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Water-dependent species inhabiting desert regions seem to be a contradiction in terms. Nevertheless, many species have evolved survival strategies for arid conditions. In Odonates (dragonflies and damselflies), both larvae and adults require very different and complex water-associated habitat conditions. The present study investigates the genetic diversity, population structure and dispersal patterns of a desert inhabiting odonate species, the Red-veined Dropwing dragonfly, Trithemis arteriosa. Eight populations from the arid Namibia and four population sites in the more tropical Kenya were compared by using nine microsatellite loci, one non-coding nuclear fragment and the mtDNA fragment ND1. Microsatellite analyses as well as the nuclear fragment reveal a high allelic diversity in all populations with almost no genetic sub-structuring. In contrast, ND1 sequence analyses show sub-structuring and??with two exceptions??only private haplotypes. The conflicting patterns of nuclear versus mitochondrial markers suggest a male-biased dispersal in this species. Results indicate that male dispersal is dependent on the environmental stability of the habitat, while females are philopatric. This life history adaptation would allow females to save energy for mating and oviposition in the demanding environment of a desert region. The results give direct insights into the dispersal pathways of a desert-inhabiting, strongly water dependent flying insect.  相似文献   

A synoptic treatment of the Rubiaceae of São Tomé e Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea) is presented based on herbarium collections kept at BM, COI, K and LISC. There are 36 genera and 64 species of Rubiaceae represented in the flora of São Tomé e Príncipe. Identification keys are provided for genera, species and infraspecific taxa. A new combination is made in Chassalia . Twenty-nine taxa are endemic to these islands, two of which are also endemic to Annobon. The conservation status of the endemic taxa is assessed and IUCN categories of threat are proposed for ten taxa. Nineteen taxa of Rubiaceae are considered under threat in São Tomé e Príncipe and ten are considered nearly threatened.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 85–114.  相似文献   

The larva of Libellula foliata (Kirby) is described based upon mature larvae from the Biosphere Reserve of ??El Triunfo?? in the state of Chiapas. It belongs to the small group of species without dorsal protuberances, L. composita (Hagen), L. comanche Calvert and L. saturata Uhler. The following combination of characters permits the separation of L. foliata larva from the other aforementioned larvae: tergites 6?C10 uniformly colored, no lateral spines on segments 8?C9, 5?C6 palpal setae and 3 long premental setae. After this finding, only the larvae of Libellula gaigei Gloyd and L. nodisticta Hagen remain undiscovered for the Mexican species of Libellula.  相似文献   

Here we describe the antennal lobe of Libellula depressa (Odonata, Libellulidae), identified on the basis of the projections of the afferent sensory neurons stemming from the antennal flagellum sensilla. Immunohistochemical neuropil staining as well as antennal backfills revealed sensory neuron terminal arborizations covering a large portion of the antennal lobe. No clear glomerular structure was identified, thus suggesting an aglomerular antennal lobe condition as previously reported in Palaeoptera. The terminal arbors of backfilled sensory neurons do, however, form spherical knots, probably representing the connections between the few afferent neurons and the antennal lobe interneurons. The reconstruction revealed that the proximal part of the antennal nerve is divided into two branches that innervate two spatially separated areas of the antennal lobe, an anterioventral lobe and a larger posteriodorsal lobe. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that one tract of the antennal nerve of L. depressa contains olfactory sensory neurons projecting into one of the sublobes, while the other tract contains thermo-hygroreceptive neurons projecting into the other sublobe.  相似文献   

Food intake, prey availability, and prey capture behavior at feeding areas were quantified in the dragonflyPachydiplax longipennis by observing focal individuals on artificial perches, where they exhibited marked short-term site fidelity. Prey capture success was high and relatively constant, but the frequency and duration of feeding flights depended on the time of day and season (at least in part because of associated variation in temperature and other physical factors), study site, sex, density of other dragonflies, and prey density. Individuals rapidly responded temporally and spatially to changes in prey availability, particularly to localized prey concentrations.  相似文献   

