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Dispersal is an important factor in plant community assembly, but assembly studies seldom include information on actual dispersal into communities, i.e. the local propagule pool. The aim of this study was to determine which factors influence plant community assembly by focusing on two phases of the assembly process: the dispersal phase and the establishment phase. At 12 study sites in grazed ex-arable fields in Sweden the local plant community was determined and in a 100-m radius around the centre of each site, the regional species pool was measured. The local seed bank and the seed rain was explored to estimate the local propagule pool. Trait-based models were then applied to investigate if species traits (height, seed mass, clonal abilities, specific leaf area and dispersal method) and regional abundance influenced which species from the regional species pool, dispersed to the local community (dispersal phase) and which established (establishment phase). Filtering of species during the dispersal phase indicates the effect of seed limitation while filtering during the establishment phase indicates microsite limitation. On average 36% of the regional species pool dispersed to the local sites and of those 78% did establish. Species with enhanced dispersal abilities, e.g. higher regional abundance, smaller seeds and dispersed by cattle, were more likely to disperse to the sites than other species. At half the sites, dispersal was influenced by species height. Species establishment was however mainly unlinked to the traits included in this study. This study underlines the importance of seed limitation in local plant community assembly. It also suggests that without information on species dispersal into a site, it is difficult to distinguish between the influence of dispersal and establishment abilities, and thus seed and microsite limitation, as both can be linked to the same trait.  相似文献   

The Mongolian plateau in East Asia is part of a new hotspot of land cover change. Recent human activity and natural forces have degraded grasslands in northern China with the southern Mongolia steppe similarly vulnerable. Investigating vegetation patterns at piospheres (the area around water points) can identify herder influence on pasture conditions. Through fieldwork and remote sensing this paper examines plant density and species richness at water sources to establish land cover patterns in two Mongolian provinces where overgrazing is thought to be the major cause of degradation. In contrast to standard piosphere patterns, vegetation was greater near water points and decreased with distance. This suggests that livestock are not concentrated at water points in Mongolia and that piosphere dynamics are more influenced by precipitation, edaphic factors and potential distinctive processes in cold drylands. It implies that pastoralism, with mobile livestock management, is a suitable adaptive strategy to the low forage capacity of steppe grasslands.  相似文献   

Studies of seed bank development have rarely been included in evaluations of wetland restoration. We compared the seed bank of a recently restored tidal freshwater marsh in Washington, D.C., Kingman Marsh, with seed banks of another restored site (Kenilworth Marsh) and two reference marshes (Dueling Creek and Patuxent Marsh). The density and richness of emerging seedlings from Kingman Marsh seed bank samples increased from less than 4 seedlings and 2 taxa/90-cm2 sample in 2000 (the year of restoration) to more than 130 seedlings and 10 taxa/90-cm2 sample in 2003. The most important seed bank taxa at Kingman Marsh included Cyperus spp., Juncus spp., Lindernia dubia , Ludwigia palustris , and the non-native Lythrum salicaria . These taxa are not abundant in most mid-Atlantic tidal freshwater marshes but are almost identical to those described for a created tidal freshwater wetland in New Jersey. Seed banks of both the restored sites contained few seeds of several important species found at the reference sites. Flooding had a significant negative effect on emerging seedling density and taxa density, suggesting that slight decreases in soil elevation in restored wetlands will dramatically decrease recruitment from the seed bank. Because seed banks integrate processes affecting growth and reproduction of standing vegetation, we suggest that seed banks are a useful metric of wetland restoration success and urge that seed bank studies be incorporated into monitoring programs for restored wetlands.  相似文献   

Abstract Successful control of invasive exotic plants depends to a large degree on the regeneration potential of the target exotic species and other species that might also be influenced by the removal effort. In coastal grasslands of California, exotic French broom (Genista monspessulana) forms both dense stands aboveground and abundant seed banks belowground. Land managers attempt to reduce broom cover and the seed bank through prescribed burning, but before this study, no investigators had examined the effect of repeated burning on French broom and associated grassland species. We found that the soil seed bank of stands that were burned had fewer broom seeds than unburned areas but that repeated burning did not reduce the seed bank beyond what was observed after one fire. Fire also did not have any consistent effect on the seed banks of other grassland species. We also examined the relationship between broom stand age and seed bank size but did not find a strong relationship between them. Our data suggested that the broom seed bank stays constant or declines slightly with stand age. We did, however, find that nonbroom seed numbers decreased as broom stands aged. Our results suggest that fire does reduce the size of the broom seed bank and that control of broom need not be limited to only the youngest stands.  相似文献   

