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High male mating investment may favor selection on male mate choice particularly if females vary in quality. Terminal investment strategies constitute a maximal mating effort and have evolved independently in the absence of paternal investment in several spider taxa including the genus Argiope. To test for male mate preferences in the above context, we used the sexually cannibalistic spider A. bruennichi. We varied male state (mating status and post‐maturation age) as well as the competitive context and quantified male mate choice decisions between females of different states and developmental stages in binary choice tests. We found an overall adaptive preference for the virgin against the mated female regardless of male mating state. Furthermore, we demonstrated that older males paid more attention to female fecundity‐related traits than to mating status. In a second set of experiments, we offered males a choice between a virgin and a subadult female and varied the competitive context which had no effect on male decisions. Curiously, a preference for the virgin adult female was only apparent after exclusion of females that matured <3 d prior to the test. Repeated tests of males supported the hypothesis that males do not distinguish between a freshly matured virgin female and a subadult female. Our results show that male spiders execute mate choice based on information collected from female silk strands and that they integrate their own state into mating decisions.  相似文献   

Acoustic predator recognition has rarely been studied in anurans, in spite of the fact that hearing is widespread in these animals and that it has been demonstrated to play an important role in both arthropods and other vertebrates. Using field playback experiments, we tested the hypothesis that adult common toads (Bufo bufo) are capable of recognizing natural vocalizations of a common predator, the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), and show antipredator responses. We found that toads exposed to both natural (two types of otter sounds) and synthetic stimuli [white noise (WN) and otter sound‐based amplitude modulated WN] increased time allocated to locomotion and escape behaviour. These responses were correlated with time elapsed from sunset to the onset of testing and were independent from the type of acoustic signal, toad features and other environmental factors monitored. We conclude that B. bufo has not developed a selective recognition of predator vocalizations, suggesting that low‐frequency or seismic sounds associated with predator movements may provide anurans with better cues about an approaching risk. We propose that the time‐dependent response to acoustic stimuli of common toads represents a case of threat‐sensitivity and demonstrates that it can occur even when the response to the threat is not predator specific.  相似文献   

Animals often respond to danger by raising alarm to inform others. Alarm signals come in many different forms, such as visual or mechanical display, sound or odour. Some animals produce vocal alarm signals that vary with the level of danger. For chemical alarm signals, virtually nothing is known about such context‐dependent signalling due to a general notion that alarm pheromones have fixed compositions. Here, we show that larvae of the Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) produce an alarm pheromone whose composition varies with the level of danger they face: the presence of a relatively harmless predator or a very dangerous predator, that is either actually attacking or not. The frequency of alarm pheromone excretion increases with the level of danger. Moreover, the composition of excreted alarm pheromone varies in the relationship between total and relative amount of the putative two components, decyl acetate (DAc) and dodecyl acetate (DDAc). When pheromone is excreted with a predator present but not attacking, the percentage DDAc increases with the total amount of pheromone. When a predator does attack, however, the relationship between percentage DDAc and total amount of pheromone is reversed. Taken together, the alarm signal of thrips larvae appears to be context dependent, which to our knowledge is the first report of context‐dependent composition of an alarm pheromone.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: In semi‐arid systems, rainfall gradients can cause plant‐plant interactions to shift from negative to positive or vice versa. However, the importance of a second major abiotic factor, soil nutrients, has rarely been considered. We consider different combinations of both factors and ask: do net adult‐seedling interactions become less competitive and more facilitative with increasing overall abiotic harshness? Location: Succulent Karoo, Western Cape, South Africa. Methods: We examined the interactions between seedlings and adult shrubs at two sites. Sites differ in rainfall, and each contain two habitats: Nutrient‐rich mounds associated with underground termitaria and a relatively nutrient‐poor matrix. We carried out a spatial pattern analysis of community‐wide seedling‐adult associations. We then conducted field and greenhouse experiments to test the effects of soil and the presence of neighbouring shrubs on the growth and survival of six seedling species. Results: At the higher rainfall site, both competitive and facilitative effects of adults on seedlings were found but did not differ by habitat, despite the more benign conditions in the mound habitat. At the lower rainfall site, adult shrubs generally had neutral effects on seedlings in the matrix habitat. In the nutrient‐rich mound habitat, however, adult shrubs had strong and consistently competitive effects on seedlings. Conclusion: Seedling‐adult interactions could not be predicted by a simple overall gradient of abiotic harshness, demonstrating the need for more complex, mechanistic models to predict plant‐plant interactions. We suggest that rainfall and soil nutrients affect seedling‐adult relations through their interactive effects on the life‐history attributes of the species involved.  相似文献   

