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The latest threatening invader in European freshwaters is Dikerogammarus villosus, a large gammarid of Ponto‐Caspian origin exhibiting a predatory behaviour. Its biology and population dynamics were studied over a one‐year period in a recipient ecosystem to determine bio/ecological traits having facilitated its rapid establishment. The study revealed that D. villosus reaches sexual maturity early, at six mm in length, and produces three reproductive peaks, though the species reproduces all year long, hence reflecting its multivoltine character. The study also revealed a female‐biased sex ratio, exceptional growth rates of up to 2.6 mm in two‐weeks in spring, and one of the highest fecundities of Western Europe gammarids. D. villosus exhibits a biological profile suggesting that only a few individuals can rapidly establish a new population in a recipient ecosystem, and allow this gammarid to become cosmopolitan in the near future. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In the last years, we have developed a method for the study of random RNA sequences with the aim of investigating their capacity to assume folded and possibly functionally active (ribozymes) structures. The RNA Foster assay developed in our laboratory is a powerful, simple, and fast method to investigate the structural properties of RNA by assessing the presence of secondary domains and their thermal stability through the combination of S1 nuclease activity at different temperatures. In this work, we investigated the structural properties of totally de novo random RNAs, 97‐nucleotides‐long, of which 60 nucleotides were completely random. The rationale behind this was to assess whether and to what extent random RNAs would acquire a stable fold as a prerequisite for catalytic activity. A library of random sequences was created, and 18 sequences were randomly selected and analyzed. Surprisingly, most of the RNAs were resistant to S1 nuclease digestion at up to 50°, and two sequences were resistant even at 70°, suggesting that these totally random RNA molecules could posses a stable secondary structure over a broad range of temperatures under the conditions used. We discuss the possible relevance of these data for the general scenario of the RNA world.  相似文献   

The prophage/phage region in the genome of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’, an alpha‐proteobacterium associated with citrus Huanglongbing, included many valuable loci for genetic diversity studies. Previously, a mosaic genomic region (CLIBASIA_05640 to CLIBASIA_05650) was characterized, and this revealed inter‐ and intracontinental variations of ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’. In this study, 267 ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ isolates collected from eight provinces in China were analysed with a primer set flanking the same mosaic region plus downstream sequence. While most amplicon sizes ranged from 1400 to 2000 bp, an amplicon of 550 bp (S550) was found in 14 samples collected from south‐western China. Sequence analyses showed that S550 was the result of a 1033 bp deletion which included the previously known mosaic region. The genetic nature of the deletion event remains unknown. The regional restriction of S550 suggests that the ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ population from south‐western China is different from those in eastern China. The small and easy‐to‐detect S550 amplicon could serve as a molecular marker for ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ epidemiology.  相似文献   

Myrtucomvalones D–F, three new triketone‐phloroglucinol‐triketone adducts, and three known ones (myrtucommulone E, myrtucommulone D and callistenone D) were obtained from Myrtus communis ‘Variegata’. Myrtucomvalone D is a pair of enantiomers which was further resolved into (+)‐myrtucomvalone D and (?)‐myrtucomvalone D by chiral HPLC. Their structures and complete stereochemistry were established from interpretation of NMR and crystallographic data and chemical calculations. Myrtucomvalone F, myrtucommulone D and callistenone D showed significant antibacterial activities.  相似文献   

Shrubs of niger seed with phyllody and internode elongation symptoms suggestive of phytoplasma infections occurred in the central regions of Iran. Phytoplasma was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nested PCR amplifications using phytoplasma universal primer pairs P1/P7 and R16F2n/R16R2. Using aster yellows group–specific primer pair rp(I)F1A/rp(I)R1A, a fragment of 1212 bp of the rp genes was amplified from DNA samples of infected plants. Random fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses of R16F2n/R16R2‐amplified products using the CfoI restriction enzyme confirmed that Iranian niger seed phyllody phytoplasma is associated with aster yellows group phytoplasmas. Sequence analyses of the partial rp genes fragment indicated that the Iranian niger seed phyllody phytoplasma, which was collected from central regions of Iran, is related to ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’. This is the first report of a phytoplasma infecting the niger seed plant.  相似文献   

Grindelia robusta, a perennial herb, contains an essential oil that is used as an antitussive, sedative, and analgesic agent. During the spring of 2007, ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’‐related phytoplasmas were identified in plants showing virescence and phyllody symptoms. The qualitative and quantitative composition of the oil of healthy and infected plants was compared by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Samples from six symptomatic and five asymptomatic plants tested by nested PCR followed by RFLP analyses confirmed the presence of ‘Ca. P. asteris’ in all symptomatic samples. The oils from healthy and infected plants, obtained by steam distillation, contained 42 components; that of healthy plants contained a higher concentration of monoterpenes, especially limonene and bornyl acetate, which were nearly 50% higher.  相似文献   

