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We have studied the morphology and vein branching of rosette leaves in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants as and sa, which proved to be alleles of the A.thaliana AS1 and AS2 genes, respectively. We have also analyzed the localization of bioactive auxin, as measured by the expression of the DR5::GUS transgene, as well as the expression patterns of BP, as measured by the expression of the BP::GUS transgene in leaves of the mutants. In mature leaves of the mutants, BP was expressed ectopically. Furthermore, the mutants showed some defects in the localization and concentration of free auxin compared to the wild type. Our results of studying new alleles of AS1 and AS2 support their role in control of class I KNOX genes and auxin transport.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is well known that plant aerial development is affected by light intensity in terms of the date of flowering, the length of stems and petioles, and the final individual leaf area. The aim of the work presented here was to analyse how shade-induced changes in leaf development occur on a dynamic basis from the whole rosette level to that of the cells. METHODS: Care was taken to ensure that light intensity was the only source of micro-meteorological variation in the study. The dynamics of leaf production, rosette expansion, individual leaf area expansion and epidermal cell expansion were analysed in Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown under two light intensities in three independent experiments. KEY RESULTS: The total area of rosette leaves was reduced by the shading treatment. Both the number of leaves produced and their individual leaf areas were reduced. The reduction in leaf number was associated with a reduction in leaf initiation rate and the duration of the phase of leaf production. The reduction in individual leaf area was associated with a reduction in leaf expansion rate and an increase in the duration of leaf expansion. The changes in leaf expansion dynamics were accompanied by a decrease in epidermal cell number which was partly compensated for by an increase in epidermal cell area. Overall, the whole rosette leaf expansion rate was reduced by shading, whereas the total duration of rosette leaf expansion was unaffected. This was mainly due to the accumulation of the increases in the durations of expansion of each individual leaf which was associated with an increase in cell expansion. CONCLUSIONS: The dynamic analysis presented here reveals a new shade-adaptative response mediated via the control of area expansion at the cell, organ and whole plant levels.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Plant aerial development is well known to be affected by daylength in terms of the timing and developmental stage of floraltransition. Arabidopsis thaliana is a ‘long day’plant in which the time to flower is delayed by short days andleaf number is increased. The aim of the work presented herewas to determine the effects of different day lengths on individualleaf area expansion. The effect of flower emergence per se onthe regulation of leaf expansion was also tested in this study. Methods: Care was taken to ensure that day length was the only sourceof micro-meteorological variation. The dynamics of individualleaf expansion were analysed in Ler and Col-0 plants grown underfive day lengths in five independent experiments. Responsesat cellular level were analysed in Ler plants grown under variousday lengths and treatments to alter the onset of flowering. Key Results: When the same leaf position was compared, the final leaf areaand both the relative and absolute rates of leaf expansion weredecreased by short days, whereas the duration of leaf expansionwas increased. Epidermal cell number and cell area were alsoaltered by day-length treatments and some of these responsescould be mimicked by manipulating the date of flowering. Conclusions: Both the dynamics and cellular bases of leaf development arealtered by differences in day length even when visible phenotypesare absent. To some extent, cell area and its response to daylength are controlled by whole plant control mechanisms associatedwith the onset of flowering.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in the plasticity of leaf area expansion in response to water deficit has been reported in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, the objective was to identify the underlying dynamic and cellular processes involved in this variability. Twenty-five accessions were subjected to identical soil water deficit treatments. In all accessions, the plasticity of leaf production was low compared with that of individual leaf expansion. A subset of accessions was selected for further dissection of individual leaf expansion into its underlying variables: the rate and duration of leaf expansion and epidermal cell number and area. In all accessions, water deficit had opposite effects on the rate and duration of leaf expansion. The accumulation of these effects was reflected in changes in final leaf area. At the cellular level, moderate water deficits had opposite effects on cell number and cell size, but more severe ones reduced both variables. The importance of these opposing effects is highlighted by the behaviour of the accession An-1, for which the compensation between the decrease in leaf expansion rate and the increase in the duration of expansion is total. This dynamic plasticity in response to water deficit is not detectable when only final measurements are done.  相似文献   

