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The temperature-sensitive and attenuated phenotypes of the Sabin type 1 vaccine strain of poliovirus result from numerous point mutations which occurred in the virulent Mahoney virus parent. One of these mutations is located in a 3D polymerase (3Dpol) codon (U-6203-->C, Tyr-73-->His) and is involved in attenuation in common mice (M. Tardy-Panit, B. Blondel, A. Martin, F. Tekaia, F. Horaud, and F. Delpeyroux, J. Virol. 67:4630-4638, 1993). This mutation also appears to contribute to temperature sensitivity, in association with at least 1 other of the 10 mutations of the 3'-terminal part of the genome including the 3Dpol coding and 3' noncoding regions. To map the other mutation(s), we constructed poliovirus mutants by mutagenesis and recombination of Mahoney and Sabin 1 cDNAs. Characterization of these poliovirus mutants showed that a second mutation in a 3Dpol codon (C-7071-->U, Thr-362-->Ile) contributes to temperature sensitivity. A mutation in the 3' noncoding region of the genome (A-7441-->G), alone or linked to another mutation (U-7410-->C), also appeared to be involved in this phenotype. The temperature-sensitive effect associated with the 3'-terminal part of the Sabin 1 genome results from the cumulative and/or synergistic effects of at least three genetic determinants, i.e., the His-73 and Ile-362 codons of 3Dpol and nucleotide G-7441. Sequence analysis of strains isolated from patients with vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis showed that these genetic determinants are selected against in vivo, although the Ile-362 codon appeared to be more stable than either the His-73 codon or G-7441. These genetic determinants may contribute to the safety of Sabin 1 in vaccines.  相似文献   

Treatment of the Sabin strain of type 1 poliovirus with trypsin produced two stable fragments of capsid protein VP1 which remained associated with the virions. Trypsinized virus was fully infectious and was neutralized by type-specific antisera. The susceptible site in the Sabin 1 strain was between the lysine at position 99 and the asparagine at position 100. A similar tryptic cleavage occurred in the Leon and Sabin strains of type 3 poliovirus, probably at the arginine at position 100, but not in the type 1 Mahoney strain, which lacks a basic residue at either position 99 or position 100. Tryptic treatment of heat-treated virus and 14S assembly intermediates produced unique stable fragments which were different from those produced in virions. The implications of our results for future characterization of the surface structures of these particles and structural rearrangements in the poliovirus capsid are discussed.  相似文献   

The intracellular defective RNAs generated during high-multiplicity serial passages of mouse hepatitis virus JHM strain on DBT cells were examined. Seven novel species of single-stranded polyadenylic acid-containing defective RNAs were identified from passages 3 through 22. The largest of these RNAs, DIssA (molecular weight [mw], 5.2 X 10(6)), is identical to the genomic RNA packaged in the defective interfering particles produced from these cells. Other RNA species, DIssB1 (mw, 1.9 X 10(6) to 1.6 X 10(6)), DIssB2 (mw, 1.6 X 10(6)), DIssC (mw, 2.8 X 10(6)) DIssD (mw, 0.82 X 10(6)), DIssE (mw, 0.78 X 10(6)), and DIssF (mw, 1.3 X 10(6)) were detected at different passage levels. RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotide fingerprinting demonstrated that all these RNAs were related and had multiple deletions of the genomic sequences. They contained different subsets of the genomic sequences from those of the standard intracellular mRNAs of nondefective mouse hepatitis virus JHM strain. Thus these novel intracellular viral RNAs were identified as defective interfering RNAs of mouse hepatitis virus JHM strain. The synthesis of six of the seven normal mRNA species specific to mouse hepatitis virus JHM strain was completely inhibited when cells were infected with viruses of late-passage levels. However, the synthesis of RNA7 and its product, viral nucleoprotein, was not significantly altered in late passages. The possible mechanism for the generation of defective interfering RNAs was discussed.  相似文献   

