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Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of nrDNA (ETS1f) and plastid DNA (rpl32‐trnL, trnH‐psbA) sequence data are presented for ‘C3Cyperus’ (Cyperaceae). The term ‘C3Cyperus’ indicates all species of Cyperus s.l. that use C3 photosynthesis linked with eucyperoid vegetative anatomy. Sampling comprises 77 specimens of 61 different taxa, representing nearly all previously recognized subdivisions of C3Cyperus and the segregate genera Courtoisina, Kyllingiella and Oxycaryum. According to our results, the Cyperus clade is divided in six well‐supported clades. The first of these clades (clade 1) forms three subclades largely corresponding to Cyperus sections Haspani, Incurvi and Diffusi. Clade 2 comprises the entirely New World C. section Luzuloidei sensu Denton (1978). Clade 3 is a highly diverse clade including two subclades: clade 3a, C. sections Pseudanosporum and Anosporum plus the segregate genera Courtoisina and Oxycaryum; and clade 3b, C. section Fusci. Clade 4 corresponds to C. section Alternifolii and clade 5 to C. section Leucocephali plus the segregate genus Kyllingiella. The sixth clade is a well‐supported monophyletic clade encompassing all C4Cyperus s.l. species (‘C4Cyperus’). This study establishes a phylogenetic framework for future studies. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 167 , 19–46.  相似文献   

We analyzed nuclear ITS sequences of 95 samples representing 85 taxa of Cyperus sensu lato under maximum likelihood and Bayesian frameworks. This work is exploratory in nature with the objectives of gaining insight into relationships among New World Cyperus and targeting problematic clades for future research. In our resulting phylogenetic hypothesis, the genera Cyperus, Kyllinga, Oxycaryum, Pycreus, and Queenslandiella were intermixed, confirming the paraphyletic nature of Cyperus as reported by other researchers. We recovered a strongly-supported clade whose members possess C4 photosynthesis. The C3/C4 split has also been previously reported based on research employing different methods of phylogenetic estimation and different molecular markers. We provide preliminary evidence that Cyperus sections Haspani, Laxiglumi, Strigosi, Thunbergiani, and Umbellati are not monophyletic. Cyperus subgenus Diclidium, which is characterized by a unique mode of spikelet shattering, is monophyletic and highly derived in our analysis, but additional taxa are needed for a more robust assessment. We discuss hypothesized relationships and taxonomic implications for several other species and species complexes.  相似文献   

Extreme morphological reduction and convergent evolution can obscure taxonomic relationships. This phenomenon is frequently encountered in Cyperaceae, where characters traditionally used to diagnose genera have been shown to have evolved independently multiple times. The Ethiopian high‐altitude perennial first described as Cyperus clandestinus was subsequently moved to Ficinia because it has spiral glume arrangement, unlike typical Cyperus species, which have distichous glume arrangement. However, this position has remained uncertain as no nutlets have previously been studied to establish the presence or absence of the gynophore – the synapomorphy for Ficinia. We resolve this 140‐year‐old puzzle by describing the morphology of the nutlet, which lacks a gynophore, and use DNA sequence data to resolve the taxon within Cyperus. Cyperus clandestinus was found to be closely related to Remirea maritima and Cyperus cyperoides in the C4Cyperus clade, whose members predominantly have distichously arranged glumes. This provides further evidence for the unreliability of glume arrangement as a character to distinguish between members of the Cyperus and Ficinia clades, whereas gynophore presence is more congruent with molecular data.  相似文献   

Seventy-three species from 17 genera of Cyperaceae were studied with the aim of identifying and confirming those species with Kranz anatomy. Among the species studied, 36 exhibited Kranz anatomy; 37 did not. Of the four types of Kranz anatomy recognized in Cyperaceae, three were encountered: the chlorocyperoid type in the genera Cyperus, Kyllinga, Lipocarpha, Pycreus, and Remirea; the fimbristyloid type in Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis, and Fimbristylis; and the rhynchosporoid type in Rhynchospora. Non-Kranz anatomy was confirmed in species of the following genera: Becquerelia, Calyptrocarya, Cyperus, Diplacrum, Eleocharis, Fuirena, Hypolytrum, Pleurostachys, Rhynchospora, and Scleria. The anatomical data obtained corroborate earlier studies of species of Cyperaceae as to the presence of Kranz anatomy and the anatomical types in several species and the “Kranzkette” pattern in Cyperus ligularis and Cyperus pohlli.  相似文献   

