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This study describes delay and probability discounting patterns for hypothetical food and money in relation to percent body fat (PBF). Sixty university students completed four computerized discounting tasks in which they were asked to make a series of hypothetical decisions between (a) 10 dollars after one of several different delays (1, 2, 30, 180, and 365 days) or a smaller amount of money available immediately; (b) 10 bites of food after one of several delays (1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 h) or a smaller number of bites available immediately; (c) $10 at one of several probabilities (0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1) or a smaller amount of money to be received for sure; and (d) 10 bites of food at one of several probabilities (0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1) or a smaller number of bites to be received for sure. Median indifference points for all participants across each task were well described using the hyperbolic discounting function. Results suggest that percent body fat predicted discounting for hypothetical food, but not money, using regression analyses with the entire sample and when comparing individuals in the high and low quartiles for PBF. None of the other dietary variables (body mass index, subjective hunger, and time since last meal or snack) were related to discounting patterns. This suggests that individuals with high PBF may exhibit heightened sensitivities to delay and probability when making decisions about food.  相似文献   

Previously, we (McKerchar et al., 2009) showed that two-parameter hyperboloid models ( [Green and Myerson, 2004] and [Rachlin, 2006]) provide significantly better fits to delay discounting data than simple, one-parameter hyperbolic and exponential models. Here, we extend this effort by comparing fits of the two-parameter hyperboloid models to data from a larger sample of participants (N = 171) who discounted probabilistic as well as delayed rewards. In particular, we examined the effects of amount on the exponents in the two hyperboloid models of delay and probability discounting in order to evaluate key theoretical predictions of the standard psychophysical scaling interpretation of these exponents. Both the Rachlin model and the Green and Myerson model provided very good fits to delay and probability discounting of both small and large amounts at both the group and individual levels (all R2s > .97 at the group level; all median R2s > .92 at the individual level). For delay discounting, the exponent in both models did not vary as a function of delayed amount, consistent with the psychophysical scaling interpretation. For probability discounting, however, the exponent in both models increased as the probabilistic amount increased—a finding inconsistent with the scaling interpretation.  相似文献   

Delay discounting is steeper for individuals who drink heavily or are alcohol dependent, but the reasons for this are unclear. Given the substantial genetic component for alcohol dependence it is not unreasonable to ask whether discounting and alcohol dependence have a genetic relationship. For there to be a genetic relationship, delay discounting must have a genetic component (heritability). A review of the human and animal literature suggests that this is the case. Other literature examining whether discounting is a correlated phenotype in individuals who are genetically predisposed to drink (family history positive individuals and selected lines of rats and mice) is mixed, suggesting that networks of genes are critical for the relationship to be seen. The identities of the genes in this network are not yet known, but research examining polymorphisms associated with differences in discounting is beginning to address this issue.  相似文献   

Research has generally demonstrated that the discounting of delayed rewards is associated with severity of addictive behaviour. Less clear, however, is the relative strength of the relation for specific addictive behaviours. University students (N = 218) completed a computerized delay discounting task for hypothetical monetary rewards, and gambling, cannabis, and alcohol problem severity was assessed. A multiple regression analysis revealed that while the overall model was significant, only gambling problem severity accounted for delay discounting scores above and beyond cannabis and alcohol problem severity. The results support the hypothesis that delay discounting of hypothetical monetary rewards is more associated with gambling than other addictive behaviour problems, including substance use problems.  相似文献   

Different procedures are often used across experiments to estimate the degree of delay discounting, a common measure of impulsivity. In all procedures, participants indicate their choice between a reward available immediately and one available after a delay. The present experiment determined whether there are differences in the degree of discounting for a hypothetical $100 produced by a procedure that titrates the immediate amount (titrating sequence procedure) versus a procedure that presents a fixed sequence of immediate amounts (fixed sequence procedure) using a within-subject design. The adult human participants showed no significant differences in degree of discounting between procedures as assessed by a hyperboloid model and the Area Under the Curve. Furthermore, the Area Under the Curve values from the two procedures showed a strong positive correlation. These findings suggest there may be no systematic difference between the degree of delay discounting as estimated by the titrating sequence and fixed sequence procedures. Given the apparent similarities in the results, it appears researchers may be justified in basing their choice of which procedure to use on convenience.  相似文献   

The present study used the discounting procedure to characterize choice behaviors regarding hypothetical sexual outcomes. Eighty-six adult undergraduate students completed computerized delay and probability discounting tasks concerning hypothetical money and hypothetical sexual activity. Consistent with other discounting findings, hyperbolic and hyperbola-like decay models described individual and group median indifference point data well. These findings contribute to a growing literature on the relevance of the discounting procedure to decision-making processes and suggest that the discounting procedure may be useful for understanding the processes that underlie social problem behaviors associated with impulsive sexual decisions.  相似文献   

