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Cytogenetic effects of X-rays and fission neutrons in female mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The induction by X-rays of chromosomal damage in oocytes was studied, while the genetic consequences of X- and neutron-induced damage in female mice were looked for by testing offspring for dominant lethality and semi-sterility. None out of 386 sons of hybrid females given 300 rad X-rays showed evidence of semi-sterility or translocation heterozygosity, but 9 out of 294 daughters were diagnosed as semi-sterile. At least 3 and probably 4 of these (1.4%) carried reciprocal translocations, 2 of which caused male sterility. Complete or partial loss of the X-chromosome may have been responsible for some of the other sermi-steriles. Examination of oocytes at metaphase-I during the first and third weeks after X-irradiation with 100 or 400 rad revealed both multivalents (some of the ring quadrivalent type) and fragments (mainly double). These were thought to arise mainly from chromatid intercchanges (both symmetrical and asymmetrical) and isochromatid intrachanges respectively. Since neither the proportion of asymmetrical interchanges nor the amount of hidden damage was known it was not thought possible to predict the magnitude of F1 effects from metaphase-I findings. The aberration frequency in oocytes rose with dose and (at the 400 rad level only) with time after irradiation, reaching a maximum of 10% multivalents and 22% fragments in the third week after 400 rad. The frequency of univalents showed no consistent trend, but chiasma counts decreased in the first week after 400 rad. The increase in levels of chromosomal damage with dose and time after irradiation was reflected in dominant lethal frequencies after the same radiation-conception intervals and doses of 0–400 rad. Induced post-implantation lethality was over twice as high in the third week after 200–400 rad than in the first. Pre-implantation loss also greatly increased in the third week after 300 or 400 rad; this was associated with increased non-fertilization of ova. No evidence for the induction of translocations in oogonia or resting oocytes by fast neutron irradiation was obtained, although there was evidence for X-chromosomal loss after 200 rad to oocytes. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for fission neutrons vs. X-rays with respect to dominant lethal induction in oocytes was found to vary with dose, but seamed to be around 1 at lower levels.  相似文献   

Inbred CBA male mice were irradiated with 14.5-MeV neutrons. Three acute doses, 75, 150 and 250 rad, and one chronic dose, 250 rad, were given. The percentages of affected spermatocytes as counted from reciprocal translocations which had been induced in spermatogonia were 0.7, 0.8 and 1.6 respectively for the acute series and 2.2 after chronic exposure. The data could be fitted to a linear or concave curvilinear regression line. There seemed to be a slight increase of damage with dose, even if the percentages were generally lower than those reported earlier for fast neutrons with energies around 1 MeV. The existence of dose-rate effects is discussed, and the conclusion drawn so far is that there seems to be no such effect either for 1-MeV fast neutrons or 14.5-MeV high energy neutrons. The term “reversed dose-rate effect”, as used earlier, relates to another phenomenon. The difference between the point estimates for the chronic and acute 250 rad series is not significant. The effectiveness of neutrons with energies around 14 MeV versus neutrons with energies around 1 MeV is discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes induced by fission neutrons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dose-response relationships of dicentrics and excess acentrics were analysed after exposure of human lymphocytes to a mixed fission neutron-gamma-ray beam. From the analysis of exclusively first division cells a linear-quadratic relation was obtained for dicentrics with the ratio of linear and quadratic components, zeta, equal to 2.76 Gy. Over the range of doses studied (0.04-1.97 Gy) intratrack events therefore predominated. This also applied to acentrics which were linearly related to dose. At the lowest level of observed effect and dose, r.b.e. values with respect to 60Co gamma-rays of up to about 11 were derived for dicentrics and acentrics. With increasing neutron dose the r.b.e. decreased.  相似文献   

N Vulpis 《Mutation research》1973,18(1):103-111
The relationship between α-particle dose and chromosome aberration yield was studied in human peripheral blood leukocytes cultured in vitro. The α-irradiation was produced from thermal neutron capture by boron, according to the nuclear reaction 10B (n, α)7Li. Blood samples containing 49 μg 10B per ml were exposed to the thermal neutrons in a reactor at a flux density of 2·107n/cm2s. By subtracting the rad dose due to the reactor radiations alone from that due to both boron capture and the reactor radiations, the rad dose rate of heavy particles was estimated. The dicentric yield appeared to follow a linear response up to about 18 rad and then showed signs of “saturation”. Comparison with 250 kV X-ray data (doses up to 510 rad) gave an RBE of 22.97.  相似文献   

The dose-response relationships for inducing translocations in the spermatogonia of mice were studied, and they were compared for 200 kVp X-rays and 2 MeV fast neutrons. The dose response for fast neutrons was markedly convex; more precisely, the response obtained was linear in the dose range from 24 to 94 rad with a regression coefficient of 11.36·10?4, but decreased for a further increase in dose up to 267 rad. On the other hand, that for X-rays showed a linear dose-response relationship from 48 to 672 rad with a regression coefficient of 2.69·10?4. The relative biological effectiveness for inducing translocations in the spermatogonia of mice was compared for the linear parts of the dose response in both types of radiation, and the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) value was 4.22.  相似文献   

