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The males of invertebrates from a few phyla, including arthropods, have been reported to practise traumatic insemination (TI; i.e. injecting sperm by using the copulatory organ to penetrate the female''s body wall). As all previously reported arthropod examples have been insects, there is considerable interest in whether TI might have evolved independently in other arthropods. The research reported here demonstrates the first case of TI in the arthropod subphylum Chelicerata, in particular how the genital morphology and mating behaviour of Harpactea sadistica (Řezáč 2008), a spider from Israel, has become adapted specifically for reproduction based on TI. Males have needle-like intromittent organs and females have atrophied spermathecae. In other spiders, eggs are fertilized simultaneously with oviposition, but the eggs of H. sadistica are fertilized in the ovaries (internal fertilization) and develop as embryos before being laid. Sperm-storage organs of phylogenetically basal groups to H. sadistica provide males with last male sperm priority and allow removal of sperm by males that mate later, suggesting that TI might have evolved as an adaptive strategy to circumvent an unfavourable structure of the sperm-storage organs, allowing the first male to mate with paternity advantage. Understanding the functional significance of TI gives us insight into factors underlying the evolution of the genital and sperm-storage morphology in spiders.  相似文献   

The seminal fluid proteins (SFPs) transferred to mating partners along with sperm often play crucial roles in mediating post‐mating sexual selection. One way in which sperm donors can maximize their own reproductive success is by modifying the partner's (sperm recipient's) post‐copulatory behaviour to prevent or delay re‐mating, thereby decreasing the likelihood or intensity of sperm competition. Here, we adopted a quantitative genetic approach combining gene expression and behavioural data to identify candidates that could mediate such a response in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano. We identified two putative SFPs—Mlig‐pro46 and Mlig‐pro63—linked to both mating frequency and ‘suck’ frequency, a distinctive behaviour, in which, upon ejaculate receipt, the worm places its pharynx over its female genital opening and apparently attempts to remove the received ejaculate. We, therefore, performed a manipulative experiment using RNA interference‐induced knockdown to ask how the loss of Mlig‐pro46 and Mlig‐pro63 expression, singly and in combination, affects mating frequency, partner suck propensity and sperm competitive ability. None of the knockdown treatments impacted strongly on the mating frequency or sperm competitive ability, but knockdown of Mlig‐pro63 resulted in a significantly decreased suck propensity of mating partners. This suggests that Mlig‐pro63 may normally act as a cue in the ejaculate to trigger recipient suck behaviour and—given that other proteins in the ejaculate have the opposite effect—could be one component of an ongoing arms race between donors and recipients over the control of ejaculate fate. However, the adaptive significance of Mlig‐pro46 and Mlig‐pro63 from a donor perspective remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

Self-fertilization occurs in a broad range of hermaphroditic plants and animals, and is often thought to evolve as a reproductive assurance strategy under ecological conditions that disfavour or prevent outcrossing. Nevertheless, selfing ability is far from ubiquitous among hermaphrodites, and may be constrained in taxa where the male and female gametes of the same individual cannot easily meet. Here, we report an extraordinary selfing mechanism in one such species, the free-living flatworm Macrostomum hystrix. To test the hypothesis that adaptations to hypodermic insemination of the mating partner under outcrossing also facilitate selfing, we experimentally manipulated the social environment of these transparent flatworms and then observed the spatial distribution of received sperm in vivo. We find that this distribution differs radically between conditions allowing or preventing outcrossing, implying that isolated individuals use their needle-like stylet (male copulatory organ) to inject own sperm into their anterior body region, including into their own head, from where they then apparently migrate to the site of (self-)fertilization. Conferring the ability to self could thus be an additional consequence of hypodermic insemination, a widespread fertilization mode that is especially prevalent among simultaneously hermaphroditic animals and probably evolves due to sexual conflict over the transfer and subsequent fate of sperm.  相似文献   

