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Cucurbitacin E and cucurbitacin I have been isolated from green parts of Iberis amara and identified by TLC, UV and MS. It is shown that cucurbitacins act as feeding inhibitors for the flea beetle Phyllotreta nemorum. The most potent feeding inhibitors in green parts of I. amara towards P. nemorum are cucurbitacin E and I, and the concentrations of these compounds in the plant are found to be high enough to prevent feeding of the flea beetle.  相似文献   

Analysis of Lepidium sativum seeds showed the presence of allyl, 2-phenethyl and benzyl glucosinolates, the first two being reported for the first time from this source. The effects of temperature, pH of the extraction medium and the length of time allowed for autolysis were assessed on the benzyl glucosinolate degradation products in seed extracts. In particulàr benzyl thiocyanate was not produced at higher temperatures but at ambient and lower temperatures it exceeded isothiocyanate. Nitrile was always the major product under the conditions studied, ever at pH levels as high as 7.4. Five new possible benzyl glucosinolate degradation products were detected and evidence is presented that benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol could be secondary products formed thermally from isothocyanate and thiocyanate, respectively. Benzyl mercaptan and benzyl methyl sulphide also appear to be thermally produced.  相似文献   

The effects of varying concentrations of Fe2+ (5 × 10?5 ?5 × 10?1 M) on benzylglucosinolate degradation in Lepidium sativum seed autolysates were investigated. Increased glucosinolate decomposition was observed over the whole range with a maximum effect at ca 6 × 10?3 M Fe2+, at which point glucosinolate degradation was more than three times that obtained in the absence of added Fe2+ . Nitrile formation was especially enhanced in the presence of all concentrations of Fe2+ studied, and maximum amounts were obtained at ca 6 × 10?3 M Fe2+ when a more than four-fold increase over quantities produced in the absence of Fe2+ was observed. Thiocyanate formation was also promoted with a maximum at ca 4 × 10?3 M Fe2+, but isothiocyanate production was considerably reduced in allcases. It is suggested that Fe2+ inhibits isothiocyanate formation by interfering with the availability of ascorbic acid which is a proven co-factor for most thioglucosidase isoenzymes, but that an Fe2+-ascorbate complex might then be responsible for promoting enzymic production of nitrile. The effects of a limited range of concentrations of Fe3+ and Cu+ were also studied, and results related to those for Fe2+. The relevance of the findings to natural systems and to glucosinolate-containing foods is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Astaxanthin isolated from the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma has the 3R,3′R-configuration, opposite to that of astaxanthin from other sources which have been so far investigated. This is the first example of a naturally occurring carotenoid biosynthesized in different optical forms. A possible explanation is advanced.  相似文献   

Lepidium sativum seeds were dry heated at 125° for varying periods, and also for 30 min at various temperatures. Autolysates were then analysed for benzylglucosinolate degradation products. Whilst heating for 4 hr 20 min at 125° was sufficient to prevent formation of benzyl thiocyanate, just over 7.5 hr at 125° was required before benzyl isothiocyanate also ceased to be produced. This indicates the presence of a discrete, thiocyanate-forming factor in L. sativum seeds, separate from thioglucosidase. After 7.5 hr at 125°, benzyl cyanide continued to be formed, proving that it can be obtained (in relatively small amounts) directly from the glucosinolate even without the influence of any thioglucosidase. In general, isothiocyanate was the more favoured product of glucosinolate degradation following heat treatment of seeds, until the point of thioglucosidase inactivation was approached when nitrile formation took over. It is suggested that the thiocyanate-forming factor is an isomerase causing Z-E isomerization of the glucosinolate aglucone, but that only those glucosinolates capable of forming particularly stable cations are then able to undergo E-aglucone rearrangement to thiocyanate.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates from seed meals of Erysimum hieracifolium and Malcolmia maritima were treated with thioglucosidase (EC, and the resultant aglucon products investigated. A major product from E. hieracifolium was 3-hydroxypropyl isothiocyanate from the novel precursor 3-hydroxypropylglucosinolate. Other aglucon products were 3-methylsulfonylpropyl, 3-methylsulfinylpropyl, 3-methylthiopropyl, and allyl isothiocyanates. The aglucon products from M. maritima seed meal included 3-hydroxypropyl isothiocyanate, in addition to the previously known 3-methylsulfonylpropyl and 3-benzoyloxypropyl isothiocyanantes.  相似文献   

