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五种荒漠植物幼苗出土及生长对沙埋深度的响应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李秋艳  赵文智 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1802-1808
研究了红砂、泡泡刺、花棒、白刺和沙拐枣5种荒漠优势植物的幼苗出土和生长对沙埋的响应,判断了幼苗的生长特征能否预测植物的定植能力。进行了0、1、2、3、5cm和8cm等6个沙埋深度处理,每个处理5个重复。结果表明:每种植物的出苗率都随着沙埋深度的增加而降低,而且遵循着指数方程关系。红砂种子的最佳沙埋深度应为0-1cm,3cm已是出苗和存活的最大沙埋深度;泡泡刺、花棒和白刺种子的最佳深埋深度为0—3cm;沙拐枣在0—8cm各个深度都有出苗现象,且出苗率没有显著差异,但8cm深度的出苗率只有4%,最佳沙埋深度约为5cm。幼苗的生长高度受沙埋深度的影响显著,在同一时间,幼苗的最大生长高度并不在0cm表层,但红砂幼苗除外。泡泡刺、花棒和白刺在0—3cm的沙埋深度的幼苗生长高度大于5-8cm沙埋深度的生长高度,但沙拐枣幼苗在5cm深度的生长高度最大。5种荒漠植物幼苗的生物量受沙埋深度的影响不显著。在同一沙埋深度下,红砂的绝对高度生长率明显低于其余4种植物,沙拐枣的绝对高度生长率高于其余4种植物幼苗;5种植物的相对高度生长率对沙埋深度的响应并不敏感。绝对高度生长率与相对高度生长率并不能预示幼苗存活成功率。  相似文献   

Gullies formed in the Velhas River basin in Brazil have been filled with urban construction waste for physical stabilisation purposes. Aimed at rehabilitating gullies, we selected woody species from the Brazilian Cerrado that can grow on rocky substrates under greenhouse conditions. An assessment was made regarding plant growth in both rocky and natural soil substrates by analysing the height, diameter, fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots, plant water content, root occupation and architecture. Principal component analysis and Chi-squared tests segregated rock-tolerant species based on the specific influence on root dry and fresh weights. Fast-growing species reduced the emergence of their lateral roots under rocks, compromising their growth in height and biomass production. In contrast, slow-growing woody species were particularly suitable for gully rehabilitation because these species exhibited a genetic pattern of low lateral root emergence that prevented damage to their roots. Most slow-growing species demonstrated a similar growth pattern in both substrates, and some of them, such as Copaifera langsdorffii, achieved better growth in height and biomass production on rocks than on soil, a finding attributed to the root plastic response involving primary root elongation and lateral root emergence. Therefore, slow-growing species are recommended for gully rehabilitation procedures.  相似文献   

We studied selected leaf traits [leaf area (LA), leaf water content (LWC), leaf fresh weight (LFW), leaf dry weight (LDW), specific leaf area (SLA) and chlorophyll content] of eight woody species (Shorea robusta, Buchanania lanzan, Diospyros melanoxylon, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Lannea coromandelica, Terminalia tomentosa, Holarrhena antidysenterica and Lantana camara) dominant at four sites in a dry tropical deciduous forest over complete two annual cycles (2008–2010). Our results showed that leaf traits varied across species (1.7–11.5 fold), months (1.2–1.5 fold) and sites (1.1–1.3 fold). However, leaf traits showed smaller variation between sites than between species. Leaf lifespan varied from 7 months (L. coromandelica) to 12 months (S. robusta). On the same sites, species differed in the length of deciduous period. The maximum LA, LDW, LFW and LWC were recorded for the semi-evergreen species, SLA for long-deciduous species and chlorophyll content for short-deciduous species, respectively. The coefficient of variation was maximum for LDW and minimum for chlorophyll content. Among the eight woody species, T. tomentosa exhibited the greatest LA, LDW, LFW and LWC. LA, LWC, LFW, LDW, SLA, LD, SD, MD & SE confirm.  相似文献   

