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Protein purification by affinity binding to unilamellar vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel purification technique is proposed which employs affinity-ligand-modified liposomes to specifically purify bioactive macromolecules from solution. This process is demonstrated with avidin as the model biomolecule and biotin as the affinity ligand. Biotin is covalently bound to the surface of small unilamellar vesicles composed of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dimyristoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE). The number of accessible binding sites on the liposomes is determined by titration with avidin, and the kinetics of binding are evaluated by monitoring the concentration of free avidin in solution after the addition of biotinylated liposomes. The specificity of the process is determined by following the affinity binding of avidin to biotinylated liposomes in the presence of model impurities (i.e., lysozyme and cytochrome C). Liposome-bound avidin is separated from the impurities by ultrafiltration through a membrane which retains the liposomes.  相似文献   

Kinetics of melittin binding to phospholipid small unilamellar vesicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have used the decrease in the fluorescence intensity of the single tryptophan residue of bee venom melittin at long emission wavelengths that accompanies binding of the peptide to phospholipid small unilamellar vesicles to determine the rate of binding through the use of stopped-flow fluorometry in the millisecond range. We have found the rate to depend on the degree of saturation of the lipid acyl chains as well as on the physical state of the bilayer, the net electric charge of the polar headgroups, and the lipid-to-melittin molar ratio R. For zwitterionic lipids (i) the binding process is found to exhibit negative cooperativity, and (ii) the rate-limiting step appears to be penetration of the protein into the hydrophobic region of the bilayer. For negatively charged lipids the results show that binding is a very fast process that seems to be electrostatic in nature.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional networks of filamentous actin (F-actin) encapsulated inside phosphatidylcholine liposomes are currently being used in an effort to model the cytoskeleton and plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells. In this article, unilamellar lipid vesicles consisting of egg yolk-derived phosphatidylcholine encapsulating monomeric actin (G-actin) were made via extrusion in low ionic strength buffer (G-buffer). Vesicle shape and structure in these dispersions was studied using a combination of fluid-tapping atomic force microscopy, and multiangle static light scattering. After subjecting the liposome dispersion to high ionic strength polymerization buffer (F-buffer) containing K(+) ions, atomic force microscopy imaging and light scattering of these liposomes indicated the formation of specialized structures, including an overall liposome structure transformation from spherical to torus, disk-shaped geometries and tubular assemblies. Several atomic force microscopy control measurements were made to ascertain that the specialized structures formed were not due to free G-actin and F-actin self-assembling on the sample surface, plain liposomes exposed to G- and F-buffer, or liposomes encapsulating G-actin. Liposomes encapsulating G-actin assumed mostly thin disk shapes and some large irregularly shaped aggregates. In contrast, liposomes encapsulating polymerized actin assumed mostly torus or disk shapes along with some high aspect ratio tubular structures.  相似文献   

Inadvertent intravenous administration of bupivacaine, unlike that of lidocaine, is associated with significant cardiotoxicity. However, the mechanism(s) underlying this phenomenon is uncertain. High concentrations of cardiolipin, an anionic phospholipid, are found in the mitochondria membrane of cardiomyocytes. We hypothesized that bupivacaine, but not lidocaine, interacts avidly with cardiolipin in the mitochondria membrane of cardiomyocytes and alters its integrity thereby accounting, in part, for cardiotoxicity. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to begin to address this issue by determining the effects of bupivacaine and lidocaine on permeability of cardiolipin-containing biomimetic small unilamellar liposomes. We found that bupivacaine, but not lidocaine, elicited a significant, concentration-dependent increase in carboxyfluorescein release from cardiolipin-containing small unilamellar liposomes (size, 165 nm) composed of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol (p < 0.05). Both drugs had no significant effects on carboxyfluorescein release from liposomes devoid of cardiolipin (p > 0.5). Collectively, these data indicate that bupivacaine, but not lidocaine, interacts avidly and selectively with biomimetic small unilamellar liposomes containing cardiolipin and disrupts their integrity. We suggest that these interactions underlie, in part, bupivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

Mono esters of a homologous series of diacids of dihydrotestosterone were synthesized and converted to the corresponding n-butyl amides. The relative binding affinities of these amides to androgen receptor were compared with the degree of purification of rat prostate androgen receptor by affinity columns prepared by linking the steroidal acid to amino Sepharose. There was good correlation between binding of the amide model to androgen receptor and the extent of purification by the affinity resin.  相似文献   

