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Comparing two remotely similar structures is a difficult problem: more often than not, resulting structure alignments will show ambiguities and a unique answer usually does not even exist. In addition, alignments in general have a limited information content because every aligned residue is considered equally important. To solve these issues to a certain extent, one can take the perspective of a whole group of similar structures and then evaluate common structural features. Here, we describe a consistency approach that, although not actually performing a multiple structure alignment, does produce the information that one would conceivably want from such an experiment: the key structural features of the group, e.g., a fold, which in this case are projected onto either a pair of proteins or a single protein. Both representations are useful for a number of applications, ranging from the detection of (partially) wrong structure alignments to protein structure classification and fold recognition. To demonstrate some of these applications, the procedure was applied to 195 SCOP folds containing a total of 1802 domains sharing very low sequence similarity.  相似文献   

MUSTANG: a multiple structural alignment algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiple structural alignment is a fundamental problem in structural genomics. In this article, we define a reliable and robust algorithm, MUSTANG (MUltiple STructural AligNment AlGorithm), for the alignment of multiple protein structures. Given a set of protein structures, the program constructs a multiple alignment using the spatial information of the C(alpha) atoms in the set. Broadly based on the progressive pairwise heuristic, this algorithm gains accuracy through novel and effective refinement phases. MUSTANG reports the multiple sequence alignment and the corresponding superposition of structures. Alignments generated by MUSTANG are compared with several handcurated alignments in the literature as well as with the benchmark alignments of 1033 alignment families from the HOMSTRAD database. The performance of MUSTANG was compared with DALI at a pairwise level, and with other multiple structural alignment tools such as POSA, CE-MC, MALECON, and MultiProt. MUSTANG performs comparably to popular pairwise and multiple structural alignment tools for closely related proteins, and performs more reliably than other multiple structural alignment methods on hard data sets containing distantly related proteins or proteins that show conformational changes.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Accurate multiple sequence alignments are essential in protein structure modeling, functional prediction and efficient planning of experiments. Although the alignment problem has attracted considerable attention, preparation of high-quality alignments for distantly related sequences remains a difficult task. RESULTS: We developed PROMALS, a multiple alignment method that shows promising results for protein homologs with sequence identity below 10%, aligning close to half of the amino acid residues correctly on average. This is about three times more accurate than traditional pairwise sequence alignment methods. PROMALS algorithm derives its strength from several sources: (i) sequence database searches to retrieve additional homologs; (ii) accurate secondary structure prediction; (iii) a hidden Markov model that uses a novel combined scoring of amino acids and secondary structures; (iv) probabilistic consistency-based scoring applied to progressive alignment of profiles. Compared to the best alignment methods that do not use secondary structure prediction and database searches (e.g. MUMMALS, ProbCons and MAFFT), PROMALS is up to 30% more accurate, with improvement being most prominent for highly divergent homologs. Compared to SPEM and HHalign, which also employ database searches and secondary structure prediction, PROMALS shows an accuracy improvement of several percent. AVAILABILITY: The PROMALS web server is available at: http://prodata.swmed.edu/promals/. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis was established on Earth more than 3 billion years ago. All available evidences suggest that the earliest photosynthetic organisms were anoxygenic and that oxygen-evolving photosynthesis is a more recent development. The reaction center complexes that form the heart of the energy storage process are integral membrane pigment proteins that span the membrane in vectorial fashion to carry out electron transfer. The origin and extent of distribution of these proteins has been perplexing from a phylogenetic point of view mostly because of extreme sequence divergence. A series of integral membrane proteins of known structure and varying degrees of sequence identity have been compared using combinatorial extension-Monte Carlo methods. The proteins include photosynthetic reaction centers from proteobacteria and cyanobacterial photosystems I and II, as well as cytochrome oxidase, bacteriorhodopsin, and cytochrome b. The reaction center complexes show a remarkable conservation of the core structure of 5 transmembrane helices, strongly implying common ancestry, even though the residual sequence identity is less than 10%, whereas the other proteins have structures that are unrelated. A relationship of sequence with structure was derived from the reaction center structures; with characteristic decay length of 1.6 A. Phylogenetic trees derived from the structural alignments give insights into the earliest photosynthetic reaction center, strongly suggesting that it was a homodimeric complex that did not evolve oxygen.  相似文献   

