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Species faced with rapidly shifting environments must be able to move, adapt, or acclimate in order to survive. One mechanism to meet this challenge is phenotypic plasticity: altering phenotype in response to environmental change. Here, we investigated the magnitude, direction, and consequences of changes in two key phenology traits (fall bud set and spring bud flush) in a widespread riparian tree species, Populus fremontii. Using replicated genotypes from 16 populations from throughout the species’ thermal range, and reciprocal common gardens at hot, warm, and cool sites, we identified four major findings: (a) There are significant genetic (G), environmental (E), and GxE components of variation for both traits across three common gardens; (b) The magnitude of phenotypic plasticity is correlated with provenance climate, where trees from hotter, southern populations exhibited up to four times greater plasticity compared to the northern, frost‐adapted populations; (c) Phenological mismatches are correlated with higher mortality as the transfer distances between provenance and garden increase; and (d) The relationship between plasticity and survival depends not only on the magnitude and direction of environmental transfer, but also on the type of environmental stress (i.e., heat or freezing), and how particular traits have evolved in response to that stress. Trees transferred to warmer climates generally showed small to moderate shifts in an adaptive direction, a hopeful result for climate change. Trees experiencing cooler climates exhibited large, non‐adaptive changes, suggesting smaller transfer distances for assisted migration. This study is especially important as it deconstructs trait responses to environmental cues that are rapidly changing (e.g., temperature and spring onset) and those that are fixed (photoperiod), and that vary across the species’ range. Understanding the magnitude and adaptive nature of phenotypic plasticity of multiple traits responding to multiple environmental cues is key to guiding restoration management decisions as climate continues to change.  相似文献   

The manner in which organisms adapt to climate change informs a broader understanding of the evolution of biodiversity as well as conservation and mitigation plans. We apply common garden and association mapping approaches to quantify genetic variance and identify loci affecting bud flush and bud set, traits that define a tree's season for height growth, in the boreal forest tree Populus balsamifera L. (balsam poplar). Using data from 478 genotypes grown in each of two common gardens, one near the southern edge and another near the northern edge of P. balsamifera's range, we found that broad‐sense heritability for bud flush and bud set was generally high (H2 > 0.5 in most cases), suggesting that abundant genetic variation exists for phenological response to changes in the length of the growing season. To identify the molecular genetic basis of this variation, we genotyped trees for 346 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 27 candidate genes for the CO/FT pathway in poplar. Mixed‐model analyses of variance identified SNPs in 10 genes to be associated with variation in either bud flush or bud set. Multiple SNPs within FRIGIDA were associated with bud flush, whereas multiple SNPs in LEAFY and GIGANTEA 5 were associated with bud set. Although there was strong population structure in stem phenology, the geographic distribution of multilocus association SNP genotypes was widespread except at the most northern populations, indicating that geographic regions may harbour sufficient diversity in functional genes to facilitate adaption to future climatic conditions in many sites.  相似文献   

Photoperiod is an important signal controlling the onset of dormancy in perennial plants. Short days typically induce growth cessation, the initiation of cold acclimation, the formation of a terminal bud. bud dormancy and other adaptive responses. Photoperiodic ecotypes have evolved in many species with large latitudinal distributions. The photoperiodic responses of two northern (53°35′ and 53°50′N) and two southern (34°10′ and 40°32′N) genotypes of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) were characterized by growing trees under a range of photoperiods in the greenhouse and growth chamber. Short days induced bud set in both ecotypes. resulting in trees with fewer leaves and less height growth than trees grown under long days. Short days also enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in the northern ecotype and decreased branching of the southernmost genotype. Two aspects of the photoperiodic response were evaluated for each trail: critical photoperiod. which was defined as the longest photoperiod that elicited a short-day response, and photoperiodic sensitivity, which was defined as the change in response per unit change in photoperiod. For each of the traits analyzed, the northern ecotype had a longer critical photoperiod and greater photoperiodic sensitivity than did the southern ecotype. The short critical photoperiod and reduced photoperiodic sensitivity of the southern ecotype resulted in a significant delay in bud set compared to that of the northern ecotype, even under a 9-h photoperiod. Typically, photoperiodic ecotypes have been characterized as having different critical photoperiods. Ecotypic differences in photoperiodic sensitivity, however, indicate that differences in the photoperiodic response curves cannot be completely described by the critical photoperiod alone. These results also suggest that the critical photoperiod. photoperiodic sensitivity and speed of bud set have a common physiological basis. Bud set occurred earlier hi the northern ecotype primarily because bud scale leaves were initiated earlier. For one of the northern genotypes, leaf primordia that were initialed under long days subsequently differentiated into bud scale leaves after the trees were transferred to a 9-h photoperiod. This demonstrates that primordia initiated under long days are not necessarily committed to becoming foliage leaves. The response to photoperiod did not differ appreciably between the greenhouse and growth chamber conditions that were tested.  相似文献   