To maximize the effectiveness of conservation interventions, it is crucial to have an understanding of how intraspecific variation determines the relative importance of potential limiting factors. For bird populations, limiting factors include nest‐site availability and foraging resources, with the former often addressed through the provision of artificial nestboxes. However, the effectiveness of artificial nestboxes depends on the relative importance of nest‐site vs. foraging resource limitations. Here, we investigate factors driving variation in breeding density, nestbox occupation and productivity in two contrasting study populations of the European Roller Coracias garrulus, an obligate cavity‐nesting insectivorous bird. Breeding density was more than four times higher at the French study site than at the Latvian site, and there was a positive correlation between breeding density (at the 1‐km2 scale) and nest‐site availability in France, whereas there was a positive correlation between breeding density and foraging resource availability in Latvia. Similarly, the probability of a nestbox being occupied increased with predicted foraging resource availability in Latvia but not in France. We detected no positive effect of foraging resource availability on productivity at either site, with most variation in breeding success driven by temporal effects: a seasonal decline in France and strong interannual fluctuations in Latvia. Our results indicate that the factors limiting local breeding density can vary across a species' range, resulting in different conservation priorities. Nestbox provisioning is a sufficient short‐term conservation solution at our French study site, where foraging resources are typically abundant, but in Latvia the restoration of foraging habitat may be more important.  相似文献   

When confronted with a live pike, Esox lucius, European minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus, showed individual differences in rate of predator inspection. Predator inspection behaviour, in which single individuals or small groups approached the predator, was ordinated with several other behavioural parameters using principal components analysis. Individual minnows showed one of two strategies. Fish with high inspection rates were bolder, skittered more frequently and fed more persistently than fish with low inspection rates. Fish with low inspection rates showed the opposite strategy. Individuals did not show habituation of predator inspection during trials or over the experimental period.  相似文献   

Some plants use allelopathy to compete against neighbouring plants, and the ability to induce allelopathic compound production in response to competition is hypothesized to be adaptive, as plants can save costs of metabolite production in the absence of competitors. However, whether plants induce allelopathy has rarely been explored so far. We studied the inducibility of polyacetylenes – putative allelopathic compounds in Solidago altissima – in response to competition. Polyacetylenes were found in natural soil surrounding S. altissima patches within the range of concentration known to inhibit competitor growth. Individual S. altissima plants with higher polyacetylene concentration in roots suppressed the growth of the competitor plants more, suggesting that root polyacetylene levels proximate plants’ allelopathic capacity. Competition induced polyacetylenes in a context‐dependent manner: Whereas introduced Japanese and Australian populations of S. altissima had higher constitutive concentration of polyacetylenes than the native North American populations, inducibility was observed only in Australian plants, where the population is still at an early stage of invasion. Also, induction became more prominent under nutrient depletion, where enhanced allelopathy may be particularly beneficial for suppressing a competitor's exploitative capacity. Finally, we found weak evidence for a tradeoff between constitutive and induced polyacetylenes. The observed patterns suggest that allelopathic plants could respond to competition by inducing allelochemical production, but the benefit of such plasticity may vary across time and space. Shifts in competitor communities in introduced range over time may shape plant's plastic responses to competition, while variation in resource availability may alter competitive environment to influence the degree to which plants induce allelopathy.  相似文献   

