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Elastin is the extracellular matrix protein responsible for properties of extensibility and elastic recoil in large blood vessels, lung and skin of most vertebrates. Elastin is synthesized as a monomer, tropoelastin, but is rapidly transformed into its final polymeric form in the extracellular matrix. Until recently information on sequence and developmental expression of tropoelastins was limited to mammalian and avian species. We have recently identified and characterized two expressed tropoelastin genes in zebrafish. This was the first example of a species with multiple tropoelastin genes, raising the possibility of differential expression and function of these tropoelastins in elastic tissues of the zebrafish. Here we have investigated the temporal expression and tissue distribution of the two tropoelastin genes in developing and adult zebrafish. Expression was detected early in skeletal cartilage structures of the head, in the developing outflow tract of the heart, including the bulbus arteriosus and the ventral aorta, and in the wall of the swim bladder. While the temporal pattern of expression was similar for both genes, the upregulation of eln2 was much stronger than that of eln1. In general, both genes were expressed and their gene products deposited in most of the elastic tissues examined, with the notable exception of the bulbus arteriosus in which eln2 expression and its gene product was predominant. This finding may represent a sub-specialization of eln2 to provide the unique architecture of elastin and the specific mechanical properties required by this organ.  相似文献   

We have identified the cDNAs of two new zebrafish preprosomatostatins, PPSS1 and PPSS3, in addition to the previously cloned PPSS2 (Argenton et al., 1999). PPSS1 is the orthologue of mammalian PPSSs, with a conserved C-terminal SS-14 sequence, PPSS2 is a divergent SS precursor and PPSS3 is a cortistatin-like prohormone. Using whole-mount in situ hybridisation, we have analysed the expression of PPSS1 and PPSS2 in zebrafish embryos up to 5 days post fertilisation. PPSS1 was expressed in the developing pancreas and central nervous system (CNS), whereas PPSS2 expression was exclusively pancreatic. In the CNS, PPSS1 was detected in several areas, in particular in the vagal motor nucleus and in cells that pioneer the tract of the postoptic commissure. PPSS1 was also expressed transiently in the telencephalon and spinal motor neurons. In all areas but the telencephalon PPSS1 was coexpressed with islet-1.  相似文献   

Caudalizing factors operate in the context of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling to induce gene expression in discrete compartments along the rostral-caudal axis of the developing vertebrate nervous system. In zebrafish, basal repression of caudal genes is achieved through the function of Headless (Hdl), a Tcf3 homolog. In this study, we show that a second Tcf3 homolog, Tcf3b, limits caudalization caused by loss of Hdl function and although this Lef/Tcf family member can rescue hdl mutants, Lef1 cannot. Wnts can antagonize repression mediated by Tcf3 and this derepression is dependent on a Tcf3 beta-catenin binding domain. Systematic changes in gene expression caused by reduced Tcf3 function help predict the shape of a caudalizing activity gradient that defines compartments along the rostral-caudal axis. In addition, Tcf3b has a second and unique role in the morphogenesis of rhombomere boundaries, indicating that it controls multiple aspects of brain development.  相似文献   

T-box genes are conserved in all animal species. We have identified two members of the T-box gene family from the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Zf-tbr1 and zf-tbx3 share high amino acid identity with human, murine, chick and Xenopus orthologs and are expressed in specific regions during zebrafish development.  相似文献   

The semaphorins are a large, evolutionarily conserved family of signaling molecules with broad functions during development. The class 3 semaphorins are a subclass of secreted semaphorins found in vertebrates. There have been six class 3 semaphorins identified to date (sema3A to sema3F) and some have been shown to function in axon guidance and cardiovascular development. However, the functions of many class 3 semaphorins and their potential interactions in vivo are still not well understood. As a step toward understanding the actions of all class 3 semaphorins in vivo, we have cloned and analyzed the developmental expression pattern of a novel zebrafish class 3 semaphorin, sema3H [corrected] sema3H [corrected] is expressed in a dynamic pattern throughout the first 3 days of development. It is expressed in the adaxial cells of the somite during somitogenesis. In the brain, sema3H [corrected] is expressed in cell clusters in the midbrain and diencephalon, and is expressed in the telencephalon in close proximity to the olfactory epithelium. sema3H [corrected] also is expressed in the pharyngeal arches, the pectoral fin bud, and the developing pronephros. These results provide a basis for studying how expression of multiple semaphorins could be essential for aspects of early development.  相似文献   

Fish embryos have never been successfully cryopreserved because of the low permeability of cryoprotectants into the yolk. Recently, we used aquaporin-3 fused with a green fluorescent protein (AQP3GFP) to modify the zebrafish embryo, and demonstrated that the pores functioned physiologically. This increased the water and cryoprotectant permeability of the membranes. We have continued our work on AQP3-modified embryos and here we report their developmental expression of AQP3, the success of various culture media on their survival and development, and their reproductive success. The AQP3GFP expression begins within 30 m after the mRNA AQP3GFP injection into the yolk of the 1- to 4-cell embryo. This expression is distributed in the membranes throughout the blastoderm and the yolk syncytial layer within 24 h. It diminishes after 96 h. We found no difference in the survival or normal development of embryos from AQP3GFP or wild-type adults. Additionally, zebrafish embryos did not require special culture medium to survive after AQP3GFP modification. In fact, they survived best in embryo medium (ca. 40 mOsm). Embryos reared entirely in embryo medium had a higher percent survival and a higher percent normal development than those exposed to a high osmolality sucrose culture medium (ca. 330 mOsm). The mechanism whereby these embryos can maintain their internal osmolality in a hypoosmotic solution with water channels in their membranes is unknown.  相似文献   



