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RAP1 is one of the components of shelterin, the capping complex at chromosome ends or telomeres, although its role in telomere length maintenance and protection has remained elusive. RAP1 also binds subtelomeric repeats and along chromosome arms, where it regulates gene expression and has been shown to function in metabolism control. Telomerase is the enzyme that elongates telomeres, and its deficiency causes a premature aging in humans and mice. We describe an unanticipated genetic interaction between RAP1 and telomerase. While RAP1 deficiency alone does not impact on mouse survival, mice lacking both RAP1 and telomerase show a progressively decreased survival with increasing mouse generations compared to telomerase single mutants. Telomere shortening is more pronounced in Rap1?/? Terc?/? doubly deficient mice than in the single‐mutant Terc?/? counterparts, leading to an earlier onset of telomere‐induced DNA damage and degenerative pathologies. Telomerase deficiency abolishes obesity and liver steatohepatitis provoked by RAP1 deficiency. Using genomewide ChIP sequencing, we find that progressive telomere shortening owing to telomerase deficiency leads to re‐localization of RAP1 from telomeres and subtelomeric regions to extratelomeric sites in a genomewide manner. These findings suggest that although in the presence of sufficient telomere reserve RAP1 is not a key factor for telomere maintenance and protection, it plays a crucial role in the context of telomerase deficiency, thus in agreement with its evolutionary conservation as a telomere component from yeast to humans.  相似文献   

Mutations in the shelterin protein POT1 are associated with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), Hodgkin lymphoma, angiosarcoma, melanoma, and other cancers. These cancer‐associated POT1 (caPOT1) mutations are generally heterozygous, missense, or nonsense mutations occurring throughout the POT1 reading frame. Cancers with caPOT1 mutations have elongated telomeres and show increased genomic instability, but which of the two phenotypes promotes tumorigenesis is unclear. We tested the effects of CAS9‐engineered caPOT1 mutations in human embryonic and hematopoietic stem cells (hESCs and HSCs, respectively). HSCs with caPOT1 mutations did not show overt telomere damage. In vitro and in vivo competition experiments showed the caPOT1 mutations did not confer a selective disadvantage. Since DNA damage signaling is known to affect the fitness of HSCs, the data argue that caPOT1 mutations do not cause significant telomere damage. Furthermore, hESC lines with caPOT1 mutations showed no detectable telomere damage response while showing consistent telomere elongation. Thus, caPOT1 mutations are likely selected for during cancer progression because of their ability to elongate telomeres and extend the proliferative capacity of the incipient cancer cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in the mismatch repair (MMR) pathway occur in human colorectal cancers with microsatellite instability. Mounting evidence suggests that cell-cycle arrest in response to a number of cellular stresses, including telomere shortening, is a potent anticancer barrier. The telomerase-deficient mouse model illustrates the anticancer effect of cell-cycle arrest provoked by short telomeres. Here, we describe a role for the MMR protein, MSH2, in signaling cell-cycle arrest in a p21/p53-dependent manner in response to short telomeres in the context of telomerase-deficient mice. In particular, progressively shorter telomeres at successive generations of MSH2−/–Terc−/–- mice did not suppress cancer in these mice, indicating that MSH2 deficiency abolishes the tumor suppressor activity of short telomeres. Interestingly, MSH2 deficiency prevented degenerative pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract of MSH2−/–Terc−/– mice concomitant with a rescue of proliferative defects. The abolishment of the anticancer and pro-aging effects of short telomeres provoked by MSH2 abrogation was independent of changes in telomere length. These results highlight a role for MSH2 in the organismal response to dysfunctional telomeres, which in turn may be important in the pathobiology of human cancers bearing mutations in the MMR pathway.  相似文献   

Telomere length has emerged as a marker of exposure to oxidative stress and aging. Race/ethnic differences in telomere length have been infrequently investigated. Leukocyte telomere length (LTL) was assessed 981 white, black and Hispanic men and women aged 45–84 years participating in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Direct measurement and questionnaire were used to assess covariates. Linear regression was used to estimate associations of LTL with race/ethnicity and age after adjustment for sex, income, education, smoking, physical activity, diet and body mass index. On average blacks and Hispanics had shorter telomeres than whites [adjusted mean differences (standard error) in T/S ratio compared to whites: −0.041 (0.018) for blacks and −0.044 (0.018) for Hispanics]. Blacks and Hispanics showed greater differences in telomere length associated with age than whites (adjusted mean differences in T / S ratio per 1 year increase in age −0.0018, −0.0047 and −0.0055 in whites, blacks and Hispanics respectively). Differences in age associations were more pronounced and only statistically significant in women. Race/ethnic differences in LTL may reflect the cumulative burden of differential exposure to oxidative stress (and its predictors) over the lifecourse.  相似文献   

