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Soft songs have been detected in many songbirds, but in most species, research on soft songs has lagged behind studies of broadcast songs. In this study, we describe the acoustic features of a soft song in the brownish‐flanked bush warbler Cettia fortipes. Compared with the broadcast song, the warbler's soft song was characterized by a lower minimum frequency and longer duration, and it had a higher proportion of rapid frequency modulation notes. Using playback experiments, some in combination with mounted specimens, we found different responses to soft and broadcast songs, and we found that soft song can predict aggressive escalation (attack). We conclude that the soft song is an aggressive signal in this species.  相似文献   

The conventional view of AD (Alzheimer's disease) is that much of the pathology is driven by an increased load of β-amyloid in the brain of AD patients (the 'Amyloid Hypothesis'). Yet, many therapeutic strategies based on lowering β-amyloid have so far failed in clinical trials. This failure of β-amyloid-lowering agents has caused many to question the Amyloid Hypothesis itself. However, AD is likely to be a complex disease driven by multiple factors. In addition, it is increasingly clear that β-amyloid processing involves many enzymes and signalling pathways that play a role in a diverse array of cellular processes. Thus the clinical failure of β-amyloid-lowering agents does not mean that the hypothesis itself is incorrect; it may simply mean that manipulating β-amyloid directly is an unrealistic strategy for therapeutic intervention, given the complex role of β-amyloid in neuronal physiology. Another possible problem may be that toxic β-amyloid levels have already caused irreversible damage to downstream cellular pathways by the time dementia sets in. We argue in the present review that a more direct (and possibly simpler) approach to AD therapeutics is to rescue synaptic dysfunction directly, by focusing on the mechanisms by which elevated levels of β-amyloid disrupt synaptic physiology.  相似文献   

The limbs of extant terrestrial vertebrates possess five or fewer digits, yet, polydactyly is accepted as being the ancestral state. Therefore, I propose a hypothesis to account for the maintenance of digital number at five or fewer digits, based on a selective disadvantage associated with polydactylous states in terrestrial vertebrates. This disadvantage is not associated with the polydactyly per se, but rather with the hemimelia which is a common feature of polydactylies in mammals. Hemimelia causes a twisting, or luxation, of the distal segment of the limb, which is due to a malformation of the radius/tibia of the limb. This defect results in the limb being held in an abnormal gait, which causes problems in the locomotion of the animal which would compromise their ability to flourish. Therefore, the abnormal gait and torsion of the limb caused by the hemimelia is acting as a stabilizing force to maintain the dactyly of the tetrapod limb with five or fewer digits.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that obese subjects have an increased risk of developing triple‐negative breast cancer (TNBC) and an overall reduced survival. However, the relation between obesity and TNBC remains difficult to understand. We hypothesize that apelin, an adipokine whose levels are increased in obesity, could be a major factor contributing to both tumour growth and metastatization in TNBC obese patients. We observed that development of obesity under high‐fat diet in TNBC tumour‐bearing mice significantly increased tumour growth. By showing no effect of high‐fat diet in obesity‐resistant mice, we demonstrated the necessity to develop obesity‐related disorders to increase tumour growth. Apelin mRNA expression was also increased in the subcutaneous adipose tissue and tumours of obese mice. We further highlighted that the reproduction of obesity‐related levels of apelin in lean mice led to an increased TNBC growth and brain metastases formation. Finally, injections of the apelinergic antagonist F13A to obese mice significantly reduced TNBC growth, suggesting that apelinergic system interference could be an interesting therapeutic strategy in the context of obesity and TNBC.  相似文献   

Objective: The principal aim of this study was to validate a proposed new index of physical activity, the activity‐related time equivalent based on accelerometry (ArteACC), in adolescents. A secondary aim was to develop regression equations for prediction of total energy expenditure (TEE) and activity energy expenditure [AEE = 0.9 × TEE ? resting metabolic rate (RMR)]. Research Methods and Procedures: RMR and energy expenditure (EE) under standardized exercises were measured by indirect calorimetry in 36 adolescents (14 to 19 years old). TEE was measured by the doubly labeled water method, and physical activity was assessed simultaneously with an accelerometer for 14 days. AEE, AEE in relation to body weight (AEE per kilogram), and activity‐related time equivalent based on energy expenditure (ArteEE = AEE/[EE reference activity ? RMR]) were calculated from laboratory and free‐living EE data. ArteACC was calculated as total activity counts/activity counts of reference activity. Results: ArteACC was significantly related to AEE per kilogram (r = 0.57; p < 0.0001) and ArteEE (r = 0.68; p < 0.001). The absolute amount of time (minutes per day) spent in physical activity was significantly lower when calculated from ArteACC than from ArteEE (p < 0.001). TEE was significantly influenced by RMR, sex, and ArteACC (r2 = 0.89). AEE was significantly influenced by sex and ArteACC (r2 = 0.59). Discussion: Despite an absolute difference between the two indexes, ArteEE and ArteACC, ArteACC seems to be a valid indicator of free‐living physical activity. It contributed significantly, by 3.3% and 12.5%, to the explained variations in TEE and AEE, respectively.  相似文献   

