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Interactions of phospholipid monolayers with carbohydrates   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Surface pressure studies of phospholipid monomolecular films of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) formed at an air/water interface have been made and the effects on the films studied when various carbohydrates are present in the subphase. The results obtained show that at a given temperature, the area per molecule of DPPC increases with increasing concentration of the carbohydrate in the subphase. The carbohydrate which has the greatest expanding effect on the phospholipid monolayer is glycerol, followed in turn by trehalose, sucrose, glucose, raffinose, and inositol. The mechanism of monolayer expansion by glycerol is different from that observed in other carbohydrates, as the following experiments demonstrate. Below the phase transition temperature of DPPC, the area per molecule of DPPC at a pressure of 12.5 dyn/cm is the same with and without glycerol in the subphase. However, when the monolayer is heated to a temperature above the phase transition temperature for DPPC, the area/molecule on glycerol is considerably greater than the area/molecule on water at the same surface pressure. Cooling the monolayer back to the lower temperature produces an area/molecule of DPPC which is identical on both water and glycerol subphases. Glycerol therefore has no effect on the low-temperature (condensed) monolayers but causes expansion of the high-temperature (expanded) monolayers. By contrast with glycerol, both trehalose and sucrose interact with the DPPC monolayer producing an increased area/molecule over that observed on water, both with low-temperature (condensed) monolayers and with the high-temperature (expanded) monolayers. The efficiency of these carbohydrates at expanding the monolayer films (with the exception of glycerol) shows a strong correlation with their ability to stabilize membrane structure and function at low water contents.  相似文献   

Picosecond kinetics of cytochromes b5 and c   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ligand photolysis and subsequent recombination in cytochromes b5 and c have been studied with picosecond resolution. In both proteins, an iron-histidine bond is broken after excitation with 314-nm light, and recombination occurs with a rate constant of about 1.4 x 10(11) s-1. Photolysis and reformation of the iron-histidine bond may be surprising as these hemoproteins do not reversibly bind ligands in nature. The findings are explained using results both from experiments on model hemes and from computer investigations with atomic resolution on the three-dimensional structure of the protein. After photolysis, the formation and recombination of the geminate contact pair are attributed to simple low amplitude ligand bond rotations, a result that can be applied to geminate processes in other hemoproteins and model heme compounds as well.  相似文献   

Nakamoto SS  Hamel P  Merchant S 《Biochimie》2000,82(6-7):603-614
The synthesis of holocytochromes in plastids is a catalyzed process. Several proteins, including plastid CcsA, Ccs1, possibly CcdA and a thioredoxin, plus at least two additional Ccs factors, are required in sub-stoichiometric amounts for the conversion of apocytochromes f and c(6) to their respective holoforms. CcsA, proposed to be a heme delivery factor, and Ccs1, an apoprotein chaperone, are speculated to interact physically in vivo. The formation of holocytochrome b(6) is a multi-step pathway in which at least four, as yet unidentified, Ccb factors are required for association of the b(H) heme. The specific requirement of reduced heme for in vitro synthesis of a cytochrome b(559)-derived holo-beta(2) suggests that cytochrome b synthesis in PSII might also be catalyzed in vivo.  相似文献   

