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Unwanted cats surrendered to nonhuman animal shelters are generally categorized as either “owned” or “stray.” This classification is misleading because “stray” cats may include many “semiowned” cats, for which people provide care but who are not perceived as being owned. This differentiation is important because effective strategies designed to reduce cat admissions to, and euthanasia rates in, shelters rely on accurate information about cat populations contributing to shelter intake; cat semiowners will likely respond to different strategies than people with no relationship with the cats they surrender. People surrendering cats to four Australian animal shelters were surveyed to identify factors associated with perception of ownership. Many self-classified nonowners had fed the cats they surrendered, often for a considerable period of time. The factor most strongly associated with ownership perception was an increasing association time with the cat. These findings confirm that enduring relationships between surrenderers and cats, consistent with cat semiownership, are common for cats surrendered to Australian animal shelters. This finding should be taken into account when planning education messages and cat population management strategies aimed at reducing cat admissions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a brief scale, primarily intended for research applications, that measures how well people report meeting the welfare needs of their pet cats. The practice of keeping cats as a companion animal has increased, and despite their popularity, many cats suffer from poor welfare and behavioral problems. The failure to meet their welfare needs and provide for natural behaviors impacts their quality of life and may affect cats’ retention in adoptive homes. We present three studies in which we developed, piloted, and psychometrically evaluated the Cat Care and Needs Scale (CCANS) by surveying cat guardians, examining their selfreported care-taking habits and interactions in regards to a pet cat. The final study (n = 1,591) resulted in a 15-item scale which shows high reliability, with application of item response theory indicating that individual items were all suitable for inclusion. Diverse evidence, including a factor analysis, parallel analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, supports that the scale is unidimensional. The CCANS is scalable and allows for correlational comparisons with other scales which measure any variable of interest in research exploring human–companion animal relationships or cat welfare. We propose that the CCANS scale is a step forward in measuring how well pet owners understand and meet their cats’ behavioral, welfare, and basic care needs.  相似文献   

Collaboration among all shelters and nonhuman animal welfare groups within a community along with the transparent, shared reporting of uniform data have been promoted as effective ways to increase the number of animals' lives saved. This article summarizes the shelter intakes, outcomes, and live release rate (LRR) from 6 geographically diverse communities participating in the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Partnership program for 5 years (2007–2011). This program is both a grant program and a coaching program that works to focus the community partners on a data-driven goal using standardized definitions and metrics. There was improvement in LRR in all communities over time regardless of intake numbers, human population, or mix of dogs/puppies and cats/kittens entering shelters. Averaged across all communities over the 5-year period, there was an overall improvement in LRR of 62%. Within individual communities, the degree of improvement ranged from 18% to 96%. This improvement in LRR was accomplished through a wide variety of programs in each community based on resources and interests during the time period.  相似文献   

Most cats surrendered to nonhuman animal shelters are identified as unowned, and the surrender reason for these cats is usually simply recorded as “stray.” A cross-sectional study was conducted with people surrendering cats to 4 Australian animal shelters. Surrenderers of unowned cats commonly gave surrender reasons relating to concern for the cat and his/her welfare. Seventeen percent of noncaregivers had considered adopting the cat. Barriers to assuming ownership most commonly related to responsible ownership concerns. Unwanted kittens commonly contributed to the decision to surrender for both caregivers and noncaregivers. Nonowners gave more surrender reasons than owners, although many owners also gave multiple surrender reasons. These findings highlight the multifactorial nature of the decision-making process leading to surrender and demonstrate that recording only one reason for surrender does not capture the complexity of the surrender decision. Collecting information about multiple reasons for surrender, particularly reasons for surrender of unowned cats and barriers to assuming ownership, could help to develop strategies to reduce the number of cats surrendered.  相似文献   

Our study evaluated the effects on the prefrontal cortex, especially the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), of people when touching and stroking a real or soft toy cat, using functional near infrared spectroscopy. Thirty under-graduate students (10 males, 20 females) were recruited and performed three tactile tasks with a real cat and a soft toy cat using their right hand. They also filled in the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM), to measure their emotional responses, and the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, to assess their personalities. During the tactile interactions with the real cat, the integral values of oxygenated hemoglobin in the left IFG of the females were significantly greater than in the males. The valence scores of the SAM after the real cat-associated tasks in females were significantly higher than after the toy cat-associated tasks. Additionally, the number of times the females stroked the real cat was significantly positively correlated with the activation levels of the left IFG and the valence scores of the SAM. The activation levels of the left IFG in females were also positively correlated with neuroticism when stroking the real cat. Thus, in females, especially those with higher levels of neuroticism, touching/stroking the cat improved their mood. The effects of interacting with a cat may be different between the genders.  相似文献   