Leaf development is affected by both internal (genetic) and external (environmental) regulatory factors. The aim of this work was to investigate how leaf growth variables are related to one another in a range of environments. The leaf growth variables of wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and leaf development mutants (ang4, ron2-1, elo1, elo2 and elo4) were studied under different incident light treatments (light and shade). The leaves studied were altered in various leaf development variables, such as the duration of expansion, relative and absolute expansion rates, epidermal cell size, epidermal cell number and initiation rate. Final leaf area was correlated to maximal absolute leaf expansion rate and cell number, but not to duration of leaf expansion or cell size. These relationships were common to all studied genotypes and light conditions, suggesting that leaf size is determined early in development. In addition, the early variables involved in leaf development were correlated to one another, and initial relative expansion rate was negatively correlated to the duration of expansion. These relationships between the leaf development variables were used to construct a conceptual model of leaf size control.  相似文献   

Leaf growth dynamics are driven by diel rhythms. The analysis of spatio-temporal leaf growth patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana wild type and mutants of interest is a promising approach to elucidate molecular mechanisms controlling growth. The diel availability of carbohydrates is thought to affect diel growth. A digital image sequence processing (DISP)-based noninvasive technique for visualizing and quantifying highly resolved spatio-temporal leaf growth was adapted for the model plant A. thaliana. Diel growth patterns were analysed for the wild type and for a mutant with altered diel carbohydrate metabolism. A. thaliana leaves showed highest relative growth rates (RGRs) at dawn and lowest RGRs at the beginning of the night. Along the lamina, a clear basipetal gradient of growth rate distribution was found, similar to that in many other dicotyledonous species. The starch-free 1 (stf1) mutant revealed changed temporal growth patterns with reduced nocturnal, and increased afternoon, growth activity. The established DISP technique is presented as a valuable tool to detect altered temporal growth patterns in A. thaliana mutants. Endogenous changes in the diel carbohydrate availability of the starch-free mutant clearly affected its diel growth rhythms.  相似文献   

The SUC1/CKS1 proteins associate with cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and play an essential role in the regulation of the cell cycle. Recently, an Arabidopsis thaliana SUC1/CKS1 homologous gene, designated CKS1At, has been cloned. Here, overexpression of CKS1At in Arabidopsis is shown to reduce leaf size and root growth rates. Reduced root growth resulted primarily from an increase of the cell-cycle duration and a shortening of the meristem. Endoreduplication was unaffected. The increased cell-cycle duration was associated with an equal extension of both the G1 and G2 phases. This inhibition was due to the binding of CDK subunits with CDKs. The reduced growth rates in response to altered cell-cycle gene expression demonstrates a direct dependence of plant growth rates on cell-cycle regulation.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are plant hormones that are essential for a wide range of developmental processes in plants. Many of the genes responsible for the early reactions in the biosynthesis of BRs have recently been identified. However, several genes for enzymes that catalyze late steps in the biosynthesis pathways of BRs remain to be identified, and only a few genes responsible for the reactions that produce bioactive BRs have been identified. We found that the ROTUNDIFOLIA3 (ROT3) gene, encoding the enzyme CYP90C1, which was specifically involved in the regulation of leaf length in Arabidopsis thaliana, was required for the late steps in the BR biosynthesis pathway. ROT3 appears to be required for the conversion of typhasterol to castasterone, an activation step in the BR pathway. We also analyzed the gene most closely related to ROT3, CYP90D1, and found that double mutants for ROT3 and CYP90D1 had a severe dwarf phenotype, whereas cyp90d1 single knockout mutants did not. BR profiling in these mutants revealed that CYP90D1 was also involved in BR biosynthesis pathways. ROT3 and CYP90D1 were expressed differentially in leaves of A. thaliana, and the mutants for these two genes differed in their defects in elongation of hypocotyls under light conditions. The expression of CYP90D1 was strongly induced in leaf petioles in the dark. The results of the present study provide evidence that the two cytochrome P450s, CYP90C1 and CYP90D1, play distinct roles in organ-specific environmental regulation of the biosynthesis of BRs.  相似文献   

The CURLY LEAF (CLF ) gene in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. is required for stable repression of a floral homeotic gene, AGAMOUS in leaves and stems To clarify the function of CLF in organ development, we characterized clf mutants using an anatomical and genetic approach. The clf mutants had normal roots, hypocotyls, and cotyledons, but the foliage leaves and the stems had reduced dimensions. A decrease both in the extent of cell elongation and in the number of cells was evident in the clf mutant leaves, suggesting that the CLF gene might be involved in the division and elongation of cells during leaf morphogenesis. An analysis of the development of clf mutant leaves revealed that the period during which cell division or cell elongation occurred was of normal duration, while the rates of both cell production and cell elongation were lower than in the wild type. Two phases in the elongation of cells were also recognized from this analysis. From analysis of an angustifolia clf double mutant, we found that the two phases of elongation of leaf cells were regulated independently by each gene. Thus, the CLF gene appears to affect cell division at an earlier stage and cell elongation throughout the development of leaf primordia. Received: 19 February 1998 / Accepted: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

