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The recent discovery of new postcranial fossils, particularly associated body parts, of several Plio-Pleistocene hominids provides a new opportunity to assess body size in human evolution.1 Body size plays a central role in the biology of animals because of its relationship to brain size, feeding behavior, habitat preference, social behavior, and much more. Unfortunately, the prediction of body weight from fossils is inherently inaccurate because skeletal size does not reflect body size exactly and because the fossils are from species having body proportions for which there are no analogues among modern species. The approach here is to find the relationship between body size and skeletal size in ape and human specimens of known body weight at death and to apply this knowledge to the hominid fossils, using a variety of statistical methods, knowledge of the associated partial skeletons of the of early hominids, formulae derived from a modern human sample, and, finally, common sense. The following modal weights for males and females emerge: Australopithecus afarensis, 45 and 29 kg; A. africanus, 41 and 30 kg; A. robustus, 40 and 32 kg; A. boisei, 49 and 34 kg; H. habilis, 52 and 32 kg. The best known African early H. erectus were much larger with weights ranging from 55 kg on up. These estimates imply that (1) in the earliest hominid species and the “robust” australopithecines body sizes remained small relative to modern standards, but between 2.0 and 1.7 m.y.a. there was a rapid increase to essentially modern body size with the appearance of Homo erectus; (2) the earliest species had a degree of body size sexual dimorphism well above that seen in modern humans but below that seen in modern gorillas and orangs which implies (along with other evidence) a social organization characterized by kin-related, multi-male groups with females who were not kin-related; (3) relative brain sizes increased through time; (4) there were two divergent trends in relative cheek-tooth size—a steady increase through time from A. afarensis to A. africanus to the “robust” australopithecines, and a decrease beginning with H. habilis to H. erectus to H. sapiens.  相似文献   

The “robust” australopithecines are often depicted as having large and powerfully built bodies to match their massive masticatory apparatus, but until 1988 the sample of postcranial remains attributed with certainty to this group was very limited. Almost nothing was known about the body of the East African “robust” australopithecine because taxonomic attribution of the postcrania was so uncertain. The body of the South African “robust” australopithecine had to be reconstructed from about a dozen isolated fragments of postcrania. Now a partial skeleton is attributed with confidence to the East African “robust” group along with several isolated bones. The South African sample has more than tripled. Analyses of this vastly expanded sample reveal that a large portion of postcrania attributed to “robust” australopithecines from Swartkrans Member 1 (35%) are from extraordinarily small-bodied individuals similar in size to a modern Pygmy weighing as little as 28 kg. These small elements include parts from the forelimb, spine, and hindlimb. About 22% of these Swartkrans 1 “robust” australopithecines are about the same size as a modern human weighing about 43 kgs and about 43% are larger than this standard but less than or equal to a 54 kg modern human. Approximately the same pattern is true for the Swartkrans 2 hominids, but taxonomic attribution is less certain. All of the Member 3 specimens are similar in size to the 45 kg standard. The partial skeleton of the East African “robust” australopithecine (KNM-ER 1500) has hindlimb joints that would correspond to a modern human of 34 kgs although the actual weight may be 5 to 10 kgs greater judging from shaft robusticity and forelimb size. The largest postcranial element attributed with some certainty to the East African “robust” australopithecine group (the talus, KNM-ER 1464) is about the same overall size as a modern human of 54 kgs, although its tibial facet is slightly smaller. Although many previous studies have hinted at the possibility that “robust” australopithecines had relatively small bodies, the new fossils provide substantial evidence that these creatures ranged from quite small to only moderate in body size relative to modern humans. These were the petite-bodied vegetarian cousins of our ancestors. Sexual dimorphism in body size appears to be greater than that in modern humans, similar to that in Pan, and less than that in Gorilla or Pongo, although such comparisons are of limited value given the small samples, poorly known body proportions, time averaging, and many other problems.  相似文献   

