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To better understand the population substructure of African Americans living in coastal South Carolina, we used restriction site polymorphisms and an insertion/deletion in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to construct seven-position haplotypes across 1,395 individuals from Sierra Leone, Africa, from U.S. European Americans, and from the New World African-derived populations of Jamaica, Gullah-speaking African Americans of the South Carolina Sea Islands (Gullahs), African Americans living in Charleston, South Carolina, and West Coast African Americans. Analyses showed a high degree of similarity within the New World African-derived populations, where haplotype frequencies and diversities were similar. Phi-statistics indicated that very little genetic differentiation has occurred within New World African-derived populations, but that there has been significant differentiation of these populations from Sierra Leoneans. Genetic distance estimates indicated a close relationship of Gullahs and Jamaicans with Sierra Leoneans, while African Americans living in Charleston and the West Coast were progressively more distantly related to the Sierra Leoneans. We observed low maternal European American admixture in the Jamaican and Gullah samples (m = 0.020 and 0.064, respectively) that increased sharply in a clinal pattern from Charleston African Americans to West Coast African Americans (m = 0.099 and 0.205, respectively). The appreciably reduced maternal European American admixture noted in the Gullah indicates that the Gullah may be uniquely situated to allow genetic epidemiology studies of complex diseases in African Americans with low European American admixture.  相似文献   

Animal‐pollinated flowers are complex structures that may require a precise configuration of floral organs for proper function. As such, they represent an excellent system with which we can examine the role of phenotypic integration and modularity in morphological evolution. We use complementary quantitative genetic and comparative phenotypic approaches to examine correlations among floral characters in Nicotiana alata, N. forgetiana and their artificial fourth‐generation hybrids. Flowers of both species share basic patterns of genetic and phenotypic correlations characterized by at least two integrated character suites that are relatively independent of each other and are not disrupted by four generations of recombination in hybrids. We conclude that these integrated character suites represent phenotypic modules that are the product of a modular genetic architecture. Intrafloral modularity may have been critical for rapid specialization of these species to different pollinators.  相似文献   

Maternal effects, either environmental or genetic in origin, are an underappreciated source of phenotypic variance in natural populations. Maternal genetic effects have the potential to constrain or enhance the evolution of offspring traits depending on their magnitude and their genetic correlation with direct genetic effects. We estimated the maternal effect variance and its genetic component for 12 traits expressed over the life history in a pedigreed population of wild red deer (morphology, survival/longevity, breeding success). We only found support for maternal genetic effect variance in the two neonatal morphological traits: birth weight ( = 0.31) and birth leg length ( = 0.17). For these two traits, the genetic correlation between maternal and direct additive effects was not significantly different from zero, indicating no constraint to evolution from genetic architecture. In contrast, variance in maternal genetic effects enhanced the additive genetic variance available to respond to natural selection. Maternal effect variance was negligible for late-life traits. We found no evidence for sex differences in either the direct or maternal genetic architecture of offspring traits. Our results suggest that maternal genetic effect variance declines over the lifetime, but also that this additional heritable genetic variation may facilitate evolutionary responses of early-life traits.  相似文献   

The microevolutionary process of adaptive phenotypic differentiation of quantitative traits between populations or closely‐related taxa depends on the response of populations to the action of natural selection. However, this response can be constrained by the structure of the matrix of additive genetic variance and covariance between traits in each population ( G matrix). In the present study, we obtained additive genetic variance and narrow sense heritability for 25 floral and vegetative traits of three subspecies of Aquilegia vulgaris, and one subspecies of Aquilegia pyrenaica through a common garden crossing experiment. For two vegetative and one floral trait, we also obtained the G matrix and genetic correlations between traits in each subspecies. The amount of genetic variation available in wild populations is not responsible for the larger differentiation of vegetative than floral traits found in this group of columbines. However, the low heritability of some traits constrained their evolution because phenotypic variability among taxa was larger for traits with larger heritability. We confirmed that the process of diversification of the studied taxa involved shifts in the G matrix, mainly determined by changes in the genetic covariance between floral and vegetative traits, probably caused by linkage disequilibrium in narrow endemic taxa. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 252–261.  相似文献   

