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Escherichia coli strain 334 is a human enterotoxigenic strain of serotype O15:H11 which had previously been shown to produce 'attachment pili'. These fimbriae were compared with other colonization factors. From strain 334 a mannose-resistant haemagglutination positive colony 334A and a mannose-resistant haemagglutination negative variant 334C were isolated. By electron microscopy the fimbriae of strain 334A were shown to have a helical structure resembling coli-surface-associated antigen (CS5) fimbriae. An antiserum was raised to strain 334A and absorbed with a fimbriae-negative variant of that strain, 334C. By immuno-electron microscopy this antiserum was shown to coat fimbriae of strain 334A but not CS5 fimbriae produced by strain E17018A. Conversely, CS5 antiserum did not coat the fimbriae produced by strain 334A. No antigenic cross-reaction was detected between these intact fimbriae when anti-strain 334A serum and CS5 antiserum were used in immunodiffusion tests. By enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) the fimbriae of strain 334A were shown to be antigenically unrelated to most other human ETEC adhesins, namely colonization factor antigens (CFA/I, CFA/III and CFA/IV), coli-surface-associated antigens (CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS6 and CS17) and putative colonization factors (PCFO159:H4 and PCFO166). However, a heated suspension of strain 334A reacted weakly with CS5 antiserum in an ELISA. By SDS-PAGE the fimbriae of strain 334A were shown to consist of subunits of similar size to CS5 subunits, that is about 21.5 kDa. Western immunoblotting revealed that the subunits of 334A and CS5 fimbriae shared common epitopes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The tip adhesin FasG of the 987P fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli mediates two distinct adhesive interactions with brush border molecules of the intestinal epithelial cells of neonatal piglets. First, FasG attaches strongly to sulfatide with hydroxylated fatty acyl chains. This interaction involves lysine 117 and other lysine residues of FasG. Second, FasG recognizes specific intestinal brush border proteins that migrate on a sodium-dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel like a distinct set of 32-35-kDa proteins, as shown by ligand blotting assays. The protein sequence of high performance liquid chromatography-purified tryptic fragments of the major protein band matched sequences of human and murine histone H1 proteins. Porcine histone H1 proteins isolated from piglet intestinal epithelial cells demonstrated the same SDS-PAGE migration pattern and 987P binding properties as the 987P-specific protein receptors from porcine intestinal brush borders. Binding was dose-dependent and shown to be specific in adhesion inhibition and gel migration shift assays. Moreover, mapping of the histone H1 binding domain suggested that it is located in their lysine-rich C-terminal domains. Histone H1 molecules were visualized on the microvilli of intestinal epithelial cells by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Taken together these results indicated that the intestinal protein receptors for 987P are histone H1 proteins. It is suggested that histones are released into the intestinal lumen by the high turnover of the intestinal epithelium. Their strong cationic properties can explain their association with the negatively charged brush border surfaces. There, the histone H1 molecules stabilize the sulfatide-fimbriae interaction by simultaneously binding to the membrane and to 987P.  相似文献   

The hemagglutination (HA) by pilus antigen 987P of an enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strain 987 was examined using fresh and glutaraldehyde (GA)-fixed erythrocytes (RBC) of various animals. Only when GA-fixed RBC was employed, a strain 987 exhibited striking HA activities. This was also demonstrated by using latex heads sensitized with the 987P antigen. The 987P-specific antiserum inhibited HA of strain 987 and 987P sensitized latex beads against GA-fixed RBC. We concluded that HA of strain 987 against GA-fixed RBC was specifically associated with the presence of 987P pilus antigen but do not exclude a possibility that adhesin is distinct from pili antigen.  相似文献   

CS3是肠毒素源性大肠杆菌的菌毛蛋白,是一种很强的免疫原。研究了利用CS3菌毛作为异源抗原决定簇载体的可能性。在计算机分析预测CS3亚基的抗原表位区、二级结构的基础上,运用PCR定点突变在CS3亚基结构基因中引入了SacⅡ酶切位点序列,插入编码霍乱毒素B亚基抗原表位CTP3的DNA序列,构建了表达CS3/CTP3的重组菌株。电镜和免疫电镜观察证明,CS3/CTP3以杂合菌毛的形式存在于菌体表面,SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳显示了CS3/CTP3杂合蛋白的存在。口服和腹腔注射免疫Bal b/c小鼠,该重组菌株可诱发抗CS3和抗CTP3的双重免疫应答。结果表明CS3可以作为表达异源抗原决定簇的表达载体,可望成为研制口服粘膜免疫多价疫苗的新型系统。  相似文献   

