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Closely related taxa occupying different environments are valuable systems for studying evolution. In this study, we examined differences in early phenology (bud set, bud burst) and early growth in a common garden trial of closely related pine species: Pinus sylvestris, P. mugo, and P. uncinata. Seeds for the trial were sourced from populations across the ranges of each species in Europe. Over first 4 years of development, clear differences were observed between species, while the most significant intraspecific differentiation was observed among plants from P. sylvestris populations from continental European locations. Trait differences within P. sylvestris were highly correlated with altitude and latitude of the site of origin. Meanwhile, P. mugo populations from the Carpathians had the earliest bud set and bud flush compared to other populations of the species. Overall, populations from the P. mugo complex from heterogeneous mountain environments and P. sylvestris from the Scottish Highlands showed the highest within‐population variation for the focal traits. Although the three species have been shown to be genetically highly similar, this study reveals large differences in key adaptive traits both among and within species.  相似文献   

Studies of adaptation and speciation have greatly benefited from rapid progress of DNA sequencing and genotyping technologies. Comparative genomics of closely related taxa has great potential to advance evolutionary research on genetic architecture of adaptive traits and reproductive isolation. Such studies that utilized closely related plant species and ecotypes have already provided some important insights into genomic regions and/or genes that are potentially involved in local adaptation and speciation. The choice of an appropriate species model for such research is crucial. The paper discusses current approaches used to reveal the patterns of intra‐ and interspecific divergence due to natural selection. Its outcomes in herbaceous plants and forest trees are briefly summarized and compared to reveal general regularities concerning evolutionary processes. We then highlight the importance of multispecies studies and discuss the utility of several related pine taxa as fine candidates for evolutionary inferences. Genetically similar but ecologically and phenotypically diverged taxa seem a promising study system to search for genomic patterns of speciation and adaptive variation.  相似文献   

Historical tectonism and climate oscillations can isolate and contract the geographical distributions of many plant species, and they are even known to trigger species divergence and ultimately speciation. Here, we estimated the nucleotide variation and speciation in three closely related Populus species, Populus tremuloides, P. tremula and P. davidiana, distributed in North America and Eurasia. We analysed the sequence variation in six single‐copy nuclear loci and three chloroplast (cpDNA) fragments in 497 individuals sampled from 33 populations of these three species across their geographic distributions. These three Populus species harboured relatively high levels of nucleotide diversity and showed high levels of nucleotide differentiation. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that P. tremuloides diverged earlier than the other two species. The cpDNA haplotype network result clearly illustrated the dispersal route from North America to eastern Asia and then into Europe. Molecular dating results confirmed that the divergence of these three species coincided with the sundering of the Bering land bridge in the late Miocene and a rapid uplift of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau around the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. Vicariance‐driven successful allopatric speciation resulting from historical tectonism and climate oscillations most likely played roles in the formation of the disjunct distributions and divergence of these three Populus species.  相似文献   

We examined interspecific female mating preferences in fourclosely related species of cichlid belonging to the Pseudotropheuszebra species complex of Lake Malawi. These species differin coloration but are similar in other respects, suggestingthat male color patterns may be important to female mate choicein species recognition. To test this hypothesis, we presented females from each species with a choice of four males, one ofher own species and three others that were each of a differentspecies. We also gave each female a choice between the threeheterospecific males only. In all four species, females showeda significant preference for conspecific males in the four-waychoice and chose the male with the most similar color patternto the conspecific male in the three-way choice. These resultsare discussed with reference to the theory of sexual selectionon color patterns as a means of sympatric speciation in cichlids.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities frequently result in both rapidly changing environments and translocation of species from their native ranges (i.e., biological invasions). Empirical studies suggest that many factors associated with these changes can lead to complex genetic patterns, particularly among invasive populations. However, genetic complexities and factors responsible for them remain uncharacterized in many cases. Here, we explore these issues in the vase tunicate Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Enterogona: Cionidae), a model species complex, of which spA and spB are rapidly spreading worldwide. We intensively sampled 26 sites (N = 873) from both coasts of North America, and performed phylogenetic and population genetics analyses based on one mitochondrial fragment (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3-NADH dehydrogenase subunit I, COX3-ND1) and eight nuclear microsatellites. Our analyses revealed extremely complex genetic patterns in both species on both coasts. We detected a contrasting pattern based on the mitochondrial marker: two major genetic groups in C. intestinalis spA on the west coast versus no significant geographic structure in C. intestinalis spB on the east coast. For both species, geo-graphically distant populations often showed high microsatellite-based genetic affinities whereas neighboring ones often did not. In addition, mitochondrial and nuclear markers provided largely inconsistent genetic patterns. Multiple factors, including random genetic drift associated with demographic changes, rapid selection due to strong local adaptation, and varying propensity for human-mediated propagule dispersal could be responsible for the observed genetic complexities.  相似文献   

