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The environmental preference for the occurrence of noncanonical hydrogen bonding and cation-pi interactions, in a data set containing 71 nonredundant (alpha/beta)(8) barrel proteins, with respect to amino acid type, secondary structure, solvent accessibility, and stabilizing residues has been performed. Our analysis reveals some important findings, which include (a) higher contribution of weak interactions mediated by main-chain atoms irrespective of the amino acids involved; (b) domination of the aromatic amino acids among interactions involving side-chain atoms; (c) involvement of strands as the principal secondary structural unit, accommodating cross strand ion pair interaction and clustering of aromatic amino acid residues; (d) significant contribution to weak interactions occur in the solvent exposed areas of the protein; (e) majority of the interactions involve long-range contacts; (f) the preference of Arg is higher than Lys to form cation-pi interaction; and (g) probability of theoretically predicted stabilizing amino acid residues involved in weak interaction is higher for polar amino acids such as Trp, Glu, and Gln. On the whole, the present study reveals that the weak interactions contribute to the global stability of (alpha/beta)(8) TIM-barrel proteins in an environment-specific manner, which can possibly be exploited for protein engineering applications.  相似文献   

Protein structures are stabilized by both local and long-range interactions. In this work, we analyzed the importance of long-range interactions in (α/β)8 barrel proteins in terms of residue distances. We found that the residues occurring in the range of 21–30 residues apart contribute more toward long-range contacts. Indeed, about 50% of successive strands in these proteins are found to occur at a sequential distance of 21–30 residues. The aromatic amino acid residues Phe, Trp, and Tyr prefer the 4–10 range and all other residues prefer the 21–30 range. Hydrophobic-hydrophobic resideu pairs are the most preferred ones for long-range interactions and they may play a key role in the folding and stabilization of (α/β)8 barrel proteins.  相似文献   

As a test of the hypothesis that folding mechanisms are better conserved than sequences in TIM barrels, the equilibrium and kinetic folding mechanisms of indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (sIGPS) from the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus were compared to the well-characterized models of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from Escherichia coli. A multifaceted approach combining urea denaturation and far-UV circular dichroism, tyrosine fluorescence total intensity, and tyrosine fluorescence anisotropy was employed. Despite a sequence identity of only 13%, a stable intermediate (I) in sIGPS was found to be similar to a stable intermediate in alphaTS in terms of its thermodynamic properties and secondary structure. Kinetic experiments revealed that the fastest detectable folding event for sIGPS involves a burst-phase (<5ms) reaction that leads directly to the stable intermediate. The slower of two subsequent phases reflects the formation/disruption of an off-pathway dimeric form of I. The faster phase reflects the conversion of I to the native state and is limited by folding under marginally stable conditions and by isomerization or rearrangement under strongly folding conditions. By contrast, alphaTS is thought to fold via an off-pathway burst-phase intermediate whose unfolding controls access to a set of four on-pathway intermediates that comprise the stable equilibrium intermediate. At least three proline isomerization reactions are known to limit their interconversions and lead to a parallel channel mechanism. The simple sequential mechanism deduced for sIGPS reflects the dominance of the on-pathway burst-phase intermediate and the absence of prolyl residues that partition the stable intermediate into kinetically distinguishable species. Comparison of the results for sIGPS and alphaTS demonstrates that the thermodynamic properties and the final steps of the folding reaction are better conserved than the early events. The initial events in folding appear to be more sensitive to the sequence differences between the two TIM barrel proteins.  相似文献   

The high representation of the TIM barrel as a scaffold for enzymatic proteins makes it an interesting model for protein engineering. Based on previous reports of folding mechanisms of TIM barrels that suggest an independent folding unit formed by six (beta/alpha) subunits, we interrupted the gene of phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase (PRAI) from Escherichia coli at three different positions to yield fragments with different combinations of (beta/alpha) subunits. When these constructions were expressed as polycistrons in a TrpF-E. coli strain, complementation of the function only occurred with fragments beta1-alpha4 and beta5-alpha8, demonstrating that (beta/alpha)(4) subunits are stable enough to survive in vivo conditions and to assemble to yield a functional enzyme. The expression of these fragments in a separated plasmid/phagemid system to complement the function gave a slower complementation in the TrpF-E. coli strain; this was overcome by introducing extra secondary elements to the structure that reinforce their interaction.  相似文献   

