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The continuing decline in forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) numbers due to poaching and habitat reduction is driving the search for new tools to inform management and conservation. For dense rainforest species, basic ecological data on populations and threats can be challenging and expensive to collect, impeding conservation action in the field. As such, genetic monitoring is being increasingly implemented to complement or replace more burdensome field techniques. Single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are particularly cost‐effective and informative markers that can be used for a range of practical applications, including population census, assessment of human impact on social and genetic structure, and investigation of the illegal wildlife trade. SNP resources for elephants are scarce, but next‐generation sequencing provides the opportunity for rapid, inexpensive generation of SNP markers in nonmodel species. Here, we sourced forest elephant DNA from 23 samples collected from 10 locations within Gabon, Central Africa, and applied double‐digest restriction‐site‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to discover 31,851 tags containing SNPs that were reduced to a set of 1,365 high‐quality candidate SNP markers. A subset of 115 candidate SNPs was then selected for assay design and validation using 56 additional samples. Genotyping resulted in a high conversion rate (93%) and a low per allele error rate (0.07%). This study provides the first panel of 107 validated SNP markers for forest elephants. This resource presents great potential for new genetic tools to produce reliable data and underpin a step‐change in conservation policies for this elusive species.  相似文献   

Methylated inositol, d ‐pinitol (3‐O‐methyl‐d ‐chiro‐inositol), is a common constituent in legumes. It is synthesized from myo‐inositol in two reactions: the first reaction, catalyzed by myo‐inositol‐O‐methyltransferase (IMT), consists of a transfer of a methyl group from S‐adenosylmethionine to myo‐inositol with the formation of d ‐ononitol, while the second reaction, catalyzed by d ‐ononitol epimerase (OEP), involves epimerization of d ‐ononitol to d ‐pinitol. To identify the genes involved in d ‐pinitol biosynthesis in a model legume Medicago truncatula, we conducted a BLAST search on its genome using soybean IMT cDNA as a query and found putative IMT (MtIMT) gene. Subsequent co‐expression analysis performed on publicly available microarray data revealed two potential OEP genes: MtOEPA, encoding an aldo‐keto reductase and MtOEPB, encoding a short‐chain dehydrogenase. cDNAs of all three genes were cloned and expressed as recombinant proteins in E. coli. In vitro assays confirmed that putative MtIMT enzyme catalyzes methylation of myo‐inositol to d ‐ononitol and showed that MtOEPA enzyme has NAD+‐dependent d ‐ononitol dehydrogenase activity, while MtOEPB enzyme has NADP+‐dependent d ‐pinitol dehydrogenase activity. Both enzymes are required for epimerization of d ‐ononitol to d ‐pinitol, which occurs in the presence of NAD+ and NADPH. Introduction of MtIMT, MtOEPA, and MtOEPB genes into tobacco plants resulted in production of d ‐ononitol and d ‐pinitol in transformants. As this two‐step pathway of d ‐ononitol epimerization is coupled with a transfer of reducing equivalents from NADPH to NAD+, we speculate that one of the functions of this pathway might be regeneration of NADP+ during drought stress.  相似文献   

The B–class of MADS box genes has been studied in a wide range of plant species, but has remained largely uncharacterized in legumes. Here we investigate the evolutionary fate of the duplicated AP3‐like genes of a legume species. To obtain insight into the extent to which B‐class MADS box gene functions are conserved or have diversified in legumes, we isolated and characterized the two members of the AP3 lineage in Medicago truncatula: MtNMH7 and MtTM6 (euAP3 and paleoAP3 genes, respectively). A non‐overlapping and complementary expression pattern of both genes was observed in petals and stamens. MtTM6 was expressed predominantly in the outer cell layers of both floral organs, and MtNMH7 in the inner cell layers of petals and stamens. Functional analyses by reverse genetics approaches (RNAi and Tnt1 mutagenesis) showed that the contribution of MtNMH7 to petal identity is more important than that of MtTM6, whereas MtTM6 plays a more important role in stamen identity than its paralog MtNMH7. Our results suggest that the M. truncatula AP3‐like genes have undergone a functional specialization process associated with complete partitioning of gene expression patterns of the ancestral gene lineage. We provide information regarding the similarities and differences in petal and stamen development among core eudicots.  相似文献   

