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A modification of the reversed passive latex agglutination kit assay for detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins by centrifugation of microtitration plates reduces the incubation time of the assay from 20-24 h to 4 h. Enterotoxins can therefore be detected in foods within the working day.  相似文献   

A modification of the reversed passive latex agglutination kit assay for detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins by centrifugation of microtitration plates reduces the incubation time of the assay from 20–24 h to 4 h. Enterotoxins can therefore be detected in foods within the working day.  相似文献   

A rapid reversed passive latex agglutination method that uses high-density latex particles for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) A to E was developed. It took 3 h for incubation, much less than the 16 h needed with a customary latex agglutination test for SE detection such as a commercial test kit (SET-RPLA; Denka Seiken Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The rapid test was shown to be highly specific and sensitive for SE detection (detection limit, about 0.5 ng of SE per ml), comparable to the SET-RPLA test. The rapid test was also efficient in SE detection in foods and culture supernatants of staphylococcal strains, similar to the SET-RPLA test. This showed that a rapid test with high-density latex particles is fully reliable for use.  相似文献   

A rapid reversed passive latex agglutination method that uses high-density latex particles for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) A to E was developed. It took 3 h for incubation, much less than the 16 h needed with a customary latex agglutination test for SE detection such as a commercial test kit (SET-RPLA; Denka Seiken Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The rapid test was shown to be highly specific and sensitive for SE detection (detection limit, about 0.5 ng of SE per ml), comparable to the SET-RPLA test. The rapid test was also efficient in SE detection in foods and culture supernatants of staphylococcal strains, similar to the SET-RPLA test. This showed that a rapid test with high-density latex particles is fully reliable for use.  相似文献   

The RIDASCREEN SET kit (R-Biopharm GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany), a commercial staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) visual immunoassay kit, was evaluated for its efficacy. The kit utilizes monovalent capture antibodies against SE types A to E (SEA to SEE); therefore, it simultaneously detects and identifies the enterotoxin types. The major advantages of the kit are (i) a high degree of specificity (except for naturally occurring peroxidases, food compositions or ingredients and microbiological products due to growth of nonstaphylococcal microorganisms did not cause false-positive results; additionally, no cross-reactions among reagents of the kits were observed), (ii) excellent sensitivity (minimum detectable limits were 0.20 to 0.30 ng of SEs per ml of extracts of ham, salami, and mushroom and 0.30 to 0.35 ng of SEs per ml of cheese extracts, or 0.50 to 0.75 ng of SEs per g of foods such as noodles, ham, salami, cheese, and turkey), (iii) simplicity (the kit enabled direct assay of SEs in food extracts without the need for lengthy extraction or concentration procedures), (iv) rapidity (it took less than 3 h to complete the analysis of individual enterotoxin types SEA to SEE), and (v) its semiquantitative results (optical density values could be read against a standard curve to estimate the amount of SE in the extract). The RIDASCREEN kit is a convenient, rapid, and reliable tool for the detection and identification of SEs in foods.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare an experimental Reversed-Passive Latex Agglutination (RPLA) with Vero cells for the detection of Verocytotoxin expressed by VT-producing strains of Escherichia coli (VTEC). METHODS AND RESULTS: The RPLA was used alongside a Vero cell tissue culture assay for the detection of VT in bacterial culture supernatant fluids and patients' faecal extracts. CONCLUSION: The RPLA was comparable with the Vero cell assay, although slightly less sensitive. Significance and Impact of the Study: The RPLA test proved to be a simple, rapid and convenient method of detecting VT in bacterial culture supernatant fluids and in the faeces of patients infected with VTEC.  相似文献   

