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Aim  This study aims to elucidate the phylogeography of the Japanese endemic alpine plant, Phyllodoce nipponica Makino (Ericaceae) and to infer the location of refugia of alpine plants in Japan during climatic oscillations.
Location  Alpine zone in the Japanese archipelago.
Methods  We determined the chloroplast (cp) DNA haplotypes of 155 individuals (22 populations) based on sequence data from the trnL-F and trnT-L intergenic spacers and the trnL intron, whose phylogenetic relationships were analysed using the program tcs . To examine the genetic structure, analysis of molecular variance ( amova ) was carried out and the population differentiation was shown by the parameters G ST and N ST.
Results  The haplotype composition and the results of amova showed that populations in the Japanese Central Mountain Region (JCMR) and in the westernmost region were highly divergent (18.8%). The diversity within populations was very high in the JCMR ( h S = 0.421); less variation was found within populations located in other regions at lower elevations.
Main conclusions  Phyllodoce nipponica survived climatic changes during the Quaternary in the JCMR and the westernmost region. Most of the distribution range was colonized during only one range expansion. The source location from which the range expansion occurred was unclear.  相似文献   

According to previous phylogeographic studies, high mountains at low latitudes are important areas for the study of the evolutionary history of arctic–alpine plants in surviving the Pleistocene climatic oscillations. To evaluate this hypothesis, we elucidated the genetic structure of the arctic–alpine plant, Loiseleuria procumbens , in the Japanese archipelago, which corresponds to one of the southernmost limits of its distribution, using 152 individuals from 17 populations that covered the entire distribution of the Japanese archipelago and Sakhalin, in addition to samples from Sweden. Based on 854 bp of chloroplast DNA, we detected eight haplotypes. Along with haplotype distribution, strong genetic differentiation between populations in central and northern Japan was elucidated by a neighbour-joining tree (100%) and spatial analysis of molecular variance (79%), which is consistent with other alpine plants in Japan, regardless of the species' range. In addition, the southernmost populations from northern Japan showed specific genetic structure, although the remaining areas of northern Japan and Sakhalin harboured an homogenous genetic structure. Our results suggest that the populations in central Japan persisted for a long time during the Pleistocene climatic oscillation and that genetic divergence occurred in situ , supporting our hypothesis in conjunction with a previous study of another arctic–alpine plant, Diapensia lapponica subsp. obovata .  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 403–412.  相似文献   

In the present paper, one new species of the genus Phyllodoce (Ericace-ae) is described from China. It is Phyllodoce deflexa Ching ex H. P. Yang.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization provides great opportunities to understand the interaction of genetics and ecology in determining species boundaries. We examined the genetic relationships of Phyllodoce taxa and revealed that most hybrids were fertile F1s and an extremely small number of backcross and no F2 plants were established in natural conditions. Because this trend was irrespective of regions, we conclude that negative endogenous selection may act after the germination of F1 seeds and prevent the establishment of later‐generation hybrids. Based on these results, we discuss the ecological and evolutionary significance of natural hybridization in Phyllodoce taxa.  相似文献   

We conducted a phylogeographic study on the alpine plant Arcterica nana based on haplotypes of chloroplast DNA. Using a sequence of approximately 1,071 bp of intergenic spacers of chloroplast DNA (trnT-L, psbB–psbF), we detected 13 haplotypes among 193 individuals sampled from 22 populations. Two dominant haplotypes were distributed over the entire range of this species in Japan, and we found several local private haplotypes. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated no geographic structure within the haplotype distribution. In addition, the genetic distance was not related to its corresponding geographic distance (Mantel test: r=−0.049, P=0.66), indicating a homogeneous geographic structure throughout the entire distribution range in the Japanese archipelago. The most parsimonious explanation for this geographic structure is that A. nana spread across its extant distribution range in the Japanese archipelago through a recent range expansion event. However, this pattern is inconsistent with the previous phylogeography of Japanese alpine plants, which reveals that haplotypes in central Honshu are differentiated from those in more northern regions. Arcterica nana may have experienced a different history from other alpine plants, suggesting that the history of Japanese alpine flora may include at least two different geographic radiation patterns.  相似文献   