Hemin, antimalarial drugs and complexes formed between them, have demonstrable effects on biological membranes. Using the phospholipid monolayer model, we show that hemin intercalates into the membrane and increases its surface pressure, depending on the lipid composition and the initial surface pressure: negative surface charges and particularly looser compaction of the phospholipids reduce the effect of hemin. With increasing surface pressure hemin tends to intercalate as a monomer, and the half-saturation concentration of its effect increases exponentially. The antimalarial monovalent drugs quinine and mefloquine, but not chloroquine, also penetrate into the membrane and expand it. All three drugs markedly increase the effect of hemin, but chloroquine reduces the effect in monolayers composed of unsaturated phospholipids. The drugs' effect is mostly due to an increase in the maximal surface pressure and suggests a complexation of hemin and drug within the membrane phase. Preformed hemin-drug complexes decrease the half-saturation concentration of the effect and suggest that the complexes adsorb to the membrane, releasing the hemin through an apolar continuum into the phospholipid phase. The implications of the results to the membrane toxicity mechanism proposed for the molecular mode of action of antimalarial drugs are discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of pulmonary surfactant protein A (SP-A) labeled with Texas Red (TR-SP-A) with monolayers containing zwitterionic and acidic phospholipids has been studied at pH 7.4 and 4.5 using epifluorescence microscopy. At pH 7.4, TR-SP-A expanded the pi-A isotherms of film of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). It interacted at high concentration at the edges of condensed-expanded phase domains, and distributed evenly at lower concentration into the fluid phase with increasing pressure. At pH 4.5, TR-SP-A expanded DPPC monolayers to a slightly lower extent than at pH 7.4. It interacted primarily at the phase boundaries but it did not distribute into the fluid phase with increasing pressure. Films of DPPC/dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) 7:3 mol/mol were somewhat expanded by TR-SP-A at pH 7.4. The protein was distributed in aggregates only at the condensed-expanded phase boundaries at all surface pressures. At pH 4.5 TR-SP-A caused no expansion of the pi-A isotherm of DPPC/DPPG, but its fluorescence was relatively homogeneously distributed throughout the expanded phase at all pressures studied. These observations can be explained by a combination of factors including the preference for SP-A aggregates to enter monolayers at packing dislocations and their disaggregation in the presence of lipid under increasing pressure, together with the influence of pH on the aggregation state of SP-A and the interaction of SP-A with zwitterionic and acidic lipid.  相似文献   

The ionic strength dependence of the electron self-exchange rate constants of cytochromes c, c551, and b5 has been analyzed in terms of a monopole-dipole formalism (van Leeuwen, J.W. 1983. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 743:408-421). The dipole moments of the reduced and oxidized forms of Ps. aeruginosa cytochrome c551 are 190 and 210 D, respectively (calculated from the crystal structure). The projections of these on the vector from the center of mass through the exposed heme edge are 120 and 150 D. For cytochrome b5, the dipole moments calculated from the crystal structure are 500 and 460 D for the reduced and oxidized protein; the projections of these dipole moments through the exposed heme edge are -330 and -280 D. A fit of the ionic strength dependence of the electron self-exchange rate constants gives -280 (reduced) and -250 (oxidized) D for the center of mass to heme edge vector. The self-exchange rate constants extrapolated to infinite ionic strength of cytochrome c, c551, and b5 are 5.1 x 10(5), 2 x 10(7), and 3.7 x 10(5) M-1 s-1, respectively. The extension of the monopole-dipole approach to other cytochrome-cytochrome electron transfer reactions is discussed. The control of electron transfer by the size and shape of the protein is investigated using a model which accounts for the distance of the heme from each of the surface atoms of the protein. These calculations indicate that the difference between the electrostatically corrected self-exchange rate constants of cytochromes c and c551 is due only in part to the different sizes and heme exposures of the two proteins.  相似文献   

The binding of horse heart cytochrome c (cyt-c) and Thermus thermophilus cytochrome c(552) (cyt-c(552)) to dioleoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DOPG) vesicles was investigated using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and turbidity measurements. FTIR spectra revealed that the tertiary structures of both cytochromes became more open when bound to DOPG vesicles, but this was more pronounced for cyt-c. Their secondary structures were unchanged. Turbidity measurements showed important differences in their behavior bound to the negatively charged DOPG vesicles. Both cytochromes caused the liposomes to aggregate and flocculate, but the ways they did so differed. For cyt-c, more than a monolayer was adsorbed onto the liposome surface prior to aggregation due to charge neutralization, whereas cyt c(552) caused aggregation at a protein/lipid ratio well below that required for charge neutralization. Therefore, although cyt-c may cause liposomes to aggregate by electrostatic interaction, cyt-c(552) does not act in this way. FTIR-attenuated total reflection spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) revealed that cyt-c lost much of its secondary structure when bound to the hydrophobic surface of octadecyltrichlorosilane, whereas cyt-c(552) folds its domains into a beta-structure. This hydrophobic effect may be the key to the difference between the behaviors of the two cytochromes when bound to DOPG vesicles.  相似文献   

