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A protein-protein docking approach has been developed based on a reduced protein representation with up to three pseudo atoms per amino acid residue. Docking is performed by energy minimization in rotational and translational degrees of freedom. The reduced protein representation allows an efficient search for docking minima on the protein surfaces within. During docking, an effective energy function between pseudo atoms has been used based on amino acid size and physico-chemical character. Energy minimization of protein test complexes in the reduced representation results in geometries close to experiment with backbone root mean square deviations (RMSDs) of approximately 1 to 3 A for the mobile protein partner from the experimental geometry. For most test cases, the energy-minimized experimental structure scores among the top five energy minima in systematic docking studies when using both partners in their bound conformations. To account for side-chain conformational changes in case of using unbound protein conformations, a multicopy approach has been used to select the most favorable side-chain conformation during the docking process. The multicopy approach significantly improves the docking performance, using unbound (apo) binding partners without a significant increase in computer time. For most docking test systems using unbound partners, and without accounting for any information about the known binding geometry, a solution within approximately 2 to 3.5 A RMSD of the full mobile partner from the experimental geometry was found among the 40 top-scoring complexes. The approach could be extended to include protein loop flexibility, and might also be useful for docking of modeled protein structures.  相似文献   

Structures of hitherto unknown protein complexes can be predicted by docking the solved protein monomers. Here, we present a method to refine initial docking estimates of protein complex structures by a Monte Carlo approach including rigid-body moves and side-chain optimization. The energy function used is comprised of van der Waals, Coulomb, and atomic contact energy terms. During the simulation, we gradually shift from a novel smoothed van der Waals potential, which prevents trapping in local energy minima, to the standard Lennard-Jones potential. Following the simulation, the conformations are clustered to obtain the final predictions. Using only the first 100 decoys generated by a fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based rigid-body docking method, our refinement procedure is able to generate near-native structures (interface RMSD <2.5 A) as first model in 14 of 59 cases in a benchmark set. In most cases, clear binding funnels around the native structure can be observed. The results show the potential of Monte Carlo refinement methods and emphasize their applicability for protein-protein docking.  相似文献   

Li L  Chen R  Weng Z 《Proteins》2003,53(3):693-707
We present a simple and effective algorithm RDOCK for refining unbound predictions generated by a rigid-body docking algorithm ZDOCK, which has been developed earlier by our group. The main component of RDOCK is a three-stage energy minimization scheme, followed by the evaluation of electrostatic and desolvation energies. Ionic side chains are kept neutral in the first two stages of minimization, and reverted to their full charge states in the last stage of brief minimization. Without side chain conformational search or filtering/clustering of resulting structures, RDOCK represents the simplest approach toward refining unbound docking predictions. Despite its simplicity, RDOCK makes substantial improvement upon the top predictions by ZDOCK with all three scoring functions and the improvement is observed across all three categories of test cases in a large benchmark of 49 non-redundant unbound test cases. RDOCK makes the most powerful combination with ZDOCK2.1, which uses pairwise shape complementarity as the scoring function. Collectively, they rank a near-native structure as the number-one prediction for 18 test cases (37% of the benchmark), and within the top 4 predictions for 24 test cases (49% of the benchmark). To various degrees, funnel-like energy landscapes are observed for these 24 test cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of binding funnels starting from global searches for a broad range of test cases. These results are particularly exciting, given that we have not used any biological information that is specific to individual test cases and the whole process is entirely automated. Among three categories of test cases, the best results are seen for enzyme/inhibitor, with a near-native structure ranked as the number-one prediction for 48% test cases, and within the top 10 predictions for 78% test cases. RDOCK is freely available to academic users at http://zlab.bu.edu/ approximately rong/dock.  相似文献   