Sperm cooperation has evolved in a variety of taxa and is often considered a response to sperm competition, yet the benefit of this form of collective movement remains unclear. Here, we use fine-scale imaging and a minimal mathematical model to study sperm aggregation in the rodent genus Peromyscus. We demonstrate that as the number of sperm cells in an aggregate increase, the group moves with more persistent linearity but without increasing speed. This benefit, however, is offset in larger aggregates as the geometry of the group forces sperm to swim against one another. The result is a non-monotonic relationship between aggregate size and average velocity with both a theoretically predicted and empirically observed optimum of six to seven sperm per aggregate. To understand the role of sexual selection in driving these sperm group dynamics, we compared two sister-species with divergent mating systems. We find that sperm of Peromyscus maniculatus (highly promiscuous), which have evolved under intense competition, form optimal-sized aggregates more often than sperm of Peromyscus polionotus (strictly monogamous), which lack competition. Our combined mathematical and experimental study of coordinated sperm movement reveals the importance of geometry, motion and group size on sperm velocity and suggests how these physical variables interact with evolutionary selective pressures to regulate cooperation in competitive environments.  相似文献   

Multiple mating or group spawning leads to post‐copulatory sexual selection, which generally favours ejaculates that are more competitive under sperm competition. In four meta‐analyses we quantify the evidence that sperm competition (SC) favours greater sperm number using data from studies of strategic ejaculation. Differential investment into each ejaculate emerges at the individual level if males exhibit phenotypic plasticity in ejaculate properties in response to the likely risk and/or intensity of sperm competition after a given mating. Over the last twenty years, a series of theoretical models have been developed that predict how ejaculate size will be strategically adjusted in relation to: (a) the number of immediate rival males, with a distinction made between 0 versus 1 rival (‘risk’ of SC) and 1 versus several rivals (‘intensity’ of SC); (b) female mating status (virgin or previously mated); and (c) female phenotypic quality (e.g. female size or condition). Some well‐known studies have reported large adjustments in ejaculate size depending on the relevant social context and this has led to widespread acceptance of the claim that strategic sperm allocation occurs in response to each of these factors. It is necessary, however, to test each claim separately because it is easy to overlook studies with weak or negative findings. Compiling information on the variation in outcomes among species is potentially informative about the relevance of these assumptions in different taxa or mating systems. We found strong evidence that, on average, males transfer larger ejaculates to higher quality females. The effect of female mating status was less straightforward and depended on how ejaculate size was measured (i.e. use of proxy or direct measure). There is strong evidence that ejaculate size increased when males were exposed to a single rival, which is often described as a response to the risk of SC. There is, however, no evidence for the general prediction that ejaculate size decreases as the number of rivals increases from one to several males (i.e. in response to a higher intensity of SC which lowers the rate of return per sperm released). Our results highlight how meta‐analysis can reveal unintentional biases in narrative literature reviews. We note that several assumptions of theoretical models can alter an outcome's predicted direction in a given species (e.g. the effect of female mating status depends on whether there is first‐ or last‐male sperm priority). Many studies do not provide this background information and fail to make strong a priori predictions about the expected response of ejaculate size to manipulation of the mating context. Researchers should be explicit about which model they are testing to ensure that future meta‐analyses can better partition studies into different categories, or control for continuous moderator variables.  相似文献   

Mating plugs occluding the female gonopore after mating are a widespread phenomenon. In scorpions, two main types of mating plugs are found: sclerotized mating plugs being parts of the spermatophore that break off during mating, and gel‐like mating plugs being gelatinous fluids that harden in the female genital tract. In this study, the gel‐like mating plug of Euscorpius italicus was investigated with respect to its composition, fine structure, and changes over time. Sperm forms the major component of the mating plug, a phenomenon previously unknown in arachnids. Three parts of the mating plug can be distinguished. The part facing the outside of the female (outer part) contains sperm packages containing inactive spermatozoa. In this state, sperm is transferred. In the median part, the sperm packages get uncoiled to single spermatozoa. In the inner part, free sperm is embedded in a large amount of secretions. Fresh mating plugs are soft gelatinous, later they harden from outside toward inside. This process is completed after 3‐5 days. Sperm from artificially triggered spermatophores could be activated by immersion in insect Ringer's solution indicating that the fluid condition in the females' genital tract or females' secretions causes sperm activation. Because of the male origin of the mating plug, it has likely evolved under sperm competition or sexual conflict. As females refused to remate irrespective of the presence or absence of a mating plug, females may have changed their mating behavior in the course of evolution from polyandry to monandry. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mating plugs have been proposed as a mechanism that has evolved to avoid sperm competition. Their structure and composition vary across taxa and are related to the effectiveness of its function. This effectiveness could be related to different evolutionary interests of the sexes. Urophonius brachycentrus and Urophonius achalensis (Scorpiones, Bothriuridae) are highly suitable species to study mating plugs because both are monandrous species with specific morphological and physiological responses in the female's genitalia. Here, we analyze (a) the morphology and fine structure of the mating plugs of both species, (b) the site of production in males and the formation process of the mating plug, and (c) the changes that it undergoes over time in the female's reproductive tract. In both species, a complex mating plug obliterates the female's genital aperture and fills the genital atrium. We observed considerable interspecific variation in the mating plug morphology. A mating hemi-plug was found surrounding the capsular lobes of the hemispermatophore, which could have a mixed composition (involving portions of the hemispermatophore and glandular products). The glandular portion was transferred in a semi-solid state filling the female's genital atrium and then hardening. Changes that the plug undergoes in the female's genitalia (darkening and increase of the “distal” area of the plug) indicate a participation of the female to the formation of this type of plug. Our study provides new insights into the plugging phenomenon in scorpions, and we discussed the adaptive significance as a post-copulatory mechanism to avoid sperm competition.  相似文献   