Oenanthe conioides is a lower Elbe endemic plant species growing in the freshwater tidal zone around Hamburg (Germany). Its closest relative Oenanthe aquatica is widely distributed in Eurasia and grows in calm and shallow freshwater. The two species differ in habitat requirements but are otherwise sympatrically distributed, suggesting that ecological divergence has to be maintained in the face of gene flow. In the present study, we investigated ecological differentiation and reproductive isolation in these two species. An amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis found clear genetic differentiation between the two species implying reproductive isolation. A reciprocal transplantation experiment including artificial F1 hybrids showed strong selection against immigrants. In the two parental habitats, the non‐native species are less fit than the native species. Hybrids are less fit in the habitat of Oe. aquatica but perform as well as the native species in the habitat of Oe. conioides. We hypothesize that selection against immigrants is the most important component of reproductive isolation between the two species, and that selection against immigrants is the result of exposure to cold and wind in the tidal habitat of Oe. conioides and to herbivory in the habitat of Oe. aquatica. These results are congruent with a role for differential ecological selection in the formation and maintenance of these two species. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 526–535.  相似文献   

Climate is one of the most important drivers for adaptive evolution in forest trees. Climatic selection contributes greatly to local adaptation and intraspecific differentiation, but this kind of selection could also have promoted interspecific divergence through ecological speciation. To test this hypothesis, we examined intra‐ and interspecific genetic variation at 25 climate‐related candidate genes and 12 reference loci in two closely related pine species, Pinus massoniana Lamb. and Pinus hwangshanensis Hisa, using population genetic and landscape genetic approaches. These two species occur in Southeast China but have contrasting ecological preferences in terms of several environmental variables, notably altitude, although hybrids form where their distributions overlap. One or more robust tests detected signals of recent and/or ancient selection at two‐thirds (17) of the 25 candidate genes, at varying evolutionary timescales, but only three of the 12 reference loci. The signals of recent selection were species specific, but signals of ancient selection were mostly shared by the two species likely because of the shared evolutionary history. FST outlier analysis identified six SNPs in five climate‐related candidate genes under divergent selection between the two species. In addition, a total of 24 candidate SNPs representing nine candidate genes showed significant correlation with altitudinal divergence in the two species based on the covariance matrix of population history derived from reference SNPs. Genetic differentiation between these two species was higher at the candidate genes than at the reference loci. Moreover, analysis using the isolation‐with‐migration model indicated that gene flow between the species has been more restricted for climate‐related candidate genes than the reference loci, in both directions. Taken together, our results suggest that species‐specific and divergent climatic selection at the candidate genes might have counteracted interspecific gene flow and played a key role in the ecological divergence of these two closely related pine species.  相似文献   

Recently diverged species present particularly informative systems for studying speciation and maintenance of genetic divergence in the face of gene flow. We investigated speciation in two closely related Senecio species, S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius, which grow at high and low elevations, respectively, on Mount Etna, Sicily and form a hybrid zone at intermediate elevations. We used a newly generated genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) dataset from 192 individuals collected over 18 localities along an elevational gradient to reconstruct the likely history of speciation, identify highly differentiated SNPs, and estimate the strength of divergent selection. We found that speciation in this system involved heterogeneous and bidirectional gene flow along the genome, and species experienced marked population size changes in the past. Furthermore, we identified highly‐differentiated SNPs between the species, some of which are located in genes potentially involved in ecological differences between species (such as photosynthesis and UV response). We analysed the shape of these SNPs’ allele frequency clines along the elevational gradient. These clines show significantly variable coincidence and concordance, indicative of the presence of multifarious selective forces. Selection against hybrids is estimated to be very strong (0.16–0.78) and one of the highest reported in literature. The combination of strong cumulative selection across the genome and previously identified intrinsic incompatibilities probably work together to maintain the genetic and phenotypic differentiation between these species – pointing to the importance of considering both intrinsic and extrinsic factors when studying divergence and speciation.  相似文献   