沙地种草养鹅生态模式的研究邢廷铣,方热军,胡民强,陈惠萍,谭支良,何烈华(中国科学院长沙农业现代化研究所,410125)AnEco-ModelofGrassCultivntionandGooseRearingonSandyLands.¥XingTin...  相似文献   

Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve (NNR) in Cambridgeshire, U.K. is a wetland of international importance isolated in a landscape dominated by arable farming. The prospect of species extinctions within the NNR led to the creation of the Wicken Fen Vision, an ambitious project that will eventually expand the reserve boundary by the purchase and restoration of c.50 km2 of arable land. We sampled three fields from each of three distinct age‐categories of restoration land (5, 15, and 60 years post‐arable), and three fields within the adjacent, undrained NNR, to determine (1) differences in seed bank composition across age‐categories, (2) relationships between restoration age, the seed bank and standing vegetation, and (3) changes in species traits across age‐categories. Historic arable management contributed to an apparent “vertical mixing” effect in the seed bank of the youngest two age‐categories, with associated and significant differences in species functional traits across the study area. Almost all plants associated with NNR vegetation were absent from restoration area seed banks and standing vegetation. Seed bank species common to all ages‐categories exhibited a bias toward moderate to high Ellenberg F (moisture) values, persistent seed banks, and lateral vegetative spread. Relatively short (c. 6 years) periods of drainage and plowing impact heavily upon seed bank diversity and soils, resulting in a lack of predrainage vegetation, even after decades of subsequent restoration adjacent to intact, species‐rich habitat. However, the seed banks of highly degraded fields can contribute toward the creation of novel wetland vegetation assemblages over time and under suitable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A large number of small-sized samples invariably shows that woody species are absent from forest soil seed banks, leading to a large discrepancy with the seedling bank on the forest floor. We ask: 1) Does this conventional sampling strategy limit the detection of seeds of woody species? 2) Are large sample areas and sample sizes needed for higher recovery of seeds of woody species? We collected 100 samples that were 10 cm (length) ×10 cm (width) ×10 cm (depth), referred to as larger number of small-sized samples (LNSS) in a 1 ha forest plot, and placed them to germinate in a greenhouse, and collected 30 samples that were 1 m×1 m×10 cm, referred to as small number of large-sized samples (SNLS) and placed them (10 each) in a nearby secondary forest, shrub land and grass land. Only 15.7% of woody plant species of the forest stand were detected by the 100 LNSS, contrasting with 22.9%, 37.3% and 20.5% woody plant species being detected by SNLS in the secondary forest, shrub land and grassland, respectively. The increased number of species vs. sampled areas confirmed power-law relationships for forest stand, the LNSS and SNLS at all three recipient sites. Our results, although based on one forest, indicate that conventional LNSS did not yield a high percentage of detection for woody species, but SNLS strategy yielded a higher percentage of detection for woody species in the seed bank if samples were exposed to a better field germination environment. A 4 m2 minimum sample area derived from power equations is larger than the sampled area in most studies in the literature. Increased sample size also is needed to obtain an increased sample area if the number of samples is to remain relatively low.  相似文献   