Female multiple mating selects for male adaptations that maximizefertilization success in a context of sperm competition. Whilemale mating strategies usually reflect a trade-off between presentand future reproduction, this trade-off is largely removed insystems where the maximum number of matings for males is verysmall. Selection may then favor extreme mechanisms of paternityprotection that amount to a maximal investment in a single mating.Males in several arthropod taxa break off parts of their copulatoryorgans during mating, and it has frequently been suggested thatmutilated males can thus secure their paternity. Nevertheless,such a mechanism has rarely been confirmed directly. Here westudy the golden orb spider Nephila fenestrata, which has amating system with potentially cannibalistic, polyandrous females,and males that are often functionally sterile after mating withone female only. We show that males in this species can indeedprotect their paternity by obstructing the female's genitalopenings with fragments of their copulatory organs.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of female mating history on copulation behavior and sperm release in the haplogyne spider Tetragnatha versicolor. Despite significant behavioral differences during mating, males released equivalent amounts of sperm to virgin and non-virgin females. When mating with non-virgin females, males showed twice as many pedipalp insertions and half the copulation duration as compared to virgin females; however, males were as likely to mate with non-virgin as virgin females. Even with these overt behavioral differences, males released half of the sperm contained within their pedipalps during mating, regardless of female mating history. With respect to male mating order, first or second, we suggest the numbers of sperm released would lead to an expectation of unbiased paternity. In this species, sperm release is not directly proportional to total copulationduration.  相似文献   

The morphology of male genitalia often suggests functions besidessperm transfer that may have evolved under natural or sexualselection. In several species of sexually cannibalistic spiders,males damage their paired genitalia during mating, limitingthem to one copulation per pedipalp. Using a triple-mating experiment,we tested if genital damage in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichiincreases male fitness either through facilitating his escapefrom an aggressive female or by obstructing the female's inseminationducts against future copulation attempts from other males. Wefound no survival advantage for males damaging their pedipalps;however, copulations into a previously used insemination ductwere significantly shorter when the previous male had left partsof his genitalia inside the insemination duct. Because copulationduration determines paternity in this species, our result suggeststhat male genital damage in A. bruennichi is sexually selected.By breaking off parts of their intromittent organs inside avirgin female, males can reduce sperm competition and therebyincrease their paternity success.  相似文献   

Several taxa of simultaneously hermaphroditic land snails exhibit a conspicuous mating behaviour, the so-called shooting of love darts. During mating, such land snail species transfer a specific secretion by stabbing a mating partner''s body with the love dart. It has been shown that sperm donors benefit from this traumatic secretion transfer, because the secretions manipulate the physiology of a sperm recipient and increase the donors'' fertilization success. However, it is unclear whether reception of dart shooting is costly to the recipients. Therefore, the effect of sexual conflict and antagonistic arms races on the evolution of traumatic secretion transfer in land snails is still controversial. To examine this effect, we compared lifetime fecundity and longevity between the individuals that received and did not receive dart shooting from mating partners in Bradybaena pellucida. Our experiments showed that the dart-receiving snails suffered reduction in lifetime fecundity and longevity. These results suggest that the costly mating behaviour, dart shooting, generates conflict between sperm donors and recipients and that sexually antagonistic arms races have contributed to the diversification of the morphological and behavioural traits relevant to dart shooting. Our findings also support theories suggesting a violent escalation of sexual conflict in hermaphroditic animals.  相似文献   