Comparative study of mitogenic and interferonogenic properties of staphylococcal enterotoxins of different serotypes is done. It is revealed that preparations of enterotoxins are polyclonal mitogens and have interferon-inducing activity. It is stated that enterotoxin of D type has the highest mitogenic activity, which is shown by interferon-inducing activity of A type toxin.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins in foods. The "double-antibody sandwich" protocol combines parts of several procedures reported previously. Horseradish peroxidase was conjugated to antibody specific for an enterotoxin, and the antibody-enzyme conjugate was assayed with a 2,2'-azino-di-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulfonic acid)-H2O2 substrate solution. Enterotoxins were added to a variety of foods that were representative of those implicated in staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks. Extracts of the foods were assayed by the ELISA and radioimmunoassay. Enterotoxin levels below 1 ng/g of food were consistently detectable by the ELISA. These results compared favorably with those of the radioimmunoassay. Experiments confirmed the interference of protein A in double-antibody sandwich ELISAs. Although protein A interference has not been demonstrated to be a problem in food extracts, we suggest a screen for protein A interference in which immunoglobulin G from nonimmunized rabbits is used. All of the known staphylococcal enterotoxins could be detected by this method. Analysis of a food product for entertoxin by the ELISA can be completed in an 8-h working day.  相似文献   

B. JAULHAC, M. BES, N. BORNSTEIN, Y. PIÉMONTY. BRUN AND J. FLEURETTE. 1992. A dot blot hybridization technique with oligonucleotide probes was developed for the specific detection of the TSST-1 gene and the staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) genes A, B, C, D and E. For each toxin gene a probe sequence was chosen from the previously determined sequence. A total of 145 staphylococcal strains (133 Staphylococcus aureus and 12 coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS)) were studied by this genotypic method and by two phenotypic assays (gel immunodiffusion and ELISA). An excellent correlation (96%) was observed between the genotypic and phenotypic assays. DNA from two CNS strains hybridized with a probe without detection of the corresponding toxin (SEB for one strain and SEC for the other strain). One Staph. aureus strain was shown to be an SEC producer, but was not detected by the corresponding probe. Gene probe and immunological assays seem to be complementary methods for studies of staphylococcal strains producing (or potentially producing) TSST-1 or enterotoxins.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism (CD) of staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B and C was measured. The CD of enterotoxins B and C were almost identical from 250 to 320 nm, but differed from the CD of enterotoxin A. The spectrum of enterotoxin A in this wavelength region contained the same bands with respect to both location and sign, but with significant differences in intensity. The CD spectra of enterotoxins B and C were also much more alike from 190 to 250 nm. Although all three enterotoxins had a major negative extremum at 215–218 nm, its magnitude was equal in enterotoxins B and C, but was substantially decreased in enterotoxin A. The secondary structure of the enterotoxins contained little α-helix as analyzed with CD models. A secondary structure of enterotoxin B computed from a scheme based on a joint prediction histogram of five separate methods, placed 29 residues in α-helices, 71 in β-pleated sheets, 88 in β-turns and 55 in aperiodic conformation.  相似文献   

Strong cross-reactions were demonstrated for staphylococcal enterotoxins B (SEB) and C1 (SEC1) by antigen-binding capacity and by competitive binding ability. Both SEB and SEC1 combined completely with the heterologous antibody although requiring four times as much antiserum as the homologous enterotoxin and both displaced about one-third of the other enterotoxin from a heterologous antigen-antibody system. It is proposed that one of the three major antigenic determinants of these enterotoxins possesses a significant similarity but probably not an identity of structure. SEB and SEC1 did not combine with antiserum to enterotoxin A nor inhibit the reaction of SEA with anti-SEA. SEA had no intrinsic binding capacity for anti-SEB or anti SEC1 nor did it inhibit the binding of either enterotoxin to its own antibody. Affinity chromatography was employed to demonstrate that a small apparent binding of SEA to anti-SEB was due to antibody to SEA in the anti-SEB serum and that an almost complete displacement of SEC1 binding to anti-SEC1 was caused by contaminating SEC (about 0.01%) in preparations of enterotoxin A.  相似文献   

A dot blot hybridization technique with oligonucleotide probes was developed for the specific detection of the TSST-1 gene and the staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) genes A, B, C, D and E. For each toxin gene a probe sequence was chosen from the previously determined sequence. A total of 145 staphylococcal strains (133 Staphylococcus aureus and 12 coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) were studied by this genotypic method and by two phenotypic assays (gel immunodiffusion and ELISA). An excellent correlation (96%) was observed between the genotypic and phenotypic assays. DNA from two CNS strains hybridized with a probe without detection of the corresponding toxin (SEB for one strain and SEC for the other strain). One Staph. aureus strain was shown to be an SEC producer, but was not detected by the corresponding probe. Gene probe and immunological assays seem to be complementary methods for studies of staphylococcal strains producing (or potentially producing) TSST-1 or enterotoxins.  相似文献   