M Kohara  S Abe  T Komatsu  K Tago  M Arita    A Nomoto 《Journal of virology》1988,62(8):2828-2835
Biological tests including the monkey neurovirulence test performed on recombinants between the virulent Mahoney and attenuated Sabin 1 strains of type 1 poliovirus indicated that the genome region encoding mainly the viral capsid proteins had little correlation with the neurovirulence or attenuation phenotype of the virus. The results suggested that new vaccine strains of type 2 and type 3 polioviruses may be constructed in vitro by replacing the sequence encoding the antigenic determinants in viral capsid proteins of the Sabin 1 genome by the corresponding sequences of the type 2 and type 3 genome, respectively. Accordingly, we constructed recombinants between the Sabin 1 and Sabin 3 strains of poliovirus in which genome sequences of the Sabin 1 strain encoding most or all capsid proteins were replaced by the corresponding genome sequences of the Sabin 3 strain. One of the recombinant viruses thus constructed was fully viable and showed antigenicity and immunogenicity identical to those of type 3 poliovirus. The monkey neurovirulence tests and in vitro phenotypic marker tests (temperature sensitivity of growth, sodium bicarbonate concentration dependency of growth under agar overlay, and size of plaque) were performed on the recombinant virus. The stability of the virus in regard to the temperature sensitivity phenotype was also tested. The results suggested that the recombinant virus is a possible candidate for a new type 3 poliovirus vaccine strain.  相似文献   

Restriction mapping and nucleotide sequence analysis of several defective, interfering particles of bacteriophage f1 are described. These particles contain the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of gene IV and the amino-terminus of gene II and the intergenic space between them. Tandem duplication of a portion of this intergenic space generates defective particles with novel nucleotide sequences not found in wild-type f1. This duplication is shown to contain the origin of complementary strand synthesis. Our results suggest that the duplication occurs at the site of gene II protein action, i.e. the origin of viral strand synthesis. A model is presented for the generation of these duplications in defective particles.  相似文献   

We quantitatively analyzed the interference interactions between defective interfering (DI) particles and mutants of cloned vesicular stomatitis virus passaged undiluted hundreds of times in BHK-21 cells. DI particles which predominated at different times in these serial passages always interfered most strongly (and very efficiently) with virus isolated a number of passages before the isolation of the DI particles. Virus isolated at the same passage level as the predominant DI particles usually exhibited severalfold resistance to these DI particles. Virus mutants (Sdi- mutants) isolated during subsequent passages always showed increasing resistance to these DI particles, followed by decreasing resistance as new DI particles arose to predominate and exert their own selective pressures on the virus mutant population. It appears that such coevolution of virus and DI particle populations proceeds indefinitely through multiple cycles of selection of virus mutants resistant to a certain DI particle (or DI particle class), followed by mutants resistant to a newly predominant DI particle, etc. At the peak of resistance, virus mutants were isolated which were essentially completely resistant to a particular DI particle; i.e., they were several hundred thousand-fold resistant, and they formed plaques of normal size and numbers in the presence of extremely high multiplicities of the DI particle. However, they were sensitive to interference by other DI particles. Recurring population interactions of this kind can promote rapid virus evolution. Complete sequencing of the N (nucleocapsid) and NS (polymerase associated) genes of numerous Sdi- mutants collected at passage intervals showed very few changes in the NS protein, but the N gene gradually accumulated a series of stable nucleotide and amino acid substitutions, some of which correlated with extensive changes in the Sdi- phenotype. Likewise, the 5' termini (and their complementary plus-strand 3' termini) continued to accumulate extensive base substitutions which were strikingly confined to the first 47 nucleotides. We also observed addition and deletion mutations in noncoding regions of the viral genome at a level suggesting that they probably occur at a high frequency throughout the genome, but usually with lethal or debilitating consequences when they occur in coding regions.  相似文献   

A new RNA of about 900 nt was found in the virions of cocksfoot mottle virus (CfMV) and in infected plants by RNA hybridization and RT-PCR. Structural features suggested that this RNA is a defective interfering RNA (diRNA). The CfMV diRNA was shown to consist of a 35-nt 5′-terminal genomic region, which formed a hairpin, and a 3′-terminal genomic region, which included the coat protein (CP) gene lacking the first 120 nt.In vitro translation of the diRNA started at the third Met codon to produce truncated CP. The CfMV diRNA was assumed totrans-activate synthesis of the CP subgenomic RNA (sgRNA).  相似文献   