In many sexually reproducing species, females are sperm limited and actively mate more than once which can lead to sperm competition between males. However, the costs and benefits of multiple matings may differ for males and females leading to different optimal mating frequencies and consequent sexual conflict. Under these circumstances, male traits that reduce females' re‐mating rates are likely to evolve. However, the same traits can also reduce, directly or indirectly, female survival and/or manipulate female fecundity. Evidence of this sexual conflict is common across several taxa. Here, we examine the evidence for this form of conflict in the free‐living nematodes of the Caenorhabditis genus. Members of this group are extensively used to describe developmental and physiological processes. Despite this, we understand little about the evolution of selfing, maintenance of males and sexual conflict in these species, particularly those with gonochoristic mating strategies. In this study, we demonstrate experimentally sexual conflict in the gonochoristic of C. remanei cultured under laboratory conditions. In our first experiment, we found that female fecundity increased with the number of males present which suggests that females' reproduction may be sperm limited. However, increasing the number of males present also reduced female survival. A second experiment ruled out the alternative explanation of density‐dependent reduction in female survival when more males were present as increasing female density correspondingly did not affect female survival. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 362–369.  相似文献   

Sexual coevolution in morphological and behavioral traits has rarely been studied. Using phylogenetic analyses, we explore relationships between sexual characters based on a new molecular phylogeny of 33 opisthobranch taxa (Aglajidae and Gastropteridae). Our measurements of these simultaneous hermaphrodites include male and female reproductive anatomy, mating behavior, and spatial gregariousness. After phylogenetic correction, we found evidence for correlated evolution between male and female reproductive organs such as the size of the seminal fluid producing prostate gland and that of the sperm digesting bursa copulatrix. Our findings suggest that reproductive trait variation is mediated by sexual coevolution, where putatively manipulative male organs evolved in association with female organs involved in sperm selection. Furthermore, low gregariousness was associated with long, reciprocal copulations. We interpret this result as an adaptation to infrequent mate encounters, where it pays to mate longer with and presumably transfer more sperm to a rare partner. Several complex reproductive traits were repeatedly gained or lost across our phylogeny. This pattern is consistent with a scenario in which sexual selection generates dynamic coevolutionary cycles similar to those expected under sexual antagonism. We finally outline approaches for experimentally assessing the proposed functional links that underlie the evolutionary correlations revealed by our study.  相似文献   

A consequence of multiple mating by females can be that the sperm of two or more males directly compete for the fertilisation of ova inside the female reproductive tract. Selection through sperm-competition favours males that protect their sperm against that of rivals and strategically allocate their sperm, e.g., according to the mating status of the female and the morphology of the spermatheca. In the majority of spiders, we encounter the otherwise unusual situation that females possess two independent insemination ducts, both ending in their own sperm storage organ, the spermatheca. Males have paired mating organs, but generally can only fill one spermatheca at a time. We investigated whether males of the African golden orb-web spider Nephila madagascariensis can prevent rival males from mating into the same spermatheca and whether the mating status of the female and/or the spermatheca causes differences in male mating behaviour. There was no significant difference in the duration of copulations into unused spermathecae of virgin and mated females. We found that copulations into previously inseminated spermathecae were generally possible, but shorter than copulations into the unused side of mated females or with virgins. Thus, male N. madagascariensis may have an advantage when they mate with virgins, but cannot prevent future males from mating. However, in rare instances, parts of the male genitals can completely obstruct a female genital opening.  相似文献   

Females of all species belonging to the family Drosophilidae have two kinds of sperm-storage organs: paired spherical spermathecae and a single elongate tubular seminal receptacle. We examined 113 species belonging to the genus Drosophila and closely allied genera and describe variation in female sperm-storage organ use and morphology. The macroevolutionary pattern of organ dysfunction and morphological divergence suggests that ancestrally both kinds of organs stored sperm. Loss of use of the spermathecae has evolved at least 13 times; evolutionary regain of spermathecal function has rarely if ever occurred. Loss of use of the seminal receptacle has likely occurred only once; in this case, all descendant species possess unusually elaborate spermathecae. Data further indicate that the seminal receptacle is the primary sperm-storage organ in Drosophila. This organ exhibits a pattern of strong correlated evolution with the length of sperm. The evolution of multiple kinds of female sperm-storage organs and the rapidly divergent and correlated evolution of sperm and female reproductive tract morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

