoreceptor cell and can be directly used by all of the opsins to regenerate an inactive pigment ready for photoactivation. The details of this model have been extensively reviewed (4, 5). Alternatively, recent work suggests that cones have an additional source of 11-cis-retinoids from Müller cells (68). Like the RPE cells, Müller cells have been shown to be able to convert all-trans-retinol to 11-cis-retinol (6). Unlike in the RPE cells, 11-cis-retinol is not oxidized to 11-cis-retinal in Müller cells.Jones et al. (9) demonstrated that administration of 11-cis-retinol to bleached salamander red cones could restore photosensitivity. A logical conclusion was that red cones were able to oxidize 11-cis-retinol to the aldehyde and regenerate visual pigments although noncovalent binding of 11-cis-retinol to red cone opsins generating a light-sensitive complex could not be excluded. On the other hand, 11-cis-retinol does not restore photosensitivity to bleached salamander rod cells but appears to directly activate the cells (9, 10). The data suggested that the rods were not able to oxidize 11-cis-retinol, but that the retinol itself could activate the signal transduction cascade, and indeed we recently demonstrated that 11-cis-retinol acts as an agonist to expressed bovine rod opsin (11). Our aim here was to study the action of 11-cis-retinol on cone opsins and cone photoreceptor cells to determine the efficacy of an alternate visual cycle for cones.The photoreceptor cells used in this study are from tiger salamander, and the expressed opsins used for biochemical experiments are those from salamander and human. Photoreceptor cells are generally identified by cell morphology and the type of opsin it contains that can be further complicated by the findings that some cone cells have multiple opsins (12, 13). Recently genetic analysis has determined that opsins fall into five classes (reviewed in Refs. 14 and 15). We have studied opsins falling into four of these classes and use common color-derived names for the opsins and photoreceptor cells. The classic rod cells used for scotopic vision contain rhodopsin, the visual pigment for the rod opsin (RH1 opsin) and appeared red and thus have been designated as red rods. Some species such as salamanders have an additional rod cell whose photosensitivity is blue-shifted from that of the red rod and thus designated as green rods. In the tiger salamander, the green rods contain the identical opsin (SWS2 opsin) found in blue cones (16). The human blue cones contain an opsin from a different class (SWS1 opsin), which is homologous to the salamander UV cone opsin. The human red and green and salamander red cone opsins all belong to the same class of opsins (M/LWS opsins). Absorption properties of visual pigments are further modulated in some animals including the tiger salamander by use of 11-cis-retinal with an additional double bond (3,4-dehydro or A2 11-cis-retinal) resulting in red-shifted absorbance from pigments containing 11-cis-retinal (A1 11-cis-retinal).We show here that 11-cis-retinol is not an agonist to cone opsins and does not itself generate a light-sensitive opsin. We further show using microspectrophotometry that both red and blue salamander cone cells regenerate visual pigments from 11-cis-retinol, whereas pigments could not be regenerated with 11-cis-retinol in bleached salamander red and green rods even though the latter contains the same opsin as the salamander blue cone. Thus, rods and cones have mechanisms for handling retinoids and regenerating visual pigment that are specific to photoreceptor type, and these mechanisms are critical to providing regenerated pigments in a time scale required for the function of these two types of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of photoreceptor properties was performed in the retina of the nocturnal deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, using pigmented (wildtype) and albino animals. The aim was to establish whether the deer mouse is a more suitable model species than the house mouse for photoreceptor studies, and whether oculocutaneous albinism affects its photoreceptor properties. In retinal flatmounts, cone photoreceptors were identified by opsin immunostaining, and their numbers, spectral types, and distributions across the retina were determined. Rod photoreceptors were counted using differential interference contrast microscopy. Pigmented P. maniculatus have a rod-dominated retina with rod densities of about 450.000/mm2 and cone densities of 3000 - 6500/mm2. Two cone opsins, shortwave sensitive (S) and middle-to-longwave sensitive (M), are present and expressed in distinct cone types. Partial sequencing of the S opsin gene strongly supports UV sensitivity of the S cone visual pigment. The S cones constitute a 5-15% minority of the cones. Different from house mouse, S and M cone distributions do not have dorsoventral gradients, and coexpression of both opsins in single cones is exceptional (<2% of the cones). In albino P. maniculatus, rod densities are reduced by approximately 40% (270.000/mm2). Overall, cone density and the density of cones exclusively expressing S opsin are not significantly different from pigmented P. maniculatus. However, in albino retinas S opsin is coexpressed with M opsin in 60-90% of the cones and therefore the population of cones expressing only M opsin is significantly reduced to 5-25%. In conclusion, deer mouse cone properties largely conform to the general mammalian pattern, hence the deer mouse may be better suited than the house mouse for the study of certain basic cone properties, including the effects of albinism on cone opsin expression.  相似文献   

