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Heritable and visually detectable polymorphisms, such as trophic polymorphisms, ecotypes, or colour morphs, have become classical model systems among ecological geneticists and evolutionary biologists. The relatively simple genetic basis of many polymorphisms (one or a few loci) makes such species well-suited to study evolutionary processes in natural settings. More recently, polymorphic systems have become popular when studying the early stages of the speciation process and mechanisms facilitating or constraining the evolution of reproductive isolation. Although colour polymorphisms have been studied extensively in the past, we argue that they have been underutilized as model systems of constraints on speciation processes. Colouration traits may function as signalling characters in sexual selection contexts, and the maintenance of colour polymorphisms is often due to frequency-dependent selection. One important issue is why there are so few described cases of female polymorphisms. Here we present a synthetic overview of female sexual polymorphisms, drawing from our previous work on female colour polymorphisms in lizards and damselflies. We argue that female sexual polymorphisms have probably been overlooked in the past, since workers have mainly focused on male-male competition over mates and have not realized the ecological sources of genetic variation in female fitness. Recent experimental evolution studies on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) have demonstrated significant heritable variation among female genotypes in the fitness costs of resistance or tolerance to male mating harassment. In addition, female-female competition over resources could also generate genetic variation in female fitness and promote the maintenance of female sexual polymorphisms. Female sexual polymorphisms could subsequently either be maintained as intrapopulational polymorphisms or provide the raw material for the formation of new species.  相似文献   

In this issue, Flaxman et al. ( 2014 ) report the results of sophisticated whole‐genome simulations of speciation with gene flow, enhancing our understanding of the process by building on previous single‐locus, multilocus and analytical works. Their findings provide us with new insights about how genomes can diverge and the importance of statistical and chromosomal linkage in facilitating reproductive isolation. The authors characterize the conditions under which, even with high gene flow and weak divergent selection, reproductive isolation between populations can occur due to the emergent stochastic process of genomewide congealing, where numerous statistically or physically linked loci of small effect allow selection to limit effective migration rates. The initial congealing event can occur within a broad range conditions, and once initiated, the self‐reinforcing process leads to rapid divergence and ultimately two reproductively isolated populations. Flaxman et al.'s ( 2014 ) work is a valuable contribution to our understanding of speciation with gene flow and in making a more predictive field of evolutionary genomics and speciation.  相似文献   

Questions about how shifting distributions contribute to species diversification remain virtually without answer, even though rapid climate change during the Pleistocene clearly impacted genetic variation within many species. One factor that has prevented this question from being adequately addressed is the lack of precision associated with estimates of species divergence made from a single genetic locus and without incorporating processes that are biologically important as populations diverge. Analysis of DNA sequences from multiple variable loci in a coalescent framework that (i) corrects for gene divergence pre-dating speciation, and (ii) derives divergence-time estimates without making a priori assumptions about the processes underlying patterns of incomplete lineage sorting between species (i.e. allows for the possibility of gene flow during speciation), is critical to overcoming the inherent logistical and analytical difficulties of inferring the timing and mode of speciation during the dynamic Pleistocene. Estimates of species divergence that ignore these processes, use single locus data, or do both can dramatically overestimate species divergence. For example, using a coalescent approach with data from six loci, the divergence between two species of montane Melanoplus grasshoppers is estimated at between 200,000 and 300,000 years before present, far more recently than divergence estimates made using single-locus data or without the incorporation of population-level processes. Melanoplus grasshoppers radiated in the sky islands of the Rocky Mountains, and the analysis of divergence between these species suggests that the isolation of populations in multiple glacial refugia was an important factor in promoting speciation. Furthermore, the low estimates of gene flow between the species indicate that reproductive isolation must have evolved rapidly for the incipient species boundaries to be maintained through the subsequent glacial periods and shifts in species distributions.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditions for the origin and maintenance of postzygotic isolation barriers, so called (Bateson‐)Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities or DMIs, among populations that are connected by gene flow. Specifically, we compare the relative stability of pairwise DMIs among autosomes, X chromosomes, and mitochondrial genes. In an analytical approach based on a continent‐island framework, we determine how the maximum permissible migration rates depend on the genomic architecture of the DMI, on sex bias in migration rates, and on sex‐dependence of allelic and epistatic effects, such as dosage compensation. Our results show that X‐linkage of DMIs can enlarge the migration bounds relative to autosomal DMIs or autosome‐mitochondrial DMIs, in particular in the presence of dosage compensation. The effect is further strengthened with male‐biased migration. This mechanism might contribute to a higher density of DMIs on the X chromosome (large X‐effect) that has been observed in several species clades. Furthermore, our results agree with empirical findings of higher introgression rates of autosomal compared to X‐linked loci.  相似文献   

