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Recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis is a heritable disorder that results in painful skeletal muscle cramping with exercise in up to 10% of all Thoroughbred racehorses. Here, we report a genome‐wide association study with 48 282 SNPs analyzed among 48 case and 37 control Thoroughbreds. The most significant SNPs spanned approximately 13 Mb on ECA16, and the P‐value of the most significant SNP after correcting for population structure was 8.0 × 10?6. This region on ECA16 was further evaluated by genotyping 247 SNPs in both the initial population and a second population of 34 case and 98 control Thoroughbreds. Several SNPs across the 13‐Mb region on ECA16 showed significance when each population was analyzed separately; however, the exact positions of the most significant SNPs within this region on ECA16 varied between populations. This variability in location may be attributed to lack of power owing to insufficient sample sizes within each population individually, or to the relative distribution of long, conserved haplotypes, characteristic of the Thoroughbred breed. Future genome‐wide association studies with additional horses would likely improve the power to resolve casual loci located on ECA16 and increase the likelihood of detecting any additional loci on other chromosomes contributing to disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

Four‐horned sheep are an ideal animal model for illuminating the genetic basis of horn development. The objective of this study was to locate the genetic region responsible for the four‐horned phenotype and to verify a previously reported polled locus in three Chinese breeds. A genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was performed using 34 two‐horned and 32 four‐horned sheep from three Chinese indigenous breeds: Altay, Mongolian and Sishui Fur sheep. The top two significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the four‐horned phenotype were both located in a region spanning positions 132.6 to 132.7 Mb on sheep chromosome 2. Similar locations for the four‐horned trait were previously identified in Jacob, Navajo‐Churro, Damara and Sishui Fur sheep, suggesting a common genetic component underlying the four‐horned phenotype. The two identified SNPs were both downstream of the metaxin 2 (MTX2) gene and the HOXD gene cluster. For the top SNP—OAR2:g.132619300G>A—the strong associations of the AA and AG genotypes with the four‐horned phenotype and the GG genotype with the two‐horned phenotype indicated the dominant inheritance of the four‐horned trait. No significant SNPs for the polled phenotype were identified in the GWAS analysis, and a PCR analysis for the detection of the 1.8‐kb insertion associated with polled sheep in other breeds failed to verify the association with polledness in the three Chinese breeds. This study supports the hypothesis that two different loci are responsible for horn existence and number. This study contributes to the understanding of the molecular regulation of horn development and enriches the knowledge of qualitative traits in domestic animals.  相似文献   

Adaptation to early training and racing (i.e. precocity), which is highly variable in racing Thoroughbreds, has implications for the selection and training of horses. We hypothesised that precocity in Thoroughbred racehorses is heritable. Age at first sprint training session (work day), age at first race and age at best race were used as phenotypes to quantify precocity. Using high‐density SNP array data, additive SNP heritability () was estimated to be 0.17, 0.14 and 0.17 for the three traits respectively. In genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) for age at first race and age at best race, a 1.98‐Mb region on equine chromosome 18 (ECA18) was identified. The most significant association was with the myostatin (MSTN) g.66493737C>T SNP (= 5.46 × 10?12 and = 1.89 × 10?14 respectively). In addition, two SNPs on ECA1 (g.37770220G>A and g.37770305T>C) within the first intron of the serotonin receptor gene HTR7 were significantly associated with age at first race and age at best race. Although no significant associations were identified for age at first work day, the MSTN:g.66493737C>T SNP was among the top 20 SNPs in the GWAS (= 3.98 × 10?5). Here we have identified variants with potential roles in early adaptation to training. Although there was an overlap in genes associated with precocity and distance aptitude (i.e. MSTN), the HTR7 variants were more strongly associated with precocity than with distance. Because HTR7 is closely related to the HTR1A gene, previously implicated in tractability in young Thoroughbreds, this suggests that behavioural traits may influence precocity.  相似文献   

Because of increasing litter size in Western pig breeds, additional teats are desirable to increase the capacity for nursing offspring. We applied genome‐wide SNP markers to detect QTL regions that affect teat number in a Duroc population. We phenotyped 1024 animals for total teat number. A total of 36 588 SNPs on autosomes were used in the analysis. The estimated heritability for teat number was 0.34 ± 0.05 on the basis of a genomic relationship matrix constructed from all SNP markers. Using a BayesC method, we identified a total of 18 QTL regions that affected teat number in Duroc pigs; 9 of the 18 regions were newly detected.  相似文献   