Root traits vary enormously among plant species but we have little understanding of how this variation affects their functioning. Of central interest is how root traits are related to plant resource acquisition strategies from soil. We examined root traits of 33 woody species from northeastern US forests that form two of the most common types of mutualisms with fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) and ectomycorrhizas (EM). We examined root trait distribution with respect to plant phylogeny, quantifying the phylogenetic signal (K statistic) in fine root morphology and architecture, and used phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) to test whether taxa forming different mycorrhizal associations had different root traits. We found a pattern of species forming roots with thinner diameters as species diversified across time. Given moderate phylogenetic signals (= 0.44–0.68), we used PICs to examine traits variation among taxa forming AM or EM, revealing that hosts of AM were associated with lower branching intensity (rPIC = −0.77) and thicker root diameter (rPIC = −0.41). Because EM evolved relatively more recently and intermittently across plant phylogenies, significant differences in root traits and colonization between plants forming AM and EM imply linkages between the evolution of these biotic interactions and root traits and suggest a history of selection pressures, with trade-offs for supporting different types of associations. Finally, across plant hosts of both EM and AM, species with thinner root diameters and longer specific root length (SRL) had less colonization (rPIC = 0.85, −0.87), suggesting constraints on colonization linked to the evolution of root morphology.  相似文献   

张振杰  于露  王红梅 《生态学报》2022,42(19):8061-8072
为探究宁夏东部荒漠草原灌丛转变过程中两种优势种蒙古冰草(Agropyron mongolicum)和柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii)植物更新土壤水分需求特征,在前期萌发土壤水势阈值研究的基础上,进一步通过野外观测和室内干旱胁迫试验分析确定转变过程中两种优势植物种的定植土壤水分阈值。结果表明:荒漠草原灌丛近30年人为转变过程中0-200 cm土壤水分呈降低趋势,灌丛地土壤水分含量较荒漠草地显著降低了52.43%(P<0.05),灌丛转变加速了土壤旱化;柠条锦鸡儿和蒙古冰草幼苗定植过程中叶绿素含量随干旱胁迫程度加深呈先增加后降低趋势,其死亡率逐渐上升。通过渗透势和死亡率的拟合函数以及其对应样地的土壤水势、土壤水分关系分析得出,随样地转变柠条锦鸡儿定植土壤水势、水分阈值均低于蒙古冰草,两者平均土壤水势阈值分别为-9.38—-9.95 kPa、-8.72—-9.28 kPa,平均土壤水分阈值分别为4.93%-5.23%、5.92%-6.50%。与蒙古冰草相比,柠条锦鸡儿更适应灌丛引入下或降雨减少引起的土壤旱化,其旱生条件下的定植成功更易发生。  相似文献   

We investigated the flowering phenology, pollinator visitation, and fruit set of 25 animal-pollinated woody species in a warm temperate secondary forest in Japan. Various species flowered sequentially from February to October. The principal pollinators were bumblebees, honey-bees, flies and/or beetles and birds; bumblebees and flies/beetles pollinated most trees. The duration of flowering was shorter for species that bloomed in the middle of the season than it was for species that bloomed earlier or later in the season. The timing of flowering was more synchronous within species that had a shorter flowering duration; this was also detected when phylogenetically independent contrasts were calculated. This could be important for the effective pollination of species with a short flowering duration because such species bloom sequentially over a short period of less than 1month around May. Fruit set was related not to pollinator type, sex expression, flowering sequence (in order of the date of peak flowering) or flowering duration, but to the relative abundance of the species in the forest. This correlation was detected for fly- and beetle-pollinated species but not for bumblebee-pollinated species. Thus, relatively rare plant species with opportunistic pollinators might experience limited fruit set because of insufficient pollinator services. Bagging experiments conducted on eight hermaphrodite species revealed that the fruit set of bagged flowers was nearly zero, lower than that of control flowers. These results indicate the importance of pollinators for successful reproduction and thus for the coexistence of plants in this secondary forest.  相似文献   