This review discusses the various aspects of the bio-geochemistry of germanium, and of its technological, economical and environmental importance. Despite the relatively low annual production and consumption of this semi-metal (ca. 80 metric tons/a) there are important technological applications of this element in the semiconductor, infrared optics and fibre optics/telecommunication industries. A small, but not insignificant fraction of this element is used for the production of pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements, although its actual merits have not been fully demonstrated yet, while they are opposed to chronic toxicity of the element when being administrated at relatively high doses for an extended period of time. Neither the exact mechanism of action in the case of cancer treatment or the treatment of infectious diseases is known, nor the reason for the toxicity of inorganic species of this element. In plants, Ge can partially substitute for B in the case of boron deficiency, although deficiency symptoms are still seen with a lag period of ca. one to three weeks. In biogeochemical respect, germanium and silicon react very similar, as if Ge were a very heavy isotope of Si. Their molar ratio is typically in the order of 0.6 × 10−6, with significant deviations only where germanium is complexed and transported, e.g., by humic-rich waters. Germanium is a very conservative element in biogeochemical terms: It hardly shows involvement in any biogeochemical reaction cycles and is mainly present in the form of complexes or hydroxo-compounds of the tetravalent germanium. The only naturally occurring organogermanium compounds are mono- and dimethylgermanium which are believed to be formed by microbiological activity in continental zones containing Ge-rich minerals, and then are leached into rivers, and finally into the open sea. It becomes evident that, although very sophisticated technological uses of germanium exist, a better understanding of its biogeochemical importance, cycling and reactivity must still be developed.  相似文献   

The genus Tripterygion is the unique genus of the family Tripterygiidae in the Mediterranean Sea and in the northeastern Atlantic coast. Three species and four subspecies had been described: Tripterygion tripteronotus and Tripterygion melanurus (T. m. melanurus and T. m. minor) are endemic of the Mediterranean, and T. delaisi (T. d. delaisi and T. d. xanthosoma) is found in both areas. We used five different genes (12S, 16S, tRNA-val, COI, and 18S) to elucidate their taxonomy status and their phylogenetic relationships. We employed different phylogenetic reconstructions that yielded different tree topologies. This discrepancy may be caused by the speciation process making difficult the reconstruction of a highly supported tree. All pair comparisons between these three species showed the same genetic divergence indicating that the speciation process could have been resolved by a rapid radiation event after the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.2Mya) leading to a trichotomy. Our molecular data revealed two clearly supported clades within T. tripteronotus, whose divergence largely exceeded that found between other fish species, consequently these two groups should be considered two cryptic species diverging 2.75-3.32Mya along the Pliocene glaciations. On the contrary, none of the genes studied supported the existence of two subspecies of T. melanurus. Finally, the two subspecies of T. delaisi were validated and probably originated during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations (1.10-1.23Mya), however their distribution ranges should be redefined.  相似文献   

