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Neurexins and neuroligins are cell adhesion molecules present in excitatory and inhibitory synapses, and they are required for correct neuron network function1. These proteins are found at the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes 2. Studies in mice indicate that neurexins and neurologins have an essential role in synaptic transmission 1. Recent reports have shown that altered neuronal connections during the development of the human nervous system could constitute the basis of the etiology of numerous cases of autism spectrum disorders 3. Caenorhabditis elegans could be used as an experimental tool to facilitate the study of the functioning of synaptic components, because of its simplicity for laboratory experimentation, and given that its nervous system and synaptic wiring has been fully characterized. In C. elegansnrx-1 and nlg-1 genes are orthologous to human NRXN1 and NLGN1 genes which encode alpha-neurexin-1 and neuroligin-1 proteins, respectively. In humans and nematodes, the organization of neurexins and neuroligins is similar in respect to functional domains.The head of the nematode contains the amphid, a sensory organ of the nematode, which mediates responses to different stimuli, including osmotic strength. The amphid is made of 12 sensory bipolar neurons with ciliated dendrites and one presynaptic terminal axon 4. Two of these neurons, named ASHR and ASHL are particularly important in osmotic sensory function, detecting water-soluble repellents with high osmotic strength 5. The dendrites of these two neurons lengthen to the tip of the mouth and the axons extend to the nerve ring, where they make synaptic connections with other neurons determining the behavioral response 6.To evaluate the implications of neurexin and neuroligin in high osmotic strength avoidance, we show the different response of C. elegans mutants defective in nrx-1 and nlg-1 genes, using a method based on a 4M fructose ring 7. The behavioral phenotypes were confirmed using specific RNAi clones 8. In C. elegans, the dsRNA required to trigger RNAi can be administered by feeding 9. The delivery of dsRNA through food induces the RNAi interference of the gene of interest thus allowing the identification of genetic components and network pathways.  相似文献   

Alcohol modulates the highly conserved, voltage‐ and calcium‐activated potassium (BK) channel, which contributes to alcohol‐mediated behaviors in species from worms to humans. Previous studies have shown that the calcium‐sensitive domains, RCK1 and the Ca2+ bowl, are required for ethanol activation of the mammalian BK channel in vitro. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, ethanol activates the BK channel in vivo, and deletion of the worm BK channel, SLO‐1, confers strong resistance to intoxication. To determine if the conserved RCK1 and calcium bowl domains were also critical for intoxication and basal BK channel‐dependent behaviors in C. elegans, we generated transgenic worms that express mutated SLO‐1 channels predicted to have the RCK1, Ca2+ bowl or both domains rendered insensitive to calcium. As expected, mutating these domains inhibited basal function of SLO‐1 in vivo as neck and body curvature of these mutants mimicked that of the BK null mutant. Unexpectedly, however, mutating these domains singly or together in SLO‐1 had no effect on intoxication in C. elegans. Consistent with these behavioral results, we found that ethanol activated the SLO‐1 channel in vitro with or without these domains. By contrast, in agreement with previous in vitro findings, C. elegans harboring a human BK channel with mutated calcium‐sensing domains displayed resistance to intoxication. Thus, for the worm SLO‐1 channel, the putative calcium‐sensitive domains are critical for basal in vivo function but unnecessary for in vivo ethanol action.  相似文献   

More than fifty FMRFamide‐like neuropeptides have been identified in nematodes. We addressed the role of a subset of these in the control of nematode feeding by electrophysiological recording of the activity of C. elegans pharynx. AF1 (KNEFIRFamide), AF2 (KHEYLRFamide), AF8 (KSAYMRFamide), and GAKFIRFamide (encoded by the C. elegans genes flp‐8, flp‐14, flp‐6, and flp‐5, respectively) increased pharyngeal action potential frequency, in a manner similar to 5‐HT. In contrast, SDPNFLRFamide, SADPNFLRFamide, SAEPFGTMRFamide, KPSVRFamide, APEASPFIRFamide, and AQTVRFamide (encoded by the C. elegans genes flp‐1; flp‐1; flp‐3; flp‐9; flp‐13, and flp‐16, respectively) inhibited the pharynx in a manner similar to octopamine. Only three of the neuropeptides had potent effects at low nanomolar concentrations, consistent with a physiological role in pharyngeal regulation. Therefore, we assessed whether these three peptides mediated their actions either directly on the pharynx or indirectly via the neural circuit controlling its activity by comparing actions between wild‐type and mutants with deficits in synaptic signaling. Our data support the conclusion that AF1 and SAEPFGTMRFamide regulate the activity of the pharynx indirectly, whereas APEASPFIRFamide exerts its action directly. These results are in agreement with the expression pattern for the genes encoding the neuropeptides (Kim and Li, 1999) as both flp‐8 and flp‐3 are expressed in extrapharyngeal neurons, whereas flp‐13 is expressed in I5, a neuron with synaptic output to the pharyngeal muscle. These results provide the first, direct, functional information on the action of neuropeptides in C. elegans. Furthermore, we provide evidence for a putative inhibitory peptidergic synapse, which is likely to have a role in the control of feeding. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 49: 235–244, 2001  相似文献   

