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Infectious diseases are recognized as significant contributors to the dramatic loss of corals observed worldwide. However, the causes of increased coral disease prevalence and severity are not well understood. One potential factor is elevated nutrient concentration related to localized anthropogenic activities such as inadequate waste water treatment or terrestrial runoff. In this study the effect of nutrient enrichment on the progression of black band disease (BBD) was investigated using both in situ and laboratory experiments. Experimental increases in localized nutrient availability using commercial time release fertilizer in situ resulted in doubling of BBD progression and coral tissue loss in the common reef framework coral Siderastrea siderea. Laboratory experiments in which artificially infected S. siderea colonies were exposed to increased nitrate concentrations (up to 3 μM) demonstrated similar increases in BBD progression. These findings provide evidence that the impacts of this disease on coral populations are exacerbated by nutrient enrichment and that management to curtail excess nutrient loading may be important for reducing coral cover loss due to BBD.  相似文献   

Black band disease (BBD) is a migrating, cyanobacterial dominated, sulfide-rich microbial mat that moves across coral colonies lysing coral tissue. While it is known that BBD sulfate-reducing bacteria contribute to BBD pathogenicity by production of sulfide, additional mechanisms of toxicity may be involved. Using HPLC/MS, the cyanotoxin microcystin was detected in 22 field samples of BBD collected from five coral species on nine reefs of the wider Caribbean (Florida Keys and Bahamas). Two cyanobacterial cultures isolated from BBD, Geitlerinema and Leptolyngbya sp. contained microcystin based on HPLC/MS, with toxic activity confirmed using the protein phosphatase inhibition assay. The gene mcyA from the microcystin synthesis complex was detected in two field samples and from both BBD cyanobacterial cultures. Microcystin was not detected in six BBD samples from a different area of the Caribbean (St Croix, USVI) and the Philippines, suggesting regional specificity for BBD microcystin. This is the first report of the presence of microcystin in a coral disease.  相似文献   

On Bermuda reefs the brain coral Diploria labyrinthiformis is rarely documented with black band disease (BBD), while BBD-affected colonies of Diploria strigosa are common. D. labyrinthiformis on these reefs may be more resistant to BBD or less affected by prevailing environmental conditions that potentially diminish host defenses. To determine whether light and/or temperature influence BBD differently on these two species, infection experiments were conducted under the following experimental treatments: (1) 26 °C, ambient light; (2) 30 °C, ambient light; (3) 30 °C, low light; and (4) 30 °C, high light. A digital photograph of the affected area of each coral was taken each day for 7 days and analyzed with ImageJ image processing software. The final affected area was not significantly different between species in any of the four treatments. BBD lesions were smaller on both species infected under ambient light at 26 °C versus 30 °C. Low light at 30 °C significantly reduced the lesion size on both species when compared to colonies infected at the same temperature under ambient light. Under high light at 30 °C, BBD lesions were larger on colonies of D. strigosa and smaller on colonies of D. labyrinthiformis when compared to colonies infected under ambient light at the same temperature. The responses of both species suggests that BBD progression on both D. strigosa and D. labyrinthiformis is similarly influenced by a combination of light and temperature and that other factors present before infections become established likely contribute to the difference in BBD prevalence in Bermuda.  相似文献   

 Well-preserved, Holocene coral reefs provide the opportunity to discriminate between models of intrinsically driven succession and extrinsically driven species replacement, especially when paleontological patterns can be combined with ecological observations of the underlying mechanisms. Rhomboid shoals in the central shelf lagoon of the Belizean Barrier Reef experienced a recent and dramatic change in community composition. Agaricia tenuifolia replaced Acropora cervicornis as the dominant coral species at 3–15 m depth along the flanks of the reefs. We tested the hypothesis that shallowing upward caused this shift in dominance. A core extracted from 0.5 m water depth on one of the shoals, Channel Cay, revealed a shallowing-upward shift in dominance from Acropora to Porites divaricata. This successional sequence was quite different from the Acropora-to-Agaricia transition observed in four cores from 6–11 m water depth. Ecological observations showed that Agaricia became the dominant at ≥3 m depth after Acropora populations were decimated by a regional outbreak of white-band disease. The Acropora-to-Agaricia transition was clearly a case of extrinsically driven species replacement rather than an intrinsically driven, successional, shallowing-upward sequence. Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