The PSI-BLAST algorithm has been acknowledged as one of the most powerful tools for detecting remote evolutionary relationships by sequence considerations only. This has been demonstrated by its ability to recognize remote structural homologues and by the greatest coverage it enables in annotation of a complete genome. Although recognizing the correct fold of a sequence is of major importance, the accuracy of the alignment is crucial for the success of modeling one sequence by the structure of its remote homologue. Here we assess the accuracy of PSI-BLAST alignments on a stringent database of 123 structurally similar, sequence-dissimilar pairs of proteins, by comparing them to the alignments defined on a structural basis. Each protein sequence is compared to a nonredundant database of the protein sequences by PSI-BLAST. Whenever a pair member detects its pair-mate, the positions that are aligned both in the sequential and structural alignments are determined, and the alignment sensitivity is expressed as the percentage of these positions out of the structural alignment. Fifty-two sequences detected their pair-mates (for 16 pairs the success was bi-directional when either pair member was used as a query). The average percentage of correctly aligned residues per structural alignment was 43.5+/-2.2%. Other properties of the alignments were also examined, such as the sensitivity vs. specificity and the change in these parameters over consecutive iterations. Notably, there is an improvement in alignment sensitivity over consecutive iterations, reaching an average of 50.9+/-2.5% within the five iterations tested in the current study.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that similarities between the sequences of two proteins infer similarities between their structures. Sequence alignments reliably recognize pairs of protein of similar structures provided that the percentage sequence identity between their two sequences is sufficiently high. This distinction, however, is statistically less reliable when the percentage sequence identity is lower than 30% and little is known then about the detailed relationship between the two measures of similarity. Here, we investigate the inverse correlation between structural similarity and sequence similarity on 12 protein structure families. We define the structure similarity between two proteins as the cRMS distance between their structures. The sequence similarity for a pair of proteins is measured as the mean distance between the sequences in the subsets of sequence space compatible with their structures. We obtain an approximation of the sequence space compatible with a protein by designing a collection of protein sequences both stable and specific to the structure of that protein. Using these measures of sequence and structure similarities, we find that structural changes within a protein family are linearly related to changes in sequence similarity.  相似文献   

Newly determined protein structures are classified to belong to a new fold, if the structures are sufficiently dissimilar from all other so far known protein structures. To analyze structural similarities of proteins, structure alignment tools are used. We demonstrate that the usage of nonsequential structure alignment tools, which neglect the polypeptide chain connectivity, can yield structure alignments with significant similarities between proteins of known three-dimensional structure and newly determined protein structures that possess a new fold. The recently introduced protein structure alignment tool, GANGSTA, is specialized to perform nonsequential alignments with proper assignment of the secondary structure types by focusing on helices and strands only. In the new version, GANGSTA+, the underlying algorithms were completely redesigned, yielding enhanced quality of structure alignments, offering alignment against a larger database of protein structures, and being more efficient. We applied DaliLite, TM-align, and GANGSTA+ on three protein crystal structures considered to be novel folds. Applying GANGSTA+ to these novel folds, we find proteins in the ASTRAL40 database, which possess significant structural similarities, albeit the alignments are nonsequential and in some cases involve secondary structure elements aligned in reverse orientation. A web server is available at http://agknapp.chemie.fu-berlin.de/gplus for pairwise alignment, visualization, and database comparison.  相似文献   

A new method to detect remote relationships between protein sequences and known three-dimensional structures based on direct energy calculations and without reliance on statistics has been developed. The likelihood of a residue to occupy a given position on the structural template was represented by an estimate of the stabilization free energy made after explicit prediction of the substituted side chain conformation. The profile matrix derived from these energy values and modified by increasing the residue self-exchange values successfully predicted compatibility of heatshock protein and globin sequences with the three-dimensional structures of actin and phycocyanin, respectively, from a full protein sequence databank search. The high sensitivity of the method makes it a unique tool for predicting the three-dimensional fold for the rapidly growing number of protein sequences. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most bioinformatics analyses require the assembly of a multiple sequence alignment. It has long been suspected that structural information can help to improve the quality of these alignments, yet the effect of combining sequences and structures has not been evaluated systematically. We developed 3DCoffee, a novel method for combining protein sequences and structures in order to generate high-quality multiple sequence alignments. 3DCoffee is based on TCoffee version 2.00, and uses a mixture of pairwise sequence alignments and pairwise structure comparison methods to generate multiple sequence alignments. We benchmarked 3DCoffee using a subset of HOMSTRAD, the collection of reference structural alignments. We found that combining TCoffee with the threading program Fugue makes it possible to improve the accuracy of our HOMSTRAD dataset by four percentage points when using one structure only per dataset. Using two structures yields an improvement of ten percentage points. The measures carried out on HOM39, a HOMSTRAD subset composed of distantly related sequences, show a linear correlation between multiple sequence alignment accuracy and the ratio of number of provided structure to total number of sequences. Our results suggest that in the case of distantly related sequences, a single structure may not be enough for computing an accurate multiple sequence alignment.  相似文献   