Temperate forest tree species that span large geographical areas and climatic gradients often have high levels of genetic variation. Such species are ideal for testing how neutral demographic factors and climate‐driven selection structure genetic variation within species, and how this genetic variation can affect ecological communities. Here, we quantified genetic variation in vegetative phenology and growth traits in narrowleaf cottonwood, Populus angustifolia, using three common gardens planted with genotypes originating from source populations spanning the species' range along the Rocky Mountains of North America (ca. 1700 km). We present three main findings. First, we found strong evidence of divergent selection (QST > FST) on fall phenology (bud set) with adaptive consequences for frost avoidance. We also found evidence for selection on bud flush duration, tree height, and basal diameter, resulting in population differentiation. Second, we found strong associations with climate variables that were strongly correlated with latitude of origin. More strongly differentiated traits also showed stronger climate correlations, which emphasizes the role that climate has played in divergent selection throughout the range. We found population × garden interaction effects; for some traits, this accounted for more of the variance than either factor alone. Tree height was influenced by the difference in climate of the source and garden locations and declined with increasing transfer distance. Third, growth traits were correlated with dependent arthropod community diversity metrics. Synthesis. Overall, we conclude that climate has influenced genetic variation and structure in phenology and growth traits and leads to local adaptation in P. angustifolia, which can then impact dependent arthropod species. Importantly, relocation of genotypes far northward or southward often resulted in poor growth, likely due to a phenological mismatch with photoperiod, the proximate cue for fall growth cessation. Genotypes moved too far southward suffer from early growth cessation, whereas those moved too far northward are prone to fall frost and winter dieback. In the face of current and forecasted climate change, habitat restoration, forestry, and tree breeding efforts should utilize these findings to better match latitudinal and climatic source environments with management locations for optimal future outcomes.  相似文献   

In plant ecophysiology, functional leaf traits are generally not assessed in relation to phenological phase of the canopy. Leaf traits measured in deciduous perennial species are known to vary between spring and summer seasons, but there is a knowledge gap relating to the late-summer phase marked by growth cessation and bud set occurring well before fall leaf senescence. The effects of phenology on canopy physiology were tested using a common garden of over 2,000 black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) individuals originating from a wide geographical range (44–60ºN). Annual phenological events and 12 leaf-based functional trait measurements were collected spanning the entire summer season prior to, and following, bud set. Patterns of seasonal trait change emerged by synchronizing trees using their date of bud set. In particular, photosynthetic, mass, and N-based traits increased substantially following bud set. Most traits were significantly different between pre-bud set and post-bud set phase trees, with many traits showing at least 25 % alteration in mean value. Post-bud set, both the significance and direction of trait–trait relationships could be modified, with many relating directly to changes in leaf mass. In Populus, these dynamics in leaf traits throughout the summer season reflected a shift in whole plant physiology, but occurred long before the onset of leaf senescence. The marked shifts in measured trait values following bud set underscores the necessity to include phenology in trait-based ecological studies or large-scale phenotyping efforts, both at the local level and larger geographical scale.  相似文献   

The timing of spring bud‐burst and leaf development in temperate, boreal and Arctic trees and shrubs fluctuates from year to year, depending on meteorological conditions. Over several generations, the sensitivity of bud‐burst to meteorological conditions is subject to selection pressure. The timing of spring bud‐burst is considered to be under opposing evolutionary pressures; earlier bud‐burst increases the available growing season (capacity adaptation) but later bud‐burst decreases the risk of frost damage to actively growing parts (survival adaptation). The optimum trade‐off between these two forms of adaptation may be considered an evolutionarily stable strategy that maximizes the long‐term ecological fitness of a phenotype under a given climate. Rapid changes in climate, as predicted for this century, are likely to exceed the rate at which trees and shrubs can adapt through evolution or migration. Therefore the response of spring phenology will depend not only on future climatic conditions but also on the limits imposed by adaptation to current and historical climate. Using a dataset of bud‐burst dates from twenty‐nine sites in Finland for downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.), we parameterize a simple thermal time bud‐burst model in which the critical temperature threshold for bud‐burst is a function of recent historical climatic conditions and reflects a trade‐off between capacity and survival adaptation. We validate this approach with independent data from eight independent sites outside Finland, and use the parameterized model to predict the response of bud‐burst to future climate scenarios in north‐west Europe. Current strategies for budburst are predicted to be suboptimal for future climates, with bud‐burst generally occurring earlier than the optimal strategy. Nevertheless, exposure to frost risk is predicted to decrease slightly and the growing season is predicted to increase considerably across most of the region. However, in high‐altitude maritime regions exposure to frost risk following bud‐burst is predicted to increase.  相似文献   

