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Kenneled environments often prevent direct physical contact between dogs, potentially causing stress, and so it has been recommended that such contact should be provided. This study examined the effect of familiarity on the behavior of dogs during off-lead interaction. Kenneled dogs (3 breeds) were given 15-min off-lead interactions with a familiar dog and an unfamiliar dog; the behavior of the focal dog and the distance between the dogs were recorded. More time in contact and interaction behaviors were recorded at 0 to 3 min with unfamiliar dogs than with familiar dogs. At 9 to 12 min, familiar pairs spent more time within 5 body lengths and more time being followed than unfamiliar pairs, who spent more time at more than 5 body lengths apart. This suggests that the initial interaction is more important when dogs are unfamiliar, but once this “greeting” has occurred, unfamiliar pairs are more likely to investigate their surroundings independently rather than together. Breed differences were observed only at 0 to 3 min. The study suggests that familiarity should be taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of conspecific contact as a potential enrichment for kennel-housed dogs.  相似文献   

Many parrotfishes (Scaridae) co-occur in mixed-species aggregations as juveniles, but diverge in resource use and social structure as adults. Focal observations of three juvenile parrotfishes (Scarus coeruleus, Sparisoma aurofrenatum, and Sparisoma viride) were conducted on inshore patch reefs in the Florida Keys to determine how feeding and aggressive interactions vary with group participation. All three species spent more time in groups than alone, most often in groups of less than ten individuals. Feeding rates were significantly higher for S. viride when foraging in groups than when alone. All species fed most often from Halimeda, and overall diet composition was similar for fish whether feeding in groups or alone. The frequency of aggressive interactions varied with group participation. Focal S. aurofrenatum were more aggressive when in groups than when alone, and both S. aurofrenatum and S. viride were attacked more often by damselfishes when they were alone than when in groups. In contrast, feeding rates, diet breadth, and aggressive interactions of S. coeruleus were less affected by group participation. Small mixed-species aggregations of coral reef fishes may be large enough for individuals to assume some of the benefits of group participation while at the same time avoiding the costs of competition realized in larger groups.  相似文献   

Abstract: Data on the behavior of walk-hunters and pointing dogs aids in understanding and managing quail harvest. We collected Global Positioning System track logs and recorded behaviors of hunters and dogs on northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) hunts in Oklahoma (n = 43), Texas (n = 43), and Missouri (n = 7), USA, during the 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 hunting seasons. Hunter velocity averaged 0.8 ± 0.03 (SE) m/second both seasons (n = 85) and pooled (95% CL overlap) velocity of bird dogs was 2.5 ± 0.07 (SE) m/second (n = 154). Hunters spent 60.5 ± 2.4% (SE) of their time walking in 2005–2006 (n = 45) versus 75.2 ± 3.5% (SE) in 2006–2007 (n = 48); respective figures for ranging by dogs were 50.2 ± 2.2% (n = 57) versus 82.0 ± 1.3% (SE; n = 97). Mean duration of a hunt declined from 82.3 ± 8.16 (SE) minutes (n = 45) to 50.2 ± 5.1 (SE) minutes (n = 48) between seasons. Variation in bobwhite abundance was the primary cause of seasonal variation in hunter and dog behaviors because covey-associated activities declined as quail abundance declined. With our results and those of previous workers, managers have first-generation estimates of all variables in hunter-covey interface models for managing bobwhite harvest on discrete areas.  相似文献   

Problematic behaviors are a significant reason for relinquishment, and relinquished dogs are more likely to have problem behaviors. This study utilized standardized surveys of owners (companion animal guardians) relinquishing their dogs to shelters and dog owners visiting vaccination clinics. “Relinquishing” and “continuing” owners were asked questions in the following categories: demographic information, training methods and tools, frequencies in which their dogs engaged in problematic behaviors, and attachment to their dogs. “Relinquishers” were also asked to provide their reasons for relinquishment. The results of 129 surveys (80 relinquishing and 49 continuing) showed that relinquishers scored lower on companion animal attachment than continuing owners. Pit bull-type dogs were represented more in the relinquishing group. Relinquished dogs were no less likely to have attended training classes than continuing dogs. In both groups, owners who used punishment-based collars reported less satisfaction with their dogs' overall and leash-walking behaviors. Pit bull-type dogs were reported to be no less well behaved compared with all other breeds combined. Sixty-five percent of relinquishers reported some behavioral reason for relinquishment. Forty-eight percent of relinquishers indicated that at least 1 problem behavior was a strong influence on their decision to relinquish.  相似文献   