In the last few million years, tropical Africa has experienced pronounced climatic shifts with progressive aridification. Such changes must have had a great impact on freshwater biota, such as Odonata. With about forty species, Trithemis dominates dragonfly communities across Africa, from rain-pools to streams, deserts to rainforests, and lowlands to highlands. Red-bodied species tend to favor exposed, standing and often temporary waters, have strong dispersal capacities, and some of the largest geographic ranges in the genus. Those in cooler habitats, like forest streams, are generally dark-bodied and more sedentary. We combined molecular analyses of ND1, 16S, and ITS (ITSI, 5.8S, and ITSII) with morphological, ecological, and geographical data for 81% of known Trithemis species, including three Asian and two Madagascan endemics. Using molecular clock analyses, the genus’s origin was estimated 6–9 Mya, with multiple lineages arising suddenly around 4 Mya. Open stagnant habitats were inferred to be ancestral and the rise of Trithemis may have coincided with savannah-expansion in the late Miocene. The adaptation of red species to more ephemeral conditions leads to large ranges and limited radiation within those lineages. By contrast, three clades of dark species radiated in the Plio-Pleistocene, each within distinct ecological confines: (1) lowland streams, (2) highland streams, and (3) swampy habitats on alternating sides of the Congo-Zambezi watershed divide; together giving rise to the majority of species diversity in the genus. During Trithemis evolution, multiple shifts from open to more forested habitats and from standing to running waters occurred. Allopatry by habitat fragmentation may be the dominant force in speciation, but possibly genetic divergence across habitat gradients was also involved. The study demonstrates the importance of combining ecological and phylogenetic data to understand the origin of biological diversity under great environmental change.  相似文献   

Two gynandromorphs of the dragonfly Sympetrum striolatum , with different features, are described here, with special emphasis on the genitalic structures.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of the dragonfly,Orthetrum japonicum, is described. Behavioral processes of turnover of territorial males, simultaneous guarding of 2 females by a male, and copulation by non-territorial males are described. The males with longer hind wings won the territorial conflicts more frequently. The total duration of territorial residence of a given male was correlated with the number of his matings, but not correlated with the length of his abdomen or hind wings. The territorial site with the lower degree of vegetation cover was occupied by males more consistently. Males in more consistently occupied territorial sites did not have longer abdomen and hind wings than males in less consistently occupied sites. The territorial site where the larger number of copulations was observed was not occupied more consistently. Selection episode analysis using the method of Arnold & Wade (1984a, b) showed that direct selection on the hind wing length favored the short wing and that direct selection on the abdomen length favored the long abdomen during mating.  相似文献   