Under climate change, the reduction of frost risk, onset of warm temperatures and depletion of soil moisture are all likely to occur earlier in the year in many temperate regions. The resilience of tree species will depend on their ability to track these changes in climate with shifts in phenology that lead to earlier growth initiation in the spring. Exposure to warm temperatures (‘forcing’) typically triggers growth initiation, but many trees also require exposure to cool temperatures (‘chilling’) while dormant to readily initiate growth in the spring. If warming increases forcing and decreases chilling, climate change could maintain, advance or delay growth initiation phenology relative to the onset of favorable conditions. We modeled the timing of height‐ and diameter‐growth initiation in coast Douglas‐fir (an ecologically and economically vital tree in western North America) to determine whether changes in phenology are likely to track changes in climate using data from field‐based and controlled‐environment studies, which included conditions warmer than those currently experienced in the tree's range. For high latitude and elevation portions of the tree's range, our models predicted that warming will lead to earlier growth initiation and allow trees to track changes in the onset of the warm but still moist conditions that favor growth, generally without substantially greater exposure to frost. In contrast, toward lower latitude and elevation range limits, the models predicted that warming will lead to delayed growth initiation relative to changes in climate due to reduced chilling, with trees failing to capture favorable conditions in the earlier parts of the spring. This maladaptive response to climate change was more prevalent for diameter‐growth initiation than height‐growth initiation. The decoupling of growth initiation with the onset of favorable climatic conditions could reduce the resilience of coast Douglas‐fir to climate change at the warm edges of its distribution.  相似文献   

The timing of puberty is a critical life history trait of short-lived species; spring-born individuals mature rapidly and breed in the season of birth, whereas young born in mid- to late summer delay puberty until the next spring. The cues that govern the transition from rapid to delayed maturation in natural populations remain unknown. To identify ecologically relevant photoperiod cues that control timing of puberty, we monitored nine cohorts of female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) born every 2 wk from 4 wk before to 12 wk after the summer solstice in a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP). Hamsters born by the summer solstice underwent rapid somatic growth and achieved puberty that summer; among females born 2-4 wk after the solstice, some delayed puberty by many weeks, whereas others manifested early puberty. Hamsters born 6 or more weeks after the solstice generally delayed puberty until the following spring. The transition from accelerated to delayed pubertal development in the SNP occurred at day lengths that induce early puberty when presented as static photoperiods. Despite differences in timing of birth and timing of puberty, fall and subsequent spring seasonal events occurred at similar calendar dates in all cohorts. We found no evidence that prenatal photoperiod history influenced postnatal development of female hamsters. Considered together with a parallel study on males, the present findings point to sex differences in responsiveness to natural photoperiod variations. In both sexes, incrementally changing photoperiods exert a strong organizing effect on seasonal rhythms.  相似文献   

The genetic control of bud phenology in hybrid poplar was studied by mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting the timing of autumn bud set and spring bud flush. The founders of the mapping pedigree were collected from widely separated latitudes to maximize segregating variation for dormancy-related traits in the F(2) generation-the female Populus trichocarpa parent is from Washington State (48 degrees N) and the male P. deltoides parent is from Texas (31 degrees N). Bud set and bud flush timing were measured on the F(2) generation in a replicated clonal field trial. Using a linkage map constructed of AFLP and microsatellite markers, three QTL controlling bud set and six QTL controlling bud flush were detected. Additionally, five candidate genes believed to be involved in perception of photoperiod (PHYB1, PHYB2) or transduction of abscisic acid response signals (ABI1B, ABI1D, and ABI3) were placed on the QTL map. PHYB2 and ABI1B were found to be coincident with QTL affecting bud set and bud flush.  相似文献   