We sought to characterize the regenerated cells, if any, when photoreceptor ablation was mostly limited to a particular cone subtype. This allowed us to uniquely assess whether the remaining cells influence specification of regenerating photoreceptors. The ability to replace lost photoreceptors via stem cell therapy holds promise for treating many retinal degenerative diseases. Zebrafish are potent for modelling this because they have robust regenerative capacity emanating from endogenous stem cells, and abundant cone photoreceptors including multiple spectral subtypes similar to human fovea. We ablated the homolog of the human S-cones, the ultraviolet-sensitive (UV) cones, and tested the hypothesis that the photoreceptors regenerating in their place take on identities matching those expected from normal cone mosaic development. We created transgenic fish wherein UV cones can be ablated by addition of a prodrug. Thus photoreceptors developed normally and only the UV cones expressed nitroreductase; the latter converts the prodrug metronidazole to a cell-autonomous neurotoxin. A significant increase in proliferation of progenitor cell populations (p<0.01) was observed when cell ablation was primarily limited to UV cones. In control fish, we found that BrdU primarily incorporated into rod photoreceptors, as expected. However the majority of regenerating photoreceptors became cones when retinal cell ablation was predominantly restricted to UV cones: a 2-fold increase in the relative abundance of cones (p = 0.008) was mirrored by a 35% decrease in rods. By primarily ablating only a single photoreceptor type, we show that the subsequent regeneration is biased towards restoring the cognate photoreceptor type. We discuss the hypothesis that, after cone death, the microenvironment formed by the remaining retinal cells may be influential in determining the identity of regenerating photoreceptors, though other interpretations are plausible. Our novel animal model provides control of ablation that will assist in identifying mechanisms required to replace cone photoreceptors clinically to restore daytime vision.  相似文献   

Our visual experience is initiated when the visual pigment in our retinal photoreceptors absorbs photons of light energy and initiates a cascade of intracellular events that lead to closure of cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels in the cell membrane. The resulting change in membrane potential leads in turn to reductions in the amount of neurotransmitter release from both rod and cone synaptic terminals. To measure how the light-evoked change in photoreceptor membrane potential leads to downstream activity in the retina, scientists have made electrophysiological recordings from retinal slice preparations for decades1,2. In the past these slices have been cut manually with a razor blade on retinal tissue that is attached to filter paper; in recent years another method of slicing has been developed whereby retinal tissue is embedded in low gelling temperature agar and sliced in cool solution with a vibrating microtome3,4. This preparation produces retinal slices with less surface damage and very robust light-evoked responses. Here we document how this procedure can be done under infrared light to avoid bleaching the visual pigment.Download video file.(57M, mov)  相似文献   

NADPH is the primary source of reducing equivalents in the cytosol. Its major source is considered to be the pentose phosphate pathway, but cytosolic NADP+-dependent dehydrogenases using intermediates of mitochondrial pathways for substrates have been known to contribute. Photoreceptors, a nonproliferating cell type, provide a unique model for measuring the functional utilization of NADPH at the single cell level. In these cells, NADPH availability can be monitored from the reduction of the all-trans-retinal generated by light to all-trans-retinol using single cell fluorescence imaging. We have used mouse rod photoreceptors to investigate the generation of NADPH by different metabolic pathways. In the absence of extracellular metabolic substrates, NADPH generation was severely compromised. Extracellular glutamine supported NADPH generation to levels comparable to those of glucose, but pyruvate and lactate were relatively ineffective. At low extracellular substrate concentrations, partial inhibition of ATP synthesis lowered, whereas suppression of ATP consumption augmented NADPH availability. Blocking pyruvate transport into mitochondria decreased NADPH availability, and addition of glutamine restored it. Our findings demonstrate that in a nonproliferating cell type, mitochondria-linked pathways can generate substantial amounts of NADPH and do so even when the pentose phosphate pathway is operational. Competing demands for ATP and NADPH at low metabolic substrate concentrations indicate a vulnerability to nutrient shortages. By supporting substantial NADPH generation, mitochondria provide alternative metabolic pathways that may support cell function and maintain viability under transient nutrient shortages. Such pathways may play an important role in protecting against retinal degeneration.  相似文献   