Bovine leukosis virus is an oncogenic virus that infects B cells, causing bovine leukosis disease. This disease is known to have a negative impact on dairy cattle production and, because no treatment or vaccine is available, finding a possible genetic solution is important. Our objective was to perform a comprehensive genetic analysis of leukosis incidence in dairy cattle. Data on leukosis occurrence, pedigree and molecular information were combined into multitrait GBLUP models with milk yield (MY) and somatic cell score (SCS) to estimate genetic parameters and to perform whole‐genome scans and pathway analysis. Leukosis data were available for 11 554 Holsteins daughters of 3002 sires from 112 herds in 16 US states. Genotypes from a 60K SNP panel were available for 961 of those bulls as well as for 2039 additional bulls. Heritability for leukosis incidence was estimated at about 8%, and the genetic correlations of leukosis disease incidence with MY and SCS were moderate at 0.18 and 0.20 respectively. The genome‐wide scan indicated that leukosis is a complex trait, possibly modulated by many genes. The gene set analysis identified many functional terms that showed significant enrichment of genes associated with leukosis. Many of these terms, such as G‐Protein Coupled Receptor Signaling Pathway, Regulation of Nucleotide Metabolic Process and different calcium‐related processes, are known to be related to retrovirus infection. Overall, our findings contribute to a better understanding of the genetic architecture of this complex disease. The functional categories associated with leukosis may be useful in future studies on fine mapping of genes and development of dairy cattle breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Association studies use statistical links between genetic markers and the phenotype variation across many individuals to identify genes controlling variation in the target phenotype. However, this approach, particularly conducted on a genome‐wide scale (GWAS), has limited power to identify the genes responsible for variation in traits controlled by complex genetic architectures. In this study, we employ real‐world genotype datasets from four crop species with distinct minor allele frequency distributions, population structures and linkage disequilibrium patterns. We demonstrate that different GWAS statistical approaches provide favourable trade‐offs between power and accuracy for traits controlled by different types of genetic architectures. FarmCPU provides the most favourable outcomes for moderately complex traits while a Bayesian approach adopted from genomic prediction provides the most favourable outcomes for extremely complex traits. We assert that by estimating the complexity of genetic architectures for target traits and selecting an appropriate statistical approach for the degree of complexity detected, researchers can substantially improve the ability to dissect the genetic factors controlling complex traits such as flowering time, plant height and yield component.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism of arsenic (As) accumulation in plants is important in reducing As's toxicity to plants and its potential risks to human health. Here, we performed a genome‐wide association study to dissect the genetic basis of the As contents of different maize tissues in Xixian, which was irrigated with As‐rich surface water, and Changge using an association population consisting of 230 representative maize inbred lines. Phenotypic data revealed a wide normal distribution and high repeatability for the As contents in maize tissues. The As concentrations in maize tissues followed the same trend in the two locations: kernels < axes < stems < bracts < leaves. In total, 15, 16 and 15 non‐redundant quantitative trait loci (QTL s) associated with As concentrations were identified (P  ≤ 2.04 × 10?6) in five tissues from Xixian, Changge, and the combination of the locations, respectively, explaining 9.70%–24.65% of the phenotypic variation for each QTL , on average. Additionally, four QTL s [involving 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP s)] were detected in the single and the combined locations, indicating that these loci/SNP s might be stable across different environments. The candidate genes associated with these four loci were predicted. In addition, four non‐redundant QTL s (6 SNP s), including a QTL that was detected in multiple locations according to the genome‐wide association study, were found to co‐localize with four previously reported QTL intervals. These results are valuable to understand the genetic architecture of As mechanism in maize and facilitate the genetic improvement of varieties without As toxicity.  相似文献   

A genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was conducted on 15 milk production traits in Chinese Holstein. The experimental population consisted of 445 cattle, each genotyped by the GGP (GeneSeek genomic profiling)‐BovineLD V3 SNP chip, which had 26 151 public SNPs in its manifest file. After data cleaning, 20 326 SNPs were retained for the GWAS. The phenotypes were estimated breeding values of traits, provided by a public dairy herd improvement program center that had been collected once a month for 3 years. Two statistical models, a fixed‐effect linear regression model and a mixed‐effect linear model, were used to estimate the association effects of SNPs on each of the phenotypes. Genome‐wide significant and suggestive thresholds were set at 2.46E‐06 and 4.95E‐05 respectively. The two statistical models concurrently identified two genome‐wide significant (< 0.05) SNPs on milk production traits in this Chinese Holstein population. The positional candidate genes, which were the ones closest to these two identified SNPs, were EEF2K (eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase) and KLHL1 (kelch like family member 1). These two genes could serve as new candidate genes for milk yield and lactation persistence, yet their roles need to be verified in further function studies.  相似文献   