It has become clear that Bartonella henselae is a common cause of cat scratch disease (CSD). The indirect fluorescence antibody (IFA) test for detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to B. henselae concerning CSD showed that 5 (50%) of 10 patients with CSD had a serum IgG antibody titer of 1:128 or more and that 2 (20%) patients had a serum IgM antibody titer of 1:20 or more. One of 7 asymptomatic members of patients' families (14%) had IgG antibody to B. henselae at a titer of 1:256. IgM antibody to B. henselae was not detected in sera from the patients' families. Both IgG and IgM antibodies to B. henselae were not detected in sera from the healthy control group. These data suggest that B. henselae may be a cause of CSD in Japan.  相似文献   

Adoption records from 2 no kill shelters in New York State were examined to determine how age, sex, size, breed group, and coat color influenced the length of stay (LOS) of dogs at these shelters. Young puppies had the shortest length of stay; LOS among dogs increased linearly as age increased. Neither coat color nor sex influenced LOS. Considering only size classifications, medium-size dogs had the greatest LOS, and extra small dogs and puppies remained in shelters for the least amount of time. Considering only breed groupings, dogs in the guard group had the greatest LOS and those in the giant group had the shortest LOS. The lack of effect of coat color was not expected, nor was the shorter LOS among “fighting” breeds compared with other breed groups. Coat color and breed may have only local effects on LOS that do not generalize to all shelters, including traditional shelters. Understanding the traits of dogs in a specific shelter and the characteristics of these nonhuman animals desired by adopters are critical to improving the welfare of animals served by that shelter.  相似文献   

An Improved Method for In Situ Freezing of Cat Brain for Metabolic Studies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study introduces a new method for rapid freezing of the cat brain. The method employed a Styrofoam box which was fitted around the head of the animal. Liquid nitrogen was poured into the box until the head was submerged. Temperature changes in three brain sites (ventral hypothalamus, the fourth ventricle, and the corpus callosum) and levels of labile carbohydrate metabolites (glycogen, glucose, ATP, P-creatine, and lactate) in five brain regions (cortex, thalamus, midbrain, cerebellum, and pons) frozen by the box method were compared with those frozen by a conventional cup method in which liquid nitrogen was poured into a hollow Styrofoam cup placed on top of the skull. The box method shortened the time of arrival of the freezing front and improved the freezing rate. The time required to bring the tissue to -20 degrees C was shortened, from 20 min at the ventral hypothalamus and 10-12 min at the fourth ventricle with the cup method, to less than 5 min at both sites with the box technique. Continued perfusion of brainstem prior to freezing was demonstrated. Levels of metabolites frozen by either method were similar. Lactate levels in any of the five brain regions studied by either method were not elevated, indicating no ischemic change.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pdr5 is the founding member of a large subfamily of evolutionarily distinct, clinically important fungal ABC transporters containing a characteristic, deviant ATP-binding site with altered Walker A, Walker B, Signature (C-loop), and Q-loop residues. In contrast to these motifs, the D-loops of the two ATP-binding sites have similar sequences, including a completely conserved aspartate residue. Alanine substitution mutants in the deviant Walker A and Signature motifs retain significant, albeit reduced, ATPase activity and drug resistance. The D-loop residue mutants D340A and D1042A showed a striking reduction in plasma membrane transporter levels. The D1042N mutation localized properly had nearly WT ATPase activity but was defective in transport and was profoundly hypersensitive to Pdr5 substrates. Therefore, there was a strong uncoupling of ATPase activity and drug efflux. Taken together, the properties of the mutants suggest an additional, critical intradomain signaling role for deviant ATP-binding sites.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, research about zoo visitors' effects on the welfare of nonhuman animals in captivity has intensified. Numerous studies have shown that characteristics such as visitor presence, density, activity, size, and position are associated with animal behavioral and—to alesser extent physiological—changes. Studies usually interpret these changes as negative (undesirable) or positive (enriching), but it remains unclear whether they significantly impinge on animal welfare. To make confident conclusions about visitors' effects necessitates more studies using (a) a wider range of animal groupings, (b) measures of stress, (c) visitor-animal variables, and (d) other methodological improvements In the meantime, in addition to further research, individual zoos need to emphasize (a) monitoring the stress indicators of their captive animals, (b) observing visitor behavior, and (c) ensuring that staffs are aware of the “visitor effect” concept.  相似文献   

