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Low concentrations of free Ca2+ stimulated the hydrolysis of ATP by plasma membrane vesicles purified from guinea pig neutrophils and incubated in 100 mM HEPES/triethanolamine, pH 7.25. In the absence of exogenous magnesium, apparent values obtained were 320 nM (EC50 for free Ca2+), 17.7 nmol of Pi/mg X min (Vmax), and 26 microM (Km for total ATP). Studies using trans- 1,2-diaminocyclohexane- N,N,N',N',-tetraacetic acid as a chelator showed this activity was dependent on 13 microM magnesium, endogenous to the medium plus membranes. Without added Mg2+, Ca2+ stimulated the hydrolysis of several other nucleotides: ATP congruent to GTP congruent to CTP congruent to ITP greater than UTP, but Ca2+-stimulated ATPase was not coupled to uptake of Ca2+, even in the presence of 5 mM oxalate. When 1 mM MgCl2 was added, the vesicles demonstrated oxalate and ATP-dependent calcium uptake at approximately 8 nmol of Ca2+/mg X min (based on total membrane protein). Ca2+ uptake increased to a maximum of approximately 17-20 nmol of Ca2+/mg X min when KCl replaced HEPES/triethanolamine in the buffer. In the presence of both KCl and MgCl2, Ca2+ stimulated the hydrolysis of ATP selectively over other nucleotides. Apparent values obtained for the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase were 440 nM (EC50 for free Ca2+), 17.5 nmol Pi/mg X min (Vmax) and 100 microM (Km for total ATP). Similar values were found for Ca2+ uptake which was coupled efficiently to Ca2+-stimulated ATPase with a molar ratio of 2.1 +/- 0.1. Exogenous calmodulin had no effect on the Vmax or EC50 for free Ca2+ of the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase, either in the presence or absence of added Mg2+, with or without an ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N',-tetraacetic acid pretreatment of the vesicles. The data demonstrate that calcium stimulates ATP hydrolysis by neutrophil plasma membranes that is coupled optimally to transport of Ca2+ in the presence of concentrations of K+ and Mg2+ that appear to mimic intracellular levels.  相似文献   

The presence and significance of Na+-induced Ca2+ release from rat liver mitochondria was investigated by the arsenazo technique. Under the experimental conditions used, the mitochondria, as expected, avidly extracted Ca2+ from the medium. However, when the uptake pathway was blocked with ruthenium red, only a small rate of 'basal' release of Ca2+ was seen (0.3 nmol Ca2+ X min-1 X mg-1), in marked contrast to earlier reports on a rapid loss of sequestered Ca2+ from rat liver mitochondria. The addition of Na+ in 'cytosolic' levels (20 mM) led to an increase in the release rate by about 1 nmol Ca2+ X min-1 X mg-1. This effect was specific for Na+. The significance of this Na+-induced Ca2+ release, in relation to the Ca2+ uptake mechanism, was investigated (in the absence of uptake inhibitors) by following the change in the extramitochondrial Ca2+ steady-state level (set point) induced by Na+. A five-fold increase in this level, from less than 0.2 microM to more than 1 microM, was induced by less than 20 mM Na+. The presence of K+ increased the sensitivity of the Ca2+ homeostat to Na+. The effect of Na+ on the extramitochondrial level was equally well observed in an K+/organic-anion buffer as in a sucrose buffer. Liver mitochondria incubated under these circumstances actively counteracted a Ca2+ or EGTA challenge by taking up or releasing Ca2+, so that the initial level, as well as the Na+-controlled level, was regained. It was concluded that liver mitochondria should be considered Na+-sensitive, that the capacity of the Na+-induced efflux pathway was of sufficient magnitude to enable it to influence the extramitochondrial Ca2+ level biochemically and probably also physiologically, and that the mitochondria have the potential to act as active, Na+-dependent regulators of extramitochondrial ('cytosolic') Ca2+. It is suggested that changes of cytosolic Na+ could be a mediator between certain hormonal signals (notably alpha 1-adrenergic) and changes in this extramitochondrial ('cytosolic') Ca2+ steady state level.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles from a glucose-responsive insulinoma exhibited properties consistent with the presence of a membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchange. The exchange was rapid, reversible, and was dependent on the external Ca2+ concentration (Km = 4.1 +/- 1.1 microM). External Na+ inhibited the uptake in a dose-dependent manner (IC50 = 15 mM). Dissipation of the Na+ gradient by 10 microM monensin decreased Na+/Ca2+ exchange from 0.74 +/- 0.17 nmoles/mg protein/s to 0.11 +/- 0.05 nmoles/mg protein/s. Exchange was not influenced by veratridine, tetrodotoxin and ouabain, or by modifiers of cAMP. No effect was seen using the calcium channel blockers, nitrendipine or nifedipine. Glucose had no direct effect on Na+/Ca2+ exchange, while glyceraldehyde, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone inhibited the exchange. Na+ induced efflux of calcium was seen in Ca2+ loaded vesicles and was half maximal at [Na+] of 11.1 +/- 0.75 mM. Ca2+ efflux was dependent on [Na+], with a Hill coefficient of 2.7 +/- 0.07 indicating that activation of Ca2+ release involves a minimum of three sites. The electrogenicity of this exchange was demonstrated using the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium [( 3H]-TPP), a membrane potential sensitive probe. [3H]-TPP uptake increased transiently during Na+/Ca2+ exchange indicating that the exchange generated a membrane potential. These results show that Na+/Ca2+ exchange operates in the beta cell and may be an important regulator of intracellular free Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