The proligands PicMe-AaR (PicMe = methoxipicolyl-5-amide, where the amide substituent is an amino acid AaR = HisH, HisMe, IleH, IleMe, TrpH, TrpMe, HTyrEt, tBuTyrMe, HThrMe, tBuThrMe) and the complexes [VO(Pic-AaR)2] have been synthesised and characterised. A detailed EPR study of the VO2+/Pic-His systems in water revealed the predominance of the complex [VO(Pic-His)H2O] in the pH range 2-6, with tridentate coordination of Pic-His via the picolinate moiety and imidazole-Nδ. Speciation analyses of the binary systems VO2+/Pic-Aa (Aa = His, Ile, Trp) and the ternary systems VO2+/Pic-Aa/B (Aa = His, Ile; B = citrate (cit), lactate (lac), phosphate) showed a predominance of the ternary complexes [VO(Pic-Aa)(cit/lac)] and [VO(Pic-Aa)(cit/lac)OH] in the physiological pH regime. If, in addition, human serum albumin (HAS) and apotransferrin (Tf) are present, with all of the low and high molecular mass constituents in their blood serum concentrations, about two thirds of VO2+ is bound to the protein, while there is still a sizable amount of ternary complex [VO(Pic-Aa)(cit/lac)] present (about 1/4 for Pic-His and 1/3 for Pic-Ile) when the vanadium(IV) concentration is relatively high; at lower concentrations Tf is the predominant binder. Insulin-mimetic studies for VO2+/Pic-Aa (Aa = His, Ile, Tyr and Trp), based on a lipolysis assay with rat adipocytes, provided IC50 values of 0.41(1) for VO2+/Pic-His and VO2+/Pic-Ile, which compares with 0.87(17) for VOSO4.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships among recently diverged species is complicated by three general problems: segregation of polymorphisms that pre-date species divergence, gene flow during and after speciation, and intra-locus recombination. In light of these difficulties, the Y chromosome offers several important advantages over other genomic regions as a source of phylogenetic information. These advantages include the absence of recombination, rapid coalescence, and reduced opportunity for interspecific introgression due to hybrid male sterility. In this report, we test the phylogenetic utility of Y-chromosomal sequences in two groups of closely related and partially inter-fertile Drosophila species. In the D. bipectinata species complex, Y-chromosomal loci unambiguously recover the phylogeny most consistent with previous multi-locus analysis and with reproductive relationships, and show no evidence of either post-speciation gene flow or persisting ancestral polymorphisms. In the D. simulans species complex, the situation is complicated by the duplication of at least one Y-linked gene region, followed by intrachromosomal recombination between the duplicate genes that scrambles their genealogy. We suggest that Y-chromosomal sequences are a useful tool for resolving phylogenetic relationships among recently diverged species, especially in male-heterogametic organisms that conform to Haldane's rule. However, duplication of Y-linked genes may not be uncommon, and special care should be taken to distinguish between orthologous and paralogous sequences.  相似文献   

Examples of long‐term coevolution are rare among free‐living organisms. Müllerian mimicry in Heliconius butterflies had been suggested as a key example of coevolution by early genetic studies. However, research over the last two decades has been dominated by the idea that the best‐studied comimics, H. erato and H. melpomene, did not coevolve at all. Recently sequenced genes associated with wing color pattern phenotype offer a new opportunity to resolve this controversy. Here, we test the hypothesis of coevolution between H. erato and H. melpomene using Bayesian multilocus analysis of five color pattern genes and five neutral genetic markers. We first explore the extent of phylogenetic agreement versus conflict between the different genes. Coevolution is then tested against three aspects of the mimicry diversifications: phylogenetic branching patterns, divergence times, and, for the first time, phylogeographic histories. We show that all three lines of evidence are compatible with strict coevolution of the diverse mimicry wing patterns, contrary to some recent suggestions. Instead, these findings tally with a coevolutionary diversification driven primarily by the ecological force of Müllerian mimicry.  相似文献   

Conservation biology needs to be concerned not just with exogenous threats to populations, but also with the changing nature of populations themselves. In a previous review paper, we highlighted evolution in contemporary time (years to decades) as a largely overlooked aspect of population responses to environmental perturbations. We argued that these responses might affect the fate of natural, managed and exotic populations. In the present review, we discuss issues that may limit the integration of contemporary evolution into conservation biology—with the intent that recognition of these limitations may foster research, discussion and resolution. In particular, we consider (1) alternative perceptions of “evolutionary” and “ecological” time, (2) the role of contemporary evolution as an ecological process, (3) fitness as a bridge between evolution and conservation, and (4) challenges faced by conservation strategies based on gene flow estimation or manipulation. We close by highlighting some situations in which current conservation approaches and contemporary evolution may require reconciliation.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiations consist of two intertwined processes, diversification of species and diversification of their ecological niches, but it is unclear whether there is a causal link between the processes. In phytophagous insects, ecological diversification mainly involves shifts in host-plant associations and in larval feeding habits (internal or external) on different plant parts, and several observations indicate that speciation is facilitated by host shifts. Data on host use in individual species suggest that internal feeders are less likely to colonize new hosts than external-feeding taxa and, consequently, increases in collective host ranges and species numbers should be slowed down in endophagous lineages. We tested these related hypotheses by using phylogenetic information to reconstruct the evolutionary history of larval resource use in the sawfly subfamily Nematinae, a group of 1000 plus species with a broad range of niches: the subfamily's combined host range includes over 20 plant families, and larvae may feed externally on leaves or needles, or internally, for example, in buds, fruits, leaves, or galls. The results show that: (1) Most internally feeding groups have evolved independently from external-feeding ancestors, but several distinct internal habits have appeared convergently multiple times; (2) Shifts among host taxa are clearly more common than changes in larval habits; (3) The majority of host switches have occurred among phylogenetically close plant groups, but many shifts are manifest among distantly related, ecologically proximate hosts; (4) Although external feeding characteristic of the common ancestor of Nematinae is associated with relatively high rates of host-shifting, internal feeders are very conservative in their host use; (5) In contrast, the effect of endophagy on speciation probabilities is more variable: net speciation rates are lowered in most internal-feeding groups, but a striking exception is found in species that induce galls on Salicaceae. The loose connection between collective host ranges and species diversity provides empirical support for theoretical models suggesting that speciation rates are a function of a complex interplay between "intrinsic" niche width and resource heterogeneity.  相似文献   

