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White Galloway cattle exhibit three different white coat colour phenotypes, that is, well marked, strongly marked and mismarked. However, mating of individuals with the preferred well or strongly marked phenotype also results in offspring with the undesired mismarked and/or even fully black coat colour. To elucidate the genetic background of the coat colour variations in White Galloway cattle, we analysed four coat colour relevant genes: mast/stem cell growth factor receptor (KIT), KIT ligand (KITLG), melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) and tyrosinase (TYR). Here, we show that the coat colour variations in White Galloway cattle and White Park cattle are caused by a KIT gene (chromosome 6) duplication and aberrant insertion on chromosome 29 (Cs29) as recently described for colour‐sided Belgian Blue. Homozygous (Cs29/Cs29) White Galloway cattle and White Park cattle exhibit the mismarked phenotype, whereas heterozygous (Cs29/wt29) individuals are either well or strongly marked. In contrast, fully black individuals are characterised by the wild‐type chromosome 29. As known for other cattle breeds, mutations in the MC1R gene determine the red colouring. Our data suggest that the white coat colour variations in White Galloway cattle and White Park cattle are caused by a dose‐dependent effect based on the ploidy of aberrant insertions and inheritance of the KIT gene on chromosome 29.  相似文献   

Salernitano (SAL) is an ancient Italian horse breed developed over the course of the ages together with Napoletano and, during the 20th century, by crossing with Thoroughbred horse lines. Excellent in hurdle jumping, this breed is currently facing a concrete risk of extinction due to the lack of appropriate management strategies. This research is the first SAL genetic characterization that aims to set up the basic knowledge for a conservation plan. A representative sample of 61 SALs was analyzed by means of a set of 16 microsatellites markers (short tandem repeats (STRs)). The sequence of hypervariable D-loop mtDNA region was also performed on a subset of 24 mares in order to study the maternal diversity and obtain a complete picture of the internal genetic variation. All the molecular data were analyzed together with those obtained from three Sicilian horse breeds investigated in a previous research (Siciliano, Sanfratellano and Sicilian Oriental Purebred). STRs markers revealed a moderate level of genetic diversity in SAL (alleles/locus 5.1, He 0.67) and confirmed the hunch of genetic erosion. Autosomal variability highlighted a very light deficit of homozygotes (FIS=−0.067). Experimental D-loop sequences were compared by multiple alignments with those retrieved from biological databases and revealed two unreported haplotypes. The phylogenetic network, which was built on mtDNA sequences, included various cosmopolitan and European horses and showed SAL haplotypes distributed among different mtDNA lineages.  相似文献   

Genetic structure and major climate factors may contribute to the distribution of genetic diversity of a highly valued oil tree species Xanthoceras sorbifolium (yellowhorn). Long‐term over utilization along with climate change is affecting the viability of yellowhorn wild populations. To preserve the species known and unknown valuable gene pools, the identification of genetic diversity “hotspots” is a prerequisite for their consideration as in situ conservation high priority. Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) diversity was high among 38 natural populations (Hd = 0.717, K = 4.616, Tajmas’ D = ?0.22) and characterized by high genetic divergence (FST = 0.765) and relatively low gene flow (Nm = 0.03), indicating populations isolation reflecting the species’ habitat fragmentation and inbreeding depression. Six out of the studied 38 populations are defined as genetic diversity “hotspots.” The number and geographic direction of cpDNA mutation steps supported the species southwest to northeast migration history. Climatic factors such as extreme minimum temperature over 30 years indicated that the identified genetic “hotspots” are expected to experience 5°C temperature increase in next following 50 years. The results identified vulnerable genetic diversity “hotspots” and provided fundamental information for the species’ future conservation and breeding activities under the anticipated climate change. More specifically, the role of breeding as a component of a gene resource management strategy aimed at fulfilling both utilization and conservation goals.  相似文献   