We investigated the intrahepatic distribution of small unilamellar liposomes injected intravenously into rats at a dose of 0.10 mmol of lipid per kg body weight. Sonicated liposomes consisting of cholesterol/sphingomyelin (1:1), (A); cholesterol/egg phosphatidylcholine (1:1), (B); cholesterol/sphingomyelin/phosphatidylserine (5:4:1), (C) or cholesterol/egg-phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylserine (5:4:1), (D) were labeled by encapsulation of [3H]inulin. The observed differences in rate of blood elimination and hepatic accumulation (A much less than B approximately equal to C less than D) confirmed earlier observations and reflected the rates of uptake of the four liposome formulations by isolated liver macrophages in monolayer culture. Fractionation of the liver into a parenchymal and a non-parenchymal cell fraction revealed that 80-90% of the slowly clearing type-A liposomes were taken up by the parenchymal cells while of the more rapidly eliminated type-B liposomes even more than 95% was associated with the parenchymal cells. Incorporation of phosphatidylserine into the sphingomyelin-based liposomes caused a significant increase in hepatocyte uptake but a much more substantial increase in non-parenchymal cell uptake, resulting in a major shift of the intrahepatic distribution towards the non-parenchymal cell fraction. For the phosphatidylcholine-based liposomes incorporation of phosphatidylserine did not increase the already high uptake by the parenchymal cells while uptake by the non-parenchymal cells was only moderately elevated; this resulted in only a small shift in distribution towards the non-parenchymal cells. The phosphatidylserine-induced increase in liposome uptake by non-parenchymal liver cells was paralleled by an increase in uptake by the spleen. Fractionation of the non-parenchymal liver cells in a Kupffer cell fraction and an endothelial cell fraction showed that even for the slowly eliminated liposomes of type A endothelial cells do not participate to a measurable extent in the elimination process, thus excluding involvement of fluid-phase pinocytosis in the uptake process.  相似文献   

A novel method is described for the preparation of sterile submicron unilamellar liposomes. The method is based on the lyophilization of double emulsions containing disaccharides as lyoprotectants in both the inner and outer aqueous phase. Using various phospholipids or mixtures of lipids as emulsifiers, the double emulsions can be prepared by a two-step emulsification, including hydrophilic agents in the inner aqueous phase or lipophilic agents in the oil phase. Then, the double emulsions are lyophilized after sterilization by passing them through a 0.22-microm pore filter. Rehydration of the lyophilized products results in liposomes with a relatively high encapsulation efficiency (for calcein, 87%; 5-fluorouracil, 19%; flurbiprofen, 93%) and a size below 200 nm measured by the dynamic light scattering technique (DLS) and the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The liposomes were found to be unilamellar from freeze-fracture electron micrographs and X-ray diffraction patterns. In addition, the liposomes can be reconstituted just before use by rehydration of the lyophilized products which are relatively stable. Thus, this reproducible and simple technique can be used to prepare sterilized, submicron unilamellar liposomes with a relatively high encapsulation efficiency, and excellent stability during long-term storage.  相似文献   

The effects of the position in the membrane of the doxyl group on the rate of reduction by external ascorbate were studied in large unilamellar liposomes. The key factor increasing the rate of reduction was the degree of partitioning of the nitroxide into the aqueous phase; the doxyl group's proximity to the surface of the membrane was not a major factor. Consistent with the latter finding, factors that increased the rate of membrane permeation by ascorbate did not have major effects on the observed rates of reduction. We conclude that in this system the external aqueous medium is the primary site of reduction of the doxyl stearates and the doxyl stearates are in effective equilibrium between the membrane and aqueous phases.  相似文献   

A novel method is described for the preparation of sterile submicron unilamellar liposomes. The method is based on the lyophilization of double emulsions containing disaccharides as lyoprotectants in both the inner and outer aqueous phase. Using various phospholipids or mixtures of lipids as emulsifiers, the double emulsions can be prepared by a two-step emulsification, including hydrophilic agents in the inner aqueous phase or lipophilic agents in the oil phase. Then, the double emulsions are lyophilized after sterilization by passing them through a 0.22-μm pore filter. Rehydration of the lyophilized products results in liposomes with a relatively high encapsulation efficiency (for calcein, 87%; 5-fluorouracil, 19%; flurbiprofen, 93%) and a size below 200 nm measured by the dynamic light scattering technique (DLS) and the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The liposomes were found to be unilamellar from freeze-fracture electron micrographs and X-ray diffraction patterns. In addition, the liposomes can be reconstituted just before use by rehydration of the lyophilized products which are relatively stable. Thus, this reproducible and simple technique can be used to prepare sterilized, submicron unilamellar liposomes with a relatively high encapsulation efficiency, and excellent stability during long-term storage.  相似文献   

