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Mycobacterium leprae incorporated exogenously supplied pyrimidines as bases or nucleosides, but not as a nucleotide, into its nucleic acids. Notably, thymine was incorporated approximately 5 times more rapidly than thymidine by both suspensions of, or intracellular M. leprae. Thymine incorporation was significantly inhibited by clofazamine and dapsone at near-pharmacological levels. Therefore, incorporation of thymine is preferable as an activity for assessing viability of M. leprae. Nucleosides were converted to nucleotides through kinases, bases through phosphoribosyltransferases. Alternatively, thymine and uracil could first be converted to nucleosides. Cytosine and uracil bases were interconvertible, and uracil alone could supply all the pyrimidine requirements of M. leprae, though conversion to the thymine base was extremely slow. Overall, pyrimidine scavenging occurs at a slower rate than, and appears not to be so important as purine scavenging in M. leprae.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that some RNAs are transcribed from noncoding DNA regions, including pseudogenes, and are functional as riboregulators. We have attempted to assess the gene expression profile throughout the Mycobacterium leprae genome using an array technique. Twelve highly expressed gene regions were identified that show an alteration in expression levels upon infection. Six of these were pseudogenes. Although M. leprae has an exceptional number and proportion of pseudogenes among species, our results suggest that some of the M. leprae pseudogenes are not just 'decayed' genes, but may have a functional role.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the Mycobacterium leprae genome, an obligate intracellular pathogen, shows a dramatic reduction of functional genes, with a coding capacity of less than 50%. Despite this massive gene decay, the leprosy bacillus has managed to preserve a minimal gene set, most of it shared with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, allowing its survival in the host with ensuing pathological manifestations. Thus, the identification of proteins that are actually expressed in vivo by M. leprae is of high significance in understanding obligate, intracellular mycobacterial pathogenesis. In this study, a high-throughput proteomic approach was undertaken resulting in the identification of 218 new M. leprae proteins. Of these, 60 were in the soluble/cytosol fraction, 98 in the membrane and 104 in the cell wall. Although several proteins were identified in more than one subcellular fraction, the majority were unique to one. As expected, a high percentage of these included enzymes responsible for lipid biosynthesis and degradation, biosynthesis of the major components of the mycobacterial cell envelope, proteins involved in transportation across lipid barriers, and lipoproteins and transmembrane proteins with unknown functions. The data presented in this study contribute to our understanding of the in vivo composition and physiology of the mycobacterial cell envelope, a compartment known to play a major role in bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Trehalose-6-monomycolate (TMM) was isolated from the lipids of armadillo-derived Mycobacterium leprae. Only meagre amounts of this glycolipid were recovered, but its structure was unequivocally established. Only alpha-mycolates were detected in the TMM by 252Cf plasma desorption mass spectrometry. Electron impact mass spectrometry showed the alpha branch to be principally C20. Trehalose dimycolate (cord factor) was not detectable. Since we have also found TMM in M. lepraemurium and in every Mycobacterium species so far examined, we suggest that this glycolipid is truly ubiquitous amongst mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this study was to isolate Mycobacterium leprae antigen(s) by immunoaffinity chromatography using immunoglobulins from leprosy patients and from rabbit anti- M. leprae hyperimmune serum coupled to CNBr-Sepharose 4B. A high molecular weigh ( M r) M. leprae protein (MLP) with a subunit M r of 22000 was isolated. MLP was recognized by monoclonal antibody MMPII1G4 which is known to react with MMPII, a 22 kDa protein of M. leprae . The N-terminal sequence of the 22 kDa subunit (Met-gln-gly-asp-pro-asp-val-leu-arg-leu-leu-asn-glu-gln-leu-thr) was identical to MMPII and to antigen D (bacterioferritin) of M. paratuberculosis . It showed 44% homology with N-terminal end of E. coli bacterioferritin. In ELISA, MLP showed 100% and 60% positivity with leprosy and TB sera respectively as compared to normal healthy sera. The role of bacterioferritin in M. leprae and the importance of MLP as an immunogen has been discussed.  相似文献   