To find management strategies for controlling the owned cat population in Knox County, TN, the authors formulated a mathematical model using biological properties of such nonhuman animals and spay actions on certain age classes. They constructed this discrete-time model to predict the future owned cat population in this county and to evaluate intervention strategies to surgically sterilize some proportion of the population. Using the predicted population size and the number of surgeries for specific scenarios, they showed that focusing on specific age classes can be an effective feature in spay programs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of the human frontal cortex when listening to cat meows and dog barks, accompanied with a non-verbal pictorial using an affective rating system that assesses the dimensions of valence and arousal. Each participant (24 students; 12 females and 12 males) sat individually in the middle of a room and listened to the sounds (cat meows, dog barks, and the sound of a train) through ceiling-mounted speakers with a near infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) device. Participants had significantly higher oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) levels during the exposure to meows (p < 0.05) and barks (p < 0.01) compared with the train sound. A significant correlation was observed between the dimensions of valence and oxy-Hb activation when the participants listened to cat meows (r = 0.53, p < 0.017; Bonferroni correction). In conclusion, we found that the acoustic signals of companion animals lead to frontal cortex responses in humans, suggesting that their signals have an important function related to their long coexistence with people.  相似文献   

Records of 4,455 sheltered dogs were analyzed to compare the numbers of traceable (able to be reunited with original caregivers) and untraceable (unable to be reunited with original caregivers) dogs before (Period 1) and after (Period 2) introduction of a mandatory microchipping. Records were also used to compare the numbers of microchipped dogs, to compare dogs’ reunification with caregivers, and to estimate possible financial savings. In Period 1, 51.8% of the dogs were untraceable (median length of stay = 14 days) and 48.2% were traceable (median length of stay = 1 day). Of all traceable dogs, 24.5% were microchipped, and 67.5% of microchipped dogs were traceable. In Period 2, 57.1% of dogs were traceable (median length of stay = 0 days), and 42.9% were untraceable (median length of stay = 12 days). Of all traceable dogs, 61.4% had a microchip, and 80% of microchipped dogs were traceable. In Period 2, authorities saved more than US$43,400 on unreclaimed dog care. Mandatory microchipping of dogs appears to be an effective measure to increase reunification of sheltered dogs, decrease length of stay, and save authority funds.  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance of WAP 1.x to that of Internet protocols. We implement a WAP client and a WAP gateway based on the WAP version 1.1 and assess the overall response time to compare it to those of HTTP and TCP. We use a W-CDMA emulator to evaluate WAP 1.x performance in high-speed wireless networks such as 3G. The results show that all protocols have comparable performance (i.e., response time) except when transmitting large content sets (e.g., multimedia data files), in which case HTTP/TCP offers better performance than WAP 1.x. We also evaluate WAP specific functions such as the binary encoding of WAP headers and WML contents. While binary encoding is effective for small content sets, its effectiveness and performance are questionable for large content sets. Based on the results of our evaluation, we conclude that standard Internet protocols (i.e., HTTP/TCP) are suitable for high-speed wireless networks such as 3G.  相似文献   

The Root effect is a widespread property among fish hemoglobins whose structural basis remains largely obscure. Here we report a crystallographic and spectroscopic characterization of the non-Root-effect hemoglobin isolated from the Antarctic fish Trematomus newnesi in the deoxygenated form. The crystal structure unveils that the T state of this hemoglobin is stabilized by a strong H-bond between the side chains of Asp95α and Asp101β at the α1β2 and α2β1 interfaces. This unexpected finding undermines the accepted paradigm that correlates the presence of this unusual H-bond with the occurrence of the Root effect. Surprisingly, the T state is characterized by an atypical flexibility of two α chains within the tetramer. Indeed, regions such as the CDα corner and the EFα pocket, which are normally well ordered in the T state of tetrameric hemoglobins, display high B-factors and non-continuous electron densities. This flexibility also leads to unusual distances between the heme iron and the proximal and distal His residues. These observations are in line with Raman micro-spectroscopy studies carried out both in solution and in the crystal state. The findings here presented suggest that in fish hemoglobins the Root effect may be switched off through a significant destabilization of the T state regardless of the presence of the inter-aspartic H-bond. Similar mechanisms may also operate for other non-Root effect hemoglobins. The implications of the flexibility of the CDα corner for the mechanism of the T-R transition in tetrameric hemoglobins are also discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology and topographical distribution of neurons and terminals containing calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunoreactivity in the cat periaqueductal grey (PAG) were studied using a rabbit antiserum raised against the C-terminal region of rat α-CGRP. In normal cats, numerous fibers, but rarely immunoreactive neurons, were observed in the PAG. CGRP-containing fibers showed bouton-like swellings along their length and expanded in terminal clusters of boutons. In many cases, CGRP-positive fibers were also observed in close association with small blood vessels. Immunoreactive fibers were particularly numerous at caudal PAG levels, mostly in its ventrolateral portion. In colchicine-treated cats, the pattern of CGRP-containing fibers was basically unchanged, despite a reduction of both the number of fibers and the intensity of fiber staining; in addition, numerous CGRP-positive neurons were found, mostly in the ventrolateral portion of the caudal PAG. These neurons were fusiform, spheroidal, and triangular in shape. The selective distribution of CGRP-positive elements in the PAG suggests a functional specialization of these neurons in the activation of pain-modulating mechanisms.  相似文献   