该研究以甘肃洮河国家级自然保护区大峪沟林区(TH)、冶力关林区(YLG)、尕海 则岔国家级自然保护区则岔林区(GZ)的紫果云杉(Picea purpurea)天然林群落为研究对象,通过样地调查与萌发实验,分析洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库特征,以揭示洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库特征及与地上植被的关系,为紫果云杉群落恢复和管理提供依据。结果表明:(1)3个林区土壤种子库共萌发27科45属50种植物,种子库密度在958~1 129粒/m2之间,草本植物是构成研究区土壤种子库的主体。(2)3个林区紫果云杉群落土壤种子库垂直结构明显,物种数及种子密度随土层的加深呈减少趋势。(3)3个林区地上植被物种数大于土壤种子库物种数,相似性系数在0.15~0.23之间,表现为极不相似性;土壤种子库的多样性指数除Pielou指数高于地上植被外,Margalef指数、Shannon Wiener指数、Simpson指数均低于地上植被。研究认为,洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库以草本植物为主,乔木和灌木的储量较小,特别是建群种紫果云杉的储量较小;地上植被和土壤种子库之间相互的贡献力较低,仅依靠紫果云杉林土壤种子库进行自然恢复,远不能缓解现阶段紫果云杉林退化的问题,因此需开展人工育苗、造林等措施来促进紫果云杉的更新与发展。  相似文献   

Disturbances induce changes on habitat proprieties that may filter organism''s functional traits thereby shaping the structure and interactions of many trophic levels. We tested if communities of predators with foraging traits dependent on habitat structure respond to environmental change through cascades affecting the functional traits of plants. We monitored the response of spider and plant communities to fire in South Brazilian Grasslands using pairs of burned and unburned plots. Spiders were determined to the family level and described in feeding behavioral and morphological traits measured on each individual. Life form and morphological traits were recorded for plant species. One month after fire the abundance of vegetation hunters and the mean size of the chelicera increased due to the presence of suitable feeding sites in the regrowing vegetation, but irregular web builders decreased due to the absence of microhabitats and dense foliage into which they build their webs. Six months after fire rosette-form plants with broader leaves increased, creating a favourable habitat for orb web builders which became more abundant, while graminoids and tall plants were reduced, resulting in a decrease of proper shelters and microclimate in soil surface to ground hunters which became less abundant. Hence, fire triggered changes in vegetation structure that lead both to trait-convergence and trait-divergence assembly patterns of spiders along gradients of plant biomass and functional diversity. Spider individuals occurring in more functionally diverse plant communities were more diverse in their traits probably because increased possibility of resource exploitation, following the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis. Finally, as an indication of resilience, after twelve months spider communities did not differ from those of unburned plots. Our findings show that functional traits provide a mechanistic understanding of the response of communities to environmental change, especially when more than one trophic level is considered.  相似文献   

Recent loss of plant species richness in Swedish semi-natural grasslands has led to an increase in grassland recreation and restoration. To increase the establishment of declining species favoured by grazing and to re-establish original species richness, seed sowing has been discussed as a conservation tool. In this study, I examined to what extent seed sowing in former arable fields increases species richness and generates a species composition typical of semi-natural grasslands. Six grassland species favoured by grazing (target species) and six generalist species favoured by ceased grazing, were studied in a seed-addition experiment. Four different seed densities were used on four different grassland categories, two grazed former arable fields, one continuously grazed grassland and one abandoned grassland. Target and generalist species emerged in all grassland categories, but seedling emergence was higher in the grazed than in the abandoned grassland. Target species had higher emergence in the two grasslands with the longest grazing continuity. Seedling emergence and frequency of established plants of each target species were positively associated. The largest fraction of seeds germinated at an intermediate sowing density, 20–50 seeds/dm2, suggesting that aggregation of seeds positively affects emergence up to a certain threshold. In conclusion, artificial seed sowing may induce the recreation of typical grassland communities on former arable fields, which may be an important contribution to increase the total grassland area and species richness in the landscape.  相似文献   

封育和放牧条件下退化荒漠草地土壤种子库特征   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
连续2年地不同退化程度天然干旱荒漠草原围封后群落的土壤种子库进行研究。结果显示,土壤种子库物种数、种子密度和植物生活型在年际间、封育与放牧样地间及退化梯度问均有明显差异。种子库物种数为封育高于放牧样地;退化梯度相比,物种数除2003年封育样地随退化程度加剧呈减少趋势外,放牧样地及2004年各样地均随退化程度加剧而增加。种子岸密度结果显示.2003年种子库密度明显高于2004年;各封育样地2年中土壤种子库密度显著或极显著(P<0.01)高于放牧样地;退化梯度相比种子库密度除2003年封育样地随退化程度加剧而急剧增加外,其余各样地种均随退化程度加剧而明显下降。植被生活型分析结果为,2003年以一年生草本植物种出现频率最高,各样地分别达94.0%~98.4%.多年生草本及灌木出现频率则很低,分别为1.59%~5.15%和0.03%~0.4%,2004年则为多年小草本植物种比例上升.且显示出封育高于放牧、退化程度愈轻增幅愈大的趋势。2年的结果显示种子库物种Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Peilow均匀性系数均以封育低于放牧样地。种子库密度与地上植被盖度相关性分析表.2年结果中仅一年生草本和2003年灌木的土壤种子库密度与相应地上植被盖度之间具相关趋势和显著(P〈0.01)相关。  相似文献   