CS3 fimbriae, which are the strong immunogen, are produced by human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). The possibility of using CS3 as a carrier of foreign antigenic determinants was investigated. A SacⅡ site sequence was inserted into the structural gene of CS3 subunit by site-specific mutagenesis based on analyzing and predicting the properties of the proteins. A recombinant strain expressing CS3/CTP3 hybrid fimbriae was constructed by inserting the sequence encoding CTP3 into the SacII site created by directed mutagenesis in the structural gene of CS3 subunit and transforming the recombinant plasmid into the host of DH5α. The result of SDS-PAGE showed that the hybrid CS3/CTP3 molecules were the fusion proteins with molecular masses of about 18.5 ku. Inoculating mice orally and intraperitoneally showed that both antibodies against CS3 and CTP3 were elicited. These results indicate that CS3 pili could be an exposure vector for heterologous antigenic determinants and become a powerful tool for the development of oral vaccines directed against mucosal pathogens.  相似文献   

CS3 fimbriae, which are the strong immunogen, are produced by human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). The possibility of using CS3 as a carrier of foreign antigenic determinants was investigated. A SacII site sequence was inserted into the structural gene of CS3 subunit by site-specific mutagenesis based on analyzing and predicting the properties of the proteins. A recombinant strain expressing CS3/CTP3 hybrid fimbriae was constructed by inserting the sequence encoding CTP3 into the SacII site created by directed mutagenesis in the structural gene of CS3 subunit and transforming the recombinant plasmid into the host of DH5α. The result of SDS-PAGE showed that the hybrid CS3/CTP3 molecules were the fusion proteins with molecular, masses of about 18.5 ku. Inoculating mice orally and intraperitoneally showed that both antibodies against CS3 and CTP3 were elicited. These results indicate that CS3 pill could be an exposure vector for heterologous antigenic determinants and become a powerful tool for  相似文献   

The enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains 1676, 1706, 1751 and KEC96a, which do not produce fimbrial adhesive antigens of the K88, K99 or 987P antigen type reacted both in vitro and in vivo with antiserum to F41 fimbriae in an indirect immunofluorescent antibody technique. Antiserum used to demonstrate material B, an adhesive antigen thought to mediate the adhesive and mannose-resistant (MR) haemagglutinating properties of E. coli strains 1676, 1706 and 1751, reacted in vitro with an F41+ strain. The antiserum also inhibited the MR haemagglutinating activity of F41 antigen and gave an anionic precipitation line in immunoelectrophoresis experiments with an extract containing F41 antigen. The MR haemagglutinating properties of an antigen extract containing material B from E. coli strain 1706 was neutralized by antiserum to F41 fimbriae and by OK antisera to E. coli strains that produce both F41 and K99 fimbriae. These sera also gave an anionic precipitation line with the MR haemagglutinin from E. coli strain 1706 and the MR haemagglutinin gave a line of identity with F41 in gel diffusion experiments with antiserum to F41 fimbriae. OK antisera to K99+ F41- bacteria and OK antisera to K88+ bacteria and 987P+ bacteria did not react with this haemagglutinin. Transmission electron microscopy on the ileum of newborn gnotobiotic piglets infected with E. coli strain 1706 showed irregular, poorly defined filamentous material surrounding some,though not all, bacteria but regular fimbrial structures were not visible.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

K88菌毛介导产肠毒索性大肠杆菌在小肠上皮细胞的粘附,是引起新生仔猪腹泻的主要致病因子之一.菌毛的合成与装配是由fae操纵子调控的,fae操纵子包含10个基,faeA-fae J,其中有些基因表达菌毛装配所需的各种结构蛋白、分子伴侣和调控因子.菌毛的装配过程是由fae操纵子调控,通过分子伴侣,锚定蛋白的相互协同作用完成,组装成结构蛋白的多聚体.继阐明K88菌毛装配调控机理之后,K88菌毛在非毒素源性大肠杆菌及其它原核生物中装配也取得成功,同时菌毛结构蛋白在真核生物中组装也取得了很大进展.  相似文献   

