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Female Glossina pallidipes Austen were captured in odour-baited traps at Rekomitjie Research Station, Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe during February 1994; 2890 were dissected and assigned to their ovarian age category and day of pregnancy using the lengths of the oocytes and uterine content. For 1838 of these flies, the nutritional state of the mother and her uterine content were estimated separately. It was thereby possible to see how, during pregnancy, the females acquired fat and residual dry weight (RDW) and transfered them to the larva. Newly emerged flies contained 1 mg fat and 6 mg RDW, of which 4 mg was in the thorax (TRDW). Fat hardly increased by the first ovulation; RDW increased by 2.5 mg and 1.5 mg of this increase was in TRDW. Mean haematin levels increased from 2 to 8 microg during each pregnancy. Fat increased from 1.2 mg to 4.5-5 mg by day 7 and was then rapidly transferred to the larva. RDW increased by only 1.8 mg by day 7, but larval RDW increased thereafter by > 6 mg. Amino acids from late-pregnancy bloodmeals are incorporated directly, in the uterine gland, into 'milk' that is taken up rapidly by the larva. Capture probability was highest on day 1 of pregnancy, when nutritional levels were lowest, with lesser peaks on days 5 and 8 when the fly was nourishing a rapidly developing larva. On day 1, the peak of the logarithm of the haematin distribution corresponded to flies estimated to have fed approximately 75 h previously; by day 8 it had shifted to approximately 60 h post-feeding. A model in which feeding rates and capture probabilities increased exponentially with time since feeding accounted for 97% of the variance in log haematin frequencies. On 4/9 days of pregnancy there was no significant decline in fat with haematin content during the lipolytic phase. The rate of decline is not a satisfactory estimate of the rate of fat usage. Flies in this study had longer wings and higher TRDW than those from refuges in an earlier study, but had lower levels of fat and haematin.  相似文献   

In Zimbabwe, female tsetse Glossina pallidipes Austen, collected from artificial warthog burrows and subjected to ovarian dissection and nutritional analysis, provide the first field estimates of resource allocation from mother to offspring across all of pregnancy. Approximately 45% of 1833 females captured are full‐term pregnant on entering the burrow. The remainder presumably use burrows as refuges at temperatures >32 °C. Maternal residual dry weight (RDW) increases by 1.5 mg after the first feed post‐larviposition but, thereafter, only by 1.4 mg by 90% of pregnancy completion. Uterine RDW changes little by 60% of pregnancy completion but increases by >6 mg by parturition. Between the times of 5% and 90% pregnancy completion, maternal RDW is approximately constant: it then declines 2.8 mg by parturition, balancing larval gains of 2.6 mg. Mothers accumulate 6.3 mg of fat in the first 80% of pregnancy, while uterine fat increases by only 0.8 mg. Thereafter, by parturition, larval fat increases by 4.1 mg, whereas maternal fat declines by 3.3 mg. The larva deposited is 5% heavier than its mother and has 52% more fat. RDW and fat levels, corrected for fly size and haematin, are 1 and 2 mg, respectively, lower in females from traps than those from burrows. Burrow catches provide an improved picture of tsetse pregnancy dynamics, highlighting a reproductive strategy involving resource commitment to the larva being delayed until late pregnancy when sufficient stores guarantee viable pupal production. Larval development in tsetse starts significantly later than the analogous changes during pregnancy in two mammals and two viviparous fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fat and haematin levels of mature male Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood were estimated at different times after feeding at temperatures between 15 and 30°C. Flies were kept (largely inactive) in 7.5 × 2.5 cm tubes, or in actograph cages, where flight activity increased with time after feeding. Haematin excretion was modelled as a series of three first order reactions, all with the same rate parameter. The model accounted for > 98% of the variance in mean haematin in each of seven experiments; the rate parameter increased linearly with temperature and activity level. A similar approach was adopted for modelling fat metabolism. The rate coefficients of lipogenesis increased with temperature, and that for lipolysis with temperature, activity level and their interaction. All experiments were analysed simultaneously to provide equations predicting haematin or fat levels for all times, for active or inactive flies, and for temperatures between 15 and 30°C. Haematin exhibited large variations between individuals, but for active flies the expected haematin content at a given time varied little between flies kept at 25 and at 30°C. In inactive flies kept at 25°C, lipogenesis peaked at ≈ 24 h and lipolysis at ≈ 48 h. For active flies the times were 12 and 24 h, respectively; both rates were about twice as high as in inactive flies. Active flies produced (up to 1 mg) more fat out of a given size of blood meal than inactive flies. Curves of fat content against logarithm of haematin content differed little with temperature, and can therefore be useful for comparative studies of field populations of tsetse.  相似文献   