Analysis on the three dimensional structures of (alpha/beta)(8) barrel proteins provides ample light to understand the factors that are responsible for directing and maintaining their common fold. In this work, the hydrophobically enriched clusters are identified in 92% of the considered (alpha/beta)(8) barrel proteins. The residue segments with hydrophobic clusters have high thermal stability. Further, these clusters are formed and stabilized through long-range interactions. Specifically, a network of long-range contacts connects adjacent beta-strands of the (alpha/beta)(8) barrel domain and the hydrophobic clusters. The implications of hydrophobic clusters and long-range networks in providing a feasible common mechanism for the folding of (alpha/beta)(8) barrel proteins are proposed.  相似文献   

Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (IGPS) is a representative of (β/α)8-barrel proteins—the most common enzyme fold in nature. To better understand how the constituent amino-acids work together to define the structure and to facilitate the function, we investigated the evolutionary and dynamical coupling of IGPS residues by combining statistical coupling analysis (SCA) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The coevolving residues identified by the SCA were found to form a network which encloses the active site completely. The MD simulations showed that these coevolving residues are involved in the correlated and anti-correlated motions. The correlated residues are within van der Waals contact and appear to maintain the active site architecture; the anti-correlated residues are mainly distributed on opposite sides of the catalytic cavity and coordinate the motions likely required for the substrate entry and product release. Our findings might have broad implications for proteins with the highly conserved (βα)8-barrel in assessing the roles of amino-acids that are moderately conserved and not directly involved in the active site of the (β/α)8-barrel. The results of this study could also provide useful information for further exploring the specific residue motions for the catalysis and protein design based on the (β/α)8-barrel scaffold.  相似文献   

The role of hither-to-fore unrecognized long-range hydrogen bonds between main-chain amide hydrogens and polar side chains on the stability of a well-studied (betaalpha)8, TIM barrel protein, the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), was probed by mutational analysis. The F19-D46 and I97-D124 hydrogen bonds link the N terminus of a beta-strand with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel alpha-helix, and the A103-D130 hydrogen bond links the N terminus of an alpha-helix with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel beta-strand, forming clamps for the respective betaalpha or alphabeta hairpins. The individual replacement of these aspartic acid side chains with alanine leads to what appear to be closely related partially folded structures with significantly reduced far-UV CD ellipticity and thermodynamic stability. Comparisons with the effects of eliminating another main-chain-side-chain hydrogen bond, G26-S33, and two electrostatic side-chain-side-chain hydrogen bonds, D38-H92 and D112-H146, all in the same N-terminal folding unit of alphaTS, demonstrated a unique role for the clamp interactions in stabilizing the native barrel conformation. Because neither the asparagine nor glutamic acid variant at position 46 can completely reproduce the spectroscopic, thermodynamic, or kinetic folding properties of aspartic acid, both size and charge are crucial to its unique role in the clamp hydrogen bond. Kinetic studies suggest that the three clamp hydrogen bonds act in concert to stabilize the transition state leading to the fully folded TIM barrel motif.  相似文献   

Shukla A  Guptasarma P 《Proteins》2004,57(3):548-557
We show that residues at the interfaces of protein-protein complexes have higher side-chain energy than other surface residues. Eight different sets of protein complexes were analyzed. For each protein pair, the complex structure was used to identify the interface residues in the unbound monomer structures. Side-chain energy was calculated for each surface residue in the unbound monomer using our previously developed scoring function.1 The mean energy was calculated for the interface residues and the other surface residues. In 15 of the 16 monomers, the mean energy of the interface residues was higher than that of other surface residues. By decomposing the scoring function, we found that the energy term of the buried surface area of non-hydrogen-bonded hydrophilic atoms is the most important factor contributing to the high energy of the interface regions. In spite of lacking hydrophilic residues, the interface regions were found to be rich in buried non-hydrogen-bonded hydrophilic atoms. Although the calculation results could be affected by the inaccuracy of the scoring function, patch analysis of side-chain energy on the surface of an isolated protein may be helpful in identifying the possible protein-protein interface. A patch was defined as 20 residues surrounding the central residue on the protein surface, and patch energy was calculated as the mean value of the side-chain energy of all residues in the patch. In 12 of the studied monomers, the patch with the highest energy overlaps with the observed interface. The results are more remarkable when only three residues with the highest energy in a patch are averaged to derive the patch energy. All three highest-energy residues of the top energy patch belong to interfacial residues in four of the eight small protomers. We also found that the residue with the highest energy score on the surface of a small protomer is very possibly the key interaction residue.  相似文献   