Elongation of the telomeric overhang by telomerase is counteracted by synthesis of the complementary strand by the CST complex, CTC1(Cdc13)/Stn1/Ten1. Interaction of budding yeast Stn1 with overhang‐binding Cdc13 is increased by Cdc13 SUMOylation. Human and fission yeast CST instead interact with overhang‐binding TPP1/POT1. We show that the fission yeast TPP1 ortholog, Tpz1, is SUMOylated. Tpz1 SUMOylation restricts telomere elongation and promotes Stn1/Ten1 telomere association, and a SUMO‐Tpz1 fusion protein has increased affinity for Stn1. Our data suggest that SUMO inhibits telomerase through stimulation of Stn1/Ten1 action by Tpz1, highlighting the evolutionary conservation of the regulation of CST function by SUMOylation.  相似文献   

Mammalian telomeres are formed by tandem repeats of the TTAGGG sequence bound by a specialized six‐protein complex known as shelterin, which has fundamental roles in the regulation of telomere length and telomere capping. In the past, the study of mice genetically modified for telomerase components has been instrumental to demonstrate the role of telomere length in cancer and aging. Recent studies using genetically modified mice for shelterin proteins have highlighted an equally important role of telomere‐bound proteins in cancer and aging, even in the presence of proficient telomerase activity and normal telomere length. In this review, we will focus on recent findings, suggesting a role of shelterin components in cancer and aging.  相似文献   

The shelterin complex protects telomeres by preventing them from being degraded and recognized as double‐strand DNA breaks. TRF1 is an essential component of shelterin, with important roles in telomere protection and telomere replication. We previously showed that TRF1 deficiency in the context of different mouse tissues leads to loss of tissue homeostasis owing to impaired stem cell function. Here, we show that TRF1 levels decrease during organismal aging both in mice and in humans. We further show that increasing TRF1 expression in both adult (1‐year‐old) and old (2‐year‐old) mice using gene therapy can delay age‐associated pathologies. To this end, we used the nonintegrative adeno‐associated serotype 9 vector (AAV9), which transduces the majority of mouse tissues allowing for moderate and transient TRF1 overexpression. AAV9‐TRF1 gene therapy significantly prevented age‐related decline in neuromuscular function, glucose tolerance, cognitive function, maintenance of subcutaneous fat, and chronic anemia. Interestingly, although AAV9‐TRF1 treatment did not significantly affect median telomere length, we found a lower abundance of short telomeres and of telomere‐associated DNA damage in some tissues. Together, these findings suggest that rescuing naturally decreased TRF1 levels during mouse aging using AAV9‐TRF1 gene therapy results in an improved mouse health span.  相似文献   

The melanocortin-3 receptor (MC3R) is a member of family A rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptors. Mouse genetic studies suggested that MC3R and the related MC4R are non-redundant regulators of energy homeostasis. Lack of Mc3r leads to higher feed efficiency and fat mass. However, until now only a few MC3R mutations have been identified in humans and the role of MC3R in the pathogenesis of obesity was unclear. In the present study, we performed detailed functional studies on nine naturally occurring MC3R mutations recently reported. We found that all nine mutants had decreased cell surface expression. A260V, M275T, and L297V had decreased total expression whereas the other six mutants had normal total expression. Mutants S69C and T280S exhibited significant defects in ligand binding and signaling. The dramatic defects of T280S might be partially caused by decreased cell surface expression. In addition, we found mutants M134I and M275T had decreased maximal binding but displayed similar signaling properties as wild-type MC3R. All the other mutants had normal binding and signaling activities. Co-expression studies showed that all mutants except L297V did not affect wild-type MC3R signaling. Multiple mutations at T280 demonstrated the necessity of Thr for cell surface expression, ligand binding, and signaling. In summary, we provided detailed data of these novel human MC3R mutations leading to a better understanding of structure-function relationship of MC3R and the role of MC3R mutation in obesity.  相似文献   