Biotelemetry devices provide unprecedented insights into the spatial behaviour and ecology of many animals. Quantifying the potential effects of attaching such devices to animals is essential, but certain effects may appear only in specific or particularly stressful contexts. Here we analyse the effects of radio transmitter attachment on great tits Parus major tagged over three environmentally dissimilar years, as part of a project studying social‐ and communication networks. When we radio‐tagged birds before breeding, only those tagged in the coldest spring tended to be less likely to breed than control birds. Breeding probability was independent of relative transmitter weight (between 5 and 8% bodyweight). When we radio‐tagged both parents during nestling provisioning (transmitter weight between 6 and 8%), tagged parents were more likely than control parents to desert their brood in two out of three years, while in the other year no tagged parents deserted. Tagged parents provisioning larger broods were most likely to desert, especially during lower average temperatures. Video analyses did not reveal any transmitter effects on provisioning behaviour of parents in the year with no desertion. We conclude that radio tagging before breeding did not lead to negative effects, regardless of transmitter weight, but that decisions about radio‐tagging both parents during nestling provisioning need to be made with exceptional care, taking both environmental context and transmitter weight into account. Reporting results from long‐term radio‐tracking studies comprising several environmentally variable years is crucial to understand and predict potential transmitter effects and maximise the tremendous potential of biotelemetry.  相似文献   

Urbanization is currently considered one of the most rapid types of global environmental change. More and more wildlife species are subject to increasing anthropogenic disturbance, but only some of them adapt to become successful urban exploiters. Although a number of fixed life history characteristics may enhance population persistence in an urbanized landscape, behavioural traits are thought to be critical for colonization of a novel urban environment. Within the class of birds, behavioural responses to urban environment have been assessed mostly for passerine species. Here, I examined behavioural alterations in a recently founded urban population of a reed‐nesting rallid species, the Eurasian coot Fulica atra. I found that urban coots adapted to nest in anthropogenically transformed littoral zones with scarce or no emergent vegetation, which precluded efficient nest concealment. Despite this, urban individuals spent, on average, less time incubating due to more frequent bouts off the nest than suburban conspecifics. This pattern was likely possible due to the relaxation of predation pressure in the colonized urban environment. Urban birds were also more aggressive, approached a human intruder at the nest more closely and were more likely to actively defend their nests. Finally, they had a reduced level of physiological stress (as measured with heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) when compared with suburban individuals. In conclusion, the behaviour of coots from the recently founded urban population was consistent with behavioural syndromes found in typical urban exploiters. The results support the central role of behavioural adaptation in successful colonization of novel environments by wildlife.  相似文献   

More freshwater ecosystems are drying in response to global change thereby posing serious threat to freshwater biota and functions. The production of desiccation‐resistant forms is an important adaptation that helps maintain biodiversity in temporary freshwaters by buffering communities from drying, but its potential to mitigate the negative effects of drying in freshwater ecosystems could vary greatly across regions and ecosystem types. We explored this context dependency by quantifying the potential contribution of desiccation‐resistance forms to invertebrate community recovery across levels of regional drying prevalence (defined as the occurrence of drying events in freshwaters in a given region) and ecosystem types (lentic, lotic) in temporary neotropical freshwaters. We first predicted that regional drying prevalence influences the selection of species with desiccation‐resistant forms from the regional species pools and thus increases the ability of communities to recover from drying. Second, we predicted lentic freshwaters harbor higher proportions of species with desiccation‐resistant forms compared to lotic, in response to contrasted hydrologic connectivity. To test these predictions, we used natural experiments to quantify the contribution of desiccation‐resistant forms to benthic invertebrate community recovery in nine intermittent streams and six geographically isolated temporary wetlands from three Bolivian regions differing in drying prevalence. The contribution of desiccation‐resistant forms to community recovery was highest where regional drying prevalence was high, suggesting the species pool was adapted to regional disturbance regimes. The contribution of desiccation‐resistant forms to community recovery was lower in streams than in wetlands, emphasizing the importance of hydrologic connectivity and associated recolonization processes from in‐stream refuges to recovery in lotic systems. In all regions, the majority of functional traits were present in desiccation‐resistant taxa indicating this adaptation may help maintain ecosystem functions by buffering communities from the loss of functional traits. Accounting for regional context and hydrologic connectivity in community recovery processes following drying can help refine predictions of freshwater biodiversity response to global change.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying olfactory predator identification may be relatively experience‐independent, or it may rely on specific experience with predators. A mechanism by which prey might identify novel predators relies on the inevitable creation of sulfurous metabolites that are then excreted in the urine of carnivorous mammals. We tested whether free‐living, yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) and mid‐sized herbivores that fall prey to a variety of carnivorous mammals could discriminate herbivore (elk—Cervus elephas) urine from predator (red fox—Vulpes vulpes, coyote—Canis latrans, mountain lion—Felis concolor, wolf—Canis lupus) urine, a novel herbivore (moose—Alces alces), and a distilled water control. We further asked how specific this assessment was by testing whether marmots responded differently to predators representing different levels of risk and to familiar vs. unfamiliar predators. We found that marmots responded more to urine from coyotes (a familiar predator on adults), mountain lions (a potentially unfamiliar predator that could kill adults) and wolves (a locally extinct predator that could kill adults) than to elk urine (a non‐predator). Red fox (a predator that poses a risk only to recently emerged marmot pups) urine elicited a less substantial (but not significantly so) response than coyote urine. Marmots can identify predators, even novel ones, using olfactory cues, suggesting that experience with a specific predator is not required to identify potential threats.  相似文献   