The protein docking problem has two major aspects: sampling conformations and orientations, and scoring them for fit. To investigate the extent to which the protein docking problem may be attributed to the sampling of ligand side‐chain conformations, multiple conformations of multiple residues were calculated for the uncomplexed (unbound) structures of protein ligands. These ligand conformations were docked into both the complexed (bound) and unbound conformations of the cognate receptors, and their energies were evaluated using an atomistic potential function. The following questions were considered: (1) does the ensemble of precalculated ligand conformations contain a structure similar to the bound form of the ligand? (2) Can the large number of conformations that are calculated be efficiently docked into the receptors? (3) Can near‐native complexes be distinguished from non‐native complexes? Results from seven test systems suggest that the precalculated ensembles do include side‐chain conformations similar to those adopted in the experimental complexes. By assuming additivity among the side chains, the ensemble can be docked in less than 12 h on a desktop computer. These multiconformer dockings produce near‐native complexes and also non‐native complexes. When docked against the bound conformations of the receptors, the near‐native complexes of the unbound ligand were always distinguishable from the non‐native complexes. When docked against the unbound conformations of the receptors, the near‐native dockings could usually, but not always, be distinguished from the non‐native complexes. In every case, docking the unbound ligands with flexible side chains led to better energies and a better distinction between near‐native and non‐native fits. An extension of this algorithm allowed for docking multiple residue substitutions (mutants) in addition to multiple conformations. The rankings of the docked mutant proteins correlated with experimental binding affinities. These results suggest that sampling multiple residue conformations and residue substitutions of the unbound ligand contributes to, but does not fully provide, a solution to the protein docking problem. Conformational sampling allows a classical atomistic scoring function to be used; such a function may contribute to better selectivity between near‐native and non‐native complexes. Allowing for receptor flexibility may further extend these results.  相似文献   

预测蛋白质—蛋白质复合物结构的软对接算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种有效的软对接算法 ,用于在已知受体和配体三维结构的条件下预测蛋白质 蛋白质复合物的结构。该算法的分子模型基于Janin提出的简化蛋白质模型 ,并在此基础上有所改进。对蛋白质分子表面的柔性氨基酸残基Arg、Lys、Asp、Glu和Met进行了特殊处理 ,通过软化分子表面的方式考虑了它们的侧链柔性。采用双重过滤技术来排除不合理的对接结构 ,此过滤技术是以复合物界面几何互补性和残基成对偏好性为标准提出的。对所得到的构象进行能量优化 ,之后用打分函数对这些结构进行排序 ,挑选出与复合物天然结构接近的构象。该打分函数包括静电、疏水和范德华相互作用能。用此算法对 2 6个复合物进行了结构预测 ,均找到了近天然结构 ,其中有 2 0个复合物的近天然结构排在了前 10位。改进的分子模型可以在一定程度上描述蛋白质表面残基侧链的柔性 ;双重过滤技术使更多的近天然结构保留下来 ,从而提高了算法成功预测的可能性 ;打分函数可以较合理地评价对接结构。总之 ,此种软对接算法能够对蛋白质分子识别的研究提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

The accurate scoring of rigid-body docking orientations represents one of the major difficulties in protein-protein docking prediction. Other challenges are the development of faster and more efficient sampling methods and the introduction of receptor and ligand flexibility during simulations. Overall, good discrimination of near-native docking poses from the very early stages of rigid-body protein docking is essential step before applying more costly interface refinement to the correct docking solutions. Here we explore a simple approach to scoring of rigid-body docking poses, which has been implemented in a program called pyDock. The scheme is based on Coulombic electrostatics with distance dependent dielectric constant, and implicit desolvation energy with atomic solvation parameters previously adjusted for rigid-body protein-protein docking. This scoring function is not highly dependent on specific geometry of the docking poses and therefore can be used in rigid-body docking sets generated by a variety of methods. We have tested the procedure in a large benchmark set of 80 unbound docking cases. The method is able to detect a near-native solution from 12,000 docking poses and place it within the 100 lowest-energy docking solutions in 56% of the cases, in a completely unrestricted manner and without any other additional information. More specifically, a near-native solution will lie within the top 20 solutions in 37% of the cases. The simplicity of the approach allows for a better understanding of the physical principles behind protein-protein association, and provides a fast tool for the evaluation of large sets of rigid-body docking poses in search of the near-native orientation.  相似文献   

