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Irradiation of soluble dynein 1 from sea urchin sperm flagella at 365 nm in the presence of MgATP and 0.05-50 microM vanadate (Vi) cleaves the alpha and beta heavy chains (Mr 428,000) at their V1 sites to give peptides of Mr 228,000 and 200,000, without the nonspecific side effects produced by irradiation at 254 nm as described earlier (Lee-Eiford, A., Ow, R. A., and Gibbons, I. R. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 2337-2342). The decrease in intact heavy chain material is biphasic; in 10 microM Vi, approximately 80% occurs with a half-time of 7 min and the remainder with a half-time of about 90 min, and the yield of cleavage peptides is better than 90%. Loss of dynein ATPase activity appears to be a direct result of the cleavage process and is not significantly affected by the presence of up to 0.1 M cysteamine (CA, 60-23-1) or 2-aminoethyl carbamimidothioic acid dihydrobromide (CA, 56-10-0) as free radical trapping agents. The concentration of Vi required for 50% maximal initial cleavage rate is 4.5 microM, while that for 50% ATPase inhibition is 0.8 microM, both in a 0.6 M NaCl medium. In the presence of 20 microM Vi, CTP and UTP support cleavage at about half the rate of ATP, whereas GTP and ITP support cleavage only if the Vi concentration is raised to about 200 microM. Substitution of any of the transition metal cations Cr2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, or Co2+ for the usual Mg2+ suppresses the photocleavage, presumably by quenching the excited chromophore prior to scission of the heavy chain. The photocleaved dynein 1 binds to dynein-depleted flagella similarly to intact dynein 1, but upon reactivation of the flagella with 1 mM ATP their motility is partially inhibited, rather than being augmented as with intact dynein. These results indicate that Vi acts as a photosensitizing catalyst and suggest that the cleavage proceeds through excitation of Vi bound to dynein at the hydrolytic ATP binding site on each heavy chain, probably in a dynein X MgADP X Vi complex. The exquisite specificity of Vi-sensitized photocleavage will aid the peptide mapping of dynein heavy chains and may be of broader use in studies of protein structure.  相似文献   

Irradiation of the outer-arm dynein ATPase from sea urchin sperm flagella at 365 nm in the presence of 50-200 microM vanadate (Vi) and 1 mM manganese acetate, in the absence of ATP, cleaves the alpha and beta heavy chains at a specific site, termed the V2 site, to form discrete peptides of Mr approximately 260,000 and 170,000 from the alpha chain and of Mr approximately 255,000 and 175,000 from the beta chain, with a yield of 80%. This cleavage at the V2 site is not correlated with any direct effect on the dynein ATPase activity. In the presence of 100 microM Vi, the half-times for cleavage of the alpha and beta chains are about 12 and 50 min, respectively. The rate of heavy chain cleavage shows a sigmoidal dependence upon Vi concentration, with half-maximal rate occurring at 58 +/- 7 microM, consistent with the chromophore responsible for cleavage being tri-vanadate. Addition of 10 microM ATP or ADP, or of 100 microM CTP or UTP, to the irradiation medium inhibits cleavage at the V2 site, and results in a slow cleavage occurring at the V1 site described previously. The peptides produced by sequential cleavage at the V2 and then the V1 sites indicate that the sites are separated by about 100,000 Da along the length of each heavy chain. Photoaffinity labeling with [alpha-32P] 8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (8-N3ATP) gives specific incorporation of 32P into both the Mr 255,000 and 175,000 peptides of the beta chain but into only the Mr 260,000 peptide of the alpha chain. These results suggest that V2 cleavage occurs on a loop of the heavy chain that forms part of the ATP-binding site, close to the locus of 8-N3ATP attachment.  相似文献   