电压门控钙通道受钙依赖性易化和失活两种相互对立的反馈机制调节.不同浓度的钙离子,通过作为钙感受器的钙调蛋白的介导,主要与钙通道α1亚基羧基端的多个不连续片段发生复杂的相互作用,分别引发钙依赖性易化和失活.钙/钙调蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶Ⅱ及其它钙结合蛋白等也参与此调节过程.新近研究表明,钙通道的钙依赖性调节机制失衡与心律失常等的发病机制密切相关.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that P2 receptors (P2Rs) in airway epithelial cells perform critical functions in auto- or paracrine regulation of fluid and mucus secretion. In the present study, we characterized the effects of P2R stimulation on Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter (NKCC) activity in normal human nasal epithelial (NHNE) cells. [Ca(2+)](i) and pH(i) were measured in primary cultures of NHNE cells using a double perfusion chamber, which enabled us to analyze membrane-specific transporter activities. NKCC activities were estimated by the pH(i) reduction due to Na(+)-dependent and bumetanide-sensitive intracellular uptake of NH(4)(+). NKCC activities were observed in the basolateral membrane, but not in the luminal membrane, of NHNE cells. Interestingly, P2Rs were expressed in both membranes, and the stimulation of either luminal or basolateral P2R increased NKCC activity. Blockades of luminal Cl(-) channels, basolateral K(+) channels, or protein kinase C did not affect the activation of NKCC by basolateral P2R stimulation. The effects of luminal P2R stimulation were partially reduced by Cl(-) channel blockers. However, chelation of intracellular Ca(2+) by 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) treatment completely blocked the stimulatory effects of luminal and basolateral P2Rs on NKCC. In addition, increasing [Ca(2+)](i) by treatment with ionomycin-stimulated NKCC activity. These results provide evidence that stimulation of P2Rs directly activates basolateral NKCC by Ca(2+)-dependent pathways in NHNE cells, which is an important aspect of the purinergic regulation of ion and fluid secretions in human airway epithelia under physiologic and pathologic conditions.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles isolated from rat liver exhibited an azide-insensitive Mg2+-ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump which accumulated Ca2+ at a rate of 5.1 +/- 0.5 nmol of calcium/mg of protein/min and reached a total accumulation of 33.2 +/- 2.6 nmol of calcium/mg of protein in 20 microM Ca2+ at 37 degrees C. Equiosmotic addition of 50 mM Na+ resulted in a loss of accumulated calcium. Measurement of Mg2+-ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake in the presence of 50 mM Na+ revealed no effect of Na+ on the initial rate of Ca2+ uptake, but a decrease in the total accumulation. The half-maximal effect of Na+ on Ca2+ accumulation was achieved at 14 mM. The Ca2+ efflux rate constant in the absence of Na+ was 0.16 +/- 0.01 min-1, whereas the efflux rate constant in the presence of 50 mM Na+ was 0.25 +/- 0.02 min-1. Liver homogenate sedimentation fractions from 1,500 to 105,000 X g were assayed for azide-insensitive Mg2+-ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation. Na+-sensitive Ca2+ uptake activity was found to specifically co-sediment with the plasma membrane-associated enzymes, 5'-nucleotidase and Na+/K+-ATPase, whereas Na+-insensitive Ca2+ uptake was found to co-sediment with the endoplasmic reticulum-associated enzyme, glucose-6-phosphatase. The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump was also distinguished from the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump by its sensitivity to inhibition by vanadate. Half-maximal inhibition of plasma membrane Ca2+ uptake occurred at 0.8 microM VO4(3-), whereas half-maximal inhibition of microsomal Ca2+ uptake occurred at 40 microM.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations of the fluorometric Ca2+ probes, fura-2 and indo-1, on Ca2+ transients in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells were examined. When stimulated with the agonists, angiotensin II and arginine vasopressin, cells incubated with low concentrations of fura-2 or indo-1 (less than 1 microM) produced Ca2+ transients characterized by a small increase followed by a dramatic decrease in fluorescence below the original baseline. This effect of agonists was concentration-dependent, reversible, and blocked by receptor antagonists. In contrast to the agonists, stimulation of Ca2+ transients with depolarizing concentrations of K+ or with caffeine did not produce decreases in fluorescence and Ca2+ levels at any loading concentration of probe. The decrease in Ca2+ observed with agonists was dependent on the presence of extracellular Na+. These data suggest that under certain loading conditions, fluorescent Ca2+ indicators measure agonist-stimulated Ca2+ efflux mediated by a Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanism.  相似文献   