High plasma apolipoprotein B (apoB) and LDL cholesterol levels increase cardiovascular disease risk. These highly correlated measures may be partially controlled by common genetic polymorphisms. To identify chromosomal regions that contain genes causing low plasma levels of one or both parameters in Caucasian families ascertained for familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (FHBL), we conducted a whole-genome scan using 443 microsatellite markers typed in nine multigenerational families with at least two members with FHBL. Both variance components and regression-based linkage methods were used to identify regions of interest. Common linkage regions were identified for both measures on chromosomes 10q25.1-10q26.11 [maximum log of the odds (LOD) = 4.2 for LDL and 3.5 for apoB] and 6q24.3 (maximum LOD = 1.46 for LDL and 1.84 for apoB). There was also evidence for linkage to apoB on chromosome 13q13.2 (LOD = 1.97) and to LDL on chromosome 3p14.1 at 94 centimorgan (LOD = 1.52). Bivariate linkage analysis provided further evidence for loci contributing to both traits (6q24.3, LOD = 1.43; 10q25.1, LOD = 1.74). We evaluated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes within our linkage regions to identify variants associated with apoB or LDL levels. The most significant finding was for rs2277205 in the 5' untranslated region of acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase short/branched chain and LDL (P = 10(-7)). Three additional SNPs were associated with apoB and/or LDL (P < 0.01). Although only the linkage signal on chromosome 10 reached genome-wide statistical significance, there are likely multiple chromosomal regions with variants that contribute to low levels of apoB and LDL and that may protect against coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture underlying variation in embryonic developmental rate (DR) and genetic covariation with age of maturation (MAT) was investigated in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Highly significant additive parental effects and more limited evidence of epistatic effects on progeny hatching time were detected in three diallel sets of families. Genome scans with an average of 142 microsatellite loci from all 29 linkage groups in two families detected significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) for developmental rate on RT-8 and RT-30 with genome-wide and chromosome-wide effects, respectively. The QTL on linkage group RT-8 explained 23·7% of the phenotypic variation and supports results from previous studies. The co-localization of QTL for both DR and MAT to several linkage groups and the observation that alleles associated with faster developmental rate were found significantly more often in early maturing rather than typical and later maturing male ancestors supports the hypothesis of genetic covariation between DR and MAT. The maturation background and schedule of additional sires, however, did not have a consistent association with their progeny hatching times, suggesting that other genetic, environmental and physiological effects contribute to variation in these life-history traits.  相似文献   

Patterns of morphological variation play an important role in evolutionary diversification and are critical to an informed interpretation of interspecific differences. When patterns of genetic variation have not diverged substantially, it is possible to reconstruct the differences in selection which gave rise to morphological differences among extant species. Morphological variation patterns are compared between two tamarin species, the cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) and the saddle-back tamarin (S. fuscicollis illigeri). Genetic, phenotypic, and environmental variance/covariance and correlation matrices were obtained for a series of 39 cranial characters in each species (cotton-top tamarin, N = 328; saddle-back tamarin, N = 209) and for the species combined using crania from individuals of known genealogical relationship. After accounting for the effects of estimation error on measures of matrix similarity, patterns of phenotypic, genetic, and environmental variation and correlation were found to be very similar across species and among the types of variance within species. Taking the saddle-back tamarins as the standard, cotton-top tamarins have been selected for an enlarged anterior temporalis attachment area and increased facial prognathism. In primates, an enlarged anterior temporalis muscle is associated with incisive food preparation, especially at wide gape.  相似文献   