Irradiation of demembranated flagella of sea urchin sperm at 365 nm in the presence of 0.05-1 mM MgATP and 5-10 microM vanadate (Vi) cleaves the alpha and beta heavy chains of the outer arm dynein at the same site and at about the same rate as reported previously for the solubilized dynein (Gibbons, I. R., Lee-Eiford, A., Mocz, G., Phillipson, C. A., Tang, W.-J. Y., and Gibbons, B. H. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 2780-2786). The decrease in intact alpha and beta heavy chain material is biphasic, with about 80% being lost with a half-time of 8-10 min, and the remainder more slowly. Five other axonemal polypeptides of Mr greater than 350,000 are lost similarly, concomitant with the appearance of at least 9 new peptides of Mr 150,000-250,000. The motility of irradiated sperm flagella upon subsequent dilution into reactivation medium containing 1 mM ATP and 2.5 mM catechol shows a progressive decrease in flagellar beat frequency for irradiation times that produce up to about 50% cleavage of the dynein heavy chains; more prolonged irradiation causes irreversible loss of motility. Competition between photocleaved and intact outer arm dynein for rebinding to dynein-depleted sperm flagella shows that cleavage has little effect upon the ability for rebinding, although the cleaved dynein partially inhibits subsequent motility. Substitution of MnATP for the MgATP in the irradiation medium prevents the loss of all of the axonemal polypeptides during irradiation for up to 60 min and also protects the potential for subsequent flagellar motility. It is concluded that loss of the five axonemal polypeptides upon irradiation results from a Vi-sensitized photocleavage similar to that which occurs in the alpha and beta heavy chains of outer arm dynein and that these polypeptides represent Vi-inhibitable ATPase subunits of dyneins located in the inner arms and possibly elsewhere in the flagellar axoneme.  相似文献   

We report here on the UV-induced vanadate-dependent cleavage of the alpha and beta heavy chains of the outer arm dynein from Chlamydomonas flagella. Both polypeptides are cleaved at a single site (termed the V1 site) by UV irradiation in the presence of Mg2+, ATP, and vanadate. The alpha chain yields fragments of Mr 290,000 and 190,000. Fragments of Mr 255,000 and 185,000 are obtained from the beta chain. Ultraviolet irradiation of the alpha and beta chains in the presence of vanadate and Mn2+ (but no nucleotide) induces cleavage of both molecules at sites (termed the V2 sites) distinct from the V1 sites. The single V2 site within the beta chain is located 75,000 daltons from the site of V1 cleavage within the Mr 255,000 V1 fragment. The alpha chain contains three distinct sites of V2 cleavage; all are located within the Mr 290,000 V1 fragment, 60,000, 90,000, and 100,000 daltons from the site of V1 cleavage. From these studies, we estimate the masses of the alpha and beta heavy chains to be 480,000 and 440,000 daltons, respectively.  相似文献   

A rapid and selective peptide-bond cleavage in weak acid, induced by microwave irradiation, has been developed. The specific cleavage sites of peptide bonds located only at the carboxyl-and amino-terminal ends of aspartyl residues along the peptide chain. A systematic study including the time course for the cleavage of various aspartyl-containing peptides, the effect of the acidity of the reaction solution on the completeness of peptide-bond cleavage, and the relationship between the power of microwave irradiation and the reaction time of cleavage are studied.  相似文献   

Rate of ATP synthesis by dynein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rates of ATP synthesis and release by the dynein ATPase were determined in order to estimate thermodynamic parameters according to the pathway: (Formula: see text). Dynein was incubated with high concentrations of ADP and Pi to drive the net synthesis of ATP, and the rate of ATP production was monitored fluorometrically by production of NADPH through a coupled assay using hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The turnover number for the rate of release of ATP from 22S dynein was 0.01 s-1 per site at pH 7.0, 28 degrees C, assuming a molecular weight of 750 000 per site. The same method gave a rate of ATP synthesis by myosin subfragment 1 of 3.4 X 10(-4) s-1 at pH 7.0, 28 degrees C. The rate of ATP synthesis at the active site was estimated from the time dependence of medium phosphate-water oxygen exchange. Dynein was incubated with ADP and [18O] Pi, and the rate of loss of the labeled oxygen to water was monitored by 31P NMR. A partition coefficient of 0.31 was determined, which is equal to k-2/(k-2 + k3). Assuming k3 = 8 s-1 [Johnson, K.A. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 13825-13832], k-2 = 3.5 s-1. From the rates of ATP binding and hydrolysis measured previously (Johnson, 1983), the equilibrium constants for ATP binding and hydrolysis could be calculated: K1 = 5 X 10(7) M-1 and K2 = 14.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An important challenge is to understand the functional specialization of dynein heavy chains. The ciliary outer arm dynein from Tetrahymena thermophila is a heterotrimer of three heavy chains, called alpha, beta and gamma. In order to dissect the contributions of the individual heavy chains, we used controlled urea treatment to dissociate Tetrahymena outer arm dynein into a 19S beta/gamma dimer and a 14S alpha heavy chain. The three heavy chains remained full-length and retained MgATPase activity. The beta/gamma dimer bound microtubules in an ATP-sensitive fashion. The isolated alpha heavy chain also bound microtubules, but this binding was not reversed by ATP. The 19S beta/gamma dimer and the 14S alpha heavy chain could be reconstituted into 22S dynein. The intact 22S dynein, the 19S beta/gamma dimer, and the reconstituted dynein all produced microtubule gliding motility. In contrast, the separated alpha heavy chain did not produce movement under a variety of conditions. The intact 22S dynein produced movement that was discontinuous and slower than the movement produced by the 19S dimer. We conclude that the three heavy chains of Tetrahymena outer arm dynein are functionally specialized. The alpha heavy chain may be responsible for the structural binding of dynein to the outer doublet A-tubule and/or the positioning of the beta/gamma motor domains near the surface of the microtubule track.  相似文献   

