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Water beetles are proficient drag-powered swimmers,with oar-like legs.Inspired by this mechamsm,here we propose a miniature robot,with mobility provided by a pair of legs with swimming appendages.The robot has optimized linkage structure to maximize the stroke angle,which is actuated by a single DC motor with a series of gears and a spring.A simplified swimming appendage model is proposed to calculate the deflection due to the applied drag force,and is compared with simulated data using COMSOL Multiphysics.Also,the swimming appendages are optimized by considering their locations on the legs using two fitness functions,and six different configurations are selected.We investigate the performance of the robot with various types of appendage using a high-speed camera,and motion capture cameras.The robot with the proposed configuration exhibits fast and efficient movement compared with other robots.In addition,the locomotion of the robot is analyzed by considering its dynamics,and compared with that of a water boatman (Corixidae).  相似文献   

A Bio-Inspired Hopping Kangaroo Robot with an Active Tail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inspired by kangaroo's locomotion, we report on developing a kangaroo-style hopping robot. Unlike bipeds, quadrupeds, or hexapods which altemate the legs for forward locomotion, the kangaroo uses both legs synchronously and generates the forward locomotion by continuous hopping behavior, and the tail actively balances the unwanted angular momentum generated by the leg motion. In this work, we generate the Center of Mass (CoM) locomotion of the robot based on the reduced-order Rolling Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum (R-SLIP) model, for matching the dynamic behavior of the empirical robot legs. In order to compensate the possible body pitch variation, the robot is equipped with an active tail for pitch variation compensation, emulating the balance mechanism of a kangaroo. The robot is empirically built, and various design issues and strategies are addressed. Finally, the experimental evaluation is executed to validate the performance of the kangaroo-style robot with hopping locomotion.  相似文献   

Animals exhibit astoundingly adaptive and supple locomotion under real world constraints. In order to endow robots with similar capabilities, we must implement many degrees of freedom, equivalent to animals, into the robots’ bodies. For taming many degrees of freedom, the concept of autonomous decentralized control plays a pivotal role. However a systematic way of designing such autonomous decentralized control system is still missing. Aiming at understanding the principles that underlie animals’ locomotion, we have focused on a true slime mold, a primitive living organism, and extracted a design scheme for autonomous decentralized control system. In order to validate this design scheme, this article presents a soft-bodied amoeboid robot inspired by the true slime mold. Significant features of this robot are twofold: (1) the robot has a truly soft and deformable body stemming from real-time tunable springs and protoplasm, the former is used for an outer skin of the body and the latter is to satisfy the law of conservation of mass; and (2) fully decentralized control using coupled oscillators with completely local sensory feedback mechanism is realized by exploiting the long-distance physical interaction between the body parts stemming from the law of conservation of protoplasmic mass. Simulation results show that this robot exhibits highly supple and adaptive locomotion without relying on any hierarchical structure. The results obtained are expected to shed new light on design methodology for autonomous decentralized control system.  相似文献   

A systematic method for an autonomous decentralized control system is still lacking, despite its appealing concept. In order to alleviate this, we focused on the amoeboid locomotion of the true slime mold, and extracted a design scheme for the decentralized control mechanism that leads to adaptive behavior for the entire system, based on the so-called discrepancy function. In this paper, we intensively investigate the universality of this design scheme by applying it to a different type of locomotion based on a 'synthetic approach'. As a first step, we implement this design scheme to the control of a real physical two-dimensional serpentine robot that exhibits slithering locomotion. The experimental results show that the robot exhibits adaptive behavior and responds to the environmental changes; it is also robust against malfunctions of the body segments due to the local sensory feedback control that is based on the discrepancy function. We expect the results to shed new light on the methodology of autonomous decentralized control systems.  相似文献   