The avian retina possesses one of the most sophisticated cone photoreceptor systems among vertebrates. Birds have five types of cones including four single cones, which support tetrachromatic color vision and a double cone, which is thought to mediate achromatic motion perception. Despite this richness, very little is known about the spatial organization of avian cones and its adaptive significance. Here we show that the five cone types of the chicken independently tile the retina as highly ordered mosaics with a characteristic spacing between cones of the same type. Measures of topological order indicate that double cones are more highly ordered than single cones, possibly reflecting their posited role in motion detection. Although cones show spacing interactions that are cell type-specific, all cone types use the same density-dependent yardstick to measure intercone distance. We propose a simple developmental model that can account for these observations. We also show that a single parameter, the global regularity index, defines the regularity of all five cone mosaics. Lastly, we demonstrate similar cone distributions in three additional avian species, suggesting that these patterning principles are universal among birds. Since regular photoreceptor spacing is critical for uniform sampling of visual space, the cone mosaics of the avian retina represent an elegant example of the emergence of adaptive global patterning secondary to simple local interactions between individual photoreceptors. Our results indicate that the evolutionary pressures that gave rise to the avian retina''s various adaptations for enhanced color discrimination also acted to fine-tune its spatial sampling of color and luminance.  相似文献   

Capture of light in the photoreceptor outer segment initiates a cascade of chemical events that inhibit neurotransmitter release, ultimately resulting in vision. The massed response of the photoreceptor population can be measured non-invasively by electrical recordings, but responses from individual cells cannot be measured without dissecting the retina. Here we used optical imaging to observe individual human cones in the living eye as they underwent bleaching of photopigment and associated phototransduction. The retina was simultaneously stimulated and observed with high intensity visible light at 1 kHz, using adaptive optics. There was marked variability between individual cones in both photosensitivity and pigment optical density, challenging the conventional assumption that photoreceptors act as identical subunits (coefficient of variation in rate of photoisomerization = 23%). There was also a pronounced inverse correlation between these two parameters (p<10−7); the temporal evolution of image statistics revealed this to be a dynamic relationship, with cone waveguiding efficiency beginning a dramatic increase within 3 ms of light onset. Beginning as early as 2 ms after light onset and including half of cells by ∼7 ms, cone intensity showed reversals characteristic of interference phenomena, with greater delays in reversal corresponding to cones with more photopigment (p<10−3). The timing of these changes is argued to best correspond with either the cessation of dark current, or to related events such as changes in intracellular cGMP. Cone intensity also showed fluctuations of high frequency (332±25 Hz) and low amplitude (3.0±0.85%). Other groups have shown similar fluctuations that were directly evoked by light; if this corresponds to the same phenomenon, we propose that the amplitude of fluctuation may be increased by the use of a bright flash followed by a brief pause, to allow recovery of cone circulating current.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of photocurrent and outer segment Ca2+ were made from isolated salamander cone photoreceptors. While recording the photocurrent from the inner segment, which was drawn into a suction pipette, a laser spot confocal technique was employed to evoke fluorescence from the outer segment of a cone loaded with the Ca2+ indicator fluo-3. When a dark-adapted cone was exposed to the intense illumination of the laser, the circulating current was completely suppressed and fluo-3 fluorescence rapidly declined. In the more numerous red-sensitive cones this light-induced decay in fluo-3 fluorescence was best fitted as the sum of two decaying exponentials with time constants of 43 ± 2.4 and 640 ± 55 ms (mean ± SEM, n = 25) and unequal amplitudes: the faster component was 1.7-fold larger than the slower. In blue-sensitive cones, the decay in fluorescence was slower, with time constants of 140 ± 30 and 1,400 ± 300 ms, and nearly equal amplitudes. Calibration of fluo-3 fluorescence in situ from red-sensitive cones allowed the calculation of the free-Ca2+ concentration, yielding values of 410 ± 37 nM in the dark-adapted outer segment and 5.5 ± 2.4 nM after saturating illumination (mean ± SEM, n = 8). Photopigment bleaching by the laser resulted in a considerable reduction in light sensitivity and a maintained decrease in outer segment Ca2+ concentration. When the photopigment was regenerated by applying exogenous 11-cis-retinal, both the light sensitivity and fluo-3 fluorescence recovered rapidly to near dark-adapted levels. Regeneration of the photopigment allowed repeated measurements of fluo-3 fluorescence to be made from a single red-sensitive cone during adaptation to steady light over a range of intensities. These measurements demonstrated that the outer segment Ca2+ concentration declines in a graded manner during adaptation to background light, varying linearly with the magnitude of the circulating current.  相似文献   