As shown in the preceding paper (Toyoshima, Y. Y., 1987, J. Cell Biol., 105:887-895) three-headed Tetrahymena 22S dynein consists of three heavy chains (HCs) and is decomposed into two-headed (H) and one-headed (L) fragments by chymotryptic digestion. To accurately determine the presence of multiple ATPases and ultimately the location of various domains, it is necessary to determine the identity of each HC fragment relative to the original HCs in 22S dynein. The degradation pathway of each HC was determined by peptide mapping and immunoblotting. The three HCs (A alpha, A beta, and A gamma) were immunologically different; although SDS-urea gel electrophoresis showed that A gamma HC was apparently resistant to the digestion, actually three distinct HCs contributed to the same band alternately. H fragment was derived from A beta and A gamma HCs, whereas L fragment originated from A alpha HC. Since both fragments were associated with ATPase activity, these results directly demonstrate the presence of multiple ATPase sites in Tetrahymena 22S dynein.  相似文献   

Cilia and flagella are assembled by intraflagellar transport (IFT) of protein complexes that bring tubulin and other precursors to the incorporation site at their distal tip. Anterograde transport is driven by kinesin, whereas retrograde transport is ensured by a specific dynein. In the protist Trypanosoma brucei, two distinct genes encode fairly different dynein heavy chains (DHCs; ∼40% identity) termed DHC2.1 and DHC2.2, which form a heterodimer and are both essential for retrograde IFT. The stability of each heavy chain relies on the presence of a dynein light intermediate chain (DLI1; also known as XBX-1/D1bLIC). The presence of both heavy chains and of DLI1 at the base of the flagellum depends on the intermediate dynein chain DIC5 (FAP133/WDR34). In the IFT140RNAi mutant, an IFT-A protein essential for retrograde transport, the IFT dynein components are found at high concentration at the flagellar base but fail to penetrate the flagellar compartment. We propose a model by which the IFT dynein particle is assembled in the cytoplasm, reaches the base of the flagellum, and associates with the IFT machinery in a manner dependent on the IFT-A complex.  相似文献   

Two heavy chains of 21S dynein from sea urchin sperm flagella   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The biochemical properties of 21S dynein derived from sea urchin sperm flagella and of its components dissociated by low salt treatment were studied. SDS-urea gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the 21S dynein preparation contains two distinct heavy chains. These two heavy chains, termed A alpha and A beta, had apparently the same molecular weight of 500,000 but showed different mobilities on SDS-urea gels. The isoelectric points of A alpha and A beta heavy chains were 5.7 and 5.2, respectively, in the presence of urea. Proteolytic digestion patterns of these two heavy chains were clearly different, but the amino acid compositions were similar. Low salt treatment and sucrose density gradient centrifugation could partially separate the components of 21S dynein into two fractions: the one with larger sedimentation coefficient contained the A alpha heavy chain, and the other with smaller sedimentation coefficient contained the A beta heavy chain and three intermediate chains. These two fractions showed distinctly different kinetic properties, and thus may play different roles in dynein-microtubule interaction.  相似文献   