Abstract. The feeding intervals of tsetse flies have been estimated from the nutritional state of flies caught in traps. However, such estimates have been disputed on the grounds that traps catch a biased, hungry sample of the flies which are seeking hosts and will feed. In this paper we present data on the nutritional state of tsetse flies caught approaching and feeding on oxen. Individual oxen were surrounded with an incomplete ring of electric nets which caught Glossina pallidipes Austen that were approaching, departing unfed and departing fed from an ox. Non-teneral males caught in this way were analysed for their fat and haematin contents. The feeding interval was estimated from a comparison of the frequency distributions of the pre- and post-feed haematin contents of the flies which fed. The former was not measured directly, and was deduced from the frequency distributions of the haematin contents of the male flies caught approaching and departing unfed from the oxen, since it is assumed that the departing unfed and fed flies together form a sample of the approaching flies. There was no difference between the frequency distributions of haematin contents of flies caught approaching and departing unfed, and therefore the pre-feed haematin contents of the males which fed should have the same frequency distribution. Comparison of this distribution with that of the post-feed haematin contents of the males which fed indicated that the majority of male G.pallidipes were returning to feed after digesting on average 1.4 log haematin units of the previous bloodmeal. From data published elsewhere, this corresponds to a mean feeding interval of 42-60h. There was a strong, linear, negative relationship between the fat contents of males and their probability of taking a bloodmeal, suggesting that fat content is important in determining the feeding behaviour of tsetse flies.  相似文献   

Female Glossina pallidipes Austen trapped with baited NG2B traps were subjected both to detailed ovarian dissection and to nutritional analysis. Using a calibration curve derived from dissected wild-caught, laboratory-held flies, the field females were assigned by discriminant analysis to each day of the pregnancy cycle. Field females were most available to NG2B traps while carrying the first instar larva. The nutritional characteristics of trapped field females over the pregnancy cycle lead to the following main conclusions. (i) Fat levels increase most rapidly during the egg in utero stage, while CRDW increases significantly only during the larval stages, culminating in a 4 mg increase during the last day of the third larval instar. (ii) The haematin content of the flies indicates that females feed at approximately 3-day intervals and may feed on any day of the pregnancy cycle. (iii) The estimated time of feeding during the day corresponds with the observed time of peak activity, both of which are earlier in the day later in the pregnancy cycle. (iv) The rate of fat usage reveals significantly greater flight activity on day 5 of the cycle than on other days, agreeing with the high trappability on this day, and overall females appear to use fat at twice the rate of males. Reproductive data provide a much more accurate picture of the relative sampling efficiency than do nutritional data, although the latter reveal the general trends correctly.  相似文献   