To explore the roles of plasticity and genetic variation in the response to spatial and temporal climate variation, we established a common garden consisting of paired collections of native and introduced riparian trees sampled along a latitudinal gradient. The garden in Fort Collins, Colorado (latitude 40.6°N), included 681 native plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera) and introduced saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima, T. chinensis and hybrids) collected from 15 sites at 29.2–47.6°N in the central United States. In the common garden both species showed latitudinal variation in fall, but not spring, leaf phenology, suggesting that the latitudinal gradient in fall phenology observed in the field results at least in part from inherited variation in the critical photoperiod, while the latitudinal gradient in spring phenology observed in the field is largely a plastic response to the temperature gradient. Populations from higher latitudes exhibited earlier bud set and leaf senescence. Cold hardiness varied latitudinally in both fall and spring for both species. For cottonwood, cold hardiness began earlier and ended later in northern than in southern populations. For saltcedar northern populations were hardier throughout the cold season than southern populations. Although cottonwood was hardier than saltcedar in midwinter, the reverse was true in late fall and early spring. The latitudinal variation in fall phenology and cold hardiness of saltcedar appears to have developed as a result of multiple introductions of genetically distinct populations, hybridization and natural selection in the 150 years since introduction.  相似文献   

Experimental study of the effects of projected climate change on plant phenology allows us to isolate effects of warming on life‐history events such as leaf out. We simulated a 2 °C temperature increase and 20% precipitation increase in a recently harvested temperate deciduous forest community in central Pennsylvania, USA, and observed the leaf out phenology of all species in 2009 and 2010. Over 130 plant species were monitored weekly in study plots, but due to high variability in species composition among plots, species were grouped into five functional groups: short forbs, tall forbs, shrubs, small trees, and large trees. Tall forbs and large trees, which usually emerge in the late spring, advanced leaf out 14–18 days in response to warming. Short forbs, shrubs, and small trees emerge early in spring and did not alter their phenology in response to warming or increased precipitation treatments. Earlier leaf out of tall forbs and large trees coincided with almost 3 weeks of increased community‐level leaf area index, indicating greater competition and a condensed spring green‐up period. While phenology of large trees and tall forbs appears to be strongly influenced by temperature‐based growth cues, our results suggest that photoperiod and chilling cues more strongly influence the leaf out of other functional groups. Reduced freeze events and warmer temperatures from predicted climate change will interact with nontemperature growth cues to have cascading consequences throughout the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Boreal tree species are excellent tools for studying tolerance to climate change. Bud phenology is a trait, which is highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations and thus useful for climate change investigations. However, experimental studies of bud phenology under simulated climate change outdoors are deficient. We conducted a multifactorial field experiment with single (T, UVA, UVB) and combined treatments (UVA+T, UVB+T) of elevated temperature (T, +2°C) and ultraviolet‐B radiation (+30% UVB) in order to examine their impact on both male and female genotypes of aspen (Populus tremula L.). This study focuses on the effect of the treatments in years 2 and 3 after planting (2013, 2014) and follows how bud phenology is adapting in year 4 (2015), when the treatments were discontinued. Moreover, the effect of bud removal was recorded. We found that elevated temperature played a key role in delaying bud set and forcing bud break in intact individuals, as well as slightly delaying bud break in bud‐removed individuals. UVB delayed the bud break in bud‐removed males. In addition, both UVA and UVB interacted with temperature in year 3 and even in year 4, when the treatments were off, but only in male individuals. Axillary bud removal forced both bud break and bud set under combined treatments (UVA+T, UVB+T) and delayed both under individual treatments (T, UVB). In conclusion, male aspens were more responsive to the treatments than females and that effect of elevated temperature and UV radiation on bud set and bud break of aspen is not disappearing over 4‐year study period.  相似文献   