All the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle have now been demonstrated in extracts of Mycobacterium leprae grown in armadillo liver. Many were also present in homogenates of host-tissue, but biochemical evidence is presented which indicates that all enzymes detected in extracts from M. leprae were authentic bacterial enzymes. Further evidence for a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle in M. leprae was obtained by first establishing that citrate could be taken up and catabolized by whole M. leprae organisms, then showing that oxidation of radioisotopically labelled pyruvate to CO2 by suspensions of M. leprae was stimulated by adding unlabelled citrate. Control of tricarboxylic acid cycle activity in M. leprae by the inactivation of fumarase by a protease is speculated upon.  相似文献   

Macrophages that have ingested liveMycobacterium leprae show a preferential accumulation of cholesterol ester. Such an accumulation is not seen, on the ingestion of dead bacteria. Among the macrophages that ingest liveMycobacterium leprae, the presence of dapsone or rifampicin prevents largely the alteration in the anticipated increase in the cholesterol ester indicating the sensitivity of the bacteria to the drug. In the small number of relapsed patients, the presence of dapsone did not reduce the cholesterol ester increase, suggesting that theMycobacterium leprae present are either resistant or escaped detection. The method provides a rapid drug screening system foranti-Mycobacterium leprae activity of known and unknown compounds  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae can synthesise pyrimidines de novo. Although pyrimidine synthesis could not be detected in intact bacteria, extracts contained all four enzymes unique to the de novo pathway which are detectable in mycobacteria by the methods used. Inhibition of aspartate transcarbamylase by UTP and ATP suggested that lack of pyrimidine synthetic activity in whole M. leprae could be a result of strong feedback inhibition.  相似文献   

The activities of the enzymes in Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes involved in purine salvage were studied by HPLC. As in most parasites, this cestode relies entirely on salvage of preformed bases and nucleosides for its purine requirement. Therefore, these enzymes may be targets for drugs in the chemotherapeutic treatment of diseases caused by this parasite. The animals used in this study were gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Enzyme activities from sera and hepatic tissue in control and infected animals were similar with the exception of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase which showed an activity 4-fold greater in the serum from control than in serum from infected animals. In the parasite, adenine and hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferases and adenosine deaminase had the highest activities. Therefore, in E. multilocularis metacestodes, this pathway seems to be important for the parasite’s metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract A simple procedure based on the polymerase chain reaction has been developed to detect Mycobacterium leprae , rapidly and unambiguously, in biological samples. Its application to small numbers of M. leprae cells (∼ 102) isolated from armadillo liver, mouse footpads or human biopsies is discussed.  相似文献   

Several discoveries about leprosy indicate that Mycobacterium leprae transmission mainly occurs by inhalation, and the nose is major port of entry and exit. The present study evaluated the clinical application of PCR for detection of M. leprae DNA in nasal mucosa biopsies in untreated leprosy patients (52) and their contacts (99) from the State Reference Center in Sanitary Dermatology and Leprosy, Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. PCR detection of a 372-base pair DNA fragment from M. leprae was accomplished in 36 (69.2%) patients, from which 34 (91.9%) of them were multibacillaries. Furthermore, PCR was positive in 3 (16.7%) of 18 slit-skin smear negative, 4 (25.0%) of 16 skin lesion BI negative, 8 (33.3%) of 24 nasal mucosa BI negative patients, and 10 of 99 contacts (10.1%). The presence of bacilli in 10.1% of the contacts may potentially reflect an occult leprosy, and these patients must be accompanied, followed by a chemoprophylaxy treatment. Considering all PCR results against clinical and BI classification of patients and controls, we have found a sensitivity of 69.2%, a specificity of 89.9%, and an accuracy of 82.8%. It has been demonstrated here through PCR of nasal biopsies that the bacillus invades the mucosa, passing through the nasal inferior turbinate to reach peripheral blood. Therefore, the molecular investigation of invasive nasal biopsies by PCR tests has proven to be useful in defining patients of higher risk of transmission and risk-group contacts, which is an important step to reach the World Health Organization objective towards the elimination of leprosy as a public health problem.  相似文献   