The extent of genetic diversity loss and former connectivity between fragmented populations are often unknown factors when studying endangered species. While genetic techniques are commonly applied in extant populations to assess temporal and spatial demographic changes, it is no substitute for directly measuring past diversity using ancient DNA (aDNA). We analysed both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear microsatellite loci from 64 historical fossil and skin samples of the critically endangered Western Australian woylie (Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi), and compared them with 231 (= 152 for mtDNA) modern samples. In modern woylie populations 15 mitochondrial control region (CR) haplotypes were identified. Interestingly, mtDNA CR data from only 29 historical samples demonstrated 15 previously unknown haplotypes and detected an extinct divergent clade. Through modelling, we estimated the loss of CR mtDNA diversity to be between 46% and 91% and estimated this to have occurred in the past 2000–4000 years in association with a dramatic population decline. In addition, we obtained near‐complete 11‐loci microsatellite profiles from 21 historical samples. In agreement with the mtDNA data, a number of ‘new’ microsatellite alleles was only detected in the historical populations despite extensive modern sampling, indicating a nuclear genetic diversity loss >20%. Calculations of genetic diversity (heterozygosity and allelic rarefaction) showed that these were significantly higher in the past and that there was a high degree of gene flow across the woylie's historical range. These findings have an immediate impact on how the extant populations are managed and we recommend the implementation of an assisted migration programme to prevent further loss of genetic diversity. Our study demonstrates the value of integrating aDNA data into current‐day conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) trees are both economically important fruit crops but also important components of natural forest ecosystems in Europe, Asia and Africa. Wild and domesticated trees currently coexist in the same geographic areas with important questions arising on their historical relationships. Little is known about the effects of the domestication process on the evolution of the sweet cherry genome. We assembled and annotated the genome of the cultivated variety “Big Star*” and assessed the genetic diversity among 97 sweet cherry accessions representing three different stages in the domestication and breeding process (wild trees, landraces and modern varieties). The genetic diversity analysis revealed significant genome‐wide losses of variation among the three stages and supports a clear distinction between wild and domesticated trees, with only limited gene flow being detected between wild trees and domesticated landraces. We identified 11 domestication sweeps and five breeding sweeps covering, respectively, 11.0 and 2.4 Mb of the P. avium genome. A considerable fraction of the domestication sweeps overlaps with those detected in the related species, Prunus persica (peach), indicating that artificial selection during domestication may have acted independently on the same regions and genes in the two species. We detected 104 candidate genes in sweep regions involved in different processes, such as the determination of fruit texture, the regulation of flowering and fruit ripening and the resistance to pathogens. The signatures of selection identified will enable future evolutionary studies and provide a valuable resource for genetic improvement and conservation programs in sweet cherry.  相似文献   

The alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica) is a well‐known example of a worldwide‐distributed pest with high genetic variation. Based on the mitochondrial genes, the alfalfa weevil clusters into two main mitochondrial lineages. However, there is no clear picture of the global diversity and distribution of these lineages; neither the drivers of its diversification are known. However, it appears likely that historic demographic events including founder effects played a role. In addition, Wolbachia, a widespread intracellular parasite/symbiont, likely played an important role in the evolution of the species. Wolbachia infection so far was only detected in the Western lineage of H. postica with no information on the infecting strain, its frequency, and its consequences on the genetic diversity of the host. We here used a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences of the host and sequence information on Wolbachia to document the distribution of strains and the degree of infection. The Eastern lineage has a higher genetic diversity and is found in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and eastern America, whereas the less diverse Western lineage is found in Central Europe and the western America. Both lineages are infected with the same common strain of Wolbachia belonging to Supergroup B. Based on neutrality tests, selection tests, and the current distribution and diversification of Wolbachia in H. postica, we suggested the Wolbachia infection did not shape genetic diversity of the host. The introduced populations in the United States are generally genetically less diverse, which is in line with founder effects.  相似文献   

Sheep were among the first domesticated animals to appear in Estonia in the late Neolithic and became one of the most widespread livestock species in the region from the Late Bronze Age onwards. However, the origin and historical expansion of local sheep populations in Estonia remain poorly understood. Here, we analysed fragments of the hypervariable D‐loop of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; 213 bp) and the Y‐chromosome SRY gene (130 bp) extracted from 31 archaeological sheep bones dated from approximately 800 BC to 1700 AD. The ancient DNA data of sheep from Estonia were compared with ancient sheep from Finland as well as a set of contemporary sheep breeds from across Eurasia in order to place them in a wider phylogeographical context. The analysis shows that: (i) 24 successfully amplified and analysed mtDNA sequences of ancient sheep cluster into two haplogroups, A and B, of which B is predominant; (ii) four of the ancient mtDNA haplotypes are novel; (iii) higher mtDNA haplotype diversity occurred during the Middle Ages as compared to other periods, a fact concordant with the historical context of expanding international trade during the Middle Ages; (iv) the proportion of rarer haplotypes declined during the expansion of sheep from the Near Eastern domestication centre to the northern European region; (v) three male samples showed the presence of the characteristic northern European haplotype, SNP G‐oY1 of the Y‐chromosome, and represent the earliest occurrence of this haplotype. Our results provide the first insight into the genetic diversity and phylogeographical background of ancient sheep in Estonia and provide basis for further studies on the temporal fluctuations of ancient sheep populations.  相似文献   