The body weight of the Plio-Pleistocene hominids of Africa is estimated by predicting equations derived from the Terry Collection of human skeletons with known body weights. About 50% of the variance in body weight can be accounted for by vertebral and femoral size. Predicted early hominid weights range from 27.6 kg (61 lb) to 54.3 kg (119 lb). The average weight for Australopithecus is 43.2 kg (95 lb) and for Homo sp. indet. from East Rudolf, Kenya, is 52.8 kg (116 lb). These estimates are consistent even if pongid proportions are assumed. Indices of encephalization show that the brain to body weight ratio in Australopithecus is above the great ape averages but well below Homo sapiens. The Homo sp. indet. represented by the KNM-ER 1470, O.H. 7 and O.H. 13 crania have encephalization indices above Australopithecus despite the greater body weight of the former.  相似文献   

The choice of a model taxon is crucial when investigating fossil hominids that clearly do not resemble any extant species (such as Australopithecus) or show significant differences from modern human proportions (such as Homo habilis OH 62). An “interhominoid” combination is not adequate either, as scaling with body weight is strongly divergent in African apes and humans for most skeletal predictors investigated here. Therefore, in relation to a study of seven long bone dimensions, a new taxon-“independent” approach is suggested. For a given predictor, its taxonomic “independence” is restricted to the size range over which the body weight-predictor relationship for African apes and humans converges. Different predictors produce converging body weight estimates (BWEs) for different size ranges: taxon-“independent” estimates can be calculated for small- and medium-sized hominids (e. g., for weights below 50 kg) using femoral and tibial dimensions, whereas upper limb bones provide converging results for large hominids (above 50 kg). If the remains of Australopithecus afarensis really belong to one species, the relationship of male (above 60 kg) to female body weight (approximately 30 kg) does not fall within the observed range of modern hominoids. Considering Sts 14 (22 kg) to represent a small-sized Australopithecus africanus, the level of encephalization lies well above that of extant apes. If OH 62 (approximately 25 kg), with limb proportions less human-like than those of australopithecines, indeed represents Homo habilis (which has been questioned previously), an increase in relative brain size would have occurred well before full bipedality, an assumption running counter to current assumptions concerning early human evolution. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Evolution at the Crossroads: Modern Human Emergence in Western Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is long-standing disagreement regarding Upper Pleistocene human evolution in Western Asia, particularly the Levant. Some argue that there were two dilierent populations, perhaps different species, of Upper Pleistocene Levantine hominids. The first, from the Israeli silcs of Qafzeh and Skhul. is anatomically modern. The second, from sites such as Amud. Kcbara. and Tabun, is archaic, or "Neandertal" in morphology. Others argue that ihis is a false dichotomy and that all of lliese hominids belong to a single, highly variable population. In this paper I attempt to resolve this issue by examining posteranial measures reflective of body shape. Results indicate that the Qafzeh-Skhul hominids have African-like, or tropically adapted, proportions, while tliosc from Amud, Kebara. Tabun. and Shanidar (Iraq) have more European-like, or cold-adapled. proportions. This suggests that iherc were in fact two distinct Western Asian populations and that the Qaf/ch-Skhul hominids were likely African in origin—i result consistent with the "Replacement"' model of modern human origins, [modern human origins, NeunJertals, Qafzeh-Skhul hominids, body shape]  相似文献   

发现于广西柳江的更新世晚期人类化石除1具完整的头骨外,还包含有右侧髋骨、骶骨、两段股骨及若干件椎骨。根据各方面的特征分析,初步认定这些化石属于同一个体。这一有利条件为我们比较准确地获取与该个体身体大小和形状有关的指标数据提供了可能。本文通过对柳江人头骨及复原骨盆的测量,计算了柳江人的身高、体重、身体比例、相对脑量等。在此基础上分析了柳江人的身体大小和形状。本研究发现:柳江人化石所代表的个体具有适应温暖气候环境的纤细型身体比例,代表相对脑量的EQ指数5.602大于金牛山、山顶洞等中国更新世中、晚期化石人类,而与包括港川人在内的更新世末期及现代人类的EQ指数接近。柳江人体重52.0kg小于金牛山、山顶洞、尼安德特人等生活在高纬度地区的化石人类,而与港川、非洲的KNM-ER3883、KNM-ER3733等生活在温暖环境的古人类接近。作者认为这些发现除说明柳江人生活的气候环境外,还提示柳江人身体大小、比例及相对脑量与更新世末期及现代人类接近。  相似文献   

