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Extensive biodegradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was demonstrated by the disappearance and mineralization of [14C]PCP in nutrient nitrogen-limited culture. Mass balance analyses demonstrated the formation of water-soluble metabolites of [14C]PCP during degradation. Involvement of the lignin-degrading system of this fungus was suggested by the fact the time of onset, time course, and eventual decline in the rate of PCP mineralization were similar to those observed for [14C]lignin degradation. Also, a purified ligninase was shown to be able to catalyze the initial oxidation of PCP. Although biodegradation of PCP was decreased in nutrient nitrogen-sufficient (i.e., nonligninolytic) cultures of P. chrysosporium, substantial biodegradation of PCP did occur, suggesting that in addition to the lignin-degrading system, another degradation system may also be responsible for some of the PCP degradation observed. Toxicity studies showed that PCP concentrations above 4 mg/liter (15 microM) prevented growth when fungal cultures were initiated by inoculation with spores. The lethal effects of PCP could, however, be circumvented by allowing the fungus to establish a mycelial mat before adding PCP. With this procedure, the fungus was able to grow and mineralize [14C]PCP at concentrations as high as 500 mg/liter (1.9 mM).  相似文献   

Extensive biodegradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was demonstrated by the disappearance and mineralization of [14C]PCP in nutrient nitrogen-limited culture. Mass balance analyses demonstrated the formation of water-soluble metabolites of [14C]PCP during degradation. Involvement of the lignin-degrading system of this fungus was suggested by the fact the time of onset, time course, and eventual decline in the rate of PCP mineralization were similar to those observed for [14C]lignin degradation. Also, a purified ligninase was shown to be able to catalyze the initial oxidation of PCP. Although biodegradation of PCP was decreased in nutrient nitrogen-sufficient (i.e., nonligninolytic) cultures of P. chrysosporium, substantial biodegradation of PCP did occur, suggesting that in addition to the lignin-degrading system, another degradation system may also be responsible for some of the PCP degradation observed. Toxicity studies showed that PCP concentrations above 4 mg/liter (15 microM) prevented growth when fungal cultures were initiated by inoculation with spores. The lethal effects of PCP could, however, be circumvented by allowing the fungus to establish a mycelial mat before adding PCP. With this procedure, the fungus was able to grow and mineralize [14C]PCP at concentrations as high as 500 mg/liter (1.9 mM).  相似文献   

Biodegradation of crystal violet (N,N,N',N',N',N'-hexamethylpararosaniline) in ligninolytic (nitrogen-limited) cultures of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was demonstrated by the disappearance of crystal violet and by the identification of three metabolites (N,N,N',N',N'-pentamethylpararosaniline, N,N,N',N'-tetramethylpararosaniline, and N,N',N'-trimethylpararosaniline) formed by sequential N-demethylation of the parent compound. Metabolite formation also occurred when crystal violet was incubated with the extracellular fluid obtained from ligninolytic cultures of this fungus, provided that an H2O2-generating system was supplied. This, as well as the fact that a purified ligninase catalyzed N-demethylation of crystal violet, demonstrated that biodegradation of crystal violet by this fungus is dependent, at least in part, upon its lignin-degrading system. In addition to crystal violet, six other triphenylmethane dyes (pararosaniline, cresol red, bromphenol blue, ethyl violet, malachite green, and brilliant green) were shown to be degraded by the lignin-degrading system of this fungus. An unexpected result was the finding that substantial degradation of crystal violet also occurred in nonligninolytic (nitrogen-sufficient) cultures of P. chrysosporium, suggesting that in addition to the lignin-degrading system, another mechanism exists in this fungus which is also able to degrade crystal violet.  相似文献   