N5-(4-hydroxybenzyl) glutamine has been isolated from Sinapis alba L. and S. arvensis L. The identification is based on data obtained by HPLC, paper chromatography, high voltage electrophoresis, UV and NMR spectroscopy of the amide and its degradation products. The amide occurs together with 4-hydroxybenzylamine and sinalbin in both seeds and seedlings of the Sinapis species. This co-occurrence is briefly discussed in relation to chemotaxonomy, glucosinolate catabolism and amine metabolism.  相似文献   

Thioglucosidase prepared from rapeseed (Brassica napus cvs Zephyr and Bronowski) showed one major band in polyacrylamide gel and a high susceptibil  相似文献   

A new hydrolysis product derived from 3-butenylglucosinolate in seeds of certain strains of Brassica campestris Yellow Sarson is described. The structure, 1-cyano-3,4-epithiobutane is proposed. If the seeds are heated at 115° for 30 min before hydrolysis, 3-butenyl isothiocyanate is the main product.  相似文献   

The effects of pH on the enzymic degradation of benzylglucosinolate in Lepidium sativum seed autolysates were investigated both with and without addition of the enzyme co-factor ascorbic acid. Benzyl cyanide, isothiocyanate, thiocyanate and alcohol were identified in autolysates, although only traces of the alcohol were obtained. The nitrile was always the major product (80% of total glucosinolate products) even at pH 8 and 9 when the usually accepted, proton-dependent mechanism of nitrile production cannot be operative. Thiocyanate was always the second most abundant product. In the absence of added ascorbate, isothiocyanate production decreased with increasing pH, again contrary to accepted theory. L. sativum seeds thus constitute an inherently nitrile-producing system which exhibits ‘anomalous’ glucosinolate degradation. In the absence of added ascorbate, thiocyanate was the only product which was formed in approximately constant amounts, whatever the pH, so its mechanism of production is not necessarily pH-dependent. The presence of added ascorbate in general promoted enzyme activity and showed a maximum effect at ca pH 5, although minimum isothiocyanate formation was observed at that pH. At pH 4 and below, there was less glucosinolate degradation in the presence of added ascorbate than in its absence, and the conclusion is reached that at relatively high acidities the enzyme co-factor behaves as an inhibitor.  相似文献   

The content of glucosinolates and amines in green parts of Reseda media has been investigated. Benzylglucosinolate, 2-phenethylglucosinolate, and m-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate occur in appreciable amounts accompanied by minor amounts of other glucosinolates, benzylamine and m-hydroxybenzylamine. Isolation and identification of these compounds was made using ion-exchange chromatography, high voltage electrophoresis, GC, MS, and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The glucosinolates were transformed into corresponding nitriles and isothiocyanates by thioglucoside glucohydrolase-catalysed hydrolysis and to the corresponding carboxylic acids by acid-catalysed hydrolysis. The content of glucosinolates and amines in leaves and inflorescences of R. media has been determined by UV-spectroscopy and GC.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method is described for the determination of (R)- and (S)-alprenolol and (R)- and (S)-metoprolol in human plasma. Separation of the enantiomers was accomplished after preparation of diastereomeric derivatives with symmetrical anhydrides of tert.-butoxycarbonyl-l-leucine followed by treatment with trifluoroacetic acetic acid at 0°C to remove the tert.-butoxycarbonyl group. The separations of the diastereomeric derivatives were performed using a reversed-phase system with μBondapak C15 as support and phosphate buffer pH 3.0 with the addition of acetonitrile as the mobile phase. High stability of the chromatographic system was achieved.The reproducibilities in the determination of (R)- and (S)-alprenolol and (R)- and (S)-metoprolol in human plasma were 9.4 and 9.8% (relative standard deviation) for alprenolol and metoprolol, respectively, at drug levels of 0.5 ng/ml.In two subjects who received single oral doses of alprenolol (100-mg tablet) and metoprolol (50-mg tablet) the plasma levels of the (R)-isomers were lower than for the (S)-isomers.  相似文献   