The first complete mitochondrial genome of a catenulid, Stenostomum leucops, was characterized. Illumina sequencing and 90 813 reads were utilized in the assembly, producing one contig with an average coverage of 1118×. The length of this genome is 15 742 bp with 12 protein‐coding, two rRNA and 22 tRNA genes. Although the atp8 gene is absent in other Platyhelminthes, a highly divergent putative atp8 gene was found in S. leucops. In contrast to other Platyhelminthes, the mitochondrial genes of S. leucops are encoded on both strands. The gene order in the S. leucops mitogenome is very divergent from those observed in other Platyhelminthes, showing only small blocks of synteny. With AAA as the codon for lysine S. leucops shows the probable plesiomorphic condition, whereas Rhabditophora possess the derived GAA. This evolutionary transition is correlated with changes in the respective anticodons in trnK. It remains unclear whether the absence of the D arm and loop in trnS1 is a convergence in Catenulida and Neodermata.  相似文献   

系统评估地方鸡的遗传变异水平并追溯其母系起源, 可为保护利用优质家禽种质资源库提供科学依据。本研究测定了广东省和邻省共12个地方鸡品种的线粒体DNA D-loop序列, 分析品种间的遗传距离与系统关系, 并构建单倍型系统发生树和中介网络图。360份样品共检测到60个突变位点, 均为转换。定义了85种单倍型, 归属于单倍型类群A、B、C和E, 在12个鸡品种中均有分布, 其中B是优势单倍型类群(187个, 51.94%), E次之(76个, 21.11%)。B02 和C01是优势单倍型(85个, 23.61%; 48个, 13.33%), 为12个鸡品种共有; E03位居第三(35个, 9.72%), 杏花鸡、黄郎鸡和宁都三黄鸡未见此单倍型。杏花鸡集中分布在单倍型类群B, 惠阳胡须鸡和中山沙栏鸡则主要分布在单倍型类群E; 怀乡鸡的单倍型数量最多, 中山沙栏鸡的最少。广东地方鸡品种间遗传距离为0.012-0.015, 单倍型多样性0.805 ± 0.047至0.949 ± 0.026, 核苷酸多样性0.0102 ± 0.0017至0.0138 ± 0.0009。邻接树和中介网络图将85种单倍型划分为进化枝A、B、C和E, 广东省与邻省地方鸡单倍型的地理分布模式相似。中性检验显示广东地方鸡未经历明显的群体历史扩张。结果表明广东地方鸡处于较好的保护状态, 遗传多样性水平较高, 品种的形成受到邻省和北方家鸡的影响, 东南亚红原鸡对广东地方鸡也有重要的遗传贡献。  相似文献   