Aim Our aims were to test whether morphological species of mountain pines were genetically supported in the western part of the distribution range of the Pinus mugo species complex (Pinus mugo Turra sensu lato), to resolve genetically homogeneous clusters of populations, to determine historical demographic processes, and to assess the potential hybridization of mountain pines with Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L. Location Populations were sampled in the Iberian System, the Pyrenees, the French Mont Ventoux, Vosges and Jura mountains, the German Black Forest and throughout the Alps. This corresponded to a range‐wide sampling for mountain pine sensu stricto (Pinus uncinata Ram.) and to a sampling of the western parts of the ranges of dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo Turra sensu stricto) and bog pine/peatbog pine [Pinus rotundata Link/Pinus × pseudopumilio (Willk.) Beck]. Methods In total, 786 individuals of P. mugo sensu lato from 29 natural populations, and 85 individuals of P. sylvestris from four natural populations were genotyped at three chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSRs). Populations were characterized for standard genetic diversity statistics and signs of demographic expansion. Genetic structure was explored using analysis of molecular variance, differentiation statistics and Bayesian analysis of population structure (BAPS). Results One hundred haplotypes were identified in P. mugo sensu lato. There was a stronger differentiation between geographical regions than between morphologically identified taxa (P. mugo sensu stricto, P. uncinata and P. rotundata/P. ×pseudopumilio). Overall genetic differentiation was weak (GST = 0.070) and displayed a clear phylogeographic structure [NST = 0.263, NST > NST (permuted), P < 0.001]. BAPS identified a Pyrenean and an Alpine gene pool, along with several smaller genetic clusters corresponding to peripheral populations. Main conclusions The core regions of the Pyrenees and Alps were probably recolonized, respectively by P. uncinata and P. uncinata/P. mugo sensu stricto, from multiple glacial refugia that were well connected by pollen flow within the mountain chains. Pinus rotundata/P. × pseudopumilio populations from the Black Forest, Vosges and Jura mountains were probably recolonized from various glacial populations that kept their genetic distinctiveness despite late glacial and early Holocene expansion. Marginal P. uncinata populations from the Iberian System are compatible with elevational shifts and long‐term isolation. The causes of haplotype sharing between P. mugo sensu lato and P. sylvestris require further research.  相似文献   

Population divergence in geographic isolation is due to a combination of factors. Natural and sexual selection may be important in shaping patterns of population differentiation, a pattern referred to as ‘isolation by adaptation’ (IBA). IBA can be complementary to the well‐known pattern of ‘isolation by distance’ (IBD), in which the divergence of closely related populations (via any evolutionary process) is associated with geographic isolation. The barn swallow Hirundo rustica complex comprises six closely related subspecies, where divergent sexual selection is associated with phenotypic differentiation among allopatric populations. To investigate the relative contributions of selection and geographic distance to genome‐wide differentiation, we compared genotypic and phenotypic variation from 350 barn swallows sampled across eight populations (28 pairwise comparisons) from four different subspecies. We report a draft whole‐genome sequence for H. rustica, to which we aligned a set of 9493 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Using statistical approaches to control for spatial autocorrelation of phenotypic variables and geographic distance, we find that divergence in traits related to migratory behaviour and sexual signalling, as well as geographic distance, together explain over 70% of genome‐wide divergence among populations. Controlling for IBD, we find 42% of genomewide divergence is attributable to IBA through pairwise differences in traits related to migratory behaviour and sexual signalling alone. By (i) combining these results with prior studies of how selection shapes morphological differentiation and (ii) accounting for spatial autocorrelation, we infer that morphological adaptation plays a large role in shaping population‐level differentiation in this group of closely related populations.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae, the primary mosquito vector of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, is divided into 2 sympatric incipient species known as M form and S form. Recent genomic analysis of each form revealed that differentiation between forms is clustered into 3 unlinked regions of the genome. Here, we expand the investigation of these "genomic islands of speciation" to multiple populations, including all of the genes across one of the islands. Differentiation between the M and S forms in 2 of the islands is complete across all individuals in all populations, confirming that the M and S forms are reproductively isolated taxa. Differentiation at the third island (on chromosome 2R) is limited to Cameroon populations. There is reduced variation in the M form in Cameroon at this location and increased divergence to the outgroup Anopheles arabiensis, supporting an association of adaptation with reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