Three of six independently derived defective interfering (DI) particles of Sindbis virus generated by high-multiplicity passaging in cultured cells have tRNAAsp sequences at the 5' terminus of their RNAs (Monroe and Schlesinger, J. Virol. 49:865-872, 1984). In the present work, we found that the 5'-terminal sequences of the three tRNAAsp-negative DI RNAs were all derived from viral genomic RNA. One DI RNA sample had the same 5'-terminal sequence as the standard genome. The DI RNAs from another DI particle preparation were heterogeneous at the 5' terminus, with the sequence being either that of the standard 5' end or rearrangements of regions near the 5' end. The sequence of the 5' terminus of the third DI RNA sample consisted of the 5' terminus of the subgenomic 26S mRNA with a deletion from nucleotides 24 to 67 of the 26S RNA sequence. These data showed that the 5'-terminal nucleotides can undergo extensive variations and that the RNA is still replicated by virus-specific enzymes. DI RNAs of Sindbis virus evolve from larger to smaller species. In the two cases in which we followed the evolution of DI RNAs, the appearance of tRNAAsp-positive molecules occurred at the same time as did the emergence of the smaller species of DI RNAs. In pairwise competition experiments, one of the tRNAAsp-positive DI RNAs proved to be the most effective DI RNA, but under identical conditions, a second tRNAAsp-positive DI RNA was unable to compete with the tRNAAsp-negative DIs. Therefore, the tRNAAsp sequence at the 5' terminus of a Sindbis DI RNA is not the primary factor in determining which DI RNA becomes the predominant species in a population of DI RNA molecules.  相似文献   

When grown on xanthan as a carbon source, the bacterium Bacillus sp. strain GL1 produces extracellular xanthan lyase (75 kDa), catalyzing the first step of xanthan depolymerization (H. Nankai, W. Hashimoto, H. Miki, S. Kawai, and K. Murata, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:2520-2526, 1999). A gene for the lyase was cloned, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The gene contained an open reading frame consisting of 2,793 bp coding for a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 99,308. The polypeptide had a signal peptide (2 kDa) consisting of 25 amino acid residues preceding the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme and exhibited significant homology with hyaluronidase of Streptomyces griseus (identity score, 37.7%). Escherichia coli transformed with the gene without the signal peptide sequence showed a xanthan lyase activity and produced intracellularly a large amount of the enzyme (400 mg/liter of culture) with a molecular mass of 97 kDa. During storage at 4 degrees C, the purified enzyme (97 kDa) from E. coli was converted to a low-molecular-mass (75-kDa) enzyme with properties closely similar to those of the enzyme (75 kDa) from Bacillus sp. strain GL1, specifically in optimum pH and temperature for activity, substrate specificity, and mode of action. Logarithmically growing cells of Bacillus sp. strain GL1 on the medium with xanthan were also found to secrete not only xanthan lyase (75 kDa) but also a 97-kDa protein with the same N-terminal amino acid sequence as that of xanthan lyase (75 kDa). These results suggest that, in Bacillus sp. strain GL1, xanthan lyase is first synthesized as a preproform (99 kDa), secreted as a precursor (97 kDa) by a signal peptide-dependent mechanism, and then processed into a mature form (75 kDa) through excision of a C-terminal protein fragment with a molecular mass of 22 kDa.  相似文献   

Infectious cDNA corresponding to the entire genome of the attenuated Sabin strain of type 1 poliovirus has been inserted into EcoRI site of bacterial plasmid pBR325. Two consecutive PstI fragments (nucleotide positions 1814 to 3421) of the infectious cDNA of the Sabin 1 strain were replaced by the corresponding DNA fragments prepared from an infectious DNA clone of the genome of the virulent Mahoney strain of poliovirus type 1. The exchanged segment encodes capsid protein VP1 and part of capsid protein VP3, a region in which a large number of amino acid differences between the attenuated Sabin and the parental, neurovirulent Mahoney strain cluster. The recombinant virus was obtained by DNA transfection of HeLa S3 cells, and several in vitro phenotypes of the virus were compared with those of the parental viruses. The recombinant virus was recognized by a neutralizing monoclonal antibody specific to the Mahoney strain. Growth of the Sabin strain of poliovirus has been shown to be quite dependent upon the bicarbonate concentration (d marker). The growth of the recombinant virus, however, was not highly dependent upon the concentration of bicarbonate in cell culture media, and thus resembled that of the Mahoney strain. On the other hand, the temperature-sensitive multiplication (rct marker) and the small-plaque morphology of the recombinant virus corresponded to the phenotype of the Sabin 1 strain. The in vitro recombination of infectious cDNA clones of genomic RNA and subsequent analysis of the growth properties of the recombinant virus have allowed us to correlate specific mutations in the genome of an RNA virus with certain biological characteristics of that virus.  相似文献   