The libellulid dragonfly genus Sympetrum has been recognized since 1833, but lacks any morphological synapomorphies to unite the taxon. Previous researchers have disagreed over which species belong in Sympetrum, bringing the monophyly of the genus into question. We use DNA sequence data from 6 genetic loci (16S, tRNA-valine, 12S, elongation factor 1 alpha, cytochrome oxidase subunit I, and the second internal transcribed spacer region) and 25 morphological characters (mainly genitalic) to test the monophyly of Sympetrum with Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses. Under Bayesian inference, all Sympetrum species included in this study form a clade, which also contains the Hawaiian monotypic genus Nesogonia, often considered a close relative of Sympetrum. Phylogenetic analyses also reveal at least six strongly supported clades (treated as species groups) within Sympetrum, but relationships between these species groups remain unresolved or unsupported. Although the relationships between Sympetrum species groups remain unresolved, several species groups include taxa from multiple biogeographic regions/continents, and the species group sister to the rest of Sympetrum contains migratory species from the New World and Africa. This pattern suggests a complex biogeographic history in Sympetrum shaped by vicariance and dispersal. Preliminary estimates of the divergence dates of Sympetrum species groups outline a rapid radiation of the groups approximately 32-38 million years ago, possibly influenced by cooling and drying climates of the late Eocene and early Oligocene.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that physical habitat conditions influence adult dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera) riparian site selection. In naturally treeless riparian areas of South Africa, invasive trees create shade and reduce native vegetation. We hypothesized that most breeding odonates select riparian areas (1) without shade, and (2) with high density and variety of understory perch structures. In two experiments at reservoir shorelines, we varied shade and perch structures. Dragonfly abundances (predominantly Trithemis species) were lower at sites with high (75%) or moderate (55%) shade cover than at sites with no shade, and lower at bare sand sites than sites containing stick perches. Perch density and variety (variety of heights and diameters) did not affect dragonfly abundance. These results indicate that shade alone directly reduces dragonfly habitat selection, isolating one aspect of habitat change that can alter insect behaviors.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural investigation (SEM, TEM) on the antennal flagellum of the adult of the dragonfly Libellula depressa (Odonata:Libellulidae) revealed sensilla located in pits on the lateral-ventral side of the antenna. These sensilla are represented by sensilla coeloconica and by deeply sunken sensilla. The sensilla coeloconica are innervated by three unbranched dendrites, which enter the peg and show a dendrite sheath ending at the base of the peg. The peg has no socket and its cuticle is irregular with wide pore-like structures at the base of which actual pores are visible. The structure of these coeloconic sensilla is in agreement with that reported for single-walled insect chemoreceptors. The deeply sunken sensilla are represented by two kinds of sensilla styloconica, named type-1 and type-2, located at the bottom of deep cavities appearing as simple openings on the antennal surface. These sensilla are no-pore sensilla with inflexible socket and unbranched dendrites and, notwithstanding their structural differences, share common features typical of thermo/hygroreceptors. The presence of chemoreceptors in adult dragonflies sheds light on evolutionary trends in insect perception; the previously unknown occurrence of thermo/hygroreceptors in dragonflies is very important in view of the reported ability of Odonata to thermoregulate heliothermically.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and electrophysiological (single-cell recordings) investigations were carried out on the coeloconic sensilla borne by the apical antenna of the larvae of Libellula depressa (Odonata: Libellulidae). These sensilla appear as pegs located in pits. One of them is a compound sensillum constituted of two fused pegs in a common pit and the other two are single pegs located in separated pits close to each other. Coeloconic sensilla show position and ultrastructural details very similar to those described in insect hygroreceptors. The electrophysiological recordings on the apical antennae of the last larval instar of L. depressa clearly show the presence of moist and dry cells responding antagonistically to humidity changes. This study gives the first evidence of hygroreceptors in dragonfly larvae and represents the first electrophysiological approach to larval sensilla of aquatic insects. The presence of hygroreceptors in L. depressa larvae is in agreement with the hygropositive response shown by these insects in laboratory and field behavioural experiments.  相似文献   

The forests of southwest Príncipe are recognized as important for biodiversity conservation. Here, we study the distribution and density of fifteen of the island's endemic bird species (including three Globally Threatened and one Near-Threatened) within the National Park. The endemic subspecies of the Near-Threatened Gulf of Guinea thrush occurred at a density of 0.08 birds ha−1, which is far lower than its sister subspecies on the neighbouring island of São Tomé. We also present evidence that the effects of access routes around the protected area exert an influence on bird species within the National Park. The grey parrot, which still suffers from illegal hunting, was more likely to be encountered further away from roads, with 25% of variation in its occurrence explained by distance to the nearest road. In addition, the occurrence of all four threatened species was more likely further from access routes. Careful consideration must therefore be given to the potential impacts within the National Park of developments outside the currently protected area.  相似文献   

Tailwind drift compensation serves to maximize a migrant's flight distance on a given amount of energy, and crosswind drift compensation serves to hold a course true and minimize the distance flown. With full or part compensation, airspeeds are predicted to increase with greater crosswind drift. To test whether migrating dragonflies compensated for wind drift, I measured the velocity and heading of Pantala hymenaea and P. flavescens in natural flight over a lake and the ambient wind speed and direction. P. hymenaea flew north-easterly (58°), whereas P. flavescens flew significantly more east–north easterly (74°) throughout the day. Pantala spp. demonstrated part compensation for changes in crosswind drift within individuals (mean compensation = 54%, P = 0.0000), evidence for use of a ground reference to correct for drift when flying over water. Among individuals, P. flavescens compensated for crosswind drift. P. hymenaea overcompensated and then drifted downwind on one morning and compensated for crosswind drift on the next. As predicted from optimal migration theory, airspeed (5.0 m/s for both species with no tailwind) decreased with tailwind velocity both among individuals (data for both species pooled [n = 19], P < 0.0001) and within each individual as it crossed the lake (P = 0.0016).  相似文献   

