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The polymeric form in which long-chain aliphatic aldehydes are present in rose flower waxes has been established as the 2,4,6-trialkyl 1,3,5-trioxane.  相似文献   

The composition of the epicuticular waxes from the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of peach leaves varies considerably during one season's growth. Triterpenoid acids are major components 84–95% of the waxes from the youngest leaves but the proportions of these constituents decrease as the leaves expand. The waxes from the abaxial surfaces of fully expanded leaves consist primarily of hydrocarbons (C22–C34) and triterpenoid acids, whereas the adaxial surface waxes also contain large proportions of primary alcohols (C26-C34) and esters (C42-C52). The latter include sitosteryl esters of hexacosanoic, octacosanoic and eicosanoic acids. Variations were also noted between fully expanded leaves of different ages, the abaxial surface waxes of the oldest leaves containing the highest proportions of hydrocarbons, whilst the wax from the adaxial surface of the corresponding leaves contained the largest amounts of esters, sitosterol and hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Epicuticular wax isolated from the cotyledons and primary needles of 10-week-old Pinus radiata seedlings is similar in composition and contains 86% neutral compounds, viz. alkyl esters (25%, C24–C64), nonacosan-10-ol (52%), heptacosane-5,10-diol (2%), nonacosane-4,10-diol, nonacosane-5,10-diol, and nonacosane-10,13-diol (total 12%) and estolides, MW ca 800 (2%), MW ca 1100 (6%), and MW ca 1500 (1%). The acidic fraction (14%) contains n-acids (78%, C12–C32) and diterpene acids (22%, mainly abieta-8,11,13-trien-18-oic, with lesser amounts of pimara-8(14),15-dien-18-oic, isopimara-7,15-dien-18-oic and hydroxylated aromatic, diene and mono-ene acids). Wax isolated from primary needles of 1-yr-old seedlings had a similar neutral fraction composition, but the acidic fraction contained predominantly the diterpene acid mixture, with only trace amounts of n-acids. The wax from 1-yr-old secondary, needles from P. radiata forest trees aged 5 yr and 40 yr contained an acid fraction (12% 5 yr, 17% 40 yr trees) comprising the diterpene acid mixture, with trace amounts of n-acids together with ω-hydroxy acids (C12, C14 and C16). The neutral fraction from both young and old trees had a similar composition containing alkyl esters (7%, C24–C66), estolides (90%, MW 566-ca 1500), nonacosan-10-ol (2%) and the heptacosane and nonacosane diols (1%). During growth and maturation of P. radiata, the nonacosan-10-ol content of the needle wax decreases while the proportion of estolides and diterpene acids increases, the latter probably being located around the stomatal pore.  相似文献   

The n-hexane soluble non-volatile fraction of the acetone extracts from the flower buds, the flowers and the immature and the mature fruits of Fatsia japonica were all found to contain fatty acids, fatty acid methyl esters, squalene, β-amyrin and sterols. At all the stages between budding to the mature fruit, the major fatty acids were palmitic and linoleic acids and the major phytosterol was stigmasterol. In addition steryl and β-amyrenyl esters were found in the flowers and the immature and the mature fruits, but these esters were not present in the flower buds. Sitosteryl ester was the major constituent of the steryl ester fraction in the fruiting stages. Phytol was found in only the flowering stage and triglycerides in only the mature fruits. The variations in the lipid constituents is discussed in relation to the stages from budding to the mature fruit.  相似文献   

Although all parts of the geranium plant (Pelargonium hortorum) are capable of synthesizing sterols and triterpenes and their esters in vitro from mevalonic acid-[2-14C], the aerial portions are more active than other tissues. All plant parts were shown to incorporate mevalonic acid-[2-14C] into isoprenoids for at least 3 days. The leaves and petioles had the greatest incorporation on a wet weight basis. Chopped preparations showed comparable incorporations of mevalonate whereby rootlets incorporated about one half as much as most parts; the flower petals incorporated five times the average amount. In leaves the principal sterol synthesized was sitosterol. Metabolic studies with isolated leaves indicated a fairly rapid conversion of free tetracyclic triterpenes to 4-desmethyl-sterols, while β-amyrin was synthesized at a different rate than α-amyrin. Esterified tetracyclic triterpenes exhibited only a slight amount of conversion to 4-desmethylsterols.  相似文献   