The Rotenberger Wildlife Management Area (RWMA) is a northern Everglades marsh, in Florida, U.S.A., that will undergo hydrologic restoration to remedy an artificially shortened hydroperiod. In an effort to predict vegetation responses to the impending changes in hydrology, plant community development from the resident seed bank was observed in response to three different moisture regimes in March and September 1998. Percent cover, species densities, total seedling densities, and percentages of facultative, facultative‐upland, and upland indicator species were significantly higher in moist than in saturated soils. Flooding inhibited the germination of all species except Typha domingensis (cattail), which emerged in the highest numbers from saturated soils in both assays. Lythrum alatum (purple loosestrife) was abundant in both saturated and moist conditions. The season of assay affected species densities and the communities. Percent facultative‐wetland species increased in saturated soils in the March assay but not in September. In contrast, percent obligate hydrophytes were higher in saturated conditions only in the September assay. In general the assay communities bore little resemblance to vegetation in currently undisturbed or historic wetlands of the northern Everglades. Consequently the RWMA seed bank will contribute little to the development of a restored community. Moreover, rehydration may encourage the spread of undesirable hydrophytes such as T. domingensis. This study supports the contention that hydrologic restoration must be accompanied by some level of active vegetation management and that the reference condition cannot be attained passively.  相似文献   

Plant functional traits underlie vegetation responses to environmental changes such as global warming, and consequently influence ecosystem processes. While most of the existing studies focus on the effect of warming only on species diversity and productivity, we further investigated (i) how the structure of community plant functional traits in temperate grasslands respond to experimental warming, and (ii) whether species and functional diversity contribute to a greater stability of grasslands, in terms of vegetation composition and productivity. Intact vegetation turves were extracted from temperate subalpine grassland (highland) in the Eastern Pyrenees and transplanted into a warm continental, experimental site in Lleida, in Western Catalonia (lowland). The impacts of simulated warming on plant production and diversity, functional trait structure, and vegetation compositional stability were assessed. We observed an increase in biomass and a reduction in species and functional diversity under short-term warming. The functional structure of the grassland communities changed significantly, in terms of functional diversity and community-weighted means (CWM) for several traits. Acquisitive and fast-growing species with higher SLA, early flowering, erect growth habit, and rhizomatous strategy became dominant in the lowland. Productivity was significantly positively related to species, and to a lower extent, functional diversity, but productivity and stability after warming were more dependent on trait composition (CWM) than on diversity. The turves with more acquisitive species before warming changed less in composition after warming. Results suggest that (i) the short-term warming can lead to the dominance of acquisitive fast growing species over conservative species, thus reducing species richness, and (ii) the functional traits structure in grassland communities had a greater influence on the productivity and stability of the community under short-term warming, compared to diversity effects. In summary, short-term climate warming can greatly alter vegetation functional structure and its relation to productivity.  相似文献   

浙江天童灌丛植被的土壤种子库与幼苗库特征   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
采用野外样点取样和萌发实验相结合的办法,研究浙江天童灌丛植被的幼苗库和种子库。结果表明:种子库中优势种类主要是淡竹叶、芒、苔草等草本植物,其次为山矾、Ji木、白栎等灌木种类。在厚度为10cm的表层土壤中,枯枝落叶层、0.2cm层、2-4cm、4-10cm层的种子密度分别为125.0粒/m^2、134.3粒/m^2、84.6粒/m^2、62.7粒/m^2。幼苗库的优势种类不太集中,数量较多的种类有苦槠、紫金牛、淡竹叶等。  相似文献   