We investigated replicated ecological speciation in the livebearing fish Poecilia mexicana and P. sulphuraria (Poeciliidae), which inhabit freshwater habitats and have also colonized multiple sulfidic springs in southern Mexico. These springs exhibit extreme hypoxia and high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, which is lethal to most metazoans. We used phylogenetic analyses to test whether springs were independently colonized, performed phenotypic assessments of body and gill morphology variation to identify convergent patterns of trait differentiation, and conducted an eco-toxicological experiment to detect differences in sulfide tolerances among ecotypes. Our results indicate that sulfidic springs were colonized by three different lineages, two within P. mexicana and one representing P. sulphuraria. Colonization occurred earlier in P. sulphuraria, whereas invasion of sulfidic springs in P. mexicana was more recent, such that each population is more closely related to neighboring populations from adjacent nonsulfidic habitats. Sulfide spring fish also show divergence from nonsulfidic phenotypes and a phenotypic convergence toward larger heads, larger gills, and increased tolerance to H(2) S. Together with previous studies that indicated significant reproductive isolation between fish from sulfidic and nonsulfidic habitats, this study provides evidence for repeated ecological speciation in the independent sulfide spring populations of P. mexicana and P. sulphuraria.  相似文献   

Nucleotide variation in 10 unlinked nuclear genes was investigated in species-wide samples of Oryza officinalis and its close relatives (Oryza eichingeri and Oryza rhizomatis). Average estimates of nucleotide diversity were the lowest in O. rhizomatis ((sil) = 0.0038) and the highest in O. eichingeri ((sil) = 0.0057) that is disjunctly distributed in Africa and Sri Lanka. These wild rice species appeared to harbor relatively low levels of nucleotide variation relative to other plant species because the diversity level of O. eichingeri is only 23-46% of those in Zea species and 35% of that in Arabidopsis thaliana. The lower nucleotide diversity in these Oryza species could be best explained by their smaller historic effective population sizes. The speciation model test indicated that O. officinalis and its close relatives might have undergone a process of population contraction since divergence from their ancestor. Incongruent topologies among 10 gene trees, particularly regarding the positions of O. eichingeri and O. rhizomatis accessions might be attributed to lineage sorting arising from ancient polymorphism and hybridization/introgression between the Sri Lankan O. eichingeri and O. rhizomatis. However, the null hypothesis of the isolation model was not rejected for any contrast between taxa, which suggested that no subsequent gene flow shaped the present patterns of nucleotide variation since their divergence and that introgression was not pervasive in this group of species. Our molecular dating provides an approximate divergence time of 0.37 Myr between 2 geographical races of O. eichingeri, much more recent compared with the times of other speciation events in this group (0.63-0.68 Myr). A long-distance dispersal from West Africa to Sri Lanka was more likely to play a role in the disjunct distribution of O. eichingeri.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization accompanied by a shift in niche preference by hybrid genotypes can lead to hybrid speciation. Natural selection may cause the fixation of advantageous alleles in the ecologically diverged hybrids, and the loci experiencing selection should exhibit a reduction in allelic diversity relative to neutral loci. Here, we analyzed patterns of genetic diversity at 59 microsatellite loci associated with expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in a homoploid hybrid sunflower species, Helianthus anomalus. We used two indices, ln RV and ln RH, to compare variation and heterozygosity (respectively) at each locus between the hybrid species and its two parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. Mean values of ln RV and ln RH were significantly lower than zero, which implies that H. anomalus experienced a population bottleneck during its recent evolutionary history. After correcting for the apparent bottleneck, we found six loci with a significant reduction in variation or with heterozygosity in the hybrid species, compared to one or both of the parental species. These loci should be viewed as a ranked list of candidate loci, pending further sequencing and functional analyses. Sequence data were generated for two of the candidate loci, but population genetics tests failed to detect deviations from neutral evolution at either locus. Nonetheless, a greater than eight-fold excess of nonsynonymous substitutions was found near a putative N-myristoylation motif at the second locus (HT998), and likelihood-based models indicated that the protein has been under selection in H. anomalus in the past and, perhaps, in one or both parental species. Finally, our data suggest that selective sweeps may have united populations of H. anomalus isolated by a mountain range, indicating that even low gene-flow species may be held together by the spread of advantageous alleles.  相似文献   