The mosaic model of brain evolution postulates that different brain regions are relatively free to evolve independently from each other. Such independent evolution is possible only if genetic correlations among the different brain regions are less than unity. We estimated heritabilities, evolvabilities and genetic correlations of relative size of the brain, and its different regions in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We found that heritabilities were low (average h2 = 0.24), suggesting a large plastic component to brain architecture. However, evolvabilities of different brain parts were moderate, suggesting the presence of additive genetic variance to sustain a response to selection in the long term. Genetic correlations among different brain regions were low (average rG = 0.40) and significantly less than unity. These results, along with those from analyses of phenotypic and genetic integration, indicate a high degree of independence between different brain regions, suggesting that responses to selection are unlikely to be severely constrained by genetic and phenotypic correlations. Hence, the results give strong support for the mosaic model of brain evolution. However, the genetic correlation between brain and body size was high (rG = 0.89), suggesting a constraint for independent evolution of brain and body size in sticklebacks.  相似文献   

The cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) prefers the common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus L.) to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) for oviposition in the field in Australia. Using the common sowthistle and cotton as host plants, we carried out this study to evaluate genetic variation in both oviposition preference and larval growth and genetic correlation between maternal preference and larval performance. There was a significant genetic component of phenotypic variation in both characters, and the heritability of oviposition preference was estimated as 0.602. Helicoverpa armigera larvae survived slightly better and grew significantly faster on common sowthistle than on cotton, but genetic correlation between maternal preference and larval growth performance was not detectable. Instead, larval growth performance on the two hosts changed with families, which renders the interaction between family and host plant significant. As a result, the genetic correlation between mean values of larval growth across the two host species was not different from zero. These results are discussed in the context of the relationship between H. armigera and the common sowthistle and the polyphagous behaviour of this insect in general.  相似文献   

Estimates of genetic components are important for our understanding of how individual characteristics are transferred between generations. We show that the level of heritability varies between 0.12 and 0.68 in six morphological traits in house sparrows (Passer domesticus L.) in northern Norway. Positive and negative genetic correlations were present among traits, suggesting evolutionary constraints on the evolution of some of these characters. A sexual difference in the amount of heritable genetic variation was found in tarsus length, wing length, bill depth and body condition index, with generally higher heritability in females. In addition, the structure of the genetic variance-covariance matrix for the traits differed between the sexes. Genetic correlations between males and females for the morphological traits were however large and not significantly different from one, indicating that sex-specific responses to selection will be influenced by intersexual differences in selection differentials. Despite this, some traits had heritability above 0.1 in females, even after conditioning on the additive genetic covariance between sexes and the additive genetic variances in males. Moreover, a meta-analysis indicated that higher heritability in females than in males may be common in birds. Thus, this indicates sexual differences in the genetic architecture of birds. Consequently, as in house sparrows, the evolutionary responses to selection will often be larger in females than males. Hence, our results suggest that sex-specific additive genetic variances and covariances, although ignored in most studies, should be included when making predictions of evolutionary changes from standard quantitative genetic models.  相似文献   