Glaucousness is described as the scattering effect of visible light from wax deposited on the cuticle of plant aerial organs. In wheat, two dominant genes lead to non‐glaucous phenotypes: Inhibitor of wax 1 (Iw1) and Iw2. The molecular mechanisms and the exact extent (beyond visual assessment) by which these genes affect the composition and quantity of cuticular wax is unclear. To describe the Iw1 locus we used a genetic approach with detailed biochemical characterization of wax compounds. Using synteny and a large number of F2 gametes, Iw1 was fine‐mapped to a sub‐cM genetic interval on wheat chromosome arm 2BS, which includes a single collinear gene from the corresponding Brachypodium and rice physical maps. The major components of flag leaf and peduncle cuticular waxes included primary alcohols, β‐diketones and n‐alkanes. Small amounts of C19–C27 alkyl and methylalkylresorcinols that have not previously been described in wheat waxes were identified. Using six pairs of BC2F3 near‐isogenic lines, we show that Iw1 inhibits the formation of β‐ and hydroxy‐β‐diketones in the peduncle and flag leaf blade cuticles. This inhibitory effect is independent of genetic background or tissue, and is accompanied by minor but consistent increases in n‐alkanes and C24 primary alcohols. No differences were found in cuticle thickness and carbon isotope discrimination in near‐isogenic lines differing at Iw1.  相似文献   

The research on oral cancer has focused mainly on the cancer cells, their genetic changes and consequent phenotypic modifications. However, it is increasingly clear that the tumor microenvironment (TME) has been shown to be in a dynamic state of inter-relations with the cancer cells. The TME contains a variety of components including the non-cancerous cells (i.e., immune cells, resident fibroblasts and angiogenic vascular cells) and the ECM milieu [including fibers (mainly collagen and fibronectin) and soluble factors (i.e., enzymes, growth factors, cytokines and chemokines)]. Thus, it is currently assumed that TME is considered a part of the cancerous tissue and the functionality of its key components constitutes the setting on which the hallmarks of the cancer cells can evolve. Therefore, in terms of controlling a malignancy, one should control the growth, invasion and spread of the cancer cells through modifications in the TME components. This mini review focuses on the TME as a diagnostic approach and reports the recent insights into the role of different TME key components [such as carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and inflammation (CAI) cells, angiogenesis, stromal matrix molecules and proteases] in the molecular biology of oral carcinoma. Furthermore, the impact of TME components on clinical outcomes and the concomitant need for development of new therapeutic approaches will be discussed.  相似文献   

The reaction center-light harvesting complex 1 (RC-LH1) purified from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been studied with respect to the kinetics of charge recombination and to the phospholipid and ubiquinone (UQ) complements tightly associated with it. In the antenna-RC complexes, at 6.5 < pH < 9.0, P+QB recombines with a pH independent average rate constant <k> more than three times smaller than that measured in LH1-deprived RCs. At increasing pH values, for which <k> increases, the deceleration observed in RC-LH1 complexes is reduced, vanishing at pH > 11.0. In both systems kinetics are described by a continuous rate distribution, which broadens at pH > 9.5, revealing a strong kinetic heterogeneity, more pronounced in the RC-LH1 complex. In the presence of the antenna the QAQB state is stabilized by about 40 meV at 6.5 < pH < 9.0, while it is destabilized at pH > 11. The phospholipid/RC and UQ/RC ratios have been compared in chromatophore membranes, in RC-LH1 complexes and in the isolated peripheral antenna (LH2). The UQ concentration in the lipid phase of the RC-LH1 complexes is about one order of magnitude larger than the average concentration in chromatophores and in LH2 complexes. Following detergent washing RC-LH1 complexes retain 80-90 phospholipid and 10-15 ubiquinone molecules per monomer. The fractional composition of the lipid domain tightly bound to the RC-LH1 (determined by TLC and 31P-NMR) differs markedly from that of chromatophores and of the peripheral antenna. The content of cardiolipin, close to 10% weight in chromatophores and LH2 complexes, becomes dominant in the RC-LH1 complexes. We propose that the quinone and cardiolipin confinement observed in core complexes reflects the in vivo heterogeneous distributions of these components. Stabilization of the charge separated state in the RC-LH1 complexes is tentatively ascribed to local electrostatic perturbations due to cardiolipin.  相似文献   

Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase catalyzes the conversion of 5-phosphoribosyl-α-1-diphosphate (PRPP) and uracil to uridine monophosphate (UMP) and diphosphate (PPi). The tetrameric enzyme from Sulfolobus solfataricus has a unique type of allosteric regulation by cytidine triphosphate (CTP) and guanosine triphosphate (GTP). Here we report two structures of the activated state in complex with GTP. One structure (refined at 2.8-Å resolution) contains PRPP in all active sites, while the other structure (refined at 2.9-Å resolution) has PRPP in two sites and the hydrolysis products, ribose-5-phosphate and PPi, in the other sites. Combined with three existing structures of uracil phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with UMP and the allosteric inhibitor cytidine triphosphate (CTP), these structures provide valuable insight into the mechanism of allosteric transition from inhibited to active enzyme. The regulatory triphosphates bind at a site in the center of the tetramer in a different manner and change the quaternary arrangement. Both effectors contact Pro94 at the beginning of a long β-strand in the dimer interface, which extends into a flexible loop over the active site. In the GTP-bound state, two flexible loop residues, Tyr123 and Lys125, bind the PPi moiety of PRPP in the neighboring subunit and contribute to catalysis, while in the inhibited state, they contribute to the configuration of the active site for UMP rather than PRPP binding. The C-terminal Gly216 participates in a hydrogen-bond network in the dimer interface that stabilizes the inhibited, but not the activated, state. Tagging the C-terminus with additional amino acids generates an endogenously activated enzyme that binds GTP without effects on activity.  相似文献   

The functional state of the Photosystem (PS) II complex in Arabidopsis psbR T-DNA insertion mutant was studied. The ΔPsbR thylakoids showed about 34% less oxygen evolution than WT, which correlates with the amounts of PSII estimated from YDox radical EPR signal. The increased time constant of the slow phase of flash fluorescence (FF)-relaxation and upshift in the peak position of the main TL-bands, both in the presence and in the absence of DCMU, confirmed that the S2QA and S2QB charge recombinations were stabilized in ΔPsbR thylakoids. Furthermore, the higher amount of dark oxidized Cyt-b559 and the increased proportion of fluorescence, which did not decay during the 100s time span of the measurement thus indicating higher amount of YD+QA recombination, pointed to the donor side modifications in ΔPsbR. EPR measurements revealed that S1-to-S2-transition and S2-state multiline signal were not affected by mutation. The fast phase of the FF-relaxation in the absence of DCMU was significantly slowed down with concomitant decrease in the relative amplitude of this phase, indicating a modification in QA to QB electron transfer in ΔPsbR thylakoids. It is concluded that the lack of the PsbR protein modifies both the donor and the acceptor side of the PSII complex.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) works as a retrograde neurotransmitter in synapses, allows the brain blood flow and also has important roles in intracellular signaling in neurons from the regulation of the neuronal metabolic status to the dendritic spine growth. Moreover NO is able to perform post-translational modifications in proteins by the S-nitrosylation of the thiol amino acids, which is a physiological mechanism to regulate protein function. On the other hand, during aging and pathological processes the behavior of NO can turn harmful when reacts with superoxide anion to form peroxynitrite. This gaseous compound can diffuse easily throughout the neuronal membranes damaging lipid, proteins and nucleic acids. In the case of proteins, peroxynitrite reacts mostly with the phenolic ring of the tyrosines forming nitro-tyrosines that affects dramatically to the physiological functions of the proteins. Protein nitrotyrosination is an irreversible process that also yields to the accumulation of the modified proteins contributing to the onset and progression of neurodegenerative processes such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

