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There are Swedish animal welfare regulations concerning the body condition of horses and general advice on keeping horses including that horses should be fed so that they do not become over- or underweight relative to their use. Compliance is assessed by official animal welfare inspectors. The objective of this study was to determine whether the national animal welfare control database could be used to estimate the prevalence and risk factors for overweight horses in Sweden. The official animal welfare control checklist for horses contains 45 checkpoints (CP) of which CP-8 pertains to the acceptability of the horses’ body condition including whether they were under- or overweight. Prevalence of non-compliance with CP-8, with 95 % confidence intervals (CI), were calculated for the years 2010–2013. Associations between risk factors and non-compliance for overweight body condition were estimated using logistic regression and expressed as odds ratios (OR) with 95 % CIs.


Of 7870 premises with registered horses that were inspected against CP-8, a total of 63 premises had non-compliant inspections due to overweight horses (0.80 %; CI 0.62, 1.02 %). In multivariable analyses, premises that were non-compliant with requirements for the care of sick or injured horses (OR 3.52; CI 1.51, 8.22) or with the requirements for feeding a balanced high-quality diet (OR 5.15; CI 2.49, 10.67) had greater odds of having overweight horses. Premises that also kept other species for meat production were more likely to have overweight horses (OR 2.12; CI 1.18, 3.81) whereas professional horse establishments were less likely (OR 0.09; 0.01, 0.64). Overweight horses were more likely in summer compared to winter (OR 2.18; CI 1.02, 4.70). Premises in regions of Sweden with more horses in relation to the human population were less likely to have overweight horses (OR 0.97; CI 0.95, 1.00).


Official animal welfare control data may be used to monitor the premises prevalence of overweight horses in Sweden. Strategies to reduce the prevalence of overweight horses should focus on education about equine care and nutrition, especially summer grazing.


Determining welfare status in a population is the first step in efforts to improve welfare. The primary objective of this study was to explore a new epidemiological approach for analysis of data from official competent authorities that pertain to compliance with animal welfare legislation. We reviewed data already routinely collected as part of Swedish official animal welfare inspections for 2010–13, using a checklist containing 45 checkpoints (CPs). These covered animal-, resource- and management-based measures of equine welfare. The animal-based CPs were measures that directly related to the animal and included social contact, body condition, hoof condition and cleanliness. Non-compliance with one or more of the animal-based CPs was used as a binary outcome of poor equine welfare; 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using the exact binomial distribution. Associations were determined using multivariable logistic regression, adjusting for clustering on premises. Resource- and management-based CPs (model inputs) were reduced by principal component analysis. Other input factors included premises characteristics (e.g. size, location) and inspection characteristics (e.g. type of inspection). There were 30 053 premises with horses from 21 counties registered by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. In total 13 321 inspections of premises were conducted at 28.4% (n=8532) of all registered premises. For random inspections, the premises-prevalence of poor equine welfare was 9.5% (95% CI 7.5, 11.9). Factors associated with poor equine welfare were non-compliance with requirements for supervision, care or feeding of horses, facility design, personnel, stable hygiene, pasture and exercise area maintenance, as well as the owner not being notified of the inspection, a previous complaint or deficiency, spring compared with autumn, and not operating as a professional equine business. Horses at premises compliant with stabling and shelter requirements had significantly better welfare if they also complied with documentation requirements. We present a novel approach for analysis of equine welfare data from regulatory inspections by the official competent authorities, and propose on-going analyses and benchmarking of trends in animal-based measures over time. We also suggest how such a database could be further improved to facilitate future epidemiological analyses of risk factors associated with poor equine welfare. The study has implications for other competent authorities and researchers collaborating in the area of animal welfare epidemiology.  相似文献   


Step some 30 years back in time. Rabbits had been a problem but appeared to be under control after years of astute use of rabbiters and dogs. One of the last batches of possums was being released into our forests for fun and fur. Deer were in numbers only sufficient to accommodate the hunters; there was the odd goat shoot, with organised culling in some areas; but by and large we were not overrun with animal pests. I do not recall that feral cats were a problem back then either.  相似文献   

