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The sequence and expression characteristics are described of a wilt-inducible gene in Arabidopsis thaliana. A 1494 encodes a potential thiol protease whose mRNA accumulates rapidly in shoot tissue upon the loss of turgor. A1494 mRNA levels peaked after ca. 4 h and declined thereafter. Dehydration also induced rapid biosynthesis of the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA), which continued for at least 9 h. Exogenous ABA induced the accumulation of A1494 mRNA, with kinetics similar to those after wilting. Rehydration of wilted shoots led to a rapid decline in the content of both ABA and A1494 mRNA. Wilting and ABA independently induced A1494 expression as evidenced by the effects of ABA and wilting on the ABA-deficient aba-1 and ABA-insensitive abi-1 and abi-3 genotypes. A1494 mRNA was not detectable in aba-1 shoots but accumulated rapidly after either wilting or ABA treatment, whereas the shoot ABA content was increased only by ABA treatment. ABA had no effect on A1494 mRNA levels in the abi-1 and abi-3 mutants but wilting did result in enhanced A1494 expression. Heat shock had only a minor effect on A1494 mRNA levels, whereas exposure to low temperature resulted in substantial accumulation of A1494 mRNA in wild-type shoots. However, this latter response, unlike that to drought, was mediated exclusively via ABA synthesis as demonstrated by the lack of A1494 mRNA accumulation in cold-treated aba-1 shoots.  相似文献   

In plants, the importance of phospholipid signaling in responses to environmental stresses is becoming well documented. The involvement of phospholipids in abscisic acid (ABA) responses is also established. In a previous study, we demonstrated that the stimulation of phospholipase D (PLD) activity and plasma membrane anion currents by ABA were both required for RAB18 expression in Arabidopsis thaliana suspension cells. In this study, we show that the total lipids extracted from ABA-treated cells mimic ABA in activating plasmalemma anion currents and induction of RAB18 expression. Moreover, ABA evokes within 5 min a transient 1.7-fold increase in phosphatidic acid (PA) followed by a sevenfold increase in diacylglycerol pyrophosphate (DGPP) at 20 min. PA activated plasmalemma anion currents but was incapable of triggering RAB18 expression. By contrast, DGPP mimicked ABA on anion currents and was also able to stimulate RAB18 expression. Here we show the role of DGPP as phospholipid second messenger in ABA signaling.  相似文献   

Cytosolic Ca2+· ([Ca2+]i, and elongation growth were measured in the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Exposure of plant tissues to high NaCl and abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations results in a reduction in the rate of growth, but the mechanism by which growth is inhibited is not understood. Both NaCl and ABA treatments are known to influence [Ca2+]i, and in this study we measured the effects of salinity and ABA on [Ca2+]i in cells from the meristematic region of Arabidopsis roots. The Ca2+-sensitive dye Fura-2 and ratiometric techniques were used to measure [Ca2+]i in cells of the root meristem region. Resting [Ca2+]i was found to be between 100 and 200 μmol m?3 in roots of untreated plants. Resting [Ca2+]i changed in response to changes in the [Ca2+] surrounding growing roots. An increase of external [Ca2+] increased [Ca2+]i; conversely, a decrease of external [Ca2+] decreased [Ca2+]i. Exposure of roots to NaCl caused a rapid reduction of [Ca2+]i, a response that was proportional to the external NaCl concentration. Thus, as the NaCl concentration was increased, [Ca2+]i in root meristematic cells decreased. Root elongation was also inhibited in proportion to the external NaCl concentration, with maximal inhibition occurring at 120 mol m?3 NaCl. The [Ca2+]i of root meristem cells also changed in response to ABA, and the magnitude of the effect of ABA was dependent upon ABA concentration. Treatment with 0.2 mmol m?3 ABA caused a momentary increase in [Ca2+]i followed by a decrease after 15 min, but 10 mmol m?3 ABA caused an immediate decline in [Ca2+]i. There was a strong positive correlation between [Ca2+]i and root elongation rates. Experiments with the ABA-deficient Arabidopsis mutant aba-3 indicated that the reduction in [Ca2+]i brought about by NaCl was unlikely to be mediated via changes in endogenous ABA. Experiments with solutes such as sorbitol, KCl and NaNO3 indicated that the effects of NaCl could be mimicked by other solutes and was not specific for NaCl.  相似文献   