Hitherto, most quantitative trait loci of maize growth and biomass yield have been identified for a single time point, usually the final harvest stage. Through this approach cumulative effects are detected, without considering genetic factors causing phase‐specific differences in growth rates. To assess the genetics of growth dynamics, we employed automated non‐invasive phenotyping to monitor the plant sizes of 252 diverse maize inbred lines at 11 different developmental time points; 50 k SNP array genotype data were used for genome‐wide association mapping and genomic selection. The heritability of biomass was estimated to be over 71%, and the average prediction accuracy amounted to 0.39. Using the individual time point data, 12 main effect marker‐trait associations (MTAs) and six pairs of epistatic interactions were detected that displayed different patterns of expression at various developmental time points. A subset of them also showed significant effects on relative growth rates in different intervals. The detected MTAs jointly explained up to 12% of the total phenotypic variation, decreasing with developmental progression. Using non‐parametric functional mapping and multivariate mapping approaches, four additional marker loci affecting growth dynamics were detected. Our results demonstrate that plant biomass accumulation is a complex trait governed by many small effect loci, most of which act at certain restricted developmental phases. This highlights the need for investigation of stage‐specific growth affecting genes to elucidate important processes operating at different developmental phases.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays mays) oil is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (FAs) and energy, making it a valuable resource for human food, animal feed, and bio‐energy. Although this trait has been studied via conventional genome‐wide association study (GWAS), the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐trait associations generated by GWAS may miss the underlying associations when traits are based on many genes, each with small effects that can be overshadowed by genetic background and environmental variation. Detecting these SNPs statistically is also limited by the levels set for false discovery rate. A complementary pathways analysis that emphasizes the cumulative aspects of SNP‐trait associations, rather than just the significance of single SNPs, was performed to understand the balance of lipid metabolism, conversion, and catabolism in this study. This pathway analysis indicated that acyl‐lipid pathways, including biosynthesis of wax esters, sphingolipids, phospholipids and flavonoids, along with FA and triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis, were important for increasing oil and FA content. The allelic variation found among the genes involved in many degradation pathways, and many biosynthesis pathways leading from FAs and carbon partitioning pathways, was critical for determining final FA content, changing FA ratios and, ultimately, to final oil content. The pathways and pathway networks identified in this study, and especially the acyl‐lipid associated pathways identified beyond what had been found with GWAS alone, provide a real opportunity to precisely and efficiently manipulate high‐oil maize genetic improvement.  相似文献   

Although tocopherols play an important role in plants and animals, the genetic architecture of tocopherol content in maize kernels has remained largely unknown. In this study, linkage and association analyses were conducted to examine the genetic architecture of tocopherol content in maize kernels. Forty‐one unique quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified by linkage mapping in six populations of recombinant inbred lines (RILs). In addition, 32 significant loci were detected via genome‐wide association study (GWAS), 18 of which colocalized with the QTLs identified by linkage mapping. Fine mapping of a major QTL validated the accuracy of GWAS and QTL mapping results and suggested a role for nontocopherol pathway genes in the modulation of natural tocopherol variation. We provided genome‐wide evidence that genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, chlorophyll metabolism and chloroplast function may affect natural variation in tocopherols. These findings were confirmed through mutant analysis of a particular gene from the fatty acid pathway. In addition, the favourable alleles for many of the significant SNPs/QTLs represented rare alleles in natural populations. Together, our results revealed many novel genes that are potentially involved in the variation of tocopherol content in maize kernels. Pyramiding of the favourable alleles of the newly elucidated genes and the well‐known tocopherol pathway genes would greatly improve tocopherol content in maize.  相似文献   

Downy mildew in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is caused by Pseudoperonospora humuli and generates significant losses in quality and yield. To identify the biochemical processes that confer natural downy mildew resistance (DMR), a metabolome‐ and genome‐wide association study was performed. Inoculation of a high density genotyped F1 hop population (n = 192) with the obligate biotrophic oomycete P. humuli led to variation in both the levels of thousands of specialized metabolites and DMR. We observed that metabolites of almost all major phytochemical classes were induced 48 hr after inoculation. But only a small number of metabolites were found to be correlated with DMR and these were enriched with phenylpropanoids. These metabolites were also correlated with DMR when measured from the non‐infected control set. A genome‐wide association study revealed co‐localization of the major DMR loci and the phenylpropanoid pathway markers indicating that the major contribution to resistance is mediated by these metabolites in a heritable manner. The application of three putative prophylactic phenylpropanoids led to a reduced degree of leaf infection in susceptible genotypes, confirming their protective activity either directly or as precursors of active compounds.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies (GWASs) have been widely applied in livestock to identify genes associated with traits of economic interest. Here, we conducted the first GWAS of the supernumerary nipple phenotype in Wadi sheep, a native Chinese sheep breed, based on Ovine Infinium HD SNP BeadChip genotypes in a total of 144 ewes (75 cases with four teats, including two normal and two supernumerary teats, and 69 control cases with two teats). We detected 63 significant SNPs at the chromosome‐wise threshold. Additionally, one candidate region (chr1: 170.723–170.734 Mb) was identified by haplotype‐based association tests, with one SNP (rs413490006) surrounding functional genes BBX and CD47 on chromosome 1 being commonly identified as significant by the two mentioned analyses. Moreover, Gene Ontology enrichment for the significant SNPs identified by the GWAS analysis was functionally clustered into the categories of receptor activity and synaptic membrane. In addition, pathway mapping revealed four promising pathways (Wnt, oxytocin, MAPK and axon guidance) involved in the development of the supernumerary nipple phenotype. Our results provide novel and important insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying the phenotype of supernumerary nipples in mammals, including humans. These findings may be useful for future breeding and genetics in sheep and other livestock.  相似文献   