The allometric equation, y = axb, is commonly fitted to data indirectly by transforming predictor (x) and response (y) variables to logarithms, fitting a straight line to the transformations, and then back‐transforming (exponentiating) the resulting equation to the original arithmetic scale. Sometimes, however, transformation fails to linearize the observations, thereby giving rise to what has come to be known as non‐loglinear allometry. A smooth curve for observations displayed on a log–log plot is usually interpreted to mean that the scaling exponent in the allometric equation is a continuously changing function of body size, whereas a breakpoint between two (or more) linear segments on a log–log plot is typically taken to mean that the exponent changes abruptly, coincident with some important milestone in development. I applied simple graphical and statistical procedures in re‐analyses of three well‐known examples of non‐loglinear allometry, and showed in every instance that the relationship between predictor and response can be described in the original scale by simple functions with constant values for the exponent b. In no instance does the allometric exponent change during the course of development. Transformation of data to logarithms created new distributions that actually obscured the relationships between predictor and response variables in these investigations, and led to erroneous perceptions of growth. Such confounding effects of transformation are not limited to non‐loglinear allometry but are common to all applications of the allometric method. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Is the originality of a species measurable?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we introduce the concept of 'originality of a species within a set' in order to indicate the average rarity of all the features belonging to this species. Using a phylogenetic tree of 70 species of New World terrestrial Carnivora, we suggest measuring the originality by a probability distribution. This maximizes the expected number of features shared by two species randomly drawn from the set. By using this new index, we take account of branch lengths whereas current indices of originality focus on tree topology. As a supplement to Nee and May's optimizing algorithm, we find that originality must be one of the criteria used in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the red light and CO2 responses of stomata are caused by a signal from the mesophyll to the guard cells. Experiments were conducted to test the idea that this signal is a vapour‐phase ion. Stomata in isolated epidermes of Tradescantia pallida were found to respond to air ions created by an electrode that was positioned under the epidermes. Anthocyanins in the epidermes of this species were observed to change colour in response to these air ions, and this change in colour was attributed to changes in pH. A similar change in lower epidermal colour was observed in intact leaves upon illumination and with changes in CO2 concentration. Based on the change in epidermal colour, the pH of the epidermis was estimated to be approximately 7.0 in darkness and 6.5 in the light. Stomata in isolated epidermes responded to pH when suspended over (but not in contact with) solutions of different pH. We speculate that stomatal responses to CO2 and light are caused by vapour‐phase ions, possibly hydronium ions that change the pH of the epidermis.  相似文献   

We experience the world as a seamless stream of percepts. However, intriguing illusions and recent experiments suggest that the world is not continuously translated into conscious perception. Instead, perception seems to operate in a discrete manner, just like movies appear continuous although they consist of discrete images. To explain how the temporal resolution of human vision can be fast compared to sluggish conscious perception, we propose a novel conceptual framework in which features of objects, such as their color, are quasi-continuously and unconsciously analyzed with high temporal resolution. Like other features, temporal features, such as duration, are coded as quantitative labels. When unconscious processing is “completed,” all features are simultaneously rendered conscious at discrete moments in time, sometimes even hundreds of milliseconds after stimuli were presented.  相似文献   

Polyglutamylation is a post-translational modification in which glutamate side chains of variable lengths are formed on the modified protein. It is evolutionarily conserved from protists to mammals and its most prominent substrate is tubulin, the microtubule (MT) building block. Various polyglutamylation states of MTs can be distinguished within a single cell and they are also characteristic of specific cell types or organelles. Polyglutamylation has been proposed to be involved in the functional adaptation of MTs, as it occurs within the carboxy-terminal tubulin tails that participate directly in the binding of many structural and motor MT-associated proteins. The discovery of a new family of enzymes that catalyse this modification has brought new insight into the mechanism of polyglutamylation and now allows for direct functional studies of the role of tubulin polyglutamylation. Moreover, the recent identification of new substrates of polyglutamylation indicates that this post-translational modification could be a potential regulator of diverse cellular processes.  相似文献   