There is a long tradition in population genetics of exploring the maintenance of variation under migration-selection balance using deterministic models that assume infinite population size. With finite population size, stochastic dynamics can greatly reduce the potential for the maintenance of polymorphism, but this has yet to be explored in detail. Here, classical two-patch models are extended to predict: (1) the probability of a locally beneficial mutation rising in frequency in the patch where it is favored and (2) the critical threshold migration rate above which the maintenance of polymorphism is much less likely. Individual-based simulations show that these approximations provide accurate predictions across a wide range of parameter space.  相似文献   

Many crops cultivated in mining areas have been found to accumulate high levels of antimony (Sb) in their edible parts, thereby causing potential risks to human health. Understanding the behaviours of Sb in plants is important, particularly the mechanisms involved in its uptake, toxicity, detoxification and accumulation in crops. Many factors affect the uptake of Sb in plants, including water management, Sb speciation and some coexisting ions in soils. At present, the mechanisms of Sb uptake by plants have not been fully elucidated so far. The uptake of Sb has been proposed to occur mainly through the passive pathway; however, it is possible that an active pathway exists as well. Antimony can damage plants, including growth retardation, inhibition of photosynthesis, decreases in the uptake of certain essential elements and decreases in the synthesis of certain metabolites. Plants often have defence mechanisms to alleviate Sb toxicity; e.g., a highly efficient antioxidative system and the ability to immobilise Sb in the cell wall or compartmentalise Sb in the cytosol. Such mechanisms have been widely reported in Sb-tolerant and Sb-accumulating plants. In view of the above knowledge, several questions remain: (1) What is the actual uptake pathway of Sb in plants? (2) Does Sb participate in redox reactions within plants? (3) What is the role of metabolic reactions of Sb in Sb toxicity to plants? (4) Can Sb be methylated, and if so, how? (5) How does Sb induce bursts of reactive oxidative species (ROS)?  相似文献   

Molecular methods as applied to the biogeography of single species (phylogeography) or multiple codistributed species (comparative phylogeography) have been productively and extensively used to elucidate common historical features in the diversification of the Earth's biota. However, only recently have methods for estimating population divergence times or their confidence limits while taking into account the critical effects of genetic polymorphism in ancestral species become available, and earlier methods for doing so are underutilized. We review models that address the crucial distinction between the gene divergence, the parameter that is typically recovered in molecular phylogeographic studies, and the population divergence, which is in most cases the parameter of interest and will almost always postdate the gene divergence. Assuming that population sizes of ancestral species are distributed similarly to those of extant species, we show that phylogeographic studies in vertebrates suggest that divergence of alleles in ancestral species can comprise from less than 10% to over 50% of the total divergence between sister species, suggesting that the problem of ancestral polymorphism in dating population divergence can be substantial. The variance in the number of substitutions (among loci for a given species or among species for a given gene) resulting from the stochastic nature of DNA change is generally smaller than the variance due to substitutions along allelic lines whose coalescence times vary due to genetic drift in the ancestral population. Whereas the former variance can be reduced by further DNA sequencing at a single locus, the latter cannot. Contrary to phylogeographic intuition, dating population divergence times when allelic lines have achieved reciprocal monophyly is in some ways more challenging than when allelic lines have not achieved monophyly, because in the former case critical data on ancestral population size provided by residual ancestral polymorphism is lost. In the former case differences in coalescence time between species pairs can in principle be explained entirely by differences in ancestral population size without resorting to explanations involving differences in divergence time. Furthermore, the confidence limits on population divergence times are severely underestimated when those for number of substitutions per site in the DNA sequences examined are used as a proxy. This uncertainty highlights the importance of multilocus data in estimating population divergence times; multilocus data can in principle distinguish differences in coalescence time (T) resulting from differences in population divergence time and differences in T due to differences in ancestral population sizes and will reduce the confidence limits on the estimates. We analyze the contribution of ancestral population size (theta) to T and the effect of uncertainty in theta on estimates of population divergence (tau) for single loci under reciprocal monophyly using a simple Bayesian extension of Takahata and Satta's and Yang's recent coalescent methods. The confidence limits on tau decrease when the range over which ancestral population size theta is assumed to be distributed decreases and when tau increases; they generally exclude zero when tau/(4Ne) > 1. We also apply a maximum-likelihood method to several single and multilocus data sets. With multilocus data, the criterion for excluding tau = 0 is roughly that l tau/(4Ne) > 1, where l is the number of loci. Our analyses corroborate recent suggestions that increasing the number of loci is critical to decreasing the uncertainty in estimates of population divergence time.  相似文献   