  • 1 The feeding cycle for male tsetse flies and the pregnancy cycle for females are used as frameworks for investigating the field behaviour of Glossina morsitans centralis Machado in Zambia, and hence the sampling biases of different capture devices.
  • 2 Flies were collected in the field using hand nets and an electric back pack on foot patrols, and hand nets, hand-catching and an electric screen on landrover patrols. They were analysed for wing-fray, vein-length, chloroform-extractable fat and haematin. In addition, samples of laboratory-bred females killed daily during their second pregnancy cycle were analysed for the last two parameters.
  • 3 The daily flying time of males is estimated from the fat—haematin curve to be about 32 min/day, which is identical to previous estimates for G. morsitans from Tanzania.
  • 4 From the varying numbers and fat content of male flies caught by the different sampling methods during the course of the feeding cycle it is concluded that both haematin levels and fat reserves influence fly behaviour.
  • 5 Comparison of the frequency distribution of wild-caught and laboratory-bred females along the corrected residual dry weight axis of the pregnancy cycle suggests that the results of combined electric-trap and hand-net sampling reflect the actual frequency distribution in the wild population at least for the first 7 days of the pregnancy cycle; but females in the last 2 days of their pregnancy cycle are apparently unavailable to sampling devices, perhaps because of their reduced flight activity.
  • 6 The very variable percentage female catch (10.9–43.4%) returned by the different sampling methods is discussed in the light of the detailed analysis of the differential availability of male and female flies to each capture device.

In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the landing and feeding responses of Glossina pallidipes on an ox. Of the tsetse approaching an ox, ≈ 70% fed. Increasing densities of tsetse increased the grooming responses of the ox but had no significant effect on the percentage of tsetse that engorged. The landing site of tsetse on the ox varied with density, with ≈ 50% landing on the legs at low densities (< 20 flies per ox), compared to ≈ 80% at densities > 40 flies per ox. For male G. pallidipes , the mean bloodmeal size was 37 mg. The probability of feeding was negatively correlated with fat content, declining from 91% for flies with < 1 mg fat to < 50% for flies with > 4 mg fat. Bloodmeal size was also negatively correlated with fat content; the regression equation relating bloodmeal size and fat content indicated that the mean wet weight declined from 42 mg for flies with 1 mg of fat to 31 mg for flies with 5 mg of fat. For females, the probability of feeding was not significantly affected by age as determined by ovarian category but there was a paucity of young (ovarian category 0) flies attracted to the ox. Pregnancy status had no significant effect on the probability of feeding, but samples of flies attracted to the ox showed a relative dearth of females approaching larviposition and a preponderance just after.  相似文献   

  • 1 In this paper we investigate whether the technique of discriminant analysis can be used to estimate sampling biases for female tsetse.
  • 2 Discriminant analysis was first applied to laboratory samples of female tsetse, Glossina morshans morsitans Westwood, to test whether flies of known history could be assigned to the correct day of the pregnancy cycle on the basis of their fat, haematin and corrected residual dry weight.
  • 3 Following the satisfactory results from the laboratory samples, the same technique was applied to field samples of G.m. centralis Machado captured by electric traps and hand nets in Zambia and of G.palpalis palpalis (Robineau-Desvoidy) captured in biconical traps at five sites in Ivory Coast. The results show that flies on day 1 of the pregnancy cycle were most likely to be caught, with a second peak of day-6 and day-7 flies, while very few day-8 or day-9 flies were caught.
  • 4 These major peaks in fly trappability coincide with the known feeding habits of female tsetse, and indicate synchrony of feeding by many members of the population immediately after larviposition and again as the larva in utero moults from the second to third instar. G.palpalis is relatively more available at this later stage of its pregnancy cycle to the capture methods used than is G.morsitans. A third feed may be taken at a more variable point in the pregnancy cycle.
  • 5 This method of estimating the sampling biases of female tsetse could allow an estimate of total population size, as long as the absolute sampling efficiency of flies on any one day of the pregnancy cycle could be established by, for example, mark-release-recapture experiments.