An official control method in the framework of Council Directive 70/524/EEC for probiotic yeast used as feed additives was validated in a collaborative study by twenty laboratories in 12 European Countries. A pour plate method following ISO 7954 using chloramphenicol glucose yeast extract (CGYE) and a plate count method using CHROMagar Candida were used. Precision data in terms of repeatability (r) and reproducibility (R) of the method using different feeding stuffs and three inoculation levels were determined. Yeast was present in the samples in mixtures with other probiotic feed additives at a lower, a higher concentration or not present. The enumeration of yeast on CGYE agar showed for the lower and higher concentration a RSD(r) of 2.4-4.9% and a RSD(R) of 7.7-8%, respectively and was preferred by the majority of labs. CHROMagar Candida had a RSD(r) of 1.9-2.8% and a RSD(R) of 1.9-5.9%. For routine analysis the use of the pour plate technique is recommended. CHROMagar Candida can be used for confirmation of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The methods are not recommended for mineral feeds. The results from this study are intended for consideration for adoption as CEN and ISO standards.  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity, especially abdominal, is a risk factor for many diseases. This study explored trends in the prevalence of general and abdominal obesity, 1986–2004, in northern Sweden. Methods and Procedures: Cross‐sectional population surveys were performed in 1986, 1990, 1994, 1999, and 2004; 250 men and 250 women aged 25–34, 35–44, 45–54, and 55–64 years (from 1994, also 65–74 years) were randomly selected; the overall participation rate was 77%. Anthropometric data were used. Results: Weight and BMI increased in all men, most significantly in men aged 25–64 years (P < 0.0005). Weight increased in women aged 25–64 years (P < 0.005) and BMI in women aged 25–44 years (P < 0.005). Prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥ 30) increased significantly in men aged 25–44 and 55–74 years (P < 0.005; for men 65–74 years old, P < 0.05) and in women aged 25–44 years (P < 0.005). Waist circumference decreased significantly between 1986 and 1990 in all women (P < 0.005) and in men aged 55–64 years (P < 0.05). After 1990 waist circumference increased, most markedly so in women; by 2004 circumference measurements for women, and for men aged 55–64 years, were equal to those of 1986, while for men aged 25–54 years they were higher. Prevalence of abdominal obesity has increased since 1990, most markedly so in women aged 45–64 years (P < 0.0005). Discussion: The rapid increase in both general and central obesity raises concern for the future; increasing abdominal obesity in women is particularly alarming.  相似文献   

These fundamental economic pressures coupled with concern for the environment and for the welfare of animals and, of course, for the welfare of humans, lead us to the fundamental conclusion that the goal of livestock production must be optimisation of inputs and outputs to satisfy the market needs. Standards will have to be set for welfare, land use patterns will have to be modified for social as well as economic reasons, and these will lead to the selection of health and production policies which optimise the long term efficiency of animal use.As we have seen, arthropods and the diseases they carry have profound impact on the efficiency of production and constrain the use of land in many areas where there are deficits of food. Consequently, we have to integrate control policies for these problems into a more orderly process of livestock development. Since we have recognised and accepted that a different series of factors intervene in different regions within countries, we must also accept that control and eradication policies will differ from area to area and from time to time. Parasite control has to be slotted into the order of priorities at different points and at different levels of intensity as the development process continues. Economic and social analysis, with the help of modelling, can provide guidance on the changes that may be needed but it is imperative that they be complemented by more effective recording and monitoring schemes. These schemes must cover animal productivity, and the full mix of factors which constrain efficient animal use. Fortunately, we now understand how to do all this, at a cost which is sustainable by any and every country.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the development of a cost-effective alternative to expensive on-farm animal-based welfare assessment systems. The objective of the study was to design an animal welfare index based on central database information (DBWI), and to validate it against an animal welfare index based on-farm animal-based measurements (AWI). Data on 63 Danish sow herds with herd-sizes of 80 to 2500 sows and an average herd size of 501 were collected from three central databases containing: Meat inspection data collected at animal level in the abattoir, mortality data at herd level from the rendering plants of DAKA, and medicine records at both herd and animal group level (sow with piglets, weaners or finishers) from the central database Vetstat. Selected measurements taken from these central databases were used to construct the DBWI. The relative welfare impacts of both individual database measurements and the databases overall were assigned in consultation with a panel consisting of 12 experts. The experts were drawn from production advisory activities, animal science and in one case an animal welfare organization. The expert panel weighted each measurement on a scale from 1 (not-important) to 5 (very important). The experts also gave opinions on the relative weightings of measurements for each of the three databases by stating a relative weight of each database in the DBWI. On the basis of this, the aggregated DBWI was normalized. The aggregation of AWI was based on weighted summary of herd prevalence’s of 20 clinical and behavioural measurements originating from a 1 day data collection. AWI did not show linear dependency of DBWI. This suggests that DBWI is not suited to replace an animal welfare index using on-farm animal-based measurements.  相似文献   

