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Teneurins are type II transmembrane proteins that play important roles in pattern formation in Drosophila, axon fasciculation and organogenesis in Caenorhabidits elegans, and neuronal pathfinding in the visual system of the mouse. There is evidence that a peptide derived from a proteolytic event near the C-terminus of teneurins leads to formation of an active neuropeptide, while processing at and near the transmembrane domain leads to shedding of the extracellular domain into the extracellular matrix and the generation of an intracellular fragment that is transported to the nucleus. In vertebrates there are four teneurins. Here, we have studied the expression of teneurin-4 in the chicken embryo. An antiserum against part of the intracellular domain of teneurin-4 recognizes several low molecular weight bands on immunoblots of embryonic chicken brain homogenates, indicating that teneurin-4 is likely to be processed at one or more predicted proteolytic cleavage sites. Antisera against the EGF-like repeats of the extracellular domain label some mesenchyme in the early embryo, and near basement membranes this labeling partially overlaps with anti-laminin (gamma 1 chain) immunostaining. At embryonic day 7, anti-teneurin-4 labels bundles of axons in the nasal, but not temporal retina. Later in development, retinal expression switches so that teneurin-4 is found in the temporal, but not nasal, ganglion cell layer. Teneurin-4 immunolocalization was also compared with other teneurins in the developing limb, where each teneurin is expressed in distinctive regions. These patterns of expression suggest roles for teneurin-4 in patterning and neuronal pathfinding in the avian embryo.  相似文献   

Decorin, a proteoglycan, interacts with extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors and receptors. Decorin expression and spatio-temporal distribution were studied by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence, while decorin function was examined by blocking antibodies in the early chick embryo. Decorin was first detectable at stage XIII (late blastula). During gastrulation (stage HH3-4), decorin fluorescence was intense in epiblast cells immediately adjacent to the streak, and in migrating cells. Decorin fluorescence was intense in endoderm and strong at mesoderm-neural plate surfaces at stage HH5-6 (neurula). At stage HH10-11 (12 somites), decorin fluorescence was intense in myelencephalon and then showed distinct expression patterns along the myelencephalon axes by stage HH17. Decorin fluorescence was intense in neural crest cells, dorsal aorta, heart, somite and neuroepithelial cells apposing the somite, nephrotome, gut and in pancreatic and liver primordia. Antibody-mediated inhibition of decorin function affected the head-to-tail embryonic axis extension, indicating that decorin is essential for convergent extension cell movements during avian gastrulation. Decorin was also essential for retinal progenitor cell polarization, neural crest migration, somite boundary formation and cell polarization, mesenchymal cell polarization and primary endoderm displacement to the embryo periphery. The embryonic blood vessels were deformed, the dorsal mesocardium was thinned and the cardiac jelly was abnormally thickened in the heart. Decorin is known to modulate collagen fibrillogenesis, a key mechanism of matrix assembly, and cell proliferation. Decorin also appears to be essential for the coordination of cell and tissue polarization, which is an important feature in organ patterning of the embryo.  相似文献   