Marginal tests based on individual SNPs are routinely used in genetic association studies. Studies have shown that haplotype‐based methods may provide more power in disease mapping than methods based on single markers when, for example, multiple disease‐susceptibility variants occur within the same gene. A limitation of haplotype‐based methods is that the number of parameters increases exponentially with the number of SNPs, inducing a commensurate increase in the degrees of freedom and weakening the power to detect associations. To address this limitation, we introduce a hierarchical linkage disequilibrium model for disease mapping, based on a reparametrization of the multinomial haplotype distribution, where every parameter corresponds to the cumulant of each possible subset of a set of loci. This hierarchy present in the parameters enables us to employ flexible testing strategies over a range of parameter sets: from standard single SNP analyses through the full haplotype distribution tests, reducing degrees of freedom and increasing the power to detect associations. We show via extensive simulations that our approach maintains the type I error at nominal level and has increased power under many realistic scenarios, as compared to single SNP and standard haplotype‐based studies. To evaluate the performance of our proposed methodology in real data, we analyze genome‐wide data from the Wellcome Trust Case‐Control Consortium.  相似文献   

Animal growth relative to food energy input is of key importance to agricultural production. Several recent studies highlighted genetic markers associated with food conversion efficiency in beef cattle, and there is now a requirement to validate these associations in additional populations and to assess their potential utility for selecting animals with enhanced food‐use efficiency. The current analysis tested a population of dairy cattle using 138 DNA markers previously associated with food intake and growth in a whole‐genome association analysis of beef animals. Although seven markers showed point‐wise significance at P < 0.05, none of the single‐nucleotide polymorphisms tested were significantly associated with food conversion efficiency after correction for multiple testing. These data do not support the involvement of this subset of previously implicated markers in the food conversion efficiency of the physiologically distinct New Zealand Holstein‐Friesian dairy breed.  相似文献   

B. An  J. Xia  T. Chang  X. Wang  L. Xu  L. Zhang  X. Gao  Y. Chen  J. Li  H. Gao 《Animal genetics》2019,50(4):386-390
We performed a genome‐wide association study to identify candidate genes for body measurement traits in 463 Wagyu beef cattle typed with the Illumina Bovine HD 770K SNP array. At the genome‐wide level, we detected 18, five and one SNPs associated with hip height, body height and body length respectively. In total, these SNPs are within or near 11 genes, six of which (PENK, XKR4, IMPAD1, PLAG1, CCND2 and SNTG1) have been reported previously and five of which (CSMD3, LAP3, SYN3, FAM19A5 and TIMP3) are novel candidate genes that we found to be associated with body measurement traits. Further exploration of these candidate genes will facilitate genetic improvement in Chinese Wagyu beef cattle.  相似文献   

湖羊、同羊12个同工酶座位的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gene frequencies of Hu sheep and Tong sheep were obtained with “Random sampling in typical colonies of a central area“.of the 12 loci tested in Hu shpee.11 loci were polymorphic.Reliability of the estimated frequencies of 27 alleles reached 0.95 except for Po^F,Tf^A,Tfd,Hb-β^A and CAF which had reliabilities of 0.5222,0.7478,0.5222,0.6212 and 0.899,respectively,Of the 12 loci tested in Tong sheep,11 loci were polymorphic.Reliability of the estimated frequency of 25 alleles reached 0.95 except for Tf^A,Tf^E and CAF which had reliabilities of 0.931,0.6922 and 0.7924,respectively.The average heterozygosity(H) and average homozygosity(J) was computed and the J of the two sheep colonies was 0.6619 and 0.6448,respectively.Consistent with our conclusions based on genetic data,previous research divided the native sheep populations of East and South Central Asia into three group:the “mongolian group“ “south-Asian group“and “European group“ .Consequently,the degree of genetic similarity between populations and known groups would seem to provide a reliable means of determining the genetic relationships between populations and may reflect the true genetic origin of Hu sheep and Tong sheep in China.  相似文献   

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