The white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium is unique in its ability to totally degrade a wide variety of recalcitrant pollutants. We have investigated the degradation of biphenyl and two model chlorinated biphenyls, 2,2',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl and 2-chlorobiphenyl by suspended cultures of P. chrysosporium grown under conditions that maximize the synthesis of lignin-oxidizing enzymes. Radiolabeled biphenyl and 2'-chlorobiphenyl added to cultures at concentrations in the range 260 nM to 8.8 muM were degraded extensively to CO(2) within 30 days. In addition, from 40% to 60% of the recovered radioactivity was found in water-soluble compounds. A correlation between the rate of degradation and the synthesis of ligninases or Mn-dependent peroxidases could not be observed, indicating that yet unknown enzymatic system may be resonsible for the initial oxidation of PCBs. The more heavily chlorinated PCB congener, 2,2',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl was converted to CO(2) less readily; approximately 9% and 0.9% mineralization was observed in cultures incubated with 40 nM and 5.3 muM, respectively. Overall, our results indicate that P. chrysosporium is a promising organism for the treatment of wastes contaminatd with lightly and moderately chlorinated PCBs. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Four genes, fagA, B, C and D, encoding products with 32-47% identity to proteins involved in bacterial iron uptake systems, were identified immediately downstream of the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis phospholipase D gene. beta-Galactosidase assays on a C. pseudotuberculosis strain carrying a fagA-lacZ fusion indicated that the putative fagABC operon was poorly expressed in iron-rich media. However, similar experiments in iron-limited media resulted in an approximately three-fold increase in beta-galactosidase activity, suggesting that this operon is regulated by iron in vitro. Although no defect in iron utilization could be determined for a C. pseudotuberculosis fagB(C) mutant in vitro, this mutant showed reduced virulence compared to wild-type in a goat model of caseous lymphadenitis. Thus, expression of the fag genes in the host appears to contribute to virulence.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of crystal violet (N,N,N',N',N',N'-hexamethylpararosaniline) in ligninolytic (nitrogen-limited) cultures of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was demonstrated by the disappearance of crystal violet and by the identification of three metabolites (N,N,N',N',N'-pentamethylpararosaniline, N,N,N',N'-tetramethylpararosaniline, and N,N',N'-trimethylpararosaniline) formed by sequential N-demethylation of the parent compound. Metabolite formation also occurred when crystal violet was incubated with the extracellular fluid obtained from ligninolytic cultures of this fungus, provided that an H2O2-generating system was supplied. This, as well as the fact that a purified ligninase catalyzed N-demethylation of crystal violet, demonstrated that biodegradation of crystal violet by this fungus is dependent, at least in part, upon its lignin-degrading system. In addition to crystal violet, six other triphenylmethane dyes (pararosaniline, cresol red, bromphenol blue, ethyl violet, malachite green, and brilliant green) were shown to be degraded by the lignin-degrading system of this fungus. An unexpected result was the finding that substantial degradation of crystal violet also occurred in nonligninolytic (nitrogen-sufficient) cultures of P. chrysosporium, suggesting that in addition to the lignin-degrading system, another mechanism exists in this fungus which is also able to degrade crystal violet.  相似文献   

The ligninolytic enzymes produced by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete sordida in liquid culture were studied. Only manganese peroxidase (MnP) activity could be detected in the supernatant liquid of the cultures. Lignin peroxidase (LiP) and laccase activities were not detected under a variety of different culture conditions. The highest MnP activity levels were obtained in nitrogen-limited cultures grown under an oxygen atmosphere. The enzyme was induced by Mn(II). The initial pH of the culture medium did not significantly affect the MnP production. Three MnP isozymes were identified (MnPI, MnPII, and MnPIII) and purified to homogeneity by anion-exchange chromatography followed by hydrophobic chromatography. The isozymes are glycoproteins with approximately the same molecular mass (around 45 kDa) but have different pIs. The pIs are 5.3, 4.2, and 3.3 for MnPI, MnPII, and MnPIII, respectively. The three isozymes are active in the same range of pHs (pHs 3.0 to 6.0) and have optimal pHs between 4.5 and 5.0. Their amino-terminal sequences, although highly similar, were distinct, suggesting that each is the product of a separate gene.  相似文献   

Removal and degradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in static flask cultures was studied using ammonium lignosulphonates (LS), a waste product of the papermill industry, as a carbon and nitrogen source. After 3 days, cultures of P. chrysosporium grown in either a 2% LS (nitrogen-sufficient) medium or a 0.23% LS and 2% glucose (nitrogen-deficient) medium removed 72 to 75% of PCP, slightly less than the 95% removal seen using nitrogen-deficient glucose and ammonia medium. PCP dehalogenation occurred despite the fact that extracellular enzyme (LiP) activity, measured by a veratryl alcohol oxidation assay and by PCP disappearance in cell-free extracts, was inhibited by LS. This inactivation of LiP likely contributed to the lower percent of PCP dehalogenation observed using the LS media. In order to better understand the relationship between PCP disappearance and dehalogenation, we measured the fate of the chlorine in PCP. After 13 days, only 1.8% of the initial PCP added was recoverable as PCP. The remainder of the PCP was either mineralized or transformed to breakdown intermediates collectively identified as organic halides. The largest fraction of the original chlorine (58%) was recovered as organic (non-PCP) halide, most of which (73%) was associated with the cell mass. Of the remaining chlorine, 40% was released as chloride ion, indicating a level of dehalogenation in agreement with previously reported values.  相似文献   