The arrangement of base-sequences in the chloroplast deoxyribonucleic acid from Euglena gracilis Z was investigated by analyzing the bimodal profile of chloroplast deoxyribonucleic acid in an alkaline CsCl density gradient. The three main fractions in the alkaline gradient contain both single-stranded self-complementary base-sequences and base-sequences that are not self-complementary. Four single-stranded self-complementary deoxyribonucleic acid components were isolated from alkaline CsCl preparative density gradients. A fifth component was derived by annealing two fractions containing deoxyribonucleic acid that was not self-complementary. The five fractions corresponded to the five components of total chloroplast deoxyribonucleic acid that exhibited differential thermal denaturation. The results indicate that these five components are not interspersed throughout the genome in small segments but that they exist as relatively large segments. This implies that the chloroplast deoxyribonucleic acid contains tandemly arranged segments differing in base-composition.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to investigate the interactions between chlorpromazine (CPZ) and Langmuir monolayers of the zwitterionic dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and the anionic dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG). Simulations for a fixed surface density and different charge states - neutral and protonated CPZ - were able to capture important features of the CPZ-phospholipid monolayer interaction. Neutral CPZ is predominantly found in the hydrophobic tail region, whereas protonated CPZ is located at the lipid-water interface. Specific interactions (hydrogen bonds) between protonated CPZ and the lipid head groups were found for both zwitterionic and anionic monolayers. We computed lipid tail order parameters and investigated the effects of the drug upon tail ordering. We also computed electrostatic surface potentials and found qualitative good agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

Wang L  Cowley AB  Terzyan S  Zhang X  Benson DR 《Proteins》2007,67(2):293-304
We report a 1.55 A X-ray crystal structure of the heme-binding domain of cytochrome b(5) from Musca domestica (house fly; HF b(5)), and compare it with previously published structures of the heme-binding domains of bovine microsomal cytochrome b(5) (bMc b(5)) and rat outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b(5) (rOM b(5)). The structural comparison was done in the context of amino acid sequences of all known homologues of the proteins under study. We show that insect b(5)s contain an extended hydrophobic patch at the base of the heme binding pocket, similar to the one previously shown to stabilize mammalian OM b(5)s relative to their Mc counterparts. The hydrophobic patch in insects includes a residue with a bulky hydrophobic side chain at position 71 (Met). Replacing Met71 in HF b(5) with Ser, the corresponding residue in all known mammalian Mc b(5)s, is found to substantially destabilize the holoprotein. The destabilization is a consequence of two related factors: (1) a large decrease in apoprotein stability and (2) extension of conformational disruption in the apoprotein beyond the empty heme binding pocket (core 1) and into the heme-independent folding core (core 2). Analogous changes have previously been shown to accompany replacement of Leu71 in rOM b(5) with Ser. That the stabilizing role of Met71 in HF b(5) is manifested primarily in the apo state is highlighted by the fact that its crystallographic Calpha B factor is modestly larger than that of Ser71 in bMc b(5), indicating that it slightly destabilizes local polypeptide conformation when heme is in its binding pocket. Finally, we show that the final unit of secondary structure in the cytochrome b(5) heme-binding domain, a 3(10) helix known as alpha6, differs substantially in length and packing interactions not only for different protein isoforms but also for given isoforms from different species.  相似文献   

The uptake of cytochrome c by charged and neutral lipid monolayers was studied by using reflection spectroscopy. The method was shown to be a very sensitive and useful technique in studies of lipid-protein interactions. It was found that cytochrome c is preferentially bound to monolayers of negatively charged monolayers in the solid phase. Polarized light under oblique incidence was used to determine the average orientation of chromophores in cytochrome c bound to lipid monolayer. The transition moments of chromophore are oriented parallel to the monolayer plane.  相似文献   

Illumination of chromatophore preparations from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides causes the oxidation of a cytochrome c and a slight oxidation of a cytochrome b with a maximum at 560nm. When illuminated in the presence of antimycin A the oxidation of cytochrome c was more pronounced and cytochrome b(560) was reduced; the dark oxidation of cytochrome b(560) was biphasic in the presence of succinate, but not in the presence of NADH, a less effective reductant. Split-beam spectroscopy showed that, in addition to the reduction of cytochrome b(560), another pigment with maxima at 565 and 537nm. was reduced and was more rapidly oxidized in the dark than cytochrome b(560). This pigment, tentatively identified as cytochrome b(565), was also detected in spectra at 77 degrees k, after brief illumination at room temperature; the maxima at 77 degrees k were at 562 and 536nm. In the absence of antimycin A, light caused a transient reduction of cytochrome b(565) and an oxidation of cytochrome b(560). Dark oxidation of b(565) was rapid, even in the presence of antimycin A and succinate. Difference spectra, at 77 degrees k, of ascorbate-reduced minus succinate-reduced chromatophores or of anaerobic succinate-reduced minus aerobic succinate-reduced chromatophores suggested that two cytochromes c were present, with maxima at 547 and 549nm. When chromatophores frozen at 77 degrees k were illuminated both these cytochromes c were oxidized, indicating a close association with the photochemical reaction centre. A scheme involving two reaction centres is proposed to explain these results.  相似文献   