The asymmetric leaves 1 ( as1 ) and as2 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibit pleiotropic phenotypes. Expression of a number of genes, including three class-1 KNOTTED -like homeobox ( KNOX ) genes ( BP , KNAT2 and KNAT6 ) and ETTIN / ARF3 , is enhanced in these mutants. In the present study, we attempted to identify the phenotypic features of as1 and as2 mutants that were generated by ectopic expression of KNOX genes, using multiple loss-of-function mutations of KNOX genes as well as as1 and as2 . Our results revealed that the ectopic expression of class-1 KNOX genes resulted in reductions in the sizes of leaves, reductions in the size of sepals and petals, the formation of a less prominent midvein, the repression of adventitious root formation and late flowering. Our results also revealed that the reduction in leaf size and late flowering were caused by the repression, by KNOX genes, of a gibberellin (GA) pathway in as1 and as2 plants. The formation of a less prominent midvein and the repression of adventitious root formation were not, however, related to the GA pathway. The asymmetric formation of leaf lobes, the lower complexity of higher-ordered veins, and the elevated frequency of adventitious shoot formation on leaves of as1 and as2 plants were not rescued by multiple mutations in KNOX genes. These features must, therefore, be controlled by other genes in which expression is enhanced in the as1 and as2 mutants.  相似文献   

Abstract Two methods of analyses were used to investigate tooth development in serrate (se) mutant and wild-type Columbia-1 (Col-1) Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. There were almost twice as many teeth with deeper sinuses and two orders of toothing on the margins of serrate compared with Columbia-1 leaves. The main objective of this study was to test three hypotheses relative to the source of polymorphism in tooth development: (i) Teeth share similar growth rates and initial sizes, but the deeper teeth are initiated earlier in leaf development. (ii) Teeth share similar timing of initiation and growth rates, but the deeper teeth have a larger initial size. (iii) Teeth share similar timing of initiation and initial sizes, but the deeper teeth have a faster growth rate. Leaf plastochron index (LPI) was used as the time variable for leaf development. Results showed teeth in se were initiated at −27 LPI, 15 plastochrons earlier than those of Col-1. Serrate leaf expansion was biphasic, with the early phase expanding at half the relative plastochron rate of the later phase, which equaled the constant relative expansion rate of Col-1 leaves. Allometric analyses of tooth development obscured the interactions between time of tooth and leaf initiation and the early phase of leaf expansion characteristic of serrate leaves and teeth. Timing of developmental events that allometric analysis obscured can be readily detected with the LPI as a developmental index. Received 25 January 2000; accepted 17 March 2000  相似文献   

The SERRATE gene (SE) was shown to determine leaf organogenesis and morphogenesis patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. The se-1 mutant was used here to investigate the role of SE in leaf development in response to incident light. Virtual plants were modelled to analyse the phenotypes induced by this mutation. Plants were grown under various levels of incident light. The amount of light absorbed by the plant was estimated by combining detailed characterizations of the radiative environment and virtual plant simulations. Four major changes in leaf development were induced by the se-1 mutation. Two constitutive leaf growth variables were modified, with a lower initial expansion rate and a higher duration of expansion. Two original responses to a reduced incident light were identified, concerning the leaf-initiation rate and the duration of leaf expansion. The se-1 mutation dramatically affects both changes in the leaf development pattern and the response to reduced incident light. Virtual plants helped to reveal the combined effects of the multiple changes induced by this mutation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The epidermis of an expanding dicot leaf is a mosaic of cells differing in identity, size and differentiation stage. Here hypotheses are tested that in such a cell mosaic growth is heterogeneous and changes with time, and that this heterogeneity is not dependent on the cell cycle regulation per se.


Shape, size and growth of individual cells were followed with the aid of sequential replicas in expanding leaves of wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and triple cyclinD3 mutant plants, and combined with ploidy estimation using epi-fluorescence microscopy.

Key Results

Relative growth rates in area of individual epidermal cells or small cell groups differ several fold from those of adjacent cells, and change in time. This spatial and temporal variation is not related to the size of either the cell or the nucleus. Shape changes and growth within an individual cell are also heterogeneous: anticlinal wall waviness appears at different times in different wall portions; portions of the cell periphery in contact with different neighbours grow with different rates. This variation is not related to cell growth anisotropy. The heterogeneity is typical for both the wild type and cycD3.