Protein structure alignment methods are essential for many different challenges in protein science, such as the determination of relations between proteins in the fold space or the analysis and prediction of their biological function. A number of different pairwise and multiple structure alignment (MStA) programs have been developed and provided to the community. Prior knowledge of the expected alignment accuracy is desirable for the user of such tools. To retrieve an estimate of the performance of current structure alignment methods, we compiled a test suite taken from literature and the SISYPHUS database consisting of proteins that are difficult to align. Subsequently, different MStA programs were evaluated regarding alignment correctness and general limitations. The analysis shows that there are large differences in the success between the methods in terms of applicability and correctness. The latter ranges from 44 to 75% correct core positions. Taking only the best method result per test case this number increases to 84%. We conclude that the methods available are applicable to difficult cases, but also that there is still room for improvements in both, practicability and alignment correctness. An approach that combines the currently available methods supported by a proper score would be useful. Until then, a user should not rely on just a single program.  相似文献   

We report an unsupervised structural motif discovery algorithm, FoldMiner, which is able to detect global and local motifs in a database of proteins without the need for multiple structure or sequence alignments and without relying on prior classification of proteins into families. Motifs, which are discovered from pairwise superpositions of a query structure to a database of targets, are described probabilistically in terms of the conservation of each secondary structure element's position and are used to improve detection of distant structural relationships. During each iteration of the algorithm, the motif is defined from the current set of homologs and is used both to recruit additional homologous structures and to discard false positives. FoldMiner thus achieves high specificity and sensitivity by distinguishing between homologous and nonhomologous structures by the regions of the query to which they align. We find that when two proteins of the same fold are aligned, highly conserved secondary structure elements in one protein tend to align to highly conserved elements in the second protein, suggesting that FoldMiner consistently identifies the same motif in members of a fold. Structural alignments are performed by an improved superposition algorithm, LOCK 2, which detects distant structural relationships by placing increased emphasis on the alignment of secondary structure elements. LOCK 2 obeys several properties essential in automated analysis of protein structure: It is symmetric, its alignments of secondary structure elements are transitive, its alignments of residues display a high degree of transitivity, and its scoring system is empirically found to behave as a metric.  相似文献   

Cozzetto D  Tramontano A 《Proteins》2005,58(1):151-157
Comparative modeling is the method of choice, whenever applicable, for protein structure prediction, not only because of its higher accuracy compared to alternative methods, but also because it is possible to estimate a priori the quality of the models that it can produce, thereby allowing the usefulness of a model for a given application to be assessed beforehand. By and large, the quality of a comparative model depends on two factors: the extent of structural divergence between the target and the template and the quality of the sequence alignment between the two protein sequences. The latter is usually derived from a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of as many proteins of the family as possible, and its accuracy depends on the number and similarity distribution of the sequences of the protein family. Here we describe a method to evaluate the expected difficulty, and by extension accuracy, of a comparative model on the basis of the MSA used to build it. The parameter that we derive is used to compare the results obtained in the last two editions of the Critical Assessment of Methods for Structure Prediction (CASP) experiment as a function of the difficulty of the modeling exercise. Our analysis demonstrates that the improvement in the scope and quality of comparative models between the two experiments is largely due to the increased number of available protein sequences and to the consequent increased chance that a large and appropriately spaced set of protein sequences homologous to the proteins of interest is available.  相似文献   

Alignment of protein sequences is a key step in most computational methods for prediction of protein function and homology-based modeling of three-dimensional (3D)-structure. We investigated correspondence between "gold standard" alignments of 3D protein structures and the sequence alignments produced by the Smith-Waterman algorithm, currently the most sensitive method for pair-wise alignment of sequences. The results of this analysis enabled development of a novel method to align a pair of protein sequences. The comparison of the Smith-Waterman and structure alignments focused on their inner structure and especially on the continuous ungapped alignment segments, "islands" between gaps. Approximately one third of the islands in the gold standard alignments have negative or low positive score, and their recognition is below the sensitivity limit of the Smith-Waterman algorithm. From the alignment accuracy perspective, the time spent by the algorithm while working in these unalignable regions is unnecessary. We considered features of the standard similarity scoring function responsible for this phenomenon and suggested an alternative hierarchical algorithm, which explicitly addresses high scoring regions. This algorithm is considerably faster than the Smith-Waterman algorithm, whereas resulting alignments are in average of the same quality with respect to the gold standard. This finding shows that the decrease of alignment accuracy is not necessarily a price for the computational efficiency.  相似文献   