Forest trees frequently form species complexes, complicating taxonomic classification and gene pool management. This is certainly the case in Eucalyptus, and well exemplified by the Eucalyptus globulus complex. This ecologically and economically significant complex comprises four taxa (sspp. bicostata, globulus, maidenii, pseudoglobulus) that are geographically and morphologically distinct, but linked by extensive “intergrade” populations. To resolve their genetic affinities, nine microsatellites were used to genotype 1200 trees from throughout the natural range of the complex in Australia, representing 33 morphological core and intergrade populations. There was significant spatial genetic structure (FST = 0.10), but variation was continuous. High genetic diversity in southern ssp. maidenii indicates that this region is the center of origin. Genetic diversity decreases and population differentiation increases with distance from this area, suggesting that drift is a major evolutionary process. Many of the intergrade populations, along with other populations morphologically classified as ssp. pseudoglobulus or ssp. globulus, belong to a “cryptic genetic entity” that is genetically and geographically intermediate between core ssp. bicostata, ssp. maidenii, and ssp. globulus. Geography, rather than morphology, therefore, is the best predictor of overall genetic affinities within the complex and should be used to classify germplasm into management units for conservation and breeding purposes.  相似文献   

Because of introgressive hybridization, closely related species can be more similar to each other in areas of range overlap (parapatry or sympatry) than in areas where they are geographically isolated from each other (allopatry). Here, we report the reverse situation based on nuclear genetic divergence between two fir species, Abies chensiensis and Abies fargesii, in China, at sites where they are parapatric relative to where they are allopatric. We examined genetic divergence across 126 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in a set of 172 individuals sampled from both allopatric and parapatric populations of the two species. Our analyses demonstrated that AFLP divergence was much greater between the species when comparisons were made between parapatric populations than between allopatric populations. We suggest that selection in parapatry may have largely contributed to this increased divergence.  相似文献   

To make inferences about the glacial refugia that harboured the limber pine, Pinus flexilis James, we examined the range-wide population structure of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with eight size variants in the second intron of nad1. The data consisted of haplotypes from 704 trees collected from 40 localities. The value of FST for these populations was 0.80, which is a much larger value than has been reported for allozymes and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in limber pine, and it suggests that the number of seeds moving among localities per generation is approximately 0.12. Gene flow of this magnitude would allow mutation and subsequent genetic drift to have a substantial impact on the population structure of mtDNA. The majority of the mtDNA haplotypes are restricted to minor portions of the geographical range. The data are consistent with mtDNA differentiation in seven glacial refugia, followed by dispersal out of those refugia.  相似文献   

Comparing patterns of diversity and divergence between populations at immune genes and neutral markers can give insights into the nature and geographic scale of parasite-mediated selection. To date, studies investigating such patterns of selection in vertebrates have primarily focused on the acquired branch of the immune system, whereas it remains largely unknown how parasite-mediated selection shapes innate immune genes both within and across vertebrate populations. Here, we present a study on the diversity and population differentiation at the innate immune gene Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) across nine populations of yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank voles (Myodes glareolus) in southern Sweden. In yellow-necked mice, TLR2 diversity was very low, as was TLR2 population differentiation compared to neutral loci. In contrast, several TLR2 haplotypes co-occurred at intermediate frequencies within and across bank vole populations, and pronounced isolation by distance between populations was observed. The diversity and differentiation at neutral loci was similar in the two species. These results indicate that parasite-mediated selection has been acting in dramatically different ways on a given immune gene in ecologically similar and sympatric species. Furthermore, the finding of TLR2 population differentiation at a small geographical scale in bank voles highlights that vertebrate innate immune defense may be evolutionarily more dynamic than has previously been appreciated.  相似文献   

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