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The interspecific relationships between egg size and female size, sexual size dimorphism, latitude, preoviposition and egg-laying behaviour, was investigated in European Satyrine butterflies by controlling for taxonomic relatedness and by simple cross-species comparisons. Egg size scales positively to female size, although the relationship is not significant (but nearly so) when taxonomic effects are controlled for. Egg size is correlated with latitude. When the effects of latitude are removed, the relationship between egg and female size becomes more evident. Sexual size dimorphism is negatively correlated with egg size, but the effect disappears when adult size is controlled for. Small egg size is related to long preoviposition. No relationship between egg laying mode and egg size appears. The results are interpreted as evidence for positive scaling of egg to female size, with superimposed effects of egg size radiation. The correlation of egg size with latitude suggests that temperature, or season length, is likely to have made an important contribution to egg size selection within this geographic area.  相似文献   

Potentially, pathogenic bacteria are one of the main infective agents against which a battery of chemical and physical barriers has evolved in animals. Among these are the secretions by the exocrine uropygial gland in birds. The antimicrobial properties of uropygial secretions may prevent colonization and growth of microorganisms on feathers, skin and eggshells. However, uropygial gland secretions also favour the proliferation of feather mites that feed on secretions and microorganisms living on feathers that would otherwise reach eggshells during incubation if not consumed by feather mites. Therefore, at the interspecific level, uropygial gland size (as an index of volume of uropygial secretion) should be positively related to eggshell bacterial load (i.e. the risk of egg infection), whereas eggshell bacterial loads may be negatively related to abundance of feather mites eating bacteria. Here, we explore these previously untested predictions in a comparative framework using information on eggshell bacterial loads, uropygial gland size, diversity and abundance of feather mites and hatching success of 22 species of birds. The size of the uropygial gland was positively related to eggshell bacterial loads (mesophilic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae), and bird species with higher diversity and abundance of feather mites harboured lower bacterial density on their eggshells (Enterococcus and Staphylococcus), in accordance with the hypothesis. Importantly, eggshell bacterial loads of mesophilic bacteria, Enterococcus and Enterobacteriaceae were negatively associated with hatching success, allowing us to interpret these interspecific relationships in a functional scenario, where both uropygial glands and mutualistic feather mites independently reduce the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria on avian fitness.  相似文献   

The preen gland secretions from eight species of the genera Acrocephalus and Sylvia (Sylviidae, Passeriformes) mainly consist of monoester waxes. The fatty acids and alcohols are methyl-substituted at even numbered positions only. One of the methyl groups of the fatty acids is always located in the 2-position. Two patterns of methyl substitution are found for the alkanols: 2-mono-, 2,6-di-, and 2,6,x-trimethyl on the one hand, and 4-mono-, 4,8-di-, and 4,8,y-trimethyl on the other. There is, however, no doubt in the uniformity of the family Sylviidae from the chemotaxonomical point of view; the waxes of the species investigated can be arranged in a gradual succession of substitution patterns. The monoester waxes of Sylviidae are similar to those found for the closely related family Turdidae.  相似文献   

Seasonal environmental heterogeneity is cyclic, persistent and geographically widespread. In species that reproduce multiple times annually, environmental changes across seasonal time may create different selection regimes that may shape the population ecology and life history adaptation in these species. Here, we investigate how two closely related species of Drosophila in a temperate orchard respond to environmental changes across seasonal time. Natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans were sampled at four timepoints from June through November to assess seasonal change in fundamental aspects of population dynamics as well as life history traits. D. melanogaster exhibit pronounced change across seasonal time: early in the season, the population is inferred to be uniformly young and potentially represents the early generation following overwintering survivorship. D. melanogaster isofemale lines derived from the early population and reared in a common garden are characterized by high tolerance to a variety of stressors as well as a fast rate of development in the laboratory environment that declines across seasonal time. In contrast, wild D. simulans populations were inferred to be consistently heterogeneous in age distribution across seasonal collections; only starvation tolerance changed predictably over seasonal time in a parallel manner as in D. melanogaster. These results suggest fundamental differences in population and evolutionary dynamics between these two taxa associated with seasonal heterogeneity in environmental parameters and associated selection pressures.  相似文献   