Fimbrial extracts from porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains carrying F6 (987P) intestinal colonization factor antigen wereobtained using the thermal shock method. The extracts were analyzed by SDSPAGE and immunoblotting using different fimbriae-specific antisera. Two major protein bands with molecular masses of 17.5 and 21.9 kDa were detected. The 21.9-kDa band was identified as the major subunit of F6 fimbrial antigen in strains of serogroups O9 and O141. The 17.5-kDa band was associated with porcine strains of serogroups O9 and O20.  相似文献   

Abstract The 987P fimbrial antigen was purified from a spontaneous overproducing variant. The protein was characterized with respect to M r, amino acid sequence and partial covalent structure. The purified protein was used for vaccination trials, and excellent protection of piglets upon challenge with 987P positive enterotoxigenic strains was seen.  相似文献   

Assembly proteins of CS1 pili of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Some strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli associated with human diarrhoeal disease produce a class of pili represented by those called CS1. For the assembly of the major-pilin subunit, CooA, into pili, each of four linked genes, cooB,A,C, and D, is required. In this study, we have determined the subcellular localization of CooB, C and D, and investigated the molecular interactions of these proteins using specific antisera. CooD appears to be an integral pilus protein because it co-purifies with, and is strongly associated with, CS1 pili. In keeping with its role as an assembly protein, the CooD minor pilin (when overexpressed in CS1-piliated strains) was detected in periplasmic inter-molecular complexes with the major-pilin subunit CooA. CooB is an assembly protein found exclusively in the periplasm of CS1-piliated strains. CooB also forms periplasmic intermolecular complexes with CooA, but does not constitute part of the final pilus structure. Immunoblot analysis of cell fractions showed that CooC is an outer membrane protein of CS1-piliated E. coli. Based on this information, we have proposed a model for CS1 -pilus assembly which is very similar to the model for polymerization of the PapA pilin of uropathogenic E. coli. As the assembly proteins of Pap and CS1 pili are structurally unrelated, this may represent a case of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Expression of fimA, the structural gene for type 1 fimbriae of Escherichia coli, is phase variable. Significant homologies were identified between the recombinases which control fimbrial phase variation, FimB and FimE, and the integrase class of site-specific recombinases. Normal expression of fimA was shown to require the integration host factor (IHF). Mutations in either the himA-or the himD (hip) gene, which encode the alpha and beta subunits of IHF, respectively, prevented phase variation and locked expression of fimA in either the "on" or "off" phase. In addition, both himA and himD lesions caused a sevenfold reduction in expression of a phi(fimA-lacZ) operon fusion in strains in which fimA was locked in the on phase. Thus, IHF plays a dual role in controlling fimA expression: it is required both for inversion of the fimA control region and for efficient expression from the fimA promoter. A mechanism by which IHF may exert control over fimA expression is discussed.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic F4-fimbriated Escherichia coli is associated with diarrheal disease in neonatal and postweaning pigs. The F4 fimbriae mediate attachment of the bacteria to the pig intestinal epithelium, enabling an efficient delivery of diarrhea-inducing enterotoxins to the target epithelial cells. There are three variants of F4 fimbriae designated F4ab, F4ac and F4ad, respectively, having different antigenic and adhesive properties. In the present study, the binding of isolated F4ab, F4ac and F4ad fimbriae, and F4ab/ac/ad-fimbriated E. coli, to glycosphingolipids from erythrocytes and from porcine small intestinal epithelium was examined, in order to get a comprehensive view of the F4-binding glycosphingolipids involved in F4-mediated hemagglutination and adhesion to the epithelial cells of porcine intestine. Specific interactions between the F4ab, F4ac and F4ad fimbriae and both acid and non-acid glycosphingolipids were obtained, and after isolation of binding-active glycosphingolipids and characterization by mass spectrometry and proton NMR, distinct carbohydrate binding patterns were defined for each fimbrial subtype. Two novel glycosphingolipids were isolated from chicken erythrocytes, and characterized as GalNAcα3GalNAcß3Galß4Glcß1Cer and GalNAcα3GalNAcß3Galß4GlcNAcß3Galß4Glcß1Cer. These two compounds, and lactosylceramide (Galß4Glcß1Cer) with phytosphingosine and hydroxy fatty acid, were recognized by all three variants of F4 fimbriae. No binding of the F4ad fimbriae or F4ad-fimbriated E. coli to the porcine intestinal glycosphingolipids occurred. However, for F4ab and F4ac two distinct binding patterns were observed. The F4ac fimbriae and the F4ac-expressing E. coli selectively bound to galactosylceramide (Galß1Cer) with sphingosine and hydroxy 24:0 fatty acid, while the porcine intestinal glycosphingolipids recognized by F4ab fimbriae and the F4ab-fimbriated bacteria were characterized as galactosylceramide, sulfatide (SO3-3Galß1Cer), sulf-lactosylceramide (SO3-3Galß4Glcß1Cer), and globotriaosylceramide (Galα4Galß4Glcß1Cer) with phytosphingosine and hydroxy 24:0 fatty acid. Finally, the F4ad fimbriae and the F4ad-fimbriated E. coli, but not the F4ab or F4ac subtypes, bound to reference gangliotriaosylceramide (GalNAcß4Galß4Glcß1Cer), gangliotetraosylceramide (Galß3GalNAcß4Galß4Glcß1Cer), isoglobotriaosylceramide (Galα3Galß4Glcß1Cer), and neolactotetraosylceramide (Galß4GlcNAcß3Galß4Glcß1Cer).  相似文献   