Castro J 《Annals of botany》2006,98(6):1233-1240
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The date of emergence may have far-reaching implications for seedling performance. Seedlings emerging early in the growing season often have a greater rate of survival or grow better if early emergence provides advantages with respect to an environmental cue. As a result, the benefits of early emergence may be lost if the environmental stress creating the differences among cohorts disappears. The experimental manipulation under field conditions of the factors that constitute the main sources of stress for seedling establishment is thus a straightforward method to evaluate the impact of date of emergence on seedling establishment under realistic conditions. METHODS: Two field experiments were performed to analyse the effect of emergence date on survival and first-year growth of Scots pine seedlings in natural mountain forests in south-east Spain. Two main environmental factors that determine seedling success in these mountains were considered: (1) microhabitat type (monitoring the effect of date of emergence in the three most common microhabitats where seedlings recruit); (2) summer drought (monitored by an irrigation treatment with control and watered sampling points). KEY RESULTS: Overall, early emergence resulted in a higher probability of survival and better growth in the two experiments and across microhabitats. However, the reduction in summer drought did not diminish the differences observed among cohorts: all cohorts increased their survival and growth, but early cohorts still had a clear advantage. CONCLUSIONS: Date of emergence determines establishment success of Pinus sylvestris seedlings, even if cohorts are separated by only a few days, irrespective of the intensity of summer drought. The experimental design, covering a gradient of light intensity and soil moisture that simulates conditions of the regeneration niche of Scots pine across its geographical range, allows the results to be extrapolated to other areas of the species. Date of emergence is thus likely to have a large impact on the demography of Scots pine across its geographical range.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the ecophysiological characters of plants when exploring mechanisms underlying species substitution in the process of plant succession. In the present study, we selected 34 woody species from different stages of secondary succession in subtropical forests of southern China, and measured their hydraulic conductivity, gas exchange rates, leaf nutrients and drought‐tolerance traits such as xylem resistance to cavitation, turgor loss point and carbon isotope ratio. Principal component analysis revealed that early‐, mid‐ and late‐successional species were significantly separated along axis 1, which was strongly associated with hydraulic‐photosynthetic coordination. In contrast to species distributed in late‐successional forest, early‐successional species had the highest hydraulic conductivity, net photosynthetic rates, photosynthetic nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiencies, but had the lowest photosynthetic water‐use efficiency. However, changes of the measured drought‐tolerance traits of the 34 species along the succession did not demonstrate a clear trend – no significant correlations between these traits and plant successional stages were found. Moreover, the trade‐off between hydraulic efficiency and safety was not identified. Taken together, our results suggested that hydraulic efficiency and photosynthetic function, rather than drought tolerance, play an important role in species distributions along plant succession in subtropical forests.  相似文献   

程莉  李玉霖  宁志英  杨红玲  詹瑾  姚博 《生态学报》2024,44(7):2688-2705
干旱最显著的影响表现在区域尺度的森林死亡事件中,可以在短时间内杀死数百万棵树木。鉴于未来极端干旱事件的频率和强度可能随温度的升高而增加,迫切需要明确树木对干旱胁迫的响应对策以及衰退死亡机理,揭示木本植物在干旱环境中存活和死亡的生理机制,了解树木在未来气候下的适应机制,提高预测树木对干旱反应的准确性。在常用植物功能性状的基础上,重点纳入与植物水分运输能力及耐旱性相关的水力学性状,系统总结了:1)植物木质部水分运输的物理机制;2)植物应对干旱胁迫的水力响应过程:3)干旱胁迫下木本植物水分利用对策;以及4)干旱胁迫下木本植物衰退/死亡机理。最后,提出3个尚待解决的主要问题:1)加强纳入水力性状阐明植物对干旱胁迫的响应和调节机制;2)加强从全株植物的角度考虑植物不同组织性状间的关系;3)深入探究树木干旱致死机理。  相似文献   