Biochemical and genetic analyses have previously identified caffeoyl shikimate esterase (CSE) as an enzyme in the monolignol biosynthesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana, although the generality of this finding has been questioned. Here we show the presence of CSE genes and associated enzyme activity in barrel medic (Medicago truncatula, dicot, Leguminosae), poplar (Populus deltoides, dicot, Salicaceae), and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum, monocot, Poaceae). Loss of function of CSE in transposon insertion lines of M. truncatula results in severe dwarfing, altered development, reduction in lignin content, and preferential accumulation of hydroxyphenyl units in lignin, indicating that the CSE enzyme is critical for normal lignification in this species. However, the model grass Brachypodium distachyon and corn (Zea mays) do not possess orthologs of the currently characterized CSE genes, and crude protein extracts from stems of these species exhibit only a weak esterase activity with caffeoyl shikimate. Our results suggest that the reaction catalyzed by CSE may not be essential for lignification in all plant species.  相似文献   

The optimal management of the commercially important, but mostly over‐exploited, pelagic tunas, albacore (Thunnus alalunga Bonn., 1788) and Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT; Thunnus thynnus L., 1758), requires a better understanding of population structure than has been provided by previous molecular methods. Despite numerous studies of both species, their population structures remain controversial. This study reports the development of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in albacore and BFT and the application of these SNPs to survey genetic variability across the geographic ranges of these tunas. A total of 616 SNPs were discovered in 35 albacore tuna by comparing sequences of 54 nuclear DNA fragments. A panel of 53 SNPs yielded FST values ranging from 0.0 to 0.050 between samples after genotyping 460 albacore collected throughout the distribution of this species. No significant heterogeneity was detected within oceans, but between‐ocean comparisons (Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans along with Mediterranean Sea) were significant. Additionally, a 17‐SNP panel was developed in Atlantic BFT by cross‐species amplification in 107 fish. This limited number of SNPs discriminated between samples from the two major spawning areas of Atlantic BFT (FST = 0.116). The SNP markers developed in this study can be used to genotype large numbers of fish without the need for standardizing alleles among laboratories.  相似文献   

Threespine stickleback populations are model systems for studying adaptive evolution and the underlying genetics. In lakes on the Haida Gwaii archipelago (off western Canada), stickleback have undergone a remarkable local radiation and show phenotypic diversity matching that seen throughout the species distribution. To provide a historical context for this radiation, we surveyed genetic variation at >1000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci in stickleback from over 100 populations. SNPs included markers evenly distributed throughout genome and candidate SNPs tagging adaptive genomic regions. Based on evenly distributed SNPs, the phylogeographic pattern differs substantially from the disjunct pattern previously observed between two highly divergent mtDNA lineages. The SNP tree instead shows extensive within watershed population clustering and different watersheds separated by short branches deep in the tree. These data are consistent with separate colonizations of most watersheds, despite underlying genetic connections between some independent drainages. This supports previous suppositions that morphological diversity observed between watersheds has been shaped independently, with populations exhibiting complete loss of lateral plates and giant size each occurring in several distinct clades. Throughout the archipelago, we see repeated selection of SNPs tagging candidate freshwater adaptive variants at several genomic regions differentiated between marine–freshwater populations on a global scale (e.g. EDA, Na/K ATPase). In estuarine sites, both marine and freshwater allelic variants were commonly detected. We also found typically marine alleles present in a few freshwater lakes, especially those with completely plated morphology. These results provide a general model for postglacial colonization of freshwater habitat by sticklebacks and illustrate the tremendous potential of genome‐wide SNP data sets hold for resolving patterns and processes underlying recent adaptive divergences.  相似文献   