The scaling of sixteen articular dimensions in the locomotor skeleton of hominoid primates is examined with special reference to a recently proposed model of geometric similarity. Seven species are included in the analysis (gorillas, common chimpanzees, bonobos, orang-utans, siamang, lar gibbons, and modern humans of European descent); all specimens are adult individuals of known body mass (N=87). No significant sexual dimorphism in the scaling of joint size was observed. Overal results are compatible with the biomechanical model predictions of isometry, and lend additional support to the suggestion that joint stresses are of the same order of magnitude in animals differing vastly in body size and locomotor adaptations. The hindlimb and lumbosacral joints of humans, however, are consistently much larger than expected for their body mass. Full-time bipedality obviously precludes the sharing of weight support and propulsion with the forelimbs, and this fundamental difference is accurately reflected in the relative joint size of humans.  相似文献   

Body weights for 12 early hominid specimens are estimated based on an analysis of four variables shown to have high correlation with body size in living Old World primates. Average size estimates of around 36 kg are suggested for gracile early hominids and around 59 kg for robust early hominids. Size variation is considerably more pronounced in the robust group than in the gracile group, suggesting substantially greater sexual dimorphism in the former.  相似文献   

It has been proposed (Trinkaus, 1983 a; Miller & Gross, 1998) that the marked thickness of Neandertal patellae and/or the posterior displacement of their tibial condyles increased their relative M. quadriceps femoris moment arms, thereby making their legs powerful in extension. However, it is necessary to compare these reflections of muscle moment arm length to appropriate measures of the body weight moment arm and body mass estimates, both of which are influenced by ecogeographically determined body proportions. Reassessment of tibial condylar displacement and patellar thickness, as well as patellar height, relative to an appropriate measure of the moment arm for the baseline load on the knee (body weight), to that moment arm times estimated body mass, and to that moment arm times a skeletal reflection of body mass (femoral head diameter) rejects the hypothesis that the Neandertals had exceptionally powerful knee extension. Relative tibial condylar displacement remains above that of a modern industrial society sample, but similar to that of the Broken Hill tibia, Late Pleistocene early modern humans and a recent human nonindustrial sample. Relative patellar thickness is similar to that of early modern humans, who have relatively thick patellae compared to the late Holocene human samples. Consequently, once body proportions are taken into account, there is little difference between the Neandertals and other later Pleistocene humans in knee extensor mechanical advantage, and all of these fossil hominids are similar in the more important proximal tibial proportions to those of nonindustrial recent humans.  相似文献   

The ratio of fore- to hindlimb size plays an important role in our understanding of human evolution. Although Homo habilis was relatively modern craniodentally, its body proportions are commonly believed to have been more apelike than in the earlier Australopithecus afarensis. The evidence for this, however, rests, on two fragmentary skeletons, OH 62 and KNM-ER 3735. The upper limb of the better-preserved OH 62 from Olduvai Gorge is long and slender, but its hindlimb is represented mainly by the proximal portion of a thin femur of uncertain length. The present analysis shows that upper-to-lower limb shaft proportions of both OH 62 and AL 288-1 (A. afarensis) fall in the modern human range of variation, although OH 62 also falls inside that of chimpanzees due to their overlap in small individuals. Despite being more fragmentary, the larger-bodied KNM-ER 3735 lies outside the chimpanzee range and close to the human mean. Because the differences between any of the three individuals are compatible with the range of variation seen in extant hominoid groups, it is not legitimate to infer more primitive upper-to-lower limb shaft proportions for either H. habilis or A. afarensis. Femur length of OH 62 can only be estimated by comparison. Its closest match in size and morphology is with the gracile OH 34 specimen, which therefore provides a better analogue for the reconstruction of OH 62 than the stocky AL 288-1 femur that is traditionally used. OH 34's slender proportions are hardly due to abrasion, but match those of a modern human of that body-size, suggesting that the relative length of OH 62's leg may have been human-like. Brachial proportions, however, remained primitive. Long legs may imply long distance terrestrial travel. Perhaps this adaptation evolved early in the genus Homo, with H. habilis providing an early representative of this important change.  相似文献   