Recent speciation events provide potential opportunities to understand the microevolution of reproductive isolation. We used a marker-based approach and a common garden to estimate the additive genetic variation in skeletal traits in a system of two ecomorphs within the coral species Favia fragum: a Tall ecomorph that is a seagrass specialist, and a Short ecomorph that is most abundant on coral reefs. Considering both ecomorphs, we found significant narrow-sense heritability (h(2) ) in a suite of measurements that define corallite architecture, and could partition additive and nonadditive variation for some traits. We found positive genetic correlations for homologous height and length measurements among different types of vertical plates (costosepta) within corallites, but negative correlations between height and length within, as well as between costosepta. Within ecomorphs, h(2) estimates were generally lower, compared to the combined ecomorph analysis. Marker-based estimates of h(2) were comparable to broad-sense heritability (H) obtained from parent-offspring regressions in a common garden for most traits, and similar genetic co-variance matrices for common garden and wild populations may indicate relatively small G × E interactions. The patterns of additive genetic variation in this system invite hypotheses of divergent selection or genetic drift as potential evolutionary drivers of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic variation was assessed in a population of Crepis tectorum subsp. pumila , a winter annual confined to calcareous grassland on the Baltic island of öland (SE Sweden). Plants from 40 maternal sibships were grown in a greenhouse and scored for a large number of traits representing all stages of the life cycle. The study included several characters that have been subject to ecotypic differentiation as well as traits known to be under current selection. Highly significant family differences were found for all but one character, suggesting that past selection was too weak to eliminate the genetic variability of characters presumed to be adaptive and there is a potential for further adaptive change in most traits. Two additional traits treated as qualitative were also found to differ significantly among families. A parallel cultivation experiment showed that the extent of population divergence in a quantitative trait was positively correlated with the amount of inter- family variation, implying stability of the relative variability for substantial periods of time, a possible reflection of phenotypic constraints being expressed both within and between populations. Additional data indicated that genetic trade-offs among traits under simultaneous selection, year-to- year variation in selection in combination with a long-lived seed bank, and genotype × environment interactions, could prevent the erosion of genetic variability in some characters connected with fitness.  相似文献   

We studied the quantitative genetics of sexually selected traits in a captive population of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus L.) using a multi-generational 'animal model' approach. We found significant heritability of mass, tarsus length (both strongly sexually dimorphic), residual mass, and male comb (a fleshy head ornament) length. Residual mass has a genetic correlation between the sexes smaller than unity and so could show partially independent responses to selection in the two sexes. In males, tarsus length and mass were not genetically correlated, and this produced a negative genetic correlation between tarsus length and residual mass. The male red junglefowl's comb, an ornament influencing female choice, is highly condition dependent. We show that expression of this ornament is heritable, however, and shows strong genetic correlation with a condition index, residual mass. Because residual mass is partly influenced by various aspects of condition, it appears that comb size has 'captured' genetic variability in condition.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are now considered as the most perspective and convenient markers for studies of genetic basis of multifactorial diseases. Fast development of technologies for exact screening of a large volume of genetic information and construction of genomic maps of SNP-markers promote the development of innovative diagnostic systems on the basis of significant SNP for an estimation of individual genetic risk of development of various diseases. This review considers the basic aspects of genetics of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 and an opportunity to use SNP as markers for the estimation of individual genetic predisposition to this disease.  相似文献   

Studies of the quantitative genetics of natural populations have contributed greatly to evolutionary biology in recent years. However, while pedigree data required are often uncertain (i.e. incomplete and partly erroneous) and limited, means to evaluate the effects of such uncertainties have not been developed. We have therefore developed a general framework for power and sensitivity analyses of such studies. We propose that researchers first generate a set of pedigree data that they wish to use in a quantitative genetic study, as well as data regarding errors that occur in that pedigree. This pedigree is then permuted using the data regarding errors to generate hypothetical 'true' and 'assumed' pedigrees that differ so as to mimic pedigree errors that might occur in the study system under consideration. Phenotypic data are then simulated across the true pedigree (according to user-defined genetic and environmental covariance structures), before being analysed with standard quantitative genetic techniques in conjunction with the 'assumed' pedigree data. To illustrate this approach, we conducted power and sensitivity analyses in a well-known study of Soay sheep (Ovis aries). We found that, although the estimation of simple genetic (co)variance structures is fairly robust to pedigree errors, some potentially serious biases were detected under more complex scenarios involving maternal effects. Power analyses also showed that this study system provides high power to detect heritabilities as low as about 0.09. Given this range of results, we suggest that such power and sensitivity analyses could greatly complement empirical studies, and we provide the computer program PEDANTICS to aid in their application.  相似文献   