Abstract: A full-length cDNA encoding the β subunit of the recently described avermectin receptor was amplified from Caenorhabditis elegans mRNA. When this cDNA was injected into Xenopus oocytes a dose-dependent response to glycine was observed, together with a smaller response to 1 m M GABA. The EC50 of the glycine response was similar to that described previously for glutamate (0.38 m M ). Hybridisation of the cDNA to polytene filters identified three yeast artificial chromosome clones that gave a positive signal, Y37B3, Y38E5, and Y24C9, all of which are mapped to chromosome 1. Hybridisation to a series of cosmid clones covering this area further mapped the gene encoding this subunit to the region −2,818 to −2,824.  相似文献   

Mutations in various genes adversely affect locomotion in model organisms, and thus provide valuable clues about the complex processes that control movement. In Caenorhabditis elegans, loss‐of‐function mutations in the Na+ leak current channel (NALCN) and associated proteins (UNC‐79 and UNC‐80) cause akinesia and fainting (abrupt freezing of movement during escape from touch). It is not known how defects in the NALCN induce these phenotypes or if they are chronic and irreversible. Here, we report that akinesia and freezing are state‐dependent and reversible in NALCN‐deficient mutants (nca‐1;nca‐2, unc‐79 and unc‐80) when additional cation channels substitute for this protein. Two main measures of locomotion were evaluated: spontaneous movement (traversal of >2 head lengths during a 5 second observation period) and the touch‐freeze response (movement greater than three body bends in response to tail touch). Food deprivation for as little as 3 min stimulated spontaneous movement and corrected the touch‐freeze response. Conversely, food‐deprived animals that moved normally in the absence of bacteria rapidly reverted to uncoordinated movement when re‐exposed to food. The effects of food deprivation were mimicked by nicotine, which suggested that acetylcholine mediated the response. Nicotine appeared to act on interneurons or motor neurons rather than directly at the neuromuscular junction because levamisole, which stimulates muscle contraction, did not correct movement. Neural circuits have been proposed to account for the effects of food deprivation and nicotine on spontaneous movement and freezing. The NALCN may play an unrecognized role in human movement disorders characterized by akinesia and freezing gait.  相似文献   

Egg laying in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans is a two-state behavior modulated by internal and external sensory input. We have previously shown that homeostatic feedback of embryo accumulation in the uterus regulates bursting activity of the serotonergic HSN command neurons that sustains the egg-laying active state. How sensory feedback of egg release signals to terminate the egg-laying active state is less understood. We find that Gαo, a conserved Pertussis Toxin-sensitive G protein, signals within HSN to inhibit egg-laying circuit activity and prevent entry into the active state. Gαo signaling hyperpolarizes HSN, reducing HSN Ca2+ activity and input onto the postsynaptic vulval muscles. Loss of inhibitory Gαo signaling uncouples presynaptic HSN activity from a postsynaptic, stretch-dependent homeostat, causing precocious entry into the egg-laying active state when only a few eggs are present in the uterus. Feedback of vulval opening and egg release activates the uv1 neuroendocrine cells which release NLP-7 neuropeptides which signal to inhibit egg laying through Gαo-independent mechanisms in the HSNs and Gαo-dependent mechanisms in cells other than the HSNs. Thus, neuropeptide and inhibitory Gαo signaling maintain a bi-stable state of electrical excitability that dynamically controls circuit activity in response to both external and internal sensory input to drive a two-state behavior output.  相似文献   

Female mice were exposed maternally to piperonyl butoxide (PBO) through diet to provide levels of 0 (control), 0.015, 0.03, and 0.06% during gestation and lactation periods, and selected reproductive and neurobehavioral parameters were measured in F1 generation. There was no adverse effect of PBO on litter size, litter weight, or sex ratio at birth. The average body weights of offspring showed no significant effects of PBO treatment through the lactation period in both sexes except for the low‐dose group of females on PND 21. With respect to behavioral developmental parameters, swimming direction of female offspring on PND 7 was significantly accelerated in the low‐dose group (p = 0.022). Exploratory behavior examination in male offspring indicated that total distance and movement time shortened significantly in dose‐related manners (p = 0.0138 and 0.00231, respectively), average time of rearing lengthened significantly in a dose‐related manner (p = 0.00814), and the frequencies of mice with urination was increased significantly in a dose‐related manner (p < 0.05). For spontaneous behavior examination, the average time of movement in males and average time of rearing in females showed slightly dose‐related effects in the F1 generation. The dose levels of PBO in the present study produced some adverse effects in neurobehavioral parameters in mice.  相似文献   

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