Evarcha culicivora, a jumping spider from East Africa, feeds indirectly on vertebrate blood by choosing blood‐carrying female mosquitoes as prey. It also has an unusually complex mate‐choice system. Here, we show that both sexes of E. culicivora can use mate‐finding search images and also use prey‐finding search images. In experiments, individuals were primed by seeing blood‐carrying mosquitoes, primed by seeing potential mates or not primed (control: saw neither). They were then introduced into an arena where the task was to find a blood‐carrying mosquito or a potential mate. In all instances, the prey or potential mates were dead individuals used as lures. The lure in the arena was either cryptic (i.e. hidden behind nylon netting and accompanied by distractors) or conspicuous (i.e. netting and distractors absent). When lures were conspicuous, the identity of the priming stimulus appeared to be irrelevant. However, when lures were cryptic, significantly more spiders found the lure that was congruent with the priming stimulus and significantly fewer spiders found the lure that was incongruent with the priming stimulus. On this basis, we conclude that the spiders were using search images for finding the lures and that search images were relevant only when the lure to be found was cryptic.  相似文献   

While it is well established that females prefer to mate with well‐ornamented males, the influence of perceptive and cognitive processes on the expression of female mate choice is still poorly known. It has been suggested that the female perception of a male's attractiveness is not absolute, but depends on the other males with which he is compared that have been previously encountered (comparative evaluation). We investigated whether mate preference in bearded reedlings (Panurus biarmicus) is dependent on or independent of social context in relation to two different traits: beard and tail lengths. Each female had a choice between two to three males with different modifications of beard and tail. For each female, three different experiments were conducted (one binary and two trinary tests). We found that when females are presented with options that vary antagonistically with respect to two ornaments (binary test), some individuals prefer one trait while others the other trait. This indicates that in our bearded reedlings population exists a mate preference polymorphisms. Moreover, we found that the presence of a third stimulus, irrespective of the initial preference, reduced the strength of the initial preference – what we can call a “preference dilution effect.” Our results suggest that the female's choice may be constrained by her cognitive abilities when she is simultaneously presented with several options varying for two uncorrelated traits.  相似文献   