An outline of the morphology of the secondary genitalia of libellulid dragonflies is given together with a more detailed treatment of the components of the fourth (distal) segment of the penis. The variations of penis structure in 70 species, representing ten of the 11 subfamilies, are surveyed and catalogued. There is remarkable diversity in the presence and form of penis structures, particularly those associated with the medial process, namely the flagelium, cornua and inner lobes. A comparable survey of females shows that they can be provisionally divided into ten types according to the number and size of their sperm-storage organs. Comparisons of penis structures with the sperm-storage organs of females suggests that in species whose females store large amounts of sperm, usually doing so in one or a pair of organs, males possess highly extensible, lobate and bristly penes, commonly equipped with cornua. By contrast, in those species in which the females store small volumes of sperm, usually doing so in three organs, the penes bear either flagella equipped with proximally directed spines or with large terminal barbs, or they have narrow, spiny inner-lobes which resemble flagella. Some functional interpretations are proposed in the light of sperm competition. The variability of genital structure can be interpreted adaptively and does not closely reflect phylogenetic relationships. Functionally convergent structures have evolved a number of times from different origins.  相似文献   

Abstract. In an ultrastructural study of the apical antenna of the last nymphal stages of Libellula depressa (Odonata: Libellulidae), we found long sensilla trichodea, 2 sensory pegs, and a coeloconic sensillum on the last article of the flagellum (the distal part of the antenna). The long sensilla trichodea are mechanoreceptors, almost identical to the long filiform hairs of some terrestrial insects and the first sensilla of this kind to be described in aquatic insects. Particular attention was given to the complex coeloconic sensillum, a compound sensillum innervated by 2 groups of 3 neurons wrapped in a dendritic sheath. A cuticular sleeve envelops the distal portion of the outer dendritic segment. The cuticle of the coeloconic sensillum shows wide channels and is contiguous to the underlying granular and fibrillar layer. Similar structures on the antennae of the adults of other dragonflies were identified as chemoreceptors in previous studies. We hypothesize that this larval coeloconic sensillum might likewise have a chemosensory function, responding to molecules that diffuse through the cuticle and the underlying granular and fibrillar layer, as no clear pore or pore-tubule system is visible. Alternative functions are also explored on the basis of morphological details.  相似文献   

The results of observing mass flights of some dragonflies of the genus Sympetrum forming tandems are presented. These tandems always fly against the wind, some of them landing for oviposition and then joining the flight again. This variant of migration behavior has been unexplained until now. A hypothesis is proposed according to which synchronous mass flights of dragonfly tandems facilitate the most uniform oviposition in all the suitable biotopes. The general direction of the flight depends on the wind. As the wind direction changes, the flight course of the tandems changes accordingly, so that the dragonflies cross the same territory several times, which leads to a denser and more uniform distribution of eggs. It is proposed to refer to this variant of flight as reproductive wanderings. Such a dispersal strategy can maintain the most uniform population density and a more stable abundance of some dragonfly species in the territories with unstable humidity.  相似文献   

Mate guarding–a behaviour prevalent in odonates–is a post copulatory association during which males prevent females from re-mating. Some species use two forms of guarding: contact mate guarding, which is energetically costly but highly effective and non-contact mate guarding, which is less costly but less effective. This study aimed to determine if male Sympetrum internum (Odonata:Libellulidae) adjust the duration of contact mate guarding according to environmental, temporal and physiological factors. There was a significant interaction between male density and season on duration of contact mate guarding. Early in the season males increased the duration of contact guarding as the density of rivals increased. Later in the season males guarded mates longer irrespective of male density. Wind and temperature did not detectabiy alter the duration of contact mate guarding, suggesting that the trade-off between current and future reproductive success was more important than were physiological costs.  相似文献   

1. Histological correlative studies on the cerebral neurosecretory cells, the corpora allata and the oocyte development strongly suggest the involvement of cerebral NSM mostly produced by the A cells of pars intercerebralis and the CA hormone in the vitellogenesis. 2. Biochemical studies reveal the incorporation of haemolymph proteins and lipids in the yolk during vitellogenesis. 3. Exogenous administration of the extract of the brain-CC and FME demonstrates, to some extent, the stimulation of protein synthesis during vitellogenesis in the haemolymph by the cerebral NSM and the CA hormone, while the lipid metabolism lies, mostly, under the control of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

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