With the shift during the 1980s from a human-great ape ultimately to an orangutan-(gorilla-(human-chimp)) theory of relatedness, the search for chimpanzee-like features in early hominids intensified. Reconstructions of early hominids became caricatures of chimpanzees, not only in soft tissue features (e.g. the nasal region), but in supposed bony structures (e.g. an anteriorly and especially superiorly protruding a supraorbital torus with a distinct posttoral sulcus behind). In spite of rampant >Panophilia,< actual morphologies of the majority of early hominid specimens are those cited as uniting an orangutan clade. Those specimens that are >chimpanzee-like< are probably not cladistically hominid.  相似文献   

Arboreality and bipedality in the Hadar hominids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Numerous studies of the locomotor skeleton of the Hadar hominids have revealed traits indicative of both arboreal climbing/suspension and terrestrial bipedalism. These earliest known hominids must have devoted part of their activities to feeding, sleeping and/or predator avoidance in trees, while also spending time on the ground where they moved bipedally. In this paper we offer new data on phalangeal length and curvature, morphology of the tarsus and metatarsophalangeal joints, and body proportions that further strengthen the argument for arboreality in the Hadar hominids. We also provide additional evidence on limb and pedal proportions and on the functional anatomy of the hip, knee and foot, indicating that the bipedality practiced at Hadar differed from that of modern humans. Consideration of the ecology at Hadar, in conjunction with modern primate models, supports the notion of arboredality in these earliest australopithecines. We speculate that selection for terrestrial bipedality may have intensified through the Plio-Pleistocene as forests and woodland patches shrunk and the need arose to move increasingly longer distances on the ground. Only with Homo erectus might body size, culture and other factors have combined to 'release' hominids from their dependence on trees.  相似文献   

Anthropologists have long recognized the existence among modern humans of geographical variations in body form that parallel climatic gradients, part of more general zoological phenomena commonly referred to as Bergmann's or Allen's “Rules”. These observations have rarely been applied to earlier hominids, in part because fossil skeletons usually are so incomplete that it is difficult to reconstruct body morphology accurately. However, within the past two decades two early hominids have been discovered that preserve enough of the skeleton to allow confident assessment of their body size and shape. Comparison of these specimens—the Australopithecus afarensis A.L. 288-1 (“Lucy”) and the Homo erectus KNM-WT 15000—with others that are less complete make it evident that the evolution of Homo erectus was accompanied by not only a marked increase in body size, but also a similarly dramatic increase in the linearity of body form. That is, relative to their heights, small australopithecines had very broad bodies, whereas large early Homo had narrow bodies. This difference in body form cannot be explained on the basis of obstetric or biomechanical factors, but is consistent with thermoregulatory constraints on body shape. Specifically, to maintain the same ratio of body surface area to body mass, which is an important thermoregulatory mechanism, increases in height should be accompanied by no change in body breadth, which is exactly what is seen in comparisons of A.L. 288-1 and KNM-WT 15000. Conversely, Neandertals living in colder climates had much wider bodies, which are adaptive for heat retention. Differences in limb length proportions between fossil hominids are also consistent with thermoregulatory principles and the geographic variation observed among modern humans. Climatic adaptation during hominid evolution may have wide-ranging implications, not only with regard to interpreting body morphology, but also in relation to ecological scenarios, population movements, and the evolution of the brain.  相似文献   

Previous analyses have suggested that Australopithecus africanus possessed more apelike limb proportions than Australopithecus afarensis. However, due to the errors involved in estimating limb length and body size, support for this conclusion has been limited. In this study, we use a new Monte Carlo method to (1) test the hypothesis that A. africanus had greater upper:lower limb-size proportions than A. afarensis and (2) assess the statistical significance of interspecific differences among these taxa, extant apes, and humans. Our Monte Carlo method imposes sampling constraints that reduce extant ape and human postcranial measurements to sample sizes comparable to the fossil samples. Next, composite ratios of fore- and hindlimb geometric means are calculated for resampled measurements from the fossils and comparative taxa. Mean composite ratios are statistically indistinguishable (alpha=0.05) from the actual ratios of extant individuals, indicating that this method conserves each sample's central tendency. When applied to the fossil samples, upper:lower limb-size proportions in A. afarensis are similar to those of humans (p=0.878) and are significantly different from all great ape proportions (p< or =0.034), while Australopithecus africanus is more similar to the apes (p> or =0.180) and significantly different from humans and A. afarensis (p< or =0.031). These results strongly support the hypothesis that A. africanus possessed more apelike limb-size proportions than A. afarensis, suggesting that A. africanus either evolved from a more postcranially primitive ancestor than A. afarensis or that the more apelike limb-size proportions of A. africanus were secondarily derived from an A. afarensis-like ancestor. Among the extant taxa, limb-size proportions correspond with observed levels of forelimb- and hindlimb-dominated positional behaviors. In conjunction with detailed anatomical features linked to arboreality, these results suggest that arboreal posture and locomotion may have been more important components of the A. africanus behavioral repertoire relative to that of A. afarensis.  相似文献   