Infection of a chicken cell with avian sarcoma virus requires division of the infected cell before synthesis of infectious progeny is initiated. This requirement for a cell division for the complete expression of avian sarcoma virus has been examined further with chicken embryo fibroblasts infected with two distinct viruses. Chicken cells infected with and producing a mutant of Rous sarcoma virus temperature sensitive for transformation (tsLA24PR-A) were arrested in G0 by depletion of serum factors from growth medium. These stationary cells continued to produce infectious progeny in the absence of further cell division. Superinfection of the stationary cells with the wild-type Prague strain of Rous sarcoma virus (PR-RSV-C) produced a stable double infection in these cells. Progeny of the superinfecting PR-RSV-C, however, were not detected until these cells underwent division after stimulation with fresh serum-containing medium. The addition of colchicine to these serum-stimulated cells, although not affecting production of the tsLA24PR-A, inhibited the appearance of progeny of the superinfecting PR-RSV-C. These experiments indicate that each avian sarcoma virus infection of a chicken embryo fibroblast requires division of the infected cell for production of that virus regardless of whether or not the cell is already producing a similar virus. The results suggest, therefore, that the requirement for a cell division represents a requirement for an event that controls virus expression in a "cis-acting" fashion specific for the provirus.  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells and motor axons move in a segmental fashion through the rostral (anterior) half of each somitic sclerotome, avoiding the caudal (posterior) half. This metameric migration pattern is thought to be caused by molecular differences between the rostral and caudal portions of the somite. Here, we describe the distribution of T-cadherin (truncated-cadherin) during trunk neural crest cell migration. T-cadherin, a novel member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules was selectively expressed in the caudal half of each sclerotome at all times examined. T-cadherin immunostaining appeared graded along the rostrocaudal axis, with increasing levels of reactivity in the caudal halves of progressively more mature (rostral) somites. The earliest T-cadherin expression was detected in a small population of cells in the caudal portion of the somite three segments rostral to last-formed somite. This initial T-cadherin expression was observed concomitant with the invasion of the first neural crest cells into the rostral portion of the same somite in stage 16 embryos. When neural crest cells were ablated surgically prior to their emigration from the neural tube, the pattern of T-cadherin immunoreactivity was unchanged compared to unoperated embryos, suggesting that the metameric T-cadherin distribution occurs independent of neural crest cell signals. This expression pattern is consistent with the possibility that T-cadherin plays a role in influencing the pattern of neural crest cell migration and in maintaining somite polarity.  相似文献   

Adhesion molecules during somitogenesis in the avian embryo   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
In avian embryos, somites constitute the morphological unit of the metameric pattern. Somites are epithelia formed from a mesenchyme, the segmental plate, and are subsequently reorganized into dermatome, myotome, and sclerotome. In this study, we used somitogenesis as a basis to examine tissue remodeling during early vertebrate morphogenesis. Particular emphasis was put on the distribution and possible complementary roles of adhesion-promoting molecules, neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM), N-cadherin, fibronectin, and laminin. Both segmental plate and somitic cells exhibited in vitro calcium-dependent and calcium-independent systems of cell aggregation that could be inhibited respectively by anti-N-cadherin and anti-N-CAM antibodies. In vivo, the spatio-temporal expression of N-cadherin was closely associated with both the formation and local disruption of the somites. In contrast, changes in the prevalence of N-CAM did not strictly accompany the remodeling of the somitic epithelium into dermamyotome and sclerotome. It was also observed that fibronectin and laminin were reorganized secondarily in the extracellular spaces after CAM-mediated contacts were modulated. In an in vitro culture system of somites, N-cadherin was lost on individual cells released from somite explants and was reexpressed when these cells reached confluence and established intercellular contacts. In an assay of tissue dissociation in vitro, antibodies to N-cadherin or medium devoid of calcium strongly and reversibly dissociated explants of segmental plates and somites. Antibodies to N-CAM exhibited a smaller disrupting effect only on segmental plate explants. In contrast, antibodies to fibronectin and laminin did not perturb the cohesion of cells within the explants. These results emphasize the possible role of cell surface modulation of CAMs during the formation and remodeling of some transient embryonic epithelia. It is suggested that N-cadherin plays a major role in the control of tissue remodeling, a process in which N-CAM is also involved but to a lesser extent. The substratum adhesion molecules, fibronectin and laminin, do not appear to play a primary role in the regulation of these processes but may participate in cell positioning and in the stabilization of the epithelial structures.  相似文献   