Many species form extraembryonic tissues during embryogenesis, such as the placenta of humans and other viviparous mammals. Extraembryonic tissues have various roles in protecting, nourishing and patterning embryos. Prior to gastrulation in zebrafish, the yolk syncytial layer - an extraembryonic nuclear syncytium - produces signals that induce mesoderm and endoderm formation. Mesoderm and endoderm precursor cells are situated in the embryonic margin, an external ring of cells along the embryo-yolk interface. The yolk syncytial layer initially forms below the margin, in a domain called the external yolk syncytial layer (E-YSL).  相似文献   

The pharyngeal arches are one of the defining features of the vertebrates, with the first arch forming the mandibles of the jaw and the second forming jaw support structures. The cartilaginous elements of each arch are formed from separate migratory neural crest cell streams, which derive from the dorsal aspect of the neural tube. The second and more posterior crest streams are characterized by specific Hox gene expression. The zebrafish has a larger overall number of Hox genes than the tetrapod vertebrates, as the result of a duplication event in its lineage. However, in both zebrafish and mouse, there are just two members of Hox paralogue group 2 (PG2): Hoxa2 and Hoxb2. Here, we show that morpholino-mediated "knock-down" of both zebrafish Hox PG2 genes results in major defects in second pharyngeal arch cartilages, involving replacement of ventral elements with a mirror-image duplication of first arch structures, and accompanying changes to pharyngeal musculature. In the mouse, null mutants of Hoxa2 have revealed that this single Hox gene is required for normal second arch patterning. By contrast, loss-of-function of either zebrafish Hox PG2 gene individually has no phenotypic consequence, showing that these two genes function redundantly to confer proper pattern to the second pharyngeal arch. We have also used hoxb1a mis-expression to induce localized ectopic expression of zebrafish Hox PG2 genes in the first arch; using this strategy, we find that ectopic expression of either Hox PG2 gene can confer second arch identity onto first arch structures, suggesting that the zebrafish Hox PG2 genes act as "selector genes."  相似文献   

郭玉姣  唐国庆  李学伟  朱砺  李明洲 《遗传》2008,30(5):602-606
采用荧光定量PCR技术分析长白猪和太湖猪背部皮下脂肪组织中胰岛素样生长因子2和胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白3基因在30、60、90、120和150日龄时表达水平的发育性变化。结果表明: (1)品种内日龄间比较, 长白猪IGF2 mRNA 在30日龄时的表达量极显著高于其他日龄(P<0.01), 之后逐渐下降, 至120日龄降到最低, 150日龄时又明显上升; 太湖猪IGF2 mRNA在30~60日龄的表达量较高, 90日龄降至最低, 120日龄迅速回升, 之后又有所下降。两品种IGFBP3 mRNA表达的发育性变化模式基本相同, 30日龄时表达量最高, 60日龄显著下降(P<0.05), 之后趋于平缓但略有波动。(2)品种间同日龄比较, 120日龄时太湖猪IGF2 mRNA的表达量极显著高于长白猪(P<0.01), 150日龄时太湖猪IGFBP3的表达量极显著低于长白猪(P<0.01), 其余日龄间两品种差异均不显著(P>0.05)。研究结果提示: 猪脂肪组织IGF2和IGFBP3基因表达存在明显的发育性变化和品种差异; IGF2基因表达水平的降低可能与脂肪细胞的增殖有关。  相似文献   

A hamster vimentin cDNA probe has been used to isolate and characterize three Xenopus laevis intermediate filament genes, named XIF1, XIF3 and XIF6. Of these, XIF6 shows 89% homology at the amino acid level to a portion of porcine neurofilament-M. XIF6 is transcribed solely in nervous tissue of embryos, commencing at the late neural tube stage. Expression is totally dependent on an interaction between mesoderm and ectoderm during gastrulation and can be used as a marker of neural induction. XIF1 shows 94% homology and XIF3 83% homology to hamster vimentin at the amino acid level over a region of the protein. Although XIF1 and XIF3 show more homology to vimentin than to any other intermediate filament gene, they have distinct temporal and spatial patterns of expression. XIF1 expression most resembles that of vimentin in higher vertebrates, being expressed in embryonic myotome and nerve cord, whilst XIF3 is unusual in that its expression is restricted predominantly to the head in tailbud embryos.  相似文献   

Emx family homeobox genes, Emx1 and Emx2, play an essential role in rostral brain development in mammalian embryos. Here we report a zebrafish emx family gene, emx1, which is more similar to the mouse Emx1 gene than the previously reported zebrafish emx1 gene; we propose to rename that gene emx3. The expression of emx1 is first detected around the 10-somite stage in the pineal gland (epiphysis) primodium in the developing anterior brain and in the pronephric primodium within the intermediate mesoderm. emx1 expression in the epiphysis has not been reported in other species. Expression in the epiphysis is suppressed at 23 h post-fertilization (hpf) in the floating head (flh) mutant, in which development of the epiphysis is impaired. Subsequently, emx1 is expressed in the telencephalon, as reported in mammals, and can be detected in the olfactory placode and in a small group of cells in the forebrain at 25 hpf. In the mesoderm, emx1 expression is gradually concentrated in the posterior pronephric duct during somitogenesis, and becomes expressed predominantly in the urogenital opening at 25 hpf. Thus, emx1 displays a unique expression pattern that is distinct from the patterns of emx2 and emx3.  相似文献   

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