Ascolepis and Lipocarpha, Cyperaceae, have highly reduced reproductive structures and hypogynous scales that are controversially appreciated. Because of this, flowers and spikelets and, thus, inflorescences have been interpreted in different ways, which, in turn, has led to placing the two genera in different tribes. Some authors interpret spikelets in Ascolepis and Lipocarpha as many-flowered and the so-called hypogynous scales as homologous to the lateral scales of Hypolytrum, or consider these scales comparable to a Scirpus bristle. However, many other authors consider spikelets in Lipocarpha and Ascolepis to be a result of a reductional process from a many-flowered cyperoid spikelet to a single-flowered spikelet, where the adaxial and abaxial hypogynous scales may be seen as the respective prophyll and glume of the reduced spikelets. The latest molecular phylogenies of Cyperaceae show both genera nested in the Cyperus clade, forming, in turn, a clade together with the rest of the Cypereae genera having single-flowered spikelets and hypogynous scales. Alternatively, based on this, the scales of uncertain homology that accompany the Ascolepis and Lipocarpha flower might be seen as special reproductive formations, representing a synapomorphy of such clade, instead of relicts of an ancestor with many-flowered spikelets. In view of this, freshly collected inflorescences of Lipocarpha humboldtiana Nees and Ascolepis brasiliensis (Kunth) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy, with the aim of elucidating the nature of the controversially interpreted reproductive structures of these species from a development perspective. Results show that the “hypogynous scales” simply represent vestigial structures derived from the reduction of typical cyperoid spikelets, rather than a perianth part or specialized formations emerging as evolutionary novelties. Two scales are typically generated in both species, one being abaxial and the other adaxial, homologous to a glume and a prophyll, respectively, which contrasts with the eprophyllate condition so far attributed to Ascolepis. In both cases, the inflorescence is a spike of reduced spikelets, and the floral development in L. humboldtiana and in A. brasiliensis follows the general ontogenetic pattern observed in Cyperoideae. These characteristics support the inclusion of both genera in the Cypereae tribe.  相似文献   

Euptychiina is the most species‐rich subtribe of Neotropical Satyrinae, with over 450 known species in 47 genera (14 monotypic). Here, we use morphological characters to examine the phylogenetic relationships within Euptychiina. Taxonomic sampling included 105 species representing the majority of the genera, as well as five outgroups. A total of 103 characters were obtained: 45 from wing pattern, 48 from genitalia and 10 from wing venation. The data matrix was analysed using maximum parsimony under both equal and extended implied weights. Euptychiina was recovered as monophyletic with ten monophyletic genera, contrasting previous DNA sequence‐based phylogenies that did not recover the monophyly of the group. In agreement with sequence‐based hypotheses, however, three main clades were recognized: the ‘Megisto clade’ with six monophyletic and three polyphyletic genera, the ‘Taygetis clade’ with nine genera of which three were monophyletic, and the ‘Pareuptyhia clade’ with four monophyletic and two polyphyletic genera. This is the first morphology‐based phylogenetic hypothesis for Euptychiina and the results will be used to complement molecular data in a combined analysis and to provide critical synapomorphies for clades and genera in this taxonomically confused group.  相似文献   