The formation of nitrogen‐fixing nodules on legume hosts is a finely tuned process involving many components of both symbiotic partners. Production of the exopolysaccharide succinoglycan by the nitrogen‐fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 is needed for an effective symbiosis with Medicago spp., and the succinyl modification to this polysaccharide is critical. However, it is not known when succinoglycan intervenes in the symbiotic process, and it is not known whether the plant lysin‐motif receptor‐like kinase MtLYK10 intervenes in recognition of succinoglycan, as might be inferred from work on the Lotus japonicus MtLYK10 ortholog, LjEPR3. We studied the symbiotic infection phenotypes of S. meliloti mutants deficient in succinoglycan production or producing modified succinoglycan, in wild‐type Medicago truncatula plants and in Mtlyk10 mutant plants. On wild‐type plants, S. meliloti strains producing no succinoglycan or only unsuccinylated succinoglycan still induced nodule primordia and epidermal infections, but further progression of the symbiotic process was blocked. These S. meliloti mutants induced a more severe infection phenotype on Mtlyk10 mutant plants. Nodulation by succinoglycan‐defective strains was achieved by in trans rescue with a Nod factor‐deficient S. meliloti mutant. While the Nod factor‐deficient strain was always more abundant inside nodules, the succinoglycan‐deficient strain was more efficient than the strain producing only unsuccinylated succinoglycan. Together, these data show that succinylated succinoglycan is essential for infection thread formation in M. truncatula, and that MtLYK10 plays an important, but different role in this symbiotic process. These data also suggest that succinoglycan is more important than Nod factors for bacterial survival inside nodules.  相似文献   

Most land plants live symbiotically with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Establishment of this symbiosis requires signals produced by both partners: strigolactones in root exudates stimulate pre‐symbiotic growth of the fungus, which releases lipochito‐oligosaccharides (Myc‐LCOs) that prepare the plant for symbiosis. Here, we have investigated the events downstream of this early signaling in the roots. We report that expression of miR171h, a microRNA that targets NSP2, is up‐regulated in the elongation zone of the root during colonization by Rhizophagus irregularis (formerly Glomus intraradices) and in response to Myc‐LCOs. Fungal colonization was much reduced by over‐expressing miR171h in roots, mimicking the phenotype of nsp2 mutants. Conversely, in plants expressing an NSP2 mRNA resistant to miR171h cleavage, fungal colonization was much increased and extended into the elongation zone of the roots. Finally, phylogenetic analyses revealed that miR171h regulation of NSP2 is probably conserved among mycotrophic plants. Our findings suggest a regulatory mechanism, triggered by Myc‐LCOs, that prevents over‐colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by a mechanism involving miRNA‐mediated negative regulation of NSP2.  相似文献   

Noninvasive genetics based on microsatellite markers has become an indispensable tool for wildlife monitoring and conservation research over the past decades. However, microsatellites have several drawbacks, such as the lack of standardisation between laboratories and high error rates. Here, we propose an alternative single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐based marker system for noninvasively collected samples, which promises to solve these problems. Using nanofluidic SNP genotyping technology (Fluidigm), we genotyped 158 wolf samples (tissue, scats, hairs, urine) for 192 SNP loci selected from the Affymetrix v2 Canine SNP Array. We carefully selected an optimised final set of 96 SNPs (and discarded the worse half), based on assay performance and reliability. We found rates of missing data in this SNP set of <10% and genotyping error of ~1%, which improves genotyping accuracy by nearly an order of magnitude when compared to published data for other marker types. Our approach provides a tool for rapid and cost‐effective genotyping of noninvasively collected wildlife samples. The ability to standardise genotype scoring combined with low error rates promises to constitute a major technological advancement and could establish SNPs as a standard marker for future wildlife monitoring.  相似文献   