As attrition of telomeres, DNA caps that protect chromosome integrity, is accelerated by various forms of stress, telomere length (TL) has been proposed as an indicator of lifetime accumulated stress. In ecological studies, it has been used to provide insights into ageing, life history trade‐offs, the costs of reproduction and disease. qPCR is a high‐throughput and cost‐effective tool to measure relative TL (rTL) that can be applied to newly collected and archived ecological samples. However, qPCR is susceptible to error both from the method itself and pre‐analytical steps. Here, repeatability was assessed overall and separately across multiple levels (intra‐assay, inter‐assay and inter‐extraction) to elucidate the causes of measurement error, as a step towards improving precision. We also tested how accuracy, defined as the correlation between the “gold standard” for TL estimation (telomere restriction fragment length analysis with in‐gel hybridization), could be improved. We find qPCR repeatability (intra‐ and inter‐assay levels) to be at similar levels across three common storage media (ethanol, Longmire's and Queen's). However, inter‐extraction repeatability was 50% lower for samples stored in Queen's lysis buffer, indicating storage medium can influence precision. Precision as well as accuracy could be increased by estimating rTL from multiple qPCR reactions and from multiple extractions. Repetition increased statistical power equivalent to a 25% (single extraction analysed twice) and 17% (two extractions) increase in sample size. Overall, this study identifies novel sources of variability in high‐throughput telomere quantification and provides guidance on sampling strategy design and how to increase rTL precision and accuracy.  相似文献   

Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures that cap the ends of the linear eukaryotic chromosomes, thus protecting their stability and integrity. They play important roles in DNA replication and repair and are central to our understanding of aging and cancer development. In rapidly dividing cells, telomere length is maintained by the activity of telomerase. About 400 TLM (telomere length maintenance) genes have been identified in yeast, as participants of an intricate homeostasis network that keeps telomere length constant. Two papers have recently shown that despite this extremely complex control, telomere length can be manipulated by external stimuli. These results have profound implications for our understanding of cellular homeostatic systems in general and of telomere length maintenance in particular. In addition, they point to the possibility of developing aging and cancer therapies based on telomere length manipulation.  相似文献   

The coding sequence for the human mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) was published in 1981. Within a decade, the first pathogenic mtDNA mutations were described in humans with sporadic and maternally inherited disease. The last ten years has seen a profusion of reports describing new pathogenic mutations associated with a diverse range of clinical phenotypes. Although we have seen great advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of mtDNA disease, we are only just beginning to tackle some of the more difficult questions. In this review we describe recent advances in our understanding of mtDNA disease and highlight ways that this knowledge might lead to novel therapies in the future.  相似文献   

Mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) cause familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The Cu-binding capacity of SOD1 has spawned hypotheses that implicate metal-mediated production of reactive species as a potential mechanism of toxicity. In past experiments, we have tested such hypotheses by mutating residues in SOD1 that normally coordinate the binding of Cu, finding that such mutants retain the capacity to induce motor neuron disease. We now describe the lack of disease in mice that express a variant of human SOD1 in which residues that coordinate the binding of Cu and Zn have been mutated (SODMD). SODMD encodes three disease-causing and four experimental mutations that ultimately eliminate all histidines involved in the binding of metals; and includes one disease-causing and one experimental mutation that eliminate secondary metal binding at C6 and C111. We show that the combined effect of these mutations produces a protein that is unstable but does not aggregate on its own, is not toxic, and does not induce disease when co-expressed with high levels of wild-type SOD1. In cell culture models, we determine that the combined mutation of C6 and C111 to G and S, respectively, dramatically reduces the aggregation propensity of SODMD and may account for the lack of toxicity for this mutant.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast chromosomes terminate in a GC-rich tail of DNA. Previous investigations have shown that the length of this tail can change in response to genetic variation. Here we present data that show that the length can also alter in response to changes in the amount of the GC-rich DNA found elsewhere in the nucleus.  相似文献   