福建闽清福建青冈天然林种子雨和种子库   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
对福建闽清黄楮林自然保护区的福建青冈(Cyclobalanopsis chungii)天然林的种子雨和土壤种子库进行了观测和分析.结果表明,福建青冈种子雨持续2个月,其高峰期在11月下旬~12月上旬,总量为12.44个m~(-2),在种子散布过程中完好种子、虫蛀种子、败育种子、霉烂种子和萌发种子的比例差异明显,其中虫蛀种子是萌发种子的19.44倍.土壤种子库中虫蛀种子占53.79%,与种子雨相比,完好种子和萌发种子数量分别减少2.15个m~(-2)和0.20个m~(-2).土壤种子库种子存活率仅13.51%,动物捕食率达45.90%,说明动物的捕食和搬运是福建青冈种子缺失的原因之一.福建青冈天然林土壤种子库有69种植物种子,但种子数量较少,且分布不均匀,种子库中78.42%种子分布在2~5 cm土层中.福建青冈天然林中实生幼苗少与福建青冈种子本身特性及其生长环境密切相关,福建青冈种子发育成熟后因动物侵扰、虫蛀、霉烂和败育等情况发生,难以在土壤中长期保存,以致福建青冈林分天然更新严重受阻.  相似文献   

The natural abundance of nitrogen (N) stable isotopes (δ15N) has the potential to enhance our understanding of the ecosystem N cycle at large spatial scales. However, vegetation and soil δ15N patterns along climatic and edaphic gradients have not yet been fully understood, particularly for high-altitude ecosystems. Here we determined vegetation and soil δ15N in alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau by conducting four consecutive regional surveys during 2001–2004, and then examined their relationships with both climatic and edaphic variables. Our results showed that both vegetation and soil N in Tibetan alpine grasslands were more 15N-enriched than global averages. Vegetation δ15N did not exhibit any significant trend along the temperature gradient, but decreased significantly with an increase in precipitation amount. In contrast, soil δ15N did not vary with either mean annual temperature or precipitation. Our results also indicated that soil δ15N exhibited a slight increase with clay content, but decreased with soil carbon:nitrogen ratio. A general linear model analysis revealed that variations in vegetation δ15N were dominantly determined by climatic variables, whereas soil δ15N was related to edaphic variables. These results provide clues for potential climatic and edaphic regulations on ecosystem N cycle in these high-altitude regions.  相似文献   

Saatkamp  Arne  Henry  Frédéric  Dutoit  Thierry 《Ecosystems》2021,24(5):1268-1280
Ecosystems - Archeological investigations in one of the most species-rich French Mediterranean dry grasslands (La Crau, Southern France) revealed a dense network of ancient sheep corrals dating...  相似文献   

采用随机取样和跟踪调查的方法对滇榄仁(Terminalia franchetii)种子扩散规律、空间分布特征以及种子库动态进行了系统研究。结果表明,滇榄仁种子扩散受到较强的风力作用影响,具有明显的方向性,扩散距离是其树高的1.6倍以上。不同群落类型中,滇榄仁的土壤种子库存在较大差异,但不同时间段的变化趋势基本一致,即在雨季(6月、8月和10月)数量相对较少,12月到翌年4月,数量逐渐增加。滇榄仁植冠种子库从当年10月开始缓慢脱落,到翌年3月达到脱落高峰(15%以上种子此时脱落),然后再次进入缓慢脱落期,翌年6、7月的种子脱落速率最低,但直到翌年10月仍有部分种子(约15%左右)存在于植株冠层。总体来说,不同类型群落中,滇榄仁幼苗更新不良的原因不应是缺乏种源,可能与种子质量以及群落环境等影响群落天然更新的其它因子存在较大关联。同时,滇榄仁土壤种子库数量与植冠种子库的脱落过程存在紧密联系,而植冠种子脱落可能与该区域气候因子存在着较大依存关系,其中,与风力可能存在着正相关,与降雨量和空气相对湿度存在着负相关,这可能是滇榄仁长期以来对干热河谷环境的一种适应特征。  相似文献   

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