Oxygenation and establishment of thermogenesis in the avian embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The production of heat (or thermogenesis) and its response to cold improve very quickly around birth in both mammals and birds. The mechanisms for such rapid perinatal development are not fully understood. Previous experiments with hyperoxia suggested that, during the last phases of incubation, eggshell and membranes might pose a limit to oxygen availability. Hence, it was hypothesized that an improvement in oxygenation by opening the eggshell may contribute to the establishment of thermogenesis. Thermogenesis and its response to cold were measured by indirect calorimetry, in warm (38 degrees C) conditions and during 1-h exposure to 30 degrees C. Both improved throughout the various phases of the hatching process. During the latest incubation phases (internal pipping, IP, and star fracture of external pipping, EP), the removal of the eggshell in the region above the air cell raised metabolic rate both in warm and cold conditions (in IP) or the thermogenic response to cold (in EP). Adding hyperoxia after opening the eggshell caused no further increase in the thermogenic response. In cold-incubated embryos thermogenesis during the EP phase was much less than normal; in these embryos, increasing the oxygen availability did not improve thermogenesis. We conclude that oxygenation contributes to the maturation of the thermogenic mechanisms in the perinatal period as long as these mechanisms have initiated their normal developmental process.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis carried out on quail-chick chimeras, in which quail Hensen's node was substituted for its chick counterpart at the five- to six-somite stage (ss), showed that the floor plate of the avian neural tube is composed of distinct areas: (1) a median one (medial floor plate or MFP) derived from Hensen's node and characterised by the same gene expression pattern as the node cells (i.e. expression of HNF3beta and Shh to the exclusion of genes early expressed in the neural ectoderm such as CSox1); and (2) lateral regions that are differentiated from the neuralised ectoderm (CSox1 positive) and form the lateral floor plate (LFP). LFP cells are induced by the MFP to express HNF3beta transiently, Shh continuously and other floor-plate characteristic genes such as NETRIN: In contrast to MFP cells, LFP cells also express neural markers such as Nkx2.2 and Sim1. This pattern of avian floor-plate development presents some similarities to floor-plate formation in zebrafish embryos. We also demonstrate that, although MFP and LFP have different embryonic origins in normal development, one can experimentally obtain a complete floor plate in the neural epithelium by the inductive action of either a notochord or a MFP. The competence of the neuroepithelium to respond to notochord or MFP signals is restricted to a short time window, as only the posterior-most region of the neural plate of embryos younger than 15 ss is able to differentiate a complete floor plate comprising MFP and LFP. Moreover, MFP differentiation requires between 4 and 5 days of exposure to the inducing tissues. Under the same conditions LFP and SHH-producing cells only induce LFP-type cells. These results show that the capacity to induce a complete floor plate is restricted to node-derived tissues and probably involves a still unknown factor that is not SHH, the latter being able to induce only LFP characteristics in neuralised epithelium.  相似文献   

We have determined, by immunohistochemical and biochemical techniques, the distribution of an endogenous beta-D-galactoside-binding lectin between the early primitive streak stage and the 5th day of embryonic development of the chick.The lectin, which was purified from the pectoral muscle of 16-day-old chick embryos, migrates on SDS-PAGE as a single polypeptide of relative molecular mass 15 x 10(3). Antibodies to this pure lectin interact with the 15K (K = 10(3) M(r)) polypeptide as well as with a 6.5K polypeptide; this second component appears to be antigenically related to the 15K lectin, as antibodies affinity purified on the 15K band recognize both polypeptides. In early stages of development, lectin immunoreactivity was present in most cells of the epiblast and hypoblast in the region of the primitive streak, while towards the edge of the area pellucida the epiblast was stained less intensely. During gastrulation, strong immunoreactivity was present also in migrating cells and in the mesoblast, while at the margin of the area pellucida the epiblast was negative. Up to the 10-somite stage, lectin immunoreactivity was present in the somites, neural tube and presumptive cardiac region; the non-neural ectoderm and the extracellular matrix were not labeled; the predominant immunoreactive component at this stage of development was the 6.5K polypeptide. Later in development, the lectin immunoreactivity gradually disappeared from the dermamyotome and nervous system to reappear conspicuously as soon as a differentiated myotome could be detected. Immunoreactivity was very high in the myotome, skeletal and cardiac muscles and transient in smooth muscles. The only region of the nervous system that continued to express the lectin throughout development was the trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion; in all regions of the nervous system, the lectin immunoreactivity disappeared early in development to be re-expressed only much later. The lining epithelium of the digestive tract and other endodermal derivatives expressed the lectin transiently. In the extraembryonic membranes, immunoreactivity to the lectin was observed in the yolk sac and in both layers of the amnion. The striking regulation of the expression of this endogenous lectin suggests that its functions are linked to cell proliferation and/or to the selective expression of a developmentally-timed cell phenotype.  相似文献   