The last step of sulfur assimilation is catalyzed by O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase (OASTL) enzymes. OASTLs are encoded by a multigene family in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Cytosolic OASA1 enzyme is the main source of OASTL activity and thus crucial for cysteine homeostasis. We found that nitrating conditions after exposure to peroxynitrite strongly inhibited OASTL activity. Among OASTLs, OASA1 was markedly sensitive to nitration as demonstrated by the comparative analysis of OASTL activity in nitrated crude protein extracts from wild type and different oastl mutants. Furthermore, nitration assays on purified recombinant OASA1 protein led to 90% reduction of the activity due to inhibition of the enzyme, as no degradation of the protein occurred under these conditions. The reduced activity was due to nitration of the protein because selective scavenging of peroxynitrite with epicatechin impaired OASA1 nitration and the concomitant inhibition of OASTL activity. Inhibition of OASA1 activity upon nitration correlated with the identification of a modified OASA1 protein containing 3-nitroTyr(302) residue. The essential role of the Tyr(302) residue for the catalytic activity was further demonstrated by the loss of OASTL activity of a Y302A-mutated version of OASA1. Inhibition caused by Tyr(302) nitration on OASA1 activity seems to be due to a drastically reduced O-acetylserine substrate binding to the nitrated protein, and also to reduced stabilization of the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate cofactor through hydrogen bonds. This is the first report identifying a Tyr nitration site of a plant protein with functional effect and the first post-translational modification identified in OASA1 enzyme.  相似文献   

We have isolated a rab-related (responsive to ABA) gene, rab18 from Arabidopsis thaliana. The gene encodes a hydrophilic, glycine-rich protein (18.5 kDa), which contains the conserved serine- and lysine-rich domains characteristic of similar RAB proteins in other plant species. The rab18 mRNA accumulates in plants exposed to low temperature, water stress or exogenous ABA but not in plants subjected to heat shock. This stress-related accumulation of the rab18 mRNA is markedly decreased in the ABA-synthesis mutant aba-1, the ABA-response mutant abi-1 or in wild-type plants treated with the carotenoid synthesis inhibitor, fluridone. Exogenous ABA treatment can induce the rab18 mRNA in the aba-1 mutant but not in the abi-1 mutant. These results provide direct genetic evidence for the ABA-dependent regulation of the rab18 gene in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

A glucosyltransferase (GT) of Arabidopsis, UGT71B6, recognizing the naturally occurring enantiomer of abscisic acid (ABA) in vitro, has been used to disturb ABA homeostasis in planta. Transgenic plants constitutively overexpressing UGT71B6 (71B6-OE) have been analysed for changes in ABA and the related ABA metabolites abscisic acid glucose ester (ABA-GE), phaseic acid (PA), dihydrophaseic acid (DPA), 7'-hydroxyABA and neo-phaseic acid. Overexpression of the GT led to massive accumulation of ABA-GE and reduced levels of the oxidative metabolites PA and DPA, but had marginal effect on levels of free ABA. The control of ABA homeostasis, as reflected in levels of the different metabolites, differed in the 71B6-OEs whether the plants were grown under standard conditions or subjected to wilt stress. The impact of increased glucosylation of ABA on ABA-related phenotypes has also been assessed. Increased glucosylation of ABA led to phenotypic changes in post-germinative growth. The use of two structural analogues of ABA, known to have biological activity but to differ in their capacity to act as substrates for 71B6 in vitro, confirmed that the phenotypic changes arose specifically from the increased glucosylation caused by overexpression of 71B6. The phenotype and profile of ABA and related metabolites in a knockout line of 71B6, relative to wild type, has been assessed during Arabidopsis development and following stress treatments. The lack of major changes in these parameters is discussed in the context of functional redundancy of the multigene family of GTs in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Abstract. The xanthophyll content of wild type and abscisic acid (ABA) - deficient mutants of pea and Arabidopsis thaliana was determined. The wilty mutant of pea was indistinguishable from the non-mutant control. In contrast, plants homozygous for mutant alleles at the aba locus of Arabidopsis were very different from wild type. In these mutants, zeaxanthin accumulated to abnormally high levels. The major carotenoids, violaxanthin and 9'- cis -neoxanthin were virually absent from the mutant chromatograms. It was concluded that the aba genetic lesion impairs the epoxidation of zeaxanthin to violaxanthin and that this results in an inability to accumulate ABA. This provides clear evidence that zeaxanthin is a precursor of ABA.  相似文献   