Abstract Measurements of residual haematin in males of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood reared in the laboratory at 25oC suggest that blood meal digestion is completed in 4 or 5 days after feeding. However, a high proportion of haematin is present as faecal matter 2 days after feeding and it is concluded that digestion is completed sooner than indicated by the regression of logio haematin on time. Therefore, low levels of residual haematin in field-caught tsetse provide no indication of the frequency with which they feed. For this reason the effects of feeding frequency upon various reproductive parameters in the laboratory have been examined. It is concluded that the best performance is achieved by G.m. morsitans females which ingest four blood meals per inter-larval period and that for a similar performance in G.pallidipes five blood meals are required. The extent to which such feeding frequencies are a reflection of feeding activity in the field are discussed in terms of the biochemical requirements to maintain a reproductive adult female tsetse in positive energy balance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Three models for feeding in female tsetse are considered. Model I: there is a prolonged non-feeding phase after each meal followed by feeding at a constant rate, with a constant probability of dying as a consequence of feeding. Model II: the feeding rate increases linearly after each meal. Model III: the feeding rate increases exponentially after each meal. In Models II and III the feeding hazard is a linear function of the probability of feeding. Production of viable female offspring is estimated under each model, making allowance for losses of adults due to starvation and to background and feeding mortality, losses of pupae due to predation and parasitization, and losses of young flies if their mothers take insufficient blood during pregnancy. Under Model I, if females require three meals to produce viable pupae in 9 days, then for a non-decreasing population with a background mortality of 1%/day, and 25% pupal losses due to predation and parasitism, the feeding risk must be ≤5%/feed. At this maximum level the non-feeding phase should be 2–2.5 days for optimal productivity, with a mean feeding interval of 60–72 h. If the background mortality is 2%/day, feeding losses cannot exceed 1%/feed for a non-decreasing population. If four or five meals are required for the production of fully viable pupae, the optimal values of the non-feeding phase and mean feeding interval tend towards 1 and 2 days respectively. Under Models II and HI the mean feeding interval is 50–60 h for optimal productivity (with variances 3 times as large as for Model I), in good agreement with estimates from recent models for feeding and digestion. Field evidence suggests that feeding tsetse take greater risks as their fat levels dwindle. This should result in feeding (and feeding mortality) rates which increase during the feeding phase - as assumed in Models II and III but not in Model I. These models allow greater flexibility than Model I, because flies can feed early in the hunger cycle, at low probability, as long as the feeding risk is also low.  相似文献   

In Zimbabwe, observations were made of the behaviour of individual stable flies (Stomoxys spp.) (Diptera: Muscidae) and tsetse (Glossina spp.) (Diptera: Glossinidae) feeding on cattle during the wet (Stomoxys and tsetse) and dry (tsetse only) seasons. For Stomoxys landing on adult cattle, only 27% took a full meal (mean feeding time = 147 s). Most Stomoxys left the host before completing their meal, largely due to disturbance by the host's defensive behaviour (24%, mean time = 59 s) or other flies (44%, 71 s). The probability of a Stomoxys leaving the host progressively increased with time. Simultaneous observations of tsetse showed that, compared to Stomoxys, their feeding success was lower (15%), feeding was interrupted earlier (33 s) and the time taken to complete a meal was shorter (109 s). Further studies of tsetse across different seasons and hosts showed that feeding success varied according to host age (adult = 7%; calf = 3%) and was negatively correlated with the frequency of host defensive behaviour and the relative abundance of non-biting Diptera. Disturbances were more often caused by host behaviour (69%) than other flies (31%) and the probability of tsetse leaving decreased with time on the host. Overall, these results suggest that tsetse and Stomoxys have different feeding strategies. In particular, tsetse appear to be more responsive to host defensive behaviour, which reduces their feeding success relative to Stomoxys. These behavioural differences are consistent with the respective life-history characteristics of Stomoxys and tsetse.  相似文献   

Abstract. To disentangle cause and effect in previously observed relationships between fat content and flight activity in male tsetse ( Glossina spp.), three groups of flies were fed at different intervals to raise their fat content to different levels before their flight activity was recorded. The greater the mean daily blood intake, the higher the fat content and the greater the subsequent spontaneous flight activity, thereby using up almost all of the fat reserves before the next blood meal. It is proposed that although male flies would benefit from maximum food intake to permit maximum flight associated with mate-seeking, they do not in fact feed as often as possible either in the field or the laboratory. This is explicable if energy acquisition is constrained by an additional mortality risk associated with feeding.  相似文献   

