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Pomacentridae are one of the most abundant fish families inhabiting reefs of tropical and temperate regions. This family, comprising 29 genera, shows a remarkable diversity of habitat preferences, feeding, and behaviours. Twenty‐four species belonging to seven genera have been reported in the Eastern Pacific region. The present study focuses on the relationship between the diet and the cephalic profile in the 24 endemic damselfishes of this region. Feeding habits were determined by means of underwater observations and the gathering of bibliographic data. Variations in cephalic profile were analyzed by means of geometric morphometrics and phylogenetic methods. The present study shows that the 24 species can be grouped into three main trophic guilds: zooplanktivores, algivores, and an intermediate group feeding on small pelagic and benthic preys. Shape variations were low within each genus except for Abudefduf. Phylogenetically adjusted regression reveals that head shape can be explained by differences in feeding habits. The morphometric phylogeny recovered the subfamily Stegastinae and the relationship between Abudefduf troschelii and Chromis species. The cephalic profile of damselfishes contains a clear and strong phylogenetic signal. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 593–613.  相似文献   

Adults of the Euthalia phemius complex, which is composed of three South‐East Asian nymphalid species, Euthalia phemius, Euthalia ipona, and Euthalia euphemia, were genetically analysed by examining mitochondrial and nuclear genes. The E. phemius complex was also examined morphologically, with particular emphasis on wing markings and male genitalia. No significant differences amongst the three species in the complex were detected with respect to either genetic distance or genital morphology. We therefore conclude that the three currently recognized Euthalia species belong to a single species. Accordingly, E. ipona is synonymized with E. phemius. Euthalia euphemia is treated as a subspecies of E. phemius. Type specimens of all taxa and a synonymic list for the E. phemius complex are also given. In addition, we briefly discuss the evolution and biogeography of the species complex. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 304–327.  相似文献   

Summary. Down Syndrome (DS, trisomy 21) is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. The completed sequencing of genes encoded on chromosome 21 provides excellent basic information, however the molecular mechanisms leading to the phenotype of DS remain to be elucidated. Although overexpression of chromosome 21 encoded genes has been documented information at the protein expression level is mandatory as it is the proteins that carry out function. We therefore decided to evaluated expression level of seven proteins whose genes are encoded on chromosome 21: DSCR4, DSCR5, DSCR6; KIR4.2, GIRK2, KCNE1 and KCNE2 in fetal cortex brain of DS and controls at the early second trimester of pregnancy by Western blotting. -actin and neuron specific enolase (NSE) were used to normalise cell loss and neuronal loss. DSCR5 (PIG-P), a component of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GPI-GnT), was overexpressed about twofold, even when levels were normalised with NSE. DSCR6 was overexpressed in addition but when normalised versus NSE, levels were comparable to controls. DSCR4 was not detectable in fetal brain. Potassium channels KIR4.2 and GIRK2 were comparable between DS and controls, whereas KCNE1 and KCNE2 were not detectable. Quantification of these proteins encoded on chromosome 21 revealed that not all gene products of the DS critical region are overexpressed in DS brain early in life, indicating that the DS phenotype cannot be simply explained by the gene dosage effect hypothesis. Overexpression of PIG-P (DSCR5) may lead to or represent impaired glycosylphosphatidylinositol-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase mediated posttranslational modifications and subsequent anchoring of proteins to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Recent expeditions have revealed high levels of biodiversity in the tropical deep‐sea, yet little is known about the age or origin of this biodiversity, and large‐scale molecular studies are still few in number. In this study, we had access to the largest number of solariellid gastropods ever collected for molecular studies, including many rare and unusual taxa. We used a Bayesian chronogram of these deep‐sea gastropods (1) to test the hypothesis that deep‐water communities arose onshore, (2) to determine whether Antarctica acted as a source of diversity for deep‐water communities elsewhere and (3) to determine how factors like global climate change have affected evolution on the continental slope. We show that although fossil data suggest that solariellid gastropods likely arose in a shallow, tropical environment, interpretation of the molecular data is equivocal with respect to the origin of the group. On the other hand, the molecular data clearly show that Antarctic species sampled represent a recent invasion, rather than a relictual ancestral lineage. We also show that an abrupt period of global warming during the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) leaves no molecular record of change in diversification rate in solariellids and that the group radiated before the PETM. Conversely, there is a substantial, although not significant increase in the rate of diversification of a major clade approximately 33.7 Mya, coinciding with a period of global cooling at the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Increased nutrients made available by contemporaneous changes to erosion, ocean circulation, tectonic events and upwelling may explain increased diversification, suggesting that food availability may have been a factor limiting exploitation of deep‐sea habitats. Tectonic events that shaped diversification in reef‐associated taxa and deep‐water squat lobsters in central Indo‐West Pacific were also probably important in the evolution of solariellids during the Oligo‐Miocene.  相似文献   