The interaction of the antineoplastic agent adriamycin with sonicated liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine alone and with small amounts (1-6%) of cardiolipin has been studied by fluorescence techniques. Equilibrium binding data show that the presence of cardiolipin increases the amount of drug bound to liposomes when the bilayer is below its phase transition temperature and when the ionic strength is relatively low (0.01 M). At higher ionic strength (0.15 M) and above the Tm (i.e. conditions which are closer to the physiological state) the binding of the drug to the two liposome types is nearly the same. Thus the differences in the interactions of adriamycin with cardiolipin-containing membranes, as opposed to those composed of phosphatidylcholine alone, are not due simply to increased binding but rather to an altered membrane structure when this lipid is present. Quenching of adriamycin fluorescence by iodide shows that bound drug is partially, but not completely, buried in the liposomal membrane. Both in the presence and absence of cardiolipin the bulk of the adriamycin is more accessible to the quencher below the Tm than above it; that is, a solid membrane tends to exclude the drug from deep penetration. Above the Tm, the presence of cardiolipin alters the nature of liposome-adriamycin interaction. Here the fluorescence quenching data suggest that the presence of small amounts of cardiolipin (3%) in a phosphatidylcholine matrix creates two types of binding environments for drug, one relatively exposed and the other more deeply buried in the membrane. The temperature dependence of the adriamycin fluorescence and the liposome light scattering reveal that cardiolipin alters the thermal properties of the bilayer as well as its interaction with adriamycin. At low ionic strength lateral phase separations may occur with both pure phosphatidylcholine and when 3% cardiolipin is present; under these conditions the bound adriamycin exists in two kinds of environment. It is notable that only adriamycin fluorescence reveals this phenomenon; thebulk property of liposome light scattering reports only on the overall membrane phase change. These data suggest that under certain conditions the drug binding sites in the membranes are decoupled from the bulk of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Phospholipids with covalently attached poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG lipids) are commonly used for the preparation of long circulating liposomes. Although it is well known that lipid/PEG-lipid mixed micelles may form above a certain critical concentration of PEG-lipid, little is known about the effects of PEG-lipids on liposome structure and leakage at submicellar concentrations. In this study we have used cryogenic transmission electron microscopy to investigate the effect of PEG(2000)-PE on aggregate structure in preparations of liposomes with different membrane compositions. The results reveal a number of important aggregate structures not documented before. The micrographs show that enclosure of PEG-PE induces the formation of open bilayer discs at concentrations well below those where mixed micelles begin to form. The maximum concentration of PEG-lipid that may be incorporated without alteration of the liposome structure depends on the phospholipid chain length, whereas phospholipid saturation or the presence of cholesterol has little or no effect. The presence of cholesterol does, however, affect the shape of the mixed micelles formed at high concentrations of PEG-lipid. Threadlike micelles form in the absence of cholesterol but adapt a globular shape when cholesterol is present.  相似文献   

Direct contact between lipids solubilized by octyl glucoside and Amberlite XAD-2 beads yielded large liposomes (240 nm diameter) with no residual detergent molecules, in less than 10 min. This extemporaneous preparation of liposomes was prepared with a detergent/bead ratio no higher than 0.12 (mumol/mg) and a phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylserine/cholesterol molar ratio of 1:1:1. The liposomes were mainly unilamellar, as deduced from thin section and freeze-fracture electron micrographs and from measurement of calcein incorporation into the vesicles. The relatively large internal volume of these vesicles (8.9 l/mol lipid) accounts for the high percentage of entrapped material observed. The percentage increased with lipid concentration, but could not be increased above 20% corresponding to 20 mM total lipids.  相似文献   

The temperature-dependent drug leakage from liposomes composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (4:1, by weight) was studied. Experiments were performed in Hepes buffer and 50% fetal calf serum. Large unilamellar liposomes were formed by the reverse phase evaporation process and extruded through a series of polycarbonate membranes with pore sizes of 0.4, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.08 μm. The release of the water soluble radioisotopes cytosine 1-β-D-[3H]arabinofuranoside and [3H]inulin from the aqueous compartment of these liposomes was measured as a function of time and temperature. Both radioisotopes were released at temperatures near 42°C, the solid-to-liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature of these lipids. The percent drug release decreased as the size of the liposomes was reduced. This effect was more pronounced in Hepes buffer than serum. The release of both radioisotopes was greatest at 40°C in Hepes buffer and at 43°C in 50% fetal calf serum. In addition, the rate of drug release was much faster in serum than in buffer. These results suggest that different drug release processes are occurring in buffer and in serum.  相似文献   

Dexamethasone (9-fluoro-16α-methyl-116,17,21-trihydroxy-1,4-pregnadiene-3, 20-dione) binding proteins from rat liver cytosol were purified approximately 6470 fold by the use of an affinity column in which deoxycorticosterone was linked to CH-Sepharose 4B through a disulfide linkage. The receptor proteins were eluted from the column by washing with β-mercaptoethanol. A preliminary Sephadex G-200 filtration step of the cytosol was necessary in order to separate the dexamethasone binding proteins from other glucocorticoid receptors.  相似文献   