Understanding population dynamics requires spatio‐temporal variation in demography to be measured across appropriate spatial and temporal scales. However, the most appropriate spatial scale(s) may not be obvious, few datasets cover sufficient time periods, and key demographic rates are often incompletely measured. Consequently, it is often assumed that demography will be spatially homogeneous within populations that lack obvious subdivision. Here, we quantify small‐scale spatial and temporal variation in a key demographic rate, reproductive success (RS), within an apparently contiguous population of European starlings. We used hierarchical cluster analysis to define spatial clusters of nest sites at multiple small spatial scales and long‐term data to test the hypothesis that small‐scale spatio‐temporal variation in RS occurred. RS was measured as the number of chicks alive ca. 12 days posthatch either per first brood or per nest site per breeding season (thereby incorporating multiple breeding attempts). First brood RS varied substantially among spatial clusters and years. Furthermore, the pattern of spatial variation was stable across years; some nest clusters consistently produced more chicks than others. Total seasonal RS also varied substantially among spatial clusters and years. However, the magnitude of variation was much larger and the pattern of spatial variation was no longer temporally consistent. Furthermore, the estimated magnitude of spatial variation in RS was greater at smaller spatial scales. We thereby demonstrate substantial spatial, temporal, and spatio‐temporal variation in RS occurring at very small spatial scales. We show that the estimated magnitude of this variation depended on spatial scale and that spatio‐temporal variation would not have been detected if season‐long RS had not been measured. Such small‐scale spatio‐temporal variation should be incorporated into empirical and theoretical treatments of population dynamics.  相似文献   

Birds in the northern hemisphere usually increase mass reserves in response to seasonal low temperatures and shorter day length that increase foraging unpredictability and so starvation risk. In the lowland tropics, relatively low temperatures and short day lengths are absent and so the risk of starvation may be reduced, leading to much smaller seasonal effects on mass. Nevertheless, other factors such as high temperatures and water and food availability may vary greatly between tropical wet and dry seasons, leading to variable starvation risk and seasonal mass effects. Using data collected from 47 species of birds caught over a 10‐year period in a tropical savannah region in West Africa we tested for seasonal variation in mass in response to a predictable, strongly seasonal tropical climate. Many species (91%) showed seasonal variation in mass, and this was often in a clear annual pattern that was constant across the years. Many species (89%) varied their mass in response to seasonally predictable rainfall. Annual variation in mass was also important (45% of species). Relatively few species (13%) had a seasonal pattern of mass variation that varied between years. Feeding guild or migratory status was not found to affect seasonal or annual mass variation. Seasonal mass change was on average 8.1% across the 21 species with a very large sample size and was comparable with both northern and southern temperate species. Our study showed that biologically significant consistent seasonal mass variation is common in tropical savannah bird species, and this is most likely in response to changing resource availability brought about by seasonal rainfall and the interrupted foraging response due to the constraints of breeding.  相似文献   

Brain size of vertebrates has long been recognized to evolve in close association with basic life‐history traits, including lifespan. According to the cognitive buffer hypothesis, large brains facilitate the construction of behavioral responses against novel socioecological challenges through general cognitive processes, which should reduce mortality and increase lifespan. While the occurrence of brain size–lifespan correlation has been well documented in mammals, much less evidence exists for a robust link between brain size and longevity in birds. The aim of this study was to use phylogenetically controlled comparative approach to test for the relationship between brain size and longevity among 384 avian species from 23 orders. We used maximum lifespan and maximum reproductive lifespan as the measures of longevity and accounted for a set of possible confounding effects, such as allometry, sampling effort, geographic patterns, and life‐history components (clutch size, incubation length, and mode of development). We found that both measures of longevity positively correlated with relative (residual) brain size. We also showed that major diversification of brain size preceded diversification of longevity in avian evolution. In contrast to previous findings, the effect of brain size on longevity was consistent across lineages with different development patterns, although the relatively low strength of this correlation could likely be attributed to the ubiquity of allomaternal care associated with the altricial mode of development. Our study indicates that the positive relationship between brain size and longevity in birds may be more general than previously thought.  相似文献   