To identify determinants of attenuation in the poliovirus type 1 Sabin vaccine strain, a series of recombinant viruses were constructed by using infectious cDNA clones of the virulent type 1 poliovirus P1/Mahoney and the attenuated type 1 vaccine strain P1/Sabin. Intracerebral inoculation of these viruses into transgenic mice which express the human receptor for poliovirus identified regions of the genome that conferred reduced neurovirulence. Exchange of smaller restriction fragments and site-directed mutagenesis were used to identify the nucleotide changes responsible for attenuation. P1/Sabin mutations at nucleotides 935 of VP4, 2438 of VP3, and 2795 and 2879 of VP1 were all shown to be determinants of attenuation. The recombinant viruses and site-directed mutants were also used to identify the nucleotide changes which are involved in the temperature sensitivity of P1/Sabin. Determinants of this phenotype in HeLa cells were mapped to changes at nucleotides 935 of VP4, 2438 of VP3, and 2741 of VP1. The 3Dpol gene of P1/Sabin, which contains three amino acid differences from its parent P1/Mahoney, also contributes to the temperature sensitivity of P1/Sabin; however, mutants containing individual amino acid changes grew as well as P1/Mahoney at elevated temperatures, suggesting that either some combination or all three changes are required for temperature sensitivity. In addition, the 3'-noncoding region of P1/Sabin augments the temperature-sensitive phenotype conferred by 3Dpol. Although nucleotide 2741, 3Dpol, and the 3'-noncoding region of P1/Sabin contribute to the temperature sensitivity of P1/Sabin, they do not contribute to attenuation in transgenic mice expressing the poliovirus receptor, demonstrating that determinants of attenuation and temperature sensitivity can be genetically separated.  相似文献   

Carp growth hormone: molecular cloning and sequencing of cDNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Y Koren  S Sarid  R Ber  V Daniel 《Gene》1989,77(2):309-315
cDNA clones of the fish Cyprinus carpio growth hormone (GH) mRNA have been isolated from a cDNA library prepared from carp pituitary gland poly(A)+RNA. The nucleotide sequence of one of the carp GH cDNA clones containing an insert of 1164 nucleotides (nt) was determined. The cDNA sequence was found to encode a polypeptide of 210 amino acids (aa) including a signal peptide of 22 aa and to contain 5' and 3' untranslated regions of the mRNA of 36 and 498 nt, respectively. The carp GH presents a 63% amino acid sequence homology with the salmon GH, has structural features common with other GH polypeptides of mammalian or avian origin and contains domains of conserved sequence near the N- and C-terminal regions. Southern blot hybridization of carp genomic DNA with GH cDNA probes shows the presence of at least two GH-coding sequences in the fish genome.  相似文献   

RNA genomes from standard vesicular stomatitis virus and two defective interfering (DI) particles dI 0.33 (DI-T) and DI 0.52, were purified and digested with RNase T1. The resulting oligonucleotides were labeled at the 5' end with [32P]ATP and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. All of the major oligonucleotides containing 20 or more nucleotides were sequenced. Those oligonucleotides that were thought to be in common by their migration on polyacrylamide gels actually did have identical sequences. Those oligonucleotides thought to be unique to the DI RNAs either differed by only one nucleotide from oligonucleotides of the standard RNA or contained new sequences which were complementary to known sequences at the 5' end. These data indicate that RNAs from DI particles are not simple deletions but contain point mutations and additional complementary sequences.  相似文献   