The ATPase activity of native dynein 1 from sea urchin sperm flagella is activated reversibly by inorganic monovalent chlorides with the magnitude of activation being nearly independent of the cation below 0.3 M. At higher concentrations, activation increases in the order LiCl greater than NH4Cl greater than NaCl greater than KCl, with the maximum occurring at about 0.8 M in all cases. The sodium halides activate reversibly in the order NaI greater than NaBr greater than NaCl, but NaF is strongly inhibitory. The presence of the organic anions formate, acetate, or propionate favors the native low ATPase activity state, with lithium acetate giving little activation at up to 1 M and sodium acetate partially reversing the activation due to simultaneous presence of 0.6 M NaCl. The sedimentation rate of the dynein does not change between 0.2 and 0.8 M NaCl or sodium acetate, suggesting that the effects of the anions on ATPase activity are due to local changes near the catalytic site, rather than to large-scale changes in the molecular structure. All the agents that activate the dynein ATPase, either reversibly (halides) or irreversibly (Triton X-100), decrease its sensitivity to inhibition by vanadate, consistent with ATPase activation being the result of a decreased stability of the dynein. ADP.Pi kinetic intermediate that is thought to bind vanadate at the gamma-Pi site and act as a dead-end kinetic block. Although many divalent cations, including Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+, can support dynein ATPase activity, the magnitude of ATPase increase observed upon treatment with Triton X-100 is greatest with Mg2+ and Mn2+, which are also the only cations capable of supporting the motility of demembranated flagella at rates similar to those observed in vivo.  相似文献   

The multi-dynein hypothesis [Asai, 1995: Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 32:129-132] states: (1) there are many different dynein HC isoforms; (2) each isoform is encoded by a different gene; (3) different isoforms have different functions. Many studies provide evidence in support of the first two statements [Piperno et al., 1990: J Cell Biol 110:379-389; Kagami and Kamiya, 1992: J Cell Sci 103:653-664; Gibbons, 1995: Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 32:136-144; Porter et al., 1996: Genetics 144:569-585; Xu et al., 1999: J Eukaryot Microbiol 46:606-611] and there is evidence that outer arms and inner arms play different roles in flagellar beating [Brokaw and Kamiya, 1987: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 8:68-75]. However, there are few studies rigorously testing in vivo whether inner arm dyneins, especially the 1-headed inner arm dyneins, play unique roles. This study tested the third tenet of the multi-dynein hypothesis by introducing mutations into three inner arm dynein HC genes (DYH8, 9 and 12) that are thought to encode HCs associated with 1-headed inner arm dyneins. Southern blots, Northern blots, and RT-PCR analyses indicate that all three mutants (KO-8, 9, and 12) are complete knockouts. Each mutant swims slower than the wild-type cells. The beat frequency of KO-8 cells is lower than that of the wild-type cells while the beat frequencies of KO-9 and KO-12 are not different from that of wild-type cells. Our results suggest that each inner arm dynein HC is essential for normal cell motility and cannot be replaced functionally by other dynein HCs and that not all of the 1-headed inner arm dyneins play the same role in ciliary motility. Thus, the results of our study support the multi-dynein hypothesis [Asai, 1995: Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 32:129-132].  相似文献   

Two membrane fractions prepared from the Ehrlich ascites-tumor cell show non-identical stimulatory responses to certain amino acids in their Mg2+-dependent activity to cleave ATP, despite the presence of ouabain and the absence of Na+ or K+. The first of these, previously described, shows little (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, and is characteristically stimulated by the presence of certain diamino acids with low pK2, and at pH values suggesting that the cationic forms of these amino acids are effective. The evidence indicates that these effects are not obtained through occupation of the kinetically discernible receptor site serving characteristically for the uphill transport of these amino acids into the Ehrlich cell. The second membrane preparation was purified with the goal of concentrating the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity. It also is stimulated by the model diamino acid, 4-amino-1-methylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid, and several ordinary amino acids. The diamino acids were most effective at pH values where the neutral zwitterionic forms might be responsible. Among the optically active amino acids tested, the effects of ornithine and leucine were substantially stronger for the l than for d isomers. The list of stimulatory amino acids again corresponds poorly to any single transport system, although the possibility was not excluded that stimulation might occur for both preparations by occupation of a membrane site which ordinarily is kinetically silent in the transport sequence. The high sensitivity to deoxycholate and to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide of the hydrolytic activity produced by the presence of l-ornithine and 4-amino-1-methyl-piperidine-4-carboxylic acid suggests that the stimulatory effect is not merely a general intensification of the background Mg+-dependent hydrolytic activity.  相似文献   