Sources of variation in haematocrit in birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The validity of the haematocrit or packed cell volume as an indicator of condition in wild birds has recently been questioned. We reviewed over 300 published papers on haematocrit values for wild birds. These studies show that changes in haematocrit could be caused by a number of different natural factors that include age, sex, geographical elevation, energy expenditure, parasitism, nutrition and genetics. Haematocrit also increased with age from hatching, due to increased erythropoiesis, so that adult birds generally have greater haematocrit values than nestlings or juveniles. Haematocrit values were either independent of elevation or increased with elevation. A meta-analysis of 36 studies showed no difference in haematocrit between the sexes. Relationships between haematocrit value and both energy expenditure and parasitic infection vary between studies. In temperate climates, haematocrit tended to be higher in winter than in summer, which may be due to dehydration or increased oxygen demand caused by thermogenesis, moult or acquisition of reproductive status. Our review indicates that the use of haematocrit as a sole indicator of condition or health could lead to incorrect conclusions if natural factors that can affect haematocrit are not taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The relationship between agricultural intensification and a decline in farmland bird populations is well documented in Europe, but the results are mostly based on data from the western part of the continent. In the former socialist eastern and central European countries, political changes around 1990 resulted in a steep decline in the intensity of agriculture. Therefore, one would expect populations of farmland birds to have recovered under these conditions of lower agricultural intensity. We explored population trends of 19 farmland bird species in the Czech Republic between 1982 and 2003 using data from a large‐scale monitoring scheme, and, additionally, we looked for relationships between such population changes and a number of variables describing the temporal development of Czech agriculture. Most farmland species declined during the focal period, and this decline was steepest in farmland specialists (Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Skylark Alauda arvensis, Linnet Carduelis cannabina and Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella). Although the intensity of agriculture was lower after than before 1990, the overall decline continued in most farmland bird species, albeit at a slower rate. The correlations between agricultural intensity and farmland bird decline showed opposite patterns to that found in other European studies, because bird populations were highest in years with the most intensive agriculture. We speculate that this pattern could have resulted from the impact of different driving forces causing farmland bird decline in different periods. The high intensity of agriculture could have caused the decline of the originally abundant populations before 1990. After 1990, the decreasing area of arable land could be the most important factor resulting in the continued decline of farmland bird populations. Our results demonstrate that the drivers of farmland bird population changes could differ across Europe, and thus investigations into the effect of farmland management in different parts of the continent are urgently required.  相似文献   

The uropygial gland waxes of Aegithalos, Certhia, Leiothrix, Mesia, Panurus, Paradoxornis, Regulus, Remiz and Siva are monoester waxes composed of 2-; 2,x-; 2,x,y-; and 2,x,y,z-methyl-branched acids and unbranched as well as monomethyl-branched alcohols. Dimethylbranched alcohols occur in traces. All waxes are very similar. Chemotaxonomically all birds investigated are closely related and well separated from the family Paridae (tits).  相似文献   