Inside-out membrane vesicles have been prepared from sheep reticulocytes. With these vesicles, Na+-dependent glycine uptake and net accumulation have been demonstrated to occur in reverse, i.e., from extravesicular (normal cytoplasmic) to intravesicular (normal extravesicular) surface. Uptake and accumulation are inhibited by energization of the sodium pump by ATP whereby the Na+ electrochemical gradient is dissipated. Glycine-dependent Na+ uptake was also observed, providing evidence that Na+-dependent glycine influx into these vesicles, equivalent to normal efflux, is characterized by Na+-glycine co-transport.  相似文献   

Studies on the vesicular fraction of myometrium sarcolemma showed that in the absence of initial Ca2+ gradient the vesicles activity accumulate Ca2+ by utilizing the energy of the antiport-directed Na+ gradient. Monensin (50 microM) suppresses practically completely the Ca2+ transport. The amount of Ca2+ entering the vesicles against the concentration gradient diminishes with a decrease in the oppositely directed Na+ gradient. Cd2+ (5 mM) causes a complete inhibition of active Ca2+ transport, whereas Mn2+ and Mg2+ inhibit this process by 85% and 35%, respectively; amiloride (500 microM) is fairly ineffective. In the absence of initial Ca2+ and Na+ gradients valinomycin (0.05-1 microM) does not affect the changes in Ca2+ concentration in the intravesicular volume both with and without K+ gradient. Under conditions of initial equilibrium for Ca2+ and Na+ the magnitude and sign of the membrane potential for the K(+)-valinomycin system have no effect on Ca2+ transport regardless of value of absolute Na+ concentration inside and outside the vesicles. Depolarization of membrane vesicles does not interfere with the Na(+)-driven active Ca2+ transport into the sarcolemma which is dependent on the energy of the Na+ gradient. Using calibration curves, it was shown that the physiologically significant (6-fold) Na+ gradient increases Ca2+ concentration in the intravesicular volume from 100 to 160-170 microM. Ac active potential-independent Ca2+ transport through the smooth muscle sarcolemma requires about one third (0.3 kcal/mol) of the Na+ gradient; energy the remainder is dissipated. It is concluded that in smooth muscles the Na+ gradient can provide the active transsarcolemmal transport of Ca2+.  相似文献   