Removal and degradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in static flask cultures was studied using ammonium lignosulphonates (LS), a waste product of the papermill industry, as a carbon and nitrogen source. After 3 days, cultures of P. chrysosporium grown in either a 2% LS (nitrogen-sufficient) medium or a 0.23% LS and 2% glucose (nitrogen-deficient) medium removed 72 to 75% of PCP, slightly less than the 95% removal seen using nitrogen-deficient glucose and ammonia medium. PCP dehalogenation occurred despite the fact that extracellular enzyme (LiP) activity, measured by a veratryl alcohol oxidation assay and by PCP disappearance in cell-free extracts, was inhibited by LS. This inactivation of LiP likely contributed to the lower percent of PCP dehalogenation observed using the LS media. In order to better understand the relationship between PCP disappearance and dehalogenation, we measured the fate of the chlorine in PCP. After 13 days, only 1.8% of the initial PCP added was recoverable as PCP. The remainder of the PCP was either mineralized or transformed to breakdown intermediates collectively identified as organic halides. The largest fraction of the original chlorine (58%) was recovered as organic (non-PCP) halide, most of which (73%) was associated with the cell mass. Of the remaining chlorine, 40% was released as chloride ion, indicating a level of dehalogenation in agreement with previously reported values.  相似文献   

4-Chlorophenol (4-CP) degradation was investigated by suspended and immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium conducted in static and agitated cultures. The best results were achieved when experiment was carried out in a rotating biological contactor instead of an Erlenmeyer flask, for both batch degradation and repeated batch degradation. The relative contribution of lignin peroxidase (LiP) versus manganese peroxidase (MnP) to the 4-CP degradation by P. chrysosporium was investigated. 4-CP degradation slightly increased and a high level of MnP (38 nKat ml(-1)) was produced when P. chrysosporium was grown at high Mnll concentration. High LiP production in the medium had no significant effect on 4-CP degradation. 4-CP degradation occurred when P. chrysosporium was grown in a medium that repressed LiP and MnP production. This result indicates that LiP and MnP are not directly involved in 4-CP degradation by P. chrysosporium.  相似文献   

Abstract Cellobiose dehydrogenase was purified from the brown rot fungus Coniophora puteana . Strong cross-reaction was observed with antibodies to cellobiose:quinone oxidoreductase from the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium . Kinetic measurements were made with cellobiose as electron donor. Ferricyanide and DCPIP both showed a pH optimum close to pH 4, but activity with ferricyanide declined more rapidly when the pH was raised. Dioxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide was observed, but at a much lower rate than for other acceptors. These properties are similar to those of cellobiose dehydrogenase from P. chrysosporium , despite differences between brown and white rot modes of decay.  相似文献   

The growth and protein production of Sporotrichum pulverulentum, formerly called Chrysosporium lignorum, have been studied in submerged cultures using lignin-containing waste fibers from a newsprint mill as the only carbon source. The influence of different nitrogen sources on the growth parameters has been particularly investigated. The regulation of the production of extracellular enzymes and their interaction with the fibers is discussed. Experiments with cellulose of different degrees of polymerization and crystallinities showed that the protein content in the residual substance decreased, particularly when the crystallinity increased. When the highly crystalline powder cellulose was used as carbon source, the protein content in the residual substance was only 6% and with the mechanical waste fibers 14%. The results obtained demonstrate that the more complex the carbon source the more difficult it is to digest and the more enzyme has to be produced for its degradation. This puts a heavy burden on the protein synthesizing mechanism. Utilizing results from other work, where the endo- and exo-l, 4-β-glucanases produced by S. pulverulentum for the degradation of cellulose have been quantitatively purified, it has been calculated that the extracellular enzymes under these conditions can together account for approximately 30% of the protein in the mycelium. The endo- and exo-1,4-β-glucanases account for up to 55% of the extracellular protein. Certain possibilities of producing a final product with a high protein content using complex carbon sources are also mentioned.  相似文献   