Individual discounting rates for different types of delayed reward are typically assumed to reflect a single, underlying trait of impulsivity. Recently, we showed that discounting rates are orders of magnitude steeper for directly consumable liquid rewards than for monetary rewards (Jimura et al., 2009), raising the question of whether discounting rates for different types of reward covary at the individual level. Accordingly, the present study examined the relation between discounting of hypothetical money and real liquid rewards in young adults (Experiment 1) and older adults (Experiment 2). At the group level, young adults discounted monetary rewards more steeply than the older adults, but there was no significant age difference with respect to liquid rewards. At the individual level, the rates at which young and older participants discounted each reward type were stable over a two- to fifteen-week interval (rs > 70), but there was no significant correlation between the rates at which they discounted the two reward types. These results suggest that although similar decision-making processes may underlie the discounting of different types of rewards, the rates at which individuals discount money and directly consumable rewards may reflect separate, stable traits, rather than a single trait of impulsivity.  相似文献   

Procedural variants in estimating delay discounting (DD) have been shown to yield significant within-subject differences in estimated degree of delay discounting as well as variations in the patterns of choice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of subject control over the number of trials in a delay discounting task, on degree of delay discounting. Participants were assessed with two computerized DD assessments: the full-length method presented participants with a fixed set of 240 trials, and the abbreviated task, where once participants had shown indifference between the immediate and delayed rewards, the remaining trials for that delay value were omitted. While the full-length and abbreviated methods did not differentially affect patterns of choice or estimated delay discounting, the order of presentation (ascending or descending) of immediate rewards produced differences in each measure: rate of delay discounting was significantly lower when estimated with the descending sequence; a larger proportion of area under the discounting curve was concentrated around the indifference point trial with the descending sequence; and a lower correlation was observed between estimates obtained across methods with the descending sequence.  相似文献   

Temporal discounting is the reduction of the value of a reinforcer as a function of increasing delay to its presentation. Impulsive individuals discount delayed consequences more rapidly than self-controlled individuals, and impulsivity has been related to substance abuse, gambling, and other problem behaviors. A growing body of literature has identified biological correlates of impulsivity, though little research to date has examined relations between delay discounting and markers of poor health (e.g., cardiovascular reactivity to stress). We evaluated the relation between one aspect of impulsivity, measured using a computerized temporal discounting task, and heart rate reactivity, measured as a change in heart rate from rest during a serial subtraction task. A linear regression showed that individuals who were more reactive to stress responded more impulsively (i.e., discounted delayed reinforcers more rapidly). When results were stratified by gender, the effect was observed for females, but not for males. This finding supports previous research on gender differences in cardiovascular reactivity and suggests that this type of reactivity may be an important correlate of impulsive behavior.  相似文献   

Humans, like other animals, typically discount the value of delayed rewards relative to those available in the present. From an evolutionary perspective, prioritising immediate rewards is a predictable response to high local mortality rates, as is an acceleration of reproductive scheduling. In a sample of 46 countries, we explored the cross-country relationships between average life expectancy, intertemporal choice, and women's age at first birth. We find that, across countries, lower life expectancy is associated with both a smaller percentage of people willing to wait for a larger but delayed reward, as well as a younger age at first birth. These results, which hold when controlling for region and economic pressure (GDP-per capita), dovetail with findings at the individual level to suggest that life expectancy is an important ecological predictor of both intertemporal and reproductive decision-making.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Investigators studying the relationship between egg size and young size often face difficulties in assigning particular young to particular eggs. We present a new method based on the use of separate net sacks for each egg that allowed us to study this phenomenon in Common Pochards ( Aythya ferina ) without excessive disturbance of breeding birds. We found a positive isometric relationship between duckling body mass and estimated fresh egg mass ( P < 0.001). However, we found no relationship between estimated fresh egg mass and structural measurements of ducklings (tarsus and bill length, both P > 0.29). In addition, we found a weak positive relationship between estimated egg mass and the size of ducklings ( P = 0.049). Greater hatchling mass typically means a larger yolk supply, and more yolk may provide energy crucial for survival during the first few days after hatching. In addition, ducklings with longer tarsi may be better swimmers and better at finding food and escaping from predators. Although our method has certain limitations and investigators should consider risks when applying it in over-water nests or in nests with large clutches, we believe it is a reliable way to assign young to particular eggs in waterfowl and possibly other bird species.  相似文献   