Autonomous decentralized control has attracted considerable attention because it enables us to understand the adaptive and versatile locomotion of animals and facilitates the construction of truly intelligent artificial agents. Thus far, we have developed a snake-like robot (HAUBOT I) that is driven by a decentralized control scheme based on a discrepancy function, which incorporates phasic control. In this paper, we investigate a decentralized control scheme in which phasic and tonic control are well coordinated, as an extension of our previous study. To verify the validity of the proposed control scheme, we apply it to a snake-like robot (HAUBOT II) that can adjust both the phase relationship between its body segments and the stiffness at each joint. The results indicate that the proposed control scheme enables the robot to exhibit remarkable real-time adaptability over various frictional and inclined terrains. These findings can potentially enable us to gain a deeper insight into the autonomous decentralized control mechanism underlying the adaptive and resilient locomotion of animals.  相似文献   

Central mechanisms by which specific motor programs are selected to achieve meaningful behaviors are not well understood. Using electrophysiological recordings from pharyngeal nerves upon central activation of neurotransmitter-expressing cells, we show that distinct neuronal ensembles can regulate different feeding motor programs. In behavioral and electrophysiological experiments, activation of 20 neurons in the brain expressing the neuropeptide hugin, a homolog of mammalian neuromedin U, simultaneously suppressed the motor program for food intake while inducing the motor program for locomotion. Decreasing hugin neuropeptide levels in the neurons by RNAi prevented this action. Reducing the level of hugin neuronal activity alone did not have any effect on feeding or locomotion motor programs. Furthermore, use of promoter-specific constructs that labeled subsets of hugin neurons demonstrated that initiation of locomotion can be separated from modulation of its motor pattern. These results provide insights into a neural mechanism of how opposing motor programs can be selected in order to coordinate feeding and locomotive behaviors.  相似文献   

New findings in the nervous system of invertebrates have shown how a number of features of central pattern generator (CPG) circuits contribute to the generation of robust flexible rhythms. In this paper we consider recently revealed strategies that living CPGs follow to design CPG control paradigms for modular robots. To illustrate them, we divide the task of designing an example CPG for a modular robot into independent problems. We formulate each problem in a general way and provide a bio-inspired solution for each of them: locomotion information coding, individual module control and inter-module coordination. We analyse the stability of the CPG numerically, and then test it on a real robot. We analyse steady state locomotion and recovery after perturbations. In both cases, the robot is able to autonomously find a stable effective locomotion state. Finally, we discuss how these strategies can result in a more general design approach for CPG-based locomotion.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in conceiving robotic systems that are able to move and act in an unstructured and not predefined environment, for which autonomy and adaptability are crucial features. In nature, animals are autonomous biological systems, which often serve as bio-inspiration models, not only for their physical and mechanical properties, but also their control structures that enable adaptability and autonomy—for which learning is (at least) partially responsible. This work proposes a system which seeks to enable a quadruped robot to online learn to detect and to avoid stumbling on an obstacle in its path. The detection relies in a forward internal model that estimates the robot’s perceptive information by exploring the locomotion repetitive nature. The system adapts the locomotion in order to place the robot optimally before attempting to step over the obstacle, avoiding any stumbling. Locomotion adaptation is achieved by changing control parameters of a central pattern generator (CPG)-based locomotion controller. The mechanism learns the necessary alterations to the stride length in order to adapt the locomotion by changing the required CPG parameter. Both learning tasks occur online and together define a sensorimotor map, which enables the robot to learn to step over the obstacle in its path. Simulation results show the feasibility of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Legged robots relying on dry adhesives for vertical climbing are required to preload their feet against the wall to increase contact surface area and consequently maximize adhesion force. Preloading a foot causes a redistribution of forces in the entire robot, including contact forces between the other feet and the wall. An inappropriate redistribution of these forces can cause irreparable detachment of the robot from the vertical surface. This paper investigates an optimal preloading and detaching strategy that minimizes energy consumption, while retaining safety, during locomotion on vertical surfaces. The gait of a six-legged robot is planned using a quasi-static model that takes into account both the structure of the robot and the characteristics of the adhesive material. The latter was modelled from experimental data collected for this paper. A constrained optimization routine is used, and its output is a sequence of optimal posture and motor torque set-points.  相似文献   