We provide a comprehensive analysis of the current enzymes with alpha-amylase activity (AAMYs) that belong to family 13 glycoside hydrolase (GH-13; 144 Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota sequences from 87 different species). This study aims to further knowledge of the evolutionary molecular relationships among the sequences of their A and B domains with special emphasis on the correlation between what is observed in the structures and protein evolution. Multialignments for the A domain distinguish two clusters for sequences from Archaea organisms, eight for sequences from Bacteria organisms, and three for sequences from Eukaryota organisms. The clusters for Bacteria do not follow any strict taxonomic pathway; in fact, they are rather scattered. When we compared the A domains of sequences belonging to different kingdoms, we found that various pairs of clusters were significantly similar. Using either sequence similarity with crystallized structures or secondary-structure prediction methods, we identified in all AAMYs the eight putative beta-strands that constitute the beta-sheet in the TIM barrel of the A domain and studied the packing in its interior. We also discovered a "hidden homology" in the TIM barrel, an invariant Gly located upstream in the sequence before the conserved Asp in beta-strand 3. This Gly precedes an alpha-helix and is actively involved in capping its N-terminal end with a capping box. In all cases, a Schellman motif caps the C-terminal end of this helix.  相似文献   

Two highly homologous dimeric disintegrins, CC5 and CC8, have been isolated from the venom of the North African sand viper Cerastes cerastes. CC5 is a homodimer containing an RGD motif in its subunits. CC8 is a heterodimer. The CC8A and CC8B subunits contain RGD and WGD tripeptide sequence in their respective integrin-binding loops. Both CC5 and CC8 inhibited platelet aggregation and the adhesion of cells expressing integrins alphaII(b)beta3, alpha(v)beta3, and alpha5beta1 to appropriate ligands. However, the inhibitory activity of CC8 was at least 1 order of magnitude higher than that of CC5. Enhanced activity of CC8 over CC5 was also observed in the induction of LIBS epitopes on beta1 and beta3 integrins. Synthetic peptides in which the arginyl residue of the RGD motif had been replaced with tryptophans exhibited increased inhibitory activity toward integrins alpha5beta1, alphaII(b)beta3, and alpha(v)beta3. Moreover, alanine substitution of the aspartic acid of the WGD motif of these peptides decreased their inhibitory ability, whereas the same substitution in the RGD sequence almost completely abolished the activity of the peptides. We conclude that the WGD motif enhances the inhibitory activity of disintegrins toward alphaII(b)beta3, alpha(v)beta3, and alpha5beta1 integrins.  相似文献   

N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein (NSF) is a chaperone that plays a crucial role in the fusion of vesicles with target membranes. NSF mediates the ATP-consuming dissociation of a core protein complex that assembles during vesicle fusion and it thereby recharges the fusion machinery to perform multiple rounds of fusion. The binding of NSF to the core complex is mediated by co-chaperones named soluble NSF attachment proteins (SNAPs), for which three isoforms (alpha, beta and gamma) are known. Here, we sought to identify novel targets of the NSF-SNAP complex. A yeast two-hybrid screen using the brain specific betaSNAP isoform as bait revealed, as expected, NSF and several isoforms of the SNARE protein syntaxin as interactors. In addition, three isoforms of the reticulon protein family and two isoforms of BNIP3 interacted with betaSNAP. A yeast two-hybrid screen using NSF as bait identified Rab11-FIP3 and the Pak-binding nucleotide exchange factor betaPIX as putative binding partners. betaPIX interacts with recombinant NSF in co-sedimentation assays and the two proteins may be co-immunoprecipitated. A leucine zipper (LZ) motif within the C-terminus of betaPIX mediates binding to NSF; however, this fragment of betaPIX does not exhibit dominant negative effects in a cellular assay. In summary, our results support the evolving view that NSF has numerous targets in addition to conventional SNARE complexes.  相似文献   