Within the Atlantic–Mediterranean region, the ‘sand gobies’ are abundant and widespread, and play an important role in marine, brackish, and freshwater ecosystems. They include the smallest European freshwater fish, Economidichthys trichonis, which is threatened by habitat loss and pollution, as are several other sand gobies. Key to good conservation management is an accurate account of the number of evolutionary significant units. Nevertheless, many taxonomic and evolutionary questions remain unresolved within the clade, and molecular studies are lacking, especially in the Balkans. Using partial 12S and 16S mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences of 96 specimens of at least eight nominal species (both freshwater and marine populations), we assess species relationships and compare molecular and morphological data. The results obtained do not support the monophyly of Economidichthys, suggesting the perianal organ to be a shared adaptation to hole‐brooding rather than a synapomorphy, and urge for a taxonomic revision of Knipowitschia. The recently described Knipowitschia montenegrina seems to belong to a separate South‐East Adriatic lineage. Knipowitschia milleri, an alleged endemic of the Acheron River, and Knipowitschia cf. panizzae, are shown to be very closely related to other western Greek Knipowitschia populations, and appear conspecific. A distinct Macedonian–Thessalian lineage is formed by Knipowitschia thessala, whereas Knipowitschia caucasica appears as an eastern lineage, with populations in Thrace and the Aegean. The present study combines the phylogeny of a goby radiation with insights on the historical biogeography of the eastern Mediterranean, and identifies evolutionary units meriting conservation attention. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 73–91.  相似文献   

We report on the detection of Theileria annulata in infected Hyalomma ticks by the PCR using primers derived from the gene encoding the 30 kDa major merozoite surface antigen (Tams1–1). No inhibition of the PCR was observed and as little as 0.1 pg of parasite DNA, corresponding to 12 sporozoites, could be detected in non-infected tick DNA samples, spiked with T. annulata genomic DNA. Hyalomma dromedarii ticks, fed on a calf experimentally infected with T. annulata, were used to validate the PCR further. The infection rate in the adult ticks, fed as nymphs during the febrile reaction, was high (62%), dropped to zero for 1 day in tick batches that engorged after treatment with ButalexTM and increased to 30% 2 days later and 38% of the ticks acquired the infection after feeding as nymphs during a carrier state piroplasm parasitaemia of less than 0.1%. As an internal control, 16S tick rDNA sequences could be amplified from T. annulata-negative tick samples. Finally, 202 adult ticks from Mauritania, collected from zebu cattle carrying low levels of Theileria piroplasms, were tested by the PCR. Thirty-eight out of 52 (73%) and 17 out of 30 (57%) H. dromedarii from the Gorgol and Trarza regions, respectively and two out of 30 (7%) Hyalomma marginatum rufipes from the Gorgol region were positive. Hyalomma marginatum rufipes, Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi and Rhipicephalus guilhoni from the Trarza region were negative. These findings confirm that H. dromedarii is the main vector of T. annulata in Mauritania and that the PCR is a useful method of determining the infection rates in ticks collected from cattle carrying low levels of T. annulata piroplasms.  相似文献   