Growth of leaf epidermis exhibits spatiotemporal variability.  相似文献   

SIP1 encodes the protein which show interact with SOS2, the protein involving in plant responding to saline stress while NAC1 encodes the protein which involves in auxin signal and promoting the development of lateral root of Arabidopsis thaliana. In present study SIP1 and NAC1-sense and NAC1-anti were inserted into pFGC5941S constructs, making the expression vectors pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-sense and pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-anti, respectively. Fifteen transgenic A.thaliana harboring these two constructs (pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-sense and pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-anti) were then generated via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The phenotypes of homozygous transformants which were grown on MS medium with 75mmol·L-1 NaCl showed that compared with wild-type A.thaliana, pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-sense transgenic plants exhibited longer main root and increasing amounts of lateral roots, while no obvious differences were observed in pFGC5941S-SIP1-NAC1-anti transgenic plants. These results indicated that the development of A.thaliana lateral roots under salt stress was specifically promoted by both overexpression of SIP1 gene and NAC1 gene.  相似文献   

To elucidate the stimulation of leaf growth by atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2), we performed a kinematic analysis of the eighth leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (accession C24) plants grown for 17–35 days after sowing in the presence or absence of 50 ppb NO2 (designated +NO2 plants and –NO2 plants, respectively). We found that the peak and mean values of the relative rates of leaf expansion, cell division and cell expansion were always greater in +NO2 plants than in –NO2 plants. No evidence for prolonged duration was obtained. Thus, NO2 treatment increased the rates of both cell proliferation and enlargement to increase leaf size. Furthermore, a fold-change analysis showed that cell proliferation and enlargement differentially regulated NO2-induced leaf expansion.  相似文献   

The plant CDK inhibitor ICK1 was identified previously from Arabidopis thaliana with its inhibitory activity characterized in vitro. ICK1 displayed several structural and functional features that are distinct from known animal CDK inhibitors. Despite the initial characterization, there is no information on the functions of any plant CDK inhibitor in plants. To gain insight into ICK1 functions in vivo and the role of cell division during plant growth and development, transgenic plants were generated expressing ICK1 driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. In comparison to control plants, growth was significantly inhibited in transgenic 35S-ICK1 plants, with some plants weighing <10% of wild-type plants at the 3 week stage. Most organs of 35S-ICK1 plants were smaller. There were also modifications in plant morphology such as shape and serration of leaves and petals. The changes were so drastic that 35S-ICK1 plants with strong phenotype no longer resembled wild-type plants morphologically. Analyses showed that increased ICK1 expression resulted in reduced CDK activity and reduced the number of cells in these plants. Cells in 35S-ICK1 plants were larger than corresponding cells in control plants. These results demonstrate that ICK1 acts as a CDK inhibitor in the plant, and the inhibition of cell division by ICK1 expression has profound effects on plant growth and development. They also suggest that alterations of plant organ shape can be achieved by restriction of cell division.  相似文献   

Auxin, actin and growth of the Arabidopsis thaliana primary root   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To understand how auxin regulates root growth, we quantified cell division and elemental elongation, and examined actin organization in the primary root of Arabidopsis thaliana. In treatments for 48 h that inhibited root elongation rate by 50%, we find that auxins and auxin-transport inhibitors can be divided into two classes based on their effects on cell division, elongation and actin organization. Indole acetic acid (IAA), 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and tri-iodobenzoic acid (TIBA) inhibit root growth primarily through reducing the length of the growth zone rather than the maximal rate of elemental elongation and they do not reduce cell production rate. These three compounds have little effect on the extent of filamentous actin, as imaged in living cells or by chemical fixation and immuno-cytochemistry, but tend to increase actin bundling. In contrast, 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2,4-D) and naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) inhibit root growth primarily by reducing cell production rate. These compounds remove actin and slow down cytoplasmic streaming, but do not lead to mislocalization of the auxin-efflux proteins, PIN1 or PIN2. The effects of 2,4-D and NPA were mimicked by the actin inhibitor, latrunculin B. The effects of these compounds on actin were also elicited by a 2 h treatment at higher concentration but were not seen in two mutants, eir1-1 and aux1-7, with deficient auxin transport. Our results show that IAA regulates the size of the root elongation zone whereas 2,4-D affects cell production and actin-dependent processes; and, further, that elemental elongation and localization of PINs are appreciably independent of actin.  相似文献   

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