Multiple mating, sperm storage and internal fertilisation enhance sperm competition. The great pond snail can use stored sperm for over three months, and frequently mates with different partners. This hermaphrodite, Lymnaea stagnalis, can also self-fertilise and often produces egg masses containing both selfed and outcrossed eggs. Hence, a sperm recipient may exert considerable control over paternity. Using microsatellite markers, we show that when allosperm are present, all genotyped eggs are cross-fertilised. We also find that sperm have the opportunity to compete, because double matings lead on average to equal paternity for each sperm donor. This indicates that received sperm are randomly mixed in storage. To gain further insight into the mechanisms underlying the process of sperm storage, digestion and utilisation, we investigated the fate of donated sperm at different times after copulation. We find that within 3 h after transfer most sperm have been transported into the sperm-digesting organ. Fluorescent labelling of sperm in histological sections further reveals that allosperm are not stored in the fertilisation pouch, but upstream in either the hermaphroditic duct, seminal vesicles, or ovotestis. Besides contributing to the understanding of the mechanisms underlying sperm competition and/or cryptic sperm choice, this study shows that mixed mating cannot be treated as a separate issue in hermaphroditic animals.  相似文献   

Mating can affect female immunity in multiple ways. On the one hand, the immune system may be activated by pathogens transmitted during mating, sperm and seminal proteins, or wounds inflicted by males. On the other hand, immune defences may also be down‐regulated to reallocate resources to reproduction. Ants are interesting models to study post‐mating immune regulation because queens mate early in life, store sperm for many years, and use it until their death many years later, while males typically die after mating. This long‐term commitment between queens and their mates limits the opportunity for sexual conflict but raises the new constraint of long‐term sperm survival. In this study, we examine experimentally the effect of mating on immunity in wood ant queens. Specifically, we compared the phenoloxidase and antibacterial activities of mated and virgin Formica paralugubris queens. Queens had reduced levels of active phenoloxidase after mating, but elevated antibacterial activity 7 days after mating. These results indicate that the process of mating, dealation and ovary activation triggers dynamic patterns of immune regulation in ant queens that probably reflect functional responses to mating and pathogen exposure that are independent of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Under natural and sexual selection traits often evolve that secure paternity or maternity through self‐sacrifice to predators, rivals, offspring, or partners. Emasculation—males removing their genitals—is an unusual example of such behaviours. Known only in insects and spiders, the phenomenon's adaptiveness is difficult to explain, yet its repeated origins and association with sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and sexual cannibalism suggest an adaptive significance. In spiders, emasculation of paired male sperm‐transferring organs — secondary genitals — (hereafter, palps), results in ‘eunuchs’. This behaviour has been hypothesized to be adaptive because (i) males plug female genitals with their severed palps (plugging hypothesis), (ii) males remove their palps to become better fighters in male–male contests (better‐fighter hypothesis), perhaps reaching higher agility due to reduced total body mass (gloves‐off hypothesis), and (iii) males achieve prolonged sperm transfer through severed genitals (remote‐copulation hypothesis). Prior research has provided evidence in support of these hypotheses in some orb‐weaving spiders but these explanations are far from general. Seeking broad macroevolutionary patterns of spider emasculation, we review the known occurrences, weigh the evidence in support of the hypotheses in each known case, and redefine more precisely the particular cases of emasculation depending on its timing in relation to maturation and mating: ‘pre‐maturation’, ‘mating’, and ‘post‐mating’. We use a genus‐level spider phylogeny to explore emasculation evolution and to investigate potential evolutionary linkage between emasculation, SSD, lesser genital damage (embolic breakage), and sexual cannibalism (females consuming their mates). We find a complex pattern of spider emasculation evolution, all cases confined to Araneoidea: emasculation evolved at least five and up to 11 times, was lost at least four times, and became further modified at least once. We also find emasculation, as well as lesser genital damage and sexual cannibalism, to be significantly associated with SSD. These behavioural and morphological traits thus likely co‐evolve in spiders. Emasculation can be seen as an extreme form of genital mutilation, or even a terminal investment strategy linked to the evolution of monogyny. However, as different emasculation cases in araneoid spiders are neither homologous nor biologically identical, and may or may not serve as paternity protection, the direct link to monogyny is not clear cut. Understanding better the phylogenetic patterns of emasculation and its constituent morphologies and behaviours, a clearer picture of the intricate interplay of natural and sexual selection may arise. With the here improved evolutionary resolution of spider eunuch behaviour, we can more specifically tie the evidence from adaptive hypotheses to independent cases, and propose promising avenues for further research of spider eunuchs, and of the evolution of monogyny.  相似文献   

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