Cerithideopsilla is a genus of potamidid snails found in high abundance on sedimentary intertidal flats and beneath mangrove trees on continental shores in the tropical and subtropical Indo‐West Pacific region and Mediterranean Sea. Taxonomic revisions have recognized four species, but recent molecular studies have hinted at a higher diversity. Here, we analyse 377 individuals sampled from across the known range and use a combination of molecular phylogenetic (mitochondrial COI and 16S rRNA, and nuclear 28S rRNA genes), statistical (generalized mixed Yule‐coalescent GMYC method) and morphological (shell form) criteria to delimit 16 species. These form four species groups, corresponding with the traditionally recognized species C. alata, C. ‘djadjariensis’ (for which the valid name is C. incisa), C. cingulata and C. conica. Distribution maps were compiled using museum specimens identified by diagnostic shell characters. In combination with the molecular phylogenetic trees, these suggest an allopatric speciation mode, with diversification centred on the East Asian coastline and northern Australia, and a pronounced gap in the ‘eastern Indonesian corridor’, an area of low oceanic productivity. There is, however, frequently geographical overlap between sister species and we suggest from several sources of evidence (e.g. presence of C. conica in isolated saline lakes 900 km from the sea) that post‐speciation transport by migratory birds has occurred. Nine of the 16 species occur between the Gulf of Tonkin and Hong Kong, so southern China is significant for both the evolution and conservation of Cerithideopsilla species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 212–228.  相似文献   

We analysed 229 Eurasian otters from eastern and north‐western Germany, Denmark and southern Sweden based on sequences of the mtDNA control region and genotypes at 12 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci. The main focus of the study lay on the north‐west German otters from Schleswig‐Holstein, which represent a newly established and expanding population recolonizing a formerly inhabited region, thereby closing the distributional gap between the large eastern population and the long‐isolated and genetically depleted Danish population. As found before in this species, mtDNA variability was very low but we identified a hitherto unknown haplotype in Sweden. Expected heterozygosities were between 0.46 and 0.69 and thus within the range known from the literature. There were only weak signs of a founder effect in the Schleswig‐Holstein otters with respect to allelic diversity (but not heterozygosity). Nevertheless, there was a statistically significant bottleneck signal based on deviations from mutation‐drift equilibrium in Schleswig‐Holstein. All statistical approaches (amova s, factorial correspondence analysis, assignment tests and Bayesian structure analysis) unequivocally showed that north‐western Germany has so far been predominantly recolonized by otters of east German origin, but we also found evidence of admixture through immigration from Denmark. Both the Danish and the north‐west German otter population will benefit from further exchange in the wake of the ongoing range expansion.  相似文献   

We studied genetic diversity in 54 populations of nine sexual and apomictic species of the genus Chondrilla (C. acantholepis, C. ambigua, C. brevirostris, C. canescens, C. graminea, C. juncea, C. laticoronata, C. latifolia and C. pauciflora) in SE European Russia and neighboring territories of NW Kazakhstan. We analysed the trnT–trnF region of plastid DNA and the internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS1–5.8S–ITS2) using statistical parsimony, maximum likelihood and neighbor net methods. Two major evolutionary lineages, roughly corresponding to the two subgenera traditionally recognized in the region, were revealed. Within the first evolutionary lineage (subgenus Brachyrhynchus), the sexual diploid C. ambigua and its putatively hybrid apomictic derivatives C. brevirostris, C. laticoronata and C. pauciflora could be recognized. Their identity was also confirmed by analyses of ISSR markers. The second evolutionary lineage (subgenus Chondrilla) comprises C. juncea, C. acantholepis, C. canescens, C. graminea and C. latifolia in European Russia, but analyses of morphological variability and the genealogy of plastid and nuclear markers favor their treatment as the single facultatively apomictic species C. juncea. The results demonstrate that an apomictic mode of reproduction does not necessarily result in the formation of genetically separated microspecies.  相似文献   