Meiler J  Baker D 《Proteins》2006,65(3):538-548
Protein-small molecule docking algorithms provide a means to model the structure of protein-small molecule complexes in structural detail and play an important role in drug development. In recent years the necessity of simulating protein side-chain flexibility for an accurate prediction of the protein-small molecule interfaces has become apparent, and an increasing number of docking algorithms probe different approaches to include protein flexibility. Here we describe a new method for docking small molecules into protein binding sites employing a Monte Carlo minimization procedure in which the rigid body position and orientation of the small molecule and the protein side-chain conformations are optimized simultaneously. The energy function comprises van der Waals (VDW) interactions, an implicit solvation model, an explicit orientation hydrogen bonding potential, and an electrostatics model. In an evaluation of the scoring function the computed energy correlated with experimental small molecule binding energy with a correlation coefficient of 0.63 across a diverse set of 229 protein- small molecule complexes. The docking method produced lowest energy models with a root mean square deviation (RMSD) smaller than 2 A in 71 out of 100 protein-small molecule crystal structure complexes (self-docking). In cross-docking calculations in which both protein side-chain and small molecule internal degrees of freedom were varied the lowest energy predictions had RMSDs less than 2 A in 14 of 20 test cases.  相似文献   

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Improved side-chain modeling for protein-protein docking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Success in high-resolution protein-protein docking requires accurate modeling of side-chain conformations at the interface. Most current methods either leave side chains fixed in the conformations observed in the unbound protein structures or allow the side chains to sample a set of discrete rotamer conformations. Here we describe a rapid and efficient method for sampling off-rotamer side-chain conformations by torsion space minimization during protein-protein docking starting from discrete rotamer libraries supplemented with side-chain conformations taken from the unbound structures, and show that the new method improves side-chain modeling and increases the energetic discrimination between good and bad models. Analysis of the distribution of side-chain interaction energies within and between the two protein partners shows that the new method leads to more native-like distributions of interaction energies and that the neglect of side-chain entropy produces a small but measurable increase in the number of residues whose interaction energy cannot compensate for the entropic cost of side-chain freezing at the interface. The power of the method is highlighted by a number of predictions of unprecedented accuracy in the recent CAPRI (Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions) blind test of protein-protein docking methods.  相似文献   

Energetic hot spots account for a significant portion of the total binding free energy and correlate with structurally conserved interface residues. Here, we map experimentally determined hot spots and structurally conserved residues to investigate their geometrical organization. Unfilled pockets are pockets that remain unfilled after protein-protein complexation, while complemented pockets are pockets that disappear upon binding, representing tightly fit regions. We find that structurally conserved residues and energetic hot spots are strongly favored to be located in complemented pockets, and are disfavored in unfilled pockets. For the three available protein-protein complexes with complemented pockets where both members of the complex were alanine-scanned, 62% of all hot spots (DeltaDeltaG>2kcal/mol) are within these pockets, and 60% of the residues in the complemented pockets are hot spots. 93% of all red-hot residues (DeltaDeltaG>/=4kcal/mol) either protrude into or are located in complemented pockets. The occurrence of hot spots and conserved residues in complemented pockets highlights the role of local tight packing in protein associations, and rationalizes their energetic contribution and conservation. Complemented pockets and their corresponding protruding residues emerge among the most important geometric features in protein-protein interactions. By screening the solvent, this organization shields backbone hydrogen bonds and charge-charge interactions. Complemented pockets often pre-exist binding. For 18 protein-protein complexes with complemented pockets whose unbound structures are available, in 16 the pockets are identified to pre-exist in the unbound structures. The root-mean-squared deviations of the atoms lining the pockets between the bound and unbound states is as small as 0.9A, suggesting that such pockets constitute features of the populated native state that may be used in docking.  相似文献   

We investigate the extent to which the conformational fluctuations of proteins in solution reflect the conformational changes that they undergo when they form binary protein-protein complexes. To do this, we study a set of 41 proteins that form such complexes and whose three-dimensional structures are known, both bound in the complex and unbound. We carry out molecular dynamics simulations of each protein, starting from the unbound structure, and analyze the resulting conformational fluctuations in trajectories of 5 ns in length, comparing with the structure in the complex. It is found that fluctuations take some parts of the molecules into regions of conformational space close to the bound state (or give information about it), but at no point in the simulation does each protein as whole sample the complete bound state. Subsequent use of conformations from a clustered MD ensemble in rigid-body docking is nevertheless partially successful when compared to docking the unbound conformations, as long as the unbound conformations are themselves included with the MD conformations and the whole globally rescored. For one key example where sub-domain motion is present, a ribonuclease inhibitor, principal components analysis of the MD was applied and was also able to produce conformations for docking that gave enhanced results compared to the unbound. The most significant finding is that core interface residues show a tendency to be less mobile (by size of fluctuation or entropy) than the rest of the surface even when the other binding partner is absent, and conversely the peripheral interface residues are more mobile. This surprising result, consistent across up to 40 of the 41 proteins, suggests different roles for these regions in protein recognition and binding, and suggests ways that docking algorithms could be improved by treating these regions differently in the docking process.  相似文献   