Colour removal of pulp plant effluent was studied using white rot fungus, Trametes (Coriolus) versicolor. The batch experiments were carried out using fungus in the form of mycelial pellets. In the present investigation, the effect of pH, concentrations of glucose (substrate), initial effluent colour and ammonium chloride (nutrient) on colour removal efficiency were studied. It was found that the maximum colour removal efficiency of 82.5% was obtained with an optimal glucose and ammonium chloride concentrations of 15 g/l and 0.5 g/l respectively at a pH of 4.5 without diluting the effluent.  相似文献   

In this research the wood-rotting fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium culture was shown to be immobilized very well on the porous foam material. The biomass concentration increased to about 2–3 g/l in 4–5 days. Repeated-batch decolorization tests using immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium cells were conducted for 16 days with initial concentrations of 50–500 ppm of Red 533 dispersed dye, a decolorization efficiency of 80% or higher was achieved within a period of one or two days. The ability of the immobilized culture to perform a long-term decolorization operation was confirmed. The authors wish to thank I.T.R.I. and the National Science Council of R.O.C. for financial supports.  相似文献   

Summary Extensive biodegradation of [14C]-2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid ([14C]-2,4,5-T) by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was demonstrated in nutrient nitrogen-limited aqueous cultures and in [14C]-2,4,5-T-contaminated soil inoculated with this fungus and supplemented with ground corn cobs. After incubation of [14C]-2,4,5-T with aqueous cultures of the fungus for 30 days, 62.0%±2.0% of the [14C]-2,4,5-T initially present was degraded to 14CO2. Mass balance analysis demonstrated that water soluble metabolites were formed during degradation, and HPLC and thin layer chromatography (TLC) of methylene chloride-extractable material revealed the presence of polar and non-polar [14C]-2,4,5-T metabolites. It was also shown that only 5% of the [14C]-2,4,5-T initially present in cultures remained as undegraded [14C]-2,4,5-T. In incubations composed of [14C]-2,4,5-T-contaminated soil, ground corn cobs, and 40% (w/w) water, 32.5%±3.6% of the [14C]-2,4,5-T initially present was converted to 14CO2 after 30 days of incubation. These results suggest that it may be possible to develop practical systems based on the use of this fungus to detoxify 2,4,5-T-contaminated water and soil.  相似文献   

In this paper the fixed film reactor system containing immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium cells was employed for decolorization of Red 533 dispersed dye. The inlet dye concentration and the inlet flow rate were shown to affect the decolorization efficiency. Each decolorization process was conducted continuously for 10–20 days or more and the decolorization efficiency remained higher than 80%. The immobilized cultures possessed good biological activities and the biodegrading system also showed capability for a long term operation.  相似文献   

A method for the degradation of dioxins by white rot fungi was developed. Degradation of a mixture of 10 kinds of tetra- to octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins [PCDDs]) and tetra- to octachlorodibenzofurans (polychlorinated dibenzofurans [PCDFs]), which were chlorinated at 2-, 3-, 7-, and 8-positions of the molecules, by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete sordida YK-624 was studied in a stationary low-nitrogen medium. The percent degradation values of PCDDs and PCDFs were approximately 40 (tetra-chloro-) to 76% (hexachloro-) and 45 (tetrachloro-) to 70% (hexachloro-), respectively. Metabolites of 2,3,7,8-tetra- and octaCDD formed by P. sordida YK-624 included 4,5-dichlorocatechol and tetrachlorocatechol, respectively. These results suggest that white rot fungus is able to substantially degrade both PCDDs and PCDFs. This is the first report of the degradation of highly chlorinated PCDDs and PCDFs by a microorganism.  相似文献   

The softwood degrading white-rot fungus, Phanerochaete carnosa, was investigated for its ability to degrade two coniferous woods: balsam fir and lodgepole pine. P. carnosa grew similarly on these wood species, and like the hardwood-degrading white-rot fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, P. carnosa demonstrated selective degradation of lignin, as observed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Lignin degradation across cell walls of decayed pine samples was also evaluated by ToF-SIMS and was shown to be uniform. This study illustrates softwood lignin utilization by a white-rot fungus and reveals the industrial potential of the lignocellulolytic activity elicited by this fungus.  相似文献   

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