The influence of the histidine axial ligand to the PD1 chlorophyll of photosystem II on the redox potential and spectroscopic properties of the primary electron donor, P680, was investigated in mutant oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII) complexes purified from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. To achieve this aim, a mutagenesis system was developed in which the psbA1 and psbA2 genes encoding D1 were deleted from a His-tagged CP43 strain (to generate strain WT?) and mutations D1-H198A and D1-H198Q were introduced into the remaining psbA3 gene. The O2-evolving activity of His-tagged PSII isolated from WT? was found to be significantly higher than that measured from His-tagged PSII isolated from WT in which psbA1 is expected to be the dominantly expressed form. PSII purified from both the D1-H198A and D1-H198Q mutants exhibited oxygen-evolving activity as high as that from WT?. Surprisingly, a variety of kinetic and spectroscopic measurements revealed that the D1-H198A and D1-H198Q mutations had little effect on the redox and spectroscopic properties of P680, in contrast to the earlier results from the analysis of the equivalent mutants constructed in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 [B.A. Diner, E. Schlodder, P.J. Nixon, W.J. Coleman, F. Rappaport, J. Lavergne, W.F. Vermaas, D.A. Chisholm, Site-directed mutations at D1-His198 and D2-His197 of photosystem II in Synechocystis PCC 6803: sites of primary charge separation and cation and triplet stabilization, Biochemistry 40 (2001) 9265-9281]. We conclude that the nature of the axial ligand to PD1 is not an important determinant of the redox and spectroscopic properties of P680 in T. elongatus.  相似文献   

A deletion mutant that lacks the Psb30 protein, one of the small subunits of Photosystem II, was constructed in a Thermosynechococcus elongatus strain in which the D1 protein is expressed from the psbA3 gene (WT*). The ΔPsb30 mutant appears more susceptible to photodamage, has a cytochrome b559 that is converted into the low potential form, and probably also lacks the PsbY subunit. In the presence of an inhibitor of protein synthesis, the ?Psb30 lost more rapidly the water oxidation function than the WT* under the high light conditions. These results suggest that Psb30 contributes to structurally and functionally stabilise the Photosystem II complex in preventing the conversion of cytochrome b559 into the low potential form. Structural reasons for such effects are discussed.  相似文献   

The main cofactors of Photosystem II (PSII) are borne by the D1 and D2 subunits. In the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, three psbA genes encoding D1 are found in the genome. Among the 344 residues constituting the mature form of D1, there are 21 substitutions between PsbA1 and PsbA3, 31 between PsbA1 and PsbA2, and 27 between PsbA2 and PsbA3. In a previous study (Sugiura et al., J. Biol. Chem. 287 (2012), 13336-13347) we found that the oxidation kinetics and spectroscopic properties of TyrZ were altered in PsbA2-PSII when compared to PsbA(1/3)-PSII. The comparison of the different amino acid sequences identified the residues Cys144 and Pro173 found in PsbA1 and PsbA3, as being substituted in PsbA2 by Pro144 and Met173, and thus possible candidates accounting for the changes in the geometry and/or the environment of the TyrZ/His190 phenol/imidizol motif. Indeed, these amino acids are located upstream of the α-helix bearing TyrZ and between the two α-helices bearing TyrZ and its hydrogen-bonded partner, D1/His190. Here, site-directed mutants of PSII, PsbA3/Pro173Met and PsbA2/Met173Pro, were analyzed using X- and W-band EPR and UV-visible time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. The Pro173Met substitution in PsbA2-PSII versus PsbA3-PSII is shown to be the main structural determinant of the previously described functional differences between PsbA2-PSII and PsbA3-PSII. In PsbA2-PSII and PsbA3/Pro173Met-PSII, we found that the oxidation of TyrZ by P680+● was specifically slowed during the transition between S-states associated with proton release. We thus propose that the increase of the electrostatic charge of the Mn4CaO5 cluster in the S2 and S3 states could weaken the strength of the H-bond interaction between TyrZ and D1/His190 in PsbA2 versus PsbA3 and/or induce structural modification(s) of the water molecules network around TyrZ.  相似文献   

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