A Bayesian analysis, utilizing a combined data set developed from the small subunit (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) rDNA gene sequences, was used to resolve relationships and clarify generic boundaries among 84 strains of plastid‐containing euglenophytes representing 11 genera. The analysis produced a tree with three major clades: a Phacus and Lepocinlis clade, a Discoplastis clade, and a Euglena, Colacium, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas, Monomorphina, and Cryptoglena clade. The majority of the species in the genus Euglena formed a well‐supported clade, but two species formed a separate clade near the base of the tree. A new genus, Discoplastis, was erected to accommodate these taxa, thus making the genus Euglena monophyletic. The analysis also supported the monophyly of Colacium, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas, Monomorphina, and Cryptoglena, which formed two subclades sister to the Euglena clade. Colacium, Trachelomonas, and Strombomonas, all of which produce copious amounts of mucilage to form loricas or mucilaginous stalks, formed a well‐supported lineage. Our analysis supported retaining Strombomonas and Trachelomonas as separate genera. Monomorphina and Cryptoglena formed two well‐supported clades that were sister to the Colacium, Trachelomonas, and Strombomonas clade. Phacus and Lepocinclis, both of which have numerous small discoid chloroplasts without pyrenoids and lack peristaltic euglenoid movement (metaboly), formed a well‐supported monophyletic lineage that was sister to the larger Euglena through Cryptoglena containing clade. This study demonstrated that increased taxon sampling, multiple genes, and combined data sets provided increased support for internal nodes on the euglenoid phylogenetic tree and resolved relationships among the major genera in the photosynthetic euglenoid lineage.  相似文献   

Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood (ML) analyses of the combined multigene data (nuclear SSU rDNA, and plastid SSU and LSU rDNA) were conducted to evaluate the phylogeny of photosynthetic euglenoids. The combined data set consisted of 108 strains of photosynthetic euglenoids including a colorless sister taxon. Bayesian and ML analyses recovered trees of almost identical topology. The results indicated that photosynthetic euglenoids were divided into two major clades, the Euglenaceae clade (Euglena, Euglenaria, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas, Monomorphina, Cryptoglena, Colacium) and the Phacaceae clade (Phacus, Lepocinclis, Discoplastis). The Euglenaceae clade was monophyletic with high support and subdivided into four main clades: the Colacium, the Strombomonas and Trachelomonas, the Cryptoglena and Monomorphina, and the Euglena and Euglenaria clades. The genus Colacium was positioned at the base of the Euglenaceae and was well supported as a monophyletic lineage. The loricate genera (Strombomonas and Trachelomonas) were located at the middle of the Euglenaceae clade and formed a robust monophyletic lineage. The genera Cryptoglena and Monomorphina also formed a well‐supported monophyletic clade. Euglena and the recently erected genus Euglenaria emerged as sister groups. However, Euglena proxima branched off at the base of the Euglenaceae. The Phacaceae clade was also a monophyletic group with high support values and subdivided into three clades, the Discoplastis, Phacus, and Lepocinclis clades. The genus Discoplastis branched first, and then Phacus and Lepocinclis emerged as sister groups. These genera shared a common characteristic, numerous small discoid chloroplasts without pyrenoids. These results clearly separated the Phacaceae clade from the Euglenaceae clade. Therefore, we propose to limit the family Euglenaceae to the members of the Euglena clade and erect a new family, the Phacaceae, to house the genera Phacus, Lepocinclis, and Discoplastis.  相似文献   

Cyperus inselbergensis Lye is described from northern Gabon and adjacent Cameroun. It has a very characteristic ecology as it grows in seasonally wet, shallow soils on or close to inselbergs. The species belongs to Cyperus subgen. Kyllinga and is most similar to C. triceps, but differs in its hemispherical inflorescence, smaller spikelets, different glumes with scabrid midrib, and smaller fruits. The species is widespread and locally common in its restricted habitat.  相似文献   