The domestic cat Felis catus has a long history of interaction with humans, and is found throughout the world as a household pet and a feral animal. Despite people's often sentimental association with cats, cat meat is sometimes consumed by them; this practice can have important implications for public health. In Madagascar, a least developed country that has experienced recent political instability, cat consumption is known to occur, but remains poorly understood. To improve our understanding of cat consumption practices in Madagascar we interviewed 512 respondents in five towns. We used semi-structured interviews to: 1) clarify the preference for, and prevalence, correlates, and timing of, cat consumption; 2) describe methods used to procure cats for consumption; 3) identify motives for consuming cat meat; and, 4) evaluate to what extent patterns of cat-meat consumption are influenced by taboos. We found that, although cat was not a preferred source of meat, many (34%) Malagasy respondents had consumed cat meat before, with most (54%) of these indicating such consumption occurred in the last decade. We did not detect a link between consumption of cat meat and recent access to meat (a proxy for food security). Cat meat was almost never purchased, but rather was obtained when the owners consumed their own pet cat, as a gift, or by hunting feral cats. Cat meat was usually consumed in smaller towns following cat–human conflict such as attacks on chickens, but in the large capital city, cat meat was procured primarily from road-killed individuals. These results suggest cat-meat consumption is typically an opportunistic means to obtain inexpensive meat, rather than principally serving as a response to economic hardship. These results further suggest cat handling and consumption may present a potential pathway for transmission of several diseases, including toxoplasmosis, that may warrant heightened public health efforts.  相似文献   


Free-roaming cats present a multidisciplinary challenge for wildlife conservation and feline welfare. Veterinary professionals are critical stake-holders in the issue of free-roaming cats, making it imperative that their attitudes and perspectives are well understood. In this study, we conducted an electronic survey of veterinarians practicing across British Columbia to evaluate their perceptions of 1) whether cat overpopulation is a concern, 2) the impacts of cats on wildlife, and 3) alternative management strategies for dealing with cat overpopulation. Of the 389 respondents, 56% agreed that cat overpopulation was a local problem, and 91% agreed that veterinarians play a role in reducing cat overpopulation. Veterinarians in rural communities had a greater involvement in cat overpopulation and perceived it as more problematic than their urban colleagues. The majority (70%) of veterinarians reported that they performed early-age sterilization, supported the principle of low-cost spay-neuter services (67%), and 65% of them were involved in these services. Just over half (54%) of respondents reported that they provide permanent identification to cats, typically offering both microchips and tattoos. Veterinarians were less cohesive on their perceptions of the impact of free-roaming cats on wildlife: 53% agreed that after habitat loss cats are one of the most significant, direct causes of bird and wildlife mortality, while 30% were neutral and 17% disagreed. Fifty-six percent of veterinarians felt that keeping cats indoors would be one of the most effective strategies to reduce cat impacts on wildlife, but they also felt that public education programs and low-cost spay-neuter programs would be effective and more popular with cat owners. Most veterinarians (79%) recommended against unsupervised outdoor access, citing safety and disease risks. Rodent control was the most common reason for not recommending an indoor lifestyle. Overall, our survey results suggest that veterinarians are committed participants in the prevention of cat overpopulation. Conservationists need to focus on increased engagement with veterinarians regarding the impact of cats on wildlife.  相似文献   

以扫描正弦光栅作为刺激,用冰冻法毁损皮层17、18、19区和外侧上雪氏回(LS区)来阻断皮层对外膝体的反馈投射,记录并描绘了猫外膝体597个细胞的方位调制特性.去视皮层猫外膝体神经元的平均方位选择性强度(Bias)为0.154,与正常猫(0.155)几乎相同,其最优方位偏向于水平方位.与正常猫外膝体不同的是,去视皮层猫外膝体失去了最优方位的切向分布规律,用GABA或KCl压抑皮层活动得到了相近的实验结果.结果说明正常外膝体的最优方位切向分布规律来自皮层反馈投射.  相似文献   

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