Aggressive sibling competition for parental food resources is relatively infrequent in animals but highly prevalent and extreme among certain bird families, particularly accipitrid raptors (Accipitriformes). Intense broodmate aggression within this group is associated with a suite of traits including a large adult size, small broods, low provisioning rates, and slow development. In this study, we apply phylogenetic comparative analyses to assess the relative importance of several behavioral, morphological, life history, and ecological variables as predictors of the intensity of broodmate aggression in 65 species of accipitrid raptors. We show that intensity of aggression increases in species with lower parental effort (small clutch size and low provisioning rates), while size effects (adult body mass and length of nestling period) are unimportant. Intense aggression is more closely related to a slow life history pace (high adult survival coupled with a restrained parental effort), rather than a by‐product of allometry or food limitation. Consideration of several ecological variables affecting prey abundance and availability reveals that certain lifestyles (e.g., breeding in aseasonal habitats or hunting for more agile prey) may slow a species’ life history pace and favor the evolution of intense broodmate aggression.  相似文献   

Determining variation in the success of New Zealand land birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The New Zealand avifauna has changed considerably since the arrival of humans approximately 1000 years ago. The extinction of native species followed by their replacement with introduced exotic species is recognized as having greatly reduced the distinctiveness of the avifauna. Using phylogenetically independent methods, I tested whether life history and ecological correlates of extinction, introduction and persistence were significant across species and within taxa. Extinct land bird species were, on average, and independent of phylogenetic relatedness, larger-bodied than extant species. Introduction success was found to be significantly associated with increasing species body size, generation time and indices of human effort. In contrast, the geographical distribution of extant land birds was correlated with traits associated with high population growth rates (i.e. small, rapidly developing species, with high fecundity). My results suggest that selection pressures have changed significantly since the arrival of human colonists in New Zealand and that these changes have favoured different types of land birds, to the general detriment of endemic species. Comparative methods that explicitly examine historical changes are necessary to elucidate the changing roles of biological and extrinsic traits in the differential success of species in any assemblage.  相似文献   

Phenological changes in key seasonally expressed life‐history traits occurring across periods of climatic and environmental change can cause temporal mismatches between interacting species, and thereby impact population and community dynamics. However, studies quantifying long‐term phenological changes have commonly only measured variation occurring in spring, measured as the first or mean dates on which focal traits or events were observed. Few studies have considered seasonally paired events spanning spring and autumn or tested the key assumption that single convenient metrics accurately capture entire event distributions. We used 60 years (1955–2014) of daily bird migration census data from Fair Isle, Scotland, to comprehensively quantify the degree to which the full distributions of spring and autumn migration timing of 13 species of long‐distance migratory bird changed across a period of substantial climatic and environmental change. In most species, mean spring and autumn migration dates changed little. However, the early migration phase (≤10th percentile date) commonly got earlier, while the late migration phase (≥90th percentile date) commonly got later. Consequently, species' total migration durations typically lengthened across years. Spring and autumn migration phenologies were not consistently correlated within or between years within species and hence were not tightly coupled. Furthermore, different metrics quantifying different aspects of migration phenology within seasons were not strongly cross‐correlated, meaning that no single metric adequately described the full pattern of phenological change. These analyses therefore reveal complex patterns of simultaneous advancement, temporal stability and delay in spring and autumn migration phenologies, altering species' life‐history structures. Additionally, they demonstrate that this complexity is only revealed if multiple metrics encompassing entire seasonal event distributions, rather than single metrics, are used to quantify phenological change. Existing evidence of long‐term phenological changes detected using only one or two metrics should consequently be interpreted cautiously because divergent changes occurring simultaneously could potentially have remained undetected.  相似文献   

Sibling-size variation (SSV), estimated as the coefficient of variation of egg size, was investigated for 13 populations of brown trout Salmo trutta . SSV was negatively correlated with mean egg size both at the population and individual levels. After correction for the effect of mean egg size, SSV was also negatively correlated with stream size. These results provide new information about how salmonid SSV can vary at different ecological scales (individual, population and region). The results are discussed in light of competing theories for explaining SSV: (1) the passive effect hypothesis, stating that egg size variation follows passively from selection on egg size and (2) the bet-hedging hypothesis, stating that high SSV is adaptive in unpredictable environments.  相似文献   

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