The Middle Pleistocene Atapuerca-Sima de los Huesos (SH) site in Spain has yielded the largest sample of fossil hominids so far found from a single site and belonging to the same biological population. The SH dental sample includes a total of 452 permanent and deciduous teeth, representing a minimum of 27 individuals. We present a study of the dental size variation in these hominids, based on the analysis of the mandibular permanent dentition: lateral incisors, n=29; canines, n=27; third premolars, n=30; fourth premolars, n=34; first molars, n=38; second molars, n=38. We have obtained the buccolingual diameter and the crown area (measured on occlusal photographs) of these teeth, and used the bootstrap method to assess the amount of variation in the SH sample compared with the variation of a modern human sample from the Museu Antropologico of the Universidade of Coimbra (Portugal). The SH hominids have, in general terms, a dental size variation higher than that of the modern human sample. The analysis is especially conclusive for the canines. Furthermore, we have estimated the degree of sexual dimorphism of the SH sample by obtaining male and female dental subsamples by means of sexing the large sample of SH mandibular specimens. We obtained the index of sexual dimorphism (ISD=male mean/female mean) and the values were compared with those obtained from the sexed modern human sample from Coimbra, and with data found in the literature concerning several recent human populations. In all tooth classes the ISD of the SH hominids was higher than that of modern humans, but the differences were generally modest, except for the canines, thus suggesting that canine size sexual dimorphism in Homo heidelbergensis was probably greater than that of modern humans. Since the approach of sexing fossil specimens has some obvious limitations, these results should be assessed with caution. Additional data from SH and other European Middle Pleistocene sites would be necessary to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the rate and pattern of dental development indicate that the growth and maturation of early hominids were more similar to the extant apes than to modern humans. This contrasts with the previously held opinion derived from combined dental development, pattern and attrition studies claiming that early hominids were more hominine in their development (Mann, 1975). This paper explores the origin of this difference of opinion and reviews immature hominid dentitions with the benefit of improved radiographs and new data on the pattern and rate of pongid dental development. Paranthropus and Australopithecus specimens are shown to possess an ape-like development pattern but incisor development is specialized in the former and superficially human-like in pattern. The present and recent studies on dental development rate and pattern justify the position that early hominids were more ape-like in their growth and development. Therefore, ages at death calculated from pongid dental development schedules are provided for most immature early hominids. More detailed studies of early hominid developmental biology are now possible. It is suggested that divergent heterochronic processes characterize changes in brain/body proportions during hominid evolution. Relative rates of bone remodeling processes can now be identified on early hominid skeletons. The paleodemographic analysis of early hominids is little changed by the developmental model one chooses.  相似文献   

The large theropod dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex underwent remarkable changes during its growth from <10 kg hatchlings to >6000 kg adults in <20 years. These changes raise fascinating questions about the morphological transformations involved, peak growth rates, and scaling of limb muscle sizes as well as the body's centre of mass that could have influenced ontogenetic changes of locomotion in T. rex. Here we address these questions using three-dimensionally scanned computer models of four large, well-preserved fossil specimens as well as a putative juvenile individual. Furthermore we quantify the variations of estimated body mass, centre of mass and segment dimensions, to characterize inaccuracies in our reconstructions. These inaccuracies include not only subjectivity but also incomplete preservation and inconsistent articulations of museum skeletons. Although those problems cause ambiguity, we conclude that adult T. rex had body masses around 6000-8000 kg, with the largest known specimen ("Sue") perhaps ~9500 kg. Our results show that during T. rex ontogeny, the torso became longer and heavier whereas the limbs became proportionately shorter and lighter. Our estimates of peak growth rates are about twice as rapid as previous ones but generally support previous methods, despite biases caused by the usage of scale models and equations that underestimate body masses. We tentatively infer that the hindlimb extensor muscles masses, including the large tail muscle M. caudofemoralis longus, may have decreased in their relative size as the centre of mass shifted craniodorsally during T. rex ontogeny. Such ontogenetic changes would have worsened any relative or absolute decline of maximal locomotor performance. Regardless, T. rex probably had hip and thigh muscles relatively larger than any extant animal's. Overall, the limb "antigravity" muscles may have been as large as or even larger than those of ratite birds, which themselves have the most muscular limbs of any living animal.  相似文献   