Previous phylogeographic studies of alpine plants in Japan have inferred that populations in central Honshu persisted during the Pleistocene climatic oscillations and suggested interglacial survival in high mountains. However, Arcterica nana (Maxim.) Makino (Ericaceae) exhibits a homogenous genetic structure throughout Japan and may therefore have a unique phylogeographic history. This inconsistency could have resulted from insufficient resolution of previously analyzed chloroplast DNA sequences. Therefore, we conducted a phylogeographic investigation based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms. Using 176 individuals from 21 populations, the relationships among individuals and populations were determined by principal coordinate analysis and a neighbor-joining tree, respectively. In addition, genetic differentiation was estimated using analysis of molecular variance and spatial autocorrelation analysis. These analyses demonstrate a homogenous structure throughout the entire Japanese range, supporting the previous cpDNA phylogeography. Although this genetic structure is inconsistent with those of other alpine plants, it is difficult to postulate that pre-existing genetic differentiation was swamped exclusively within A. nana. Therefore, this homogenous genetic structure may have been caused by the distinct history of populations of A. nana. Specifically, the southern-ward migration and the subsequent continuous populations enabled gene flow throughout the Japanese archipelago during the last glacial period. Thus, our data suggest that alpine plants in the Japanese archipelago did not always experience a shared distribution change following climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

The alpine sedge Carex curvula ssp. curvula is a clonal, dominant graminoid found in the European Alps, the Carpathians, the Pyrenees and in some of the Balkan Mountains. It is a late-successional species of acidophilous alpine meadows that occurs on sites that were covered by ice during the last glacial maximum (LGM). By applying the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequencing, we attempted to identify the recolonization routes followed by the species after the last ice retreat. We relied on the genetic diversity of 37 populations covering the entire distributional range of the species. As a wind-pollinated species, C. curvula is characterized by a low level of population genetic differentiation. Nuclear and chloroplast data both support the hypothesis of a long-term separation of Eastern (Balkans and Carpathians) and Western (Alps and Pyrenees) lineages. In the Alps, a continuum of genetic depauperation from the east to the west may be related to a recolonization wave originating in the eastern-most parts of the chain, where the main glacial refugium was likely located. The Pyrenean populations are nested within the western Alps group and show a low level of genetic diversity, probably due to recent long-distance colonization. In contrast to the Alps, we found no phylogeographical structure in the Carpathians. The combination of reduced ice extension during the Würm period and the presence of large areas of siliceous substrate at suitable elevation suggest that in contrast to populations in the Alps, the species in the Carpathians underwent a local vertical migration rather than extinction and recolonization over long distance.  相似文献   

Given that East Asia is located south‐west of Beringia and was less glaciated during the Pleistocene, species at higher latitudes were able to expand their range in this region during climate cooling. Although southward migration is an inevitable colonization process, the biogeographical history of the disjunct ranges of higher‐latitude species in East Asia has been investigated less extensively. Here, we assess whether their disjunct distributions in the Japanese archipelago connected sufficiently with Beringia or persisted in isolation following their establishment. Sequences of nine nuclear loci were determined for Cassiope lycopodioides (Ericaceae) from the Japanese archipelago as well as its surrounding areas, Kamchatka and Alaska. According to the geographical pattern of genetic diversity, the northern populations from Kamchatka to the northern part of the Japanese archipelago were similar genetically and were differentiated from populations in central Japan. Our study suggested that the distribution of C. lycopodioides was connected between the northern part of the Japanese archipelago and south‐western Beringia due to Pleistocene climate cooling. Conversely, central Japan harboured a disjunct range after its establishment. These inferences suggest that widespread range expansion in northern East Asia was plausible for species distributed in Beringia. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 497–509.  相似文献   

Cheng YP  Hwang SY  Lin TP 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(7):2075-2085
In this study, we examined spatial patterns of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation in a total of 30 populations of Castanopsis carlesii Hayata (Fagaceae), a subtropical and temperate tree species, including 201 individuals sampled throughout Taiwan. By sequencing two cpDNA fragments using universal primers (the trnL intron and the trnV-trnM intergenic spacer), we found a total of 1663 bp and 21 polymorphic sites. These gave rise to a total of 28 cpDNA haplotypes. The level of differentiation among the populations studied was relatively high (GST = 0.723). Two ancestral haplotypes are widely distributed. The Central Mountain Ridge (CMR) of Taiwan represents an insurmountable barrier to the east-west gene flow of C. carlesii. Among the populations studied, three separated populations, at Lienhuachih, Fushan and Lichia, have high nucleotide diversity. Estimates of NST-GST for populations on both sides of the CMR indicate that no phylogeographical structure exists. According to the genealogical tree, number of rare haplotype and population genetic divergence, this study suggests that two potential refugia existed during the last glaciation: the first refugium was located in a region to the north of Hsuehshan Range (HR) and west of the CMR; the second refugium was located in south, especially southeastern Taiwan. In fact, the second refugium happens to be the same as that reported for Quercus glauca. A 'star-like' genealogy is characteristic when all haplotypes rapidly coalesce and is a general outcome of population expansion. The neutrality test and mismatch distribution also suggest demographic expansion recovering from a bottleneck.  相似文献   