A sensitive radioimmunoassay utilizing Staphylococcus aureus cells containing protein A as a coprecipitant was developed for the detection and quantitation of staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, C, D, and E in a variety of foods. The enterotoxins were extracted from the foods by a simple and rapid procedure. The sensitivity of the assay is 1.0 ng or less of enterotoxin per g of food.  相似文献   

By fusion of mouse spleen cells immunized with five different staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEA, SEB, SEC2, SED, and SEE) with myeloma cells, we obtained 15 hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Four mAbs were reactive with both SEA and SEE, whereas 8 mAbs were reactive with SEB and SEC2. One mAb reacted with SEA, SED, and SEE. The other two mAbs were found to be reactive with all five serotypes of SEs. The mAbs specific for five serotypes of SEs were found to be most reactive with SED, reactive with SEA, and slightly less reactive with SEB, SEC2, and SEE. Those mAbs with specificities for all serotypes of SEs may be valuable to prepare immunoadsorbent(s) for isolation of SEs and to detect SEs in foods and clinical specimens involved in outbreaks of staphylococcal food poisoning.  相似文献   

Two methods for detecting rotaviruses (latex agglutination, electron microscopy) have been compared on 80 faecal samples. These samples were obtained from infants between the age of four and 30 months hospitalized for acute gastroenteritis in the Children's Hospital, Karl Marx University at Leipzig, in 1982. Complete agreement among the two techniques was found in 75 specimens. Sensitivity of latex agglutination could be estimated at 95%, the specificity also at 95%. Only one sample reacted nonspecifically. Performance of the latex agglutination proved quite simple. The results indicate that latex agglutination is suitable for rapid screening of rotavirus induced gastroenteritis in clinical practice thus enabling the rate of nosocomial rotavirus infections in children's hospitals to be reduced.  相似文献   

The objective of these studies was to set up a reliable radioimmunoassay (RIA) for staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, and C (SEA, SEB, and SEC) in a food system. Significant differences (95% confidence limits) were obtained between the 0- and 1-ng/ml enterotoxin standards, so the sensitivity of the RIAs was 1 ng/ml. Polystyrene tubes coated with anti-SEB and stored at 4 degrees C were unstable. The percentage of iodinated SEB bound to these tubes decreased at a rate of 0.33%/day, in contrast to the rate of 0.07%/day obtained with tubes prepared the day before the analyses. Satisfactory precision and maximum sensitivity were obtained by using six replicates for each sample and freshly coated tubes. The antisera used for coating the tubes were reused four times and were frozen between coatings. The process of drum drying mashed potatoes containing 1 mug of SEB per g of mashed potatoes inactivated 83% (wt/wt) of the SEB. Statistical quality control parameters were used to insure that RIAs were performing reliably with a sensitivity of 1 ng/ml. Over 450 samples of potato flakes and granules, which represented different production lots from 12 different manufacturers, were examined for SEA, SEB, and SEC. No enterotoxins were detected.  相似文献   

The objective of these studies was to set up a reliable radioimmunoassay (RIA) for staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, and C (SEA, SEB, and SEC) in a food system. Significant differences (95% confidence limits) were obtained between the 0- and 1-ng/ml enterotoxin standards, so the sensitivity of the RIAs was 1 ng/ml. Polystyrene tubes coated with anti-SEB and stored at 4 degrees C were unstable. The percentage of iodinated SEB bound to these tubes decreased at a rate of 0.33%/day, in contrast to the rate of 0.07%/day obtained with tubes prepared the day before the analyses. Satisfactory precision and maximum sensitivity were obtained by using six replicates for each sample and freshly coated tubes. The antisera used for coating the tubes were reused four times and were frozen between coatings. The process of drum drying mashed potatoes containing 1 mug of SEB per g of mashed potatoes inactivated 83% (wt/wt) of the SEB. Statistical quality control parameters were used to insure that RIAs were performing reliably with a sensitivity of 1 ng/ml. Over 450 samples of potato flakes and granules, which represented different production lots from 12 different manufacturers, were examined for SEA, SEB, and SEC. No enterotoxins were detected.  相似文献   