G protein β subunits (Gβ) play essential roles in phototransduction as part of G protein βγ (Gβγ) and regulator of G protein signaling 9 (RGS9)-Gβ5 heterodimers. Both are obligate dimers that rely on the cytosolic chaperone CCT and its co-chaperone PhLP1 to form complexes from their nascent polypeptides. The importance of PhLP1 in the assembly process was recently demonstrated in vivo in a retinal rod-specific deletion of the Phlp1 gene. To test whether this is a general mechanism that also applies to other cell types, we disrupted the Phlp1 gene specifically in mouse cones and measured the effects on G protein expression and cone visual signal transduction. In PhLP1-deficient cones, expression of cone transducin (Gt2) and RGS9-Gβ5 subunits was dramatically reduced, resulting in a 27-fold decrease in sensitivity and a 38-fold delay in cone photoresponse recovery. These results demonstrate the essential role of PhLP1 in cone G protein complex formation. Our findings reveal a common mechanism of Gβγ and RGS9-Gβ5 assembly in rods and cones, highlighting the importance of PhLP1 and CCT-mediated Gβ complex formation in G protein signaling.  相似文献   

The retinal degeneration slow (rds/rds) mouse was used to test photoreceptor protection by systemic gene delivery of non-erythropoietic forms of erythropoietin (EPO). Two Epo mutants were generated and packaged into recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) serotype 2/5, controls included rAAV2/5.Epo and rAAV2/5.enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP). Mice were injected in the quadriceps at postnatal day seven and analyses were performed at postnatal day 90. Hematocrit, serum EPO levels, and outer nuclear layer (ONL) thickness were quantified. Hematocrit and serum EPO levels in rAAV2/5.eGFP, rAAV2/5.Epo, and rAAV2/5.EpoR103E treated mice were: 46%, 8 mU/ml; 63%, 117 mU/ml; and 52%, 332 mU/ml, respectively. The ONL from rds/rds mice treated with the Epo vectors were approximately twice as thick as the negative controls. This demonstrates that the photoreceptors can be protected without performing an intraocular injection and without increasing the hematocrit to unsafe levels. Intramuscular delivery of rAAV.EpoR103E is an attractive treatment for retinal degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

We purpose here to analyze and compare the population and topography of cone photoreceptors in two mouse strains using automated routines, and to design a method of retinal sampling for their accurate manual quantification. In whole-mounted retinas from pigmented C57/BL6 and albino Swiss mice, the longwave-sensitive (L) and the shortwave-sensitive (S) opsins were immunodetected to analyze the population of each cone type. In another group of retinas both opsins were detected with the same fluorophore to quantify all cones. In a third set of retinas, L-opsin and Brn3a were immunodetected to determine whether L-opsin+cones and retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) have a parallel distribution. Cones and RGCs were automatically quantified and their topography illustrated with isodensity maps. Our results show that pigmented mice have a significantly higher number of total cones (all-cones) and of L-opsin+cones than albinos which, in turn, have a higher population of S-opsin+cones. In pigmented animals 40% of cones are dual (cones that express both opsins), 34% genuine-L (cones that only express the L-opsin), and 26% genuine-S (cones that only express the S-opsin). In albinos, 23% of cones are genuine-S and the proportion of dual cones increases to 76% at the expense of genuine-L cones. In both strains, L-opsin+cones are denser in the central than peripheral retina, and all-cones density increases dorso-ventrally. In pigmented animals S-opsin+cones are scarce in the dorsal retina and very numerous in the ventral retina, being densest in its nasal aspect. In albinos, S-opsin+cones are abundant in the dorsal retina, although their highest densities are also ventral. Based on the densities of each cone population, we propose a sampling method to manually quantify and infer their total population. In conclusion, these data provide the basis to study cone degeneration and its prevention in pathologic conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify a previously controversial issue concerning glutamate (Glu) immunoreactivity (IR) in the inner segment (IS) of photoreceptors by using in vivo cryotechnique (IVCT) followed by freeze substitution (FS), which enabled us to analyze the cells and tissues reflecting living states. Eyeballs from anesthetized mice were directly frozen using IVCT. The frozen tissues were processed for FS fixation in acetone containing chemical fixatives, and embedded in paraffin. Deparaffinized sections were immunostained with an anti-Glu antibody. The strongest Glu-IR was obtained in the specimens prepared by FS with paraformaldehyde or a low concentration of glutaraldehyde, whereas no Glu-IR was obtained without the chemical fixatives. The Glu was immunolocalized in the IS, outer and inner plexiform and ganglion cell layers. Thus, the immunolocalization of Glu in the IS was clearly demonstrated using IVCT. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:883–888, 2009)  相似文献   

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