Cys synthesis in plants takes place in plastids, cytosol, and mitochondria. Why Cys synthesis is required in all compartments with autonomous protein biosynthesis and whether Cys is exchanged between them has remained enigmatic. This question was addressed using Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion lines deficient in the final step of Cys biosynthesis catalyzed by the enzyme O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase (OAS-TL). Null alleles of oastlA or oastlB alone showed that cytosolic OAS-TL A and plastid OAS-TL B were completely dispensable, although together they contributed 95% of total OAS-TL activity. An oastlAB double mutant, relying solely on mitochondrial OAS-TL C for Cys synthesis, showed 25% growth retardation. Although OAS-TL C alone was sufficient for full development, oastlC plants also showed retarded growth. Targeted affinity purification identified the major OAS-TL-like proteins. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry showed no compensatory changes of OAS-TL isoforms in the four mutants. Steady state concentrations of Cys and glutathione and pulse-chase labeling with [35S]sulfate indicated strong perturbation of primary sulfur metabolism. These data demonstrate that Cys and also sulfide must be sufficiently exchangeable between cytosol and organelles. Despite partial redundancy, the mitochondria and not the plastids play the most important role for Cys synthesis in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The synthesis of cysteine is positioned at a decisive stage of assimilatory sulphate reduction, marking the fixation of inorganic sulphide into a carbon skeleton. O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase (OAS-TL) catalyses the reaction of inorganic sulphide with O-acetylserine (OAS). Despite its prominent position in the pathway OAS-TL is generally regarded as a non-limiting enzyme without regulatory function, due to low substrate affinities and semi-constitutive expression patterns. To resolve this apparent contradiction, the kinetic properties of three OAS-TLs from Arabidopsis thaliana, localized in the cytosol (A), plastids (B), and mitochondria (C), were analysed. The recombinant expressed OAS-TLs were purified to apparent homogeneity without any fusion tag to maintain their native forms. The proteins displayed high specific activities of 550-900 micromol min(-1) mg(-1). Using an improved and highly sensitive assay method for cysteine determination, the apparent K(m)(sulphide) was 3-6 microM for OAS-TL A, B, and C and thus 10-100 times lower than previously reported for plant OAS-TLs. K(m)(OAS) was between 310 microM and 690 microM for OAS-TL isoform A, B, and C, whereas the apparent dissociation binding constant for OAS was much lower (K(d)<1 microM OAS). A HPLC method was developed for OAS quantification that revealed fast increases of the cellular OAS concentration in response to sulphate deprivation. The observed fluctuations of intracellular OAS concentrations, combined with the OAS dissociation constant and the catalytic properties of OAS-TL, support the model of a dynamic cysteine synthesis system with regulatory function as can be expected from the position of the reaction in the sulphur assimilation pathway.  相似文献   