McGuffin LJ  Jones DT 《Proteins》2002,48(1):44-52
The ultimate goal of structural genomics is to obtain the structure of each protein coded by each gene within a genome to determine gene function. Because of cost and time limitations, it remains impractical to solve the structure for every gene product experimentally. Up to a point, reasonably accurate three‐dimensional structures can be deduced for proteins with homologous sequences by using comparative modeling. Beyond this, fold recognition or threading methods can be used for proteins showing little homology to any known fold, although this is relatively time‐consuming and limited by the library of template folds currently available. Therefore, it is appropriate to develop methods that can increase our knowledge base, expanding our fold libraries by earmarking potentially “novel” folds for experimental structure determination. How can we sift through proteomic data rapidly and yet reliably identify novel folds as targets for structural genomics? We have analyzed a number of simple methods that discriminate between “novel” and “known” folds. We propose that simple alignments of secondary structure elements using predicted secondary structure could potentially be a more selective method than both a simple fold recognition method (GenTHREADER) and standard sequence alignment at finding novel folds when sequences show no detectable homology to proteins with known structures. Proteins 2002;48:44–52. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Profile search methods based on protein domain alignments have proven to be useful tools in comparative sequence analysis. Domain alignments used by currently available search methods have been computed by sequence comparison. With the growth of the protein structure database, however, alignments of many domain pairs have also been computed by structure comparison. Here, we examine the extent to which information from these two sources agrees. We measure agreement with respect to identification of homologous regions in each protein, that is, with respect to the location of domain boundaries. We also measure agreement with respect to identification of homologous residue sites by comparing alignments and assessing the accuracy of the molecular models they predict. We find that domain alignments in publicly available collections based on sequence and structure comparison are largely consistent. However, the homologous regions identified by sequence comparison are often shorter than those identified by 3D structure comparison. In addition, when overall sequence similarity is low alignments from sequence comparison produce less accurate molecular models, suggesting that they less accurately identify homologous sites. These observations suggest that structure comparison results might be used to improve the overall accuracy of domain alignment collections and the performance of profile search methods based on them.  相似文献   

Constans P 《Proteins》2004,55(3):646-655
Electron density protein alignments are analyzed in terms of their underlying similarity measure, the density overlap. These alignments are conceptually unrelated to biochemical structural elements and, therefore, are appropriate in structure-only similarity studies. The analysis is focused on the low sequence similarity subset of protein domains. A remarkable association is found between simple, density overlap measures and the expert designed Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) for which functional and evolutive analogies prevail. The association found validates the functional significance of electron density alignments.  相似文献   

An easy and uncomplicated method to predict the solvent accessibility state of a site in a multiple protein sequence alignment is described. The approach is based on amino acid exchange and compositional preference matrices for each of three accessibility states: buried, exposed, and intermediate. Calculations utilized a modified version of the 3D―ali databank, a collection of multiple sequence alignments anchored through protein tertiary structural superpositions. The technique achieves the same accuracy as much more complex methods and thus provides such advantages as computational affordability, facile updating, and easily understood residue substitution patterns useful to biochemists involved in protein engineering, design, and structural prediction. The program is available from the authors; and, due to its simplicity, the algorithm can be readily implemented on any system. For a given alignment site, a hand calculation can yield a comparative prediction. Proteins 32:190–199, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sequence comparison methods based on position-specific score matrices (PSSMs) have proven a useful tool for recognition of the divergent members of a protein family and for annotation of functional sites. Here we investigate one of the factors that affects overall performance of PSSMs in a PSI-BLAST search, the algorithm used to construct the seed alignment upon which the PSSM is based. We compare PSSMs based on alignments constructed by global sequence similarity (ClustalW and ClustalW-pairwise), local sequence similarity (BLAST), and local structure similarity (VAST). To assess performance with respect to identification of conserved functional or structural sites, we examine the accuracy of the three-dimensional molecular models predicted by PSSM-sequence alignments. Using the known structures of those sequences as the standard of truth, we find that model accuracy varies with the algorithm used for seed alignment construction in the pattern local-structure (VAST) > local-sequence (BLAST) > global-sequence (ClustalW). Using structural similarity of query and database proteins as the standard of truth, we find that PSSM recognition sensitivity depends primarily on the diversity of the sequences included in the alignment, with an optimum around 30-50% average pairwise identity. We discuss these observations, and suggest a strategy for constructing seed alignments that optimize PSSM-sequence alignment accuracy and recognition sensitivity.  相似文献   

G Vriend  C Sander 《Proteins》1991,11(1):52-58
We present a fully automatic algorithm for three-dimensional alignment of protein structures and for the detection of common substructures and structural repeats. Given two proteins, the algorithm first identifies all pairs of structurally similar fragments and subsequently clusters into larger units pairs of fragments that are compatible in three dimensions. The detection of similar substructures is independent of insertion/deletion penalties and can be chosen to be independent of the topology of loop connections and to allow for reversal of chain direction. Using distance geometry filters and other approximations, the algorithm, implemented in the WHAT IF program, is so fast that structural comparison of a single protein with the entire database of known protein structures can be performed routinely on a workstation. The method reproduces known non-trivial superpositions such as plastocyanin on azurin. In addition, we report surprising structural similarity between ubiquitin and a (2Fe-2S) ferredoxin.  相似文献   

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