In this study we have examined the roles of endogenous cysteine residues in the rat brain K(+)-dependent Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger protein, NCKX2, by site-directed mutagenesis. We found that mutation of Cys-614 or Cys-666 to Ala inhibited expression of the exchanger protein in HEK-293 cells, but not in an in vitro translation system. We speculated that Cys-614 and Cys-666 might form an extracellular disulfide bond that stabilized protein structure. Such an arrangement would place the C terminus of the exchanger outside the cell, contrary to the original topological model. This hypothesis was tested by adding a hemagglutinin A epitope to the C terminus of the protein. The hemagglutinin A epitope could be recognized with a specific antibody without permeabilization of the cell membrane, supporting an extracellular location for the C terminus. Additionally, the exchanger molecule could be labeled with biotin maleimide only following extracellular application of beta-mercaptoethanol. Surprisingly, mutation of Cys-395, located in the large intracellular loop, to Ala, prevented reduction-dependent labeling of the protein. The activity of wild-type exchanger, but not the Cys-395 --> Ala mutant, was stimulated after application of beta-mercaptoethanol. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated self-association between wild-type and FLAG-tagged exchanger proteins that could not be inhibited by Cys-395 --> Ala mutation. These results suggest that NCKX2 associates as a dimer, an interaction that does not require, but may be stabilized by, a disulfide linkage through Cys-395. This linkage, perhaps by limiting protein mobility along the dimer interface, reduces the transport activity of NCKX2.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of gentamicin on Na+-dependent D-glucose transport into brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rabbit kidney outer cortex (early proximal tubule) and outer medulla (late proximal tubule) in vitro. We found the same osmotically active space and nonspecific binding between control and gentamicin-treated brush-border membrane vesicles. There was no difference in the passive permeability properties between control and gentamicin-treated brush-border membrane vesicles. Kinetic analyses of D-glucose transport into 1 mM gentamicin-treated brush-border membrane vesicles demonstrated that gentamicin decreased Vmax in the outer cortical preparation, while it did not affect Vmax in the outer medullary preparation. With regard to Km, there was no effect of gentamicin in any vesicle preparation. When brush-border membrane vesicles were incubated with higher concentrations of gentamicin, Na+-dependent D-glucose transport was inhibited dose-dependently in both outer cortical and outer medullary preparations. Dixon plots yield inhibition constant Ki = 4 mM in the outer cortical preparation and Ki = 7 mM in the outer medullary preparation. These results indicate that the Na+-dependent D-glucose transport system in early proximal tubule is more vulnerable to gentamicin toxicity than that in late proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The effects of N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) on light-induced H+-transport and transmembrane electric potential (delta phi) formation were studied in the membrane vesicles of Halobacterium halobium R1M1. In accordance with our previous finding of the existence of two DCCD-binding components in vesicle membrane using 14C-DCCD (Konishi & Murakami FEBS Lett. 169, 283-286 (1984)), DCCD inhibited the H+-influx process biphasically; that is, the H+-influx process which is electrically silent was initially inhibited at concentrations below 30 nmol of DCCD/mg vesicle protein, while another H+-influx process which is coupled to delta phi formation was secondarily inhibited above this concentration of DCCD. The latter H+-influx process was highly dependent on the Na+ concentration. The extents of Na+-dependent recovery of delta phi formation and H+-influx were quantitatively correlated. From these results, it was concluded that the second DCCD-sensitive H+-influx process which is coupled to delta phi formation is due to the hypothetical Na+/H+-antiporter postulated by Lanyi and MacDonald (Biochemistry 15, 4608-4614 (1976)). It was also found that Li+ can be substituted for Na+ in this system, as is the case with Na+/H+-antiporters found in other organisms.  相似文献   