An amino acid, lethal to New Hampshire chickens (LD50, 150 mg/kg) was isolated from dried sclerotia of the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii (Sacc.). Purification of the rather unstable compound was effected on a cation exchange column by means of displacement chromatography and the amino acid was crystallised from 80% methanol. A structure was assigned to the compound on the basis of available chemical and physical data, namely 2(S),3(R)-2- amino-3-hydroxypent-4-ynoic acid. Confirmation of this structure was gained by direct and indirect synthetic procedures.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the quantitative isolation of glucosinolates by ion-exchange chromatography and high voltage electrophoresis avoiding strongly alkaline and acidic conditions. The compounds were identified by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and through the products arising from enzymatic, acid and alkaline hydrolysis. The method is well suited for the isolation and identification of glucosinolates containing aglucone parts which produce non-volatile compounds on enzymatic hydrolysis. The method has been used in the isolation and identification of 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropylglucosinolate from Reseda alba, 2-hydroxy-2-phenylethylglucosinolate from R. luteola and a new glucosinolate, o-(α-l-rhamnopyranosyloxy)benzylglucosinolate, occurring in R. odorata. The glucosinolate content in different parts of this plant has been determined and the metabolism of glucosinolates is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of Escherichia coli is a well-known model for protein targeting and protein folding. Wild-type OmpA, isolated either from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies or from outer membranes, forms narrow pores of ∼ 80 pS in planar lipid bilayers at room temperature. The pores are well structured with narrow conductance range when OmpA is isolated using lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS) or RapiGest surfactant but display irregular conductance when OmpA is isolated with urea or guanidine hydrochloride. Previous studies have shown that serine residues S163 and S167 of the sorting signal of OmpA (residues 163-169), i.e., the essential sequence for outer membrane incorporation, are covalently modified by oligomers of (R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (cOHB). Here we find that single-mutants S163 and S167 of OmpA, which still contain cOHB on one serine of the sorting signal, form narrow pores in planar lipid bilayers at room temperature with lower and more irregular conductance than wild-type OmpA, whereas double mutants S163:S167 and S163:V166 of OmpA, with no cOHB on the sorting signal, are unable to form stable pores in planar lipid bilayers. Our results indicate that modification of serines in the sorting signal of OmpA by cOHB in the cytoplasm enables OmpA to incorporate into lipid bilayers at room temperature as a narrow pore. They further suggest that cOHB modification may be an important factor in protein targeting and protein folding.  相似文献   

1,3-Diaminopropane has been detected, together with spermidine, in cucumber seeds. Quantitative estimation of the two metabolites in cucumber seeds and germinating seedlings (up to 21 days old) showed that the concentrations of both metabolites increased, then decreased with age. A metabolic sequence linking spermidine, 1,3-diaminopropane and the non-protein amino acid β-pyrazol-1-yl alanine was suggested.  相似文献   

Volatiles from the epicuticular wax of watercress were collected by ether washing and examined using gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysi  相似文献   

Titanium complexes based on the (R,R)-N,N-bis(2-hydroxy-3-functionalised-benzylidene)-1,2-diaminocyclohexane ligand and containing either chloro or bridged oxo co-ligands have been prepared, subjected to single crystal X-ray analysis and examined as pre-catalysts for the asymmetric phospho-aldol (PA) reaction. Catalysis does take place although at a much slower rate than with related aluminium complexes and then only to afford racemic products; significant observations that lead to an important design point in PA pre-catalysts.  相似文献   

We examined the bioactivity of Yamato-mana (Brassica rapa L. Oleifera Group) constituent glucosinolates and found that 3-butenyl glucosinolate (gluconapin) decreased the plasma triglyceride gain induced by corn oil administration to mice. However, phenethyl glucosinolate (gluconasturtiin) had little effect. 2-Propenyl glucosinolate (sinigrin) also reduced the plasma triglyceride level, which suggests that alkenyl glucosinolates might be promising agents to prevent postprandial hypertriglyceridemia.  相似文献   

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