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To explore the feasibility of performing an epidemiologic study of female breast cancer and magnetic field (MF) exposures, we chose to study garment workers, who reportedly have some of the highest MF exposures. We collected personal exposure (PE, n = 48) and survey measurements (n = 77) near commercial sewing machines at three garment facilities and conducted a pilot interview among 25 garment workers asking about exposure duration, activities, and machine characteristics. MF levels were higher for older machines with alternating current (AC) than newer machines with direct current (DC) motors. MF levels were comparable for both idling and sewing activities. Most interviewed workers could describe duration of exposure and machine type (automatic/manual), but not other machine characteristics. Measurements were lower than previously reported for garment workers but were higher than exposures to most women. A historical exposure assessment can be conducted by linking duration of exposure with reconstructed exposure measurements but may be limited by the accuracy of work history data.  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological studies suggest a link between transport magnetic fields (MF) and certain adverse health effects. We performed measurements in workplaces of engineers on Russian DC and Swiss AC powered (16.67 Hz) electric trains using a computer based waveform capture system with a 200 Hz sampling rate. MF in DC and AC trains show complex combinations of static and varying components. The most probable levels of quasistatic MF (0.001-0.03 Hz) were in the range 40 microT. Maximum levels of 120 microT were found in DC powered locomotives. These levels are much higher than the geomagnetic field at the site of measurements. MF encountered both in DC and AC powered rail systems showed irregular temporal variability in frequency composition and amplitude characteristics across the whole frequency range studied (0-50 Hz); however, more than 90% of the magnetic field power was concentrated in frequencies 相似文献   

Some studies have demonstrated that a few biological systems are affected by weak, extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs), lower than 10 mT. However, to date there is scanty evidence of this effect on Protists in the literature. Due to their peculiarity as single-cell eukaryotic organisms, Protists respond directly to environmental stimuli, thus appearing as very suitable experimental systems. Recently, we showed the presence of propionylcholinesterase (PrChE) activity in single-cell amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum. This enzyme activity was assumed to be involved in cell-cell and cell-environment interactions, as its inhibition affects cell aggregation and differentiation. In this work, we have exposed single-cell amoebae of D. discoideum to an ELF-EMF of about 200 microT, 50 Hz, for 3 h or 24 h at 21 degrees C. A delay in the early phase of the differentiation was observed in 3 h exposed cells, and a significant decrease in the fission rate appeared in 24 h exposed cells. The PrChE activity was significantly lower in 3 h exposed cells than in the controls, whereas 24 h exposed cells exhibited an increase in this enzyme activity. However, such effects appeared to be transient, as the fission rate and PrChE activity values returned to the respective control values after a 24 h stay under standard conditions.  相似文献   

Extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic field exposure systems are usually subject to field disturbances induced by external sources. Here, a method for designing a feedback control system for cancelling the effect of external ELF magnetic field disturbances on the magnetic field over the exposure area is presented. This method was used in the design of a feedback-controlled exposure system for an inverted microscope stage. The effectiveness of the proposed feedback control system for disturbance rejection was verified experimentally and by means of computer simulation. Bioelectromagnetics 18:299–306, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigated the problem of the influence of 50 Hz magnetic field (MF) on human heart rate variability (HRV). The exposure system was a commercial device for magnetotherapy, generating field of the strength of 500 microT at the center of the coil, 150-200 microT at the position of human subjects' heart and 20-30 microT at the position of subjects' head. The exposure protocols, applied randomly, were either "half hour MF-off/half hour MF-on" or "half hour MF-off/half hour MF-off." The phonocardiographic (PhCG) signal of 15 volunteers were obtained during exposure and used for calculation of time-domain HRV parameters (mean time between heart beats (N-N), standard deviation of time between heart beats (SDNN), and the number of differences of successive beat-to-beat intervals greater than 50 ms, divided by the total number of beat-to-beat intervals (pNN50)) and nonlinear HRV measures (approximate entropy (ApEn), detrended fluctuation scaling exponents). The protocol MF-off/MF-on was applied in nine subjects. Repeated measures ANOVA (RMANOVA) performed for Mf-off/MF-off protocol indicated no statistical difference among four 15 min intervals of HRV data (P value >20% for all parameters except for N-N, where P = 3.7%). RMANOVA followed by the post hoc Tukey test performed for Mf-off/MF-on protocol indicated a statistically significant difference during MF on for N-N (8% increase, P <.1%), SDNN (40% increase, P = 1.1%), and pNN50 (110% increase, P <.1%). The results of the analysis indicate that the changes of these parameters could be associated with the influence of MF.  相似文献   