等位酶分析的遗传学基础(续)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王中仁 《生物多样性》1994,2(4):213-219
在等位酶分析中,对酶谱的正确解释是获取遗传学资料的基础,酶谱作为酶基因的表现型,是由该种酶蛋白质的四级结构情况(亚基的数目)、在亚细胞分室中的分布(位点的数目)以及所分析样品的倍性和基因型的情况所决定的。术语“酶型”被建议用来记录和描述各种情况下酶谱的不同。在进行分子系统学研究中,如果直接把酶谱上带的数目的多少作为遗传多样性大小的指标,或把带的多少及迁移率的大小作为数量性状进行聚类和分枝分析将会得出非常错误的结论。  相似文献   

This study combines path analysis with quantitative genetics to analyse a key life history trade-off in the cricket, Gryllus firmus. We develop a path model connecting five traits associated with the trade-off between flight capability and reproduction and test this model using phenotypic data and estimates of breeding values (best linear unbiased predictors) from a half-sibling experiment. Strong support by both types of data validates our causal model and indicates concordance between the phenotypic and genetic expression of the trade-off. Comparisons of the trade-off between sexes and wing morphs reveal that these discrete phenotypes are not genetically independent and that the evolutionary trajectories of the two wing morphs are more tightly constrained to covary than those of the two sexes. Our results illustrate the benefits of combining a quantitative genetic analysis, which examines statistical correlations between traits, with a path model that focuses upon the causal components of variation.  相似文献   

Obesity-associated diabetes (“diabesity”) in mouse strains is characterized by severe insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia and progressive failure, and loss of beta cells. This condition is observed in inbred obese mouse strains such as the New Zealand Obese (NZO/HlLt and NZO/HlBomDife) or the TALLYHO/JngJ mouse. In lean strains such as C57BLKS/J, BTBR T+tf/J or DBA/2 J carrying diabetes susceptibility genes (“diabetes susceptible” background), it can be induced by introgression of the obesity-causing mutations Lep (ob) or Lepr (db). Outcross populations of these models have been employed in the genome-wide search for mouse diabetes genes, and have led to positional cloning of the strong candidates Pctp, Tbc1d1, Zfp69, and Ifi202b (NZO-derived obesity) and Sorcs1, Lisch-like, Tomosyn-2, App, Tsc2, and Ube2l6 (obesity caused by the ob or db mutation). Some of these genes have been shown to play a role in the regulation of the human glucose or lipid metabolism. Thus, dissection of the genetic basis of obesity and diabetes in mouse models can identify regulatory mechanisms that are relevant for the human disease.  相似文献   

Because homologous traits of males and females are likely to have a common genetic basis, sex-specific selection (often resulting from sexual selection on one sex) may generate an evolutionary tug-of-war known as intralocus sexual conflict, which will constrain the adaptive divergence of the sexes. Theory suggests that intralocus sexual conflict can be mitigated through reduction of the intersexual genetic correlation (rMF), predicting negative covariation between rMF and sexual dimorphism. In addition, recent work showed that selection should favor reduced expression of alleles inherited from the opposite-sex parent (intersexual inheritance) in traits subject to intralocus sexual conflict. For traits under sexual selection in males, this should be manifested either in reduced maternal heritability or, when conflict is severe, in reduced heritability through the opposite-sex parent in offspring of both sexes. However, because we do not know how far these hypothesized evolutionary responses can actually proceed, the importance of intralocus sexual conflict as a long-term constraint on adaptive evolution remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the genetic architecture of sexual and nonsexual morphological traits in Prochyliza xanthostoma. The lowest rMF and greatest dimorphism were exhibited by two sexual traits (head length and antenna length) and, among all traits, the degree of sexual dimorphism was correlated negatively with rMF. Moreover, sexual traits exhibited reduced maternal heritabilities, and the most strongly dimorphic sexual trait (antenna length) was heritable only through the same-sex parent in offspring of both sexes. Our results support theory and suggest that intralocus sexual conflict can be resolved substantially by genomic adaptation. Further work is required to identify the proximate mechanisms underlying these patterns.  相似文献   

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