Currently, visitor behavior in companion animal shelters is not adequately explored. A sequence of experiments investigated how visitors interacted with kenneled dogs at an animal shelter and whether training dogs to not engage in undesirable behavior in their kennels would evoke more interest from shelter visitors. In a set of two experiments, two sides of an animal shelter were differentially entered into training phases in a multiple baseline design. During the training phase, dogs were trained to not engage in undesirable in-kennel behavior (i.e., to not be in the back of the kennel, to not face backwards, to not lean on kennel walls, and to not bark) through pairing of the visual presentation of the experimenters (experiment 1) and shelter visitors (experiment 2) with treats. Across both experiments, visitors attended to approximately 35% of kenneled dogs and only spent an average of 15 s looking at individual dogs. We found that whereas training was effective in decreasing undesirable behavior in dogs (experiment 1: U = 4.83, p < 0.0001; experiment 2: U = 4.01, p = 0.0001), only morphology influenced visitor behavior. In experiment 1, morphologically preferred dogs (i.e., puppies, long-coated dogs, small dogs, and certain breeds) had a 1.3 times higher frequency of visits to their kennel (F(1, 248) = 5.93, p < 0.05), and in experiment 2, these dogs had a 9 times higher frequency of being taken out of their kennel for further inspection (F(1, 69) = 4.66, p < 0.05), compared to other dogs. One reason for a lack of effect of training may be the relatively small number of visitors observed (n = 115 across both experiments). An alternative reason may be that shelter visitors pay more attention to the morphology rather than the lack of undesirable behavior of kenneled dogs.  相似文献   

Reducing the frequency and/or severity of aggression and wounding is a major concern of people managing socially housed chimpanzees. One factor that has not been investigated intensively for its effect on captive chimpanzee agonism is the presence of humans. Therefore, we examined an archival database of wounding incidents among 88 adult and adolescent members of 8 social groups of chimpanzees (42 females, 46 males) to determine whether variable levels of human activity (higher weekday versus lower weekend-day activity levels) in the colony was associated with changes in chimpanzee wounding patterns. Wounding was tabulated for each group for periods of 38 - 118 months. A series of Chi-square tests indicated that there were a greater than expected number of wounding episodes on weekdays but that day of the week did not affect the age or sex distribution of wounding. Together, these results suggest that the presence of personnel completing routine activities is associated with chimpanzee agonism. Zoo Biol 16:327–333, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Photographs are frequently used to promote adoption of dogs on rescue shelter websites. While physical traits are well illustrated via photographs, conveying a dog's behavioral traits is more problematic. Traits such as sociability, obedience, and friendliness are likely to be better displayed via video footage. This study explored the effects of video versus photographs on the perception of dog behavioral traits. Four dogs from a Gloucestershire Rescue Shelter (2 desirable breeds, 2 from a stigmatized breed) were individually photographed, and a 30-s video of each was recorded. Two questionnaires were produced containing either a video or photograph of each dog. Each questionnaire presented all 4 dogs but via different media. Participants rated their agreement with 12 statements relating to their perceptions of the dog seen. Dogs viewed via video were considered to be more trainable, intelligent, friendly, and gentle and less dominant, aggressive, and unsociable. This finding was observed in desired and stigmatized breeds. Perceived behavioral traits can impact the likelihood of adoption. These findings suggest that greater use of video footage by rehoming shelters could help promote dog adoptions.  相似文献   

Here, to determine the effects of transport stress on blood parameters in dogs, we investigated the changes in hematologic and serum chemical parameters in healthy beagle dogs transported from Beijing, China, to Osaka, Japan, to obtain the background data. Only the activity of serum alkaline phosphatase increased clearly upon arrival, a change attributed to transport stress, but the activity gradually reduced afterward. No marked changes in levels of other blood parameters were noted. Our findings here suggest that alkaline phosphatase is a useful tool for studying transport stress.  相似文献   

Therapy and visitation dogs are becoming more common on college campuses to provide comfort and support to students, but little attention has been given to the concerns of faculty and staff who share space with the dogs in their workplaces. The purpose of this study was to assess the perceptions of faculty and staff with regard to both the benefits and the hazards (e.g., dander, bites, fleas) and risks associated with the presence of visitation dogs in their workplaces. One hundred and thirty-eight employees who worked in buildings with resident visitation dogs completed an online survey about their perceptions of the hazards and risks of the dogs and the effects of dogs on the wellbeing of both students and employees. In general, employees perceived that the dogs presented minimal risks, and most employees believed that they can reduce stress and provide comfort to students on campus. There were a few employees, however, who reported that the dogs did not improve the work environment and conferred no benefits to the staff or students. The findings of the present survey support the mostly positive attitudes that people have for dogs in the workplace, but they also highlight a potential challenge: accommodating individuals who believe very strongly that dogs do not belong in work environments.  相似文献   


Studies in human medicine show that care of chronically ill family members can affect the caregiver's life in several ways and cause “caregiver burden.” Companion animals are offered increasingly advanced veterinary treatments, sometimes involving home care. Owners choosing such treatments could thus face similar challenges when caring for their animals. This qualitative study uncovers impacts on an owner's life, when attending to the care of an aged or chronically ill dog and reflects on the differing roles of caregivers with animal and human patients. Twelve dog owners were selected for in-depth interviews based on the dogs' diagnoses, and the choice of treatments and care expected to affect the owner's life. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed qualitatively. The dog owners reported several changes in their lives due to their dog's condition: practicalities like extra care, changes in use of the home, and restrictions relating to work, social life, and finances. These were time-consuming, tough, and annoying, but could often be dealt with through planning and prioritizing. Changes in the human–dog relationship and activities caused sadness and frustration, which in turn led to feelings of guilt, and in some cases created a feeling of loss. Also, concerns about the progress of the dog's condition, it's welfare, and euthanasia brought emotional distress and many doubts. The owners did, however, respond to the changes differently and as a result experienced different effects on their own life. This study confirms that the situations of caregivers with human and animal patients are in some ways similar, yet the study also identifies and reflects on some of the differences. These include the caregiver role and the options of assistance as well as euthanasia. Veterinary staff are urged to inform owners about possible impacts on their lives when considering careconsuming treatments, and to be aware of the need for support during treatment as well as in decisions about euthanasia.  相似文献   