The lion-tailed macaque is an endangered species, and hence it is necessary that the remaining populations in the rainforests of the Western Ghats, India, be located and their habitats assessed for effective conservation. The Anaimalai Hills in the state of Tamil Nadu harbor 31 groups of lion-tailed macaques. However, the rainforest in these hills is highly fragmented. Since lion-tailed macaques are typically arboreal, the groups have become isolated. Two large rain-forest complexes in these hills harbor 12 and seven groups, respectively, and the remaining 12 groups inhabit small, isolated forest fragments. Group size ranges from six to 53 individuals, with a mean size of 16.3. In the small forest fragments, the standard deviation (SD) of group size was considerably higher than it was in the larger forest complexes. The disturbed fragments also had a higher variability in group size than the relatively undisturbed habitats. It is believed that fragmentation may impede male migration. We suggest that the fragments be managed in such a way that male migration among groups can be facilitated to overcome the potential effects of isolation.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of chain topology and amino acid sequence in directing the folding of a (betaalpha)(8) TIM barrel protein of unknown function encoded by the Bacillus subtilis iolI gene (IOLI) were assessed by reversible urea denaturation and a combination of circular dichroism, fluorescence and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy spectroscopy. The equilibrium reaction for IOLI involves, in addition to the native and unfolded species, a stable intermediate with significant secondary structure and stability and self-associated forms of both the native and intermediate states. Global kinetic analysis revealed that the unfolded state partitions between an off-pathway refolding intermediate and the on-pathway equilibrium intermediate early in folding. Comparisons with the folding mechanisms of two other TIM barrel proteins, indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase from the thermophile Sulfolobus solfataricus (sIGPS) and the alpha subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), reveal striking similarities that argue for a dominant role of the topology in both early and late events in folding. Sequence-specific effects are apparent in the magnitudes of the relaxation times and relative stabilities, in the presence of additional monomeric folding intermediates for alphaTS and sIGPS and in rate-limiting proline isomerization reactions for alphaTS.  相似文献   

Chlorophylls (Chls)-a and -c2 are identified and characterized in fucoxanthin chlorophyll-a/c2 protein (FCP) complexes in the trimeric (FCPatrim) and oligomeric (FCPbolig) forms of FCP from the diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana using resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy. Importantly, two different Chl-c2s are identified in both FCPatrim and FCPbolig from their signature ring-breathing modes at ∼ 1360 cm1. In addition, the C131-keto carbonyl peaks indicate the presence of more than four Chl-a's in both FCP complexes and are broadly classified into three groups with strong, medium and weak external hydrogen bonds. Together, they provide the strongest spectroscopic evidence so far that there may be up to double the number of pigments previously estimated at 4Fx:4Chl-a:1Chl-c2 per FCP monomer. Careful analysis of the protein sequences also strongly support the higher pigment content by showing that at least six Chl-a, and one Chl-b, binding sites found in LHCII are retained in the FCPs. The relative enhancement of the RR bands for 406.7 versus 413.1 nm further allows some distinction of blue- versus red-absorbing Chl-a’s, respectively. Further differences between the Chls in FCPbolig and FCPatrim are present in the amino-acid sequences and the RR signals. Information about the Chl-binding sites, complemented by information about the structures and interactions of the Chls are used to characterize their local environments, and assign pigment locations (and functions) in FCPbolig and FCPatrim, which along with the earlier characterization of the carotenoids (J. Phys. Chem. B. 112 (2009) 12565-12574) provide a first (global) framework for pigment organization in FCP.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive survey of genetic variation across the range of the narrowly distributed endemic Yosemite toad Bufo canorus, a declining amphibian restricted to the Sierra Nevada of California. Based on 322 bp of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence data, we found limited support for the monophyly of B. canorus and its closely related congener B. exsul to the exclusion of the widespread western toad B. boreas. However, B. exsul was always phylogenetically nested within B. canorus, suggesting that the latter may not be monophyletic. SSCP (single-strand conformation polymorphism) analysis of 372 individual B. canorus from 28 localities in Yosemite and Kings Canyon National Parks revealed no shared haplotypes among these two regions and lead us to interpret these two parks as distinct management units for B. canorus. Within Yosemite, we found significant genetic substructure both at the level of major drainages and among breeding ponds. Kings Canyon samples show a different pattern, with substantial variation among breeding sites, but no substructure among drainages. Across the range of B. canorus as well as among Yosemite ponds, we found an isolation-by-distance pattern suggestive of a stepping stone model of migration. However, in Kings Canyon we found no hint of such a pattern, suggesting that movement patterns of toads may be quite different in these nearby parklands. Our data imply that management for B. canorus should focus at the individual pond level, and effective management may necessitate reintroductions if local extirpations occur. A brief review of other pond-breeding anurans suggests that highly structured populations are often the case, and thus that our results for B. canorus may be general for other species of frogs and toads.  相似文献   