Field observations of black Sigatoka disease symptom development were made on banana plants from four sites (30 m apart) within an unsprayed plantation of dimensions 100 m × 200 m in Costa Rica during two field visits: October 1993-February 1994 (wet to dry season) and April-September 1995 (dry to wet season). From these observations, estimates of the symptom-free period and the average rate of symptom development (during the symptomatic phase) were made for each leaf. No significant differences were found between sites in rates of symptom development in either 1993/94 or 1995, or in symptom-free period for 1993/94 (data were not suitable to test for between-site differences in symptom-free period for 1995). This suggests that forecasts would not have to take into account differences in location within this small plantation. Symptom-free time decreased over the 1995 observation period, was less than in 1993/94 and correlated with increases in hours per day at a relative humidity (r.h.) of 100%. Because plantations may be sprayed many times per year, forecasts have to be sensitive to short-term changes in disease severity. Seasonal trends in some more rapidly-and easily-assessed characters (number of disease-free leaves, disease scores of specific leaves and average disease scores of entire plants) accurately reflected trends in the more detailed observations of symptom severity, hours per day at 100% r.h. and numbers of leaves unfurling per unit time. This suggests that these could be used as indicators of changes in disease severity in a forecasting scheme.  相似文献   

I. Hawes 《Hydrobiologia》1993,252(3):203-209
Annual and perennial cyanobacterial mats from streams on Signy Island, Antarctica, show similar areal concentrations of chlorophyll-a and areal rates of photosynthesis. Maximum rates of photosynthesis were temperature dependant over the range 0–14 C, with a Q10 of approximately 2.5. Rates of photosynthesis per unit chlorophyll-a were comparable to other Antarctic mat communities but low compared to phytoplankton from upstream lakes. Areal rates of photosynthesis were however much higher than for phytoplankton. Low chlorophyll-specific rates of photosynthesis are interpreted as the effect of self shading within the mats. It is hypothesised that these mats rapidly attenuate incoming radiation and that photosynthesis in most of the mat is effectively light-limited. This situation is likely to occur in all thick periphyton films.  相似文献   

Yellow band and dark spot syndromes have been frequently observed to affect coral species throughout the Caribbean within the last 10 years. These syndromes significantly impair at least three important reef-building species. Yellow band (also known as yellow blotch) appears as rings or blotches on Montastrea annularis throughout the Caribbean. The coral tissue necrosis occurs at a rate of approximately 0.6 cm/month. Transect measurements at various locations indicated that as many as 90% of M. annularis were affected by yellow band during 1997–98. Tissue samples reveal a 41–96.9% decrease in zooxanthellae/sample compared to healthy specimens, depending on distance from healthy tissue. Mitotic indices (MI) of zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae appearing as doublets) for M. annularis are 2.5%. MI in yellow band samples directly bordering healthy tissue are less than 0.9%, and zooxanthellae directly within the band bordering exposed skeleton had a mitotic index of 0.0%. This indicates impairment of zooxanthellae cell division in yellow band specimens. Zooxanthellae are not expelled and appear vacuolated and devoid of organelles. Dark spot, characterized by tissue necrosis as well as a depression of the colony surface, affects Stephanocoenia michelinii and Siderastrea siderea throughout the Caribbean. Transects showed that as many as 56% of S. michelinii and S. siderea showed signs of dark spot during 1997–98. Affected tissues of S. siderea died at a rate of 4.0 cm/month. In dark spot samples from S. siderea, the total number of zooxanthellae was 56% of that in healthy tissue; dark spot-affected specimens of S. michelinii showed a 14% decrease in the number of zooxanthellae compared to healthy tissue samples. Mitotic indices of zooxanthellae from healthy specimens of S. sidereawere 1.20% compared to 0.40% in dark spot samples. Mitotic indices of healthy S. michelinii were 1.54% compared to 0.23% in dark spot samples, also indicating a decrease in algal cell division. Zooxanthellae from dark spot tissue are swollen and darker in pigment. Due to the changes that are evident in the symbiotic algae, we suggest that both syndromes act primarily on the zooxanthellae symbiont, and secondarily on the cnidarian host.  相似文献   