Although the UK is the largest lamb meat producer in Europe, there are limited data available on sheep flock performance and on how sheep farmers manage their flocks. The aims of this study were to gather evidence on the types of disease control practices implemented in sheep flocks, and to explore husbandry factors associated with flock productivity. A questionnaire focusing on farm characteristics, general husbandry and flock health management was carried out in 648 farms located in the UK over summer 2016. Abattoir sales data (lamb sales over 12 months) was compared with the number of breeding ewes on farm to estimate flock productivity (number of lambs sold for meat per 100 ewes per farm per year). Results of a multivariable linear regression model, conducted on 615 farms with complete data, indicated that farms vaccinating ewes against abortion and clostridial agents and administering a group 4/5 anthelmintic to ewes (as recommended by the Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep Initiative) during quarantining had a greater flock productivity than farms not implementing these actions (P<0.01 and 0.02, respectively). Flocks with maternal breed types had higher productivity indexes compared with flocks with either pure hill or terminal breeds (P<0.01). Farms weighing lambs during lactation had greater productivity than those not weighing (P<0.01). Importantly, these actions were associated with other disease control practices, for example, treating individual lame ewes with an antibiotic injection, weaning lambs between 13 and 15 weeks of age and carrying out faecal egg counts, suggesting that an increase in productivity may be associated with the combined effect of these factors. This study provides new evidence on the positive relationship between sheep flock performance and disease control measures and demonstrates that lamb sales data can be used as a baseline source of information on flock performance and for farm benchmarking. Further research is needed to explore additional drivers of flock performance.  相似文献   

The relationship between maternal and paternal affection, reported in adulthood, and personality was examined using a genetically sensitive research design comparing differences between monozygotic twins. Using life history theory as a framework, it was predicted that differences in maternal and paternal affection would be predictive of differences in personality such that the twin reporting greater maternal and paternal affection would also report a personality profile reflective of a slow life history strategy. Specifically, it was predicted that the twin that reported greater maternal and paternal affection would also score high on the meta-traits of plasticity, stability, and the general factor of personality (GFP). The results supported the hypotheses, with most variance accounted for by the GFP. Additional results suggest that differences in paternal affection exhibit a stronger effect and that stability and plasticity may provide unique information about the association between differences in parental affection and differences in personality. Attachment and parental investment theories offer possible explanations for the findings, although alternative explanations are also proffered. It may also be beneficial for future research using a monozygotic twin difference approach to utilize biometric measures of life history strategy.  相似文献   

Resistance of bacteria to phages may be gained by alteration of surface proteins to which phages bind, a mechanism that is likely to be costly as these molecules typically have critical functions such as movement or nutrient uptake. To address this potential trade-off, we combine a systematic study of natural bacteria and phage populations with an experimental evolution approach. We compare motility, growth rate and susceptibility to local phages for 80 bacteria isolated from horse chestnut leaves and, contrary to expectation, find no negative association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility or growth rate. However, because correlational patterns (and their absence) are open to numerous interpretations, we test for any causal association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility using experimental evolution of a subset of bacteria in both the presence and absence of naturally associated phages. Again, we find no clear link between the acquisition of resistance and bacterial motility, suggesting that for these natural bacterial populations, phage-mediated selection is unlikely to shape bacterial motility, a key fitness trait for many bacteria in the phyllosphere. The agreement between the observed natural pattern and the experimental evolution results presented here demonstrates the power of this combined approach for testing evolutionary trade-offs.  相似文献   

Here, we developed a novel in vitro co-culture model, in which process-bearing astrocytes and isolated cerebral microvessels from mice were co-cultured. Astrocytes formed contacts with microvessels from both adult and neonatal mice. However, concentrated localization of the immunofluorescence signal for aquaporin-4 (AQP4) at contact sites between perivascular endfoot processes and blood vessels was only detected with neonatal mouse microvessels. Contact between astrocytic processes and microvessels was retained, whereas concentrated localization of AQP4 signal at contact sites was lost, by knockdown of dystroglycan or α-syntrophin, reflecting polarized localization of AQP4 at perivascular regions in the brain. Further, using our in vitro co-culture model, we found that astrocytes predominantly extend processes to pericytes located at the abluminal surface of microvessels, providing additional evidence that this model is representative of the in vivo situation. Altogether, we have developed a novel in vitro co-culture model that can reproduce aspects of the in vivo situation and is useful for assessing contact formation between astrocytes and blood vessels.  相似文献   

We evaluate the areas with potential negative impacts in a golden eagle population derived of the development of wind farms. At present, the entire golden eagle Galician population (5–6 pairs) is located within an area of about 2,000 km2. Grid squares of 10 × 10 km UTM in the province were scored for current and future wind turbine density and probability of occurrence of golden eagle. This probability was obtained using cartographic models of habitat selection for two different historic periods. Potential risk index (PRI) was calculated for each grid square by multiplying the wind turbine density score by the probability of occurrence score. With the PRIs obtained a cartographic model of potential impact of wind farms on the golden eagle population was constructed. No significant correlation was observed between current wind turbine density and the probability of occurrence of golden eagle. A significant positive correlation was observed between current and future wind turbine density and the probability of occurrence of golden eagle. The areas with highest potential risk are eastern and the central mountains of Ourense where the species breeds. The risk model presented could be applied to future wind farm proposals and monitor potential interactions of golden eagles with wind farms in the Province of Ourense.  相似文献   

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