The genetic structure of small semiaquatic animals may be influenced by dispersal across both rivers and land. The relative importance of these two modes of dispersal may vary across different species and with ecological conditions and evolutionary periods. The Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) is an endemic mammal of the Iberian Peninsula with a strong phylogeographic structure and semiaquatic habits, thus making it an ideal model to study the effects of river and overland dispersal on its genetic structure. Thanks to different types of noninvasive samples, we obtained an extensive sampling of the Pyrenean desman from the northwestern region of the Iberian Peninsula and sequenced two mitochondrial DNA fragments. We then analyzed, using an isolation‐by‐distance approach, the correlation between phylogenetic distances and geographical distances measured along both river networks and land to infer the relative importance of river and overland dispersal. We found that the correlations in the whole area and in a large basin were consistent with an effect of overland dispersal, which may be due to the postglacial colonization of new territories using terrestrial corridors and, possibly, a more extensive fluvial network that may have been present during the Holocene. However, in a small basin, likely to be less influenced by the impact of ancient postglacial dispersal, the correlations suggested significant overall effects of both overland and river dispersal, as expected for a semiaquatic mammal. Therefore, different scales and geographical regions reflect different aspects of the evolutionary history and ecology of this semiaquatic species using this isolation‐by‐distance method. The results we obtained may have crucial implications for the conservation of the Pyrenean desman because they reinforce the importance of interbasin dispersal for this species in the studied area and the need to protect the whole riverine ecosystem, including rivers, upland streams and terrestrial corridors between basins.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of livestock populations focus on questions of domestication, within- and among-breed diversity, breed history and adaptive variation. In this review, we describe the use of different molecular markers and methods for data analysis used to address these questions. There is a clear trend towards the use of single nucleotide polymorphisms and whole-genome sequence information, the application of Bayesian or Approximate Bayesian analysis and the use of adaptive next to neutral diversity to support decisions on conservation.  相似文献   

Gynostemma pentaphyllum, a member of family Cucurbitaceae, is a perennial creeping herb used as a traditional medicinal plant in China. In this study, six polymorphic nSSR and four EST‐SSR primers were used to genotype 1,020 individuals in 72 wild populations of G. pentaphyllum. The genetic diversity and population structure were investigated, and ecological niche modeling was performed to reveal the evolution and demographic history of its natural populations. The results show that G. pentaphyllum has a low level of genetic diversity and high level of variation among populations because of pervasive asexual propagation, genetic drift, and long‐term habitat isolation. Results of the Mantel test demonstrate that the genetic distance and geographic distance are significantly correlated among G. pentaphyllum natural populations. The populations can be divided into two clusters on the basis of genetic structure. Asymmetrical patterns of historical gene flow were observed among the clusters. For the contemporary, almost all the bidirectional gene flow of the related pairs was symmetrical with slight differences. Recent bottlenecks were experienced by 34.72% of the studied populations. The geographic range of G. pentaphyllum continues to expand northward and eastward from Hengduan Mountains. The present distribution of G. pentaphyllum is a consequence of its complex evolution. Polyploidy in G. pentaphyllum is inferred to be polygenetic. Finally, G. pentaphyllum is a species in need of protection, so in situ and ex situ measures should be considered in the future.  相似文献   

Sequence variation and genetic diversity in the giant panda   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
About 336–444 bp mitochondrial D-loop region and tRNA gene were sequenced for 40 individuals of the giant panda which were collected from Mabian, Meigu, Yuexi, Baoxing, Pingwu, Qingchuan, Nanping and Baishuijiang, respectively. 9 haplotypes were found in 21 founders. The results showed that the giant panda has low genetic variations, and that there is no notable genetic isolation among geographical populations. The ancestor of the living giant panda population perhaps appeared in the late Pleistocene, and unfortunately, might have suffered bottleneck attacks. Afterwards, its genetic diversity seemed to recover to some extent. Project supported by the “8.5” Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chairman Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, K. C. Wang Education Foundation, the Applied Basic Research Foundation of Yunnan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Special Foundation for Returned Chinese Scientists, and Zoological Society of San Diego.  相似文献   