The design, construction, and results of evaluation of an animal-exposure system for the study of biological effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields are described. The system uses a square coil arrangement based on a modification of the Helmholtz coil. Due to the cubic configuration of this exposure system, horizontal and vertical magnetic fields as high as 0.3 mT can be generated. Circularly polarized magnetic fields can also be generated by changing the current and phase difference between two sets of coils. Tests were made for uniformity of the magnetic field, stray fields, sham-exposure ratio of stray field, changes of temperature and humidity, light intensity and distribution inside the animal-housing space, and noise due to air-conditioning equipment. Variation of the magnetic field was less than 2% inside the animal housing. The stray-field level inside the sham-exposure system is less than 2% of experimental exposure levels. The system can be used for simultaneous exposure of 48 rats (2 to a cage) or 96 mice (4 to a cage). © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

A model has been developed that permits assessment of residential exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields emitted by appliances. It is based on volume- and time-averaging of magnetic-dipole fields. The model enables the contribution of appliances in the total residential exposure to be compared with that of other sources in any residence under study. Calculations based on measurements reported in the literature on 98 appliances revealed that appliances are not a significant source of whole-body exposure, but that they may be the dominant source of exposure of the body's extremities.  相似文献   

The incomplete understanding of the relation between power-frequency fields and biological responses raises problems in defining an appropriate metric for exposure assessment and epidemiological studies. Based on evidence from biological experiments, one can define alternative metrics or effects functions that embody the relationship between field exposure patterns and hypothetical health effects. In this paper, we explore the application of the “effects function” approach to occupational exposure data. Our analysis provides examples of exposure assessments based on a range of plausible effects functions. An EMDEX time series data set of ELF frequency (40–800 Hz) magnetic field exposure measurements for electric utility workers was analyzed with several statistical measures and effects functions: average field strength, combination of threshold and exposure duration, and field strength changes. Results were compared for eight job categories: electrician, substation operator, machinist, welder, plant operator, lineman/splicer, meter reader, and clerical. Average field strength yields a different ranking for these job categories than the ranks obtained using other biologically plausible effects functions. Whereas the group of electricians has the highest exposure by average field strength, the group of substation operators has the highest ranking for most of the other effects functions. Plant operators rank highest in the total number of field strength changes greater than 1 μT per hour. The clerical group remains at the lowest end for all of these effects functions. Our analysis suggests that, although average field strength could be used as a surrogate of field exposure for simply classifying exposure into “low” and “high,” this summary measure may be misleading in the relative ranking of job categories in which workers are in “high” fields. These results indicate the relevance of metrics other than average field strength in occupational exposure assessment and in the design and analysis of epidemiological studies. Bioelectromagnetics 18:365–375, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A series of four experiments was performed to determine the effect of exposure to a 50 Hz magnetic field on memory-related behaviour of adult, male C57BL/6J mice. Experimental subjects were exposed to a vertical, sinusoidal magnetic field at 0.75 mT (rms), for 45 min immediately before daily testing sessions on a spatial learning task in an eight-arm radial maze. Control subjects were only exposed to a background time-varying field of less than 50 nT and the ambient static field of about 40 μT. In each experiment, exposure significantly reduced the rate of acquisition of the task but did not affect overall accuracy. This finding is consistent with the results of another study that found that prior exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields affected spatial learning in rats. Bioelectromagnetics 19:79–84, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether low frequency magnetic field (MF) influences nighttime secretion of hormones, particularly melatonin. Ten healthy males stayed in the experimental room (2.7 m cube with 3 axis Merritt coils) on two separate nights. On one night, subjects were exposed to linearly polarized 50 Hz, 20 microT sinusoidal MF with the third (30%) and the fifth (10%) harmonics and repetitive transient waves (1 burst/s of 1 kHz waves, exponentially attenuated with a duration of 50 ms; initially 100 microT peak), and the other night was for blind control. During the nights (2000-0800 h, including sleeping time, 2300-0700 h), blood samples were collected from the subjects at 1 h intervals for determining the levels of plasma hormones (melatonin, growth hormone (GH), cortisol, prolactin) and at 10 min intervals from 2200 to 0200 h for observing the GH surge induced by sleep. Statistical analyses revealed no significant difference between the 2 nights in the profiles of the four hormones, and the result suggested that extremely low frequency (ELF) or intermediate frequency (IF) MF to which humans are exposed residentially has no acute effect on nighttime secretion of hormones, particularly melatonin.  相似文献   