物种形成过程是生物多样性形成的基础, 长期以来一直是进化生物学的中心议题之一。传统的异域物种形成理论认为, 地理隔离是物种分化的主要决定因子, 物种形成只有在种群之间存在地理隔离的情况下才能发生。近年来, 随着种群基因组学的发展和溯祖理论分析方法的完善, 种群间存在基因流情况下的物种形成成为进化生物学领域新的研究焦点。物种形成过程中是否有基因流的发生?基因流如何影响物种的形成与分化?基因流存在条件下物种形成的生殖隔离机制是什么?根据已发表的相关文献资料, 作者综述了当前物种形成研究中基因流的时间和空间分布模式、基因流对物种分化的影响以及生殖隔离机制形成等问题, 指出基因流存在条件下的物种形成可能是自然界普遍发生的一种模式。  相似文献   

The livestock sector is one of the fastest growing subsectors of the agricultural economy and, while it makes a major contribution to global food supply and economic development, it also consumes significant amounts of natural resources and alters the environment. In order to improve our understanding of the global environmental impact of livestock supply chains, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has developed the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM). The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of GLEAM. Specifically, it explains the model architecture, methods and functionality, that is the types of analysis that the model can perform. The model focuses primarily on the quantification of greenhouse gases emissions arising from the production of the 11 main livestock commodities. The model inputs and outputs are managed and produced as raster data sets, with spatial resolution of 0.05 decimal degrees. The Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model v1.0 consists of five distinct modules: (a) the Herd Module; (b) the Manure Module; (c) the Feed Module; (d) the System Module; (e) the Allocation Module. In terms of the modelling approach, GLEAM has several advantages. For example spatial information on livestock distributions and crops yields enables rations to be derived that reflect the local availability of feed resources in developing countries. The Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model also contains a herd model that enables livestock statistics to be disaggregated and variation in livestock performance and management to be captured. Priorities for future development of GLEAM include: improving data quality and the methods used to perform emissions calculations; extending the scope of the model to include selected additional environmental impacts and to enable predictive modelling; and improving the utility of GLEAM output.  相似文献   

One of the primary challenges of evolutionary research is to identify ecological factors that favour reproductive isolation. Therefore, studying partially isolated taxa has the potential to provide novel insight into the mechanisms of evolutionary divergence. Our study utilizes an adaptive colour polymorphism in the arc‐eye hawkfish (Paracirrhites arcatus) to explore the evolution of reproductive barriers in the absence of geographic isolation. Dark and light morphs are ecologically partitioned into basaltic and coral microhabitats a few metres apart. To test whether ecological barriers have reduced gene flow among dark and light phenotypes, we evaluated genetic variation at 30 microsatellite loci and a nuclear exon (Mc1r) associated with melanistic coloration. We report low, but significant microsatellite differentiation among colour morphs and stronger divergence in the coding region of Mc1r indicating signatures of selection. Critically, we observed greater genetic divergence between colour morphs on the same reefs than that between the same morphs in different geographic locations. We hypothesize that adaptation to the contrasting microhabitats is overriding gene flow and is responsible for the partial reproductive isolation observed between sympatric colour morphs. Combined with complementary studies of hawkfish ecology and behaviour, these genetic results indicate an ecological barrier to gene flow initiated by habitat selection and enhanced by assortative mating. Hence, the arc‐eye hawkfish fulfil theoretical expectations for the earliest phase of speciation with gene flow.  相似文献   

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