The river‐weed family Podostemaceae (c. 300 species in c. 54 genera) shows a number of morphological innovations to be adapted to its unusual aquatic habitat, and its unique or rare bauplan features have been reflected in the traditional (i.e. non‐molecular) classification recognizing numerous monotypic or oligospecific genera. The infrasubfamilial relationships of many genera remained unclear. The present study used molecular phylogenetic analysis of matK sequences for 657 samples (c. 132 species/c. 43 genera). The family was traditionally divided into three subfamilies (Podostemoideae, Tristichoideae and Weddellinoideae). American Podostemoideae were shown to be polyphyletic and divided into four clades, i.e. Ceratolacis, Diamantina, Podostemum and all other genera. Among the podostemoid clades, Diamantina was the first branching clade and a clade comprising Mourera and the Apinagia subclade was then sister to the remainder of the New World and Old World Podostemoideae with low statistic supports. The Old World Podostemoideae comprised four monophyletic clades, i.e. two African clades, one Madagascan clade and one Asian clade, although the relationships among these clades and American Ceratolacis and Podostemum were poorly resolved. African Podostemoideae were polyphyletic, with Saxicolella pro parte being weakly supported as sister to the remaining Old World Podostemoideae plus Ceratolacis and Podostemum. In contrast to the American and African clades, monophyly of four Asian subclades was well supported. Plants of Tristicha (Tristichoideae) and of Weddellina (Weddellinoideae), which are currently treated as monospecific, had great matK differentiation equivalent to at least interspecific variation. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169 , 461–492.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Cyperus and allied genera has been reconstructed using cladistic analysis of plastid rbcL gene, rps16 intron, trnL intron, and trnL-F intergenic spacer sequence data in 40 species of tribe Cypereae. Cyperus s.s. as currently circumscribed is not monophyletic because ten cyperoid genera are embedded within it. Eucyperoid Cyperus species (with a C3 anatomy, e.g. C. involucratus ) and the genera Courtoisina , Kyllingiella and Oxycaryum form a clade that is sister to a clade comprising chlorocyperoid species (with a C4 anatomy, e.g. C. papyrus ) and the genera Alinula , Ascolepis , Kyllinga , Lipocarpha , Pycreus , Remirea and Sphaerocyperus . The position of two species is uncertain; C . tenellus is resolved in a clade together with Isolepis although with typical cyperoid spikelets, whereas I. humillima is not resolved near either Isolepis or Cyperus s . l . © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 145–153.  相似文献   

Evolutionary and ecological hypotheses of the freshwater mussel subfamily Ambleminae are intensely geographically biased—a consequence of the complete exclusion of Mesoamerican taxa in phylogenetic reconstructions of the clade. We set out to integrate a portion of the Mesoamerican freshwater mussel assemblage into existing hypotheses of amblemine classification and evolution by generating a molecular phylogeny that includes four previously unsampled Mesoamerican genera and nine species endemic to that region. Given the traditionally hypothesized affinity to Nearctic mussels and the understanding that classification should reflect common ancestry, we predicted that (a) Mesoamerican genera would be recovered as members of the recognized tribes of the Ambleminae, and (b) genera would be supported as monophyletic. The mutilocus phylogeny (COI + 28S + 16S) reported herein does not fully support either of those hypotheses. Neither Cyrtonaias nor Psorula were supported as monophyletic and we predict several other Mesoamerica genera are also non‐monophyletic. The reconstructed phylogeny recovered four independent lineages of Mesoamerican freshwater mussels and these clades are distributed across the phylogeny of the Ambleminae, including the tribe Quadrulini (Megalonaias), Lampsilini (two lineages: Cyrtonaias explicata/Sphenonaias microdon, and Pachynaias), and a previously unrecognized, exclusively Mesoamerican and Rio Grande clade consisting of the genera Psoronaias, Psorula and Popenaias. The latter clade possesses several morphological characteristics that distinguish it from its sister taxon, tribe Lampsilini, and we recognize this newly identified Mesoamerican clade as a fifth tribe of the Ambleminae attributable to the Popenaiadini Heard & Guckert, 1970. This revised classification more completely recognizes the suprageneric diversity of the Ambleminae.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis was conducted to test the monophyly of Eschweilera and Lecythis as well as to examine the relationships of these two genera and their close relatives Bertholletia and Corythophora. The study included 86 species, representing all four genera and covering the range of taxonomic and morphological variation in the genera. The data matrix included 49 parsimony-informative characters derived from vegetative, floral, fruit, and seed morphology and anatomy. The results based on the consensus of all most parsimonious trees indicate that Bertholletia, Corythophora, Eschweilera, and Lecythis form a clade supported by brachyparacytic stomata, the absence of pedicels (with subsequent reversals in several clades), a two or four-locular ovary, the presence of an aril, and the absence of cotyledons. Within the clade, the monophyly of Corythophora is supported by the presence of inflorescence scales and the absence of nectar. Eschweilera is monophyletic only if E. congestiflora and E. simiorum are excluded. The monophyly of Eschweilera is supported by the presence of a two-locular ovary. Lecythis is not monophyletic, but sections Corrugata, Pisonis, and Poiteaui are monophyletic. Three species of section Lecythis are more closely related to Eschweilera, and other species of section Lecythis along with Bertholletia excelsa remain as unresolved.  相似文献   