Mediterranean woody plants exhibit a wide phenological diversity which cannot be explained just on the basis of climatic constraints. We assessed the role of relative growth rate (RGR), life form, seed and fruit mass as potential constraints of plant phenology. In a comparison of traits of 22 Mediterranean woody plant species, the duration of the primary shoot growing period decreased from climbers to shrubs and to trees. A hypothesised negative association between RGR and primary shoot growth duration did not emerge in our species set. The mechanism underlying phenological differences between plant life forms might relate to differences in the proportion of respiring to photosynthetic tissues, which decreases from climbers to trees. It is suggested that the degree of shoot preformation within the bud correlates with primary shoot growth duration, but not with RGR. Development of big fruits and seeds competes for carbon with vegetative growth. Indeed, species with bigger seeds and fruits exhibited shorter primary shoot growing periods, which tended to overlap with flower bud formation and flowering periods. We suggest that duration of primary shoot growth allow to short out the species between two extreme growth strategies: The conservative one would be characterised by a concentration of the primary shoot growth into a short period, free of frosts and droughts, and by a diversion of part of the current resources to assure next year's growth. The opportunistic strategy, on the other extreme, would be defined by the allocation of resources to current growth whenever they are available, achieving longer growing periods at the expense of higher risk of tissue damage. These strategies should have been selected for in environments of predictable and unpredictable resource availability, respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the potential importance for Mediterranean plants of trade-offs in the response to irradiance and water availability at the regeneration stage. Survival and growth patterns across an experimentally imposed irradiance gradient (1, 6, 20 and 100% sunlight) were studied in seedlings of eight Mediterranean woody species, together with the impact of a simulated summer drought. We found evidence of some of the trade-offs previously reported for non-Mediterranean plant communities, such as between survival in the shade and relative growth rate (RGR) at high light, but no evidence for others, such as between shade and drought tolerances. The impact of drought on survival and RGR was stronger in high light than in deep shade. The observed species-specific differences in performance provide a mechanistic basis for niche differentiation at the regeneration stage, contributing to possible explanations of species coexistence in Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

Plant invasion is a major threat to the integrity of an ecosystem. Exceptionally successful invaders in Europe are the American species of Solidago genus. In this study we examined growth, reproduction, and phenology of Solidago species, of American origin, growing in central Europe (S. altissima, S. canadensis, S. gigantea, S. graminifolia). These taxa were compared with two native species: Solidago virgaurea and Tanacetum vulgare. We observed high differentiation in height, number of shoots, and biomass production between individuals within taxa. Generally, the invasive species produced substantially (two to five times) more biomass than the native ones, being statistically significant in the comparison of alien Solidago graminifolia and S. gigantea versus native S. virgaurea and T. vulgare. The ratio of biomass of reproductive parts to overall biomass varied considerably among years, but generally the lowest one was for Solidago altissima, and the highest for S. graminifolia. It shows a lack of a clear pattern of differentiation between alien and native species in terms of biomass investment in reproduction. We observed a general tendency of allocation of a major part of biomass in rhizomes by phalanx species (S. graminifolia and S. gigantea), while species with guerrilla strategy (S. altissima and S. canadensis) invested more biomass in stems and leaves. However, because of the high variability there was no clear, stable pattern of statistically significant differences between these two groups. The results suggest that S. graminifolia reveals a strong potential of invasion, in spite of its, so far limited, distribution in Europe.  相似文献   

3种木本植物在铅锌和铜矿砂中的生长及对重金属的吸收   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
施翔  陈益泰  王树凤  张晓磊  袁媛 《生态学报》2011,31(7):1818-1826
通过盆栽试验评价3种木本植物紫穗槐、桤木和黄连木修复铅锌矿和铜矿尾矿的潜力。结果表明,150d后3种植物在矿砂中都能生长,其中黄连木在铅锌矿砂中生长受到明显抑制,桤木的叶绿素含量显著降低。3种植物的根系发育在2种矿砂中没有受到显著抑制。重金属在3种植物组织中的含量为17.66 -55.36 mg/kg (铜)、2.67-196.00 mg/kg(铅)、58.93-333.67 (锌,铅锌矿砂)和49.20-199.33(锌,铜矿砂)。3种植物的生物富集系数(BCF)和转移系数(TF)值都小于1。60d后,桤木和黄连木叶片的叶绿素荧光参数与对照相比没有显著变化,PSⅡ的最大量子产量有下降的趋势。重金属胁迫后显著增加Mg、Fe、Cu在功能叶的含量,显著地降低Mn的含量。因此可利用固氮植物紫穗槐在尾矿区造林和修复。  相似文献   