The possibility of an association of early pregnancy loss (EPL) with residential exposure to ELF magnetic fields was investigated in a case-control study. Eighty-nine cases and 102 controls were obtained from the data of an earlier study aimed at investigating the occurrence of EPL in a group of women attempting to get pregnant. Magnetic-field exposure was characterized by measurements in residences. Strong magnetic fields were measured more often in case than in control residences. In an analysis based on fields measured at the front door, a cutoff score of 0.5 A/m (0.63 μT) resulted in an odds ratio of 5.1 (95% confidence interval 1.0–25). The results should be interpreted cautiously due to the small number of highly exposed subjects and other limitations of the data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

Magnetic field systems were added to existing electric field exposure apparatuses for exposing cell suspensions in vitro and small animals in vivo. Two horizontally oriented, rectangular coils, stacked one directly above the other, have opposite electric currents. This configuration minimizes leakage fields and allows sham- and field-exposure systems to be placed in the same room or incubator. For the in vitro system, copper plates formed the loop-pair, with up to 900 A supplied by a 180:1 transformer. Electric fields were supplied via electrodes at the ends of cell-culture tubes, eight of which can be accommodated by each exposure system. Two complete systems are situated in an incubator to allow simultaneous sham and field exposure up to 1 mT. For the in vivo system, four pairs of 0.8 x 2.7-m coils made of copper bus bar are employed. This arrangement is energized from the power grid via a 30:1 transformer; horizontal magnetic flux densities up to 1 mT can be generated. Pairs of electrode plates spaced 30.5 cm apart provide electric field exposure of up to 130 kV/m. Four systems with a capacity of 48 rats each are located in one room. For both the in vitro and in vivo systems, magnetic exposure fields are uniform to within +/- 2.5%, and sham levels are at least 2,500-fold lower than exposure levels. Potential confounding factors, such as heating and vibration, were examined and found to be minimal.  相似文献   

To provide possible laboratory support to health risk evaluation associated with long-term, low-intensity magnetic field exposure, 256 male albino rats and an equal number of control animals (initial age 12 weeks) were exposed 22 h/day to a 50 Hz magnetic flux density of 5 μmT for 32 weeks (a total of about 5000 h). Hematology was studied from blood samples before exposure to the field and at 12 week intervals. Morphology and histology of liver, heart, mesenteric lymph nodes, and testes as well as brain neurotransmitters were assessed at the end of the exposure period. In two identical sets of experiments, no significant differences in the investigated variables were found between exposed and sham-exposed animals. It is concluded that continuous exposure to a 50 Hz magnetic field of 5 μT from week 12 to week 44, which makes up ?70% of the life span of the rat before sacrifice, does not cause changes in growth rate, in the morphology and histology of liver, heart, mesenteric lymph nodes, testes, and bone marrow, in hematology and hematochemistry, or in the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In occupational environments, an increasing number of electromagnetic sources emitting complex magnetic field waveforms in the range of intermediate frequencies is present, requiring an accurate exposure risk assessment with both in vitro and in vivo experiments. In this article, an in vitro exposure system able to generate complex magnetic flux density B‐fields, reproducing signals from actual intermediate frequency sources such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, for instance, is developed and validated. The system consists of a magnetic field generation system and an exposure apparatus realized with a couple of square coils. A wide homogeneity (99.9%) volume of 210 × 210 × 110 mm3 was obtained within the coils, with the possibility of simultaneous exposure of a large number of standard Petri dishes. The system is able to process any numerical input sequence through a filtering technique aimed at compensating the coils' impedance effect. The B‐field, measured in proximity to a 1.5 T MRI bore during a typical examination, was excellently reproduced (cross‐correlation index of 0.99). Thus, it confirms the ability of the proposed setup to accurately simulate complex waveforms in the intermediate frequency band. Suitable field levels were also attained. Moreover, a dosimetry index based on the weighted‐peak method was evaluated considering the induced E‐field on a Petri dish exposed to the reproduced complex B‐field. The weighted‐peak index was equal to 0.028 for the induced E‐field, indicating an exposure level compliant with the basic restrictions of the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection. Bioelectromagnetics 34:211–219, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In Hungary it is typical that 10/04 kV transformer stations are being installed in multistory residential and office buildings. Magnetic fields (MFs) up to several tens of microT have been measured in apartments close to transformers. The aim of the present study was to provide systematic assessment of MF exposure of residents living above transformer stations. Out of 41 addresses provided by the electricity supplier, current load of 21 transformers and MF in 21 apartments was measured. Spot MFs at 1 m height and time weighted average 24 h MF exposure at bed height was measured. All-day personal MF exposure was measured at waist and HOME exposure was calculated. BED exposure was measured at bed height. Participants kept a time-activity diary. The time-weighted average 24 h MF exposure (3.03 microT) exceeded the usual residential exposure (<0.2 microT). The mean HOME and BED personal exposure above transformers was 0.825 and 1.033 microT, respectively. Our study provides exposure assessment of a cohort with a wider exposure range, compared to power-line epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