Pathogenic enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are the major bacterial cause of diarrhea in young children in developing countries and in travelers, causing significant mortality in children. Adhesive fimbriae are a prime virulence factor for ETEC, initiating colonization of the small intestinal epithelium. Similar to other Gram‐negative bacteria, ETEC express one or more diverse fimbriae, some assembled by the chaperone‐usher pathway and others by the alternate chaperone pathway. Here, we elucidate structural and biophysical aspects and adaptations of each fimbrial type to its respective host niche. CS20 fimbriae are compared with colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) fimbriae, which are two ETEC fimbriae assembled via different pathways, and with P‐fimbriae from uropathogenic E. coli. Many fimbriae unwind from their native helical filament to an extended linear conformation under force, thereby sustaining adhesion by reducing load at the point of contact between the bacterium and the target cell. CFA/I fimbriae require the least force to unwind, followed by CS20 fimbriae and then P‐fimbriae, which require the highest unwinding force. We conclude from our electron microscopy reconstructions, modeling and force spectroscopy data that the target niche plays a central role in the biophysical properties of fimbriae that are critical for bacterial pathophysiology.  相似文献   

CS1 is one of a limited number of serologically distinct pili found in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains associated with disease in people. The genes for the CS1 pilus are on a large plasmid, pCoo. We show that pCoo is not self-transmissible, although our sequence determination for part of pCoo shows regions almost identical to those in the conjugative drug resistance plasmid R64. When we introduced R64 into a strain containing pCoo, we found that pCoo was transferred to a recipient strain in mating. Most of the transconjugant pCoo plasmids result from recombination with R64, leading to acquisition of functional copies of all of the R64 transfer genes. Temporary coresidence of the drug resistance plasmid R64 with pCoo leads to a permanent change in pCoo so that it is now self-transmissible. We conclude that when R64-like plasmids are transmitted to an ETEC strain containing pCoo, their recombination may allow for spread of the pCoo plasmid to other enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are an important cause of diarrheal morbidity in developing countries, especially in children and also of traveler's diarrhea. Colonization factors (CFs) of ETEC, like CFA/I and CS2 which are genetically and structurally related, play a substantial role in pathogenicity, and since intestinal–mucosal immune responses against CFs appear to be protective, much effort has focused on the development of a CF-based ETEC vaccine. We have constructed hybrid operons in which the major CS2 subunit-encoding cotA gene was inserted into the CFA/I operon, either replacing (hybrid I) or being added to the major CFA/I subunit-encoding cfaB gene (hybrid II). Using specific monoclonal antibodies against the major subunits of CFA/I and CS2, high levels of surface expression of both fimbrial subunits were shown in E. coli carrying the hybrid II operon. Oral immunization of mice with formalin-killed bacteria expressing hybrid II fimbriae induced strong CFA/I- and CS2-specific serum IgG + IgM and fecal IgA antibody responses, which were higher than those achieved by similar immunization with the reference strains. Bacteria expressing hybrid fimbriae are potential candidate strains in an oral-killed CF-ETEC vaccine, and the approach represents an attractive and novel means of producing a broad-spectrum ETEC vaccine.  相似文献   

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