解李娜  魏亚冉  马成仓 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1672-1678
本文采用改良的冲洗法,比较了内蒙古高原西部荒漠区锦鸡儿属(Caragana) 4 种优势植物—柠条锦鸡儿(C. korshinsk)、狭叶锦鸡儿(C. stenophylla)、垫状锦鸡儿(C. tibetica)和荒漠锦鸡儿(C. roborovoskyi)的水力结构日变化和季节变化,目的是了解4种锦鸡儿属植物对荒漠区环境的适应性及其差异。研究发现:4种锦鸡儿属植物的比导率、叶比导率均为早晚高、中午低的单谷日变化曲线;三个季节相比较,夏季的比导率、叶比导率最大;胡伯尔值春季>夏季>秋季。三个季节比导水率日平均值、夏季和秋季的叶比导率、三个季节的胡伯尔值都表现为:柠条锦鸡儿>荒漠锦鸡儿>狭叶锦鸡儿>垫状锦鸡儿;三个季节比导水率日变幅和春季叶比导率表现为:柠条锦鸡儿>荒漠锦鸡儿>垫状锦鸡儿>狭叶锦鸡儿。4个种比导水率日平均值的季节变幅相似。这些结果表明:(1)荒漠区锦鸡儿属植物的水力结构限制了水分运输,使其避免了中午的高蒸腾。(2)荒漠区锦鸡儿属植物通过较高的水分运输效率及较好的叶供水效率适应夏季的高温和强辐射,维持水分平衡;锦鸡儿属植物胡伯尔值的季节变化保证了其在春、夏季快速生长期有较好的水分供应。(3)较高的比导率、叶比导率和胡伯尔值导致了柠条锦鸡儿良好的水分供应和高蒸腾速率,进而导致了柠条锦鸡儿较快的生长速度,这说明柠条锦鸡儿对荒漠环境的适应性好于其它三个种;柠条锦鸡儿的输水效率高,但易发生严重的空穴和栓塞。  相似文献   

以4种不同生活型树种(常绿阔叶和针叶树种、落叶阔叶和针叶树种)为研究对象,通过微根管法现地观测细根的生长动态,比较不同生活型树种细根寿命在种内和种间的差异,探讨影响细根寿命的主要因子,研究结果对理解和预测森林生态系统碳及养分循环过程具有重要的理论意义。结果表明:(1)细根形态特征(分枝结构和直径)显著影响种内细根寿命,分枝等级越低、直径越小,细根的寿命越短;(2)4个树种的细根寿命表现出明显的土层效应和季节效应,即随土壤深度增加,细根的累积存活率逐渐增加,寿命延长;而不同季节出生的细根其寿命长短模式在树种间不一致,春季或夏季出生的细根寿命要长于秋冬季;(3)常绿树种(柳杉、石栎)的细根寿命要长于落叶树种(池杉、麻栎),同时,针叶树种(池杉、柳杉)的细根寿命要长于阔叶树种(麻栎、石栎)。在同一树种内,细根寿命受细根直径、根系分枝结构、土壤环境因子(土层)等因素显著影响,但在不同树种间,细根寿命可能更依赖于树木生长速率、碳分配模式等树木整体的功能性状差异。  相似文献   