Tracing the progeny of the aortic hemangioblast in the avian embryo   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A population of hematopoietic progenitors becomes committed within the embryo proper in the floor of the aorta (P-Sp/AGM in the mouse). In birds, this first aspect of intraembryonic hematopoiesis is prominent during embryonic day 3 (E3) as endothelium-associated "intra-aortic clusters." Between E6 and E8, diffuse hematopoiesis then occurs as "para-aortic foci" located in the dorsal mesentery ventral to the aorta. These foci are not associated with endothelium. Whether these two hematopoietic cell populations arise from distinct or common progenitors is not known. We could recently trace back the origin of intra-aortic clusters in the avian embryo by labeling aortic endothelial cells (EC) in vivo with acetylated low-density lipoproteins. This approach established the derivation of early intraembryonic hemopoietic cells from the endothelium, but did not indicate how long during ontogeny such a relationship may exist, since the progeny of EC labeled at E2 could be traced for 1-2 days at most. Here we report that, when E2 aortic ECs were infected prior to the formation of intra-aortic clusters with a nonreplicative LacZ-bearing retroviral vector, numerous cells were labeled in the para-aortic foci at E6. In contrast, when the retroviral vector was inoculated at E4 rather than E2, that is, after the disappearance of intra-aortic clusters, no cells in the para-aortic foci were labeled. Taken together, our results demonstrate that ECs from the aortic floor seed the two aspects of aorta-associated hemopoiesis and that these ECs with hemangioblastic potential are present only transiently in the aorta.  相似文献   

By means of plasma clot clonal cultures, the content of the avian spleen in granulomonocytic progenitors was studied during ontogeny. Serum-free media were used that were supplemented with growth activities produced either by embryonic fibroblasts or adult spleen cells. These two conditioned media not only permitted the growth of M-CFC, G-CFC, and GM-CFC but also F-CFU (fibroblast colony-forming units) from quail or chick embryonic spleen cells. The presence of spleen cell-conditioned medium promoted the development of large colonies of immature granulocytes. In the chick the first hemopoietic progenitors appeared at E9 and their number displayed two peaks, one at E15 and a smaller one at E18. In the quail the first progenitors were detected as early as E7 and their number peaked at E10. In this species, hemopoietic progenitors disappeared definitively before hatching while in the chick some were still present at P3. The progenitor content of the chick embryo spleen was compared to that of the bone marrow. This content remained stable during all of embryonic life, while the bone marrow exhibited a very different profile, where a sharp peak at E16 was followed by an acute decline and a stabilization at a rather low level. The particular profile in the spleen speaks in favor of a special role of this organ in the development of the hemopoietic system.  相似文献   

The study of embryonic events using different animal model systems is crucial for gaining insights into human development and birth defects. Biological imaging plays a major role in this effort by providing a spatiotemporal framework to link complex cell movements with molecular data. However, depending on the age of the embryo and the location of a morphogenetic event, visualization often requires the design of novel culture and imaging techniques. One of the primary model systems for biological imaging is the avian embryo, due to its accessibility to manipulation, relatively two-dimensional morphogenesis early on, and viability when grown in culture. Significant work in avian embryo culture and cell labeling, together with advances in imaging technology, now make it possible to monitor many developmental events within the period from egg laying to hatching. Here, we present the latest in avian developmental imaging, focusing on cell labeling, embryo culture, and imaging technologies.  相似文献   

We have isolated a new Wnt receptor frizzled family member from Xenopus laevis, Xenopus frizzled-5 (Xfz5), a likely ortholog of human frizzled-5. Based on Northern and whole-mount in situ hybridization data, Xfz5 is first detected at the late neurula stage in retinal primordia. Throughout the tailbud stage Xfz5 is expressed exclusively in the neural retina within the optic vesicles. During tadpole stage Xfz5 expression becomes restricted to the ciliary marginal zone. This highly restrictive expression pattern makes Xfz5 an excellent marker for neural retinal tissue.  相似文献   