Affinity precipitation using stimulus-responsive biopolymers such as elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs) have been successfully employed for the purification of monoclonal antibodies. In the current work, we extend these studies to the development of an ELP-peptide fusion for the affinity precipitation of the therapeutically relevant small non-mAb biologic, AdP. A 12-mer affinity peptide ligand (P10) was identified by a primary phage biopanning followed by a secondary in-solution fluorescence polarization screen. Peptide P10 and AdP interacted with a KD of 19.5 µM. A fusion of P10 with ELP was then shown to be successful in selectively capturing the biologic from a crude mixture. While pH shifts alone were not sufficient for product elution, the use of pH in concert with fluid-phase modifiers such as NaCl, arginine, or ethylene glycol was effective. In particular, the use of pH 8.5 and an arginine concentration of 500 mM enabled >80% product recovery. The overall process performance evaluated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase ultra-performance liquid chromatography analyses indicated successful single-step purification of the biologic from an Escherichia coli lysate resulting in ∼90% purity and >80% recovery. These results demonstrate that phage display can be readily employed to identify a peptide ligand capable of successfully carrying out the purification of a non-antibody biological product using ELP-based affinity precipitation.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation of cholesterol into unilamellar liposomes greatly increased the transmembranous movement of hydrophobic ionophores such as nigericin. In reconstituted liposomes containing rhodopsin as the only protein, the presence of cholesterol lowers by 10-fold or more the amount of nigericin required to eliminate the light-driven proton gradient. These effects are seen both above and below the transition temperature of the phospholipid used for reconstitution.Cholesterol similarly increases the ability of A-23187, 1799, or NH4SCN to collapse the proton gradient of bacteriorhodopsin vesicles. Cholesterol also lowers the concentration of nigericin or valinomycin required for a rapid translocation of Rb+ into protein-free liposomes. It also lowers the concentration of A-23187 required for the release of Ca45 trapped in protein-free liposomes. In contrast to these observations and in confirmation of previous findings, we observed that cholesterol decreased the permeability of liposomes for glucose. Thus the effects of cholesterol on the permeability of the membrane vary with the chemical nature of the permeating compounds. We have also confirmed that in multilamellar liposomes cholesterol decreases the permeability of Rb+ in the presence of valinomycin. It therefore appears that the effect of cholesterol changes with the size and structural features of the model membranes.  相似文献   

Small unilamellar phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine liposomes incubated on one side of planar phosphatidylserine bilayer membranes induced fluctuations and a sharp increase in the membrane conductance when the Ca2+ concentration was increased to a threshold of 3–5 mM in 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.4. Under the same ionic conditions, these liposomes fused with large (0.2 μm diameter) single-bilayer phosphatidylserine vesicles, as shown by a fluorescence assay for the mixing of internal aqueous contents of the two vesicle populations. The conductance behavior of the planar membranes was interpreted to be a consequence of the structural rearrangement of phospholipids during individual fusion events and the incorporation of domains of phosphatidylcholine into the Ca2+-complexed phosphatidylserine membrane. The small vesicles did not aggregate or fuse with one another at these Ca2+ concentrations, but fused preferentially with the phosphatidylserine membrane, analogous to simple exocytosis in biological membranes. Phosphatidylserine vesicles containing gramicidin A as a probe interacted with the planar membranes upon raising the Ca2+ concentration from 0.9 to 1.2 mM, as detected by an abrupt increase in the membrane conductance. In parallel experiments, these vesicles were shown to fuse with the large phosphatidylserine liposomes at the same Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Small unilamellar phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine liposomes incubated on one side of planar phosphatidylserine bilayer membranes induced fluctuations and a sharp increase in the membrane conductance when the Ca2+ concentration was increased to a threshold of 3--5 mM in 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.4. Under the same ionic conditions, these liposomes fused with large (0.2 micrometer diameter) single-bilayer phosphatidylserine vesicles, as shown by a fluorescence assay for the mixing of internal aqueous contents of the two vesicle populations. The conductance behavior of the planar membranes was interpreted to be a consequence of the structural rearrangement of phospholipids during individual fusion events and the incorporation of domains of phosphatidylcholine into the Ca2+-complexed phosphatidylserine membrane. The small vesicles did not aggregate or fuse with one another at these Ca2+ concentrations, but fused preferentially with the phosphatidylserine membrane, analogous to simple exocytosis in biological membranes. Phosphatidylserine vesicles containing gramicidin A as a probe interacted with the planar membranes upon raising the Ca2+ concentration from 0.9 to 1.2 mM, as detected by an abrupt increase in the membrane conductance. In parallel experiments, these vesicles were shown to fuse with the large phosphatidylserine liposomes at the same Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

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