目的研究比格犬垂体囊肿自发性病变的发生情况,以建立适用于GLP的实验动物背景资料。方法采用常规组织学方法,对60只8~10月龄实验对照组比格犬垂体进行组织病理学检查,光学显微镜下描述垂体囊肿的组织形态学特点并统计其发生率。结果囊肿多出现在垂体的远侧部,囊壁由一层扁平或立方状上皮构成,囊腔内可见黏液状物;囊肿总体发生率为23.3%,其中雌性为13.3%,雄性为33.3%。结论应加强比格犬自发病变的病理监测,为药物安全性评价提供实验动物的背景资料。  相似文献   

研究重组人血管内皮抑素(rhEndostatin)静脉注射后在Beagle犬体内的药代动力学过程,为临床应用提供药代动力学数据。用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)竞争法检测Beagle犬静脉注射rhEndostatin后不同时间的血药浓度,并将血药浓度-时间数据经计算机拟合,计算出相应参数。rhEndostatin静脉注射Beagle犬后,药物的分布半衰期平均为(0.34±0.04)h,消除半衰期为(16.5±1.6)h。血药浓度-时间曲线下面积(AUC)与剂量呈正相关,相关系数为0.999 9。血浆清除率(CLs)均值为(0.123±0.006)l/h,高、中、低剂量CLs基本相同。rhEndostatin在Beagle犬体内的药代动学过程基本符合线性药动学特征,血药浓度-时间曲线符合二房室模型。rhEndostatin在Beagle犬体内药代动力学过程的研究对其进一步开发具有指导价值。  相似文献   


An investigation was conducted into human fear of dogs and experiences of canine aggression in an adult community sample (n = 292). Consistent with expectations, it was found that, while fear of dogs was relatively common (present in almost half the respondents), fear of dog attacks was less so, and extreme fear of dog attacks was very rare. Women, middle-aged and older adults were more likely to fear dogs than men and younger adults, while older people were more likely than younger ones to fear dog attacks. Reported encounters with canine aggression, particularly threatening behavior, were relatively common, but having been attacked by a dog was less strongly related to fear of dogs than having been threatened by a dog. Logistic regression analyses revealed that being female, having been threatened by a dog, and being older were strong predictors of dog-related fear, while being older and obtaining higher scores on a measure of trait anxiety predicted fear of dog attacks.  相似文献   

A functional analysis was conducted to assess the antecedent and reinforcing conditions underlying aggressive behavior in a female lemur in captivity. Results showed that her aggression was primarily the result of human attention. A replacement behavior-training program was introduced, and the lemur's aggression was successfully eliminated. These results demonstrate the utility of using functional assessment and analyses in zoos with captive wild nonhuman animals.  相似文献   

Understanding the abiotic and biotic mechanisms regulating species distributions is an important area of study for ecologists. Increasingly, studies have begun to focus on the influence of abiotic conditions on biotic interactions. Numerous examples of interspecific aggression exist within the terrestrial salamander genus Plethodon and many occur between montane endemics and lowland conspecifics. Here, we explore how variation in temperature might influence aggressive interactions between two Plethodon species that have relatively broad elevational overlap, P. cylindraceus and P. montanus. We found that both species increased aggressive acts with increasing temperatures. We also found that the pattern of variation in aggression across test temperatures differed between species. Interestingly, we found that the lowland congener, P. cylindraceus, was more aggressive than the montane endemic, P. montanus, a pattern opposite of previous observations within Plethodon. The large range of sympatry observed between these species may be a result of a reverse of what is expected based on previous research with congeners in similar systems and not the result of temperature‐specific outcomes.  相似文献   

1984—1985年,从安徽省EHF疫区收集78只狗肺,用IFAT检测,5只EHF抗原阳性,阳性率为6.4%,并从EHF抗原阳性的狗肺中分离到两株EHFV,从而首次证明狗可自然感染EHFV。狗有捕食鼠类的习性,与人接触密切,其传播EHF的作用需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

HPLC法测定犬体内罗格列酮药物动力学参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的-研究马来酸罗格列酮在犬体内的药动学特点。方法-以乙腈固相提取, HPLC法测定马来酸罗格列酮的血浆药物浓度; 以3P97软件计算磷酸罗格列酮药动学参数。结果与结论-马来酸罗格列酮在犬体内呈现1级吸收权重为1的一室模型规律; 其主要的药动学参数为 V (c) 约 0 4231 mg/kg/ (μg·ml-1), T1/2(ke)约107 6 min, CL约0 0027 mg·kg-1·min/ ( g·ml-1)。  相似文献   

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