J Fontaine-Perus 《Peptides》1984,5(2):195-200
The distribution of the VIP containing structures was studied in the gut and in the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia of the quail and chick embryos by immunocytochemistry. In the gut, development of peptidergic nerves followed a craniocaudal gradient. Immunoreactive fibres were first visible in the oesophagus at day 9 in the quail and day 10 in the chick, at 12 days they extended over the whole length of the gut. Cell bodies were localized at day 9 in the foregut and observed in the mid- and hind-gut just before hatching. Transplantations on the chorioallantoic membrane of fragments of various parts of the digestive tract clearly demonstrated that VIP nerve cell bodies belonged to the intrinsic innervation of the gut. Besides the gut, sympathetic paravertebral ganglia contained cells with VIP immunoreactivity detected at day 9 and 10 in quail and chick respectively. In order to find out whether VIP containing neurons differentiated normally in chick embryos in which quail neural crest cells had been implanted at an early stage of development we looked for the appearance of peptidergic neurones in the following situations: when the quail neural primordium had been grafted orthotopically and isochronically into chick host (1) at the adrenomedullary (somites 18-24) and (2) at the vagal (somites 1-7) levels of the neural axis. In all conditions VIP immunoreactivity was observed in quail cells located either in the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia of the trunk at the level of the graft or in the enteric ganglia according to the graft was made at the adrenomedullary and vagal levels respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Of the many models to study vascular biology the avian embryo remains an informative and powerful model system that has provided important insights into endothelial cell recruitment, assembly and remodeling during development of the circulatory system. This review highlights several discoveries in the avian system that show how arterial patterning is regulated using the model of dorsal aortae development along the embryo midline during gastrulation and neurulation. These discoveries were made possible through spatially and temporally controlled gain-of-function experiments that provided direct evidence that BMP signaling plays a pivotal role in vascular recruitment, patterning and remodeling and that Notch-signaling recruits vascular precursor cells to the dorsal aortae. Importantly, BMP ligands are broadly expressed throughout embryos but BMP signaling activation region is spatially defined by precisely regulated expression of BMP antagonists. These discoveries provide insight into how signaling, both positive and negative, regulate vascular patterning. This review also illustrates similarities of early arterial patterning along the embryonic midline in amniotes both avian and mammalians including human, evolutionarily specialized from non-amniotes such as fish and frog.  相似文献   

Remodeling of the primary vascular system of the embryo into arteries and veins has long been thought to depend largely on the influence of hemodynamic forces. This view was recently challenged by the discovery of several molecules specifically expressed by arterial or venous endothelial cells. We here analysed the expression of neuropilin-1 and TIE2, two transmembrane receptors known to play a role in vascular development. In birds, neuropilin-1 was expressed by arterial endothelium and wall cells, but absent from veins. TIE2 was strongly expressed in embryonic veins, but only weakly transcribed in most arteries. To examine whether endothelial cells are committed to an arterial or venous fate once they express these specific receptors, we constructed quail-chick chimeras. The dorsal aorta, carotid artery and the cardinal and jugular veins were isolated together with the vessel wall from quail embryos between embryonic day 2 to 15 and grafted into the coelom of chick hosts. Until embryonic day 7, all grafts yielded endothelial cells that colonized both host arteries and veins. After embryonic day 7, endothelial plasticity was progressively lost and from embryonic day 11 grafts of arteries yielded endothelial cells that colonized only chick arteries and rarely reached the host veins, while grafts of jugular veins colonized mainly host veins. When isolated from the vessel wall, quail aortic endothelial cells from embryonic day 11 embryos were able to colonize both host arteries and veins. Our results show that despite the expression of arterial or venous markers the endothelium remains plastic with regard to arterial-venous differentiation until late in embryonic development and point to a role for the vessel wall in endothelial plasticity and vessel identity.  相似文献   

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