The lack of methods to identify Mycobacterium leprae with the resistance against multi-drugs quickly and specifically has hindered effective chemotherapy against M. leprae infection. To screen M. leprae with resistance against multi-drugs, the Touch-Down (TD)-PCR has been used in this study. Sequences of the folP, rpoA, B, and gyrA, B genes were analyzed for isolates of M. leprae from leprosy patients in Korea. We amplified designated region of several genes in M. leprae involved in drug resistance and could obtain the PCR products of each gene. The mutations in the particular region of folP, rpoB, and gyrB gene were certified by TD-PCR single-stranded conformational polymorphism and DNA sequencing, respectively.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae has undergone extensive degenerative evolution, with a large number of pseudogenes. It is also the organism with the greatest divergence between gene annotations from independent institutes. Therefore, M. leprae is a good model to verify the currently predicted coding sequence regions between different annotations, to identify new ones and to investigate the expression of pseudogenes. We submitted a total extract of the bacteria isolated from Armadillo to Gel‐LC‐MS/MS using a linear quadrupole ion trap‐Orbitrap mass spectrometer. Spectra were analyzed using the Leproma (1614 genes and 1133 pseudogenes) and TIGR (5446 genes) databases and a database containing the full genome translation. We identified a total of 1046 proteins, including five proteins encoded by previously predicted pseudogenes, which upon closer inspection appeared to be proper genes. Only 11 of the additional annotations by TIGR were verified. We also identified six tryptic peptides from five proteins from regions not considered to be coding sequences, in addition to peptides from two unannotated gene candidates that overlap with other genes. Our data show that the Leproma annotation of M. leprae is quite accurate, and there were no peptide observations corresponding to true pseudogenes, except for a new gene candidate, overlapping with an essential enolase on the complementary strand.  相似文献   

The genotype of single-nucleotide polymorphism type 3, CTC, at positions 14676, 164275, and 2935685, along with four copies of 6 bp repeats in the rpoT gene, was predominant for isolates originating in the Japanese mainland. Type 1, CGA, type 2, CTA, and type 3 were detected from Korea, Indonesia, and Myanmar. No isolates with four copies of 6 bp were detected from Myanmar, Okinawa, and Japanese Brazilian patients. Type 4, TTC, with three copies of 6 bp, was detected only from Japanese Brazilians. The results indicate that infection occurred in Brazil and the disease developed later in Japan.  相似文献   

The almost complete 16S rRNA sequence from Mycobacterium leprae was determined by direct sequencing of the chromosomal gene amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. The primary sequence revealed an insertion of 12 nucleotides at the 5' end of the 16S rRNA gene, which consists of an A-T stretch and appears to be unique for M. leprae. Within the mycobacteria M. leprae branches off with a group of slow-growing species comprising M. scrofulaceum, M. kansasii, M. szulgai, M. malmoense, M. intracellulare and M. avium. A systematic comparison of the nucleotide sequence resulted in the characterization of oligonucleotide probes which are highly specific for M. leprae. The probes hybridized exclusively to 16S rRNA nucleic acids from M. leprae, but not to nucleic acids from 20 cultivable fast- and slow-growing mycobacteria.  相似文献   

As one of the oldest known human diseases, leprosy or Hansen''s disease remains a public health concern around the world with over 200 000 new cases in 2018. Most human leprosy cases are caused by Mycobacterium leprae, but a small number of cases are now known to be caused by Mycobacterium lepromatosis, a sister taxon of M. leprae. The global pattern of genomic variation in M. leprae is not well defined. Particularly, in the Pacific Islands, the origins of leprosy are disputed. Historically, it has been argued that leprosy arrived on the islands during nineteenth century colonialism, but some oral traditions and palaeopathological evidence suggest an older introduction. To address this, as well as investigate patterns of pathogen exchange across the Pacific Islands, we extracted DNA from 39 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsy blocks dating to 1992–2016. Using whole-genome enrichment and next-generation sequencing, we produced nine M. leprae genomes dating to 1998–2015 and ranging from 4-63× depth of coverage. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that these strains belong to basal lineages within the M. leprae phylogeny, specifically falling in branches 0 and 5. The phylogeographical patterning and evolutionary dating analysis of these strains support a pre-modern introduction of M. leprae into the Pacific Islands.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Insights into health and disease from ancient biomolecules’.  相似文献   

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