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Drosophila melanogaster is increasingly being used to model human conditions that are associated with cognitive deficits including fragile‐X syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, sleep loss, etc. With few exceptions, cognitive abilities that are known to be modified in these conditions in humans have not been evaluated in fly models. One reason is the absence of a simple, inexpensive and reliable behavioral assay that can be used by laboratories that are not expert in learning and memory. Aversive phototaxic suppression (APS) is a simple assay in which flies learn to avoid light that is paired with an aversive stimulus (quinine/humidity). However, questions remain about whether the change in the fly’s behavior reflects learning an association between light and quinine/humidity or whether the change in behavior is because of nonassociative effects of habituation and/or sensitization. We evaluated potential effects of sensitization and habituation on behavior in the T‐maze and conducted a series of yoked control experiments to further exclude nonassociative effects and determine whether this task evaluates operant learning. Together these experiments indicate that a fly must associate the light with quinine/humidity to successfully complete the task. Next, we show that five classic memory mutants are deficient in this assay. Finally, we evaluate performance in a fly model of neurodegenerative disorders associated with the accumulation of Tau. These data indicate that APS is a simple and effective assay that can be used to evaluate fly models of human conditions associated with cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

A large number of endogenous and exogenous factors have been identified to upregulate and downregulate proliferation, differentiation and/or survival of newborn cells in the adult hippocampus. For studying neuronal mechanisms mediating the impact of those factors, we used a transgenic synRas mouse model expressing constitutively activated Valin12‐Harvey Ras selectively in differentiated neurons. BrdU injections showed significantly reduced proliferation of new cells within the adult hippocampus of transgenic animals compared with their wild‐type siblings. In contrast, the relative survival of newborn cells was increased in synRas mice, although this effect did not fully compensate for diminished proliferation. Inhibition of progenitor cell proliferation and enhancement of cellular survival were more pronounced in males compared with females. Double labelling and doublecortin immunostaining verified that specifically newborn neurons were decreased in synRas mice. Reduced cell generation was observed already 2 h after BrdU pulse injections, identifying an early precursor cell population as target of the inhibitory transgene effect. Differences in proliferation remained stable after 24 h and were specific for the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, as subventricular cell generation was not affected supporting a non‐cell autonomous effect on neural hippocampal progenitors. Transgene expression only starts with synaptic differentiation and therefore reduced proliferation must represent an indirect secondary consequence of synRas activity in differentiated neurons. This was associated with impaired spatial short‐term memory capacities as observed in a radial maze paradigm. Our data suggest that constantly high Ras activity in differentiated neurons downregulates hippocampal precursor cell generation in the neuronal lineage, but is modulated by sex‐dependent factors.  相似文献   

SNAP‐25 is a key component of the synaptic‐vesicle fusion machinery, involved in several psychiatric diseases including schizophrenia and ADHD. SNAP‐25 protein expression is lower in different brain areas of schizophrenic patients and in ADHD mouse models. How the reduced expression of SNAP‐25 alters the properties of synaptic transmission, leading to a pathological phenotype, is unknown. We show that, unexpectedly, halved SNAP‐25 levels at 13–14 DIV not only fail to impair synaptic transmission but instead enhance evoked glutamatergic neurotransmission. This effect is possibly dependent on presynaptic voltage‐gated calcium channel activity and is not accompanied by changes in spontaneous quantal events or in the pool of readily releasable synaptic vesicles. Notably, synapses of 13–14 DIV neurons with reduced SNAP‐25 expression show paired‐pulse depression as opposed to paired‐pulse facilitation occurring in their wild‐type counterparts. This phenotype disappears with synapse maturation. As alterations in short‐term plasticity represent a new mechanism contributing to cognitive impairments in intellectual disabilities, our data provide mechanistic clues for neuronal circuit alterations in psychiatric diseases characterized by reduced expression of SNAP‐25.  相似文献   

Soil carbon losses to the atmosphere through soil respiration are expected to rise with ongoing temperature increases, but available evidence from mesic biomes suggests that such response disappears after a few years of experimental warming. However, there is lack of empirical basis for these temporal dynamics in soil respiration responses, and for the mechanisms underlying them, in drylands, which collectively form the largest biome on Earth and store 32% of the global soil organic carbon pool. We coupled data from a 10 year warming experiment in a biocrust‐dominated dryland ecosystem with laboratory incubations to confront 0–2 years (short‐term hereafter) versus 8–10 years (longer‐term hereafter) soil respiration responses to warming. Our results showed that increased soil respiration rates with short‐term warming observed in areas with high biocrust cover returned to control levels in the longer‐term. Warming‐induced increases in soil temperature were the main drivers of the short‐term soil respiration responses, whereas longer‐term soil respiration responses to warming were primarily driven by thermal acclimation and warming‐induced reductions in biocrust cover. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating short‐ and longer‐term soil respiration responses to warming as a mean to reduce the uncertainty in predicting the soil carbon–climate feedback in drylands.  相似文献   

Tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues (TIP39) is a neuropeptide localized to neural circuits subserving emotional processing. Recent work showed that mice with null mutation for the gene coding TIP39 (TIP39‐KO mice) display increased susceptibility to environmental provocation. Based on this stressor‐dependent phenotype, the neuroanatomical distribution of TIP39, and knowledge that novelty‐induced arousal modulates memory functions via noradrenergic activation, we hypothesized that exposure to a novel environment differently affects memory performance of mice with or without TIP39 signaling, potentially by differences in sensitivity of the noradrenergic system. We tested TIP39‐KO mice and mice with null mutation of its receptor, the parathyroid hormone 2 receptor (PTH2‐R), in tasks of short‐term declarative and social memory (object recognition and social recognition tests, respectively), and of working memory (Y‐maze test) under conditions of novelty‐induced arousal or acclimation to the test conditions. Mice lacking TIP39 signaling showed memory impairment selectively under conditions of novelty‐induced arousal. Acute administration of a PTH2‐R antagonist in wild‐type mice had a similar effect. The restoration of memory functions in TIP39‐KO mice after injection of a β‐adrenoreceptor‐blocker, propranolol, suggested involvement of the noradrenergic system. Collectively, these results suggest that the TIP39/PTH2‐R system modulates the effects of novelty exposure on memory performance, potentially by acting on noradrenergic signaling.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of an electromagnetic field (EMF) as emitted by a 902 MHz mobile phone on human short term memory. This study was a replication with methodological improvements to our previous study. The improvements included multi-centre testing and a double blind design. A total of 64 subjects (32 men) in two independent laboratories performed a short term memory task (n-back) which poses a varying memory load (0-3 items) on the subjects' memory. They performed the task twice, once each under EMF and sham exposure. Reaction times (RTs) and accuracy of the responses were recorded. The order of exposure and memory load conditions were counterbalanced across subjects and gender. There were no statistically significant differences in performance between the two laboratories. We could not replicate our previous results: the EMF had no effect on RTs or on the accuracy of the subjects' answers. The inability to replicate previous findings could have been caused by lack of actual EMF effects or the magnitude of effects being at the sensitivity threshold of the test used.  相似文献   

Experimental evolution is becoming a popular approach to study the genomic selection response of evolving populations. Computer simulation studies suggest that the accuracy of the signature increases with the duration of the experiment. Since some assumptions of the computer simulations may be violated, it is important to scrutinize the influence of the experimental duration with real data. Here, we use a highly replicated Evolve and Resequence study in Drosophila simulans to compare the selection targets inferred at different time points. At each time point, approximately the same number of SNPs deviates from neutral expectations, but only 10% of the selected haplotype blocks identified from the full data set can be detected after 20 generations. Those haplotype blocks that emerge already after 20 generations differ from the others by being strongly selected at the beginning of the experiment and display a more parallel selection response. Consistent with previous computer simulations, our results demonstrate that only Evolve and Resequence experiments with a sufficient number of generations can characterize complex adaptive architectures.  相似文献   

An in vivo Ca2+ imaging technique was applied to examine the cellular mechanisms for attenuation of wind sensitivity in the identified primary sensory interneurons in the cricket cercal system. Simultaneous measurement of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and membrane potential of a wind‐sensitive giant interneuron (GI) revealed that successive air puffs caused the Ca2+ accumulation in dendrites and diminished the wind‐evoked bursting response in the GI. After tetanic stimulation of the presynaptic cercal sensory nerves induced a larger Ca2+ accumulation in the GI, the wind‐evoked bursting response was reversibly decreased in its spike number. When hyperpolarizing current injection suppressed the [Ca2+]i elevation during tetanic stimulation, the wind‐evoked EPSPs were not changed. Moreover, after suprathreshold tetanic stimulation to one side of the cercal nerve resulted in Ca2+ accumulation in the GI's dendrites, the slope of EPSP evoked by presynaptic stimulation of the other side of the cercal nerve was also attenuated for a few minutes after the [Ca2+]i had returned to the prestimulation level. This short‐term depression at synapses between the cercal sensory neurons and the GI (cercal‐to‐giant synapses) was also induced by a depolarizing current injection, which increased the [Ca2+]i, and buffering of the Ca2+ rise with a high concentration of a Ca2+ chelator blocked the induction of short‐term depression. These results indicate that the postsynaptic Ca2+ accumulation causes short‐term synaptic depression at the cercal‐to‐giant synapses. The dendritic excitability of the GI may contribute to postsynaptic regulation of the wind‐sensitivity via Ca2+‐dependent depression. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 46: 301–313, 2001  相似文献   

Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane cell adhesion receptors that are essential for a wide range of biological functions via cell–matrix and cell–cell interactions. Recent studies have provided evidence that some of the subunits in the integrin family are involved in synaptic and behavioral plasticity. To further understand the role of integrins in the mammalian central nervous system, we generated a postnatal forebrain and excitatory neuron‐specific knockout of α8‐integrin in the mouse. Behavioral studies showed that the mutant mice are normal in multiple hippocampal‐dependent learning tasks, including a T‐maze, non‐match‐to‐place working memory task for which other integrin subunits like α3‐ and β1‐integrin are required. In contrast, mice mutant for α8‐integrin exhibited a specific impairment of long‐term potentiation (LTP) at Schaffer collateral–CA1 synapses, whereas basal synaptic transmission, paired‐pulse facilitation and long‐term depression (LTD) remained unaffected. Because LTP is also impaired in the absence of α3‐integrin, our results indicate that multiple integrin molecules are required for the normal expression of LTP, and different integrins display distinct roles in behavioral and neurophysiological processes like synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

The importance of diadinoxanthin (Ddx) de‐epoxidation in the short‐term modulation of the temperature effect on photosynthetic membranes of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum was demonstrated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), Laurdan fluorescence spectroscopy, and high‐performance liquid chromatography. The 5‐SASL spin probe employed for the EPR measurements and Laurdan provided information about the membrane area close to the polar head groups of the membrane lipids, whereas with the 16‐SASL spin probe, the hydrophobic core, where the fatty acid residues are located, was probed. The obtained results indicate that Ddx de‐epoxidation induces a two component mechanism in the short‐term regulation of the membrane fluidity of diatom thylakoids during changing temperatures. One component has been termed the “dynamic effect” and the second the “stable effect” of Ddx de‐epoxidation. The “dynamic effect” includes changes of the membrane during the time course of de‐epoxidation whereas the “stable effect” is based on the rigidifying properties of Dtx. The combination of both effects results in a temporary increase of the rigidity of both peripheral and internal parts of the membrane whereas the persistent increase of the rigidity of the hydrophobic core of the membrane is solely based on the “stable effect.”  相似文献   

Daily and seasonal fluctuations in temperature present significant challenges for the survival of many ectothermic species that can be tempered via thermal acclimation. In the present study, we use multiple naturally derived genotypes of Drosophila melanogaster to determine the persistence of beneficial short‐term thermal acclimation on subsequent survival after cold shock. We found that the benefit of short‐term acclimation persisted for 2 h in most genotypes after a rapid cold hardening treatment. Genotype did not directly influence the persistence of short‐term acclimation benefits, indicating that environmental variation may be more important for the persistence of acclimation benefits rather than genetic capacity for acclimation. The present study extends the current understanding of the limits and importance of short‐term acclimation events, providing greater detail on the timing of the loss of short‐term acclimation benefits in a genetically variable natural population.  相似文献   

Animals must recognize and remember conspecifics and potential mates, and distinguish these animals from potential heterospecific competitors and predators. Despite its necessity, aged animals are known to exhibit impaired social recognition memory. As the brain ages, the ratio of NR2A:NR2B in the brain increases over time and has been postulated to underlie the cognitive decline observed during the aging process. Here, we test the hypothesis that an increased NR2A:NR2B subunit ratio underlies long‐term social recognition memory. Using transgenic overexpression of NR2A in the forebrain regions, we investigated the ability of these mice to learn and remember male and female conspecifics, mice of another strain and animals of another rodent species, the rat. Furthermore, due to the importance of olfaction in social recognition, we tested the olfactory memory in the NR2A transgenic mice. Our series of behavioral experiments revealed significant impairments in the NR2A transgenic mice in long‐term social memory of both male and female conspecifics. Additionally, the NR2A transgenic mice are unable to recognize mice of another strain or rats. The NR2A transgenic mice also exhibited long‐term memory impairments in the olfactory recognition task. Taken together, our results provide evidence that an increased NR2A:NR2B ratio in the forebrain leads to reduced long‐term memory function, including the ethologically important memories such as social recognition and olfactory memory .  相似文献   