Artificial evolution of physical systems is a stochastic optimization method in which physical machines are iteratively adapted to a target function. The key for a meaningful design optimization is the capability to build variations of physical machines through the course of the evolutionary process. The optimization in turn no longer relies on complex physics models that are prone to the reality gap, a mismatch between simulated and real-world behavior. We report model-free development and evaluation of phenotypes in the artificial evolution of physical systems, in which a mother robot autonomously designs and assembles locomotion agents. The locomotion agents are automatically placed in the testing environment and their locomotion behavior is analyzed in the real world. This feedback is used for the design of the next iteration. Through experiments with a total of 500 autonomously built locomotion agents, this article shows diversification of morphology and behavior of physical robots for the improvement of functionality with limited resources.  相似文献   

Robot locomotion is an active research area. In this paper we focus on the locomotion of quadruped robots. An effective walking gait of quadruped robots is mainly concerned with two key aspects, namely speed and stability. The large search space of potential parameter settings for leg joints means that hand tuning is not feasible in general. As a result walking parameters are typically determined using machine learning techniques. A major shortcoming of using machine learning techniques is the significant wear and tear of robots since many parameter combinations need to be evaluated before an optimal solution is found.This paper proposes a direct walking gait learning approach, which is specifically designed to reduce wear and tear of robot motors, joints and other hardware. In essence we provide an effective learning mechanism that leads to a solution in a faster convergence time than previous algorithms. The results demonstrate that the new learning algorithm obtains a faster convergence to the best solutions in a short run. This approach is significant in obtaining faster walking gaits which will be useful for a wide range of applications where speed and stability are important. Future work will extend our methods so that the faster convergence algorithm can be applied to a two legged humanoid and lead to less wear and tear whilst still developing a fast and stable gait.  相似文献   

Animal locomotion requires highly coordinated working of the segmental neuronal networks that control the limb movements. Experiments have shown that sensory signals originating from the extremities play a pivotal role in controlling locomotion patterns by acting on central networks. Based on the results from stick insect locomotion, we constructed an inter-segmental model comprising local networks for all three legs, i.e. for the pro-, meso- and meta-thorax, their inter-connections and the main sensory inputs modifying their activities. In the model, the local networks are uniform, and each of them consists of a central pattern generator (CPG) providing the rhythmic oscillation for the protractor-retractor motor systems, the corresponding motoneurons (MNs), and local inhibitory interneurons (IINs) between the CPGs and the MNs. Between segments, the CPGs are connected cyclically by both excitatory and inhibitory pathways that are modulated by the aforementioned sensory inputs. Simulations done with our network model showed that it was capable of reproducing basic patterns of locomotion such as those occurring during tri- and tetrapod gaits. The model further revealed a number of elementary neuronal processes (e.g. synaptic inhibition, or changing the synaptic drive at specific neurons) that in the simulations were necessary, and in their entirety sufficient, to bring about a transition from one type of gait to another. The main result of this simulation study is that exactly the same mechanism underlies the transition between the two types of gait irrespective of the direction of the change. Moreover, the model suggests that the majority of these processes can be attributed to direct sensory influences, and changes are required only in centrally controlled synaptic drives to the CPGs.  相似文献   

Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural circuits that based on their connectivity can generate rhythmic and patterned output in the absence of rhythmic external inputs. This property makes CPGs crucial elements in the generation of many kinds of rhythmic motor behaviors in insects, such as flying, walking, swimming, or crawling. Arguably representing the most diverse group of animals, insects utilize at least one of these types of locomotion during one stage of their ontogenesis. Insects have been extensively used to study the neural basis of rhythmic motor behaviors, and particularly the structure and operation of CPGs involved in locomotion. Here, we review insect locomotion with regard to flying, walking, and crawling, and we discuss the contribution of central pattern generation to these three forms of locomotion. In each case, we compare and contrast the topology and structure of the CPGs, and we point out how these factors are involved in the generation of the respective motor pattern. We focus on the importance of sensory information for establishing a functional motor output and we indicate behavior‐specific adaptations. Furthermore, we report on the mechanisms underlying coordination between different body parts. Last but not least, by reviewing the state‐of‐the‐art knowledge concerning the role of CPGs in insect locomotion, we endeavor to create a common ground, upon which future research in the field of motor control in insects can build.  相似文献   

Vertebrate animals exhibit impressive locomotor skills. These locomotor skills are due to the complex interactions between the environment, the musculo-skeletal system and the central nervous system, in particular the spinal locomotor circuits. We are interested in decoding these interactions in the salamander, a key animal from an evolutionary point of view. It exhibits both swimming and stepping gaits and is faced with the problem of producing efficient propulsive forces using the same musculo-skeletal system in two environments with significant physical differences in density, viscosity and gravitational load. Yet its nervous system remains comparatively simple. Our approach is based on a combination of neurophysiological experiments, numerical modeling at different levels of abstraction, and robotic validation using an amphibious salamander-like robot. This article reviews the current state of our knowledge on salamander locomotion control, and presents how our approach has allowed us to obtain a first conceptual model of the salamander spinal locomotor networks. The model suggests that the salamander locomotor circuit can be seen as a lamprey-like circuit controlling axial movements of the trunk and tail, extended by specialized oscillatory centers controlling limb movements. The interplay between the two types of circuits determines the mode of locomotion under the influence of sensory feedback and descending drive, with stepping gaits at low drive, and swimming at high drive.  相似文献   

Comparison of human and humanoid robot control of upright stance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is considerable recent interest in developing humanoid robots. An important substrate for many motor actions in both humans and biped robots is the ability to maintain a statically or dynamically stable posture. Given the success of the human design, one would expect there are lessons to be learned in formulating a postural control mechanism for robots. In this study we limit ourselves to considering the problem of maintaining upright stance. Human stance control is compared to a suggested method for robot stance control called zero moment point (ZMP) compensation. Results from experimental and modeling studies suggest there are two important subsystems that account for the low- and mid-frequency (DC to 1 Hz) dynamic characteristics of human stance control. These subsystems are (1) a “sensory integration” mechanism whereby orientation information from multiple sensory systems encoding body kinematics (i.e. position, velocity) is flexibly combined to provide an overall estimate of body orientation while allowing adjustments (sensory re-weighting) that compensate for changing environmental conditions and (2) an “effort control” mechanism that uses kinetic-related (i.e., force-related) sensory information to reduce the mean deviation of body orientation from upright. Functionally, ZMP compensation is directly analogous to how humans appear to use kinetic feedback to modify the main sensory integration feedback loop controlling body orientation. However, a flexible sensory integration mechanism is missing from robot control leaving the robot vulnerable to instability in conditions where humans are able to maintain stance. We suggest the addition of a simple form of sensory integration to improve robot stance control. We also investigate how the biological constraint of feedback time delay influences the human stance control design. The human system may serve as a guide for improved robot control, but should not be directly copied because the constraints on robot and human control are different.  相似文献   

In research on small mobile robots and biomimetic robots,locomotion ability remains a major issue despite many advances in technology.However,evolution has led to there being many real animals capable of excellent locomotion.This paper presents a "parasitic robot system" whereby locomotion abilities of an animal are applied to a robot task.We chose a turtle as our first host animal and designed a parasitic robot that can perform "operant conditioning".The parasitic robot,which is attached to the turtle,can induce object-tracking behavior of the turtle toward a Light Emitting Diode (LED) and positively reinforce the behavior through repeated stimulus-response interaction.After training sessions over five weeks,the robot could successfully control the direction of movement of the trained turtles in the waypoint navigation task.This hybrid animal-robot interaction system could provide an alternative solution to some of the limitations of conventional mobile robot systems in various fields,and could also act as a useful interaction system for the behavioral sciences.  相似文献   