The effect of odour attractants on the composition of samples of Glossina pallidipes Austen was investigated by comparing the age and nutritional status of flies caught in unbaited biconical traps with those caught in traps baited with cow urine and acetone. For both male and female flies, baited traps caught more flies with significantly higher fat content than did unbaited traps. Thus the samples from baited traps were more representative of the population as a whole: males showed a fuller range of the fat/haematin conditions known to occur in the field and proportionately more females were in later stages of the pregnancy cycle, than from unbaited traps.  相似文献   

Abstract. To test the prediction that female and male tsetse should differ in their behaviour and the partitioning of their energy budgets to maximize their respective reproductive outputs, we investigated experimentally the relationship between blood intake, fat content and flight activity in virgin and mated female flies, following the same procedure as in a previous study on males.Those flies whose fat content was raised to higher levels by being fed more frequently performed more flight activity, but all females showed very little activity until day 4 after their last blood meal, thereby using only a small fraction of their fat reserves.This contrasted markedly with the large amount of flight performed by males on day 3, resulting in the depletion of their fat reserves.The difference is interpreted with respect to females flying only to find food approximately once every 3 days (and larviposition sites approximately once every 9 days), compared with males flying to find as many mates as possible during the earlier part of the feeding cycle when their energy reserves are high and feeding is a low priority.  相似文献   

aematin contents of engorged, male tsetse flies, Glossina pallidipes Austen, were compared with the packed cell volumes of oxen on which they had fed. Haematin contents icnreased with packed cell volume up to packed cell volumes of approximately 30%. Haematin contents appeared to level off or decline with further increase in packed cell volume. These results support a model of blood-feeding in tsetse flies in which the rate of blood consumption decreases as packed cell volume increases, because of increase in blood viscosity, and tsetse are unable to compensate for the decrease in consumption rate by feeding for a longer time. After allowing for the effects of packed cell volume, bloodmeal sizes of tsetse increased with ox body temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract. Free-living haematophagous insects risk death through host grooming responses or through increased susceptibility to predation whenever they take a bloodmeal. In this paper we investigate the effects of these risks on the feeding strategy of tsetse. A model is presented that allows for death of tsetse by starvation if they do not succeed in feeding within a fixed time (set at 6 days in the first instance) and for mortality specifically associated with feeding. In addition there is background mortality that applies to all flies at all times.
The model is used to compute the individual life-time fertility (number of female puparia per female) as a function of the probability of obtaining a meal (indicated by field data to be very high, usually > 0.85 per day) and the day on which flies start to search for a meal. We suggest that the feeding strategy that would be selected for is that which allows the maximum reproductive output. The model shows that this strategy involves making no attempts to feed for 3–4 days after the previous meal and then attempting to feed with the greatest possible probability until a meal is obtained. The predicted feeding interval, obtained independently of any trapping data, agrees closely with all previous estimates from field studies using a variety of methods. Preliminary results from a laboratory experiment reveal an increased risk of predation of recently fed as compared with hungry tsetse. The lower the actual feeding mortality the more frequently will flies be able to feed should conditions so demand. It is adaptive, however, for tsetse to delay attempting to feed for as long as they can, which is made possible by the near certainty of locating and feeding on a host within 1 day, using their sophisticated sensory systems.  相似文献   

In various vegetation types in Zimbabwe, the catches of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G. morsitans morsitans Westw. (Diptera: Glossinidae) at a target baited with odour (acetone, 1-octen-3-ol and two phenols) were positively correlated with catches of the same species at an unbaited net. No correlation existed between target catches and hand net catches of tsetse flies sitting on the vegetation. G. pallidipes females caught at a target and at an unbaited net were older than those caught from vegetation. Of the female G. pallidipes caught at the target, 46% were in the first 3 days of pregnancy. Of those caught at the unbaited net, significantly fewer, 21%, were in this stage. G. pallidipes males caught from vegetation contained more fat (3.07±0.333 mg) than those caught at the unbaited net (2.06±0.339 mg) or at the target (2.19±0.218 mg). It is inferred that target catches consisted predominantly of tsetse which were already in flight when they sensed the stimuli from the target, and that target catches were biased towards female G. pallidipes in the first 3 days of pregnancy.  相似文献   

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