This study produces a nearly comprehensive phylogeny for the marine gastropod group Cypraeidae (cowries) and uses this topology to examine diversification patterns in the tropics. The dataset is based on molecular sequence data from two mitochondrial genes and includes 210 evolutionary significant units (ESUs) from 170 recognized species (>80%). Systematics for the group is revised based on well‐supported clades, and tree topology is generally consistent with previously proposed classification schemes. Three new genera are introduced ( Cryptocypraea gen. nov , Palmulacypraea gen. nov , and Contradusta gen. nov ) and two previous genera are resurrected (Perisserosa and Eclogavena). One new tribe is proposed (Bistolidini). Topologies produced by a range of transition:transversion (Ti:Tv) weighting schemes in parsimony are pooled and evaluated using maximum likelihood criteria. Extensive geographical coverage shows persistent, large‐scale geographical structure in sister‐groups. Genetic divergence between subspecies is often equivalent or even greater than that between recognized species. Using ESUs as a metric, diversity throughout the Indo‐West Pacific (IWP) increases by 38%. Intra‐ and inter‐regional diversification patterns show that the IWP is the centre for speciation in cowries. The other major tropical regions of the world are inhabited by a predominantly relictual fauna; from a cowrie's eye‐view. Good dispersal ability begets larger ranges, increased extinction resistance and morphological stasis; whereas shorter larval duration results in smaller ranges, higher speciation rates, but also higher turnover. Larval duration and dispersal ability appear correlated with ocean productivity as taxa with longer‐lived larvae are associated with oligotrophic conditions; whereas taxa with shorter larval durations are associated with eutrophic, continental conditions. This tendency is carried to the extreme in temperate or upwelling regions where a planktonic phase is completely lost and crawl‐away larvae evolve multiple times. A strong phylogenetic trend supports these observations as lineages leading up to and including the derived Indo‐West Pacific Erroneinae clade contain taxa predominantly restricted to continental habitats and have undergone the greatest evolutionary radiations in their respective regions. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 79, 401– 459.  相似文献   