Hartmann C  Antes I  Lengauer T 《Proteins》2009,74(3):712-726
We describe a scoring and modeling procedure for docking ligands into protein models that have either modeled or flexible side-chain conformations. Our methodical contribution comprises a procedure for generating new potentials of mean force for the ROTA scoring function which we have introduced previously for optimizing side-chain conformations with the tool IRECS. The ROTA potentials are specially trained to tolerate small-scale positional errors of atoms that are characteristic of (i) side-chain conformations that are modeled using a sparse rotamer library and (ii) ligand conformations that are generated using a docking program. We generated both rigid and flexible protein models with our side-chain prediction tool IRECS and docked ligands to proteins using the scoring function ROTA and the docking programs FlexX (for rigid side chains) and FlexE (for flexible side chains). We validated our approach on the forty screening targets of the DUD database. The validation shows that the ROTA potentials are especially well suited for estimating the binding affinity of ligands to proteins. The results also show that our procedure can compensate for the performance decrease in screening that occurs when using protein models with side chains modeled with a rotamer library instead of using X-ray structures. The average runtime per ligand of our method is 168 seconds on an Opteron V20z, which is fast enough to allow virtual screening of compound libraries for drug candidates.  相似文献   

Król M  Tournier AL  Bates PA 《Proteins》2007,68(1):159-169
Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed on a set of rigid-body docking poses, carried out over 25 protein-protein complexes. The results show that fully flexible relaxation increases the fraction of native contacts (NC) by up to 70% for certain docking poses. The largest increase in the fraction of NC is observed for docking poses where anchor residues are able to sample their bound conformation. For each MD simulation, structural snap-shots were clustered and the centre of each cluster used as the MD-relaxed docking pose. A comparison between two energy-based scoring schemes, the first calculated for the MD-relaxed poses, the second for energy minimized poses, shows that the former are better in ranking complexes with large hydrophobic interfaces. Furthermore, complexes with large interfaces are generally ranked well, regardless of the type of relaxation method chosen, whereas complexes with small hydrophobic interfaces remain difficult to rank. In general, the results indicate that current force-fields are able to correctly describe direct intermolecular interactions between receptor and ligand molecules. However, these force-fields still fail in cases where protein-protein complexes are stabilized by subtle energy contributions.  相似文献   

Reliable high‐resolution prediction of protein complex structures starting from the free monomers is a considerable challenge toward large‐scale mapping of the structural details of protein‐protein interactions. The current major bottleneck is to model the conformational changes of the monomer backbone upon binding. We evaluate the use of homolog structures as source for conformational diversity, within the framework of RosettaDock—a leading high‐resolution docking protocol. We find that the use of homolog templates can improve significantly the modeling of a complex structure, including known difficult cases. Several conformational changes however are not sampled by any of the templates, indicating the need for additional sources of conformational variability. Interestingly, the successful homolog templates are not restricted to a confined range of sequence identity, highlighting the importance of the backbone conformation rather than the sequence. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