Human peripherial lymphocytes were irradiated with different doses of 15.0-MeV neutrons. The frequency of different aberration types was determined and the dose-response relation was calculated. The data were fitted by least-squared regression analysis to different models. The dicetric, dicentric+centric ring, and different acentric data gave the best fit to the linear quadratic model. The RBE of 15.0-MeV neutrons versus 220 kV X-rays decreased significantly with increasing dose.  相似文献   

J Kerkis 《Mutation research》1975,29(2):271-277
The culture time of rabbit lymphocytes (41–42 h) that provides cells in their first post-stimulation mitosis, was estimated on the basis of the mitotic index, dicentric yield and presence of the cells with these aberrations unaccompanied by acentric fragments, studied as a function of culture duration. The cells obtained in metaphase from cultures terminated at this time displayed no donor-to-donor variation where induction of dicentrics by X-rays was concerned.Rabbit venous blood was irradiated in vitro with a range of X- and gamma-ray doses, and dose-effect curves were obtained by regression analysis. Sixteen rabbits were irradiated in vivo (uniform whole-body irradiation), and blood was sampled 10 min, 6, 24, and 48 h after exposure. The frequency of dicentrics in the lymphocytes cultured did not change significantly over the first 24 h after irradiation. Dose-effect relationships in vivo fell within one standard error confidence limits of the respective curves in vitro. The authors conclude that the latter may be used for estimation of dose in vivo under conditions of homogeneous whole-body irradiation.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of 14.1 MeV neutrons relative to 200 kV X-rays for the induction of the various kinds of dumpy mutation in mature sperm of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated. The estimated RBE values are: 0.52 for all complete mutations; 0.64 for the (olv, ov) types; 0.33 for the (ol, lv, o, v, c) types; 0.33 for all fractional mutations. These data lend support to the thesis that (1) complete dumpy mutations of the olv and ov types are more frequently associated with chromosomal aberrations than those of the ol, lv, o, v and c types, and (2) fractional mutations and complete mutations of the (ol, lv, o, v, c) types are most probably point mutational events.  相似文献   

Whole blood cultures from humans and from the New World primate, Saguinus fuscicollis, were irradiated with various doses of 250 kV X-rays. The resulting centric ring plus dicentric aberration yields were fitted to the three models, Y = a+bD, Y = a+bD+cD2, and Y = a+cD2, by least squares regression. In both instances the best fit was to the model Y = a+bD+cD2, with coefficients of the one- and two-track components for human and marmoset being: b = (0.78 ± 0.09)·10−3, c = (5.92 ± 0.31)·10−6, and b = (1.11 ± 0.36)·−3, c = (7.7 ± 1.7)·10−6, respectively.  相似文献   

Unstable chromosome aberrations induced by in vitro irradiation with zero plus seven low doses of 14.8 MeV D-T neutrons in the range 3.55-244 mGy have been analysed in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. In order to obtain the required large numbers of scored cells for such low doses, fourteen laboratories participated in the experiment. The dose responses for dicentrics, excess acentrics and total aberrations, fitted well to the Y = alpha D model. The alpha coefficient of yield for dicentrics, 1.60 +/- 0.07 X 10(-2) Gy-1, compares well with the values obtained in previous studies with D-T neutrons at somewhat higher doses. Results from a previous collaborative study using 250 kVp X-rays over a comparable dose range indicated the possible existence of a threshold below 50 mGy. In the present study there is no clear evidence for neutrons for such a threshold. However, the data were insufficient to permit the rejection of a possible threshold below approximately 10 mGy.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes were irradiated in vitro during Go stage by graded doses of thermal neutrons and neutrons having an average energy of 0.04; 0.09; 0.35; 0.85 and 14,7 MeV as well as by 60Co gamma rays, and RBE of neutrons relative to gamma-rays was calculated for the frequency of total and different types of aberrations. It was found that the RBE has the most value at the low doses and decreases when the exposition dose increases. 0.35 MeV neutrons have the maximum RBE in comparison with neutrons having other energies. When comparing the RBE values calculated for different types of chromosome aberrations, it was found out that dicentrics and dicentrics plus centric rings had more RBE than acentric aberrations (pair fragments and minutes).  相似文献   

The rate of induction of reciprocal translocations by 56–816 R exposures of mouse spermatogonia to acute γ-irradiation (95 R/min) was determined by cytological examination of descendant spermatocytes. The dose-response relationship did not differ significantly from linearity and had a regression coefficient of 1.8·10−4 per R with respect to translocations per spermatocyte. Further analysis at exposures below 816 R (considered less likely to produce distortion) showed that the quadratic regression of best fit had too small a square-law component to account for the very low frequency of translocations obtained after chronic γ-exposures in a previous experiment. The possibility is discussed that there is some extra factor, besides the diminution of the square-law component, which operates to reduce the yield after protracted exposures.  相似文献   