The evidence of magnetic field (MF) effects on melatonin production in humans is limited and inconsistent. Part of the inconsistencies might be explained by findings suggesting interaction with light in pineal responses to MFs. To test this hypothesis, we reanalyzed data from a previously published study on 6-hydroxy melatonin sulfate (6-OHMS) excretion in women occupationally exposed to extremely low-frequency MFs. Based on questionnaire data on exposure to light-at-night (LAN), and measurement-based MF data, the 60 women were classified to four groups: no MF, no LAN; MF, no LAN; no MF, LAN; MF, LAN. The lowest excretion of 6-OHMS was observed in the group of women who were exposed to both MF and LAN, and the differences between the four groups were significant (P < .0001). The result is based on low numbers, but supports the hypothesis that daytime occupational exposure to MF enhances the effects of nighttime light exposure on melatonin production.  相似文献   

The facility consists of a 12 × 11.5 × 2.4 m high room containing six sets of exposure apparatus and the other equipment necessary to maintain a pathogen-free system. The apparatus sets produced 5 mT (rms), 0.5 mT, or a sham exposure. The apparatus was arranged in the room to minimize the fringing field of the 5 mT set at the sham position. Each set was 3.85 × 1.80 × 0.66 m in outside dimension, containing 24 cages in the magnetically homogeneous region. The apparatus was designed using Harvey's figure-eight-configuration and generated a horizontal sinusoidal alternating field. In order to save electric power, the coil of the apparatus constituted a 50 Hz LC resonance circuit with a condensor bank to which electric power was supplied to compensate losses. Magnetic flux density was kept constant by controlling the coil current. Although mild steel was used in the skeleton of the building, the fringing flux at the sham was as low as 0.1 to 1 μT. Stainless steel was used for ventilating ducts, racks for the cages, cage covers, feeder baskets, and watering nozzles. The homogeneity of the field was measured to be ± 10% in the animal residence area, and food and water consumption was found to be unaffected by the field. At 5 mT, the coil current was 370 A, and the hollow coil was cooled by a stream of 20°C water to prevent both heat and dew on the coil surface. Vibration and acoustic noise was prevented by fiber reinforced plastic framework of the coil. High harmonic distortion was not observed at the output terminal of the coil driver. The facility has operated without trouble for 2 years. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigates the individual magnetic field exposures at 16 2/3 and 50 Hz of 1952 people, selected from the Bavarian population. Personal flux density meters ("Field Watcher FW2A") were worn by the participants for 24 h. Every second, the flux density was recorded for both frequencies and for the three spatial axes (dynamic range per axis: several nT up to 100 microT at 50 Hz, 150 microT at 16 2/3 Hz). For 50 Hz fields, the mean of the 1,952 individual means was 0.101 microT and that of the individual medians was 0.047 microT. High level exposures occurred mainly during working hours. Only 2.4% of the subjects showed individual medians higher than 0.2 microT. About 53% of all volunteers were working on the day of recording. Levels for craftsmen (n = 148; mean individual mean: 0.166 microT) were generally higher than those for office workers (n = 624; mean individual mean: 0.107 microT). Flux densities exceeding 100 microT at 50 Hz were measured in 31 persons. The total time with such extreme exposures amounts to nearly 21 min, less than 0.001% of the total time for all measurements (5.3 years). To our knowledge, this is the first exposure study where 16 2/3 Hz magnetic fields (caused by electrified railways) have additionally been monitored over 24 h. For persons living next to railway lines, the mean individual mean (0.156 microT) and mean individual median (0.102 microT) were calculated. Over all, the mean exposures are only 0.1% of the magnetic flux density limit for 50 Hz (100 microT) and about 0.05% of the limit (300 microT) for 16 2/3 Hz recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.  相似文献   

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