FireDock: fast interaction refinement in molecular docking   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Here, we present FireDock, an efficient method for the refinement and rescoring of rigid-body docking solutions. The refinement process consists of two main steps: (1) rearrangement of the interface side-chains and (2) adjustment of the relative orientation of the molecules. Our method accounts for the observation that most interface residues that are important in recognition and binding do not change their conformation significantly upon complexation. Allowing full side-chain flexibility, a common procedure in refinement methods, often causes excessive conformational changes. These changes may distort preformed structural signatures, which have been shown to be important for binding recognition. Here, we restrict side-chain movements, and thus manage to reduce the false-positive rate noticeably. In the later stages of our procedure (orientation adjustments and scoring), we smooth the atomic radii. This allows for the minor backbone and side-chain movements and increases the sensitivity of our algorithm. FireDock succeeds in ranking a near-native structure within the top 15 predictions for 83% of the 30 enzyme-inhibitor test cases, and for 78% of the 18 semiunbound antibody-antigen complexes. Our refinement procedure significantly improves the ranking of the rigid-body PatchDock algorithm for these cases. The FireDock program is fully automated. In particular, to our knowledge, FireDock's prediction results are comparable to current state-of-the-art refinement methods while its running time is significantly lower. The method is available at http://bioinfo3d.cs.tau.ac.il/FireDock/.  相似文献   

Two different structures of ligand-free HIV protease have been determined by X-ray crystallography. These structures differ in the position of two 12 residue, β-hairpin regions (or “flaps”) which cap the active site. The movements of the flaps must be involved in the binding of substrates since, in either conformation, the flaps block the binding site. One of these structures is similar to structures of the ligand-bound enzyme; however, the importance of both structures to enzyme function is unclear. This transformation takes place on a time scale too long for conventional molecular dynamics simulations, so the process was studied by first identifying a reaction path between the two structures and then calculating the free energy along this path using umbrella sampling. For the ligand-free enzyme, it is found that the two structures are nearly equally stable, with the ligand-bound-type structure being less stable, consistent with X-ray crystallography data. The more stable open structure does not have a lower potential energy, but is stabilized by entropy. The transition occurs through a collapse and reformation of the β-sheet structure of the conformationally flexible, glycine-rich flap ends. Additionally, some problems in studying conformational changes in proteins through the use of a single reaction path are addressed. Proteins 32:7–16, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a computational approach for predicting structures of ligand-protein complexes and analyzing binding energy landscapes that combines Monte Carlo simulated annealing technique to determine the ligand bound conformation with the dead-end elimination algorithm for side-chain optimization of the protein active site residues. Flexible ligand docking and optimization of mobile protein side-chains have been performed to predict structural effects in the V32I/I47V/V82I HIV-1 protease mutant bound with the SB203386 ligand and in the V82A HIV-1 protease mutant bound with the A77003 ligand. The computational structure predictions are consistent with the crystal structures of these ligand-protein complexes. The emerging relationships between ligand docking and side-chain optimization of the active site residues are rationalized based on the analysis of the ligand-protein binding energy landscape. Proteins 33:295–310, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new approach to predicting the ligand-binding sites of proteins was developed, using protein-ligand docking computation. In this method, many compounds in a random library are docked onto the whole protein surface. We assumed that the true ligand-binding site would exhibit stronger affinity to the compounds in the random library than the other sites, even if the random library did not include the ligand corresponding to the true binding site. We also assumed that the affinity of the true ligand-binding site would be correlated to the docking scores of the compounds in the random library, if the ligand-binding site was correctly predicted. We call this method the molecular-docking binding-site finding (MolSite) method. The MolSite method was applied to 89 known protein-ligand complex structures extracted from the Protein Data Bank, and it predicted the correct binding sites with about 80-99% accuracy, when only the single top-ranked site was adopted. In addition, the average docking score was weakly correlated to the experimental protein-ligand binding free energy, with a correlation coefficient of 0.44.  相似文献   

Lorenzen S  Zhang Y 《Proteins》2007,68(1):187-194
Most state-of-the-art protein-protein docking algorithms use the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique to sample the six-dimensional translational and rotational space. Scoring functions including shape complementarity, electrostatics, and desolvation are usually exploited in ranking the docking conformations. While these rigid-body docking methods provide good performance in bound docking, using unbound structures as input frequently leads to a high number of false positive hits. For the purpose of better selecting correct docking conformations, we structurally cluster the docking decoys generated by four widely-used FFT-based protein-protein docking methods. In all cases, the selection based on cluster size outperforms the ranking based on the inherent scoring function. If we cluster decoys from different servers together, only marginal improvement is obtained in comparison with clustering decoys from the best individual server. A collection of multiple decoy sets of comparable quality will be the key to improve the clustering result from meta-docking servers.  相似文献   

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