To promote experimental animal welfare, several countries are engaged in establishing local animal research review committees and appointing supervising veterinarians or other experts. However, a number of adverse conditions leading to intercurrent illness or death remains unnoticed or unidentified. Pathological investigation of unexpectedly ill or dead animals proved to be very useful in indicating conditions compromising animal welfare. In addition, such post-mortem findings may be instructive, with respect to welfare, for those involved in experiments with animals.  相似文献   

It is suggested that Mench give credit to the books that started the farm animal welfare movement--Harrison's (1964) Animal Machines and, arriving 1 year later, Huxley's (1965) Brave New Victuals. Huxley covered the use of chemicals on the land and “factory fanning, ”a phrase coined by Harrison. They both discussed the rearing of animals indoors in huge numbers, closely confined, artificially lit, mechanically supplied with food, and treated with drugs and hormones to prevent disease and to speed growth. Are intensive methods necessarily cruel to animals? Are agricultural and industrial chemical residues contaminating the environment? What is the influence of new methods on the quality of food and what are the effects on the human organism? These were relevant questions back then, and almost 30 years later Harrison (1988, 1993) wondered how much real progress has been made in answering them.  相似文献   

A key issue in animal welfare is whether keeping animals in conditions where they cannot or do not perform behaviour typical of more naturally-kept members of their species causes them to suffer. Various measures have been used to resolve this issue. The cost an animal is prepared to pay for the opportunity to perform different behaviour can be used as a measure of the importance of that behaviour to the animal. Manipulation of time-budgets is the most reliable method of measuring such costs and of relating “deprivation” to “suffering”.  相似文献   

This paper addresses some of the ethical and welfare considerations implicit in the application of general techniques in common use during the course of collecting data in ecological field work. Even if they are not explicitly constructed as manipulative experiments, many field studies involve some degree of intervention during routine monitoring programmes: through disturbance caused merely by the presence of an observer or where specific sampling techniques themselves involve capture, handling and marking. Such interventive techniques may cause discomfort, distress or loss of fitness, even in the extreme may result in incidental mortality — and the ethical scientist should critically evaluate the implications of each methodology before adopting any procedure. The paper reviews by way of example the types of objective information now available for both small and larger mammals in relation to: (i) distress and mortality during capture operations; (ii) mortality or distress caused at the time by marking; (iii) longer-term consequences of handling and marking in terms of subsequent [delayed] mortality or loss of fitness, before considering a formal framework for assessment of costs and benefits of any given field programme.  相似文献   

Behaviour as a tool in the assessment of animal welfare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A central issue in animal welfare research is how to assess the welfare state of animals objectively and scientifically. I argue that this issue can be approached by asking two key questions: 1) is the animal physically healthy and 2) does the animal have what it wants? Behaviour is used to answer both of these questions. In the assessment of physical health, it can be used for clinical and pre-clinical diagnosis. In the assessment of what animals want, it has a major role through choice and preference testing. It is particularly important that applied ethologists develop methods for assessing welfare in situ--in the places where concern for animal welfare is greatest such as on farms and in zoos.  相似文献   

We present a process‐based approach to estimate residency and behavior from uncertain and temporally correlated movement data collected with electronic tags. The estimation problem is formulated as a hidden Markov model (HMM) on a spatial grid in continuous time, which allows straightforward implementation of barriers to movement. Using the grid to explicitly resolve space, location estimation can be supplemented by or based entirely on environmental data (e.g. temperature, daylight). The HMM method can therefore analyze any type of electronic tag data. The HMM computes the joint posterior probability distribution of location and behavior at each point in time. With this, the behavioral state of the animal can be associated to regions in space, thus revealing migration corridors and residence areas. We demonstrate the inferential potential of the method by analyzing satellite‐linked archival tag data from a southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii where longitudinal coordinates inferred from daylight are supplemented by latitudinal information in recorded sea surface temperatures.  相似文献   

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