The genetic element ‘Mona’ has been shown previously to be associated with resistance to demethylation inhibitors (DMIs) in Monilinia fructicola. In this study, the promoter activity of the ‘Mona’ element was demonstrated genetically and the activity was narrowed down to a 20‐bp active region through a series of deletions. ‘Mona’ knockout transformants (ΔMona) were generated from DMI‐resistant isolate Bmpc7, and EC50 values and expression of the MfCYP51 gene were found to be reduced in transformants compared with the parental isolate. When the ‘Mona’ element was inserted into the upstream region of the MfCYP51 gene of the DMI‐sensitive isolate HG3, the EC50 values and expression of the MfCYP51 gene increased in the transformants compared with the parental sensitive isolate. These results indicate that the ‘Mona’ element determines the DMI fungicide resistance through the up‐regulation of the expression of the downstream MfCYP51 gene. No fitness penalty was observed in knockout and insertion transformants, i.e. transformants showed similar mycelial growth rate, sporulation and ability to cause lesions on fruit compared with their parental isolates, suggesting that the ‘Mona’ element does not affect basal life activities.  相似文献   

In several areas of southern Sweden, limestone nodules, locally called Orsten occur within bituminous alum shales. These shales and nodules were deposited under dysoxic conditions at the bottom of what was most likely a shallow sea during the late Middle to Upper Cambrian (ca. 500 million years ago). Subsequently, the name ‘Orsten’ has been referred to particular, mainly arthropod, fossils from such nodules, and, in a wider sense, to the specific type of preservation of minute fossil through secondarily phosphatization. This preservation is exceptional in yielding uncompacted and diagenetically undeformed three-dimensional fossils. ‘Orsten’-type preservation resulted from incrustation of a thin external layer and also by impregnation by calcium phosphate and, therefore, mineralization of the surface of the former animals during early diagenesis. Primarily, this type of preservation seems to have affected only cuticle-bearing metazoans such as cycloneuralian nemathelminths and arthropods. ‘Orsten’ preservation in this sense seems to be limited by size, in having yielded no partial or complete animals larger than 2 mm. On the other end of the scale, even larvae 100 μm long are preserved, often more complete than larger specimens, and details such as setules and pores smaller than 1 μm can be observed. Fossils preserved in such a manner are almost exclusively hollow carcasses, but can be filled secondarily; less common are completely phosphatized compact specimens. The high quality of preservation makes the Swedish ‘Orsten’ a typical Konservat-Lagerstätte. Yet, its special type of preservation is more widespread in time and geographical distribution than assumed initially, and the origin of the phosphate is not necessarily restricted just to one source. Subsequent to the first discoveries of limb fragments of Cambrian arthropods in 1975, animals in this special preservational type have been discovered in several continents and across a broad stratigraphic range including even Proterozoic strata. The latter have yielded early cleavage and metazoan embryonic stages, expanding knowledge on the preservational capacities of the ‘Orsten’. Here, we report the recent status of our research on the ‘Orsten’ and give perspectives for future exploration on a worldwide scale, particularly in light of a recently formed international research group named Center of Orsten Research and Exploration (C.O.R.E.).  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation X‐ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) was used to virtually dissect and peel the shields off of the microscopic, bivalved phosphatocopine crustaceans in the Cambrian ‘Orsten’ type of preservation of Sweden. Doing so opened up for an array of concealed internal structures to be observed in a fully enclosed specimen of Hesslandona ventrospinata and a semi‐enclosed specimen of Hesslandona angustata. For comparison, also a head‐larva stage specimen of H. angustata, with shields in ‘butterfly position’, was analysed. The X‐ray tomographic data sets revealed excellently preserved structures, such as labrum, sternum, antennae, mandibular and post‐mandibular limbs with their minute setae, all of which were more or less disguised by the enclosing shields. This, moreover, allowed assignment to growth stages of the specimens, which is impossible based solely on external morphology and size. Micro‐spherules observed inside the shields of the semi‐enclosed H. angustata specimen may represent remains of food particles, and the feeding biology of phosphatocopines is discussed in detail. Our analyses suggest that phosphatocopines were particle feeders. The SRXTM technique offers the ability to three‐dimensionally reconstruct the morphology in high resolution, construct virtual serial sections and study concealed structures. The resulting data allow for new structures to be revealed for previously known taxa and for new taxa to be identified, with the added benefit of not destroying the specimens in the process. Hence, we do not longer have to rely on serendipitous finds of broken and/or open phosphatocopine specimens to elucidate their diagnostic ventral morphology.  相似文献   