Changes in the spring onset of vegetation growth in response to climate change can profoundly impact climate–biosphere interactions. Thus, robust simulation of spring onset is essential to accurately predict ecosystem responses and feedback to ongoing climate change. To date, the ability of vegetation phenology models to reproduce spatiotemporal patterns of spring onset at larger scales has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, we took advantage of phenology observations via remote sensing to calibrate and evaluated six models, including both one‐phase (considering only forcing temperatures) and two‐phase (involving forcing, chilling, and photoperiod) models across the Northern Hemisphere between 1982 and 2012. Overall, we found that the model that integrated the photoperiod effect performed best at capturing spatiotemporal patterns of spring phenology in boreal and temperate forests. By contrast, all of the models performed poorly in simulating the onset of growth in grasslands. These results suggest that the photoperiod plays a role in controlling the onset of growth in most Northern Hemisphere forests, whereas other environmental factors (e.g., precipitation) should be considered when simulating the onset of growth in grasslands. We also found that the one‐phase model performed as well as the two‐phase models in boreal forests, which implies that the chilling requirement is probably fulfilled across most of the boreal zone. Conversely, two‐phase models performed better in temperate forests than the one‐phase model, suggesting that photoperiod and chilling play important roles in these temperate forests. Our results highlight the significance of including chilling and photoperiod effects in models of the spring onset of forest growth at large scales, and indicate that the consideration of additional drivers may be required for grasslands.  相似文献   

In many temperate plants seasonal variation in day length induces flowering at species-specific times each year. Here we report synchronous bud break and flowering of tropical perennials that cannot be explained by seasonal changes in day length. We recorded flushing and flowering of more than 100 tropical trees, succulents and understory herbs over several years. We observed the following phenological patterns throughout the northern Neotropics: wide-ranging trees flush or flower twice a year at the Equator, but annually further north; many trees leaf out in February; in autumn, wide-ranging perennials flower 4 months earlier in Mexico than at the Equator. This latitudinal variation of phenology parallels that of the annual cycle of daily insolation, a function of day length and solar irradiation. Insolation has two annual maxima at the Equator, it rapidly increases in February at all latitudes, and between Mexico and the Equator its maximum shifts from the summer solstice to the autumn equinox. These unique, manifold correlations suggest that throughout the tropics insolation, rather than day length, may control the phenology of many perennials. Our observations significantly extend current knowledge of environmental signals involved in photoperiodic control of plant development.  相似文献   

Thirty three unique quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting the timing of spring bud flush have been identified in an intraspecific mapping population of coastal Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii]. Both terminal and lateral bud flush were measured over a 4-year period on clonal replicates at two test sites, allowing for the repeated estimation of QTLs. QTLs were detected on 12 linkage groups and, in general, each explained a small proportion of the total phenotypic variance and were additive in effect. Several QTLs influence the timing of bud flush over multiple years, supporting earlier evidence that the timing of bud flush through developmental stages is under moderate to strong genetic control by the same suite of genes through developmental stages. However, only a few QTLs controlling the timing of bud flush were detected at both test sites, suggesting that geographic location plays a major role in the phenology of spring growth. A small number of QTLs with year and site interactions were also estimated. Received: 20 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

Leaf phenology varies markedly across tree species of temperate deciduous forests. Early leafing in spring may increase light capture and carbon gain prior to canopy closure, allowing saplings to survive in understory sites deeply shaded in midsummer. We quantified sapling leaf phenology for 18 tree species and seasonal variation in understory light availability at three sites along a ridge-slope-cove landform gradient in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Early leafing species (e.g., Aesculus flava, Carpinus caroliniana) broke bud an average of 24 d before late leafers (e.g., Magnolia fraseri, Nyssa sylvatica). Canopy closure occurred 14-18 d earlier and summer understory light was on average 63-74% lower on intermediate and mesic sites than on the xeric site. Early leafing species intercepted 45-80% of their growing season photon flux before canopy closure vs. 8-15% for late leafers. However, earlier leafing increased exposure to freezing temperatures by 5.5% per week near the mean time of bud break. Early leafing is strongly correlated with midsummer shade, risk of freezing temperatures, and distribution on mesic sites across a "main spectrum" of 15 deciduous species. Differences in leaf phenology and resultant impacts on spring carbon gain may help determine tree shade tolerance and distribution in southern Appalachian forests.  相似文献   