Clathrin‐Dependent or Not: Is It Still the Question?   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Whether the endocytic uptake of a given molecule is mediated through clathrin-coated pits or not is a classical criterion used to characterize its endocytic pathway(s). Hence, clathrin-dependent endocytosis has been associated with highly selective and efficient uptake, whereas clathrin-independent endocytosis appeared to be confined to bulk uptake of fluid-phase markers. This scholastic view has recently been challenged using newly developed molecular tools that allow for the first time a functional and mechanistic analysis of these less well-characterized clathrin-independent pathways, including caveolar uptake and macropinocytosis. Furthermore, several studies point to a critical role of lateral lipid asymmetry – lipid rafts/microdomains – in membrane sorting. We will discuss the potential role of these structures in endocytosis and the possibility that differential sorting at the plasma membrane predisposes the ensuing intracellular fate of a given molecule as well as its physiological function.  相似文献   

《Developmental neurobiology》2017,77(11):1260-1268
The fission/division and fusion of mitochondria are fundamental aspects of mitochondrial biology. The balance of fission and fusion sets the length of mitochondria in cells to serve their physiological requirements. The fission of mitochondria is markedly induced in many disease states and in response to cellular injury, resulting in the fragmentation of mitochondria into dysfunctional units. The mechanism that drives fission is dependent on the dynamin related protein 1 (Drp1) GTPase. mdivi‐1 is a quinazolinone originally described as a selective inhibitor of Drp1, over other dynamin family members, and reported to inhibit mitochondrial fission. A recent study has challenged the activity of mdivi‐1 as an inhibitor of Drp1. This study raises serious issues regarding the interpretation of data addressing the effects of mdivi‐1 as reflective of the inhibition of Drp1 and thus fission. This commentary considers the evidence for and against mdivi‐1 as an inhibitor of Drp1 and presents the following considerations; (1) the activity of mdivi‐1 toward Drp1 GTPase activity requires further biochemical investigation, (2) as there is a large body of literature using mdivi‐1 in vitro with effects as predicted for inhibition of Drp1 and mitochondrial fission, reviewed herein, the evidence is in favor of mdivi‐1's originally described bioactivity, and (3) until the issue is resolved, experimental interpretations for the effects of mdivi‐1 on inhibition of fission in cell and tissue experiments warrants stringent positive controls directly addressing the effects of mdivi‐1 on fission. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1260–1268, 2017  相似文献   

This interdisciplinary scientific inquiry lesson specifically utilizes the 5E learning cycle to engage high school students in an investigation on size-dependent properties of matter. In particular, this inquiry lesson focuses on a biologically relevant phenomenon, namely accessibility to a pharmaceutical drug with respect to the size of the pill. In this context, students design and conduct a controlled experiment to test how the accessibility to an encapsulated drug is affected by the change in the size of the pill. Thus, through this investigation, students not only learn about the relationship between the size of a material in terms of surface area-to-volume ratio and the rate of diffusion of molecules, but also extend this knowledge to the importance of size in the context of nanoscale. Additionally, students practice the science process skills involved in undertaking a scientific inquiry.  相似文献   

L Somer  T Somer 《Acta anatomica》1983,116(3):234-244
A histological analysis of the structure of intact knee joint menisci was carried out in adult dogs. By means of specific histochemical methods for the connective tissue and cartilage, it was found that the meniscus as a whole does not have a unique structure. The anterior and posterior horns are populated by round chondroid cells encircled by abundant interstitial substance and branched wavy connective fibers; blood vessels are present. The outer third of the meniscus is constituted of cross bundles of connective fibers, fibrocytes and spindle-like areas of loose connective tissue with blood vessels. The inner avascular two thirds of the meniscus are filled with parallel circumferentially oriented fascicles of connective fibers, ovally elongated chondroid cells, and a small quantity of chondroid interstitial substance. In some menisci, in the inner two thirds of the body, there are isles of typical cartilage, which show metachromasia of the beta type and rarely of the gamma type. The occurrence and way of the manifestation of cartilage are of an individual character. The structural duality of the knee meniscus is accounted for by its functional duality manifested in offering resistance to the forces of traction and pressure, the latter ones favoring the process of evolution of tissue from connective, through chondroid, to cartilaginous.  相似文献   

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