Japanese isolates of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ have been shown to be clearly differentiated by simple sequence repeat (SSR) profiles at four loci. In this study, 25 SSR loci, including these four loci, were selected from the whole‐genome sequence and were used to differentiate non‐Japanese samples of ‘Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus’ (13 Indian, 3 East Timorese, 1 Papuan and 8 Floridian samples). Out of the 25 SSR loci, 13 were polymorphic. Dendrogram analysis using SSR loci showed that the clusters were mostly consistent with the geographical origins of the isolates. When single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were searched around these 25 loci, only the upstream region of locus 091 exhibited polymorphism. Phylogenetic tree analysis of the SNPs in the upstream region of locus 091 showed that Floridian samples were clustered into one group as shown by dendrogram analysis using SSR loci. The differences in nucleotide sequences were not associated with differences in the citrus hosts (lime, mandarin, lemon and sour orange) from which the isolates were originally derived.  相似文献   

Apple proliferation (AP) is an important disease and is prevalent in several European countries. The causal agent of AP is ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ (‘Ca. Phytoplasma mali’). In this work, isolates of ‘Ca. Phytoplasma mali’ were detected and characterized through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses of 16S rRNA gene and non‐ribosomal DNA fragment. The presence of three AP subtypes (AT‐1, AT‐2 and AP‐15) was identified in 31 symptomatic apple trees and two samples each constituted by a pool of five insects, collected in north‐western Italy, where AT‐1 is a dominant subtype. Subsequent nucleotide sequence analysis of the PCR‐amplified 1.8 kb (P1/P7) fragment, containing the 16S rDNA, the 16S–23S intergenic ribosomal region and the 5′‐end of the 23S rDNA, revealed the presence of at least two phytoplasmal genetic lineages within the AT‐1 subtype, designed AT‐1a and AT‐1b. Moreover, in silico single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis based on 16S rDNA sequence can differentiate AT‐1 subtype from AT‐2 and AP‐15 subtypes. Our data showed a high degree of genetic diversity among ‘Ca. Phytoplasma mali’ population in north‐western Italy and underlined the possible use of the 16S rDNA analysis for the identification and the geographical origin assignation of isolates of AP phytoplasma. Molecular markers on 16S rDNA, here identified, could be useful for studying the epidemiology of AP disease.  相似文献   

The catalytic efficiency in organic synthesis of the aqueous extract of the pericarp of Sapindus trifoliatus fruits was evaluated. The synthesis of a series of aldimines from aromatic aldehydes and amines was successfully catalyzed by the extract, whereas aromatic ketones and amines did not yield ketimines under comparable reaction conditions, indicating the chemoselective catalysis of the extract. The catalytic activity of the extract is due to saponins, which have a common structural skeleton containing a pentacyclic triterpenoid part substituted with different carbohydrate side chains. The mild conditions, high yields, and short reaction times not only make this protocol a valuable alternative to the conventional methods, but it also becomes significant under the roof of environmentally greener and safer processes.  相似文献   

Aims: To examine the effect of storage temperature and inoculum level on the time of onset of ‘blown pack’ spoilage (BPS) caused by psychrotolerant bacteria in vacuum‐packed (VP) meats. Methods and Results: Gas‐producing species and strains (n = 11), recovered in our laboratory or reported as associated with BPS, were inoculated onto beef or lamb meat pieces at final levels of <10, 10, 102 and 103 CFU cm?2, VP and stored at ?1·5, 1 or 4°C. Six strains produced observable amounts of gas within 42 days and a further four strains produced gas within 100 days. BPS was observed earliest in VP meats inoculated with Clostridium estertheticum ssp. estertheticum at all inoculum levels/storage temperature combinations examined. Storage temperature and inoculum level significantly affected (P < 0·001 and P < 0·05 respectively) the onset of BPS in all cases. Conclusions: Controlling contamination levels and lowering the storage temperature delay the onset of BPS. Significance and Impact of the Study: The study demonstrates the positive effects of low contamination–low temperature as control interventions preventing/delaying BPS in VP chilled meats and identifies some of the contaminants most likely to cause BPS in chilled stored VP meat products.  相似文献   

Potato plants showing symptoms suggestive of potato witches’‐broom disease including witches’‐broom, little leaf, stunting, yellowing and swollen shoots formation in tubers were observed in the central Iran. For phytoplasma detection, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and nested PCR assays were performed using phytoplasma universal primer pair P1/P7, followed by primer pair R16F2n/R16R2. Random fragment length polymorphism analysis of potato phytoplasma isolates collected from different production areas using the CfoI restriction enzyme indicated that potato witches’‐broom phytoplasma isolate (PoWB) is genetically different from phytoplasmas associated with potato purple top disease in Iran. Sequence analysis of the partial 16S rRNA gene amplified by nested PCR indicated that ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ is associated with potato witches’‐broom disease in Iran. This is the first report of potato witches’‐broom disease in Iran.  相似文献   

The ‘sulfo‐click’ reaction, which is a chemoselective amidation reaction involving the reaction of an aminoethane sulfonyl azide with a thio acid, encompasses a new approach for ligation and conjugation. Detailed protocols are provided for decorating biologically active peptides or dendrimers with biophysical tags, fluorescent probes, metal chelators, and small peptides by using this reaction as a novel, metal‐free ‘sulfo‐click’ approach. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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