Vanadate selectively inhibited dynein ATPase, 10?7M causing 50% inhibition under favorable conditions. Actomyosin ATPase was inhibited only by up to a thousand times higher concentration. In both cases vanadate inhibition was not competitive with ATP. Reversal by catecholamines was correlated with reduction of vanadate. The motility of demembranated sea urchin or mammalian sperm was arrested by vanadate concentrations similar to those which inhibited dynein ATPase; a thousand times higher concentration was needed to paralyze live sperm. The possible utility of vanadate sensitivity as a probe for dynein involvement in non-axonemal motile systems was explored with respect to brain ATPase associated with tubulin obtained by cycles of assembly, and ATPases associated with mitotic apparatus isolated from sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of sea urchin flagellar dynein ATPase have been reinvestigated using a continuous assay which regenerates ATP and contains P1,P5-di(adenosine-5')pentaphosphate, a potent adenylate kinase inhibitor. Earlier studies (Shimizu, T. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 4347-4354) revealed complex, highly cooperative kinetics with respect to MgATP2- concentration in the absence of this inhibitor. With Ap5A, the kinetics are characteristic of classical Michaelis-Menten enzymes. Isolated 21 S and 14S enzyme forms were also examined, and their kinetic parameters are presented Vanadate inhibition patterns in the presence of P1,P5-di(adenosine-5')pentaphosphate lose their nonlinear character, and we observe linear noncompetitive inhibition of the "mixed" type.  相似文献   

Vanadate produced dissociation of rigor-activated (calcium-free) fibres or rabbit m. psoas muscle in the presence of the studied various natural analogs of ATP (NTP) at optimal concentrations. By the degree of sensitivity to vanadate it is possible to establish the order ATP approximately greater than CTP greater than UTP greater than ITP greater than GTP. This series corresponds to the order for actomyosin NTPases qualitatively. Addition of corresponding NDP to fibres produced a decrease of the rigor fibres tension. Vanadate in comparable concentrations does not change the mechanical properties of fibres in the presence of NDP. At high concentration (greater than 10 mM) vanadate produced relaxation of the rigor fibres even in the absence of nucleotides. This effect is irreversible.  相似文献   

Two membrane fractions prepared from the Ehrlich ascites-tumor cell show non-identical stimulatory responses to certain amino acids in their Mg+2 -dependent activity to cleave ATP, despite the presence of ouabain and the absence of Na+ or K+. The first of these, previously described, shows little (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, and is characteristicallly stimulated by the presence of certain diamino acids with low pK2, and at pH values suggesting that the cationic forms of these amino acids are effective. The evidence indicates that these effects are not obtained through occupation of the kinetically discernible receptor site serving characteristically for the uphill transport of these amino acids into the Ehrlich cell. The second membrane preparation was purified with the goal of concentrating the (Na+ +K+)-ATPase activity. It also is stimulated by the model diamino acid, 4-amino-1-methylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid, and several ordinary amino acids. The diamino acids were most effective at pH values where the neutral zwitterionic forms might be responsible. Among the optically active amino acids tested, the effects of ornithine and leucine were substantially stronger for the L than for the D isomers. The list of stimulatory amino acids again corresponds poorly to any single transport system, although the possibility was not excluded that stimulation might occur for both preparations by occupation of a membrane site which ordinarily is kinetically silent in the transport sequence. The high sensitivity to deoxycholate and to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide of the hydrolytic activity produced by the presence of L-ornithine and 4-amino-1-methyl-piperidine-4-carboxylic acid suggests that the stimulatory effect is not merely a general intensification of the background Mg+ -dependent hydrolytic activity.  相似文献   

Axonemal dyneins are force-generating ATPases that produce ciliary and flagellar movement. A dynein has large heavy chain(s) in which there are multiple (4-6) ATP-binding consensus sequences (P-loops) as well as intermediate and light chains, constituting a very large complex. We purified a monomeric form of dynein (dynein-a) that has at least three light chains from 14S dyneins of Tetrahymena thermophila and characterized it. In in vitro motility assays, dynein-a rotated microtubules around their longitudinal axis as well as translocated them with their plus-ends leading. ATPase activity at 1 mM ATP was doubled in the presence of a low level of ADP (> or = 20 microM). Both ATPase activity and translocational velocities in the presence of ADP (> or = 20 microM) fit the Michaelis-Menten equation well. However, in the absence of ADP (< 0.1 microM), neither of the activities followed the Michaelis-Menten-type kinetics, probably due to the effect of two ATP-binding sites. Our results also indicate that dynein-a has an ATP-binding site that is very sensitive to ADP and affects ATP hydrolysis at the catalytic site. This study shows that a monomeric form of a dynein molecule regulates its activity by direct binding of ATP and ADP to itself, and thus the dynein molecule has an intramolecular regulating system.  相似文献   

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