Abstract We tested the hypothesis that contrasting elevations select distinct growth patterns and vegetative phenology in Nothofagus pumilio, a winter deciduous tree that dominates mountain forests of Patagonia. Analysis of saplings maintained under common‐garden conditions for 4 years showed a significant decrease in shoot annual growth, leaf size, and a delay in bud‐break, and leaf expansion with increased elevation of their site of origin. Rapid gain in height seems to be advantageous at low elevation in such light‐demanding species. Lower stature high‐elevation plants have wider branching angles and greater branching ratios (number of branches/number of internodes) than low‐elevation plants. Compact growth at high elevation may be related to strong winds and irradiance. Plants from different elevations had distinct growth patterns during the common‐garden experiment. This could be of importance in Mediterranean‐climate areas characterized by highly unpredictable precipitation regimes. Also, liberation of growth‐suppressed seedlings may follow different environmental signals in low‐ and high‐habitats, which might explain such time‐dependent responses to optimal conditions under cultivation. While these greenhouse‐grown N. pumilio saplings showed heritable differences in plant architectural traits and leafing phenology, it was not clear how the genotypes characteristic of particular elevations would respond to longer growing seasons such as those predicted under global warming.  相似文献   

Autumn senescence regulates multiple aspects of ecosystem function, along with associated feedbacks to the climate system. Despite its importance, current understanding of the drivers of senescence is limited, leading to a large spread in predictions of how the timing of senescence, and thus the length of the growing season, will change under future climate conditions. The most commonly held paradigm is that temperature and photoperiod are the primary controls, which suggests a future extension of the autumnal growing season as global temperatures rise. Here, using two decades of ground‐ and satellite‐based observations of temperate deciduous forest phenology, we show that the timing of autumn senescence is correlated with the timing of spring budburst across the entire eastern United States. On a year‐to‐year basis, an earlier/later spring was associated with an earlier/later autumn senescence, both for individual species and at a regional scale. We use the observed relationship to develop a novel model of autumn phenology. In contrast to current phenology models, this model predicts that the potential response of autumn phenology to future climate change is strongly limited by the impact of climate change on spring phenology. Current models of autumn phenology therefore may overpredict future increases in the length of the growing season, with subsequent impacts for modeling future CO2 uptake and evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

城市化影响植物物候,春季物候,如爆芽和展叶是植物响应城市化的客观生物指示。然而在城乡梯度上植物物候如何变化,以及物候与城市化程度是否存在定量关系,尚不明确。利用上海市2条城乡梯度上的6种木本植物的春季物候观测数据,以及距市中心距离作为城市化程度的代理指标,研究植物的爆芽和展叶物候期在城乡梯度上的变化及其与城市化程度的关系。研究结果表明:6种城市木本植物的爆芽和展叶物候期呈现随着距市中心距离的增加而延迟的趋势;城市化程度代理指标与爆芽和展叶物候期之间存在线性关系,城市化代理指标距市中心距离可以解释物候期延迟的31.5%—96.7%;物候期延迟时间因物种和距离城市距离而异,爆芽期延迟时间为3—15 d,展叶始期延长时间为4—13 d,展叶盛期延长时间为3—9 d。上述结果对理解城市化对植物物候的影响机制,评估城市化对城市生态系统的影响具有积极意义。  相似文献   


Key message

Timing of bud set and occurrence of lammas in trees can alter growth partitioning (i.e., root:shoot ratios), while only bud set effectively modifies carbon gain by increasing photosynthesis-related physiological traits.


Bud set and lammas (second bud flushing) phenology may strongly influence growth, physiology, and biomass in trees. To test effects of these phenological events, 54 individuals from 16 genotypes of black cottonwood poplar (Populus trichocarpa) were grown in a potted trial under greenhouse conditions (with extended daylengths promoting growth), followed by open-air cultivation (with natural daylengths promoting bud set and/or lammas). Trees were monitored for phenology, repeatedly measured for photosynthesis-related traits, harvested for biomass, and assessed for growth partitioning (separating above- and belowground parts). We grouped trees by phenology for comparisons: (1) trees with early summer bud set, (2) trees with early summer bud set that underwent lammas, (3) trees with late summer bud set (August), and (4) trees with bud set occurring in autumn (September). We found that bud set timing positively affected growth partitioning where earlier bud set resulted in shorter trees with higher root:shoot biomass ratios (by increasing root mass). Lammas growth altered these ratios by significantly increasing shoot growth relative to belowground growth. Trees with bud set occurring in late summer also had higher root:shoot biomass ratios (by increasing root mass) compared to trees setting bud in autumn. Occurrence of bud set coincided with modified physiology of the existing canopy where photosynthesis-related traits were enhanced relative to trees still actively growing. These physiological changes were unaltered by occurrence of lammas. This suggests that bud set prompts a significant, coordinated mechanism of higher carbon gain physiology and belowground biomass accumulation in plants within a “post-bud set” phase.

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