Purification, molecular cloning, and sequencing of salivary cystatin SA-1   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A "long form" salivary thiol protease inhibitor, designated cystatin SA-I, was purified to homogeneity from human submandibular-sublingual saliva by sequential gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. Automated peptide sequencing data revealed that cystatin SA-I shares sequence homologies with salivary cystatin SN, except that it contains an additional octapeptide at its NH2 terminus. To further characterize the molecular basis of salivary cystatin diversity, a mixed-base oligonucleotide probe corresponding to a region within the NH2-terminal sequence of the salivary cystatins was synthesized. This probe was used to screen a portion of a human submandibular gland cDNA library. The cDNA insert of a clone, designated pBR HSMSF 10G5.1, carried the entire peptide coding sequence of cystatin SA-I. The secretory peptide signal coding sequence was immediately followed by a sequence encoding the eight amino acid residues found at the NH2 terminus of purified cystatin SA-I. To estimate the number of genes encoding cystatins in the human genome, fragments of the pBR HSMSF 10G5.1 insert were used as probes in Southern blot analyses of human genomic DNA. These analyses revealed that the human genome carries 4-7 homologous cystatin genes. Collectively, our data suggest that some of the diversity in salivary cystatins could be generated by expression of different members of a multigene family and by posttranslational proteolytic cleavage of NH2-terminal regions (cystatin SA-I to cystatin SN).  相似文献   

We have analyzed Semliki Forest virus defective interfering RNA molecules, generated by serial undiluted passaging of the virus in baby hamster kidney cells. The 42 S RNA genome (about 13 kb 2) has been greatly deleted to generate the DI RNAs, which are heterogeneous both in size (about 2 kb) and sequence content. The DI RNAs offer a system for exploring binding sites for RNA polymerase and encapsidation signals, which must have been conserved in them since they are replicated and packaged. In order to study the structural organization of DI RNAs, and to analyze which regions from the genome have been conserved, we have determined the nucleotide sequences of (1) a 2.3 kb long DI RNA molecule, DI309, (2) 3′-terminal sequences (each about 0.3 kb) of two other DI RNAs, and (3) the nucleotide sequence of 0.4 kb at the extreme 5′ end of the 42 S RNA genome.The DI309 molecule consists of a duplicated region with flanking unique terminal sequences. A 273-nucleotide sequence is present in four copies per molecule. The extreme 5′-terminal nucleotide sequence of the 42 S RNA genome is shown to contain domains that are conserved in the two DI RNAs of known structure: DI309, and the previously sequenced DI301 (Lehtovaara et al., 1981). Here we report which terminal genome sequences are conserved in the DI RNAs, and how they have been modified, rearranged or amplified.  相似文献   

S Kuge  A Nomoto 《Journal of virology》1987,61(5):1478-1487
A number of deletion and insertion sequences were introduced into the 5' noncoding sequence (742 nucleotides long) of the genome of the Sabin strain of type 1 poliovirus by using an infectious cDNA clone of the virus strain. The genomes of all three poliovirus serotypes contained highly homologous sequences (nucleotide positions 509 to 639) as well as highly variable sequences (positions 640 to 742) in the 5' noncoding region. The viability of mutant viruses was tested by transfecting mutant cDNA clones into African green monkey kidney cells and then estimating the plaque sizes displayed on the cells. The results suggested that the highly variable sequence next to the VP4 coding region did not play an important role, at least in the in vitro culture system used, that the loci of highly conserved nucleotide sequences were not always expected to be the genome regions essential for viral replication, that the sequence between positions 564 and 599 carried genetic information to maintain the efficiency of certain steps in viral replication, and that the sequence between positions 551 to 563 might play an essential role in viral replication. Four-base deletion or insertion mutations were introduced into relatively variable sequences in the genome region upstream of position 509. The results suggest that variable sequences do not always indicate that the corresponding genome regions are less important. Apparent revertants (large-plaque variants) were easily generated from one of the viable mutants with the small-plaque phenotype. The determination of nucleotide sequences of the revertant genomes revealed the second mutation site. The results suggested that the different loci at around positions 200 and 500 might specifically interact with each other. This interaction may result in the formation of a functional structure that influences the efficiency of certain steps in the viral replication.  相似文献   

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