The midgut of Dysdercus peruvianus is divided into three main sections (V1-V3) and is linked through V4 to the hindgut. The distribution of α-galactosidase activity in the different gut segments of D. peruvianus females was studied. α-galactosidase hydrolyzes the trisaccharide raffinose, the major carbohydrate of cotton seeds, on which the insects live. In D. peruvianus midgut, α-galactosidase activity is mainly found in soluble fractions of V1 contents. However, a comparison between specific activities using different α-galactosidase substrates in cotton seed extracts, V1 tissue homogenate, and midgut contents suggested that the contribution of the enzymes from seeds may be very significant. Gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 of samples from seed extracts, V1 tissue, and V1 contents revealed that in all samples raffinose hydrolysis is accomplished by α-galactosidases with similar Mr (30,000 ± 3,000) and does not involve the activity of a β-fructosidase. Thermal inactivation studies of extracts from the three sources suggested that there was only one molecular form of the insect α-galactosidase and that the activity found in V1 contents includes enzymes derived from the seed kernel. In insects fed with cotton seeds, the α-galactosidase activity increased in parallel with diet ingestion. In starved insects fed with tablets of sucrose plus raffinose, an increase in α-galactosidase activity was also observed, confirming that the insect is able to synthesize part of the gut enzyme. The results indicated that raffinose digestion starts in V1 utilizing α-galactosidases derived from the seed kernel and by an additional α-galactosidase synthesized by insect tissues. The action of α-galactosidases liberates galactose and sucrose, which are sequentially hydrolyzed by the major membrane-bound α-galactosidase releasing glucose and fructose in V1 and V2 lumina. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:443–460, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Both (R)- and (S)-4-hydroxypentylaminoacetamide have been synthesized by reductive amination of glycinamide on the γ-valerolactols corresponding to (R)- and (S)-γ-valerolactone, respectively. These enantiomeric lactones were readily obtained in high enantiomeric excess (ee) by enzymic porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL) kinetic resolution of rac-methyl γ-hydroxyvalerate. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Monochamus galloprovincialis Olivier beetles vector the causal agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle, in Europe. Traps and attractants have been optimized for the capture of M. galloprovincialis, increasing the possibility of developing methods of lowering its population in PWD‐affected areas with the aim of either eradicating the disease or containing the spread of it. To evaluate the effectiveness of such mass‐trapping campaigns, two sets of experiments were carried out in 2010 and 2013. The release of 353 laboratory‐reared beetles in the experimental area of 2010 facilitated the evaluation of capture–mark–recapture (CMR) procedures in the calculation of population abundance estimates using the POPAN formulation of the Jolly–Seber model, a prerequisite for the assessment of mass trapping. Abundance estimates derived from best‐fitting parameters fell within one standard error of the real figures, proving the method appropriate. In 2013, four trap densities were tested in six 36 ha plots. To evaluate the removed proportions, the local beetle population was estimated in a contiguous 260 ha study area. A superpopulation of 21 319 individuals could be calculated from the CMR data, corresponding to a rough density of 82 individuals per hectare. Evaluated trapping densities removed 4.66%, 20.50%, 33.33% and 59.80% of M. galloprovincialis population at 0.02, 0.11, 0.25 and 0.44 traps/ha, respectively, thus the estimated 95% removal would occur at 0.82 traps/ha. These results suggest that substantial reduction of M. galloprovincialis abundances might be achieved via mass trapping and that this represents a very promising management method for the containment or eventual eradication of B. xylophilus at the areas affected by the PWD.  相似文献   

A new genus of broad‐nosed weevils belonging to the tribe Naupactini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is described, based on six species from the Páramo–Puna subregion (Andean region) of South America. Three species are new and three have been transferred from the genus Asymmathetes (Asymmathetes nigrans, Asymmathetes rugicollis, and Asymmathetes vulcanorum). The new genus is recognized by the black, denuded, and shiny tegument, the well‐developed pre‐epistome, the elytral base curved backwards on middle, the reduction of the hindwings, and the widely separated procoxae, closer to the anterior than to the posterior margin of the prosternum. A cladistic analysis of the six species of the new genus plus five out‐groups (Amitrus, Amphideritus, Asymmathetes, Melanocyphus, and Trichocyphus), using 49 morphological characters, resulted in a single cladogram. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 54–71.  相似文献   

The thistle‐feeding tortoise beetle Cassida vibex (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is widespread in the Palearctic region. In Japan, this species has been recorded only from the largest island, Honshu. Here we report the occurrence of this species on Hokkaido, the most northern main island of Japan, along with detailed distributional records from the southwestern part of the island (southern Oshima Peninsula) and information on host plants. We also present the results of laboratory experiments on adult feeding preference and larval developmental performance to determine the specificity of C. vibex for four thistle species (Cirsium grayanum, Cir. alpicola, Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense; Asteraceae) common in southwestern Hokkaido. Cassida vibex was detected at only four sites among 97 sites investigated on the Oshima Peninsula, in strong contrast to the common occurrence of the congeneric thistle feeder C. rubiginosa (74 of 97 sites). Cassida vibex was found mainly on Cir. alpicola in the wild, but adult beetles showed no feeding preference for this or three other thistle species when given a choice in the laboratory. Larval performance of C. vibex was similar on Cir. alpicola, Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense but significantly lower on Cir. grayanum. Since Cir. alpicola often forms large clumps of individual plants, whereas Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense are scattered in their habitats, and C. vibex was collected only at sites where there were dense patches of Cir. alpicola, we postulate that the persistence of C. vibex is possible only where a substantial amount of suitable host plants is available.  相似文献   

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