The colicin A polypeptide chain (592 amino acid residues) contains three domains which are linearly organized and participate in the sequential steps involved in colicin action. We have compared the penetrating ability in phospholipid monolayers and the ability to promote vesicle fusion at acidic pH of colicin A and of protein derivatives containing various combinations of its domains. The NH2-terminal domain (171 amino acid residues), required for translocation across the outer membrane, has little affinity for dilauroylphosphatidylglycerol (DLPG) monolayers at all pHs tested. The central domain has a pH-dependent affinity, although lower than that of the entire colicin A. The COOH-terminal domain contains a high-affinity lipid binding site, but in addition an electrostatic interaction is required as a first step in the process of penetration into negatively charged DLPG films. In contrast to the constructs containing the ionophoric domain, the NH2-terminal domain alone has no fusogenic activity for liposomes. These results are discussed with regard to the mechanism of entry and action of colicin A in sensitive cells. Our results suggest the existence of a pH-dependent interaction between the receptor binding domain (amino acid residues 172-388) and the pore-forming domain of colicin A (amino acid residues 389-592).  相似文献   

The effects of phospholipid on the redox behavior of b cytochromes in succinate-cytochrome c reductase, the cytochrome b-c1 complex, and an isolated cytochrome b preparation were investigated by the oxidative and reductive titrations. Three Em values of cytochrome b were observed in the phospholipid-sufftcient and -depleted succinate-cytochrome c reductase. Their midpoint potentials at pH 7.4 are 75, 75, and ?100 mV for the sufficient and 10, ?30, and ?160 mV for the depleted reductase. The molar distribution of the b cytochromes of these Em values correspond to 30, 30, and 40%, respectively. The Em values of the isolated cytochrome b preparations were not affected by addition of phospholipids. The isolated b preparation contained two components of equal concentration with Em values of ?85 and ?200 mV. No direct correlation between enzymic activity and the amount of high potential b cytochromes present in the systems was demonstrated. Very little difference was observed in redox behavior of b cytochromes between the aged inactive preparations of phospholipid-depleted reductase and that of freshly prepared reconstitutively active enzyme.  相似文献   

The association and reduction reactions of ten different 4-carboxy-2,6-dinitrophenyl (CDNP) horse heart cytochromes c, singly modified at lysines 8, 13, 27, 39, 60, 72, 73, 86, 87, and 99, with Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytochrome b2 were studied to determine the region of cytochrome c interacting with cytochrome b2. In the presence of higher ratios of free cytochrome c to cytochrome b2, native cytochrome c, and the CDNP-lysine 39, 60, and 99 derivatives associated with cytochrome b2 with a binding stoichiometry close to 2:1, while CDNP-cytochromes c modified at lysines 8, 13, 27, 72, 73, 86, and 87 formed only 1:1 complexes. In the presence of lower ratios of free cytochrome c, modifications of lysines 8, 27, 86, and 87 had more inhibitory effects on the association of cytochrome c with cytochrome b2 than modifications of lysines 13, 39, 60, 72, 73, and 99. This tendency was similar to that on removal of free cytochrome c, except in the case of CDNP-lysine 13 and 73 derivatives. The rate of reduction of cytochrome c by cytochrome b2 was decreased by carboxydinitrophenylation of lysines 8, 13, 27, 72, 73, 86, and 87. In contrast, the rate of reduction of cytochrome c was not affected by modifications of lysines 39, 60, and 99. Since lysines 8, 13, 27, 72, 73, 86, and 87 are located on the front surface and lysines 39, 60, and 99 on the back side, and since different effects of modifying lysine residues located on the front surface may be interpreted in terms of effects on the complementary interaction of cytochrome c and cytochrome b2, these results indicate that the region of cytochrome c interacting with cytochrome b2 is located on the front surface of the cytochrome c molecule containing the exposed heme edge.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the interaction of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) with phospholipid monolayers. Pure TPP molecules form films at the air-water interface with large extension of aggregation, which is confirmed by UV-vis spectra of transferred monolayers. For mixed films of TPP with dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) or dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG), on the other hand, aggregation is only significant at high surface pressures or high concentrations of TPP (above 0.1 molar ratio). This was observed via Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) for the Langmuir films and UV-vis spectroscopy for transferred layers onto solid substrates. TPP indeed causes the DPPC and DPPG monolayers to expand, especially at the liquid-expanded to liquid-condensed phase transition for DPPC. The effects from TPP cannot be explained using purely geometrical considerations, as the area per TPP molecule obtained from the isotherms is at least twice the expected value from the literature. Therefore, interaction between TPP and DPPC or DPPG should be cooperative, so that more phospholipid molecules are affected than just the first neighbors to a TPP molecule.  相似文献   