To investigate the contributions of phosphatidylserine to the growth and morphogenesis of the rod-shaped fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we have characterized the single gene in this organism, pps1, encoding a predicted phosphatidylserine synthase. S. pombe pps1Delta mutants grow slowly in rich medium and are inviable in synthetic minimal medium. They do not produce detectable phosphatidylserine in vivo and possess negligible in vitro phosphatidylserine synthase activity, indicating that pps1 encodes the major phosphatidylserine synthase activity in S. pombe. Supplementation of growth medium with ethanolamine partially suppresses the growth-defective phenotype of pps1Delta cells, reflecting the likely importance of phosphatidylserine as a precursor for phosphatidylethanolamine in S. pombe. In medium lacking ethanolamine, pps1Delta mutants exhibit striking cell morphology, cytokinesis, actin cytoskeleton, and cell wall remodeling and integrity defects. Overexpression of pps1 likewise leads to defects in cell morphology and cytokinesis, thus implicating phosphatidylserine as a dosage-dependent regulator of these processes. During log-phase growth, green fluorescent protein-Pps1p fusion proteins are concentrated at the cell and nuclear peripheries as well as presumptive endoplasmic reticulum membranes, while in stationary-phase cells, they are redistributed to unusual cytoplasmic structures of unknown origin. Moreover, stationary-phase pps1Delta cultures retain very poor viability relative to wild-type S. pombe cells, even in medium containing ethanolamine, demonstrating a role for phosphatidylserine in the physiological adaptations required for stationary-phase survival. Our findings reveal novel cellular functions for phosphatidylserine and emphasize the usefulness of S. pombe as a model organism for elucidating potentially conserved biological and molecular functions of this phospholipid.  相似文献   

The melanocortin system plays an important role in energy homeostasis as well as skin pigmentation, steroidogenesis and exocrine gland function. In this study, we examined eight Ac-His-Phe-Arg-Trp-NH(2) tetrapeptides that were modified at the Phe position and pharmacologically characterized their activities at the human MCR wild-types and their mutants. Our results indicate that at the hMC1R, all D stereochemical modified residues at the Phe position of peptides increase cAMP production in a dose-dependent manner. At the hMC3R, the DPhe peptide dose dependently increases cAMP production but all other three tetrapeptides were not. At the hMC4R, both the DPhe and DNal(1') peptides induce cAMP production. However, both DTyr and DNal(2') were not able to induce cAMP production. Further studies indicated that at the hMC1R M128L mutant receptor, the all D-configured tetrapeptides reduce their potencies as compared to that of hMC1R wild-type. However, at the hMC3R and hMC4R L165M and L133M mutant receptors, the DNal(2') and DTyr tetrapeptides possess agonist activity. These findings indicate that DPhe in tetrapeptide plays an important role in ligand selectivity and specific residue TM3 of the melanocortin receptors is crucial for ligand selectivity.  相似文献   

Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is an inherited neurologic disorder with macrocephaly before the age of one and slowly progressive deterioration of motor functions. Magnetic resonance imaging shows diffusely abnormal and swollen white matter of the cerebral hemispheres and the presence of subcortical cysts in the anterior-temporal region and often also in the frontoparietal region. Mutations in the MLC1 gene, encoding a putative membrane protein, have been recently identified as a cause for MLC. Here, we describe 14 new mutations in 18 patients. Two identified polymorphisms lead to alterations of amino acid residues. The role, suggested by others, of a mutation in the MLC1gene in catatonic schizophrenia and the possible function of the MLC1 protein as a cation channel are discussed.  相似文献   

Sea urchins exhibit a very different life history from humans and short-lived model animals and therefore provide the opportunity to gain new insight into the complex process of aging. Sea urchins grow indeterminately, regenerate damaged appendages, and reproduce throughout their lifespan. Some species show no increase in mortality rate at advanced ages. Nevertheless, different species of sea urchins have very different reported lifespans ranging from 4 to more than 100?years, thus providing a unique model to investigate the molecular, cellular, and physiological mechanisms underlying both lifespan determination and negligible senescence. Studies to date have demonstrated maintenance of telomeres, maintenance of antioxidant and proteasome enzyme activities, and little accumulation of oxidative cellular damage with age in tissues of sea urchin species with different lifespans. Gene expression studies indicate that key cellular pathways involved in energy metabolism, protein homeostasis, and tissue regeneration are maintained with age. Taken together, these studies suggest that long-term maintenance of mechanisms that sustain tissue homeostasis and regenerative capacity is essential for indeterminate growth and negligible senescence, and a better understanding of these processes may suggest effective strategies to mitigate the degenerative decline in human tissues with age.  相似文献   

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