Lower-to-upper limb-bone proportions give valuable clues to locomotor behavior in fossil taxa. However, to date only external linear dimensions have been included in such analyses of early hominins. In this study, cross-sectional measures of femoral and humeral diaphyseal strength are determined for the two most complete early Homo erectus (or ergaster) associated skeletons--the juvenile KNM-WT 15000 and the adult KNM-ER 1808. Modern comparative samples include an adult human skeletal sample representative of diverse body shapes, a human longitudinal growth series, and an adult chimpanzee sample. When compared to appropriately age-matched samples, both H. erectus specimens fall very close to modern human mean proportions and far from chimpanzee proportions (which do not overlap with those of humans). This implies very similar mechanical load-sharing between the lower and upper limbs, and by implication, similar locomotor behavior in early H. erectus and modern humans. Thus, by the earliest Pleistocene (1.7 Ma), completely modern patterns of bipedal behavior were fully established in at least one early hominin taxon.  相似文献   

Living human populations from high altitudes in the Andes exhibit relatively short limbs compared with neighboring groups from lower elevations as adaptations to cold climates characteristic of high-altitude environments. This study compares relative limb lengths and proportions in pre-Contact human skeletons from different altitudes to test whether ecogeographic variation also existed in Andean prehistory. Maximum lengths of the humerus, radius, femur, and tibia, and femoral head breadth are measured in sex-specific groups of adult human skeletons (N = 346) from the central (n = 80) and the south-central (n = 123) Andean coasts, the Atacama Desert at 2,500 m (n = 102), and the southern Peruvian highlands at 2,000-3,800 m (n = 41). To test whether limb lengths vary with altitude, comparisons are made of intralimb proportions, limb lengths against body mass estimates derived from published equations, limb lengths against the geometric mean of all measurements, and principal component analysis. Intralimb proportions do not statistically differ between coastal groups and those from the Atacama Desert, whereas intralimb proportions are significantly shorter in the Peruvian highland sample. Overall body size and limb lengths relative to body size vary along an altitudinal gradient, with larger individuals from coastal environments and smaller individuals with relatively longer limbs for their size from higher elevations. Ecogeographic variation in relation to climate explains the variation in intralimb proportions, and dietary variation may explain the altitudinal cline in body size and limb lengths relative to body size. The potential effects of gene flow on variation in body proportions in Andean prehistory are also explored.  相似文献   

The ratio of the power arm (the distance from the heel to the talocrural joint) to the load arm (that from the talocrural joint to the distal head of the metatarsals), or RPL, differs markedly between the human and ape foot. The arches are relatively higher in the human foot in comparison with those in apes. This study evaluates the effect of these two differences on biomechanical effectiveness during bipedal standing, estimating the forces acting across the talocrural and tarsometatarsal joints, and attempts to identify which type of foot is optimal for bipedal standing. A simple model of the foot musculoskeletal system was built to represent the geometric and force relationships in the foot during bipedal standing, and measurements for a variety of human and ape feet applied. The results show that: (1) an RPL of around 40% (as is the case in the human foot) minimizes required muscle force at the talocrural joint; (2) the presence of an high arch in the human foot reduces forces in the plantar musculature and aponeurosis; and (3) the human foot has a lower total of force in joints and muscles than do the ape feet. These results indicate that the proportions of the human foot, and the height of the medial arch are indeed better optimized for bipedal standing than those of apes, further suggesting that their current state is to some extent the product of positive selection for enhanced bipedal standing during the evolution of the foot.  相似文献   

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