Skeletal eroding band (SEB), which manifests as dense aggregations of the ciliate Halofolliculina corallasia, was the first coral disease described from the Indo-Pacific. Little is known about its etiology or impact. This study describes the distribution, prevalence and host range of SEB on a 500 km extent of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), together with in situ rates of progression and infection following experimental injury. SEB occurred on 90–100% of reefs surveyed (n=18) in each of 3 years, demonstrating that SEB is widely distributed and persistent. SEB had the highest prevalence of any disease, affecting approximately 2% of 283,486 scleractinians and hydrocorals surveyed. Its host range was large, affecting 12 families and at least 82 scleractinian species, as well as the hydrocoral, Millepora. Corals in the families Pocilloporidae and Acroporidae were most susceptible, the former being up to five times more susceptible than other families. Progressive tissue loss was recorded on 95% of Acropora muricata colonies monitored (n = 18), with rates of SEB progression averaging ∼2 mm/day. Injury experiments demonstrated that H. corallasia, the putative pathogen of SEB, readily colonised recently exposed coral skeleton in the absence of a vector, but did not colonise intact coral tissue. Invading ciliates failed to form band-like aggregations associated with progressive tissue loss on any of three coral species tested experimentally, suggesting that, while H. corallasia readily colonises recently exposed coral skeleton, it may not be sufficient in itself to cause tissue mortality. Interactions with additional agents or factors, increasing ciliate virulence or lowering disease resistance of coral hosts may be required before halofolliculinid infections become associated with tissue loss.  相似文献   

Synopsis The growth and reproduction of Cantigaster valentini were studied in two sites at Lizard Island, Australia. C. valentini was found to be a gonochore, with a sex ratio very close to 1:1; sexes could be distinguished externally. The growth (in length) of known individuals from both sites was measured at least every two months over two years. Growth rates of males and females decrease as their sizes increase. Growth rates differ between sexes and between sites: males generally grow faster than females and individuals at Mermaid Cove generally grow faster than individuals at Palfrey Island. Spawning is demersal, it occurs daily between 0800 and 1600h, and continues year-round. For females the interval between successive spawnings varies from about 4 days in the warm-water season to about 10 days in the cool-water season. From a comparison of local reproductive output and local recruitment survivorship of larvae in the plankton was estimated to be much higher than in another species (Pomacentrus wardi) for which a similar estimate was available. We suggest that some aspects of the reproductive strategy of C. valentini differ from other, non-toxic reef fishes in ways consistent with a reduced threat of predation upon adults, eggs, and larvae: courtship and spawning are unhurried and occur throughout most of the day; spawning is unrelated to lunar cycles; there is no parental care or defense of fertilized eggs; and embryos often hatch on rising tides.Centre for Environmental and Urban StudiesSenior author's present address: School of Biological Sciences F07, University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, N.S.W., Australia  相似文献   

In the present study we tested the ability of different antioxidant agents, used alone or in combination, to reduce the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and to increase the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity. Moreover, we tested the ability of such antioxidant agents to reduce the serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF &#102 . Fifty-six advanced stage cancer patients with tumors at different sites were included in the study: they were mainly stage III (12.5%) and stage IV (82.1%). The study was divided into two phases. In the 1 st phase 28 patients were divided into five groups and a single different antioxidant agent was administered to each group. The selected antioxidant agents were: alpha lipoic acid or carboxycysteine-lysine salt, amifostine, reduced glutathione, vitamin A plus vitamin E plus Vitamin C. In the 2 nd phase of the study 28 patients were divided into five groups and a combination of two different antioxidant agents was administered to each group. The antioxidant treatment was administered for 10 consecutive days. The patients were studied at baseline and after antioxidant treatment. Our results show that all single antioxidants tested were effective in reducing the ROS levels and three of them in increasing GPx activity, too. Among the combinations of antioxidant agents, three were effective in reducing ROS, while three were effective in increasing GPx activity (arm 4 was effective in both instances). Comprehensively, the "antioxidant treatment" was found to be effective both on ROS levels and GPx activity. Moreover, the antioxidant treatment was able to reduce serum levels of IL-6 and TNF &#102 . Furthermore, a correlation was shown between the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status of patients and blood levels of ROS, GPx activity, serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have received increasing attention in recent years by the global heath community, as they cumulatively constitute substantial burdens of disease as well as barriers for economic development. A number of common tropical diseases such as malaria, hookworm or schistosomiasis have well-documented economic impacts. However, much less is known about the population-level impacts of diseases that are rare but associated with high disability burden, which represent a great number of tropical diseases. Using an individual-based model of Buruli ulcer (BU), we demonstrate that, through feedbacks between health and economic status, such NTDs can have a significant impact on the economic structure of human populations even at low incidence levels. While average wealth is only marginally affected by BU, the economic conditions of certain subpopulations are impacted sufficiently to create changes in measurable population-level inequality. A reduction of the disability burden caused by BU can thus maximize the economic growth of the poorest subpopulations and reduce significantly the economic inequalities introduced by the disease in endemic regions.  相似文献   

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