Ca2+ signalling in neurons through calmodulin (CaM) has a prominent function in regulating synaptic vesicle trafficking, transport, and fusion. Importantly, Ca2+–CaM binds a conserved region in the priming proteins Munc13‐1 and ubMunc13‐2 and thus regulates synaptic neurotransmitter release in neurons in response to residual Ca2+ signals. We solved the structure of Ca2+4–CaM in complex with the CaM‐binding domain of Munc13‐1, which features a novel 1‐5‐8‐26 CaM‐binding motif with two separated mobile structural modules, each involving a CaM domain. Photoaffinity labelling data reveal the same modular architecture in the complex with the ubMunc13‐2 isoform. The N‐module can be dissociated with EGTA to form the half‐loaded Munc13/Ca2+2–CaM complex. The Ca2+ regulation of these Munc13 isoforms can therefore be explained by the modular nature of the Munc13/Ca2+–CaM interactions, where the C‐module provides a high‐affinity interaction activated at nanomolar [Ca2+]i, whereas the N‐module acts as a sensor at micromolar [Ca2+]i. This Ca2+/CaM‐binding mode of Munc13 likely constitutes a key molecular correlate of the characteristic Ca2+‐dependent modulation of short‐term synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Social insects exhibit complex learning and memory mechanisms while foraging. Vespula germanica (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) is an invasive social wasp that frequently forages on undepleted food sources, making several flights between the resource and the nest. Previous studies have shown that during this relocating behavior, wasps learn to associate food with a certain site, and can recall this association 1 h later. In this work, we evaluated whether this wasp species is capable of retrieving an established association after 24 h. For this purpose, we trained free flying individuals to collect proteinaceous food from an experimental plate (feeder) located in an experimental array. A total of 150 individuals were allowed 2, 4, or 8 visits. After the training phase, the array was removed and set up again 24 h later, but this time a second baited plate was placed opposite to the first. After 24 h we recorded the rate of wasps that returned to the experimental area and those which collected food from the previously learned feeding station or the nonlearned one. During the testing phase, we observed that a low rate of wasps trained with 2 collecting visits returned to the experimental area (22%), whereas the rate of returning wasps trained with 4 or 8 collecting visits was higher (51% and 41%, respectively). Moreover, wasps trained with 8 feeding visits collected food from the previously learned feeding station at a higher rate than those that did from the nonlearned one. In contrast, wasps trained 2 or 4 times chose both feeding stations at a similar rate. Thus, significantly more wasps returned to the previously learned feeding station after 8 repeated foraging flights but not after only 2 or 4 visits. This is the first report that demonstrates the existence of long‐term spatial memory in V. germanica wasps.  相似文献   

EphA4 receptor (EphA4) tyrosine kinase is an important regulator of central nervous system development and synaptic plasticity in the mature brain, but its relevance to the control of normal behavior remains largely unexplored. This study is the first attempt to obtain a behavioral profile of constitutive homozygous and heterozygous EphA4 knockout mice. A deficit in locomotor habituation in the open field, impairment in spatial recognition in the Y‐maze and reduced probability of spatial spontaneous alternation in the T‐maze were identified in homozygous EphA4?/? mice, while heterozygo us EphA4+/? mice appeared normal on these tests in comparison with wild‐type (WT) controls. The multiple phenotypes observed in EphA4?/? mice might stem from an underlying deficit in habituation learning, reflecting an elementary form of nonassociative learning that is in contrast to Pavlovian associative learning, which appeared unaffected by EphA4 disruption. A deficit in motor coordination on the accelerating rotarod was also demonstrated only in EphA4?/? mice – a finding in keeping with the presence of abnormal gait in EphA4?/? mice – although they were able to improve performance over training. There was no evidence for substantial changes in major neurochemical markers in various brain regions rich in EphA4 as shown by post‐mortem analysis. This excludes the possibility of major neurochemical compensation in the brain of EphA4?/? mice. In summary, we have demonstrated for the first time the behavioral significance of EphA4 disruption, supporting further investigation of EphA4 as a possible target for behavioral interventions where habituation deficits are prominent.  相似文献   

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