Adsorption of the polylysine and of the copolypeptides: L-lysine/L-serine and L-lysine/L-phenylalanine on phospholipid monolayers has been investigated. The charge density of the monolayers was varied by using the negatively charged phosphatidyl serine and the neutral phosphatidyl choline at different ratios. The surface concentrations of the adsorbed polypeptides was determined by measuring the surface radiation of their radioactive label.The adsorbing capacity of the monolayer surfaces increases with their negative charge, however with respect to polypeptides the surface activity sequence is pL < pLS < pLφ. From the dependence of adsorption on the ionic strength it was concluded that it is controlled by three types of interaction: (1) electrostatic attraction to the negatively charged surface; (2) electrostatic repulsion between adsorbed polybases; (3) hydrophobic interactions involving specific structural arrangements. This is true even of the apparently neutral PC monolayer where the fixed phosphate groups form an electrical double layer with the more mobile choline groups which can be interpenetrated by the charged groups of the basic polypeptides.  相似文献   

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been investigated for its ability to quantitate hydrophobic proteins like cytochromes b5 and P-450 at the subnanogram level. Issues encountered that have broad significance not only for ELISA, but for other qualitative and quantitative immunoassays as well, include the effects of detergent, the discriminatory capacity of ELISA, and the method for determining an assay's selectivity.  相似文献   

R E Overfield  C A Wraight 《Biochemistry》1980,19(14):3322-3327
The oxidation of cytochrome c2 by photosynthetic reaction center isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and incorporated into unilamellar phosphatidylcholine vesicles was found to be kinetically similar to that observed earlier for reaction centers in low detergent solution [Overfield, R.E., Wraight, C.A., & DeVault, D. (1979) FEBS Lett. 105, 137-142]. At low ionic strength the kinetics were biphasic. The fast phase indicated the formation of a cytochrome-reaction center complex with an apparent binding constant, KB, of about 10(5) M-1. However, KB decreased dramatically with increasing salt concentration, and no fast oxidation was detectable in 0.1 M NaCl. The slow cytochrome oxidation was first order in both cytochrome and reaction centers and, thus, second order overall. Deviations from theoretical second-order behavior were observed when the rate of the first-order back reaction of the primary photoproducts was significant compared to the cytochrome oxidation. This can cause serious overestimation of the second-order rate constant. The slow oxidation of cytochrome c2 by reaction centers in phosphatidylcholine vesicles exhibited a 40% lower encounter frequency than with the solubilized reaction center. This was attributed to the much lower diffusion coefficient of the reaction center in the vesicle membrane than in solution. No effects of diminished dimensionality were detected with neutral vesicles. An activation energy of 8.0 +/- 0.4 kcal x mol-1 was determined for the slow phase of cytochrome c2 oxidation by reaction centers in solution and in vesicles of several different phosphatidylcholines, including dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine above and below its phase transition temperature. Thus, the physical state of the lipid did not appear to affect any rate-limiting steps leading to cytochrome oxidation. The ionic strength dependence of the slow kinetics of oxidation of cytochromes c and c2 confirmed the electrostatic nature of the cytochrome-reaction center interaction, and the pH dependence indicated the titration of a group or groups, important to this interaction, at pH 9.5.  相似文献   

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