Oxalate‐producing plants accumulate calcium oxalate crystals (CaOx(c)) in the range of 3–80% w/w of their dry weight, reducing calcium (Ca) bioavailability. The calcium oxalate deficient 5 (cod5) mutant of Medicago truncatula has been previously shown to contain similar Ca concentrations to wild‐type (WT) plants, but lower oxalate and CaOx(c) concentrations. We imaged the Ca distribution in WT and cod5 leaflets via synchrotron X–ray fluorescence mapping (SXRF). We observed a difference in the Ca distribution between cod5 and WT leaflets, manifested as an abundance of Ca in the interveinal areas and a lack of Ca along the secondary veins in cod5, i.e. the opposite of what is observed in WT. X–ray microdiffraction (μXRD) of M. truncatula leaves confirmed that crystalline CaOx(c) (whewellite; CaC2O4·H2O) was present in the WT only, in cells sheathing the secondary veins. Together with μXRD, microbeam Ca K–edge X–ray absorption near‐edge structure spectroscopy (μXANES) indicated that, among the forms of CaOx, i.e. crystalline or amorphous, only amorphous CaOx was present in cod5. These results demonstrate that deletion of COD5 changes both Ca localization and the form of CaOx within leaflets.  相似文献   

Symbiotic associations between leguminous plants and nitrogen‐fixing rhizobia culminate in the formation of specialized organs called root nodules, in which the rhizobia fix atmospheric nitrogen and transfer it to the plant. Efficient biological nitrogen fixation depends on metabolites produced by and exchanged between both partners. The Medicago truncatulaSinorhizobium meliloti association is an excellent model for dissecting this nitrogen‐fixing symbiosis because of the availability of genetic information for both symbiotic partners. Here, we employed a powerful imaging technique – matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)/mass spectrometric imaging (MSI) – to study metabolite distribution in roots and root nodules of M. truncatula during nitrogen fixation. The combination of an efficient, novel MALDI matrix [1,8–bis(dimethyl‐amino) naphthalene, DMAN] with a conventional matrix 2,5–dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) allowed detection of a large array of organic acids, amino acids, sugars, lipids, flavonoids and their conjugates with improved coverage. Ion density maps of representative metabolites are presented and correlated with the nitrogen fixation process. We demonstrate differences in metabolite distribution between roots and nodules, and also between fixing and non‐fixing nodules produced by plant and bacterial mutants. Our study highlights the benefits of using MSI for detecting differences in metabolite distributions in plant biology.  相似文献   

With the access to draft genome sequence assemblies and whole‐genome resequencing data from population samples, molecular ecology studies will be able to take truly genome‐wide approaches. This now applies to an avian model system in ecological and evolutionary research: Old World flycatchers of the genus Ficedula, for which we recently obtained a 1.1 Gb collared flycatcher genome assembly and identified 13 million single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)s in population resequencing of this species and its sister species, pied flycatcher. Here, we developed a custom 50K Illumina iSelect flycatcher SNP array with markers covering 30 autosomes and the Z chromosome. Using a number of selection criteria for inclusion in the array, both genotyping success rate and polymorphism information content (mean marker heterozygosity = 0.41) were high. We used the array to assess linkage disequilibrium (LD) and hybridization in flycatchers. Linkage disequilibrium declined quickly to the background level at an average distance of 17 kb, but the extent of LD varied markedly within the genome and was more than 10‐fold higher in ‘genomic islands’ of differentiation than in the rest of the genome. Genetic ancestry analysis identified 33 F1 hybrids but no later‐generation hybrids from sympatric populations of collared flycatchers and pied flycatchers, contradicting earlier reports of backcrosses identified from much fewer number of markers. With an estimated divergence time as recently as <1 Ma, this suggests strong selection against F1 hybrids and unusually rapid evolution of reproductive incompatibility in an avian system.  相似文献   

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