The transport of uridine into rat renal brush-border membrane vesicles was investigated using an inhibitor-stop filtration method. Uridine was not metabolized under these conditions. The rapid efflux of intravesicular uridine was prevented by adding 1 mM phloridzin to the ice-cold stop solution. In the presence of inwardly directed gradients of either Na+ or K+, zero-trans uridine uptake exhibited a transient overshoot phenomenon indicating active transport. The overshoot was much more pronounced with Na+ than K+ and it was not observed when either Na+ or K+ was at equilibrium across the membrane. The K+-induced overshoot was not due to the presence of a membrane potential alone, as an inwardly directed gradient of choline chloride failed to produce it. The amplitude of the overshoot was increased by raising either the Na+ or K+ concentration outside the membrane or by using more lipophilic anions (reactive order was NO3- greater than SCN- greater than Cl- greater than SO4(2-). Zero-trans efflux studies showed that the uridine transport is bidirectional. Li+ could substitute poorly for Na+ but not at all for K+. Stoichiometries of 1:1 and greater than 1:1 were observed for Na+: uridine and K+: uridine coupling, respectively. A preliminary analysis of the interactions between Na+ and K+ for uridine uptake showed complex interactions which can best be explained by the involvement of two different systems for nucleoside transport in the rat renal brush-border membrane, one requiring Na+ and the other K+ as transport coupler.  相似文献   

The 30+ members of the family of TRP channels are diverse in their physiological roles, yet the mechanisms that regulate their gating may be conserved. In particular, all TRP channels show an activity-dependent inhibition which is mediated by Ca2+. The mechanism by which Ca2+ inhibits TRP channels is currently a matter of intense debate, with Ca2+-regulated kinases, phosphatases, phospholipases, and calmodulin all proposed to be involved. In this review, we will discuss different mechanisms for Ca2+-dependent desensitization in TRP channels. We will conclude with a model that focuses on Ca2+-dependent activation of phospholipase C and Ca2+ binding to calmodulin and propose that the phospholipase C and calmodulin pathways are structurally and functionally coupled.  相似文献   

The energetics of the Na+-dependent transport of D-glucose into osmotically active membrane vesicles, derived from the brush borders of the rabbit renal proximal tubule, was studied by determining how alterations in the electrochemical potential of the membrane induced by anions, ionophores, and a proton conductor affect the uptake of the sugar. The imposition of a large NaCl gradient (medium is greater than vesicle) resulted in the transient uptake of D-glucose into brush border membranes against its concentration gradient. In the presence of Na+ salts of isethionate or sulfate, both relatively impermeable anions, there was no accumulation of D-glucose above the equilibrium value. With Na+ salts of two highly permeable lipophilic anions, NO3- and SCN-, the transient overshoot was enhanced relative to that with Cl-. With Na+ salts whose mode of membrane translocation is electroneutral, i.e. acetate, bicarbonate, and phosphate, no overshoot was found. These findings suggest that only anions which penetrate the brush border membrane and generate an electrochemical potential, negative on the inside, permit the uphill Na+-dependent transport of D-glucose.  相似文献   

Studies with sarcolemma from cattle myometrium containing inside-out cytoplasmic vesicles, using Ca2+-EGTA buffer, showed that the affinity of ionized Ca2+ for the Mg2+- or ATP-dependent transport is higher than that for the Na+-Ca2+ exchange system (Kd = 3,2 X 10(-6) and (4.3-5.3) X 10(-5) M), respectively. The Km values for MgATP are 2.15 mM. Oxytocin added to the homogenization medium containing rabbit and cattle myometrium cells, i.e. during the formation of closed sarcolemmal fragments, resulted in inhibition of Mg2+, ATP-dependent accumulation of 45Ca2+ by plasma membranes. However, an addition of oxytocin to the incubation medium did not affect the kinetics of active accumulation of Ca2+. It was assumed that the system of non-electrogenic Na+-Ca2+ exchange in the myometrium possessing a low affinity for Ca2+ provides for the maintenance of ionized Ca2+ concentration in the myocytes at 10(-5) M. Therefore, this system cannot induce relaxation of mechanical tension of the uterus. Further decrease of Ca2+ in the myoplasm from 10(-5) to 10(-7) M and, correspondingly, the relaxation of myometrium is provided for by the Mg2+, ATP-dependent efflux of Ca2+ from the myocytes having a high affinity for this cation. The decrease of the activity of ATP-dependent Ca2+-pump by oxytocin is the cause of Ca2+ elevation in the myoplasm and, consequently, of myometrium contraction.  相似文献   

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