Ancient lakes have been recognized as “long‐term isolated islands” in terrestrial ecosystems. Lake Biwa, one of the few ancient lakes that formed around 4 million years ago, harbors many coastal species that commonly inhabit seashores. The beach pea, Lathyrus japonicus, is a typical coastal species of this freshwater lake, where morphological, physiological, and genetic differentiations have been reported between Biwa and coastal populations. Whether Biwa populations were isolated for long periods throughout Pleistocene climatic oscillations and subsequent range shifts is unclear. We assessed population genetic structure and demography of beach pea in this ancient freshwater lake using the sequences of eight nuclear loci. The results of STRUCTURE analyses showed evidence of admixture between Biwa and coastal populations, reflecting recent gene flow. The estimated demographic parameters implemented by the isolation with migration model (IM model) revealed a recent divergence (postglacial period) of Biwa populations, with some gene flow from Biwa to coastal populations. In addition, Biwa populations were significantly smaller in size than the ancestral or coastal populations. Our study suggests that a Holocene thermal maximum, when transgression could allow seeds from coastal plants to access Lake Biwa, was involved in the origin of the Biwa populations and their genetic divergence. Thus, coastal populations might have migrated to Lake Biwa relatively recently. Our study concluded that ancestral migrants in Lake Biwa were derived from small founding populations and accelerated genetic isolation of Biwa populations during short‐term isolation.  相似文献   

Surveys of genetic diversity patterns of self‐incompatible clonal polyploid plant species are still scarcer than those of diploid plant species. Therefore, I studied the phylogeographical history of Linnaea borealis subsp. borealis to shed light on the colonization history of this clonal self‐incompatible polyploid plant in Eurasia using selected regions of plastid DNA and genetic diversity patterns of 22 populations of this species employing AFLP markers. I also addressed the question of whether the genetic diversity patterns in L. borealis subsp. borealis in Eurasia are similar to those of earlier published studies of clonal self‐incompatible diploid or polyploid plants. This survey revealed that the shallow phylogeographical history (six plastid haplotypes forming one haplogroup, 100% bootstrap support) and moderate genome‐wide diversity estimated using AFLP markers (Fragpoly = 10.8–38.9%, I = 0.060–0.180, FST = 0.289) were general characteristics of L. borealis subsp. borealis in its Eurasian range. The sampling strategy, in most cases at 1–2‐m or even 3–5‐m intervals, showed that a balance between vegetative and sexual reproduction and limited pollen dispersal among compatible mates can be important for genetic diversity patterns in populations of this taxon. Despite the fact that one‐half of the investigated populations were strongly isolated, they still preserved similar levels of genetic diversity across the geographical range. I found no support for the hypothesis that a bottleneck and/or inbreeding had accompanied habitat fragmentation as factors shaping genetic diversity. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 64–76.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the mite Family Phytoseiidae are little known. The presently accepted classification is based on the opinion of specialists, but not on cladistics analysis. The present paper focuses on the tribe Euseiini, containing 271 species, three subtribes and 10 genera. It aims to determine phylogenetic relationships between these taxa and test their monophyly. Molecular analysis combining six markers has been carried out for taxa we succeeded in collecting. Morphological, biogeographic and ecological data have been analysed to determine how these factors can explain the evolutionary relationships emphasized on the phylogenetic tree. Those analyses have been carried out for the taxa available for the molecular study, but also for all species of the tribe. The tribe Euseiini and the two subtribes considered are monophyletic (at least considering the available taxa), supporting the present hypothesis on Phytoseiidae classification. However, the genus Iphiseius seems to not be valid and its unique species is included in the genus Euseius. Clades that were observed within the genus Euseius do not match with recent work on species groups within this genus. It seems that some morphological features such as an insemination apparatus shape and seta length on the dorsal shield constitute some elements explaining the clusters within the genus Euseius. Biogeographic and ecological data analysis led us to hypothesize a west Gondwanian origin of the tribe Euseiini (Africa and Neotropical areas) on Rosids plants (especially of the Orders Malpiphiales and Fabales: subclass Fabidae). Further analyses are still required to (i) take into account more taxa (especially rare ones and species from the Ethiopian part), (ii) to consider more accurate morphological features through more powerful microscopic apparatus, and (iii) to associate a phylogenetic and evolutionary scenario to life traits (pollen feeders).  相似文献   

Although Tropicoperdix has been considered to be either a full genus or a species complex within the Phasianid genus Arborophila (hill partridges), there is long‐standing uncertainty regarding the degree of difference that warrants generic separation, including reported anatomical cranial differences. In addition, the intra‐generic taxonomy remains under dispute. Most studies hypothesize that Tropicoperdix comprises three species, while others postulate from one to four species. However, no molecular study has been performed to clarify the systematic and taxonomic uncertainties surrounding Tropicoperdix. In the present study, we performed a series of molecular phylogenetic analyses of Tropicoperdix and Arborophila taxa based on two mitochondrial genes and five nuclear introns. All the results are consistent with the finding that Tropicoperdix and Arborophila are phylogenetically distinct and distant genera, although the precise phylogenetic position of Tropicoperdix remains undetermined. Retrospective examination of external characteristics also supports the generic separation, as well as providing evidence of remarkable multiple character convergence. We propose that Tropicoperdix comprises at least two full species based on mitochondrial data obtained from museum specimens by using a next‐generation sequencing method. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