Brassica napus (AnAnCnCn) is an important worldwide oilseed crop, but it is a young allotetraploid with a short evolutionary history and limited genetic diversity. To significantly broaden its genetic diversity and create a novel heterotic population for sustainable rapeseed breeding, this study reconstituted the genome of B. napus by replacing it with the subgenomes from 122 accessions of Brassica rapa (ArAr) and 74 accessions of Brassica carinata (BcBcCcCc) and developing a novel gene pool of B. napus through five rounds of extensive recurrent selection. When compared with traditional B. napus using SSR markers and high‐throughput SNP/Indel markers through genotyping by sequencing, the newly developed gene pool and its homozygous progenies exhibited a large genetic distance, rich allelic diversity, new alleles and exotic allelic introgression across all 19 AC chromosomes. In addition to the abundant genomic variation detected in the AC genome, we also detected considerable introgression from the eight chromosomes of the B genome. Extensive trait variation and some genetic improvements were present from the early recurrent selection to later generations. This novel gene pool produced equally rich phenotypic variation and should be valuable for rapeseed genetic improvement. By reconstituting the genome of B. napus by introducing subgenomic variation within and between the related species using intense selection and recombination, the whole genome could be substantially reorganized. These results serve as an example of the manipulation of the genome of a young allopolyploid and provide insights into its rapid genome evolution affected by interspecific and intraspecific crosses.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a global issue with far‐reaching consequences for single species, communities and whole ecosystems. Our understanding of modes and mechanisms of biological invasions requires knowledge of the genetic processes associated with successful invasions. In many instances, this information is particularly difficult to obtain as the initial phases of the invasion process often pass unnoticed and we rely on inferences from contemporary population genetic data. Here, we combined historic information with the genetic analysis of resting eggs to reconstruct the invasion of Daphnia pulicaria into Lower Lake Constance (LLC) in the 1970s from the resting egg bank in the sediments. We identified the invader as ‘European D. pulicaria’ originating from meso‐ and eutrophic lowland lakes and ponds in Central Europe. The founding population was characterized by extremely low genetic variation in the resting egg bank that increased considerably over time. Furthermore, strong evidence for selfing and/or biparental inbreeding was found during the initial phase of the invasion, followed by a drop of selfing rate to low levels in subsequent decades. Moreover, the increase in genetic variation was most pronounced during early stages of the invasion, suggesting additional introductions during this period. Our study highlights that genetic data covering the entire invasion process from its beginning can be crucial to accurately reconstruct the invasion history of a species. We show that propagule banks can preserve such information enabling the study of population genetic dynamics and sources of genetic variation in successful invasive populations.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial DNA D‐loop sequences of 1105 individuals were used to assess the diversity of maternal lineages of cattle populations in China. In total, 250 taurine and 88 zebu haplotypes were identified. Five main haplogroups—T1a, T2, T3, T4 and T5—were identified in Bos taurus, whereas Bos indicus harbored two haplogroups—I1 and I2. Our results suggest that the distribution of T1a in Asia was concentrated mainly in the northeast region (northeast China, Korea and Japan); haplogroups T2, T3 and T4 were predominant in Chinese cattle; and T5 was sporadically detected in Mongolian and Pingwu cattle. In contrast to the widespread presence of I1, I2 was distributed only in southwestern China (Yunnan‐Guizhou Plateau and the Tibet Autonomous Region) and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This is the first time that all five taurine haplogroups and two zebu haplogroups have been found in Mongolian cattle. In addition, eight individuals in Tibetan cattle carried the Bos grunniens mtDNA type. The high mtDNA diversity (= 0.904 ± 0.008) and the weak genetic structure among the 57 Chinese cattle breeds/populations are consistent with their complex historical background, migration route and ecological environment.  相似文献   

  • Environmental gradients, and particularly climatic variables, exert a strong influence on plant distribution and, potentially, population genetic diversity and differentiation. Differences in water availability can cause among‐population variation in ecological processes and can thus interrupt populations’ connectivity and isolate them environmentally. The present study examines the effect of environmental heterogeneity on plant populations due to environmental isolation unrelated to geographic distance.
  • Using AFLP markers, we analyzed genetic diversity and differentiation among 12 Salvia spinosa populations and 13 Salvia syriaca populations from three phytogeographical regions (Mediterranean, Irano‐Turanian and Saharo‐Arabian) representing the extent of the species’ geographic range in Jordan. Differences in geographic location and climate were considered in the analyses.
  • For both species, flowering phenology varied among populations and regions. Irano‐Turanian and Saharo‐Arabian populations had higher genetic diversity than Mediterranean populations, and genetic diversity increased significantly with increasing temperature. Genetic diversity in Salvia syriaca was affected by population size, while genetic diversity responded to drought in S. spinosa. For both species, high levels of genetic differentiation were found as well as two well‐supported phytogeographical groups of populations, with Mediterranean populations clustering in one group and the Irano‐Turanian and Saharo‐Arabian populations in another. Genetic distance was significantly correlated to environmental distance, but not to geographic distance.
  • Our data indicate that populations from moist vs. arid environments are environmentally isolated, where environmental gradients affect their flowering phenology, limit gene flow and shape their genetic structure. We conclude that environmental heterogeneity may act as driver for the observed variation in genetic diversity.

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