Previous studies using the nuclear SSU rDNA and partial LSU rDNA have demonstrated that the euglenoid loricate taxa form a monophyletic clade within the photosynthetic euglenoid lineage. It was unclear, however, whether the loricate genera Trachelomonas and Strombomonas were monophyletic. In order to determine the relationships among the loricate taxa, SSU and LSU nuclear rDNA sequences were obtained for eight Strombomonas and 25 Trachelomonas strains and combined in a multigene phylogenetic analysis. Conserved regions of the aligned data set were used to generate maximum‐likelihood (ML) and Bayesian phylogenies. Both methods recovered a strongly supported monophyletic loricate clade with Strombomonas and Trachelomonas species separated into two sister clades. Taxa in the genus Strombomonas sorted into three subclades. Within the genus Trachelomonas, five strongly supported subclades were recovered in all analyses. Key morphological features could be attributed to each of the subclades, with the major separation being that all of the spine‐bearing taxa were located in two sister subclades, while the more rounded, spineless taxa formed the remaining three subclades. The separation of genera and subclades was supported by 42 distinct molecular signatures (33 in Trachelomonas and nine in Strombomonas). The morphological and molecular data supported the retention of Trachelomonas and Strombomonas as separate loricate genera.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships, limits of species, and genera within Lycoperdaceae, were inferred by use of ITS and LSU nu-rDNA sequence data. Lycoperdaceae was confirmed as monophyletic, and Mycenastrum corium as a sister taxon to the ingroup. Four major clades were identified and received weak to moderate support and correspond with the genera Lycoperdon, Bovista, Calvatia, and Disciseda. The Lycoperdon clade includes species from Lycoperdon, Vascellum, Morganella, Handkea, Bovistella, and Calvatia. The structure within the Lycoperdon clade is unresolved and several clades are more or less unsupported, which suggests treating the supported Lycoperdon clade as the genus Lycoperdon. L. nigrescens and L. caudatum occur on single branches and their phylogenetic positions could not be resolved. The phylogenetic analyses identified 31 species of Lycoperdon, 11 species of Bovista, six species of Calvatia, and two species of Disciseda. In Lycoperdon three new species were recognized. A new species closely related to B. limosa is identified and discussed. A classification of Lycoperdaceae is proposed based on the results of the phylogenetic analyses. Morphological characters of species within and among identified clades are discussed.  相似文献   

Most Neotropical colubrid snakes belong to a single, well‐supported lineage. Relationships between the major constituents of this clade remain. Here, we explore the phylogenetic relationships of Mastigodryas and its affinities to other Neotropical colubrid genera by combining DNA and morphological data. Analyses demonstrate that the concatenation of multiple individuals into a single terminal can mask the detection of new taxa. Further, non‐random missing data and/or taxa in some empirical datasets can bias species tree analyses more than concatenation approaches. Our results place Mastigodryas in a strongly supported clade that includes Drymarchon, Rhinobothryum, Drymoluber, Simophis and Leptodrymus. Mastigodryas bifossatus is more closely related to species of Drymoluber and Simophis than to its congeners. Thus, we erect a new genus to accommodate it and recover a monophyletic Mastigodryas. We highlight the importance of the use of morphological characters to diagnose suprageneric clades by showing that some key external and hemipenial characteristics are phylogenetically informative.  相似文献   

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