Salt stress and abscisic acid (ABA) induce accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant cells. ROS not only act as second messengers for the activation of salt-stress responses, but also have deleterious effects on plant growth due to their cytotoxicity. Therefore, the timing and degree of activation of ROS-producing or ROS-scavenging enzymes must be tightly regulated under salt-stress conditions. We identified a novel locus of Arabidopsis, designated itn1 (increased tolerance to NaCl1), whose disruption leads to increased salt-stress tolerance in vegetative tissues. ITN1 encodes a transmembrane protein with an ankyrin-repeat motif that has been implicated in diverse cellular processes such as signal transduction. Comparative microarray analysis between wild-type and the itn1 mutant revealed that induction of genes encoding the ROS-producing NADPH oxidases (RBOHC and RBOHD) under salt-stress conditions was suppressed in the mutant. This suppression was accompanied by a corresponding reduction in ROS accumulation. The ABA-induced expression of RBOHC and RBOHD was also suppressed in the mutant, as was the case for RD29A, an ABA-inducible marker gene. However, the ABA-induced expression of another marker gene, RD22, was not impaired in the mutant. These results suggest that the itn1 mutation partially impairs ABA signaling pathways, possibly leading to the reduction in ROS accumulation under salt-stress conditions. We discuss the possible mechanisms underlying the salt-tolerant phenotype of the itn1 mutant.  相似文献   

Regulation of the expression of the cytosolic O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase gene (Atcys-3A) from Arabidopsis thaliana under heavy metal stress conditions has been investigated. Northern blot analysis of Atcys-3A expression shows a 7-fold induction after 18 h of cadmium treatment. Addition of 50 microm CdCl(2) to the irrigation medium of mature Arabidopsis plants induces a rapid accumulation of the mRNA throughout the leaf lamina, the root and stem cortex, and stem vascular tissues when compared with untreated plants, as observed by in situ hybridization. High pressure liquid chromatography analysis of GSH content shows a transient increase after 18 h of metal treatment. Our results are compatible with a high cysteine biosynthesis rate under heavy metal stress required for the synthesis of GSH and phytochelatins, which are involved in the plant detoxification mechanism. Arabidopsis-transformed plants overexpressing the Atcys-3A gene by up to 9-fold show increased tolerance to cadmium when grown in medium containing 250 microm CdCl(2), suggesting that increased cysteine availability is responsible for cadmium tolerance. In agreement with these results, exogenous addition of cystine can, to some extent, also favor the growth of wild-type plants in cadmium-containing medium. Cadmium accumulates to higher levels in leaves of tolerant transformed lines than in wild-type plants.  相似文献   


A , carbon assimilation rate
ABA, abscisic acid
Ci , intercellular space CO2 concentration
g , leaf conductance
WUE, water use efficiency

Carbon dioxide and abscisic acid (ABA) are two major signals triggering stomatal closure. Their putative interaction in stomatal regulation was investigated in well-watered air-grown or double CO2-grown Arabidopsis thaliana plants, using gas exchange and epidermal strip experiments. With plants grown in normal air, a doubling of the CO2 concentration resulted in a rapid and transient drop in leaf conductance followed by recovery to the pre-treatment level after about two photoperiods. Despite the fact that plants placed in air or in double CO2 for 2 d exhibited similar levels of leaf conductance, their stomatal responses to an osmotic stress (0·16–0·24 MPa) were different. The decrease in leaf conductance in response to the osmotic stress was strongly enhanced at elevated CO2. Similarly, the drop in leaf conductance triggered by 1 μ M ABA applied at the root level was stronger at double CO2. Identical experiments were performed with plants fully grown at double CO2. Levels of leaf conductance and carbon assimilation rate measured at double CO2 were similar for air-grown and elevated CO2-grown plants. An enhanced response to ABA was still observed at high CO2 in pre-conditioned plants. It is concluded that: (i) in the absence of stress, elevated CO2 slightly affects leaf conductance in A. thaliana ; (ii) there is a strong interaction in stomatal responses to CO2 and ABA which is not modified by growth at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

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