Fruit–frugivore interactions are crucial for the dynamics and regeneration of most forested ecosystems. Still, we lack an understanding of the potential variation in the sign and strength of such interactions in relation to variations in the spatial and temporal ecological context. Here, we evaluated spatial (three sites) and temporal (two fruiting seasons) local variation in the sign (seed predation versus dispersal) and strength (frequency and quantity) of the interactions among six frugivorous mammals and a community of Mediterranean fleshy‐fruited shrubs. We examined mammal faecal samples and quantified frequency of seed occurrence, number of seeds per faecal sample, seed species diversity and quality of seed treatment (i.e. percentage of undamaged seeds). The frequency of seed occurrence and number of seeds per faecal sample strongly varied among dispersers, sites, seasons and fruit species. For instance, fox Vulpes vulpes faeces showed between 6 and 40 times more seeds than wild boar Sus scrofa faeces in seasons or sites in which Rubus and Juniperus seeds were dominant. However, in seasons or sites dominated by Corema seeds, wild boar faeces contained up to seven times more seeds than fox faeces. Mammalian carnivores (fox and badger, Meles meles) treated seeds gently, acting mostly as dispersers, whereas deer (Cervus elaphus and Dama dama) acted mainly as seed predators. Interestingly, rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus acted as either mostly seed disperser or seed predator depending on the plant species. Our results indicated that the sign of fruit–frugivore interactions depended mainly on the identity of the partners. For a particular fruit–frugivore pair, however, our surrogate of interaction strength largely varied with the spatio‐temporal context (year and habitat), leading to a low specificity across the seed–frugivore network. The high spatio‐temporal variability of seed dispersal (in quantity, quality and seed diversity) by different frugivores would confer resilience against unpredictable environmental conditions, such as those typical of Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Stressful abiotic conditions and mycorrhizal fungi have both been shown to influence plant quality significantly, yet the interactive effects of these factors on relationships among plants, herbivores, and natural enemies remain unclear. 2. In this study, the results of a factorial field experiment are reported in which the effects of plant stress and mycorrhizae on density and parasitism of three herbivores of Baccharis halimifolia L. were examined. 3. Plant stress was increased by adding salt to the soil, and association with mycorrhizal fungi was increased by inoculating plant roots. 4. Inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi resulted in increased density of all three herbivore species, but the effects of mycorrhizae on parasitism varied by species and with soil salinity levels. For the gall maker Neolasioptera lathami Gagne, mycorrhizae decreased parasitism regardless of soil salinity levels. For the leaf miners Amauromyza maculosa Malloch and Liriomyza trifolii Burgess, mycorrhizae effectively negated the decrease in parasitism resulting from increased salinity. 5. The results of this study show that the effects of mycorrhizae on parasitism may be context dependent, and can be positive or negative depending upon species and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities, such as grazing by domestic animals, are considered drivers of environmental changes that may influence the structure of interaction networks. The study of individual‐based networks allows testing how species‐level interaction patterns emerge from the pooled interaction modes of individuals within populations. Exponential random graph models (ERGMs) examine the global structure of networks by allowing the inclusion of specific node (i.e. interacting partners) properties as explanatory covariates. Here we assessed the structure of individual plant–frugivore interaction networks and the ecological variables that influence the mode of interactions under different land‐use (grazed versus ungrazed protected areas). We quantified the number of visits, the number of fruits removed per visit and the interaction strength of mammal frugivore species at each individual tree. Additionally we quantified ecological variables at the individual, microhabitat, neighborhood and habitat scales that generated interaction network structure under the different land uses. Individual plant–frugivore networks were significantly modular in both land uses but the number of modules was higher in the grazed areas. We found interaction networks for grazed and ungrazed lands were structured by phenotypic traits of individual trees, by the microhabitat beneath the tree canopy and were affected by habitat modifications of anthropogenic origin. The neighborhood surrounding each individual plant influenced plant–frugivore interactions only at the grazed‐land trees. We conclude that anthropogenic land uses influence the topological patterns of plant–frugivore networks and the frugivore visitation to trees through modification of both habitat complexity and the ecological traits underlying interactions between individual plants and frugivore species.  相似文献   

Female birds may adjust their offspring phenotype to the specific requirements of the environment by differential allocation of physiologically active substances into yolks, such as androgens. Yolk androgens have been shown to accelerate embryonic development, growth rate and competitive ability of nestlings, but they can also entail immunological costs. The balance between costs and benefits of androgen allocation is expected to depend on nestling environment. We tested this hypothesis in a multibrooded passerine, the spotless starling, Sturnus unicolor. We experimentally manipulated yolk androgen levels using a between‐brood design and evaluated its effects on nestling development, survival and immune function. Both in first and replacement broods, the embryonic development period was shorter for androgen‐treated chicks than controls, but there were no differences in second broods. In replacement broods, androgen‐treated chicks were heavier and larger than those hatched from control eggs, but this effect was not observed in the other breeding attempts. Androgen exposure reduced survival with respect to controls only in second broods. Regarding immune function, we detected nonsignificant trends for androgen treatment to activate two important components of innate and adaptive immunity (IL‐6 and Ig‐A levels, respectively). Similarly, androgen‐treated chicks showed greater lymphocyte proliferation than controls in the first brood and an opposite trend in the second brood. Our results indicate that yolk androgen effects on nestling development and immunity depend on the environmental conditions of each breeding attempt. Variation in maternal androgen allocation to eggs could be explained as the result of context‐dependent optimal strategies to maximize offspring fitness.  相似文献   

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