三种锦鸡儿属植物水力结构特征及其干旱适应策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚容  徐霞  田晓宇  江红蕾  李霞  关梦茜 《生态学报》2018,38(14):4984-4993
水分胁迫是干旱半干旱区限制植物生长的主要因素。以干旱半干旱区的3种锦鸡儿属植物为研究对象,从生态适应策略角度来分析3种锦鸡儿植物产生生态分离的原因。对三种锦鸡儿属植物茎干叶片的显微结构、生理功能(导水率、光合速率以及水分利用效率)进行测定,并统计了3种锦鸡儿植株的形态特征,如一、二级枝的直径、长度、末端叶面积。结果表明:三种锦鸡儿属植物都能形成较小的导管直径来适应旱生环境,但是在导水结构上又表现出一定的差异性。中间锦鸡儿的导管直径最小,次脉密度和最大净光合速率最大;柠条锦鸡儿的导管直径、叶片厚度和比叶重(LMA)最大。小叶锦鸡儿在导水率下降50%时的水势(P_(50))最大,水分胁迫时极易发生栓塞,但正是由于导管的栓塞降低了水分运输效率,使其在旱生环境中能够通过减少水分的供应来降低水分的丧失,从而保证自身生长的水分需求;而中间锦鸡儿则主要通过减小导管直径来适应旱生环境;柠条锦鸡儿的水分利用效率最高,抗栓塞能力最强,抗旱性最好,同时柠条锦鸡儿可以通过减少蒸腾面积来减少水分的丧失。植物的导管直径大小、叶片厚度、LMA、叶脉密度对植物导水速率、光合速率等生理功能都有一定的影响。  相似文献   

M. Agami 《Oecologia》1987,71(4):486-490
Summary The hills of the Negev highlands, west of Sede Boqer, are typically covered by various half-shrub communities, including the deciduous species of Helianthemum vesicarium Boiss., an Irano-Turanian element that grows only on north facing slopes, and H. ventosum Boiss., a Saharo-Arabian element which grows on both slopes but mainly on those facing south. Upon irrigation, plants of H. vesicarium preserve their natural rhythm of activity during winter and remain deciduous throughout the summer. On the other hand, under a similar irrigation treatment, the growth and flowering season of H. ventosum is modified and is extended well into the summer. Thus, H. ventosum shows a high phenological plasticity, while H. vesicarium seems to be very conservative. The different response of the two species to an improved water regime may partly explain the differences in their natural habitats: H. vesicarium on the more humid north facing slopes and H. ventosum mostly on the more arid and extreme south facing ones. Plants of both species which grow near boulders attain larger sizes and denser stands than those on the slopes.Age analysis based on xylem ring counts of 859 plants of the two natural populations showed that the plants did not exceed 14 years and most of them reached the age of some 5 years only. In general more seedlings are established during rainy year-clusters than during dry ones. However, no direct correlation between seedling establishment and the annual rainfall of specific years could be found.The rapid turnover of plants in the stands of both species of Helianthemum resembles the behavior of desert annuals rather than that of most desert shrubs.  相似文献   

Penetration of very strong soils by seedling roots of different plant species   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
The abilities of seedling roots of twenty-two plant species to penetrate a strong growth medium were compared under controlled conditions. Seedlings were grown for 10 days in compression chambers filled with siliceous sandy soil at 0.2 kg kg–1 water content and mean penetrometer resistance of 4.2 MPa. Root elongation and thickening were measured after growth. The results show that soil strength reduced the elongation of roots of all plant species by over 90% and caused the diameters of the roots to increase compared with control plants grown in vermiculite (0 MPa resistance).Differences in both root elongation and root diameter were observed among plant species. Generally, the roots of dicotyledons (with large diameters) penetrated the strong medium more than graminaceous monocotyledons (with smaller diameters). There was a significant positive correlation (r=0.78, p<0.05) between root diameter and elongation over all the species in the stressed plants. The species were ranked according to the relative root elongation and relative root thickening. Based on this ranking, lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), medic (Medicago scutelata) and faba bean (Vicia faba) were the species with the greatest thickening and elongation while wheat (Triticum aestivum), rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) had the least. The weight of the seeds did not seem to influence either the thickening or elongation of the roots.  相似文献   

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