There are many kinds of swimming mode in the fish world, and we investigated two of them, used by cyprinids and bulltrout. In this paper we track the locomotion locus by marks in different flow velocity from 0.2 m·s^-1 to 0.8 m·s^-1. By fit the data above we could find out the locomotion mechanism of the two kinds of fish and generate a mathematical model of fish kine- matics. The cyprinid fish has a greater oscillation period and amplitude compared with the bulltrout, and the bulltrout changes velocity mainly by controlling frequency of oscillation.  相似文献   

The research field of legged robots has always relied on the bionic robotic research,especially in locomotion regulating approaches,such as foot trajectory planning,body stability regulating and energy efficiency prompting.Minimizing energy consumption and keeping the stability of body are considered as two main characteristics of human walking.This work devotes to develop an energy-efficient gait control method for electrical quadruped robots with the inspiration of human walking pattern.Based on the mechanical power distribution trend,an efficient humanoid power redistribution approach is established for the electrical quadruped robot.Through studying the walking behavior acted by mankind,such as the foot trajectory and change of mechanical power,we believe that the proposed controller which includes the bionic foot movement trajectory and humanoid power redistribution method can be implemented on the electrical quadruped robot prototype.The stability and energy efficiency of the proposed controller are tested by the simulation and the single-leg prototype experi-ment.The results verify that the humanoid power planning approach can improve the energy efficiency of the electrical quadruped robots.  相似文献   

The sequential stepping of left and right limbs is a fundamental motor behavior that underlies walking movements. This relatively simple locomotor behavior is generated by the rhythmic activity of motor neurons under the control of spinal neural networks known as central pattern generators (CPGs) that comprise multiple interneuron cell types. Little, however, is known about the identity and contribution of defined interneuronal populations to mammalian locomotor behaviors. We show a discrete subset of commissural spinal interneurons, whose fate is controlled by the activity of the homeobox gene Dbx1, has a critical role in controlling the left-right alternation of motor neurons innervating hindlimb muscles. Dbx1 mutant mice lacking these ventral interneurons exhibit an increased incidence of cobursting between left and right flexor/extensor motor neurons during drug-induced locomotion. Together, these findings identify Dbx1-dependent interneurons as key components of the spinal locomotor circuits that control stepping movements in mammals.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan parasites constitute one of the most significant groups of pathogens infecting humans and animals. The liver stage sporozoites of Plasmodium spp. and tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii, the causative agents of malaria and toxoplasmosis, respectively, use a unique mode of locomotion termed gliding motility to invade host cells and cross cell substrates. This amoeboid-like movement uses a parasite adhesin from the thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (TRAP) family and a set of proteins linking the extracellular adhesin, via an actin-myosin motor, to the inner membrane complex. The Plasmodium blood stage merozoite, however, does not exhibit gliding motility. Here we show that homologues of the key proteins that make up the motor complex, including the recently identified glideosome-associated proteins 45 and 50 (GAP40 and GAP50), are present in P. falciparum merozoites and appear to function in erythrocyte invasion. Furthermore, we identify a merozoite TRAP homologue, termed MTRAP, a micronemal protein that shares key features with TRAP, including a thrombospondin repeat domain, a putative rhomboid-protease cleavage site, and a cytoplasmic tail that, in vitro, binds the actin-binding protein aldolase. Analysis of other parasite genomes shows that the components of this motor complex are conserved across diverse Apicomplexan genera. Conservation of the motor complex suggests that a common molecular mechanism underlies all Apicomplexan motility, which, given its unique properties, highlights a number of novel targets for drug intervention to treat major diseases of humans and livestock.  相似文献   

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