Three series of terminally protected model oligopeptides to the nonamer level, based on 9-amino-4,5-diazafluorene-9-carboxylic acid, the first rigid bipyridine-type C(alpha,alpha)-disubstituted glycine, and either Gly, L-Ala, or Aib residues were synthesized by solution methods and fully characterized. The molecular structures of two derivatives and one tripeptide were determined in the crystal state by x-ray diffraction. Moreover, the solution preferred conformations of these peptides were assessed by Fourier transform infrared absorption and (1)H-NMR techniques. A comparison with the known structural tendencies of the strictly related C(alpha,alpha)-disubstituted glycyl residues 1-aminocyclopentane-1-carboxylic acid and 9-aminofluorene-9-carboxylic acid is made, and the implications for the use of the 9-amino-4,5-diazafluorene-9-carboxylic acid residue in conformationally constrained analogs of bioactive peptides are briefly examined. A spectroscopic (uv absorption, fluorescence, CD) characterization of this novel heteroaromatic C(alpha,alpha)-disubstituted glycine is also reported. Finally, preliminary conformational data and membrane activity measurements are discussed for an analog of the lipopeptaibol antibiotic [L-Leu(11)-OMe] trichogin GA IV in which a 9-amino-4,5-diazafluorene-9-carboxylic acid residue was synthetically incorporated in position 1 (replacing the original Aib residue).  相似文献   

营养和能量有效的积累对候鸟能否顺利完成迁徙具有重要意义。2015年8月至10月在内蒙古图牧吉湿地,利用卫星跟踪技术对灰雁的活动特征、生境利用等方面进行了研究,以期阐明灰雁在秋季如何有效积累能量以满足迁徙前的生理需求。我们采用增强型植被指数(EVI)分析了灰雁的生境特征,运用核密度分析法(KDE)计算了日间和夜间活动区面积,以及对不同月份的平均活动距离进行了分析。结果表明,8至10月间,灰雁活动位点的EVI值逐月递减,并且逐渐向南移动,趋向于水域集中,增加了对湖泊的利用,同时减少了对草地的利用;灰雁的活动区面积逐月递增,日间活动区面积大于夜间;灰雁在日间、夜间及平均活动距离均呈递增的趋势,每天凌晨及黄昏都出现较长时间的活动。由于8至10月间气温逐渐降低,从草地中可以获取的潜在食物资源减少,灰雁通过逐渐向水域较为丰富的区域移动,活动区面积逐渐增大,增加活动距离提高食物的获取量等确保获取足够的食物和能量满足迁徙的需求。  相似文献   

A vertebrate ferredoxin (human ferredoxin) and a plant-type ferredoxin (the ferredoxin from the vegetative form of Anabaena 7120) were labeled selectively with deuterium at their active site cysteines. The recombinant proteins were produced in Escherichia coli and labeled by replacing natural abundance cysteine in the defined culture medium with (2)H(alpha)-cysteine, (2)H(beta2), (2)H(beta3)-cysteine, or (2)H(beta2)-cystine. The chiral labeled cystine ((2)H(beta2)-cystine) was prepared by selective hydrogen exchange catalyzed by cystathionine gamma-synthase. NMR spectra of these samples in their oxidized and reduced states support unambiguous identifications by atom type of (1)H and (2)H NMR signals from the cysteine alpha and beta hydrogens. These signals lie outside the normal diamagnetic spectral region as a result of interaction of the hydrogens with unpaired electron density from the iron-sulfur cluster, and their chemical shifts are highly dependent on local conformation at the active site. The very different chemical properties of the iron centers of plant-type and vertebrate ferredoxins reflect relatively small differences in the conformation of the iron-sulfur cluster ligands.  相似文献   

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