This study examined genetic variation across the range of Brachidontes variabilis to produce a molecular phylogeography. Neighbour joining (NJ), minimum evolution (ME) and maximum parsimony (MP) trees based on partial mitochondrial DNA sequences of 16S-rDNA and cytochrome oxidase (COI) genes revealed three monophyletic clades: (1) Brachidontes pharaonis s.l. from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea; (2) B. variabilis from the Indian Ocean; (3) B. variabilis from the western Pacific Ocean. Although the three clades have never been differentiated by malacologists employing conventional morphological keys, they should be ascribed to the taxonomic rank of species. The nucleotide divergences between Brachidontes lineages (between 10.3% and 23.2%) were substantially higher than the divergence between congeneric Mytilus species (2.3–6.7%) and corresponded to interspecific divergences found in other bivalvia, indicating that they should be considered three different species. Analysis of the 16S-rDNA sequences revealed heteroplasmy, indicating dual uniparental inheritance (DUI) of mtDNA in the species of Brachidontes collected in the Indian Ocean, but not in the species in the Pacific nor in the species in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. When we employed the conventional estimate of the rate of mitochondrial sequence divergence (2% per million years), the divergence times for the three monophyletic lineages were 6–11 Myr for the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Brachidontes sp. and 6.5–9 Myr for the Red Sea and Indian Ocean Brachidontes sp . Thus, these species diverged from one another during the Miocene (23.8–5.3 Myr). We infer that a common ancestor of the three Brachidontes species probably had an Indo-Pacific distribution and that vicariance events, linked to Pleistocene glaciations first and then to the opening of the Red Sea, produced three monophyletic lineages.  相似文献   

Interpretations of phylogeographic patterns can change when analyses shift from single gene-tree to multilocus coalescent analyses. Using multilocus coalescent approaches, a species tree and divergence times can be estimated from a set of gene trees while accounting for gene-tree stochasticity. We utilized the conceptual strengths of a multilocus coalescent approach coupled with complete range-wide sampling to examine the speciation history of a broadly distributed, North American warm-desert toad, Anaxyrus punctatus. Phylogenetic analyses provided strong support for three major lineages within A. punctatus. Each lineage broadly corresponded to one of three desert regions. Early speciation in A. punctatus appeared linked to late Miocene-Pliocene development of the Baja California peninsula. This event was likely followed by a Pleistocene divergence associated with the separation of the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts. Our multilocus coalescent-based reconstruction provides an informative contrast to previous single gene-tree estimates of the evolutionary history of A. punctatus.  相似文献   

The rhodophyte seaweed Asparagopsis armata Harvey is distributed in the northern and southern temperate zones, and its congener Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan abounds throughout the tropics and subtropics. Here, we determine intraspecific phylogeographic patterns to compare potential causes of the disjunctions in the distributions of both species. We obtained specimens throughout their ranges and inferred phylogenies from the hypervariable domains D1-D3 of the nuclear rDNA LSU, the plastid spacer between the large and small subunits of RuBisCo and the mitochondrial cox 2-3 intergenic spacer. The cox spacer acquired base changes the fastest and the RuBisCo spacer the slowest. Median-joining networks inferred from the sequences revealed the absence of phylogeographic structure in the introduced range of A. armata, corroborating the species' reported recent introduction. A. taxiformis consisted of three nuclear, three plastid and four mitochondrial genetically distinct, lineages (1-4). Mitochondrial lineage 3 is found in the western Atlantic, the Canary Islands and the eastern Mediterranean. Mitochondrial lineages 1, 2, and 4 occur in the Indo-Pacific, but one of them (lineage 2) is also found in the central Mediterranean and southern Portugal. Phylogeographic results suggest separation of Atlantic and Indo-Pacific lineages resulted from the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama, as well as from dispersal events postdating the closure event, such as the invasion of the Mediterranean Sea by mitochondrial lineages 2 and 3. Molecular clock estimates using the Panama closure event as a calibration for the split of lineages 3 and 4 suggest that A. taxiformis diverged into two main cryptic species (1 + 2 and 3 + 4) about 3.2-5.5 million years ago (Ma), and that the separation of the mitochondrial lineages 1 and 2 occurred 1-2.3 Ma.  相似文献   

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