The cross-reactivity of monoclonal antibodies produced against staphylococcal enterotoxin A with purified and crude enterotoxins B, C1, D, and E and the specificity of such reactions were evaluated by the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblotting of Western blots (from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) followed by autoradiography. Purified and crude enterotoxins B were also tested with polyclonal antibodies. Specificity of reactivity was demonstrated by immunoblotting of crude enterotoxin A, crude enterotoxin A treated with trypsin, crude enterotoxin E, and also with crude A, B, C1, and D that were pretreated with Sepharose-4B-linked normal rabbit immunoglobulin G to remove protein A. A band corresponding to each staphylococcal enterotoxin was seen with monoclonal antibodies under all conditions tested and also with crude and purified enterotoxin B with two different (rabbit and goat) polyclonal antisera.  相似文献   

A staphylococcal enterotoxin visual immunoassay kit (TECRA) has recently become commercially available. Since the kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system equipped with polyvalent antisera against staphylococcal enterotoxin types A to E (SEA to SEE) and the test is simple and rapid to perform (4 h), it has been widely used for screening purposes. In this study, the sensitivity of the kit for detection of SEA, SEB, and SEC in ham, cheese, and mushrooms was similar to those of kits based on an enzyme immunoassay and reversed passive latex agglutination: 0.75 to 1.0 ng of SEA per ml, 0.5 to 0.75 ng of SEB per ml, and 1.0 to 1.25 ng of SEC per ml. However, the TECRA kit showed nonspecific reactions with food samples contaminated by microorganisms other than Staphylococcus aureus, such as Enterobacter agglomerans, Enterobacter cloacae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia marcescens. The substance contributing to the false-positive results differed from true staphylococcal enterotoxins in that it was (i) heat labile (completely inactivated by heating for 2 min at 100 degrees C, whereas true staphylococcal enterotoxins were inactivated by about 10% with this treatment), (ii) lower in molecular weight than staphylococcal enterotoxins, and (iii) not bound to a copper chelate Sepharose gel (all of the substance remained in the unbound wash fraction, whereas staphylococcal enterotoxins were quantitatively bound to the gel). The problem of false-positive results with the TECRA kit could be resolved by heat treatment (2 min at 100 degrees C) or by cleanup procedures involving metal chelate affinity chromatography with copper chelate Sepharose for 4 h before use of the TECRA kit.  相似文献   

C E Park  M Akhtar    M K Rayman 《Applied microbiology》1992,58(8):2509-2512
A staphylococcal enterotoxin visual immunoassay kit (TECRA) has recently become commercially available. Since the kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system equipped with polyvalent antisera against staphylococcal enterotoxin types A to E (SEA to SEE) and the test is simple and rapid to perform (4 h), it has been widely used for screening purposes. In this study, the sensitivity of the kit for detection of SEA, SEB, and SEC in ham, cheese, and mushrooms was similar to those of kits based on an enzyme immunoassay and reversed passive latex agglutination: 0.75 to 1.0 ng of SEA per ml, 0.5 to 0.75 ng of SEB per ml, and 1.0 to 1.25 ng of SEC per ml. However, the TECRA kit showed nonspecific reactions with food samples contaminated by microorganisms other than Staphylococcus aureus, such as Enterobacter agglomerans, Enterobacter cloacae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia marcescens. The substance contributing to the false-positive results differed from true staphylococcal enterotoxins in that it was (i) heat labile (completely inactivated by heating for 2 min at 100 degrees C, whereas true staphylococcal enterotoxins were inactivated by about 10% with this treatment), (ii) lower in molecular weight than staphylococcal enterotoxins, and (iii) not bound to a copper chelate Sepharose gel (all of the substance remained in the unbound wash fraction, whereas staphylococcal enterotoxins were quantitatively bound to the gel). The problem of false-positive results with the TECRA kit could be resolved by heat treatment (2 min at 100 degrees C) or by cleanup procedures involving metal chelate affinity chromatography with copper chelate Sepharose for 4 h before use of the TECRA kit.  相似文献   

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