Human fetal liver was examined during various stages of gestation for the presence of B cells by using immunoglobulin isotype markers and monoclonal B cell antibodies. Frozen sections were studied with the use of single and double staining methods. The B cell monoclonal antibodies used were BA1, which defines both mature and immature B cells; B1, which identifies mature B cells; and B532, which binds to activated mature B cells. The data indicate that both BA1 and mu+ cells are present at 12 wk gestation, and increase in frequency with age. Delta and B1-bearing cells are detected only later in fetal life. Phenotypically identifiable T cells are present at low frequencies in the fetal liver throughout the time period examined (12 to 21 wk). At 12 to 13 wk gestation, the numbers of kappa- and lambda-chain-positive cells are two to three times greater than the number of mu+ cells. Based on morphology and staining with OKM1, these light chain-bearing cells appear to be non-lymphoid, most likely cells of macrophage origin that have phagocytosed maternal IgG. Our results show that the monoclonal antibodies reacting with subsets of B cells in adults can also be used to define distinct subsets of B and pre-B cells in the fetal liver.  相似文献   

Human exposure to microcystins, which are produced by freshwater cyanobacterial species, is of growing concern due to increasing appearance of cyanobacterial blooms as a consequence of global warming and increasing water eutrophication. Although microcystins are considered to be liver-specific, there is evidence that they may also affect other tissues. These substances have been shown to induce DNA damage in vitro and in vivo, but the mechanisms of their genotoxic activity remain unclear. In human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBLs) exposure to non-cytotoxic concentrations (0, 0.1, 1 and 10μg/ml) of microcystin-LR (MCLR) induced a dose- and time-dependent increase in DNA damage, as measured with the comet assay. Digestion of DNA from MCLR-treated HPBLs with purified formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg) displayed a greater number of DNA strand-breaks than non-digested DNA, confirming the evidence that MCLR induces oxidative DNA damage. With the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay no statistically significant induction of micronuclei, nucleoplasmic bridges and nuclear buds was observed after a 24-h exposure to MCLR. At the molecular level, no changes in the expression of selected genes involved in the cellular response to DNA damage and oxidative stress were observed after a 4-h exposure to MCLR (1μg/ml). After 24h, DNA damage-responsive genes (p53, mdm2, gadd45a, cdkn1a), a gene involved in apoptosis (bax) and oxidative stress-responsive genes (cat, gpx1, sod1, gsr, gclc) were up-regulated. These results provide strong support that MCLR is an indirectly genotoxic agent, acting via induction of oxidative stress, and that lymphocytes are also the target of microcystin-induced toxicity.  相似文献   

S Mittler 《Mutation research》1984,139(3):119-121
Pretreatment with hyperthermia did significantly increase the breakage and chromosome loss induced by 0.85-MeV fission neutrons from the JANUS biological research reactor in spermatozoa, early and late spermatids and spermatocytes. Radiation-induced breakage of chromosomes was also enhanced by hyperthermia in early spermatogonia.  相似文献   

Aluminum is a redox-inert element that could induce cell damage via activation of oxidative stress. In this work, the effect of aluminum on different cellular compartments of human peripheral blood lymphocytes was studied. The presence of aluminum induced a lipid peroxidation and physico-chemical modifications at the membrane level. A decrease in fluorescence anisotropy of TMA-DPH and in the polarity of the lipid bilayer with a concomitant shift toward a gel phase was observed, while the pyrene excimerization coefficient (Kex) increased.Flow cytometry measurements, using JC-1, Rhodamine 123 and H2-DCFDA as fluorescent probes, indicated that aluminum induces a slight mitochondrial membrane depolarization that was associated with a moderate increase in reactive oxygen species production. A significative influence on these parameters was measured only at high aluminum concentration.  相似文献   

A method using sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) for genotoxic testing of gaseous compounds is described. Human peripheral lymphocyte cultures previously stimulated with phytohemagglutinin were placed in sterile dialysis tubing and then put in an enclosed flask containing additional culture media. Air, with or without ethylene dibromide (EDB), was bubbled through the flask for up to 8 h. The cultures were harvested 75 h after culture initiation, and second-division cells were scored for induction of SCEs according to established procedures. The SCE frequency was approximately doubled in cultures treated with EDB. A similar experiment with air alone resulted in only slight increases in SCEs. The results indicate that this system is potentially useful for detecting genotoxicity of gases and vapors and may be useful for the detection of genotoxic agents in occupational settings.  相似文献   

Irradiation of human lymphocytes by x-rays has been seen, in past studies, to produce increasing frequencies of chromosome aberrations at lower x-ray energies. However, in one earlier irradiation experiment with chromium x-rays, the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) did not appear to be larger than that of hard x-rays, especially at higher doses. A possible reason for this unexpected result may have been the irradiation and culture conditions. We have, therefore, in the present study used a technique that has been developed in our laboratory to ensure uniformity of irradiation within lymphocytes and to avoid artefacts due to the cell cycle kinetics. Monolayers of 3-h-stimulated lymphocytes were exposed to 5.4 keV x-rays. A linear-quadratic dose-response was found for dicentrics. The comparison to an earlier finding with 220 kV x-rays shows the expected result of the RBE of the 5.4 keV x-rays to be above that of 220 kV x-rays. The intercellular distribution of dicentrics did not differ significantly from a Poisson distribution. Received: 17 January 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 17 July 1997  相似文献   

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